2024人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册同步练习题--UNIT 4 Part 2 Learning About Language & Using Language(答案与解析)


名称 2024人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册同步练习题--UNIT 4 Part 2 Learning About Language & Using Language(答案与解析)
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-10-18 10:27:43



Part 2 Learning About Language & Using Language
1.After graduation,she set up an organization to help      disabled with their study.
2.The charming city of Charleston is ripe      exploring even during the cold winter.
3.He had to resign himself to      (watch) the European football tournament on television.
4. He is dying      (know) the result of the examination and even can’t sleep well for that.
5.Derartu is an outstanding athlete and deserved       (win) in the last game.
6.I noticed a man      (plug)a USB flash disk into your laptop when I walked by your office yesterday.
7.Sometimes, I regret not      (make) better use of the time that has gone by.
8.China is the birthplace of kites, from      kite flying spread to Japan, North Korea, Thailand and India.
1.He replied that this was      (absolute) impossible.(    短语)
2.He told me a long tale about how he came      a shark when diving. (    短语)
3.In addition the problem of miscomprehension from both sides, there are victories accidentally or deliberately twisted. (    短语)(2023全国乙)
4.It is raining rather      (heavy) outside. You may as well stay here for the night. (    短语)
5.He had difficulty supporting his family because he was      (serious) disabled.(    短语)
6.His      (wrinkle) face and wonderful performances left a deep impression on the audience in the hall.(    短语)
7.When I came here, I saw him reading      English book. (    短语)
8.Please keep      mind that when two friends disagree, it doesn’t always mean one is right and the other is wrong. (    短语)
A beautiful river runs                   the city.
She              a CCTV talk show.
She is such              that we all respect her.(2020全国Ⅰ写作)
She spent three days in the forest,              .(读后续写—遇险)
George can’t have gone         .His tea is still warm.
On Varun Medhal’s phone is a picture of 750 pounds (340kg) of groceries—everything from pies to ground meat—packed tightly into a car. All of them were taken to Mary Mission Incorporated, a shelter for the homeless, last Thanksgiving, he explained.
“To date, we’ve parceled out 21,000 pounds of food that would have been wasted,” said Medhal, 18, a high school graduate from Illinois.
Last summer, Medhal started a group called Unseen Cuisine. It collects food that is past its sell by date from businesses and delivers it to shelters for the homeless. Throughout their senior year, Medhal and eight other students teamed up for three deliveries a week to nearby shelters.
Now those students hope to spread the mission at the universities they are attending in the fall and get more students involved. “The ultimate goal for us is to end food waste and end hunger, not only in America but hopefully the whole world,” Medhal said. “I know that’s pretty ambitious.”
During a family trip to India in the summer of 2021, Medhal said he was affected by seeing people beg in the streets. That image stayed with him.
While Medhal and his team have been honored for their work, he said that his team had been most rewarded by their interactions with people who lived and worked at the shelters.
They said that they had come to a new understanding of their privilege and responsibility towards others. “A lot of people didn’t necessarily choose to be in the position that they’re in. It’s a lot of luck wherever you’re born,” said Nick Motta, 18, one of Medhal’s teammates.
Medhal said he wanted to make Unseen Cuisine a registered non profit organization, which he believed would make the group’s efforts more reliable for people. He has also recruited nine other students to continue the work when he starts his university life in Illinois.
“To me, it’s pretty amazing that a group of students can make such a difference,” Medhal said. “If we can just keep doing that, I think it will go a long way.”
1.What is the purpose of Unseen Cuisine
A.To build a shelter for the homeless.
B.To collect and give out food to the homeless.
C.To call on teenagers to stop food waste.
D.To try its best to help Mary Mission Incorporated.
2.What can we know about Medhal according to the text
A.The sight of people begging in India inspired him to start Unseen Cuisine.
B.The university he is attending in the fall hopes to spread his mission.
C.He thinks that people have no choice but to accept wherever they’re born.
D.He was able to make Unseen Cuisine a registered non profit organization.
3.Which of the following can best describe Medhal
A.Optimistic and knowledgeable.
B.Brave and independent.
C.Cooperative and humorous.
D.Responsible and devoted.
4.What can be the best title for the text
A.A promising establishment B.Young people’s responsibility
C.Food for the homeless D.Making a big difference
On a bright sunny day, I started my day off by volunteering at the L.A. Food Bank. My reason for volunteering at the food bank was to satisfy my need to help others and leave a  1 , however small a difference it was, in someone’s world. As I  2  the food bank, there were lots of people. The room appeared to be  3  as people waited in lines to  4  with coordinators (协调员).
Everybody volunteering began heading quickly towards their given 5  after checking in. Coordinators  6  me to repackage donated food items from local food drives after they were sorted and  7  by other volunteers. When I  8  the donated food items, each parcel had to contain the correct quantity of food items. As a team, we effectively worked similar to a  9  assembly (装配) line as the items continuously moved down the row to volunteers. My task required a lot of  10  when I tried to work swiftly with my hands while ensuring that items placed in bags were correctly  11 . Here I had a chance to communicate with a variety of people while improving my  12  skills. We worked together as a team to  13  that our task was going effectively.
By helping pack food items, I was able to make a significant impact on my community by helping people fight 14  and giving them hope for a better life. After this experience, I feel a sense of  15  within me which does not usually happen.
1.A.change B.message
C.blank D.chance
2.A.established B.examined
C.entered D.equipped
3.A.shabby B.rigid
C.tidy D.noisy
4.A.check in B.give up
C.show off D.move out
5.A.aid B.duty C.privilege D.test
6.A.appointed B.begged
C.forced D.persuaded
7.A.consumed B.inspected
C.dragged D.replaced
8.A.abandoned B.delivered
C.packed D.explored
9.A.studio B.factory
C.museum D.theatre
10.A.focus B.respect
C.wisdom D.ambition
11.A.understood B.counted
C.led D.heard
12.A.leadership B.business
C.social D.technical
13.A.prove B.discover
C.stress D.guarantee
14.A.fear B.loneliness
C.hunger D.disability
15.A.direction B.identity
C.belonging D.satisfaction
Why do we prefer seeing a movie while we 1 (accompany) by a friend Why do we pack  2 (our) into stadiums or concert halls sitting shoulder  3  shoulder with strangers And why does a sunset seem so sublime(壮丽的)during a moment shared with someone without us even saying a word
Lately, a fascinating study has shown that life is indeed much 4 (sweet) when we share our various 5 (experience) with others. When it comes to sharing moments together, what  6 (usual) appears in our minds is being with friends or family, and  7 (talk) with them. We don’t realize the extent to  8  we are influenced by people around us whom we don’t know and even never communicate with.
Therefore, the next time you are out having fun with others, put down your smartphone and share the moment instead of posting it on Facebook. 9  pleasant experience that goes unshared is a missed opportunity  10 (focus) on the activity we and others are doing and give it a boost.
1.       2.       3.       4.       5.      
6.       7.       8.       9.       10.      
假定你是学校英语杂志社记者,上周你校开展了给贫困地区学生捐赠 “爱心包裹”的活动。请你写一篇新闻报道,内容包括:
Part 2 Learning About Language & Using Language
Ⅰ.1.the 考查冠词。“the+形容词”表示一类人。
2.for 考查介词。be ripe for...意为“……的时机成熟;适宜……”。句意:即使在寒冷的冬季,迷人的查尔斯顿市也适合探索。
3.watching 考查动名词。resign oneself to (doing)sth.意为“听任/只好接受/顺从(做)某事”,to是介词,所以此处用动名词形式作介词to的宾语。句意:他只好接受在电视上观看欧洲足球锦标赛。
4.to know 考查不定式。be dying to do sth.意为“渴望做某事”。故设空处用不定式形式。句意:他非常想知道考试的结果,甚至为此都睡不好觉。
5.to win 考查动词不定式。deserve to do sth.意为“应该/值得做某事”。故填不定式to win。句意:Derartu是一位杰出的运动员,在上一场比赛中他理应获胜。
易错归因 此题易误填winning,deserve doing的表达的确存在,但deserve doing是主动形式表示被动含义,相当于deserve to be done,意为“值得被做”。
6.plugging/plug 考查现在分词或省略to的不定式。notice sb. doing/do sth.意为“发现某人正在做某事/做了某事”。句意:我昨天经过你的办公室的时候,看到有人正在把一个U盘插进你的笔记本电脑/有人把一个U盘插进了你的笔记本电脑。根据语境可知,设空处可填现在分词或省略to的不定式,故填 plugging或plug。
7.making 考查动名词。regret doing sth.意为“后悔做过某事”。故填making。句意:有时候,我后悔未能更好地利用那些逝去的光阴。
8.where 考查定语从句。句意:中国是风筝的发源地,放风筝从中国传到日本、朝鲜、泰国和印度。此处from where在意义上相当于and from there,因此设空处应该填作地点状语的关系副词where。
1.absolutely;形容词 句意:他回复说这是绝对不可能的。
2.across;动词 句意:他给我讲了一个很长的故事,关于他在潜水时是如何遇到了一条鲨鱼。
3.to;介词 句意:除了双方的误解问题外,还有偶然或故意扭曲的胜利。
4.heavily;副词 句意:外面雨下得很大。你不妨在这里过夜吧。
5.seriously;形容词 句意:因为他严重残疾,所以他很难养活他的家庭。
6.wrinkled;名词 句意:他布满皱纹的脸和精彩的表演给大厅里的观众留下了深刻的印象。
7.an;名词 句意:当我来到这里时,我看到他在读一本英语书。
8.in;动词 句意:请记住,当两个朋友意见不一致时,并不总是意味着一个人是对的,另一个人是错的。
1.through the middle of 2.took part in 3.a good teacher
4.cold and hungry 5.too far
Ⅰ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道。去年夏天,Medhal成立了一个名为“Unseen Cuisine”的组织。它从商家那里收集过了销售期限的食物,然后送到无家可归者的庇护所。
1.B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一、二句可知,Medhal成立了一个名为“Unseen Cuisine”的组织。它从商家那里收集过了销售期限的食物,然后送到无家可归者的庇护所。所以“Unseen Cuisine”的目的是收集并分发食物给无家可归的人。故选B。
2.A 推理判断题。根据第五段可知,在2021年夏天的一次印度之旅中,Medhal看到人们在街上乞讨,感到很悲伤,这个画面一直萦绕着他。所以推断出,人们在印度乞讨的景象激励了他创办“Unseen Cuisine”。故选A。
易错归因 本题易误选B项,根据第四段第一句可知,那些学生希望秋季在他们就读的大学传播这项使命,而不是“他今年秋季就读的大学希望传播他的使命”,B项犯了“移花接木”的错误。
3.D 推理判断题。根据第三段第一、二句可知,Medhal成立了一个名为“Unseen Cuisine”的组织,为无家可归的人送食物,这说明他是个“有责任心的”人;根据第三段讲的Medhal和其他八名同学每周为附近的收容所送三次食物,第四段讲的他们想在他们就读的大学传播这项使命,第六段讲的他们从与在收容所居住和工作的人的交流中获得最大的奖励,倒数第二段讲的 Medhal想把这个组织注册为非营利组织等信息可知,Medhal热衷于自己所做的事情,对其非常投入,这说明他是“全心全意的,投入的”。故选D。A.乐观的和知识渊博的;B.勇敢的和独立的;C.乐意合作的和幽默的。
4.C 主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,文章主要讲的是Medhal成立了一个名为“Unseen Cuisine”的组织,从商家那里收集过了销售期限的食物,然后送到无家可归者的庇护所。所以C选项“给无家可归者的食物”与文章主旨相符,故选C。
【高频词汇】 1.tightly adv.紧紧地,牢固地 2.shelter n.收容所;庇护所 3.deliver v.递送;传送 4.spread v.传播;展开,打开 5.involve v.(使)参加,加入;牵涉;包含 6.ambitious adj.雄心勃勃的 7.honor v.给……荣誉 8.reward v.奖励,给以报酬 9.responsibility n.责任,负责 10.reliable adj.可信赖的
【熟词生义】 ground adj.磨碎的
【差距词汇】 to date至今;迄今为止
原句 While Medhal and his team have been honored for their work, he said that his team had been most rewarded by their interactions with people who lived and worked at the shelters.
分析 这是一个主从复合句。While引导让步状语从句,“he said...”是主句,主句包含了that引导的宾语从句;宾语从句中又包含了who引导的定语从句,定语从句修饰先行词people。
译文 虽然Medhal和他的团队因他们的工作而获得了表扬,但他说,他的团队从与在收容所生活和工作的人的交流中获得了最大的奖励。
Ⅱ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了作者在食物赈济处做志愿者工作,通过打包食物,既帮助了他人,自己也收获了满足感。
1.A 根据空后的“however small a difference it was(无论是多么微小的不同)”可推知,作者想帮助他人,给别人的世界带来一点改变(change)。A.改变;B.信息;C.空白;D.机会。故选A。
2.C 根据空后的“there were lots of people(有很多人)”可知,设空处应该是指作者进入(entered)食物赈济处。A.建立;B.检查;C.进入;D.装备。故选C。
3.D 根据空后的“as people waited in lines”“coordinators”以及第二段第一句中的“checking in”可推知,设空处后文指人们排队在协调员那里登记。结合常识和四个选项可知当时的情景应该是吵闹的(noisy)。A.破旧的;B.死板的;C.整洁的;D.吵闹的。故选D。
4.A 根据第二段第一句中的“after checking in”可知,这里指人们排队登记(check in)。A.登记;B.放弃;C.炫耀;D.搬出。故选A。
5.B 根据下文作者对自己以及其他志愿者的任务的描述可知,志愿者排队登记之后,快速前往自己的工作岗位,履行他们的职责(duty)。A.帮助;B.职责;C.特权;D.测验。故选B。
6.A 根据后文的“to repackage donated food items”和“When I  8  the donated food items, each parcel had to contain the correct quantity of food items.”可知,这里指协调员委派(appointed)作者去做这件事。A.委派;B.祈求;C.强迫;D.说服。故选A。
7.B 根据空前的“to repackage donated food items”可知,作者做的工作是重新包装食品。再根据“after they were sorted and  7  by other volunteers”以及常识可知,食品应该是先进行分类(sorted),然后再检查(inspected),接下来才是重新包装。A.消耗;B.检查;C.拖,拽;D.代替。故选B。
8.C 根据上文的“to repackage donated food items”可知,作者的工作是打包(packed)食品。A.丢弃;B.传送;C.打包;D.探究。故选C。
9.B 根据“As a team, we effectively worked similar to a  9  assembly (装配) line as the items continuously moved down the row to volunteers.”可知,作者把他们的工作比作工厂(factory)的流水线,意在突出他们作为一个团队进行工作的高效性。A.工作室;B.工厂;C.博物馆;D.剧院。故选B。
10.A 根据空后的“I tried to work swiftly with my hands while ensuring that items placed in bags were correctly  11 ”可知,作者的工作需要手速快,同时还要确保放在袋子里的食品准确地……。由此推知,这种工作需要的是集中注意力(focus)。A.(注意力的)集中点;B.尊重;C.智慧;D.野心。故选A。
11.B 根据上文的“each parcel had to contain the correct quantity of food items”并结合空前的“correctly”可推知,在打包食品时要清点(counted)数量,确保数量正确。A.理解;B.计数;C.引导;D.听见。故选B。
12.C 根据空前的“I had a chance to communicate with a variety of people”可知,作者有与各种各样的人交流的机会。根据常识可知,与人交流能提高社交(social)能力。A.领导才能;B.商业;C.社交的;D.技术的。故选C。
13.D 根据“We worked together as a team to  13  that our task was going effectively.”可推知,“我们”作为一个团队一起工作,就是为了保证(guarantee)任务的有效进行。A.证明;B.发现;C.强调;D.保证。故选D。
14.C 根据空前的“By helping pack food items”,并结合第一段第一句中的“volunteering at the L.A. Food Bank”可推知,作者在食物赈济处的志愿者工作是为了帮助人们消除饥饿(hunger)。A.害怕;B.孤独;C.饥饿;D.缺陷。故选C。
15.D 根据第一段第二句中的 “My reason for volunteering at the food bank was to satisfy my need”可知,作者在食物赈济处做志愿者是为了满足自己的需求。由此推知,通过做志愿者工作,作者得到了心灵上的满足(satisfaction)。A.方向;B.身份;C.归属;D.满足。故选D。
【高频词汇】 1.head towards朝……前进;向……去 2.check in (在旅馆、机场等) 登记 3.contain vt.包含;含有;容纳 4.ensure vt.保证;确保 5.a variety of各种各样的 6.pack v.把……打包n. (商品的) 纸包;纸袋;大背包 7.significant adj.有重大意义的;显著的
Ⅲ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。研究发现,当我们与别人共享一些时刻时,我们的生活会更美好。因此作者鼓励人们多与他人一起做一些事情。
1.are accompanied 考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。while引导的时间状语从句中缺少谓语,根据by a friend可知,accompany与从句主语we之间为被动关系,所以需要用被动语态;结合主句的时态,此处描述一般情况,所以用一般现在时。主语为复数,故填are accompanied。
2.ourselves 考查反身代词。句意:为什么我们要挤进体育场或音乐厅与陌生人肩并肩地坐在一起 设空处作pack的宾语,提示词是物主代词,结合句意,该句的主语和宾语指的是同样的一群人,所以用反身代词的形式。故填ourselves。
3.to 考查介词。shoulder to shoulder为固定短语,意为“肩并肩地”。故填to。
4.sweeter 考查形容词比较级。句意:最近,一项极其有趣的研究发现,当我们与他人一起经历各种各样的事情时,生活的确会美好得多。设空处作表语,much修饰比较级,结合句意可知,此处暗含比较的意思,故填sweeter。
5.experiences 考查名词复数。设空处作share的宾语, 且有various修饰,experience意为“(一次)经历,体验”时是可数名词,故用复数形式experiences。
6.usually 考查副词。句意:当提及共度时光的时候,我们的大脑通常会想到的是与朋友或家人在一起,和他们交谈。根据语境可知,这里应用副词作状语,故填usually。
7.talking 考查动名词。根据“being with friends or family”和and可知,and连接两个并列的动名词短语作表语。故填talking。
8.which 考查定语从句。设空处无提示词,且前面是介词,将the extent代入后面的句中,意义完整,所以推测此处为“介词+关系代词”结构引导的定语从句,先行词为the extent,介词to后不能使用关系词that。故填which。句意:我们没有意识到我们周围的我们不认识甚至永远不会交流的人对我们的影响程度。
9.A 考查冠词。句意:一次没有与别人分享的美好经历就像一个错过的关注和助推我们与他人共同进行的活动的机会。根据语境可知这里表示泛指,且pleasant 的发音以辅音音素开头,设空处位于句首。故填A。
10.to focus 考查不定式。 opportunity后用动词不定式作后置定语。故填to focus。
【高频词汇】 1.prefer v.更喜欢;宁愿 2.accompany v.陪伴;伴随 3.indeed adv.确实,的确;真正地 4.extent n.程度;范围 5.have fun玩得高兴 6.instead of 而不是;代替 7.pleasant adj.令人愉快的 8.boost n.推动,促进
【熟词生义】 post v.(在因特网上)发帖子
Ⅳ.One possible version:
Loving Parcels for Students in Need
Last week witnessed our “Loving Parcels” donation activity at our school.
All of the teachers and students took an active part in the activity. The activity provided a platform for all the students to donate their clothes, books and schoolbags to the students in need. Most impressively, they also wrote down the best wishes on cards, which would be collected and delivered to the schools in the poor areas.
This activity was well received in the whole school.With the students’ active participation and teachers’ enthusiastic support, the donation was undoubtedly a success.
①witness vt.是……发生的时间/地点
②take an active part in积极参加
③in need需要帮助的
④deliver vt.递送
⑤participation n.参加;参与
Most impressively, they also wrote down the best wishes on cards, which would be collected and delivered to the schools in the poor areas. (关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词cards)最令人印象深刻的是,他们还在卡片上写下了最美好的祝福,这些卡片将被收集并送到贫困地区的学校。
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