2024人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册同步练习题--Unit 5单元达标检测(答案与解析)


名称 2024人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册同步练习题--Unit 5单元达标检测(答案与解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 990.7KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-10-18 10:33:38



全卷满分120分 考试用时100分钟
第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
It’s not easy to find a job. Many jobs have age or experience requirements that you might not meet. On top of that, you need to juggle(尽力同时应付)schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and your social life. Fortunately, there are still some good jobs for you to start gaining work experience.
A straight A student Then a job as a tutor might be the best option for you. Helping younger students with their homework is a great way to put what you’ve studied to good use and make some extra money. One of the easiest ways to show that you’re qualified to teach other students is by showing your GPA(grade point average) on your tutor résumé.
Dog Walker
Love dogs Then a position as a dog walker is perfectly fit for you. Dog walking requires no work experience and has flexible hours. However, you may need to do some shadowing or attend an interview before people trust you with their pets.
Delivery Driver
If you’re 16+ years old and have a driver’s license, you could try working as a delivery driver. Driving is a great way to gain relevant experience and show future employers that you’re responsible and work well under pressure.
Call Center Representative
If you don’t mind talking on the phone, then a job as a call center worker is a good choice for you. Working as a call center representative can even teach you some useful customer service skills that will help your career later on. To land a job at a call center, highlight your customer service and interpersonal skills on your profile.
1.Who is the passage intended for
2.What qualifies you for the job as a tutor
A.Relevant experience.
B.Good handwriting.
C.A flexible time schedule.
D.Impressive academic performance.
3.Which job requires good social skills
B.Dog walker.
C.Delivery driver.
D.Call center representative.
Andrea Speranza wanted to be a firefighter long before she had the right word for her wish. After one childhood adventure at a construction site ended with a brake lever inserted in her leg, and an emergency call to the fire department, she found herself in amazement. “As they gave basic medical treatment to me, I thought they help everybody and they can do anything,” says the now 52 year old from Toronto, Canada.
In 2000, Speranza fulfilled her dream of becoming a firefighter, joining Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency. Her job was exactly as fulfilling as she imagined it would be, except for one thing: she still hadn’t seen another woman in her role—not in a magazine, not on television, not in real life. Even today, less than five percent of firefighters in Canada are women. Speranza decided that she wanted to help young women see that they, too, could have a career like hers.
The result is Camp Courage, a program for girls aged 15 to 19 who want to learn more about firefighting and police work. In 2006, Speranza and about 20 volunteers welcomed their first 17 participants, recruiting(招募) attendees through advertising in schools and recreation centres. Over the course of eight days, the girls discovered the ins and outs of being first responders: learning how to put out fires, giving first aid and even using the jaws of life on a car.
Camp Courage now runs one session every year in Halifax and is free to attend. Hundreds of girls have now passed through Camp Courage, and 36 percent are doing exactly what Speranza hoped they would: working as first responders across the country.
“I used to think that it was awesome that I could be a firefighter and save all these people,”Speranza says with a smile. But the opportunity to recruit other girls to save lives alongside her is what really keeps her going.
4.What made Speranza want to be a firefighter
A.Her dream as a child.
B.The emergency call.
C.Firefighters’ encouragement.
D.Her admiration for firemen.
5.Why did Speranza set up Camp Courage
A.To create more jobs for women.
B.To strengthen firefighting forces.
C.To see more females in her field.
D.To improve the status of women.
6.What can we learn about Camp Courage
A.It runs throughout the year.
B.It attracts women of all ages.
C.It operates well and bears fruit.
D.It provides training for firefighters.
7.Which of the following can best describe Andrea Speranza
A.Cautious but stubborn.
B.Determined and influential.
C.Clever and creative.
D.Positive but unrealistic.
Journalists are the major group of people who make a living from writing. Many young people who see themselves as future novelists choose journalism as a way of earning a living while developing their writing skills. Although writing for newspapers and writing for books require different qualities, the aspiration (志向) to be a great writer is not one to be discouraged in a would be journalist.
Most people want their work to be recognized by others. This helps to give it value. Some people also want themselves to be recognized, so that they have status in the eyes of society. It is not a bad motive to wish to be famous, but this should never become your main reason for being a journalist. You will not be a good journalist if you care more about impressing your audience than serving their needs.
Knowing the power of the printed or spoken word or image, some people enter journalism for the power it will give them to influence people. There is a strong belief that journalists control the mass media but the best journalists recognize their role as servants of the people. There is a difference between the desire to influence events for your own sake, and the desire to do it for other people. You should never use journalism for selfish ends, but you can use it to improve the life of other people.
Curiosity is the natural part of most people’s characters and an important ingredient for any journalist. Lots of young men and women enter the profession with the desire to know more about the world without needing to specialize in limited fields of study. Most journalists tend to know a little bit about a lot of things, rather than a lot about one subject. Knowledge has many uses. It can simply help to make you a fuller and more interesting person. It can also give you power over people, especially people who do not have that particular knowledge. Always bear in mind that power can be used in a positive way to improve people’s lives.
8.What can we know from the first paragraph
A.Journalists are most likely to become great writers.
B.Writing for newspapers is similar to writing for novels.
C.Journalism can be used as a means to improve writing.
D.Most of the journalists make a living by writing books.
9.Why do some people want themselves to be recognized
A.To earn much wealth.
B.To get great power.
C.To gain high position.
D.To learn rich knowledge.
10.What is most necessary for journalists according to the passage
A.Having a wide range of knowledge.
B.Specializing in a certain field.
C.Being good at making friends with others.
D.Being able to speak a foreign language well.
11.What does the text mainly talk about
A.The development of journalism.
B.The challenges journalists face now.
C.Why people choose a career in journalism.
D.How to become a qualified journalist.
In 1910, the Los Angeles Times ran a story about a boy charged with staring at many pieces of metal and opening a valve(阀门)to release the built up pressure all day. Needless to say, he got incredibly bored. One day, the boss walked in and the boy was nowhere to be found. Yet the pump ran just as it should. The “lazy” boy had designed a mechanized(机械化的)release and won his freedom. The first generation of the automatic steam engine was born. The boy’s behavior reflects a deeper truth—laziness can drive innovation.
However, our culture teaches us by examples that our worth depends on howindustrious we are, so we work even harder to produce even more. Until ten years ago, daydreaming and mind wandering were still associated with unhappiness. This judgement has an almost ancient history. Laziness was declared a moral failing, and its cure lay in hard work.
But recently, there’s one big paradox(悖论): The harder we work, the less productive we are. “The trouble is that, without any time to recharge, we are less efficient, make more mistakes, and engaged less with what we’re doing,” says Tony Schwartz, founder of The Energy Project. This forced sustained focus leads to selective attention, which can prevent you from generating fresh solutions and ideas. Studies show that taking breaks and allowing your thoughts to wander can help you refocus, gain fresh perspectives, and make new connections between ideas.
During this epidemic of overwork, how can we make our labor more meaningful and our lives more fulfilling Perhaps we could do with a healthy quantity of deliberate daydreams. So maybe this week, notice when you have some downtime in your day, or some white space in your calendar. Instead of filling the space with more work or more digital distractions, step back, and be “idle and blessed”, in the words of poet Mary Oliver.
12.What do we know about the boy in Paragraph 1
A.He played games every day.
B.He was charged with his laziness.
C.His behavior made his boss annoyed.
D.His boredom contributed to his invention.
13.What does the underlined word “industrious” in Paragraph 2 probably mean
14.What can be inferred about our work from the text
A.Extra breaks bring trouble.
B.More efforts boost productivity.
C.Proper relaxation inspires creativity.
D.Forced sustained focus improves efficiency.
15.Which can be a suitable title for the text
A.Go ahead, take a break
B.Daydream less, do more
C.Failure results from laziness
D.Hard work leads to innovation
How to Choose Your Purpose Filled Career
When you think about choosing a career, you often do it in the following two ways.
 16 . If you like writing or making crafts, you might consider these things. This is not a bad way to go, of course, but you can’t always make money doing things you like (like video games or drinking beer). And sometimes things you like are better as a hobby or a passion.
Think about a well paid job that you can do and doesn’t sound so bad. Maybe a doctor, engineer or lawyer Or maybe that’s out of your educational reach, so you choose the office or retail worker.
 17 , but often they are not something you’re really passionate about. It’s kind of like just doing something because it’s there—not very inspiring.
However, there’s another way that is perhaps better: 18 . For example, taking care of children, because you really want to help children get a great start in life or blossom into who they want to be, or getting into government or social work to improve the conditions of the community you live in, or becoming a scientist to help ease the environmental crisis or find a cure for a terrible disease.  19 ,and if you choose one of them for that purpose, you will serve in that work feeling a sense of purpose each day.
There are endless ways to do that. The point isn’t how you serve the world, but that just serving the world in some way will help you feel filled with purpose. 20 .
A.These are all great choices
B.Think about what you like to do
C.You can identify your purpose and work out how to get there
D.Each of these is just one of many possibilities filled with purpose
E.Try to do something to serve a community or make the world better
F.The sooner you complete the training requirements, the sooner you will make a living
G.If you choose a purposeful and enjoyable job, you’re always further along than most people
16.    17.    18.    19.    20.   
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I grew up in North Little Rock, Arkansas in a working class, African American neighborhood. I went to middle school in an unfamiliar neighborhood. I was one of the few black students in my class. I was often 21 for being “too smart” or even “too white”. I knew if I wanted to do extremely well, I had to  22 my fears of exploring a strange neighborhood. Despite often feeling  23 , I made use of the educational opportunities and aimed for excellence.
During my senior year of high school, my father died after a long 24 with the disease. His death forced me into  25 at an early age. I was fortunate enough to  26 a full academic scholarship in Southern Methodist University. To support myself, I also delivered newspapers, tutored, worked at the mall, and  27 worked as an intern(实习生) at IBM. It wasn’t easy for me.  28 , I developed a strong work ethic(职业道德标准) that continues to serve me to this day.
After graduation, I set my 29 on Wall Street and accepted a(n)  30 as a financial analyst for a large investment bank in New York City. Years later, I awoke to the fact that I really wanted to do something that made a  31 difference in an under served community. So, I  32 and then joined Teach for America as CFO(Chief Financial Officer). I will be forever  33 for that life changing opportunity to help others. It was an important  34 :I learned that  35 happiness often has little to do with financial gains and more to do with finding your passion in your job.
21.A.blamed B.teased C.pushed D.treated
22.A.ignore B.understand C.overcome D.confirm
23.A.out of control B.out of patience
C.out of balance D.out of place
24.A.flight B.battle
C.separation D.process
25.A.loneliness B.loss
C.independence D.awkwardness
26.A.receive B.accept
C.seek D.reach
27.A.eventually B.specially
C.naturally D.seriously
28.A.Instead B.Still
C.Therefore D.Then
29.A.gifts B.abilities
C.fears D.sights
30.A.scholarship B.interview
C.turn D.position
31.A.temporary B.complex
C.flexible D.positive
32.A.resigned B.retired
C.hesitated D.insisted
33.A.hungry B.grateful
C.anxious D.responsible
34.A.moment B.dream
C.officer D.step
35.A.traditional B.spiritual
C.professional D.fundamental
One thing that people get from their occupations is, of course, money. However, 36 the majority of people want is more than just a good salary. There  37 (be) many other things that add up to “job satisfaction”, the feeling of enjoyment you get from doing a job. What people in employment want from a job varies greatly from person to person. For some, the chances of promotion make  38 big difference. For others, working in a  39 (create) environment with other people makes them happier than they would be working alone.
When 40 (plan) your career, you should consider all the activities  41 (involve) in a job and decide how each one suits your personality. If you’re considering becoming a journalist, for example, do you  42 (actual) like meeting members of the public If you’re thinking  43 becoming an accountant, do you enjoy detailed work with  44 (number) Just because one job is  45 (well) paid than another, it doesn’t mean it’s the right job for you.
36.     37.     38.     39.     40.    
41.     42.     43.     44.     45.    
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear Jim,
I’m glad to receive your letter in which you asked me what future career I would pursue.                             
Li Hua
It was September, 1966, and I was twenty years old, facing my first class of kids as a new teacher. My class in downtown Toronto was made up of thirty eight angels, and one street kid named Mike. His parents passed away when he was a baby, and he lived with a weak and indifferent grandmother. As a ten year old boy, he was little and rough.
Like most new, young teachers, I was full of enthusiasm and determined to make a difference. Being so young, I knew very little about parenting. However, I did recognize a child in need, and decided to see if I could make a difference. And so my special “foster father (养父)” relationship with Mike began.
Each day as I arrived at school, I’d take Mike out for breakfast. Each noon hour as I shared my lunch with him, I taught him some new skills—one day we worked on the proper method of using a microscope; another day we made a camera; then we classified rocks. Mike would then “help” me teach these skills to the rest of the class. We had a lot of fun, and a kind of unspoken trust began to build up between us.
Early in our special relationship, Mike told me about his dream—becoming a lawyer. I believed then, and after thirty four years of teaching I still believe, that all children have a gift. Everyone has the same opportunity to be the best person they can be. I realized this boy was brilliant, and that with a little love, attention, understanding, guidance and encouragement, he could probably accomplish whatever he put his mind to. I figured if he wanted to be a lawyer, I would do all I could to help him become the very best lawyer he could be.
Every Saturday morning, I took Mike to the Osgoode Hall Law School Library. I explained to him that reading up on law was the only way to be a good lawyer. His young mind was eager and interested.
Paragraph 1:
This was how we spent each Saturday morning for two years.
Paragraph 2:
One day,after we were out of touch for 30 years,there went my doorbell.                             
1.C 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.B
8.C 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.C
15.A 16.B 17.A 18.E 19.D 20.G 21.B
22.C 23.D 24.B 25.C 26.A 27.A 28.B
29.D 30.D 31.D 32.A 33.B 34.D 35.C
36.what 37.are 38.a 39.creative 40.planning 41.involved 42.actually 43.of/about 44.numbers 45.better
第一部分 阅读
  ◎语篇解读 这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了几种学生可以从事的工作。
1.C 推理判断题。根据第一段的“schoolwork, extracurricular activities”,第二段的“A straight A student ”以及第四段的“If you’re 16+ years old”可推断,这篇文章针对的是学生。故选C项。
2.D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“One of the easiest ways to show that you’re qualified to teach other students is by showing your GPA(grade point average) on your tutor résumé.”可知,最简单的表明你有资格教其他学生的一个方法就是在你的导师简历上展示你的各科成绩的平均积分点。D项“Impressive academic performance.(令人赞叹的学术表现。)”与“GPA”属于同一范畴的表达,都是与学业情况有关的。故选D项。
3.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“To land a job at a call center, highlight your customer service and interpersonal skills on your profile.”可知,如果你想在电话服务中心找到工作,在简历上突出你的客户服务能力和人际交往能力是必要的,而客户服务能力和人际交往能力属于社交技巧,由此推断出需要良好社交技巧的工作是电话服务中心代表。故选D项。
  ◎语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了加拿大的一位女消防员Andrea Speranza因自己所在的领域女性很少而创办了“勇气营”,帮助很多女性成为消防急救人员。
4.D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“After one childhood...in amazement.”以及“I thought they help everybody and they can do anything”可知,对消防员的钦佩使她想成为一名消防员。故选D。
5.C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Speranza decided...career like hers.”以及第三段中的“The result is...police work.”可知,Speranza创办“勇气营”是为了看到更多女性加入自己的领域。故选C。
6.C 推理判断题。根据第四段内容可知,“勇气营”每年举办一次,数百名女孩已经通过并且36%的人在全国各地担任第一急救者,由此可推知“勇气营”运营良好,硕果累累。故选C。
7.B 推理判断题。根据文章第一、二段内容可知,Speranza从小就有当消防员的梦想,后来她终于实现了梦想,这说明她是一个坚定的人。再结合后文叙述的她创立“勇气营”帮助很多女性成为消防急救人员可知她是一个有影响力的人。故选B。A.谨慎但固执的;C.聪明且有创造力的;D.积极但不切实际的。
  ◎语篇解读 这是一篇说明文,介绍了为什么人们选择新闻职业。
8.C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,新闻工作可以作为提高写作水平的一种手段。选项C与文意相符,故选C。
9.C 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句可知,有些人希望自己被认可是为了获得很高的地位。选项C与文意相符,故选C。
10.A 细节理解题。根据第四段第二、三句可知,广博的知识对记者来说最有必要。选项A与文意相符,故选A。
11.C 主旨大意题。第一段讲了许多视自己为未来小说家的年轻人选择新闻工作作为一种谋生的方式,同时培养自己的写作技能。第二段讲了大多数人都希望自己的工作得到别人的认可,有些人也希望自己被认可。第三段讲了一些人进入新闻行业是为了获得影响他人的权力。第四段讲了许多年轻人进入新闻行业是想更多地了解这个世界,而不是深研有限的领域。综合以上信息可知,文章主要说明了为什么人们选择新闻职业,故选C。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。作者认为,与传统宣扬的“刻苦努力才能取得成功”的思想相悖,适当休息可以带来更高的工作效率,提高生活质量。
12.D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“The boy’s behavior reflects a deeper truth—laziness can drive innovation.”可知,他的无聊促成了他的发明。故选D。
13.B 词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“so we work even harder to produce even more”可知我们更加努力地工作以有更多的产出,因此我们应该是“勤奋的,努力的”,故选B。
14.C 推理判断题。根据第三段第一句和最后一句可知,工作太努力会降低效率,适当的放松可以激发创造力。故选C。
15.A 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,作者指出过多的工作会降低效率,适当的休息可以激发创造力,建议人们应该适当休息一下。所以A项“去吧,休息一下”适合作为文章标题。故选A。
  ◎语篇解读 这是一篇说明文,介绍了如何选择对自己有意义的职业。
16.B 上文(当你考虑择业时,你通常会用以下两种方法来选择。)说明接下来将会分别介绍两种选择职业的方法。下文(如果你喜欢写作或做手工艺品,你可以考虑这些事情。)说明可以把自己喜欢做的事当成职业。B项(想想你喜欢做什么)能够概括本段的内容。故选B。
17.A 上文介绍了一些可能选择的职业。下文“but often they are not something you’re really passionate about(但它们往往不是你真正热爱的事情)”表示转折,A项(这些都是很好的选择)承接上文且与下文为转折关系,符合语境。故选A。
18.E 上文(然而,还有另一种可能更好的方法)说明接下来要讲另一种选择职业的办法。下文列举了一些有意义的服务他人的职业。E项(设法做一些事情来服务社区或者让世界变得更好)承上启下,符合语境。故选E。
19.D 下文说如果你为了那种重要意义而选择其中一个职业,你在工作中会感觉每天都有意义。D项(这其中的每一种都只是众多充满意义的可能性中的一种)中的purpose和下文中的that purpose相呼应。故选D。
20.G 上文指出重点不是你如何为这个世界服务,而是以某种方式为这个世界服务会帮你感到充满意义。G项(如果你选择了一份有意义且有趣的工作,你总是比大多数人走得更远)承接上文,符合语境,也和文章主题如何选择充满意义的职业相呼应。故选G。
第二部分 语言运用
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。作者经过多年的努力找到了心仪的工作,但后来作者想帮助那些需要帮助的人,于是辞去了金融分析师的工作。
21.B 根据上文的“African American neighborhood”和“I was one of the few black students in my class.”可知,作者是一位非裔美国人,再结合空后的“even ‘too white’”和语境可知,此处暗示作者被同学们取笑(teased)。A.责怪;C.推动;D.对待,招待。
22.C 根据上文可知,作者经常被取笑,再联系空前的“I knew if I wanted to do extremely well”和空后的“my fears of exploring a strange neighborhood”可知,此处表示作者知道如果自己想做得非常好,就要克服(overcome)恐惧。A.忽略;B.理解;D.确认。
23.D 由于处在一个陌生的环境中,作者常常觉得格格不入(out of place)。A.失去控制;B.失去耐心;C.失去平衡。
24.B 根据空前的“my father died after a long”和空后的“with the disease”可以推断出,父亲与病魔作了长期的斗争(battle)。A.飞行;C.分隔;D.过程。
25.C 根据下文的“I also delivered newspapers, tutored, worked at the mall...at IBM”可知,父亲去世这件事迫使作者早早就独立(independence)了。A.孤独;B.损失;D.难堪。
26.A 根据语境可知,此处表示作者很幸运地获得了大学的全额奖学金。receive表示“接到,收到”,指接收某物的客观事实,这里指“收到奖学金”。accept表示“接受(建议、邀请等)”,强调主观上自愿接受,不符合语境。
27.A 根据语境可知,作者最后(eventually)在IBM实习。B.特别地;C.自然地;D.严重地。
28.B 根据空前的“It wasn’t easy for me.”和空后的“I developed a strong work ethic”可推断出,设空处前后文之间应是转折关系。Still在此处是熟词生义的用法,表示“不过”,相当于However。
29.D 根据下文可知,作者在一个投资银行找到了工作,故此处表示毕业后,作者以华尔街为奋斗目标。set one’s sights on...意为“以……为奋斗目标”。
30.D 根据下文的“as a financial analyst for a large investment bank”可知,这里指作者接受了金融分析师的职位(position)。
31.D 根据下文的“in an under served community”和“to help others”可知,作者想为政府扶持力度不够的社区做一些产生积极的(positive)影响的事情。A.临时的;B.复杂的;C.灵活的。
32.A 根据下文的“then joined Teach for America as...”可知,作者辞职(resigned)了,加入了“Teach for America”组织,担任首席财务官。B.退休;C.犹豫;D.坚持。
33.B 根据下文出现的“life changing”和“important”可知,作者很感激(grateful)有了这样一次机会。A.饥饿的;C.焦虑的;D.负责任的。
34.D 根据上文的“life changing opportunity”和下文作者的感悟可知,作者辞职后加入“Teach for America”组织是非常重要的一步(step)。
35.C 根据上文可知,作者大学毕业后在投资银行做一名金融分析师,几年后,作者辞去这份工作,加入“Teach for America”组织,目的是帮助他人。通过这件事作者明白了职业(professional)幸福通常与经济上的收益关系不大,而与在工作中找到激情有更大关系。A.传统的;B.精神的;D.基本的,根本的。
  ◎语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。影响“工作满意度”的因素除了薪水之外还有许多,就业者对工作的要求因人而异。
36.what 考查主语从句。句意:然而,大多数人想要的不仅仅是好的薪水。设空处无提示词,根据后面的系动词is可知设空处引导主语从句,从句中缺少动词want的宾语,且根据“more than just a good salary”可知,此处指“……的东西”,所以应用连接代词what。故填what。
37.are 考查动词时态和主谓一致。此处描述一般情况,所以应用一般现在时。主语things为复数,所以be动词应用are。故填are。
38.a 考查冠词。make a difference意为“有影响,有关系”,为固定搭配。
39.creative 考查形容词。修饰名词environment应用形容词作定语,creative表示“创造性的”。故填creative。
40.planning 考查现在分词。当when引导的时间状语从句的主语和主句的主语相同时,可省略从句的主语和be动词。根据“you should consider all the activities”可知,此处指你在规划你的职业生涯时,省略了“you are”,所以应用现在分词planning。故填planning。
41.involved 考查过去分词。主句中已有谓语动词consider和decide,所以这里应用非谓语动词。involve意为“包含”,与其逻辑主语activities之间构成被动关系,所以应用过去分词作后置定语。故填involved。
42.actually 考查副词。句意:例如,如果你正在考虑成为一名记者,你的确喜欢与公众人物见面吗 根据句意可知应用副词actually作状语,表示“的确”。
43.of/about 考查介词。think of/about意为“考虑”,为固定搭配,所以此处应用介词of或about。
44.numbers  考查名词复数。根据常识可知,会计主要是跟数字打交道,而数字不止一个,所以这里用复数形式。
45.better 考查比较级。句意:仅仅因为一份工作的薪水比另一份高,并不意味着它是适合你的工作。根据“than another”可知,此处应用well的比较级better。故填better。
第三部分 写作
One possible version:
Dear Jim,
I’m glad to receive your letter in which you asked me what future career I would pursue.
I would like to be a teacher. I love to work with children. More importantly, I think it significant to pass on knowledge and wisdom to children.
To be a qualified teacher, I will make some preparations. First of all, I will study hard to enter a top university, where I can learn not only knowledge, but also how to teach. Besides, I will try to promote my people skills so that I can teach children in a creative and effective way.
What future career do you want to pursue Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
One possible version:
Paragraph 1:
This was how we spent each Saturday morning for two years. Young though he was, he would cherish the time, absorbing knowledge like a sponge. After our library session, I brought him back to my office and gave him extra tuition, helping him catch up with the other children in class and even surpass most of them. Bit by bit, Mike was no longer what he used to be. Everyone described him as energetic, warm hearted and self disciplined when he graduated. For some reason, Mike left Toronto for another state with his grandmother while I switched to another school soon and regretfully I lost his address accidentally.
Paragraph 2:
One day, after we were out of touch for 30 years, there went my doorbell. I opened the door, only to find Mike, the former street kid, standing there in his law office uniform. Along with him were his own teenage son and daughter. His face lighting up with joy, he gave me a warm hug and explained how he managed to get my address. Tears of excitement and happiness filled my eyes. Listening to what he had achieved as a lawyer, I was so proud of him. He thanked me for showing him the light and helping him fulfil his potential. That was another proud moment for me.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)