2024人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册同步练习题--UNIT 1 Part 2 Learning About Language & Using Language(答案与解析)


名称 2024人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册同步练习题--UNIT 1 Part 2 Learning About Language & Using Language(答案与解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 1.0MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-10-18 10:36:29



Part 2 Learning About Language & Using Language
1.In the video, she mixed the    (面粉) and water to a smooth paste.
2.With the development of society,there is less and less cheap    (劳动力)in the market—people are becoming more and more skilled.
1.Both of the      (salesman) acted patiently and showed her nearly all the hats in the shop.
2.You can be paid in cash      (week) or by cheque monthly; those are the two alternatives.
3.Some people hold the opinion that reading paper books is superior     reading e books in many ways.
4.This nine to five job is calculated      (appeal) to middle aged men.
on a monthly basis;pros and cons;take over;conflict with
  A young man 1.       a supermarket from his father. He found that his salesmen and saleswomen 2.       customers sometimes. After weighing up the 3.      , he decided to strengthen management, and declared that anyone who provided good service would get a bonus 4.      .
1.A great deal of time      (spend) on the research last year.
2.The get together in the teahouse      (cancel) by the time we arrived.
3.A lot of survivors      (rescue) by the soldiers in the earthquake stricken area since yesterday.
4.Many people think that teachers will never      (replace) by computers in the classroom.
5.Nobody is in the classroom because the students      (interview) on the playground about the success.
1.Don’t be nervous, and they will tell you where to sit.
→Don’t be nervous, and you              where to sit by them.
2.People refer to California as the Golden State.
→California                    the Golden State by people.
3.In order to stop the ocean pollution, the government has taken a lot of measures.
→A lot of measures              by the government in order to stop the ocean pollution.(2022全国甲写作)
4.We are discussing how to spend the summer holidays now.
→How to spend the summer holidays              by us now.
5.They were planting trees at this time yesterday.
→Trees              by them at this time yesterday.
Star Wars fans would be familiar with the good relationship between humans and droids(机器人)in the movies. In the movie Solo:A Star Wars Story, Lando Calrissian risked his life to rescue his co pilot, a female droid L3 37. In real life, a humanoid robot, Sophia, has recently been granted(给予)citizenship in Saudi Arabia. Increasingly, people are ready to see robots are more like humans. Given this phenomenon, I believe it is necessary to consider giving robots certain rights humans enjoy.
Experts have argued that since robots have now acquired human like qualities, it is appropriate to consider if they should have rights just as humans. Sophia has a human like face and utilizes artificial intelligence to respond to speech and express emotions. For such a lifelike being that is potentially capable of expressing emotions, does it not deserve the right to be loved and respected
Robots should also be given legal and moral protection as harming a robot may be similar to harming a human. Since people tend to form attachments to social robots, it becomes possible for companies to control the hardware and software to exploit this emotional attachment. There is a danger that data that is stored in the robot could be uploaded to the cloud. There would then possibly be situations in which the government or private sector retrieves(检索) the information stored in a robotic toy or social robot. With these uncertainties, it is clear why robots should be protected, just as humans.
An even more irresistible reason to grant human rights to the robots is the protection of societal values. We should stop a young child from kicking or tearing a toy robot apart because it resembles a real person. Giving robots certain rights will ensure that societal standards are set.
Still, many have roundly argued that no matter how sophisticated(老练的) they may be, robots are still machines. It is therefore quite ridiculous to treat them as living beings and grant them rights. However, with the advancement in technology, it is a matter of time before robots are fully anthropomorphized(赋予人性), and we would have to consider granting them rights.
In conclusion, deciding whether robots deserve human rights is by no means an easy task, but now is the time to start the conversation on this and seriously consider the possibility.
1.Why does the author mention the two examples in the first paragraph
A.To remind readers of the importance of robots.
B.To discuss the necessity of rescuing robots.
C.To set readers thinking about an issue about robots.
D.To describe the relationship between humans and robots.
2.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3
A.Robots should be legally and morally protected.
B.There is possible information risk.
C.Humans are doing harm to robots.
D.Robots should be given more emotional attachment.
3.What’s the author’s attitude towards granting robots human rights
A.Doubtful. B.Favorable.
C.Negative. D.Uncaring.
4.What’s the structure of the passage
Danielle Boyer knew she was interested in robotics from a young age. But with  1  learning resources, which many Native American students faced, Boyer said she had to take  2  to work out the  3  problem.
She  4  herself through watching YouTube videos, reading old electrical engineering books, examining Mak er kits on Amazon, and then  5  everything related.
Now, as the founder of the nonprofit organization,The STEAM Connection, Boyer, 22, is  6  to promote technical and cultural educational opportunities among the Native American  7  like herself.
“I  8  the idea of equipping students with 21st century skills to create solutions for our communities,” said Boyer, who had dropped out of college to  9  the organization full time.
Tech opportunities are not  10  for many Native American students, who often live on reservations in  11  areas with limited Internet access and face  12  trouble in education and technology, Boyer said. For example, one educational robot that was required for her sister’s participation in a competition was $500.
After she  13  the organization, the next thing Boyer did was to  14  Every Kid Gets a Robot, an educational robotics kit (工具包)with materials for students to fix, wire, and program their own robot cars that they can drive around with their phones. To date, she has  15  more than 8,000 kits to native schools, free of cost.
1.A.limited B.superior
C.modern D.traditional
2.A.breaks B.steps
C.photos D.drugs
3.A.absurd B.boring
C.permanent D.severe
4.A.tested B.persuaded
C.taught D.comforted
5.A.choosing B.listing
C.purchasing D.mastering
6.A.determined B.occupied
C.required D.disappointed
7.A.humans B.ladies
C.youth D.geniuses
8.A.turn down B.believe in
C.conflict with D.complain about
9.A.run B.find
C.sell D.enlarge
10.A.funny B.appealing
C.precious D.accessible
11.A.busy B.urban
C.rural D.developed
12.A.financial B.physical
C.deep D.psychological
13.A.refused B.controlled
C.founded D.discovered
14.A.fetch B.invent
C.seize D.adopt
15.A.designed B.collected
C.calculated D.sent
The year 2021 saw the 193rd birthday of Jules Verne, the famed French poet, novelist, and playwright known  1 the “Father of Science Fiction”.
One of Verne’s lesser known works from 1905,The Lighthouse at the End of the World,  2  (adapt) carefully for the first time into a five issue comic book miniseries (迷你剧) in April.
 3  (plan) by the experienced creative team of Brian Haberlin and David Hine, Jules Verne’s:Lighthouse gets a sci fi twist (曲折) and casts  4 (reader) onto the high seas of outer space for a swashbuckling (惊心动魄的) adventure.
Here’s the official  5 (introduce): Jules Verne’s:Lighthouse is set at the edge of the Galaxy,  6  a giant supercomputer known as the Lighthouse exists: the only brain powerful enough  7 (guide) ships through a large area of naturally occurring wormholes,  8 (potential) cutting months or even years off a spaceship’s journey time. Three humans, one alien, and a nanny robot have manned the remote station for years in relative peace until the arrival of Captain Kongre and his band of cruel pirates threatens the future of civilization and  9  (reveal) that each of the Lighthouse crew has been hiding  10 stunning secret: he who controls the Lighthouse controls this part of the Galaxy.
1.      2.      3.      4.       5.      
6.       7.       8.       9.       10.      
Part 2 Learning About Language &
Using Language
Ⅰ.1.flour 2.labour
Ⅱ.1.salesmen 考查名词复数。 根据Both判断此空应填入可数名词的复数形式salesmen。
类比启发 以 man, woman结尾的合成词,变成复数时与man, woman的变化形式相同,如:
policeman→policemen 警察
定势纠偏 human(人),German(德国人),Roman(罗马人)不是合成词,其复数不遵循man的变化规律,而是按照规则变化,即用 humans, Germans,Romans。
2.weekly 考查副词。根据前面的be paid和后面的monthly可知此处应使用副词,故填weekly。句意:你的工资可以按周以现金的形式发放,或按月以支票发放;二者可选其一。
3.to 考查介词。be superior to...为固定搭配,意为“比……更好;优于……”。句意:有些人认为阅读纸质书在很多方面优于阅读电子书。
4.to appeal 考查不定式。be calculated to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“打算/旨在做某事”。句意:这种朝九晚五的工作旨在吸引中年男人。
Ⅲ.1.took over 2.conflict with 3.pros and cons 4.on a monthly basis
1.was spent 考查时态、被动语态和主谓一致。句意:去年在这项研究上花了大量的时间。根据last year可知应用一般过去时,且主语A great deal of time与spend构成被动关系,应用被动语态,主语为不可数名词,故填was spent。
2.had been cancel(l)ed 考查时态和被动语态。句意:我们到达时,茶馆的聚会已经取消了。根据时间状语从句by the time we arrived可知主句谓语动词应用过去完成时,主语The get together与cancel之间为被动关系,应用被动语态,故填had been cancel(l)ed。
3.have been rescued 考查时态、被动语态和主谓一致。句意:从昨天起,这个地震灾区的许多幸存者已经被士兵们救出来了。根据时间状语since yesterday可知谓语动词应用现在完成时,主语survivors(复数概念)和rescue是被动关系,应用被动语态,故填have been rescued。
4.be replaced 考查被动语态。句意:很多人认为在教室里老师永远不会被电脑取代。分析句子可知,will never     (replace)为 that 引导的宾语从句中的谓语,宾语从句中的主语为teachers,与replace之间为被动关系,故填be replaced构成一般将来时的被动语态。
5.are being interviewed 考查时态、被动语态和主谓一致。句意:教室里没有人,因为学生们正在操场上接受关于成功的采访。分析句子结构可知,这是一个包含原因状语从句的主从复合句,设空处在状语从句中作谓语,且从句主语the students(复数概念)和interview之间为被动关系,应使用被动语态;根据主句内容可知,从句谓语表示的动作(interview)当前正在发生,故应使用现在进行时,故填are being interviewed。
1.will be told 2.is referred to as 3.have been taken
4.is being discussed 5.were being planted
Ⅰ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。随着机器人越来越类人化,我们很多时候不能再把机器人仅仅看作机器了,文章指出了应该给予机器人人权。
1.C 推理判断题。第一段最后两句谈到,人们越来越愿意看到机器人更像人类。鉴于这种现象,作者认为有必要考虑给予机器人人类享有的某些权利。结合下文列举的应该给予机器人人权的原因推知,第一段提到的两个例子是为了引起读者对机器人问题的思考。故选C。
2.A 主旨大意题。第三段第一句谈到,机器人也应该得到法律和道德保护,因为伤害机器人可能与伤害人类相似。第三段后面几句说明了原因,由此可知,本段主要表达了机器人应该受到法律和道德上的保护。故选A。
3.B 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段末句内容“然而,随着技术的进步,机器人完全被赋予人性只是时间问题, 我们必须考虑给予它们权利。”和最后一段“总之,决定机器人是否应该享有人权绝不是一件容易的事,但现在到了开始谈论这个问题并认真考虑该可能性的时候了。”推知,作者对给予机器人人权持支持态度。故选B。A.怀疑的;C.消极的;D.无兴趣的。
4.A 推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章第一段提出本文论点——有必要考虑赋予机器人人权;第二到第五段为给予机器人人权的理由;最后一段总结全文。因此文章是①—②③④⑤—⑥的“总分总”结构。故选A。
【高频词汇】 1.be familiar with熟悉……
2.appropriate adj.合适的 3.respond to对……作出反应
4.deserve v.值得,应受 5.be similar to...与……相似
6.tear apart 把……撕成碎片 7.resemble v.看起来像
【差距词汇】 1.utilize v.应用,运用 2.irresistible adj.无法抗拒的 3.roundly adv.坦率地;全面地;强烈地
原句 Experts have argued that since robots have now acquired human like qualities, it is appropriate to consider if they should have rights just as humans.
分析 本句是一个主从复合句。argued后的that引导宾语从句,宾语从句中since引导原因状语从句,逗号后的it为形式主语,“to consider...”为真正的主语。consider后是if引导的宾语从句。
译文 专家们认为,既然机器人现在已经获得了类似人类的品质,那么考虑它们是否应该像人类一样拥有权利是合适的。
Ⅱ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了印第安女孩Boyer对机器人感兴趣,但是因为学习资源有限,她只能通过各种办法自学来掌握知识,后来她创办了一个非营利组织,决心为印第安青年增加技术和文化教育机会。
1.A 根据下文“through watching YouTube videos, reading old electrical engineering books, examining Mak er kits on Amazon”可知,Boyer虽然对机器人科学感兴趣,但是需要通过很多零散的手段来学习,这说明学习资源很有限。limited有限的;superior更好的;modern现代的;traditional传统的。故选A。
2.B 根据下文“through watching YouTube videos, reading old electrical engineering books, examining Mak er kits on Amazon, and then  5  everything related”可知,Boyer自己找方法,采取措施解决问题。break休息;step措施;photo照片;drug药物。故选B。
3.D 根据上下文可知,很多印第安学生的学习资源很有限,学习技术的机会少。Boyer想学习机器人科学,但是面临很多困难,所以这个问题是严重的。 absurd荒谬的,荒唐的;boring无聊的;permanent永恒的;severe严重的。故选D。
4.C 根据上文“take steps to work out the severe problem”和空后的“herself through watching YouTube videos...”可推知,Boyer通过各种途径自学机器人科学。 test检测;persuade说服;teach教授;comfort安慰。teach oneself意为“自学”,故选C。
5.D 空前内容谈到Boyer通过各种途径进行学习,所以设空处应是掌握相关的一切知识。 choose选择;list列举;purchase购买;master掌握。故选D。
6.A 根据最后一段对Boyer所做工作的介绍可知,作为非营利组织The STEAM Connection的创始人,22岁的Boyer下定决心为像她一样的印第安青年增加技术和文化教育机会。 determined下定决心的;occupied忙于……的;required规定的;disappointed失望的。be determined to do sth.意为“下定决心做某事”。故选A。
7.C 根据第一段的“many Native American students”可知,Boyer的组织主要帮助的对象是和她一样想学习机器人科学的印第安学生,结合常识可知他们都是年轻人。 human人;lady女士;youth年轻人;genius天才。故选C。
8.B 根据空后的“equipping students with 21st century skills to create solutions for our communities”以及上下文谈到的Boyer所做的事情可推知,Boyer相信让学生掌握21世纪的技能以解决印第安人社区中的问题这个想法是好的。 turn down拒绝;believe in相信;conflict with和……冲突;complain about抱怨。故选B。
9.A 根据空前的“had dropped out of college”可知,Boyer从大学辍学以全力经营组织。 run经营;find找到;sell购买;enlarge扩大。故选A。
10.D 根据下文“with limited Internet access and face  12  trouble in education and technology”可知,许多印第安学生网络资源有限,并且在教育和技术方面面临着问题,所以这里指没法得到了解或学习科技的机会。 funny有趣的;appealing有吸引力的;precious珍贵的;accessible可得到的。故选D。
11.C 根据下文“with limited Internet access and face  12  trouble in education and technology”可推知,印第安学生通常会住在比较偏远的、不发达的乡村地区。 busy忙碌的;urban城市的;rural乡村的;developed发达的。故选C。
12.A 根据下文的例子“one educational robot that was required for her sister’s participation in a competition was $500”可知,教育机器人的价格很昂贵,所以这里应该是面临财政困难。 financial财政的;physical身体的;deep深的;psychological心理的。故选A。
13.C 根据第三段的“as the founder of the nonprofit organization,The STEAM Connection”可知,Boyer创办了这个组织。 refuse拒绝;control控制;found创办;discover发现。故选C。
14.B 根据下文对Every Kid Gets a Robot的描述“an educational robotics kit...drive around with their phones”可知,Every Kid Gets a Robot应该是Boyer发明出来的,目的是让每个孩子都能接触并体验机器人。 fetch(去)拿来;invent发明;seize抓住;adopt采取。故选B。
15.D 根据上一句提到的Boyer发明Every Kid Gets a Robot可知,这里指Boyer为学校免费发送了八千多个工具包。design设计;collect收集;calculate计算;send发送。故选D。
【高频词汇】 1.work out 解决 2.promote v.促进,增进
3.equip A with B 用B装备A 4.drop out of 脱离;退出
5.access n.使用权,接触的机会 6.participation n.参加
【熟词生义】 reservation n.(美国印第安人的)居留地
【差距词汇】 to date到目前为止
原句 But with limited learning resources, which many Native American students faced, Boyer said she had to take steps to work out the severe problem.
分析 本句是一个主从复合句。“with limited learning resources”为原因状语,which引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为limited learning resources。said后是省略了that的宾语从句。
译文 但由于学习资源有限,许多印第安学生面临这个问题,Boyer说她必须采取措施解决这个严重的问题。
Ⅲ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了“科幻小说之父”儒勒·凡尔纳的小说《世界尽头的灯塔》于2021年4月首次被精心改编成一部五集的漫画迷你剧。
1.as 考查介词。句意:2021年是被誉为“科幻小说之父”的法国著名诗人、小说家和剧作家儒勒·凡尔纳诞辰193周年。短语be known as表示“以……著称,被誉为……”,这里用过去分词短语作后置定语。故填as。
2.was adapted 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:凡尔纳1905年创作的一部不太为人所知的作品《世界尽头的灯塔》于4月首次被精心改编成一部五集的漫画迷你剧。设空处在句中作谓语,主语One of Verne’s lesser known works为单数概念且与adapt构成被动关系,故用被动语态;根据后文in April可知时态为一般过去时,故填was adapted。be adapted into...意为“被改编成……”。
3.Planned 考查非谓语动词。句意:Jules Verne’s:Lighthouse由经验丰富的创意团队Brian Haberlin和David Hine策划,带有科幻色彩,将读者带到外太空的公海,进行一场惊心动魄的冒险。分析句子结构,逗号后没有连词,且逗号后已有谓语(gets和casts),故逗号前为状语,提示词plan与句子主语Jules Verne’s: Lighthouse构成被动关系,故用过去分词作状语,注意句首单词首字母要大写。故填Planned。
4.readers 考查名词复数。reader为可数名词,结合语境可知这里指众多的读者,应用复数形式。故填readers。
5.introduction 考查名词。句意:官方介绍是这样的——Jules Verne’s: Lighthouse的故事发生在银河系的边缘,那里有一台名为“灯塔”的巨型超级计算机,它是唯一强大到足以引导飞船穿越大面积自然存在的虫洞的电脑,可能会把飞船的旅程缩短几个月甚至几年。设空处是Here置于句首的倒装句的主语,根据Here’s可知应用单数名词introduction。
6.where 考查定语从句。设空处前面为表示地点的名词 the edge of the Galaxy,空格后面的内容缺少地点状语,故推测设空处引导非限制性定语从句且在从句中作地点状语,修饰先行词the edge of the Galaxy。故填where。
易错归因 本题学生容易把空后的known as看作谓语,在设空处填入关系代词which。但这里known为非谓语动词,作后置定语。解题时要注意句子成分的分析。
7.to guide 考查不定式。adj.+enough to do sth.表示“足够……以做某事”。故填to guide。
8.potentially 考查副词。修饰动词cutting应用副词potentially,意为“可能地”。故填potentially。
9.reveals 考查时态和主谓一致。句意:三个人、一个外星人和一个保姆机器人多年来在相对和平的情况下控制着这个遥远的空间站,直到Kongre船长和他那群残忍的海盗的到来威胁到文明的未来,并揭示灯塔的每个工作人员都隐藏着一个令人震惊的秘密——控制灯塔的人控制着银河系的这一部分。until引导的时间状语从句中有and连接的两个并列谓语,根据threatens的时态和单复数可知设空处也应为一般现在时的第三人称单数形式,故填reveals。
10.a 考查冠词。secret意为“秘密”,是可数名词,此处为泛指且stunning的发音以辅音音素开头,故填a。a stunning secret意为“一个令人震惊的秘密”。
【高频词汇】 1.adventure n.冒险 2.exist v.存在
3.remote adj.遥远的 4.threaten v.威胁
5.civilization n.文明
【熟词生义】 1.brain n.电脑 2.man v.操纵
【差距词汇】 1.nanny n.保姆 2.pirate n.海盗
原句1 Here’s the official introduction: Jules Verne’s:Lighthouse is set at the edge of the Galaxy, where a giant supercomputer known as the Lighthouse exists: the only brain powerful enough to guide ships through a large area of naturally occurring wormholes, potentially cutting months or even years off a spaceship’s journey time.
分析 where引导非限制性定语从句,known as the Lighthouse 为后置定语,修饰giant supercomputer。the only brain...是对前面a giant supercomputer的补充说明。to guide...跟在adj.+enough后,为不定式作结果状语,cutting months...为现在分词短语作结果状语,表示前面内容自然而然产生的结果。
译文 官方介绍是这样的:Jules Verne’s:Lighthouse的故事发生在银河系的边缘,那里有一台名为“灯塔”的巨型超级计算机,它是唯一强大到足以引导飞船穿越大面积自然存在的虫洞的电脑,可能会把飞船的旅程缩短几个月甚至几年。
原句2 Three humans, one alien, and a nanny robot have manned the remote station for years in relative peace until the arrival of Captain Kongre and his band of cruel pirates threatens the future of civilization and reveals that each of the Lighthouse crew has been hiding a stunning secret: he who controls the Lighthouse controls this part of the Galaxy.
分析 本句是一个主从复合句。until引导时间状语从句,该时间状语从句中the arrival of Captain Kongre and his band of cruel pirates 为主语,threatens和reveals为并列谓语,由and连接。reveals后that引导宾语从句。who引导定语从句修饰he。
译文 三个人、一个外星人和一个保姆机器人多年来在相对和平的情况下控制着这个遥远的空间站,直到Kongre船长和他那群残忍的海盗的到来威胁到文明的未来,并揭示灯塔的每个工作人员都隐藏着一个令人震惊的秘密:控制灯塔的人控制着银河系的这一部分。
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