2024人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册同步练习题--UNIT 1 Part 3 Using Language, Assessing Your Progress & Video Time(答案与解析)


名称 2024人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册同步练习题--UNIT 1 Part 3 Using Language, Assessing Your Progress & Video Time(答案与解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 1.0MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-10-18 10:37:08



Part 3 Using Language, Assessing Your Progress & Video Time
1.Speechlessly, Dad had to go back to     (去拿) equipment to continue our camping.
2.After hearing the terrible smell, they took out their     (手帕) to wipe their eyes.
3.Life can only be understood     (/ b kw dz/), but it must be lived forwards.
4.The job is challenging, so it will require you to use all your skills to the m    .
1.They were clearing up when the second bomb exploded.词义:   
2.Hearing the bad news,Charles exploded with rage.词义:   
3.The population explodes to 80,000 during the tourist season.词义:   
1.We received several answers, and we picked one      random.
2. In Peppa Pig(《小猪佩奇》), Peppa Pig loves jumping in      (mud) puddles.
3.Recently, there have been heated discussions about whether to cancel the      (divide) of students between liberal arts and science.
4. With the development of China’s economy and culture, there is an      (explode) of interest in learning Chinese all around the world.
5.It is necessary for the UN to urge nations      (make) a joint effort to reduce the nuclear pollution.
6.It was when I got back to my apartment      I first came across my new neighbors.
7.With great efforts, they came to the top of the volcano; everybody      (rescue).
turn out;fall away;have an urge to do;so long as
With natural resources 1.      , Li Hua 2.       something to protect the earth. He believes that 3.       everyone plays a part,the earth will become prettier, and calls on his classmates to 4.       the lights when they leave the classroom.

2.他们表现自然,好像什么也没有发生过。(as if)




It was at ten o’clock today 1  the first Time Machine began its career. After sitting in the leather seat, I pushed the starting lever. Then my eyes settled on the clock. It was  2 (believable)! A short time before, it was a minute or so past ten; now it was nearly half past three! I pushed the lever further. Night  3 (fall) as if a lamp was being turned out, and in another moment came the day.
It is hard to explain the feeling, like being driven fast on a winding road. As my pace grew faster, all of 4  sudden, the walls of the laboratory fell away, and I found I was left in the open air. The whole surface of the earth was  5 (constant) changing. I thought that I was being pushed through time at  6 (hundred) of years a minute. I had a strong urge 7 (look) at things that were flashing before my eyes at random! I knew I would be  8  risk if I stopped the Time Machine. As long as I travelled at maximum speed, I would be safe and sound.
I pulled the lever backwards, and then I 9 (throw) through the air. I was stunned for a moment and then I found myself  10 (sit) in some mud next to the machine.
1.    2.    3.    4.    5.    6.    7.    8.    9.    10.   
Herbert George Wells was born in England in 1866. He did not come from a rich family. His parents had a small shop but it was not successful and closed when he was thirteen. He worked at different times in a clothes shop and a chemist’s. He always read a lot and later managed to get a place at a science college. After he left there he became a teacher, but he was badly hurt while playing football and this meant that he could not continue. He then laboured in London, writing for newspapers and doing some teaching of small groups. None of these made much money.
The Time Machine was his first fictional work. It appeared in weekly parts in a magazine in 1894 and as a book the following year. At the time, Wells was married to his second wife and was trying to support both her and her mother. He needed to make money, so he wrote it quite quickly. Although he was never really happy with the finished book, it turned out to be a great success and allowed him to continue as a writer.
It is not easy for us to understand how different this book was from others of the time. It is the first real science fiction book. It introduces the readers to the idea of time as the fourth dimension, ten years before Einstein made it part of scientific thinking. Wells also described a simple mechanical answer to the problem of time travel—a time machine. Nobody had ever described time travel in a machine before, and the words “time machine” entered the English language.
After the great success of this book, Wells wrote more science fiction. His most famous books are The Island of Dr. Moreau (1896), The Invisible Man (1897), The War of the Worlds (1898) and The First Men in the Moon (1901). All of them have been filmed, some more than once. H. G. Wells died in London in 1946.
1.Why did Wells begin to write for newspapers in London
A.He wanted to make more money. B.He was never happy with his former jobs.
C.He was seriously injured in sport. D.His second wife asked him to do so.
2.How different was The Time Machine from other books of the time
A.It first described the idea of dimensions. B.It introduced the idea of four dimensional space.
C.Readers felt it easier to read and understand. D.It was the first fictional book in the world.
3.Which of the following statements is true about The Time Machine
A.It was Wells’ most famous work. B.It first appeared as a book.
C.Wells was very satisfied with it. D.Its success helped to support Wells’ family.
4.What is the writing purpose of the passage
A.To introduce Wells’ life experiences and his works.
B.To describe the plot of The Time Machine.
C.To convince readers that Wells is a good writer.
D.To illustrate the great and famous works of Wells.
The man who could see the future
The ability to predict the future is a rare talent. American author Isaac Asimov (1920-1992), one of the greatest science fiction writers of his age, had such a talent. 1 Now that we’re here, let’s see what he got right.
 2  Asimov presumed computers would cause a revolution comparable to the Industrial Revolution. Specifically, he said that “mobile computerized objects” would be an important part of everyday life. Here, he clearly predicted our world of smartphones, tablets and other devices. He also had a great deal to say about space exploration. 3 
How did Asimov develop his special sense of future developments  4  He read the newspapers and magazines sold in his parents’ candy store. His scientific interest gained sharper focus at Columbia University in the City of New York. Asimov went to study chemistry, but became bored with the pure laboratory science. Instead, he thought hard about the social implications(影响)of science. He wanted to communicate his ideas to the public.
 5  Asimov had his finger on the pulse of both scientific and social change.He had a clear vision of what was around the corner for humanity in his works like the Galactic Empire series.
A.As a smart boy, Asimov taught himself to read at the age of five.
B.Space exploration can really make our life more convenient and comfortable.
C.Back in 1983, he was asked to predict what the world would look like in 2019.
D.On the role that computers would play in the future, his prediction was amazingly accurate.
E.Asimov had developed a great interest in computer programming since childhood.
F.As an author, his books would feature the theme of social change caused by technology.
G.The International Space Station proves his prediction that we would not simply visit space but seek to stay there.
1.    2.    3.    4.    5.   
My great grandmother Eileen is ambitious, determined, loyal, strong and a bit of a legend in her own lifetime, which now reaches 92 years. I should add that we’re not allowed to call her that, because she says it makes her feel old.
That summer, I lost my job and felt hopeless. One day, I paid a visit to her. On my arrival, seeing my low spirits, she asked me whether I had prepared to get a new start. I just kept silent. Without any more words, she picked up a box which she placed on the coffee table, saying, “You do know what you’re doing with these things, don’t you ”
It was a new phone. Her current mobile was pretty ancient.
“Yes,” I said.
“Good. That’s why I ask you. You young people know more about such things than us oldies. You can take it home and get it all set up,” she went on. “Then, when you bring it back, show me how to use my new phone, such as getting on the Internet, sending e mails.” She smiled so sweetly. Setting up the phone would be easy, but teaching her how to use it might be challenging.
The following day I headed back to my great grandmother’s with the phone. “Here’s your phone. It’s all ready to use.”
For the next hour, I was busy setting up her password (密码) and fingerprint recognition, which she said were like something out of James Bond.
When I finally got her to swipe (滑动屏幕), she didn’t apply the right amount of pressure and the menu slipped away. After what seemed like hours, she threw the phone across the room and it landed on the sofa. “Take it away!” she howled. “I want my old phone back!”
I picked up the phone and was about to leave to give her time to cool down but I realized I didn’t want to go home when she was angry.
Paragraph 1:
“Come on, Eileen. One more try,”I said.                             
Paragraph 2:
I was not feeling so hopeless any more now.                             
Part 3 Using Language, Assessing Your Progress & Video Time
Ⅰ.1.fetch 2.handkerchiefs/handkerchieves
3.backwards 4.maximum
Ⅱ.1.爆炸 句意:他们正在清理,这时第二颗炸弹爆炸了。
2.勃然(大怒) 句意:听到这个噩耗,查尔斯勃然大怒。
3.激增 句意:在旅游季节人数激增至8万。
Ⅲ.1.at 考查介词。at random为固定搭配,意为“随机”。句意:我们收到了一些答复,并从中随机挑选了一个。
2.muddy 考查形容词。修饰名词puddles应用形容词,mud是名词,其形容词形式为muddy。muddy puddles意为“泥坑”,故填muddy。
3.division 考查名词。根据空前的限定词the与空后的of可知此空应该填名词,the division of...between...and...在……与……之间分配……。句意:最近,关于是否取消学生文理分科的话题引起了激烈的讨论。
4.explosion 考查名词。根据空前的冠词an和空后的介词of可知设空处应填名词,an explosion of...意为“……的激增”,故填explosion。句意:随着中国经济和文化的发展,全世界学习汉语的兴趣陡然上升。
5.to make 考查不定式。urge sb. to do sth.意为“敦促某人做某事”。故填to make。句意:联合国有必要敦促各国做出共同的努力来减少核污染。
6.that 考查强调句型。 将It was和空格去掉,其余的部分能还原为一个完整的句子,由此判断本句是强调句型,其中“when I got back to my apartment”是被强调的部分,故填that。句意:当我回到我的公寓时,我才第一次遇到了我的新邻居们。
7.was rescued 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:经过巨大的努力,他们来到了火山的顶部,所有人都获救了。根据came可知设空处应用一般过去时,everybody(单数意义)和rescue之间是被动关系,故应用被动语态。故填was rescued。
Ⅳ.1.falling away 2.has an urge to do 3.so long as
4.turn out
Ⅴ.1.He is more lucky than clever.
2.They behaved naturally as if nothing had happened.
3.Lots of food, water, tents and medicine are being transported to the disaster hit area.
4.Then/Next came the moment when they had the final interview.
5.Looking at the confused faces, she had a sudden urge to run away.
Ⅰ.1.that 考查强调句型。 句意:在今天十点钟,第一台时间机器开始了它的职业生涯。根据句子结构判断本句是强调句型,at ten o’clock today是被强调部分。故此处用that。
2.unbelievable 考查形容词。句意:那真是难以置信!系动词was后应接形容词作表语。根据句意可知此处指作者不太相信这件事,所以用unbelievable。
3.fell 考查动词的时态。句意:夜幕降临了,仿佛一盏灯被熄灭,转瞬间,白天又来临了。此处讲述过去发生的事情,所以用一般过去时。
4.a 考查冠词。all of a sudden 意为“突然”。故填a。
5.constantly 考查副词。句意:地球的整个表面在不断地变化。修饰was changing应该用副词形式。
6.hundreds 考查数词。句意:我认为我正被推着以每分钟数百年的速度穿越时间。hundreds of 意为“数以百计的”。
7.to look 考查动词不定式。句意:我有一种强烈的冲动去看那些正在我眼前随机闪过的东西!have an urge to do sth.意为“有强烈的欲望做某事”。
8.at 考查介词。句意:我知道如果我停止时间机器,我会有危险。be at risk意为“处于危险中”。
9.was thrown 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:我向后拉操纵杆,然后我就被抛到了空中。根据上下文语境和句意判断此处应用一般过去时的被动语态。主语为I,故用was thrown。
10.sitting 考查现在分词。句意:我昏迷了一会儿,然后我发现自己坐在一些泥里,机器就在我旁边。分析句子结构可知,此处应用非谓语动词作宾补,宾语myself和sit之间是主动关系,故用现在分词sitting。
Ⅱ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了著名作家Herbert George Wells,包括其生平、作品等。
1.C 细节理解题。根据第一段的“After he left there he became a teacher...writing for newspapers (离开那里后,他成了一名教师,但他在踢足球时受了重伤,这意味着他不能继续做下去了。然后他在伦敦努力工作,为报社撰稿)”可知,他之所以开始为报社撰稿是因为他在运动中受伤,所以只能放弃教师这份工作。故选C。
2.B 细节理解题。根据第三段前三句可知,我们很难理解这本书与当时的其他书有多大的不同。这是第一本真正意义上的科幻小说。它向读者介绍了时间是第四维的概念,这比爱因斯坦把它作为科学思想的一部分早了十年。所以这本书的独特之处在于它率先介绍了四维空间这个概念。故选B。
3.D 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,《时间机器》是他的第一部虚构作品。他需要赚钱养活妻子和妻子的母亲,所以他写得很快。虽然他对完成的书从来没有真正满意过,但结果这本书取得了巨大的成功,让他能够继续当一个作家。由此可知,《时间机器》虽然未能让Wells满意,却使他赚了钱,养活了家人。故选D。
4.A 推理判断题。根据文章内容“第一段:Wells创作科幻小说前的生活经历→第二段:《时间机器》的创作背景→第三段:《时间机器》与同时期的其他作品不同的地方→第四段:Wells其他的科幻小说”可推知,文章的写作目的是介绍Wells的人生经历以及作品。故选A。
【高频词汇】 1.fictional adj.小说的;虚构的 2.make money赚钱 3.dimension n.维度;方面
4.mechanical adj.机械的;机器的
【熟词生义】 place n.入学名额,求学机会
Ⅲ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了科幻大师阿西莫夫和他的预言的准确性以及他是如何培养他对未来发展的特殊意识的。
1.C 过渡句。由空前句可知,美国作家艾萨克·阿西莫夫是他所处的时代最伟大的科幻作家之一,他有预测未来的天赋;再根据空后句可推知,空处在本段中起到承上启下的作用。故C项“早在1983年,他就被要求预测2019年的世界会是什么样子”切题。
2.D 主旨句。由该空所在位置判断此处应填入本段的主旨句。由空后句可知,阿西莫夫推测计算机将引发一场可与工业革命相比的革命。根据第一段可知,下文叙述阿西莫夫预测的事情,故D项“对计算机在未来所扮演的角色方面,他的预测准得惊人”与本段内容相符,故选D。
3.G 细节句。由空前句可知,他也对太空探索进行了很多预测,所以空处要继续谈论他预言的结果。G项“国际空间站印证了他的预言——我们不仅要进入太空,还要设法留在那里”与太空探索话题相关,而且是预测的事情。故选G。
4.A 细节句。由空后句“He read the newspapers and magazines sold in his parents’ candy store.”可知,他读了在他父母的糖果店出售的报纸和杂志。A项“阿西莫夫是一个聪明的男孩,在五岁时就自学阅读”与空后句都在讲阅读,衔接紧密。这两句共同解释上面的问题,即首句内容“阿西莫夫是如何培养他对未来发展的特殊意识的 ”。故选A。
5.F 主旨句。由该空所在位置判断此处应填入本段的主旨句。由下文可知,阿西莫夫能把握科学和社会变革的脉搏。他在《银河帝国》系列等作品中清楚地预见了人类即将面临的事情。故F项“作为一名作家,他的书以科技引起的社会变革这个主题为特色”作为本段主旨句最为合适。
【高频词汇】 1.a great deal 大量;很多 2.sharp adj.清楚明确的;敏锐的 3.become bored with...对……变得厌烦 4.around the corner即将来临
情节线 情感线
时间 那年夏天 绝望,失落 (作者) 高兴(曾祖母) 生气(曾祖母) 耐心(作者) 曾祖母的心情发生 了怎样的变化 绝望减少(作者)
地点 曾祖母家
人物 作者,曾祖母
情节 背景 作者失去工作后,去拜访曾祖母。
开端 曾祖母让作者帮忙设置新手机并教她使用。
发展 教她如何滑动屏幕时,她怎么也学不会。最后她决定放弃使用新手机。
续写方向 Para. 1 我说:“来吧,艾琳。再试一次。”(段首句)
①作者是如何做的(动作描写) 他教会曾祖母使用手机了吗 ②曾祖母有何反应
Para. 2 我当时不再感到那么绝望了。(段首句)
①曾祖母给了作者什么启发 ②作者是如何做的
One possible version:
Paragraph 1:
“Come on, Eileen. One more try,”I said.“This time I’ll hold your finger and show you how much pressure to use. Guess what, it took me a while to get the hang of swiping.” I held her finger gently and her face lit up when the menu appeared. “I want a selfie with you. Show me how to use the camera!” My heart sank a bit, but she didn’t need a lot of help and we sent her friend Emily a photo of us both laughing. “I can’t wait to show everyone my new phone,” she said happily. “Thank you for your patience, Tom.”
Paragraph 2:
I was not feeling so hopeless any more now. Great grandma’s spirit inspired me greatly. It occurred to me that if a 92 year old lady could learn new skills, then so could I. I had no doubt that I would find something I liked even more. There must be a job for me somewhere and I was sure to find it. I headed home with a smile on my face and a whole lot of love for my amazing great grandmother. My great grandmother would always be a role model for me to learn from.
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