2024人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册同步练习题--UNIT 1 Part 4 Writing(答案与解析)


名称 2024人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册同步练习题--UNIT 1 Part 4 Writing(答案与解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 1.4MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-10-18 10:38:29



Part 4 Writing
主题 家用机器人 体裁 应用文
布局 第一段:提出问题——人们没有时间照顾老人; 第二段:解决问题——介绍新型机器人; 第三段:表达愿望。
人称 以第三人称为主 时态 以一般现在时为主
1.      科幻小说(或影片等)
2.      更像是;更接近
3.      比……更好;更胜一筹
答案 1.science fiction 2.more like
3.superior to
People don’t have enough time to attend to the old at home, and it                        .
I want to invent a household robot just like those                   .
The robot doesn’t look like a machine; it              a human.
It can chat and play chess with the old                   .
It can deal with emergencies, which                   other robots.
I                   solve the problem.
答案 (1)has become a prominent issue
(2)in the science fiction (3)looks more like
(4)on a daily basis (5)makes it superior to (6)hope it can help
(9)用not only...but also...连接句(4)和句(5)
答案 (7)People don’t have enough time to attend to the old at home, which has become a prominent issue.
(8)The robot looks more like a human than a machine.
(9)It can not only chat and play chess with the old on a daily basis, but also deal with emergencies, which makes it superior to other robots.
Dear Tom,
Due to the fast pace of life in modern society, life pressure is increasing. People don’t have enough time to attend to the old at home, which has become a prominent issue.
I want to invent a household robot just like those in the science fiction. The robot looks more like a human than a machine. It can not only chat and play chess with the old on a daily basis, but also deal with emergencies, which makes it superior to other robots. Besides, it can also cook meals.
This is the household robot. I hope it can help solve the problem.
Yours truly,
Li Hua
have easy access to...容易接触到……
have a great effect on...对……有很大影响
benefit from...得益于……,从……中获益
take the place of...代替……
play an important role in...在某方面起重要作用
an intelligent robot powered by solar energy一种以太阳能为动力的智能机器人
collect amounts of information搜集大量的信息
the rapid development of science and technology科学技术的快速发展
1.So many powerful functions does this robot have that it can help us in various ways.这款机器人有很多强大的功能,它可以在各方面帮助我们。
2.The robot can do all the housework,as a result of which people can be freed from heavy labour.这款机器人可以做所有的家务,因此,人们可以从繁重的劳动中解脱出来。
3.You can rely on it that the robot can accept voice commands.你可以放心,这款机器人可以接受语音命令。
4.I’m firmly convinced that the robot will be a big helper in a family, making life more convenient.我坚信这款机器人会成为家中的一大帮手,让生活更便捷。
实战演练 答案见P105

After an exhausting day, Jack wandered in the street, smiling while thinking of his students. Jack was a respectable and considerate teacher and his students took good care of him, too.
Suddenly, a familiar figure flashed into Jack’s eyes. It was Mark, his junior high school teacher. With a thrill, Jack dashed forward, greeted him enthusiastically, and said, “Mark, how are you ” Taking off his presbyopic glasses(老花镜), Mark studied the passionate young man in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and got confused, “Sorry Have we met before ”
Not disappointed at all, Jack introduced himself in delight,“Sorry, Mark. I’m Jack Smith, from Class 2, Grade 8, graduating from Kevin Junior High School in 2001. Now I’m a teacher.” Hearing the words, Mark was puzzled but also delighted, asking a series of questions. “Why can’t I remember you Are you a teacher now ” In spite of poor eyesight, Mark did have such a brilliant memory that he could even remember almost all his students.
“Well, in fact, you were in charge of our class for only one day, and something happened that day. I became a teacher because of your inspiration.”
Old Mark, curious, kept raising questions such as when they met, and how he had inspired him to be a teacher.
“One day, a friend of mine came in with a nice new watch. I was so crazy about it that I decided to take it and I did. After a short while, my friend found it had disappeared and immediately reported it to the teacher, you, who happened to be in charge of our class that day because our teacher was ill.”
A mixture of emotions floated into Jack’s eyes when he recalled the shameful history. That day, Mark came and told the whole class that someone in the class could not find his watch and required that whoever took it return it quickly. Jack was too frightened to hand it in.
Paragraph 1:
Then, Mark closed the door and told all students to get up.                             
Paragraph 2:
But Mark kept searching other students’ pockets.                             
1.respectable adj.值得尊敬的
2.considerate adj.为他人着想的;考虑周到的
3.a familiar figure 一个熟悉的身影
4.confused adj.困惑的
5.in delight 高兴地,开心地
6.in charge of 负责,掌管
7.inspiration n.启发,鼓舞
8.be crazy about 对……着迷
9.shameful adj.可耻的;丢脸的
10.hand in 上交
1.exhausting adj.使人筋疲力尽的,使人疲惫不堪的
2.flash v.闪现;闪过
3.thrill n.激动,兴奋
4.dash forward冲上前去
5.passionate adj.热情的;热诚的
6.float v.漂,浮
Paragraph 1:马克让所有的学生站起来→马克决定挨个检查学生的口袋→杰克感到紧张和害怕→搜完杰克的口袋后,马克什么也没说,让杰克坐下了。
Paragraph 2:马克继续搜其他学生的口袋,最终完成了他的检查→杰克感到很羞愧,决定把手表交给马克→马克称赞他敢于承认错误→杰克下定决心成为像马克一样受人尊敬的、体贴的老师。
(1)    adj.严肃的
(2)      逐个地
(3)      使某人惊讶的是
(4)    v.承诺,保证
(5)    n.惩罚
(6)    adj.感到宽慰的
答案 (1)serious (2)one by one
(3)to one’s surprise (4)promise
(5)punishment (6)relieved
Mark stood on the platform and said                   , “I decide to search your pockets              .”
Hearing what Mark said, Jack was              look at the teacher, but Mark seemed to see through him.
              , after Mark searched his pocket, he said nothing and asked him to sit down.
After              , Mark told the students the watch was not in the classroom, but he                    .
              , Jack felt very ashamed so he decided to hand in the watch after class.
With his hands trembling, he stood in front of Mark and              .
I am relieved that you              to hand it in.
Only then              that Mark was teaching him an important lesson in a gentle and wise way.
It was                   that he determined to study hard and become a respectable and considerate teacher like Mark.
答案 (1)in a serious voice;one by one
(2)too frightened to
(3)To Jack’s surprise
(4)finishing the search;promised to find it
(5)Hearing his words
(6)waited for punishment
(7)have the courage
(8)did Jack realize
(9)because of Mark’s inspiration
答案 (10)Standing on the platform, Mark said in a serious voice, “I decide to search your pockets one by one.”
(11)Hearing his words, Jack felt so ashamed that he decided to hand in the watch after class.
(12)With his hands trembling, he stood in front of Mark, waiting for punishment.
Paragraph 1:
Then, Mark closed the door and told all students to get up.                             
Paragraph 2:
But Mark kept searching other students’ pockets.                             
Paragraph 1:
Then, Mark closed the door and told all students to get up. Standing on the platform, Mark said in a serious voice, “I decide to search your pockets one by one.” Hearing what Mark said, Jack was too frightened to look at the teacher, but Mark seemed to see through him. To Jack’s surprise, after Mark searched his pocket, he said nothing and asked him to sit down.
Paragraph 2:
But Mark kept searching other students’ pockets. After finishing the search, Mark told the students the watch was not in the classroom, but he promised to find it. Hearing his words, Jack felt so ashamed that he decided to hand in the watch after class. With his hands trembling, he stood in front of Mark, waiting for punishment. However, Mark said, “I am relieved that you have the courage to hand it in.” Only then did Jack realize that Mark was teaching him an important lesson in a gentle and wise way. It was because of Mark’s inspiration that he determined to study hard and become a respectable and considerate teacher like Mark.
1.The lake water glittered in the sunlight.湖水在阳光下闪闪发光。
2.That day the mountain was full of flowers, and the trees had new green leaves.那天山上开满了花,树上也长出了新的绿叶。
3.The sky became black, and rain followed thunder and lightning.天变黑了,雨紧随雷声和闪电而来。
4.The storm had stopped, and the sun was shining.暴风雨停了,太阳照耀着。
5.It happened on a cold day in December.它发生在十二月一个寒冷的日子。
Part 4 Writing
One possible version:
To enrich our school life, develop our imagination and arouse our interest in science, our school will hold a science fiction short story writing competition next month.
If you’re a student with strong curiosity and rich imagination and good at writing, you will be welcome to participate in it. According to the rules, your works must be original and 5,000 words or so would be fine. If it appeals to you, please send your works to the office of the students’ union before next Friday.
Come and join us!
The Students’ Union
①enrich vt.充实;使丰富
②arouse vt.激起
③participate in参加
④appeal to对……有吸引力
If you’re a student with strong curiosity and rich imagination and good at writing, you will be welcome to participate in it.(If引导条件状语从句) 如果你是一个好奇心强、想象力丰富并且善于写作的学生,欢迎你参加。
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