2024人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册同步练习题--UNIT 3 Part 3 Using Language, Assessing Your Progress & Video Time(答案与解析)


名称 2024人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册同步练习题--UNIT 3 Part 3 Using Language, Assessing Your Progress & Video Time(答案与解析)
格式 docx
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-10-18 10:56:33



Part 3 Using Language, Assessing Your Progress & Video Time
1.He defeated several    (对手) in the election, which was a big surprise to us.
2.We are entitled to free    (税款),fees and handling charges.
3.To offer a Humble Apology(《负荆请罪》) is one of the classical historical     (故事) in China.
1.The two young men have been under arrest in connection with the robbery.
词性:     词义:    
2.An unusual noise upstairs arrested her attention.词性:     词义:    
1.My classmate is a twin, so I sometimes mix her up      her sister.
2.She had mercy      the injured homeless dog, so she carried her home and carefully dressed her wound.
3.He was naturally possessed     of a fine and original mind.
4.Human exploration has led to many extraordinary new discoveries, and it has also led to the      (exploit) of resources.
5.The trade agreement is still      negotiation and is expected to be signed soon.
6.The troops had withdrawn      the city, and their      (withdraw) went on in secret.
7.It is not known why he turned into a cold blooded      (murder).
8.He      (arrest)for drunk driving,which made all of his friends astonished.
so that;without mercy; take action; vast amounts of; be home to
  As reported, if people continue to kill wild animals 1.      to make profits or damage their habitats,which 2.       the wild animals, not only will there be 3.       wildlife being in danger of extinction, but also the ecosystem will be influenced. We’d better 4.        to protect them and live in harmony with them 5.        the biodiversity can be sustained.
1.在一个贫穷的山村教高中学生在你听起来可能不是一件有趣的事。(动词 ing作主语)
                   in a poor mountain village may not sound fun to you.
2.我们应该过低碳生活,以便能保护环境。(so that)
We should live a low carbon life                        the environment.
Table tennis is                        people all over the world play it.
              ,David turned to me trembling with tears spilling out of his eyes,                    to finish the cross country run.(读后续写—动作、神态描写)
Text 1:More sea exploration means more pollution. It is very 1 (damage) to mine for resources, especially in the Arctic. Another problem worth mentioning is overfishing. Whales and dolphins  2 (hunt) for their meat or for so called research. The sea is home  3  life, not human beings’  4 (possess). It is more sensitive than we think,  5  we should try our best to protect it.
Text 2: 6 (understand) our planet, we must explore the oceans  7  cover most of it. Understanding more about the sea will help us manage  8 (it) resources better. In addition,  9 (access) the deep ocean may help people to predict terrible events. There are  10 (probable) huge amounts of resources under the sea and ice.
1.    2.    3.    4.    5.    6.    7.    8.    9.    10.   
To us humans, climate change feels like something that’s happening to the atmosphere, but actually about 90% of the heat that gets trapped by greenhouse gases is absorbed by the ocean. Of course, the ocean is really big, and taking its temperature is hard. Now, however, scientists have developed a technique that allows them to measure temperature changes across the entire ocean basins.
The idea dates back to the 1970s, when researchers first proposed using sound waves to study ocean warming, because the speed of sound through water depends on the physical properties(性质)of the water, which are related to temperature. “And roughly speaking, if we warm up the ocean by one degree Celsius, the sound speed will change—it will be four meters per second. And this is a very sensitive change,” said Wenbo Wu, a seismologist at Caltech, who led the study.
Researchers originally proposed using artificial sound sources, but that proposal got arrested because of concerns about the impacts on marine animals. In the new study, however, Wu and his colleagues showed they could use the sounds produced by earthquakes instead. In an earthquake, some vibrations(震动) bounce off the seafloor and turn into sound waves that get picked up by a special machine and underwater microphones. The researchers looked at the travel time of these sound waves in 2,000 pairs of earthquakes that occurred in the Indian Ocean between 2005 and 2016. Each pair of earthquakes happened in the same place but at different times, allowing the researchers to measure how much the sound waves sped up.
The analysis revealed that the waves traveled a few tenths of a second faster in more recent quakes than in older ones—a difference that translates to a warming trend of 0.04 degrees Celsius per decade. “0.04 degrees Celsius may not sound like a lot, but it represents a huge amount of heat—considering it’s the change in a body of water almost 2,000 miles wide and several miles deep,” said Wu.
1.What does the underlined part “a technique” in Paragraph 1 refer to                               
A.Trapping greenhouse gases. B.Using artificial sound waves.
C.Measuring the depth of the ocean. D.Employing the sounds of the quake.
2.What is crucial for the study
A.The sea is vast enough. B.The statistics are accurate.
C.The equipment is advanced. D.Each pair of earthquakes is conditional.
3.What did the researchers find in the new study
A.The sound waves slowed down with time.
B.The ocean temperature went up in the past decade.
C.The speed change of sound waves was considerable.
D.2,000 pairs of earthquakes occurred in the same place.
4.Which can be a suitable title for the text
A.Ocean Warming: A Booster of Climate Change
B.Seaquake Sound Waves: A Tracker of Ocean Warming
C.Sound Waves: An Initiative in Studying Ocean Animals
D.Ocean Basins: Where Earthquakes Frequently Happen
There has been a very serious decline in the number of shallow water fish as a result of overfishing. People still want to exploit fish, so the fishing industry must look at other sources, especially the deep waters of the Atlantic.  1 
Conservation measures will have to be put in place if these deep sea fish are to survive underwater. Research on five such species shows that their number has declined by between 87 percent and 98 percent.  2  Many species can well disappear if the present trend continues. These are species that have been swimming in our oceans for hundreds of millions of years.
The problem is emphasised by the fact that the decline happened in less than twenty years. Deep sea fish take a long time to reproduce and normally live for many years.  3  The average size of such fish also declined, with one species showing a 57 percent decline in the average size. This is of particular concern, as large fish tend to produce more offspring than small ones.
None of these facts has been taken into account by the fishing industry. The deep sea species have been caught as if they were the fast breeding fish like sardines and herring.  4 
The damage done by overfishing goes beyond the influence on the marine environment. Millions of people make a living in the fishing industry.  5  Measures must be taken to not only conserve ecosystems, but also sustain their livelihoods and ensure food security.
A.Billions of people rely on fish for protein.
B.Many people now choose not to eat deep sea fish.
C.Unfortunately, their reproduction rate is very low.
D.This puts them in the category of “critically endangered”.
E.Overfishing is a major cause of decline in populations of ocean wildlife.
F.It is like killing elephants as if they reproduced at the same rate as rabbits.
G.This has resulted in a sharp decline in the number of many of the species caught.
1.    2.    3.    4.    5.   
I was a shy 13 year old boy that year, afraid to speak before people and poor at communicating with others. My parents were worried so they introduced a part time job in a restaurant during the summer vacation, hoping it would make a difference to me. Although I hated it and didn’t believe it would bring any change to me, I had to accept it. The part time job fell on Monday of each week.
On the first Monday, I simply dared not look at people in the restaurant. And when I was speaking with them, my face turned red and my voice was low. On my way back home, I felt so bad. But when I reached home, my bad feelings disappeared. I found my parents had brought home a pet cat, which I had expected to get for a long period of time. The cat was so lovely.
However, one Thursday, he secretly ran out and disappeared. We looked for him everywhere for the whole day but found nothing. We lived in the city, close to a high traffic road, and this cat didn’t have “street smarts”. I guessed he would probably die and wouldn’t be home again. And after three days of looking for the cat with no sign of him, I quite believed he wouldn’t be home again. My parents told me, “A miracle (奇迹) may happen as long as you don’t give up.” However, I quite doubted it.
On the morning of the following Monday, I left for work 45 minutes earlier and started walking to the bus stop a block away. While waiting for the bus there, I thought about the work and felt upset. It wouldn’t be helpful to me and it was tiring! How much I wanted to quit the job and withdraw from the restaurant! And thinking of the cat, I felt even worse.
Since it was still early, I suddenly wanted to spare some time to look for the cat again though I had little hope. Meanwhile, I told myself, “If I still fail to find him this time, I won’t look for him again.” Then, I decided to walk to the next bus stop to look for him around. Minutes later, suddenly, a dirty and weak cat sitting by a tree caught my eye.
Paragraph 1:
My eyes widened, and I was surprised to find it was just our cat.                             
Paragraph 2:
Encouraged, I rushed to the bus stop and decided not to give up the part time job.                             
Part 3 Using Language, Assessing Your Progress & Video Time
Ⅰ.1.opponents 2.tax(es) 3.tales
Ⅱ.1.名词;逮捕 句意:这两名年轻男子因与抢劫案有关而被捕。
2.动词;吸引 句意:楼上不寻常的声音引起了她的注意。
Ⅲ.1.with 考查介词。mix A up with B表示“把A和B弄混/弄错”。
2.on 考查介词。句意:她很怜悯这只受伤的流浪狗,所以她把它带回家,小心地给它包扎伤口。have mercy on...为固定搭配,意为“对……怜悯”。句中dressed表示“包扎,敷裹(伤口)”。
3.of 考查介词。句意:他天生就有细腻而独到的思维方式。be possessed of意为“拥有”。
4.exploitation 考查名词。句意:人类的探索带来了许多非同寻常的新发现,也带来了资源的开发。由空前的the和空后的of可知,设空处用名词形式,故填exploitation,表示“开发,开采”。
5.under 考查介词。句意:这项贸易协定仍在洽谈中,有望很快签署。be under negotiation为固定搭配,意为“正在洽谈”。
6.from;withdrawal 考查介词和名词。句意:军队已经从城里撤退了,而且撤退是秘密进行的。withdraw from表示“从……撤退”,故第一空填from;第二空作主语,用名词形式withdrawal,意为“撤军;撤退”。
7.murderer 考查名词。句意:没有人知道他为什么变成一个冷血杀手。设空处前为冠词和形容词,故设空处应填名词,表示“一个冷血杀手”,需将动词murder词尾加 er变为名词murderer,故填murderer。
易错归因 本题易错填murder,原因是murder以 er结尾,学生可能误认为其意思与人相关。但murder这个词要特殊记忆,该词表示“谋杀”,可为动词或名词,表示“杀人犯”要在其后面再加一个 er。
类比启发 与murder相似,以 er结尾但不表示人的常见单词还有:drawer 抽屉;cooker厨灶;airliner班机;typewriter打字机。还有一些以 er结尾的词既可以表示人也可以表示物,如printer 打印机,印刷工人;washer洗衣机,洗涤者。
8.was arrested/had been arrested 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:他因为醉酒驾车而被捕了,这让他所有的朋友大吃一惊。根据非限制性定语从句中的时态可知,设空处表示的是发生在过去的事情,可以用一般过去时,也可以用过去完成时强调其动作发生在从句动作之前。设空处提示词与主语He(第三人称单数)是被动关系,应用被动语态,故填was arrested或had been arrested。
Ⅳ.1.without mercy 2.are home to 3.vast amounts of 4.take action 5.so that
Ⅴ.1.Teaching high school students 2.so that we can protect 3.such an interesting game that 4.Hearing my words;expressing his strong/firm determination
Ⅰ.1.damaging 考查形容词。根据is和very可知,此处需要用形容词damaging作表语,意为“造成破坏的;有害的”。故填damaging。
2.are hunted 考查主谓一致、时态和语态。句意:鲸和海豚因为它们的肉或所谓的研究被捕杀。根据本文的语境可知用一般现在时,结合句意,主语Whales and dolphins(复数)和hunt之间是被动关系,所以用一般现在时的被动语态。故填are hunted。
3.to 考查介词。be home to为固定搭配,意为“是……的家园”。故填to。
4.possessions 考查名词复数。句意:海洋是生物的家园,不是人类的财产。根据前面的名词所有格可知这里应填名词,意为“财产”,possess的名词形式为possession,表示“财产”一般用复数形式。故填possessions。
5.so 考查并列连词。句意:它比我们所认为的更加脆弱,因此我们应该尽最大的努力保护它。根据句意可知,前后内容之间是因果关系,故用并列连词so。
6.To understand 考查不定式。句意:为了了解我们的地球,我们必须探索覆盖了其大部分(面积)的海洋。此处应用不定式作目的状语,且置于句首,注意首字母大写,故填To understand。
7.which/that 考查定语从句。设空处无提示词,前面是名词oceans,将名词放入从句中,意义完整,所以推测设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词oceans,指物,关系词在从句中作主语,故用关系词which或that。
8.its 考查形容词性物主代词。句意:更多地了解海洋将有助于我们更好地使用它的资源。提示词是it,后面是复数名词resources,结合句意可知,此处表示所属关系,所以用形容词性物主代词。故填its。
9.accessing 考查动名词作主语。句意:此外,进入深海可能会帮助人们预测可怕的事件。分析句子可知, “ 9  (access) the deep ocean”作句子的主语,且这里不是表示某次具体的动作,故用动名词表示抽象概念,故填accessing。
10.probably 考查副词。提示词为形容词,句子结构完整,所以推知设空处用副词作状语。故填probably。
Ⅱ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了科学家们开发出的一种利用海底地震声波测量整个海洋盆地的温度变化的技术。
1.D 词义猜测题。根据第一段最后一句可知,利用这种技术可以测量整个海洋盆地的温度变化;根据第三段第二句可知,在新的研究中,吴文博和他的同事们表明他们可以用地震产生的声音来测量海洋的温度变化。由此推知,“a technique”指的是“利用地震的声音”。故选D项。
2.D 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句可知,每对地震要满足发生在同一地点、不同时间这一条件,研究人员才能测量声波加速的程度,进而测量出海洋温度的变化。所以研究的关键(crucial)是“每对地震的发生都是有条件的”。故选D项。
3.B 细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句可知,分析结果显示,最近的地震中地震波的传播速度比以前快了零点几秒——这一差异意味着每十年变暖0.04摄氏度的趋势。由此可知海洋温度在过去的十年间上升了。故选B项。
4.B 主旨大意题。文章第一、二段表明现在科学家们开发了一种技术,可以测量整个海洋盆地的温度变化;第三段对该技术进行解释说明,研究人员最初提议使用人工声源,但由于担心对海洋动物的影响,该提议被阻止,之后在新的研究中,他们发现可以用地震产生的声波来代替;最后一段则说明了利用这项技术测量出了海洋温度升高的量。所以这篇文章主要介绍了可以通过海底地震产生的声波来研究海洋变暖,B项“海震声波:海洋变暖的追踪者”符合文章主旨。故选B项。
【高频词汇】 1.absorb v.吸收 2.propose v.提议,建议
3.depend on取决于;依赖 4.be related to 与……有关
5.roughly adv.粗略地,大约 6.sensitive adj.脆弱的;敏感的 7.originally adv.起初,原来 8.pick up 接收
9.speed up加速 10.analysis n.分析,分析结果
11.reveal v.揭示 12.considering prep.考虑到,鉴于
【熟词生义】 1.arrest v.阻止 2.translate to相当于
【差距词汇】 1.seismologist n.地震学家 2.bounce off反射;反弹
原句 The idea dates back to the 1970s, when researchers first proposed using sound waves to study ocean warming, because the speed of sound through water depends on the physical properties(性质) of the water, which are related to temperature.
分析 这是一个主从复合句。“The idea dates back to the 1970s”是主句,when引导定语从句,修饰先行词the 1970s;when引导的定语从句中包含了because引导的原因状语从句;而原因状语从句中又包含了which引导的非限制性定语从句。
译文 这个想法可以追溯到20世纪70年代,当时研究人员首次提出使用声波来研究海洋变暖,因为声音通过水的速度取决于水的物理性质,而这些性质与温度有关。
Ⅲ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了过度捕捞造成的严重影响。
1.G 细节句。上文提到,由于过度捕捞,浅水鱼的数量严重减少。人们仍然想吃鱼,所以渔业必须考虑其他来源,特别是大西洋深水。G项“这导致许多被捕获物种的数量急剧下降。”承接上文,指出这么做带来的结果,符合逻辑。故选G。
2.D 细节句。 上文指出五种深海鱼的数量已经减少了87%到98%。D项“这就把它们归入了‘极危物种’的范畴。”承接上文,为上文带来的结果,符合文意。故选D。
3.C 细节句。 上文指出深海鱼类繁殖需要很长的时间,而且可以存活很多年,下文指出深海鱼体型减小,导致繁殖量下降。C项“不幸的是,它们的繁殖率很低。”与上下文都是在讲深海鱼的繁殖。故选C。
4.F 细节句。上文指出捕鱼者过度捕捞深海鱼类,认为它们繁殖得很快。F项“这就像杀死大象,好像它们的繁殖速度和兔子一样。”用类比的方式来说明渔业的从业者没有考虑到事实,过度捕捞深海鱼,故选F。
5.A 细节句。该段第一句指出过度捕捞带来的危害不仅局限于对海洋环境的影响,由此可知本段要讲海洋环境破坏以外的影响。第二句指出数百万人依靠渔业生活,对应设空处后面谈到的“sustain their livelihoods(维持他们的生计)”。A项“数十亿人依赖鱼类获取蛋白质。”对应设空处后面谈到的“ensure food security(确保粮食安全)”。故选A。
【高频词汇】 1.decline n.减少,变小,下降v.下降,减少,变小,谢绝 2.as a result of由于 3.conservation n.保护 4.trend n.趋势 5.emphasise v.强调;重视
6.take...into account顾及,考虑到…… 7.make a living谋生 8.conserve v.保护 9.sustain v.维持;保持
【差距词汇】 1.can well很可能 2.offspring n.后代;幼崽 3.livelihood n.生活;生计
情节线 情感线
时间 暑假 害羞,害怕 与人交流 讨厌餐馆的 工作,无奈 地接受 害怕,感 到糟糕 看到父母带 回家的猫,坏 情绪消失 质疑父母的话 想到工作,心 里很烦;想到 猫丢了,心 里更烦了 吃惊 宠物猫失而 复得的兴奋 不再质疑 父母的话
地点 餐馆,车站
人物 作者,父母
动物 宠物猫
情节 背景 父母让作者在暑假期间去餐馆工作,希望改变作者害羞的性格。
开端 作者感到在餐馆的经历很糟糕,但看到父母带给他的宠物猫,作者的不快消失了。
发展1 宠物猫走丢了,作者寻找了三天都未找到,于是打算放弃。父母告诉作者只要不放弃,就会有奇迹。
发展2 在去餐馆工作的路上,作者在等公交车时利用多余的时间试图最后再寻找一次宠物猫。几分钟后,作者在一棵树旁边发现了一只又脏又虚弱的猫。
续写方向 Para. 1 我睁大了眼睛,惊讶地发现那正是我们家的猫。(段首句)
①作者见到猫后有何反应(动作描写) ②作者对父母告诉他的话的态度产生了什么转变
Para. 2 我受到了鼓舞,冲到公交车站,决定不放弃这份兼职工作。(段首句)
①作者的态度发生了怎样的改变 当天的工作情况有无改观 ②作者害羞和害怕与人交流的性格改变了吗 ③作者有何感悟
One possible version:
Paragraph 1:
My eyes widened, and I was surprised to find it was just our cat. Excited, I walked right up to him. While I carried him in my arms, he pushed his dirty face towards mine. I wept for joy because I had found my cat. I turned around and took him to rush home. Seeing me carrying our cat, my mother was surprised. When I showed him to her, she said, “Just as I told you, a miracle may happen as long as you don’t give up.” This time, I nodded and smiled.
Paragraph 2:
Encouraged,I rushed to the bus stop and decided not to give up the part time job. “Maybe it’ll indeed change me if I stick to it,” I told myself while heading towards the restaurant. Still feeling a little tired and afraid while I was working that day, I was better than before. And I continued doing the job. Eventually, I miraculously found I dared to look directly at the customers and communicate with them with a confident smile. My parents were happy about my changes. When my job ended that summer, I wrote a sentence in my journal: “Don’t give up before a miracle happens.”
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