Unit 3 Can you tell me the way
教学内容:本课教学内容为四年级上册Unit 3 Lesson 11,为本单元第三课时。本单元的话题是在恰当的语境中围绕“问路与指路”展开,并提供了围绕这一主题的丰富场景:一位女士开车外出,询问加油站在哪里,果果和爸爸为她指路,告诉了她行车路线。之后的练习引导学生如何看懂地图,找对地点,根据地图所给的提示准确的表达如何到达指定位置,并通过对话题的操练,提升个人综合素养。主要句型包括:“Can you tell me the way to… ”“Please…on, and then… .”涉及的新的词汇包括“gas station,turn left/right, at the first/second... corner”等。本课时重点放在听说训练上。学生情况:知识基础:四年级的学生通过三年半年的英语学习,已经有了初步的听、说、读、写的能力。二上学习了park, cinema, bookstore, museum 等表场所的词汇。二下学习了表示方位的词汇 behind , on , under, in等。三上学习了序数词 first, second, third, fourth, fifth ,sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth。就本单元而言,在前两课(L9、L10)中已经学习了有关指路问路的相关句型,这为本课的学习奠定了很好的基础。 生活基础:本届学生是跟着北京版教材一起长大的孩子。所以不存在与师大版衔接的问题。他们大多处在一个喜欢模仿,愿意帮别人做事情的年龄。就指路这个话题,相信绝大多数学生在日常生活中都遇到过。此外,随着全球化的发展,学生走出国门的机会逐步的增多,他们在国外也会遇到问路的情况,而在国内同样会遇到为外国人指路的情况。所以,学会用英语问路和指路就是本单元学生的兴趣点,以及他们需要到达的语言目标要求。更加体现了英语学科的工具性。 教学方式:采用师生互动,生生互动。教学手段:利用图片,课件等多媒体手段创设情境,激发兴趣,提高实效。 技术准备:教师: 多媒体课件、单词卡片、活动材料。 学生: 活动材料
(一)教学目标:1. 能够初步运用“Can you tell me the way to… ”向他人问路,并用“Please drive on,and then… ”给他人指路。2. 能够听懂认读gas station, fire station, restaurant, cinema, museum, supermarket等场所类词汇以及drive on, turn left/right, at the first corner等短语。3. 能够分角色朗读对话,并尝试创编相同话题的对话。4. 能够在为他人指路活动的角色扮演活动中,体验到帮助他人的快乐。(二)教学重点:1. 能够初步运用“Can you tell me the way to… ”他人问路,并用“Please drive on,and then… ”给他人指路。2. 能够听懂认读gas station, fire station, restaurant, cinema, museum, supermarket等场所类词汇以及drive on, turn left/right, at the first corner等短语。(三)教学难点:能在情境中理解并在交流中初步运用给他人之路的表达方法“Please drive on,and then turn left at the first corner,”“It’s on your right..”
一、Warming up T: (Show the map of a city.) Can you tell the places Ss: Say the places on the map such as bookstore, cinema, fire station. T: This is a sunny morning, Guoguo and her father walk to the bookstore. Where is the bookstore Can you tell the way to the bookstore Ss: Try to tell the way.T: To demonstrate the phrases“walk on, turn right, the first/second corner”on the map.【设计意图: 有效启动与热身, 激活思维和旧知 】二、Listen and say1. Lead inT: What’s wrong with the car Ss: Look at the picture and try to tell the reason. (The car is out of gas.)T: Where does the woman want to go (Elicit the new word: gas station)She wants to ask Guoguo and her father the way What will she say Ss: Try to ask the way. 【设计意图: 情景铺垫与导入 , 初步感知与预测 】 2. Dialog to learn1)T: Let’s listen and tell.Ss: Listen to the woman’s words and tell what they heard.T: Show the sentences: “Excuse me.Where can I find a gas station ” “There is one. It’s not far. ” “Can you tell me the way ”Ss: Read the sentences.2)T: Please draw the route according to father’s instructions.Ss: Listen to Guoguo’s father and draw the route on the map. Then find the gas station. 【设计意图: 先听再画,理解语言 】3)T: Does she know the way Try to fill in the blanks.The lady: I see. I should __________, and then_____________________________. Guoguo’s Dad: Yes.The gas station is ________________. You can’t miss it Ss: To predict their words. Then listen to the dialog and check.【设计意图: 在理解的基础上补足对话,从而内化语言 】 4)Guoguo and her father make sure that the lady knows the way. Their faces showed happily smele.Why ( Elicit the words: Take pleasure in helping people. )三、Practise1. Watch and say 【设计意图: 跟录音朗读,内化对话内容,纠正单词发音. 】2. Choose one picture or two pictures to read with your partner. 朗读标准发音准确 I can read correctly. 朗读流利 I can read fluently. 声音洪亮 I can read loudly. 【设计意图: 自主选择朗读内容,尊重学生差异,让更多的学生有展示的机会。】四、Extention : Who can help me to find the places T: (Give an example with one child.)T: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the museum S1: (Look at the map on page23 of the textbook) Please walk on, and then turn left at the second corner.You can see it on your right. Ss: Ask and anser with partners.【设计意图: 结合实际生活,真实互动表达交流, 发展语用能力。】 五、HomeworkPlease draw the map of your community, and show the way to your school.
评价方式:每个孩子都渴望成功,每个孩子都希望得到肯定和鼓励。所以,整节课中我以个人评价和小组评价相结合的方式对学生学习效果进行评价: 1.个人评价:当学生听,说,读,展示等几个环节表现出色时,教师及时给予口头表扬. 2.小组评价: 教师将全班分为6大组,课堂上根据每组成员的表现(包括纪律的和参与度的评价)进行比赛。到最后,看哪个组爬的最高,组内成员将每人获得一个附有本课功能句的精美图片。 总之,在整个评价过程中,通过不同形式的表扬、激励,鼓励学生积极表达,踊跃参与,让每个学生都体验到成功的快乐,树立学习英语的自信心。