人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration Using Languag课件(共62张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration Using Languag课件(共62张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 4.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-10-23 14:28:10



Unit 3 Sea Exploration
Using Language
Using Language Ⅰ
Get to know about whales and other sea animals
Teaching objectives:
By the end of this period, you will be able to…
get the main idea and the key details by listening to the conversation.
learn to use some words and phrases to express sequence.
develop the awareness of protecting sea animals.
4. make a plan for a trip to see the animals.
Lead in
How much do you know about these sea animals
Read the poster below and discuss the questions.
What aspect of the camp would you like best
Do you think it is important to carry out research on whales and other sea creatures
I would like the opportunity to see the whales close up best.
This research helps us learn more about the wonderful world we live in, and it also helps us learn more about these amazing creatures so that we can better protect them.
Listening for main idea
Listening Tips:
Make short notes & write key words
Listen to the conversation and answer the following question.
What three things were the campers asked to do
To find out some facts for a whale profile.
To think about why they do whale research.
To go out with and write a report of the work they do.
Listening for idioms
Listen to the conversation again and number the following sentences in the correct order.
After that ,we gave the group of whales a name, and each member a number
They will be added to the diretory so we can identify them in the future.
Most whales have slightly different fins and marks, which can help us to tell them apart.
Meanwhile, we also noted their location, so we can track their movements and plot their migration path.
Then we took pictures of their fins.
Finally, we contacted other whale research groups around the world to share the information with them.
1 First, we followed a group of whales with the boat.
Later, we created a database of their fins and locations.
Listening for key information
How many species of whales are there
What is the criterion to divide the main types of whales
What do whales use sound for
Why do the campers take pictures of the whales’ fins
Why do they contact other research groups?
Over 80.
The criterion is whether they have teeth or not.
They use sounds to communicate and hunt.
This can help them to tell the whales apart.
They want to share the information with them.
Draw a mind-map to show the basic information about whales.
Brainstorm expressions showing sequence in the speaking .
Firstly, secondly, first of all, after that, next, later,
meanwhile, finally
Tell their partner about what happened in the whale watching camp.
A: Today we learnt about whales and whale research. First, we found some information and facts about whales. We used the library and the Internet.
B:What did you do after that
A: Well, after that we thought about why we do whale research.
B:But why do we do whale research
A: There are lots of reasons. First of all, we need to know how many whales there are. Then, we need to know where they go. And finally, we need to understand more about them.
B:Then what did you do next
A: After that, we went out whale watching, following a group of whales in a boat.
B:That sounds neat. Did you just watch them, or did you do anything else
A: We started by taking pictures of their fins, so we could tell them apart. At the same time, we noted their location, so we could track them.
B: What did you do afterwards
A: We created a database and gave each whale a name and number. Then finally, we shared our information with other whale research groups around the world.
B:It all sounds so wonderful! I wish I could have joined you.
A: I do, too.
Watching and Talking
Watch the video Protecting Biodiversity and then talk with your partner and make a plan for a trip to see the animals.
For our trip, we would like to go to the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium. We can first visit the special exhibition of saving sharks. Then we can go to see the seahorses whose number declined greatly for the past decade. However, most people do not know much about seahorses at all. I think we need to raise awareness about seahorses and marine conservation in China. The last spot will be The Chinese Pavilion, which displays the aquatic organisms and bio-system in the Yangtze River and some national endangered rare aquatic creatures, like Chinese alligator and Chinese Sturgeon.
Using Language Ⅱ
Express your opinions on sea exploration
Teaching objectives:
By the end of this period, you will be able to…
1. figure out the organization and language feature of an argumentative essay.
2. learn to express their opinion on sea exploration .
3. write an argumentative essay on sea exploration.
4. develop a proper attitude on sea exploration.
discover new species
detect energy resources
predict potential disasters
Pre-reading: Warming up
What do you know about sea exploration
Pre-reading: Discussion
What are the advantages and disadvantages of sea exploration
Advantages of sea exploration
1. Play a fundamental role in filling in the gaps on the blank information regarding the ocean.
2. Offer information needed to better understand environmental changes and protect the sea.
3. Help predict the potential disasters, such as earthquakes and tsunamis.
4. Detect some new resources from the ecosystems that might give benefits to the medical drugs and other products.
5. Lead people to locate the parts in the ocean that are actually full of resources for us.
Pre-reading: Discussion
Disadvantages of sea exploration
1. Continuous exploration may lead to overfishing.
2. Cause damage to some ocean creatures or marine life forms.
3. Lead to the destruction of ocean treasures.
4. Possibility of risks to ruin the ecosystems around the area.
5. Lead to the waste of money, time, and energy.
Pre-reading: Discussion
Read quickly for general understanding and answer the questions.
1. What’s the genre (体裁) of the two texts
Argumentative essay
2. What are the authors’ attitudes to sea exploration in these two texts
Text 1: opposed
Text 2: supportive
Look at the two charts below and decide which
one supports which text.
Text 2
Text 1
In groups, discuss the following questions and
take notes.
1. What is your opinion about sea exploration Do
you agree with one argument more than the other
I think sea exploration is a wonderful idea, because even if there are no immediate rewards for it, to explore and find out more about our world is always a good thing.
2. Has your opinion changed after reading the two texts
Why or why not
Yes, my opinion has changed. Before reading Text 1, I did not know that sea exploration could add to sea pollution, via deep sea drilling for example.
3. Are there any other aspects of sea exploration not
mentioned that you think are important
We do not know what we don’t know; we need to explore the ocean so that we can better understand issues such as acidification which leads to seawater to become more acidic, and how to fight these problems; studying the ocean causes the creation of new technologies that can help us in other areas.
To analyzes the arguments and evidence in the texts.
To express your opinions on sea exploration.
To learn to write an argumentative essay with the help of PEEL method.
vt. 开发;利用;剥削
n. 加仑(容积单位,1英制加仑约等于4.5升)
vt. 谋杀;凶杀;毁坏
n. 谋杀;凶杀
n. 仁慈;宽恕;恩惠
n. [usually pl.]个人财产;拥有;控制
n. 反对者;对手;竞争者
vt. 把……载入正式记录;记录
n. 正式记录;日志;原木
adj. 海的;海产的;海生的
Should the sea be explored
benefits :
1. new sources of food .
2. We can get fossil fuels such as oil ,gas and coal .
negative effects :
1. Spilling oil into the sea causes pollution.
2. plastic pollution
What are the two authors’ opinions about the sea exploration
Let’s learn more details in the passage .
fast reading : read the first paragragh and the last
the author of text 1:
agree with the sea exploration or disagree with it
the author of text 2:
agree with the sea exploration or disagree with it
Skim the two texts and answer the questions below.
1. What is the text type of the two texts
A. Narration (记叙文).
B. Exposition (说明文).
C. Practical writing (应用文).
D. Argumentation (议论文).
2. What are the three parts in argumentative
a call to action号召
Read the two texts silently and find the arguments
划横线and evidence 划波浪线
Text 1
para.1 ---main argument主论点
Sea exploration has caused many problems and
will continue to cause more .
check the arguments分论点 and evidence论据 in it.
1. Exploration causes pollution.
Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Plastic pollution
2. Mining for resources is
It hurts the Arctic.
Burning fossil fuels adds
to climate change.
3. Overfishing is an issue.
Whales and dolphins are
Banned, but some
countries still doing it.
P32 1
text 2 :main argument 主论点
We must explore the oceans which cover most of it .
check the arguments and evidence in Text2.
1. Sea exploration is important
for our future.
Scientific research ships
can help address important
issues like climate change.
2. Understanding more about
the sea will also help us
manage its resources better.
New medicines, food
resources and energy.
Predict events such as
3. We need new resources for
future development.
Vast amounts of resources
may be under the sea and ice.
argument evidence
para.2 分论点Exploration causes pollution. Deepwater Horizon oil spill 深海地平线号漏油事件
Plastic pollution
argument evidence
para.3 分论点 Mining for resources is damaging. 1.Burning fossil fuels adds to climate change.
2.It hurts the Arctic.
argument evidence
para.4 分论点Overfishing is an issue. 1.Whales and dolphins are hunted.
2.Banned, but some countries still doing it ,such as Japan.
argument 分论点 evidence
para.1 : Sea exploration is important for our future . 1.Scientific research ships can help address 设法解决important issues like climate change.
Text 2
argument 分论点 evidence
para.2 : Understanding more about the sea will also help us manage its resources better. 1.Logging new species,new medicines,
food resources and energy.
2.Predict events such as earthquakes.
Text 2
argument 分论点 evidence
para.3 We need new resources for future development. 1.Vast amounts of resources may be under the sea and ice,not just oil and gas but also valuable minerals 矿物质.
rock with oil
Look at the two charts below and decide
which one supports which text.
P33 2
Text 2
Text 1
check the answers 见学案P53
2. Para.1 -- Para.9
学案P51 短语:
1. add ...to ...
2. tell apart
3. take a picture of
4. mean doing sth.
5. because of
6. be home to
7. help address important issues
8. take action
9. as well as
10. vast amounts of
1. Understanding more about the sea ...
2. as technology improves...
3. only to find...
4. so much that ...
5. ...alive
1. exploiting 2. damaging 3. was banned
4. without 5.to 6. possessions
7. Opponents 8. its 9.and 10. economic
text 1 : overexploiting & causing many problems
过度开发 导致许多的问题
text 2 :We should seek for balance between economic needs and environmental risks when we explore the sea.
What is your opinion about sea exploration
Do you agree with one argument more than the other
I think sea exploration is a wonderful idea, because even if there are no immediate rewards for it, to
explore and find out more about our world is always a good thing.
1. Although this was banned in 1982, some countries are still “murdering” these intelligent creatures without mercy.
尽管早在1982年就已禁止, 但有的国家仍地无情地“谋杀”这些聪明的动物。
本句是一个复合句。some countries are...是主句;although=though是从属连词,意为“虽然……;尽管……”,引导让步状语从句。
表示“虽然”,两者大致同义,可换用,只是 although 比 though 更为正式。
Though/Although it was raining, we went outside.
although一般不用作副词,而 though 可用作副词,且一般放在句末(不放在句首),意为“可是;不过”。
It’s hard work; I enjoy it though.
在 as though(好像,仿佛)、even though(即使,纵然)等固定短语中不能用 although。
He is an honest man, I must say, even though I don’t like him.
though引导的让步状语从句可用部分倒装的形式(注意:倒装后位于句首的名词之前不用冠词),但 although 一般不这样用。
Child though he was, he did quite well.
1) We will try our best to make it ________ though it is
hard work.
2) He nodded ________ though he knew everything
about it.
mercy n. if someone shows mercy they choose to forgive or to be kind to someone who they have the power to hurt or punish
eg He showed no mercy to his enemies.
at the mercy of 任……处置;
对……无能为力; 任由……摆布
beg for mercy 恳请宽恕
have mercy on/upon sb.
show mercy to sb. 对某人表示怜悯
without mercy 残忍地,毫不留情地
merciful adj. 仁慈的;宽大的
be merciful to/ towards sb 对某人仁慈
1) They showed mercy ________ their enemies.
2) The ship was ________ the mercy of the storm.
3) She got on her knees and begged ________ mercy.
2. The sea is home to life, not human beings’ possessions.
possession n. something that you own or have with you at a particular time 个人财产
if something is in your possession, you own it, or you have obtained it from somewhere
eg He had sold all his possessions and left the country.
The house has been in the family’s possession since the 1500s.
be in possession of 拥有……(主语为人)
be in the possession of (sb)= be in one’s possession(某物)被 (某人)拥有
come into one’s possession 为某人所拥有
take / come into possession of 占有;拥有
possess v. 占有,拥有;控制,支配
1) 这伙人被逮住了,人赃俱获。
The gang was caught ________ ________ ________
stolen goods.
2) 离开宾馆时请记得随身携带好你的私人物品。
Please remember to take all your ________ ___________
with you when you leave the hotel.
3) Jack是个好孩子,他有很多好品质。
Jack is a good boy and _______ _______ _______ ________.
in possession of
personal possessions
possesses many good qualities
1. varieties of 各种各样的
2. die out 灭绝
3. on the one hand...on the other hand 一方面…,另一方面……
4. as a matter of fact/ in fact/ actually 事实上
5. take measures 采取措施
6. keep the balance of 保持……的平衡
7. make great efforts 努力
1. 众所周知,海底有各种各样的资源。(as引导的非限制性
As we all know, there are varieties of resources under the sea.
2.只有提高人们保护环境的意识, 努力防止污染, 才能解决这个
Only by raising people’s awareness of protecting the
environment and making great efforts to prevent pollution
can the problem be solved.
1. 海洋受污染的现状;
2. 保护海洋的重要性。
The Importance of Protecting Our Oceans
As we all know, there are varieties of resources under the sea. However, the past ten years has witnessed that some creatures have died out. Therefore, marine pollution has been greatly concerned by the whole world.
On the one hand, we must make people realize the importance of protecting the ocean. As a matter of fact, to protect the ocean is to protect human beings. On the other hand, the government should take immediate measures to keep the balance of nature. In no way should we abandon protecting the environment. Only by raising people’s awareness of protecting the environment and making great efforts to prevent pollution can the problem be solved.