人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration Reading and Thinking课件(共72张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration Reading and Thinking课件(共72张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 15.3MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-10-23 14:30:02



They (oceans) provide a breeding ground for life, connect the world and promote development.
--- Xi Jinping
--- 习近平
They (oceans) provide a breeding ground for life, connect the world and promote development.
--- Xi Jinping
Look and Discuss
1. What do think of when seeing the photo
She is diving in the sea, seemingly in harmony with the surrounding tropical fishes.
2. Do you know any sea animals
I know some well-known mammals that live in oceans including whales, seals, dolphins and polar bears.
Look and Discuss
3. What words would you use to describe the sea
The sea is full of life. Even when we cannot see ocean animals, the sea itself is constantly in motion and never standing still. It also has moods, sometimes bright and cheerful, sometimes stormy and angry.
4. How do you understand the quote
They (oceans) provide a breeding ground for life, connect the world and promote development.
--- Xi Jinping
As the cradle of life, the ocean links the whole globe together, and provides numerous resources for humans to survive, develop and prosper.
Xi called for efforts to accelerate marine sci-tech innovation, improve marine development capacity, and foster and strengthen emerging marine industries of strategic importance. (加快海洋科技创新,提高海洋发展能力,培育并加强具有战略重要性的新兴海洋产业).
They (oceans) provide a breeding ground for life, connect the world and promote development. --- Xi Jinping at 2019 China Marine Economy Expo
He stressed marine ecological conservation, marine pollution prevention and treatment, protection of marine biodiversity, orderly development and utilisation of marine resources, in a bid to leave a clean and tidy marine environment to future generations. (海洋生态保护,海洋污染防治,保护海洋生物多样性,有序发展和利用海洋资源,以为后代留下一个干净整洁的海洋环境).
Aims of this unit
In this unit, you will:
learn about sea exploration and exploitation in the past and now;
learn about protecting life in the sea;
write an argumentative essay about sea exploration;
ponder on the development of a harmonious relationship between humans and the sea.
In this lesson, you will:
Aims of this lesson
1. review the stories about sea voyages in the past;
2. learn about sea exploration and exploitation in the past
and now;
3. know about the text type, structure and the main idea of the
4. learn about the details including names of people and places.

Language points




Do you know any cartoons about the sea
Pre-reading: Lead-in
Finding Nemo
The Little Mermaid
Zheng He’s voyages
Columbus’ discovery of a new world (Italian)
Magellan’s sail around the world (Portuguese)
Pre-reading: Lead-in
Do you know any stories about sea exploration
Pre-reading: Lead-in
1. What do you think of the purpose of reaching out across the sea
2. Can you think of any problems that ancient people might meet when reaching out across the sea?
3. Why did they still carry out the task
Pre-reading: Lead-in

What are the four major types of essay that you know
While-reading: Read and think
Narrative, descriptive, expository, and argumentative.
Read the text quickly and find out what type of essay it is.
It is an expository essay.
While-reading: Read and think
How did you know
An expository essay is factual, giving information on a subject.
While-reading: Read and think
Reaching out Across the Sea
Who Why Where
It’s about how Chinese people have conducted sea explorations over time.
While-reading: Read and think
Chinese people
By sea
India, Africa …
Trade, curiosity …
Read the text and find out how the passage develops.
in ancient times
in the Ming Dynasty
in recent years
far into the future
/ Significance
India, the Middle East, Rome, the coasts of the Indian Ocean and Sri Lanka
the South China Sea, the Indian Ocean, the mouth of the Red Sea, the east coast of Africa
the ancient sea routes travelled by Zheng He, the Belt and Road Area
the Arctic
negotiate trade deals, cultural awareness
develop relations
encourage cooperation and trade, strengthen the bonds, develop the whole area for the benefit of future trade and cultural exchange
trade and enhance relationships
understand climate change and its effects
Para. 2
Para. 5
Para. 4
Para. 3
Para. 6
While-reading: Read and think
While-reading: Read and think
Reaching out Across the Sea (an expository essay) Para. 1
Para. 2 ~ 3
Para. 4 ~ 5
Para. 6
in the past
introduction to the topic
in the future
at present
How Chinese people have conducted sea explorations over time.
Time Order
1. What is the purpose for Chinese people to reach out across the sea, and do you have different ideas now
Read the text again and find out the detailed information.
While-reading: Read and think
Today, trade and curiosity remain motivations of China’s sea explorations, moreover we are consciously pursuing cooperation, bonds, development of the whole area and benefits for mankind as a whole.
The changes in purpose / significance reflect the progress of human mind over time, but also demonstrate the fact that China is much stronger today than ever before so that we can be much more involved in international affairs and shoulder much greater responsibility for mankind.
2. How much do you know about the Belt and Road Initiative
While-reading: Read and think
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is also known as the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road. The initiative calls for the integration (融合) of the region into a cohesive economic area through building infrastructure (基础设施), increasing cultural exchanges, and broadening trade.
3. What do you think is the significance of the Belt and Road Initiative
While-reading: Read and think
The aim of this initiative is to encourage cooperation and trade across the historical Silk Road areas, and strengthen the bonds between China and the rest of the world.
It will lead to greater integration of China with other countries.
4. What are the benefits and problems brought about by sea exploration
While-reading: Read and think
They got new products from many different countries and became more aware of other cultures.
In some cases, this led to invasion and conquest.
Ⅰ. 文本整体理解: 理清文章架构
1. Skim the passage and fill in the blanks
2. What is the text type of the passage
A. Narration. (记叙文)
B. Argumentative essay. (议论文)
C. Expository writing. (说明文)
D. Practical writing. (应用文)
答案: A
Ⅱ. 文本细节理解: 探寻语篇细节信息
Choose the best answer
1. Where did people meet to do business
A. Ceylon.
B. India.
C. Rome.
D. China.
2. Which word can be used to describe Zheng He’s fleet
A. Impressive.
B. Worrisome.
C. Aggressive.
D. Fearful.
3. Where did China explore with other countries
A. The Red Sea.
B. The Arctic.
C. The South China Sea.
D. The east coast of Africa.
4. Why did China start the Belt and Road Initiative
A. To begin a trading route on the ocean.
B. To make business with neighboring countries.
C. To spread the culture of China to other countries.
D. To strengthen the relationship between China and other countries.
答案: 1~4. AABD
2. 根据课文内容填空
The world the (1)__________ from west to east
merchants and explorers from east to west
China In ancient times The way The (2)_____
The (3)____ Road by land from China to India, the Middle East, and Rome
A (4)_______ route across the sea To the Indian Ocean, center on (5)_______.
The (6)_____ Dynasty Zheng He led seven large fleets. From the South China Sea across the Indian Ocean to the mouth of (7) ___________, and then to the east coast of Africa
the Red Sea
Today The 21st Century (8)_________ Silk Road Its aim To strengthen the (9)______
To encourage cooperation and trade
Explore other places, like (10)___ ______ Maritime

Post-reading: Think and discuss
Is sea exploration a good thing or a bad thing Why
Post-reading: Think and discuss
Is sea exploration a good thing or a bad thing Why
Post-reading: Think and discuss
Is sea exploration a good thing or a bad thing Why
Imagine you are a member of the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road Forum (论坛), please voice your opinion on how to conduct sea exploration without harming the environment and animals.
Post-reading: Think and discuss
They (oceans) provide a breeding ground for life, connect the world and promote development.
——Xi Jinping
Post-reading: Think and discuss
1. What achievements has China made in reaching out across the sea
2. What effects did China’s reaching out across the sea in the last past have on the world
3. What about other countries
Group Discussion
Make notes under two columns: Facts and Opinions.
Facts are statements that can be proven. Facts may be true or false. Opinions are statements that cannot be proven and argued; Opinions may be supported with facts.
Group Discussion
1. Which countries reached out across the sea in the past and why
2. What benefits and problems did those countries get from doing this
3. What effects did reaching out across the sea in the past have on the world
4. What do you think is the significance of the Belt and Road Initiative
European explores, China, India, Ceylon, African royal families;
For trade
They got new products from many countries and became more aware of other cultures;
It led to invasion and conquest.
The land and sea routes remained active channels between different cultures for centuries;
It advanced the spread of knowledge, technology, and goods, and made the world a smaller place.
The aim of it is to encourage cooperation and trade across the historical Silk Road areas, and strengthen the bonds between China and the rest of the world
It will lead to greater integration with China and other countries.
It will promote joint development, enhance mutually beneficial cooperation and develop common prosperity
Are there questions discussed on the same aspect
When you think about one historical or contemporary event, which aspects should you consider to gain a full understanding
Group Discussion
Time, event, region, purpose or significance…
Think about the following question and write a short essay
As students what contributions could we make to the Belt and Road Initiative
There is no doubt that the Belt and Road is the hottest issue recently. As students, what contributions can we make to it
Firstly, we can participate in social volunteer activities which benefit understanding the development of society deeply. In addition, we should study hard and learn more about Chinese culture so that we can spread our excellent culture to the world through our professional knowledge. Finally, English learning is important for us because we can introduce the advantages of the Belt and Road Initiative to foreigners in English and encourage more countries to join it.
All in all, we should start with little things and keep doing them.
Language points

1 form the foundation
2 set sail (from)
3 negotiate trade deals
4 a sight to behold
5 be in a league of one’s own
6 under the command of
Language points: Important phrases (P26 ~ P28)
7 in return for
8 withdraw from
9 strengthen the bonds
10 for the benefit of
11 in hand
12 press conference
从……中退出 / 撤回
Language points: Important phrases (P26 ~ P28)
1. A trading route across the sea was also extended along the coasts of the Indian Ocean, centred around Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). (Para. 2)
2. The ancient sea routes travelled by Zheng He are being revisited with the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, which is part of the Belt and Road Initiative. (Para. 4)
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
3. Although the ancient sea routes of Zheng He have been travelled many times, there are still many other places left to explore. (Para. 5)
4. Over the centuries, further trading allowed more exploration of the regions to the west of China, as recorded in Du Huan’s Record of My Travels in the eighth century. (Para. 2)
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
5. African royal families sent gifts such as giraffes as gestures of friendship in return for gold, silk, and spices. (Para. 3)
6. The aim of this initiative is to encourage cooperation and trade across the historic Silk Road areas, and strengthen the bonds between China and the rest of the world. (Para. 4)
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
7. From a scientific point of view, there is an urgent need to study the Arctic in order to understand climate change and its effects. (Para. 5)
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
1. A trading route across the sea was also extended along the coasts of the Indian Ocean, centred around Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). (Para. 2)
2. The ancient sea routes travelled by Zheng He are being revisited with the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, which is part of the Belt and Road Initiative. (Para. 4)
3. Although the ancient sea routes of Zheng He have been travelled many times, there are still many other places left to explore. (Para. 5)
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
(1) The Story of Ah Q written by Lu Xun is familiar to us.
(2) The city surrounded by mountains is my hometown.
(3) Tell the children playing there (= who are playing there) not to make so much noise.
(4) They lived in a room facing (= that faced) the south.
作定语的现在分词表示正在进行的动作 (变为从句时,要用进行时态), 或表示经常性的动作, 或现在 (或当时) 的状态 (变为从句时, 用一般时态)。
Read and Summarize
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
(2) 正在召开的这个会议很重要。
(3) Apart from the urgent problems _______ (cause) by wars and conflicts, the UN helps countries with other problems such as lack of education, lack of food, poverty, disasters and disease.
Some of them, born and brought up in rural villages, had never been to Beijing.
The meeting (which is) being held now is very important.
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
1. Please give me a knife (cut) with.
2. They are always the first (bear) hardships, the last to enjoy comforts.
3. Annie Salmon, disabled, is attended throughout her school days by a nurse ____________ (appoint) to guard her. (2014 浙江)
4. The airport ______________ (complete) next year will help promote tourism in this area. (2013 四川)
to cut
to bear
to be completed
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
When 1. ______ (ask) about poetry, most people will say that a poem is a text 2. _______ (have) rhythm and rhyme. Famous are the lines 3. _______ (write) by William Blake, which have clear rhythm and rhyme. Others will add that poems must have a certain form with a fixed number of lines and a fixed rhyme pattern, such as a sonnet. Apart from some short songs and poems 4. ________ (include) in his plays, all of Shakespeare’s greatest poems are sonnets. John Milton was one of the first poets 5. _______ (start) writing poems without rhyme at the end of the lines. Once 6. _________ (publish), his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.
to start
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
4. Over the centuries, further trading allowed more exploration of the regions to the west of China, as recorded in Du Huan’s Record of My Travels in the eighth century. (Para. 2)
5. African royal families sent gifts such as giraffes as gestures of friendship in return for gold, silk, and spices. (Para. 3)
Analyze the sentences:
Sentence 4,as 是连词,引导非限定性定语从句;
Sentence 5,as 是介词,翻译为“作为”。
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
4. Over the centuries, further trading allowed more exploration of the regions to the west of China, as recorded in Du Huan’s Record of My Travels in the eighth century. (Para. 2)
上句中as recorded 似乎不完整,但as的这种用法其实是一种省略现象。
第一,把as看作关系代词, 指代后面整个主句的内容, as是定语从句的主语,后面省略了is。因此,as recorded等于as is already recorded。
第二, 把as看作从属连词,引导方式从句,意为“像……那样”,as之后省略了it is,it指代整个主句的内容。因此,as recoded等于as it is recorded。
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
as already said 2. as already mentioned
3. as already described 4. as already discussed
5. as already noted 6. as already stated
7. as already announced 8. as already pointed out
9. as already indicated 10. as already hinted
11. as already told 12. as already shown
13. as already emphasized 14. as already observed
15. as already explained 16. as already suggested
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
(1) ______ you know, if you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do it automatically.
(2) And our porters carry your luggage, ______ means that you can simply enjoy the experience.
(3) Smoking is harmful to one’s health, ______ is known to us all.
(4) It was raining heavily last night, _______ prevented me from going to the party.
(1) as引导的非限制性定语从句可置于主句前,而which则不能;
(2) as引导的非限制性定语从句有“正如”之意,而which没有此义。
Compare and Find
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
1. 如前所述,反映平均收入有许多方法,包括每个人口,每一工人,或每一工时的平均收入。
2. 正如已经讨论的,顾客有不同于用户的目标。
Customers, as already discussed, have different goals than users.
As already noted, there are many ways of describing average income, including per member of the population, per worker, or per hour worked.
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
1. ________ the average age of the population increases, there are more and more old people to care for.
2. He smiled politely ________ Mary apologized for her drunken friends.
3. Hot ______ the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.
4. Just ______ a single word can change the meaning of a sentence, a single sentence can change the meaning of a paragraph.
5. — Coach, can I continue with the training
— Sorry, you can’t ________________ you haven’t recovered from the knee injury.
as / when
as / for / because
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
1. I’m as tall as him.
2. There are lots of famous buildings as the Eiffel Tower and the Arch of Triumph.
3. He works as a tour guide.
4. You ought to do as Paul tells you.
5. We didn’t know what to do as we were just visiting there.
6. He has earned as much money as I have.
adv 跟……一样地;同样地
adv 如同;例如
prep 作为;以……的身份
conj 像……一样;依照;像
conj 因为
pron (与such, the same, as等连用,引导从句) 与……相同的物或人
Read and Summarize
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
“把……看作……”如何表达? regard … as … consider… as …
eye … as … treat … as …
think of … as … take … as …
have … as … keep … as …
see … as … count … as …
view… as … respect … as …
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
6. The aim of this initiative is to encourage cooperation and trade across the historic Silk Road areas, and strengthen the bonds between China and the rest of the world. (Para. 4)
the aim of sth is to do sth 某事的目的是做某事
strengthen the bonds 加强联系
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
with all one’s strength 竭尽全力;全力以赴
go from strength to strength 不断壮大;越来越强
build up one’s strength 恢复体力
strengths and weaknesses 优点和缺点
strengthen one’s body 强健身体
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)
7. From a scientific point of view, there is an urgent need to study the Arctic in order to understand climate change and its effects. (Para. 5)
there is an urgent need to do sth 迫切需要做某事
There is no need _______ and it’s no use __________ there too early.
A. to rush; arriving B. to worry; to arrive
C. worrying; arriving D. to rush; to arrive

固定句型:there is no need to do sth 没必要做某事
it is no use doing sth 做某事没用处
Translate into Chinese
Language points: Important sentences (P26 ~ P27)

Write about your ideas about the future of China’s sea exploration. And express your attitude towards the efforts that China has made in sea exploration. You’re expected to use the language and the writing techniques learnt from the passage.