人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career Using Language课件(共57张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career Using Language课件(共57张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 8.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-10-23 14:45:53



Using lanugage
Unit 5 开启你的职业生涯
Using Language Ⅰ
Choose a university major
Teaching objectives:
By the end of this period, you will be able to…
Identify the source of the information you are listening to by identifying the key words that suggest the source of the information.
Master language functional items for expressing choices, intentions and opinions.
Comment on a current news case about college major selection, express your own views and discuss the topic of major selection in depth.
Public health
Computer game
Bio-medical engineering
Data science
Look at the pictures below. Discuss in pairs which university major each picture might show.
What do you know about these majors What can be the possible requirements for these majors
Requirements China UK USA
Get a good grade
Pass the entrance exam
Write an essay
Listen to the conversation and tick the chart according to what is needed to get into a good university in each country.
Activity 1:
Focus on keywords
Don't try to catch every word in a conversation. Instead, listen for key words and phrases. You should focus on getting the main idea, not on the single words or grammar.
Student Chosen major Reason
Liu Ming
Listen to the conversation again, and take notes on what each student would like to study and why.
Computer game design
to design fun games for
children to learn with
International business
to find work overseas and see more of the world
interested in futuristic things
Activity 2:
1. What did Liu Ming say about cybersecurity and data science
2. What did Susan say she was told
3. What did Olivia say they need to do to get into good universities
Activity 3:
Listen again and answer the questions below.
LM: How about cybersecurity or data science I read that ________________________________________________________________ But I'm hopeless at programming!
S:That's a good point. I was told ______________________
O:Yes, and don't forget that where you study is also important, too. I'm planning on taking a few campus tours to see what the atmosphere and facilities are like.
LM:Good idea! I really hope that we can all find good universities.
S:Me,too. I hope we are all lucky and find great universities.
O:Luck Ha-ha! I think we all need to ________________
they're really fascinating subjects if you're good at computer
that there's no point choosing a subject that you like but you're not very good at
start studying even
harder, too!
1. What did Liu Ming say about cybersecurity and data science
2. What did Susan say she was told
3. What did Olivia say they need to do to get into good universities
Identify references
When we speak, we often refer to someone else's opinion or what we have heard, read, or been told. When expressing this in speech, we use phrases such as I heard/read that. . . , according to. . . , I was told that. . . , etc.
Activity 3:
Listen again and answer the questions below.
1 He read that they're really fascinating subjects if you're good at computer programming.
2 She was told that there's no point in choosing a subject that you like but you're not very good at.
3 According to Olivia, they need to start studying even harder.
1. Do you agree with Olivia's parents when they say that a person's career might depend on what university they get into Why or why not
2. Do you agree that there is no point studying something
that you like but you are not very good at Give your reasons.
Activity 4:
Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
In pairs, tell each other about the major(s) you would like
to choose. Use the expressions below to help you.
Expressing choices,wishes, intentions, and opinions
Activity 5:
Choices I'd choose. . .because. . .
If possible, I'd really like to ...
Wishes I'm not sure if that suits you, because. . .
I think that is really difficult because. . .
I think you are really suited to that because . . .
That's a good choice, but I think you should. . .
Are you sure that's a good choice
Have you thought about...
Intentions I'm not sure what I want to study yet, but right now I'm thinking about. . . because . .
Opinions I plan/hope/wish to. . .
My goal/dream is to . . .
I've always wanted to. . .
Technology could lead 45% of current jobs disappearing in the future.
How could we face the problem and choose our major in university
Critical thinking
In the end of this period, are you able to…
Identify the source of the information you are listening to by identifying the key words that suggest the source of the information.
Master language functional items for expressing choices, intentions and opinions.
Comment on a current news case about college major selection, express your own views and discuss the topic of major selection in depth.
Using Language II
Apply for a summer job
What are the steps for applying for it
Search the most popular web-sites and news-papers for
recruitment information
Select the post you want to apply for
Write a CV(resume) and cover letter(求职信)
Send CV and cover letter
Wait for the interview
A place or a site where young people go on summer holiday/ vacation and take part in various activities or a particular activity.
2 What is a summer camp
restaurant server
summer camp helper
3 What kinds of summer job can a student apply for
1 Read the texts and then answer the questions below.
1. What are these three different texts about What type
of texts are they
The first text is a job advertisement looking for
helpers at a summer camp.
Have you ever read the advertisements like these
for a dangerous journey: small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, and safe return uncertain. Honour and reward will follow if it is successful.
Ernest Shackleton
The second letter is an application (letter) or a cover letter for that job as a camp helper.
The third is the CV of the job applicant.
2. What kind of person is required for the job
An active and outgoing person who is passionate about Chinese culture and would like to meet and help young people from other countries.
3. What experience does the applicant have with foreign languages How has the applicant displayed her knowledge of Chinese culture
She has travelled to several English-speaking countries and has also helped to organized a three-day tour of my city for visiting exchange students. She has certificate in Chinese Calligraphy and taught after-school classical calligraphy classes.
1 Read the job ad again and match the main idea of each paragraph.
Para. 1
Para. 2
Para. 3
Para. 4
Para. 5
A. The way to apply
B. The requirements for the applicants
C. The job responsibility
D. The recruiting unit, the advertised job, and the
site of the summer camp
E. Relevant questions to attract your attention
and personality requirements for the applicants
2 Read the cover letter and match the main idea of each paragraph.
Para.1  A. Experience with animals, organization and
leadership skills (Other social practice experience)
Para.2 B. Friendly and welcoming attitude towards the post
Para.3 C. Good handwriting and relevant teaching experience
Para.4 D. Closing: Looking forward to a reply
Para.5 E. Foreign language level and relevant practical
experience and skills.
Para.6 F. The purpose of the letter(The hope of the applicant)
2 Find the details of these requirements in the job advertisement, and report your findings to the class. (Page 57, Ex. 2)
Job responsibility
Personality and attitude
Language skills
Experience and skills
Detailed reading
camp helpers who help attend to hundreds of foreign students, supervising and /or helping out in a variety of tasks and recreational activities
active and outgoing, enthusiastic, friendly,
welcoming attitude
a good level of English
good organisational and teamwork skills, a passion for Chinese and international culture,
experience with animals, good handwriting
3 How does the applicant respond to each of the job requirements
Job ad Application letter CV
Langugae A good level of English
Skills Good organisational and teamwork skills
P57 3
at an intermediate level
·PETS 3 English
helped to organize a three-day tour of her city for visiting exchange students;
volunteered at a local library to help organise the children’s section
act as captain of school table tennis team;
knew how to lead and decide on priorities
Volunteered at local library and assisted librarians in organizing children’s library section
helped organise city tour fo visiting students from Canada
Job ad Application letter CV
Cultural qualities and skills A passion for Chinese and international culture
Experience with animals
A friendly, welcome attitude
excited about the prospect of welcoming exchange students to our country
keen to give them a warm welcome and an unforgetable experience;
proficient in Chinese calligraphy;
conduct Chinese calligraphy casses
visited UK on high school exchange programme;
Plan and teach after-school classical calligraphy classes
certificate in Chinese
have experience in working with animals
· worked during holidays at a local pet shop
Excited about the prospect of...
keen to give them a warm welcome
Questions to attract attention
Structure of an advertisement
Title: what to need
Who advertises for what and where it is
Job responsibility
Requirements for the applicants
How to apply
Structure of an application/cover letter
purpose/hope/, qualifications, experience, skills, ability, quality, attitude, personality
address, phone number, email address
Five parts
What elements are included in Kelly Xu’s CV
4 Think of a job you like. Write an application letter and a CV. Try to include the following points. (Page 57, Ex. 4)
Your skills
Your experience
Your personality
What the job means to you
What special things you can offer or bring to the job
Beginning (purpose, origin of the information):
I would like to apply for the position of camp helper (advertised in/on...).
I’m writing to apply for the position you advertised in the newspaper on July 6.
I am writing in response/ reply / answer to your advertisement in Morning News for the position of guide.
Having learned from your advertisement on TV that you want/need/ are in need of / are looking for a(n) ..., I would very much like to apply for the job.
Knowing from the newspaper/your website that an office secretary is wanted/needed in your company, I’m writing to apply for the postion/post.
Please consider me as an applicant for…
Please consider me for the position of … in …
This letter/ email is in response to your advertisement in…for…
I believe I would be a valuable addition to your team.
I’m sure I’m qualified/fit for the job.
I think I’m best/well/perfectly/ideally suited to/for the job.
I think I’m highly competent/qualified to do the job.

I have (a lot of) experience of lecturing / in working/deal with ...
I have volunteered as/at/in
I worked as … before.

With my proficiency in..., I could...
I have a good command/knowledge of...
With a good knowledge of ... / ... years’ work experience in my present post as ..., I believe I can ...
Personality and attitude:
I am keen to…
Not only can/am I ..., but I’ve also ...
As a(n) ... boy / girl, I have confidence in myself.
I will be more than happy if I can…
The prospect of welcoming... to ...is very exciting.
What the job means to you:
It would be a great honour/privilege for me to work....
The job will be a good opportunity for me to contribute to society/the community.
What special things you can offer or bring to the job:
I believe my work will increase people’s awareness/knowledge/ understanding/appreciation of...
I’m sure my work will help to make the exhibition a great success.
By sharing..., I hope to promote even wider interest around the world in China’s ancient history, culture, and traditions.
I also hope to further educate people about the importance of safegarding...
I would appreciate it if you would grant me an interview.
I would be grateful if you could give my application your kind consideration / take my application into account.
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Please give me a chance. Thank you for your time.
Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to
hearing from you soon.
I would welcome an interview at any time convenient for you.
If my qualifications can meet your requirements, please grant me
an interview.
If you want to ..., please contact me at your earliest convenience at ...
第二节 书面表达(2019 全国1卷)
2. 个人优势;
3. 能做的事情
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Sir/Madam,
Li Hua
Key points about the letter
Structure (3paragraphs)
Writing to apply to be a volunteer for the Chinese painting show at the local gallery in London
You, I, it
The simple present tense
Beginning: self-introduction, writing purpose and origin of the information
Body: Your advantages and what you are good at
(personality, language level, experience, skills, attitude)
Ending: Your thanks and hope for reply
Possible version 1
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Li Hua, a student from China for further study in London this summer vacation. I am writing in response/ reply / answer to your online advertisement for the position of volunteer for your upcoming exhibition of Chinese paintings.
I believe that I’m suitably competent for the voluntary work. First, fluency in both English and Chinese gives me a head start over many other candidates on communication skills. Second, my previous experience as a volunteer in art shows qualifies me for the position with less training. Most importantly, my early and
long exposure to Chinese traditional culture, especially Chinese painting helps to give the visitors more insight into the works on display. Finally, my outgoing, enthusiastic and hardworking personality is an added advantage.
Hopefully, my application could meet your requirements. I would be much obliged if you could take it into consideration and reply me at your earliest convenience.
Li Hua

Possible verson 2
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Li Hua, a Chinese student who is taking a summer course in London now. Knowing from your website that you are recruiting/in need of volunters for the upcoming London Chinese painting exhibition, I’m more than delighted to write to apply to be a volunteer.
Having learned Enlish for 12 years, I possess a good command of spoken English. What’s more, I have participated in several similar activites, which equips me with rich relevant experences. Most importantly, my familarity with Chinese traditional culture, especially Chinese painting helps visitors enjoy the paintings on display and increase their knowledge of China.
I believe I would be a valuable addition to your team and my competence and devotion / commitment will surpass your expectations. I’d apprecitate it if you could take my application into consiertaion / if you could give me the precious opportunity / if you could accept my application. Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
Useful words and expressions
1. be passionate about sth
=have a great passion for sth 酷爱...
2. attend to sb/sth 接待(顾客)=serve; 处理,料理(business, things, matters)(生意或个人事物)
I have some urgent business __________(attend) to.
3. be required to supervise and /or help out in a variety of tasks and reacreational activities
4. supervise the research/building work 监督, 管理, 指导 (活动)(=be in charge of, control)
supervise the children playing near the pool 监管某人做某事
under sb’s supervision 在某人的监管下
monitor the progress/situation/temperature/what is going on
监测,监视, 检测(怎样变化)(=watch and check); 监听 (phone calls)
5. help (sb) out (with sth)帮助(某人)摆脱(困境)
He’s always willing to help out.
He always helps (me) out with the housework.
6. recreational/leisure activities 娱乐、消遣活动
recreation / leisure facilities 娱乐、休闲设施
7. will ideally have the following: 将最好具备以下条件
be ideally suited for the job 最适合这项工作
be ideally placed to compete/ for shops/theatres
be ideally situated/located for (enjoying the beauty of the town)
8. (have/gain/show) a high/low level of English/competence/ intelligence 具有、获得、显示出高、低水平的英语、能力、智力
9. be a valuable addition to your team 为你们团队增添价值
addition [C] 添加物, 增加物
additional adj. 额外的,另外的,附加的(=extra)
additionally adv. 除此之外,此外(=in addition, also)
additives n. (食品)添加剂
add to sth 增加 (=increase)
add up to sth 总计为...,加起来为...
The baby is a happy addition to her family.
This excellent book will be a welcome addition to the libary of any student.
10. My English is at an intermediae/a beginner/an
advanced level. 我的英语处于中级、初级、高级水平
11. organise a three-day tour of my city for visiting exchange students
12. have/gain (some/much/a lot of/rich/relevant/previous) experience in working with animals / in fashion design 在...经验
with children/animals 与打交道的经验
of lecturing/teaching 讲课、教学经验
as a teacher 当老师的经验
13. volunteer at a local libray 在(当地图书馆)当志愿者
to help organize the children’s section
for the research study 自愿参与研究
as a camp helper 自愿担任野营助手
14. decide on priorities 按事情的轻重缓急做出决定
be high on one’s list of priorities排列第一位
be a high/top/main/low/one’s first priority 是当务之急,头等大事,非重点项目
get one’s priorities right/straight 分清轻重缓急
15. with proficiency in Chinese calligraphy 由于我精通中国书法
have/with (a high level of) proficiency in English/reading
with computers
Nick’s proficiency with computers is well known.
pass the English Proficiency Test 通过英语水平考试
be proficient in several langauges/music 精通好几门语言/音乐
at this job/swimming 熟悉这门工作/游泳
at/in operating computers熟练操作电脑
a proficient driver/typist 技术熟练的司机、打字员
16. The prospect of welcoming exchange students to
our country is very exciting.
=I’m very excited at the prospect of welcoming
一想到迎接交换生来到我们的国家, 我就兴奋不已。
=Welcoming exchange students to our country is a very exciting prospect.
prospect [C] 前景, 可能的事 (be a ...~ / the ~of...)
be a scary(frightening)/exciting prospect
be excited/alamed/concerned/overjoyed...at the prospect of...
Of course, when new technology changes the way we live, it can be a scary prospect.
The prospect of marriage terrified Alice/ was terrifying.
17. be keen to do sth /be keen on doing sth
=be eager to do sth 渴望做某事
be keen on sb/sth 喜欢某人、物 ;酷爱...
take a keen interest in sth 对...极感兴趣
a keen photographer 摄影迷
18. a certificate in Chinese Calligraphy / drama education
a certificate of language proficiency 语言水平证书
a birth/marriage/degree/driving certificate