人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Art Assessing Your Progress课件(共29张PPT+1视频)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Art Assessing Your Progress课件(共29张PPT+1视频)
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文件大小 21.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-10-23 15:02:18


Unit 1 Art
Assessing Your Progress & Project
1. ___________ n. 墨水;墨汁;油墨
2. ___________ n. 画面;框架 v. 给…镶框;陷害
3. ___________ n./v. (数量、价格、质量等)减少;下降;衰落
4. ___________ n. 花瓶;装饰瓶
5. ___________ n./v. 保证;确保;担保
6. ___________ a. 值得…的;有价值的
Language points
1. ___________ a. 有代表性的 n. 代表 ___________ v. 代表;象征
2. ___________ n. 展览;表演 ___________ v. 展览;展示
3. ___________ a. 艺术的 ___________ n. 艺术家 ___________ n.艺术
4. ___________ n. 进入 ___________ v. 进入 ___________ n.入口
5. ___________ n. 承认;认出 ___________ v. 承认;意识到
6. ___________ n. 扩张;扩展 ___________ v. 扩大;扩展
Language points
1. ________________ 最后;及时
2. ________________ 陈列;展出
3. ________________ 丝绸之路
4. ________________ 赋予…生命;使…鲜活起来
5. ________________ 即将发生
6. ________________ …被准许进入/加入…
in time
on display
Silk Road
bring … to life
in store
be admitted into
Language points
Which new information concerning art have you learnt from this unit
Which artist mentioned in the unit do you like most Why
Which art style would you like to learn more about Why
Which part of this unit did you find the most difficult
How did you overcome it
Overall, I thought this unit was interesting/useful/so-so/difficult.
Complete the sentences with the correct forms
of the words in the box.
1 The first principle for any art collector is to _________ only what you love.
2 If you are not interested in works of art by classical masters, contemporary art by ________ artists is also worthy of your attention.
dimension, emerge, exhibition, guarantee, investment, purchase, recognition, representative, visual
adj. 当代的;现代的;属同时期的
3 In the art market, no one can ___________ that an artist will be a good ___________.
4 The art competition gives young artists a chance to gain ___________ from the most respected art professionals.
dimension, emerge, exhibition, guarantee, investment, purchase, recognition, representative, visual
5 Different from other ____________ art forms, sculpture operates in three ____________.
6 The ____________ From Rembrandt to Vermeer is quite _____________ of the Dutch Golden Age of art.
dimension, emerge, exhibition, guarantee, investment, purchase, recognition, representative, visual
…contemporary art by emerging artists is also worthy of your attention.
worthy adj. deserve to be thought about or treated in a particular way; describes something which should be admired for its good and useful qualities 值得……的;有价值的
be worthy of sth. 值得……的
eg Every year she makes a large donation to a worthy cause.
A couple of other books are worthy of mention.
worth, worthy, worthwhile
词条 意思 用法
worth (某物)值……钱,(某事)值得(做) 常作表语,其后可跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式
worthy 应该得到(尊重、信任、表彰等) 可作定语,be worthy of
be worthy to do
worth-while 值得花时间(或花钱、努力等)的 作定语、宾语补足语或表语,be worthwhile doing / to do sth.
The house is worth a lot of money.
Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. 
The money we raise will go to a very worthy cause.
He who does his duty is worthy of praising / to be praised. 
I felt politics was a worthwhile career.
It is worthwhile taking / to take the trouble to explain a job fully to new employees.
1 If you want to learn how to paint, my advice is __________________________.
2 My plan for the summer holiday is __________________________.
3 The most challenging thing for me might be ___________________________.
Use your own ideas to complete the sentences,
using infinitives as the predicative.
to practice every day
to visit my friend in Chengdu
to climb a high mountain
4 My ideal job is ___________________________.
5 If you want to be successful, the least you could do now is _______________________________.
6 What I want to do this weekend is __________________________.
to help people with disabilities
to take action
to relax at home with my cat
Look at the paintings below and identify each painting style. Explain how you know.
Development of western painting
The Middle Ages (5th-15th century)
The Renaissance
(14th-17th century)
(Late 19th to early 20th century)
Modern Art
(20th century-)
about Christianity
having humanism
drawing things in perspective
oil paints
paint scenes of nature or daily life
show light, shadow, color and life
realistic but dream-like quality
abstract art
The first picture (The Music, 1939 Henri Matisse) is Modern Art. It has bright and vivid colors. The shapes of the women and objects are not realistic.
It is a similar style to paintings by other modern artists such as Picasso.
The second picture (The Ballet
Class, 1871-1874, Edgar Degas) is
an Impressionist painting. It shows a
moment captured. One can feel the
movement before and after. The colors and brush strokes are also a similar style to other works of Impressionism.
The third picture (The Arnolfini Portrait, 1434, Jan van Eyck) is a classic portrait and is most likely an example of Renaissance art. The couple were probably wealthy and paid for the portrait. There are many features in the painting that seem to have deeper meaning, which is a similar style to other Renaissance works.
What new information concerning art have you learnt from this unit
Which artist mentioned in the unit do you like most Why
Which art style would you like to learn more about Why
Which part of this unit did you find the most difficult How did you overcome it
Overall, I thought this unit was
interesting useful so-so difficult.
Choose one person to be the talk show host, one person to be the artist, and the remaining members to be family members, friends, teachers, or art critics. Have each person do research on the artist and prepare notes on what he/she will say.
Notes for doing the talk show
talk show host: questions for the guests
artist: biography (传记) of the artist, philosophy (思想体系) towards art, details about his/her most representative works
family: What was the artist like when he/she was a child or growing up What was it like living with the artist What do they think of the artist’s talent and work
friends: How did they meet the artist What is the artist like as a person What do they think of the artist and his work
teacher: What was the artist like as a student Could he/she imagine that the artist would grow up to be famous
art critics: How is the artist’s work critically received
artist: Can you introduce yourself
What do you think has influenced you the most
What are your representative works
How is your relationship with the artist
What do you think of the artist
What do you think has influenced the artist the most
What do you think of the artist’s works
art critics: What positive review has the artist received
What negative review has the artist received
What do you think of the artist’s works
Now role-play your talk show before your class.
Notes for doing the talk show
Keep in mind that guests may have different opinions as to what the artist is like and how talented he/she was, so they should feel free to disagree and discuss.
If possible, the group should also find large photos or posters of the artist’s representative work to be used as talk show exhibits.
Towards the end of the talk show, the host should go out into the “audience” (i.e. the class) and take questions from the audience.
H: Talk Show Host A: Artist (Salvador Dali)
M: Artist’s mother F: Artist’s father
T: Artist’s teacher C: Art critic
H: Today I am very honored to welcome the Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dali to our studio. First, tell us a little about your life and how you first became an artist.
A: At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since. I love art, but painting is really a small part of who I am.
H: Interesting. Confidence is an importan quality for an artist! What is your philosophy towards art, and which do you think are your most representative works
A: One should strive for perfection but accept one will never reach it. As for Surrealism, it is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision. A key work of mine is The persistence of Memory. In it, I challenge the idea that time is a hard and unchanging thing, symbolized by what some people call my “melting watches”.
H: Fascinating. Welcome also to your mother, Felipa.
What was Salvador like growing up
M: He showed a keen interest in art and artistic talent from a young age, so I always tried to encourage him to pursue art.
H: This is Man Ray, a fellow surrealist artist and long-time friend of Dali How did you first meet Salvador What is he like as a friend
F: We first met in Paris with other surrealist artists. He is a loyal friend and very committed to his art. He always gets everyone s attention because he is eccentric in what he wears and does. He is fun to be around.
H: Finally, we welcome the respected art critic and author, Luis Romero. How is Dali’s work received critically
C: Although his work is often controversial, behind the outrageous images, there is great artistic skill. He is clearly influenced by Renaissance art styles.
H: Well, thank you all for your time today, and special thanks to Dali for your amazing body of work that has inspired and brought wonder to so many people over the years.