人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle Using Language课件(共64张PPT+5音频)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle Using Language课件(共64张PPT+5音频)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-10-23 15:14:37


using language
Give advice on chaning bad habits
Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle
To listen for general ideas and specific information
To talk about the bad habits of lifestyle and give some advice
To learn expressions on accepting and refusing advice
What bad habits do you think concern young people the most
Make a list of good habits of lifestyle. Then give your reasons why you think they are important.
Lead in
Task 1 Look at the pictures on page 18. What choices or preferences make it easier for people to develop these bad habits
1 not sleeping enough
2 using a phone too much
3 overeating
5 drinking too much coffee
4 overspending
It’s a way of living of individuals, families, and societies, which they show in their physical, psychological, social, and economic environments on a day-to-day basis. Lifestyle is expressed in both work and leisure behavior patterns and in activities, attitudes, interests, opinions, values, and income. It also reflects the way we see ourselves. Lifestyle is a mixture of motivations, needs, and wants and is influenced by factors such as culture, family, groups, and social class.
What is lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is more than just diet and exercise. It’s not just about being physically fit and free from any health abnormalities but also having a happy and well-balanced physical, mental, and social life.
Look at the pictures on page 18. What choices or
preferences make it easier for people to develop these
bad habits
1. Choosing to stay up too late using mobile phone can mean that one does not sleep enough.
2. Preferring to play games or use social media on phones can make It easier for people to use them too much.
3. Choosing to eat when one feels bored or depressed can lead to overeating.
4. Choosing to buy many things one wants and not things one needs can lead to overspending.
5. Staying up too late and not sleeping enough can lead one to drink too much coffee the next day.
You’re going to listen to a conversation. The main speaker is a doctor who just gave a talk to a class and now he is going to answer some questions from the students. What’s the conversation probably about
Listen to the conversation and complete the chart below.
Student 1 Student 2
has trouble sleeping because of using the phone before going to sleep
Feels depressed about being a little overweight
Going to bed
Finishing dinner
Reward / /
Don’t keep the phone in the room so you won’t pick it up before bed
Walk outside for just 5 minutes
Listen again and answer these questions.
1. Why is a good night’s sleep important for the first student
2. Why does the second student never exercise
3. What is the expert’s bad habit Do you think it is a health problem
4. What would you advise the expert to do to control this habit
1. Why is a good night’s sleep important for the first student
A good night’s sleep is important because it will help with their schoolwork.
2. Why does the second student never exercise
Because he always picks up his phone instead of exercising.
3. What is the expert’s bad habit Do you think it is a
health problem
The expert drinks too much coffee. It can be a health problem because too much is bad for the heart and can cause headaches and other problems.
4. What would you advise the expert to do to control this habit
I would suggest that the expert change the habit slowly by drinking smaller cups of weak coffee, and then try to change coffee for another drink. Later he should do more exercise as this can stimulate the body like coffee does but has more positive benefits.
It is important to know whether what the speakers say is a fact or an opinion. An opinion is a subjective statement and a fact is objective. A fact is what really is true, while an opinion is what you believe, often using phrases like “I think/believe”, “in my opinion”, “to me” and so on.
Distinguish facts from opinions
Decide whether these statements from the conversation are facts (F) or opinions (O). Discuss the opinions with a partner and see if you agree on them.
1. ____ It was a really interesting talk.
2. ____ It often takes me half an hour to fall asleep at night.
3. ____ You look tired. Not enough sleep, right
4. ____ It is affecting my school work.
5. ____ I failed in all my school subjects this semester.
6. ____ I usually pick up my phone.
7. ____ I think the phone is the problem.
8. ____ A five-minute walk is so easy that it is hard to say no!
Choose a bad habit from the table below and have a conversation with your partner about it. The expressions below may help you.
sleeping too much
Internet addict
staying up too late
game addict
TV addict
My problem is…
I’m having problems with…
I cannot stop…
Please give me some advice about…
I think/believe you should…
So, why don’t you…
Well, have you thought about…
In my opinion, …
Asking for and giving advice
Accepting and refusing advice
Sure, I’ll do that.
That’s a good idea!
That’s just what I need!
Terrific idea!
Sorry, but I…
I’d like/love to…, but…
That’s a good idea, but…
Thank you for telling me, but…
It’s a nice thought, but…
I cannot…. because…
A: I think I’m watching too much TV.
B: Yeah. Me too.
C: In my opinion, you should spend your time on something more active instead. For example, try to get more exercise.
B: OK, sure, I’ll try that.
A: That’s a nice thought, but I don’t really enjoy exercising.
C: Hmm. How about reading more books instead
A: All right, maybe I can try that.
focus on asking for and giving advice on ONE bad habit;
include reasonable and helpful suggestions that suit personal preference;
use proper expressions when asking for and giving advice;
use proper expressions when accepting and refusing advice.
using language
Write a letter to the editor about your lifestyle
1. To know the writing tape of the passage
2.To deepen the reading skills, such as summarizng,skimming and scanning
3.To write a letter about one’s lifestyle
Learning Aims

What problems do you think you have about your lifestyle
Lead in
Read and analyze the organization of the letter and label the paragraphs using the letters below.
A: identifying problems.
B: considering what to do
C: what he/she has done to change
D: the results
A: identifying problems.
B: considering what to do
C: what he/she has done to change
D: the results
Letter 2: George Fielding
Para 1----A
Para 2 &3---B
Para 4—C
Para 5----D
Letter1: Wang Lu:
Para 1----A
Para 2---B
Para 3&4—C
Para 5----D
Write a letter to the editor about your lifestyle
Using language
Using Language
Read the two letters and answer the three questions:
1.Who write these two letters
Two students: Wang Lu and George Fielding.
2. What are the purposes of writing these letters
To share with the editor their problems with their lifestyle and the changes that they have made to better themselves.
3. Which topics are mentioned in the twoletters
A. cause
B. problem
C. importance
D. decision
E. action
F. purpose
G. result
Analyse the organisation of the letter. Label the paragraphs using the letters below. Some paragraphs may cover more than one topic. (Page, 21, Ex. 2)
A. identifying problem(s)
B. considering what to do
C. what he/she has done
to change
D. the results
Problem-solution pattern
Read the first letter and find out the answers to the following questions.
What were the problems of Wang Lu
What did Wang Lu decide to do to change for the better
What action did Wang Lu take to put those decisions into practice
What are the positive changes of Wang Lu
Letter 1
What were the problems of Wang Lu
Wang Lu did not feel well.
Wang Lu felt sleepy and dizzy and lacked passion.
Wang Lu got the flu easily and experienced many toothaches.
2.What did Wang Lu decide to do to change for the better
Wang Lu decided to eat nothing with sugar.
Wang Lu decided to exercise regularly.
3.What action did Wang Lu take to put those decisions into practice
Wang Lu stopped buying all the sweets, biscuits and sugary drinks that she used to have every day.
Wang Lu exercises every day for at least 30 minutes.
4.What are the positive changes of Wang Lu
More dynamic and strong in both body and mind.
Sleeps soundly, no longer suffer from a flu virus or toothaches.
Feels like she is in control of her own life.
Read the second letter and find out the answers to the following questions.
What were the problems of George Fielding
What did George Fielding decide to do to change for the better
What action did George Fielding take to change for the better
What are the positive changes of George Fielding
Letter 2
What were the problems of George Fielding
He felt stressed out.
He felt even more worn out after playing computer games.
2.What did George Fielding decide to do to change for the better
He decided to quit playing computer games.
3.What action did George Fielding take to change for the better
He goes rock climbing, watches comedies, plays basketball, plays bowling.
4.What are the positive changes of George Fielding
He feels much more energetic.
He feels he can change himself for the better.
After reading the two letters, can you tell :
What do the two students Wang Lu and George Fielding have in common
They have got rid of bad habits and become energetic now.
Wang Lu and George Fielding attended the summer camp 1 ____________(organize) by the magazine Healthy Life. At the end of the camp,what Wang Lu heard stimulated her 2____________(motivate). She made up her mind 3_________ (eat) nothing with sugar and to exercise regularly. Now she sleeps soundly at night and feels 4__________________(dynamic) than ever.
In the meanwhile,George Fielding has changed himself 5_________the better. He used to get so absorbed 6_________he played the games day and night. However,after the camp,he 7_________(take) control of his life though it was 8_________ big struggle not to play online games. Now he and his dad go rock climbing together 9 _________(month). It has enhanced the quality of his life,10___________ (improve) his health and increasing his happiness.
 Since the two students can successfully get rid of their bad lifestyle,believe you can as well. Then be the change you want to see in the world.
to eat
more dynamic
即学即练 语法填空
complete the mind map according to the text.
I feel like I’m in control of my own life.我觉得我能掌控自己的生活。
Language points
take/gain/get control of 控制;支配;管理
get/bring/keep sth. under control 控制某事/ 某物
have control of/over 对……有控制权/ 有组织能力
lose control of 对……失去控制;无法控制住……
1. in control of 控制;支配;管理(介词短语)
beyond one’s control 某人无法掌握/ 无法控制
out of control 不受控制;失去控制
under control 受支配;受控制
in/under the control of 受……的控制/ 管理/ 支配
The medical staffs can do nothing about the choked baby;the situation is beyond their control.
(1)He is   control of the company. I mean,the company is in ______     control of him.
(2)You can turn to him. He takes control      this ward.
(3)Everyone was too afraid to go in because the fire was _____ of control.
(4)She used diet and exercise to bring her weight _________   control.
(5)Students are encouraged       (take) control of their own study,rather than just depend on the teacher.
(6)You can’t always be        (控制)everything.
(7)I’m sorry. I recognize that I have to         (控制)my temper.
to take
in control of
take control of
After starting high school,I felt stressed out and always relaxed by playing computer games. 开始高中生活后,我感到压力很大,总是通过玩电脑游戏来放松自己。
(1)under stress 在压力之下   
relieve/reduce stress 缓解压力
suffer from/deal with stress 承受/ 应对压力
(2)lay/put/place stress on/upon 强调;着重于
stress the importance of 强调……的重要性
2. stressed out 焦虑不安;心力交瘁
(1)I try not        (焦虑不安) when things go wrong.
(2)Driving in cities really          (让我疲惫不堪).
(3)The teacher              (强调)the importance of not leaving out any important details while retelling the story.
(4)One of the most effective ways to              (减轻压力)is to talk about feelings with someone you trust.
(5)People        a lot of stress may experience headaches.
(6)Moving to a new house is a very          (stress)experience.
(7)When feeling       (stress),most people tend to breathe short breaths.
to stress out
stresses me out
stressed 或laid/ put/placed stress on
relieve/reduce stress
stressful 压力重的,紧张的。
I got so absorbed that I played the games day and night.
absorb oneself in = be absorbed in 全神贯注于……
absorb... into... 把……吸收进……
absorb water/light/heat 吸收水 / 光 / 热
3 absorb vt 吸引全部注意力,使全神贯注;吸收(液体、气体)等
(1)       (absorb)in painting,John didn’t notice evening approaching.
(2)When deeply       (absorb) in work, he would forget all about eating or sleeping.
(3)According to experts,people absorbed this disease _______       their bodies with their meals and then they were infected.
(4)The man                  (全神贯注于) analyzing data when the manager entered the office.
was absorbed in 或absorbed himself in
Playing was fun,but I felt even more worn out afterwards! 玩起来很开心,但玩完之后我觉得更累了!
wear out 用坏,穿破;使精疲力尽
wear - wore--worn
4. worn out (1)筋疲力尽的;疲惫的;破烂不堪的;废旧的
(1)After a day’s constant work,Father came home,feeling _____________      (筋疲力尽).
(2)If you treat your coat so roughly,it will_________________          (破烂不堪的) soon.
(3)Illness and death came suddenly;over the years she had simply ____________________.                 (使自己筋疲力尽)
(4)He travels so much that he usually           .(把行李箱用坏)
worn out
be worn out
worn herself out  
wears out suitcases
Now my dad and I go rock climbing together monthly!
n. + -ly → adj.
lovely 可爱的 timely 及时的 motherly 母亲般的 brotherly 兄弟般的
daily 每天的 weekly 每周的 monthly 每月的 yearly 每年的
5. monthly adv. 每月adj. 每月一次的 n. 月刊
1.Most of these people are paid _________.
2.He can save money every month,which he owes to his_______ budget.
3.This magazine is a ________,whose highlight is her favorite.
I get refreshed through climbing,spend more time with my dad, and get to meet new friends. 通过攀岩,我变得神清气爽,有更多的时间和爸爸在一起,认识新朋友
6. refresh vt. 使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新
refreshing adj. 使人精力充沛的;使人凉爽的;令人耳目一新的
refreshed adj.(人)精力充沛的;感到凉爽的
refreshment n. 点心
(1)He found a swim very      (refresh) on a hot day. He felt_______       (refresh) after that.
(2)If you are tired,a good night’s sleep        (refresh) you.
(3)Many view these meetings as an occasion       (refresh) friendship.
(4)If the link doesn’t work,        (尝试刷新) the page.
(5)         (……令人耳目一新) to see a woman who is so unconcerned with her appearance.
will refresh
to refresh
try refreshing
It’s refreshing
7.Whenever I went out with friends,I brought snacks from home, things that didn't have any added sugar: fruit,nuts,dried meat,etc. 每次和朋友出去,我都会从家里带些零食,水果、坚果、肉干等不含任何添加糖的东西。
[句式解构]本句中含有两个从句:一个是由 whenever 引导的让步状语从句,另一个是由 that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词 things。
Wherever he goes, I'll follow him. 无论他去哪里,我都会跟着他。
Whoever smokes here will be punished. 无论谁在这里抽烟都将受到惩罚。
【探究归纳】探究要点 “疑问词+ever”,可用来引导让步状语从句,可用“no matter+疑问词”代替;“疑问词+ever”也可用来引导名词性从句,此时不能用“no matter+疑问词”代替。 探究+ 让步状语;名词性从句。
 Writing—A letter to the editor about your lifestyle
keep healthy
keep a balanced diet
cut out
work out
reduce stress
even if/though
1.我们应该保持均衡的饮食,这对我们的健康有好处。(diet;be good to)
2.我们应该尽量不吃含太多脂肪和糖的食物。(cut out;contain)
4.即使我们很忙,也应该尽量锻炼来增强体质。(even if;strengthen)
________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
We should keep a balanced diet and it is good to our health.
We should try to cut out foods which contain lots of sugar and fat.
We have to quit those bad habits,for they damage our health.
Even if we are busy,we should try to do some exercise to strengthen our body.
We should keep a balanced diet,which is good to our health.
We should try to cut out foods containing lots of sugar and fat.
We have to quit those bad habits that damage our health.
Fitness is far more important than anything else.How can we keep healthy Here are some suggestions for you.
Firstly,we should keep a balanced diet,which is good to our health.We should try to cut out foods containing lots of sugar and fat.What’s more,we have to quit those bad habits that damage our health.Last but not least,we should work out every day to reduce stress.Even if we are busy,we should try to do some exercise to strengthen our body,such as jogging and skiing.
Dear Editor,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
应用词汇:1. absorb oneself in = be absorbed in ;absorb... into.…; absorb water/light
2.refresh:refreshing ;refreshed ;refreshment
3.enhance: enhance sth
stress out, worn out, suffer from, take control of , replace... with,pick up, take part in, feel stressed, be mad for, succeed in doing,change for better
认知词汇:dizzy, flu, dentist, nut, skateboard,dynamic,bowling,comedy,enhance
拓展词汇:stimulate→stimulation, sugary→sugar, monthly→month, refresh→refreshment
→refreshing absord→absorbed
Whenever I went out with friends,I brought snacks from home, things that didn't have any added sugar: fruit,nuts,dried meat,etc. 本句中含有两个从句:一个是由 whenever 引导的让步状语从句,另一个是由 that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词 things。
1.I felt d______when I looked down from the top of escalator.
2.In particular, the f_______virus broke through barriers between species, which caused shock and concern around the world.
3.She doubted whether it was reasonable to s_________ investment in these regions.
4."If you come by straight away," the receptionist said,“the ________(牙医)will fit you in.”
5.The girl made up her mind not to eat sweets, cakes or_________(含糖的)snacks.
6. When I was 14 years old I had only one fond possession,my___________ (滑板).
7.However, when something did interest me,I could become _________(专心的).
8. As the consultant says, this area continues to be the most__________(充满活力的) .
worn out, be absorbed in, enhance one's reputation, stressed out,refresh sb.'s memory
9.His measures to bring the company to life ______________________and set him apart from other businessmen.
10.I _________due to the tough project, so I went to listen to the symphony to make me relaxed.
11.To examine how the proposals can be carried out,the manager has been working three days and nights,really feeling ____________.
12.He ______so deeply___________ his composing that he was unaware of things happening round him.
13.He walked on the opposite side of the street to__________________of the building.
enhanced his reputation
worn out
stressed out
absorbed in
refresh his memory