人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection词汇巩固复习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection词汇巩固复习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 33.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-10-24 11:43:21



Book2 Unit2 巩固复习
poster n.海报___________v.邮寄,张贴,发布; n.邮件,帖子,职位
legal adj.合法的__________adv.合法地_________adj.违法的__________adv.违法地
hunt v.猎取;搜索____________n.打猎_____________n.猎人;搜寻者
immediate adj.立即的________________adv.立即;马上conj.一......就......
die ________灭绝;消失
alarm n.警报(器);闹钟;v.使惊恐__________adj.令人恐惧的_______adj.担忧的,恐惧的
rate n.比率;速度;价格v.评价;划等级______________n.等级,排名
extinct adj.灭绝的________________n.灭绝;消亡
aware adj.意识到的________________n.认识;意识_______________adj.未意识到的
danger n.危险_________adj.危险的___________vt.使遭危险___________adj.濒危的
concern vt.关于;使担心;n.担心__________prep.关于___________adj.有关的,担心的
live v.居住;生活;adj.活的;现场的_________adj.活的;n.生计________adj.活的
adapt v.(使)适应,改编______________n.适应,改编版
measure n.衡量,量,措施;v.测量 _______________n.测量,尺寸(常用复数)
press v.压;n.报刊,新闻界____________n.挤压,压力
reserve vt.保存,预订;n.储备,保护区 ________________n.保留,预订
plain adj.清楚的,简单的,坦白的;n.平原____________adv.清楚地
observe v.观察;察觉到;遵守;庆祝_________n.观察______________n.天文台_________n.观察员
beauty n.美(人、事物) ______________adj.美丽的____________v.美化
remind vt.提醒_____________n.提醒者
shoot v.射击;射中;拍摄 n.嫩枝;新芽(三态_________-__________)____________/___________ n.射击;投篮,射门;注射;拍摄
23.profit n.利润 v.获利(于) ___________adj.非盈利的____________adj.盈利的;有好处的
24.attack v.攻击;进攻;抨击;(疾病、虫等) n.攻击;(疾病的)侵袭______________n.袭击者
25.effect n.影响___________v.影响______________adj.有效的___________adj.无效的
26.recover v.(从疾病等中)恢复过来;(意识、知觉等)恢复______________n.痊愈;复苏
27.move v.使移动;搬家 n.行动;一步(棋) _________vt.移走;移开;搬走;摘掉;脱掉;消除;把...免职______________n.移走;移去;消除
28.intend vt.打算;想要______________adj.(为...)打算的______________n.打算;目的
29.threat n.威胁;构成威胁的人/事物____________v.威胁;恐吓;危及到____________adj.带有威胁的______________adj.感到有威胁的;处于危险中的
30.exist vi.存在;生存_________________n.存在;生存
31.harmony n.和睦;融洽;和谐__________________adj.和谐的
32.create v.创造______________n.生物;动物;人_____________n.创造力____________n.创造物______________adj.有创造力的
33.reduce v.缩减;减少______________n.缩减;减少
34.neighbo(u)r n.邻居________________n.社区;街坊
35.emotion n.感情;情绪____________adj.[只用于名词前]情绪(上)的;情感(上)的__________adv.情绪上
36.skin n(兽).皮;皮肤;(植物、果实等的)外皮;壳______________adj.极瘦的;皮包骨的
37.usual adj.常见的______________adj.不寻常的;独特的___________adv.异常地;稀罕地
Keys: 1.post 2.legally; illegal; illegally 3.hunting; hunter 4.immediately 5.on 6.out 7.alarming; alarmed 8.rating 9.extinction 10.awareness; unaware 11.dangerous; endanger; endangered 12.concerning; concerned 13.living; alive 14.adaptation 15.measurement 16.pressure 17.reservation 18.plainly 19.observation; observatory; observer 20.beautiful; beautify 21.reminder 22.shot-shot; shooting/shot 23.non-profit; profitable 24.attacker 25.affect; effective; ineffective; effectively; effectiveness 26.recovery 27.remove; removal 28.intended; intention 29.threaten; threatening;threaten 30.existence 31.harmonious 32.creature;creativity;creation; creative 33. reduction 34.neighbo(u)rhood 35.emotional; emotionally 36.skinny 37.unusual; unusually
hunt______搜索 _____ _____去打猎
a job _________求职者
______________ alarm 定闹钟
__an alarming rate/speed/price以惊人的速度/价格
_________ this/that rate这样/那样的话
a mass________/____________ of许多;大量
the ________________群众,民众
be aware __________ 意识到
make _______________取得进步
be concerned ____________担心
be concerned ____________有关的
_________________ ... be concerned 就…而言
make/earn _________ living
earn ____________living 谋生;度日
adapt (oneself)_______ sth.适应
be adapted _________ 改编自...
take ______/______/______to do sth.采取措施做
blood ______________血压
put pressure ________sb.给某人施加压力
_____________a room订房间
wildlife ______________野生动物保护区
make a _________________预订
observe sb. __________sth.发现某人正在做某事
observe sb. _________sth.发现某人做了某事
______________the law遵守法律
_______________ Christmas庆祝圣诞节
remind sb ________/________sth提醒某人某事
remind sb_____ _____(do)sth提醒某人做某事
remind sb ___________/_________从句
watch _____________ 保护;监视;照管
________ _______ _______整日整夜地
= around the clock
__________ attack 遭受袭击
suffer a ____________ attack患心脏病
recover ___________从...中恢复
recover _________________恢复知觉
remove..._______________ 从...揭掉
intend _______/______ ______sth打算做某事
intend sb ________ _______ sth想让某人做某事
be intended ________ sb为某人设计的
be ________________ to do sth旨在......
threaten ________ _________ sth威胁着做某事
come ________ existence/being 开始存在;产生
_____ harmony _____ nature 和大自然和谐共处
26.reduce [常用于被动语态]使陷入境地;使沦落
27.due _______由于;因为
due _______ _______(do)sth将要...;注定要发生
28.________ the Net上网 ________ the Net在网上
29.search ________搜索;查找(动词短语)
________ search _______搜查 (介词短语)
30.stir _________激起
Keys: 1.for; go hunting; hunter 2.set the 3.at; at 4.of; masses; masses 5.of 6.on; below; above 7.progress 8.about; with; as far as 9.a; one’s 10.to; from 11.action; measures; steps 12.pressure; on; under 13.reserve/book; reserve; reservation 14.out 15.doing; do; observe; observe 16.of/about; to do; that/wh- 17.over 18.day and night 19.under;heart 20. from; oneself 21.removal 22.doing/to do; to do; for; intended 23.to do 24.into 25.with 26.to 27.to; to do 28.surf; on 29.for; in, of 30.up
1.Wild camping is (legal) in England while it is legal in America.
2. The kids were hunting shells on the beach.
3.When_______(face) a hard question, most people can’t give an answer (immediate).
4.As a result, many species______________________(正在迅速灭绝).
5.Our planet’s wildlife is dying out an alarming rate.
6. Everyone (flee) from the building when the fire alarm sounded.
7.The news that the enemies were near___________(alarm) everybody.
8.Our money are running out at an ___________(alarm)rate.
9.They suddenly became aware _________people_______(look) at them.
10.Smoking (endanger) your health.
11. My father’s illness (concern)us ____(great).
12.Many of my students were more (concern)with their grades than with the knowledge they gained.
13. The (live) are more important to us than the dead.
14.As time _______(go) by, I gradually adapted myself ___ the school life.
15.The room (measure) 10 meters across (measure) by me.
16.The nurse applied pressure ___ his arm to stop the bleeding.
17.I’ll reserve my _________(judge) until I find all the evidence.
18.I’ll call the restaurant to make a ___________(reserve).
19.Kate heard a man’s voice in the background, but she couldn’t make out ______ he was saying.
20.Observe ___________(careful) if any change occurs when ________(do) experiments.
21.He regarded his wife ___ a beauty.
22.I forgot to remind him _____ the time for the interview.
23.Do something you’re good at. Remind yourself _______ good you are at so many things.
24.Bill reminded him the day years ago ________ they had first met.
25. She was making a list of people to invite.
26.He didn’t think he had much chance of (win), but he’d give it ___ shot.
27.I managed (get) some good (shot) of the festival.
28.The movie (shoot) in New Zealand.
29.In the football match Shaw took shot at the goal, but missed.
30.The Confucius Institute is non-profit educational organization (run) by the Chinese Ministry of Education.
31.My parents watched over me day and night while I ___(be) ill.
32.His remarks (attack) in the newspaper.
33.Recently, COVID-19 (attack) many countries.
34.He suffered ____ heart attack.
35.It is high time that we should take (effect) measures to protect wildlife.
36.It took her a few minutes (recover) consciousness.
37.We worked hard to recover the (lose) time.
38.He has made a full (recover) from his operation.
39.Tom (remove) from office because he was always late.
40.He intends / (study) abroad next year.
41.I intend you (come) with me.
42. His visit is intended (strong) ties between the two countries.
43.Pollution poses a threat the continued existence of this species.
44.Traffic issues not only affect our everyday life, but may also (threat) people’s lives.
45.David threatened (report) his neighbor to the police if the damages were not (pay).
46.The world (exist), whether you like it or not.
47.No one knows how this world came into (exist).
48.Only when we learn to exist in harmony nature can we stop being a threat wildlife and to our planet.
49.The supermarket provides us with a large (vary) of goods.
50.The price has been reduced from $10 ___ $8.
51.Eating just one carrot a day can reduce the (possible) of getting this disease by 40%.
52.She is due (complete) her studies and graduate later this year.
53.The town was cut off the rest of the world due to heavy snow.
54. We should prevent ourselves from being cheated when (surf) the Net.
55.The police searched the house the stolen jewelry.
56.Our facial (express) convey our emotions, such as anger, or joy, or disappointment.
57.You will regret the decision (base) on emotion rather than on reason in time.
58.A leader usually uses (emotion) language to inspire people to work hard.
59.It is (usual) for you to catch a cold on hot days.
Keys: 1. illegal 2.for 3. facing; immediately 4.are quickly dying out 5.at 6.fled 7.alarmed 8.alarming 9.of, looking 10. endangers 11. concerns; greatly12.concerned 13. living 14.went;to 15.measuring;was measured 16.to 17.judgement 18.reservation 19.what 20.carefully;doing 21.as 22.about/of 23.how 24.of;when 25.out 26.winning; a 27.to get; shots 28.was shot 29.a 30.a; run 31.was 32.were attacked 33.has attacked 34.a 35.effective 36.to recover 37.lost 38.recovery 39.was removed 40.studying/to study 41.to come 42.to strengthen 43.to 44.threaten 45.to report; paid 46.exists 47.existence 48.with; to 49.variety 50.to 51.possibility 52.to complete 53.from 54.surfing 55.for 56.expressions 57. based 58.emotional 59.unusual
To observe Tibetan antelopes, we came to Tibet. There we made out 1. herd of graceful animals and were struck by their beauty. I 2._______ (remind) of the danger they are in. They are being hunted 3. (illegal) for their valuable fur.
To protect them, the Changtang National Nature Reserve was set up,4. __________is a shelter for animals and plants.
In the 1980s and 1990s, the population dropped badly because of being shot to make profits and the loss of _5.________(they) habitats.
In order to prevent this species from _6.________(die) out, the Chinese government took effective_7._________ (measure) to place it under national protection. Its population has recovered and it was removed from the _8.__________(danger) species list. However, the government didn't intend 9. (give) up the protection programs.
To save wildlife, we should learn to exist 10. _____ harmony with nature.
Give Ugly a Chance!
When 1. comes to wildlife protection, all species—the good, the bad, and the ugly—should be treated 2.___________(equal). Pandas, dolphins, and other cute wildlife 3. ________ (be) important, but we must pay attention to 4. (little) cute animals, too. The world needs all kinds---without variety, our planet cannot survive. __5.___ if you want the future to be beautiful, you have to give ugly 6. __________ chance.
Don’t Make Paper with My Home!
7. (billion) of trees are being cut down every year 8. (make) paper for humans. Every tree 9. _______ is cut down is a part of the habitat of animals such as these koalas. In this way a lot of animal homes 10.__________ (destroy)! Is it right to make animals 11. (home) so that humans can have more paper
Keys: 1.a 2.was reminded 3.illegally 4.which 5.their 6.dying 7.measures 8.endangered 9.to give 10. in
Keys: 1.it 2. equally 3.are 4. less 5. So 6. a 7. Billions 8.to make 9.that 10.are being destroyed 11.homeless