日常交际是九年义务教育全日制初级中学英语教学大纲和教材中所规定的“听说读写”四种能力的第二项能力, 是近年来以书面形式考查学生是否具有初步运用英语进行口语交际能力的题型。现在各省市中考试题都已把对日常交际能力的考查放在重要位置上,而且分值比重也越来越大。这类题目改变了以往只考一些约定俗成的交际用语的习惯, 而是注重在情景中理解题目。日常交际题用于考查说的技能, 通过书面形式呈现语境, 让考生从口头的角度传达信息、完成相关任务。日常交际类试题具有句子简短、常用省略并且表达方式灵活等特点。同样一句话, 因使用的时间、场合、身份不同而有不同的含义和不同的表达方式。
情景交际的内容包括常用社交用语, 常见日常询问和情感态度。主要涉及初中教材中的问候、 介绍、告别、打电话、感谢和应答、祝愿、祝贺和应答、意愿、遗憾和同情、邀请和应答、 提供(帮助等)和应答、请求允许和应答、表示同意和不同意、谈论天气、问候和应答、购物、 问时间或日期和应答、劝告和建议、就餐、看病、求助等 30 多个交际功能项目。
1. 要正确判断出对话的情景。
2. 要根据不同的情景, 使用不同的表达法。
3. 问话或答语不能离题。
4. 用筛选法选择正确对话。
5. 从语意进行判断。
6. 根据习惯用法进行选择。
7. 答语要符合西方人的文化、风俗和习惯。
8. 要使用文明礼貌的语言。
9. 要遵照口语交际特点, 不要死套语法规则。
2.填空型补全对话——在空格中填上适当的单词或句子, 使对话完整正确;
考点1 选项型?
该题型的特点是在情景应答和对话中, 抽出其中某些问句或答句, 然后提供若干个备选项, 要求考生根据情景, 选择备选项中正确的形式来补全对话, 它主要考查特定情景中某些口语的固定表达形式。这类试题有的是把一段对话中抽出的若干个句子打乱顺序后放在一个方框内提供给考生, 要求考生根据上下文内容, 将这些句子重新放回原位, 使对话完整。这类试题难度虽不大, 但必须认真仔细方能保证正确无误。有的试题为干扰考生, 在抽出的句子基础上再掺入若干个语法正确、语言通顺且内容与对话有关的干扰句子用以迷惑考生, 这会给考生带来很大的困难, 其旨在测试考生辨别语境准确性的能力。
这种题型又分为两种: 一种是对等选项型, 另一种是含有多余项的题型, 其多余项以两个多余项的为主。
本题型设题角度灵活, 较补全话题对话涉及项目更宽泛。为了使语境充分, 对话信息语句可以稍多一些, 体现情景的真实性。空格后一般不加标点, 设置选项不受标点限制。
(1)仔细审题, 明确大意
首先要仔细审题, 即在对话不完整的情况下, 尽量弄懂该篇对话的大意(main idea)和情景(如购物、看病、问路和应答、约会、口语应用等)
(2)分析对话, 试填答案
在解题过程中, 要根据具体语境和上下文, 分析对话中所缺部分、判断所缺的句子。
(3)全文复读, 融会贯通
在试填好答案之后, 应从头至尾再把对话读一遍, 按照对话情境, 中心内容, 推理判断。
根据对话内容, 从方框中选择5个恰当的句子完成对话, 使对话完整、通顺。
W: You look worried, David. What’s wrong?
M: 1. ____________
W: You said you liked English. 2. ____________
M: I find it difficult to do English reading, especially reading a longer passage.
W: That doesn’t sound too bad.
M: 3. ____________What should I do?
W: Just read quickly to get the main idea at first. Don’t read word by word. Read word groups.
M: 4. ____________
W: To guess a word’s meaning by reading the sentences before and after it. You probably understand more than you think.
M: That sounds difficult.
W: 5. _____________You can improve your English reading by more practice. The more you read, the faster you’ll be.
M: I’ll try. Thank you, Mrs. Black.
A. But how do I deal with the words I don’t understand?
B. I hope I can.
C. I’m having trouble learning English.
D. I failed my math test.
E. Well, be patient. It takes time.
F. What’s your problem?
G. But I’m a very slow reader.
1. C 上一句问的是“怎么了? ”, 故下文应当是用一种倒霉的事情或病情来回答。
2. F 由下一句中的“我发现英语阅读很难……”可以判断出, 上一句应当是与学英语遇到的问题有关, 故答案为F。
3. G 由下面的read quickly可以判断出, David说自己阅读得太慢, 故答案为G。
4. A 由To guess a word’s meaning by. . . 可知, 上一句应当是David不知道如何处理不懂的单词, 故答案为A。
5. E 当Black夫人听到David说通过多阅读来提高阅读能力听起来很难时, 便对他进行安慰。空格之后的两句与选项E都是安慰人的句子, 故答案为E。
考点2 填空型?
该题型的特点是给出一段不完整的情景对话, 要求考生根据对话的主题及上、下文问答的逻辑关系, 填上对话中所空缺的单词、词汇或句子, 使对话前后意思连贯、语法正确、符合英语习惯表达法。这类试题并不是重点考查语法, 也不重点考查词义的差别, 重在测试语境的应用及其意义。考查考生整体理解对话、全面接受信息的能力, 并在此基础上填入符合情节内容的词语, 做到既要达义又要符合语境。
虽然是填空题, 但答案有唯一性, 可视为客观性试题。有的答案词数不限、有弹性、不唯一, 是主观性试题, 近两年各省市主观性试题逐渐增多。
情景交际填空的关键在于掌握并理解情景。有时根据首句就能抓住话题, 因为它是一个重要的“窗口”。通过它, 可以大致了解话题的概貌和考查的意向。它往往提供了话题的中心信息, 考生应该充分利用此句的标志作用, 并将它作为一个解题的突破口, 据此展开思维。
对话都是一环扣一环, 环环相扣的, 都是前后连贯、符合逻辑地按一定的脉络向前发展延伸, 因此每道题在对话中都能找到信息依据。在解题过程中必须把握对话的发展趋势, 揣摩对话者字里行间的意义, 选择与作者思路或意图相吻合的选项。
等待完成填空之后, 要根据语境及时态, 检查所填词(汇)的形式是否正确、句子是否符合语境。尤其审查空白处前后的名词、动词、介词或非谓语动词等与各选项之间的搭配关系。
完成对话。在对话的空格中填上适当的单词, 使对话完整正确。一空一词。把答案按编号依次填入下方表格内。
A: I saw the“Two rooms to rent”note on the wall outside your house. Hope I’m coming to a 1 place.
B: Yes, you are. We do have two rooms for rent. You are an office clerk, aren’t you?
A: No, I work at a school. How much do you rent them for?
B: No 2 . I need to ask you some questions now. Are you 3 ?
A: No.
B: Well, I prefer 4 like you to live with us.
A: Really? This room faces north with a view of the hill. Not bad. But I’m afraid it’s not big enough to be a living room for me.
B: Why? If you know how to make use of it, there’s plenty of 5 here for a single like you.
A: That sounds reasonable. Then how much should I pay you?
B: Three hundred dollars a month. How about it?
A: You’ve asked too much. Could you cut 6 a little?
B: I’m sorry. At present, the cost of 7 keeps increasing.
A: All right. Can I move in right away?
B: Of course. Have you got heavy things to move in?
A: No, 8 a piano, for I am a music teacher.
B: Sorry, I’m afraid that I can’t 9 you have the two rooms. My neighbors and I can’t stand 10 of any kind.
做此类题时, 在确定了空格处的意思之后, 还要注意所填单词的适当形式。
1. right 上文说墙上有纸条说有房子要出租, 所以A希望自己来对了地方。
2. hurry 上文在问价格, 下文并没有马上问答, 而是先问问题, 所以, 此处应当是“不急; 不慌”。
3. married 根据第5个空格之后的a single like you可知, 此处应当是在问“你结婚了吗”, 故答案为married。
4. someone 由like you to live with us可以推测出, 此处应当是“我更喜欢与像你这样的人居住在一起”。
5. room 租客说房间不够大, 房东说只要你懂得利用, 就会有很多空间。
6. down 前文说要价太高, 所以后面要求降价。cut down表示“降低……(的价格)”。
7. rent 老板说, 当前租赁价格一直在上升, 故答案为rent。
8. but/except 由前面的heavy things和后面的for I am a music teacher可以判断出, 此处应当是“除了……之外”之意。
9. let/make 由Sorry可以判断出, 房东不让租客租赁房子。结合you have the two rooms可知, 此处应当为使役动词, 故答案为let/make。
10. noise/noises 由can’t stand和上文的piano可知, 房东及他的邻居无法忍受钢琴发出的噪音, 故答案为noise / noises。noise可作可数名词, 也可作不可数名词。
考点2 单项选择型?
——We’d better invite Jim and Jack to the party tonight.
——Yes,______? I’ll give him a call right now.
A. why???????? B.why not
???? C. what for???????? D. how
【答案解析】考查交际用语。有上句“我们最好邀请Jim和Jack 参加明晚的派对。”下句应是“为什么不呢?我马上给他们俩打电话。”A “为什么”???B“为什么不” C“用来做什么”??D“怎样”故选B。
A. I’d like to make friends with her.
B. She has much knowledge of the environment.
C. What has she done as a member of Greener China?
D. Is there anything special about her?
E. Perhaps they don’t think it’s serious.
W=Wei Ting S=Song Lei
W: Hi, Song Lei! So you’re back. I hear you went on a trip to Beijing. Could you tell me what impressed you most in Beijing?
S: OK. I met with a girl in the centre of Tian’anmen Square.
W: Oh? 1?
S: She’s a student of No. 24 Middle School. She has been with Greener China for 4 years.
W: 2?
S: She carries on cleaning up gum spots in Tian’anmen Square every day.
W: It’s true that some tourists spit gums in the square carelessly. 3?
S: You are right. The more tourists, the more gum spots, especially on holidays.
W: Have you learned from her about this?
S: Yes. 4?
W: I’m just strongly in need of such knowledge. She’s well worth making friends with! 5 Can I make friends with her?
S: No problem. I have her telephone number here. Here you are.
W: Thank you.
答案: 1~5. DCEBA
A. Neither do I.
B. What kind of animals shall we see there?
C. So will I.
D. Thank you. But I have my own camera.
E. That’s a good idea.
F. Yes, that’s right.
G. What do you know about the reserve?
A: Hi, Bob.
B: Hi, Ann. Do you know when and where we’ll meet tomorrow?
A: Yes. We have to meet at the school gate at 8: 30. We’re going to the reserve(自然保护区), aren’t we?
B: 1?
A: Do you know how to get there?
B: Yes. I’ve got a map. It will take us about two hours to get there.
A: How will we get there? By bus?
B: No, we’ll go there by bike.
A: 2?
B: It’s an area that protects lots of different animals.
A: 3?
B: I’m not sure. I know there are many different kinds of birds and I’m going to take my camera with me.
A: 4 What clothes are you going to wear?
B: Well, if it rains, I’ll wear my strong shoes and take my raincoat with me.
A: 5?
B: OK. See you tomorrow.
A: See you!
答案: 1~5. FGBEC
根据对话内容, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词, 使对话完整、通顺。
W: Hello! This is an English-help center. Can I help you?
M: Yes. I have some 1 with English.
W: What are your problems?
M: First, I can’t speak English well.
W: Don’t worry. Why not 2 an English corner to practice English?
M: OK. I’ll try it. Also I can’t 3 the teacher when she talks to the class.
W: 4 to more tapes will help a lot. Remembering the words of English songs also helps a lot.
M: Thank you very much. I’ll do that as much as 5 .
W: You’re welcome. I hope your English will be improved soon.
答案: 1. problems 2. join 3. understand 4. Listening 5. possible
根据对话内容, 在空白处填入一个适当的句子, 使对话完整、通顺。
A: Hello, Mike. 1. ?
B: Oh, hello, Rose. I’m going to watch the football match between our Chinese team and the Korean team.
A: Oh, that’s such an important match. I don’t want to miss it. 2. ?
B: Of course. Let’s go.
A: It seems that you like football very much. Do you like P. E. ?
B: 3. ?
A: Why not?
B: Because the teacher just lets us play games ourselves. What about you?
A: I like it very much. 4. ?
B: You are lucky.
A: 5. ?
B: Yes, having sports can make us healthy.
A: That’s right. I agree with you.
1. Where are you going? / What are you going to do?
2. Can I go with you?
3. No, I don’t. / I don’t like it at all. / I’m not interested in it. / Not at all.
4. Our teacher teaches us a lot in P. E. lessons. / We have many kinds of activities in our P. E. lessons.
5. Do you like(having)sports? / Do you often do sports? / You are good at sports, aren’t you?
将Ⅱ栏与Ⅰ栏中的句子搭配在一起, 完成对话。
( )1. Which do you prefer, hamburgers or cakes?
( )2. Our team has just won the important game.
( )3. I’m sorry I made a mistake again, sir.
( )4. It is reported that it will rain hard next Sunday.
( )5. Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest supermarket?
A. Congratulations!
B. Neither. Some bread, please.
C. Turn right and it’s on your left.
D. I hope not.
E. Never mind.
答案: 1~5. BAEDC
将Ⅱ栏与Ⅰ栏中的句子搭配在一起, 完成对话。(其中有两项是多余的)
( )1. Who’s that speaking?
( )2. I’ll go to France for a holiday next month.
( )3. Don’t forget to give my best wishes to your uncle.
( 4. Sir, could you please put out your cigarette? This is a smoke-free(无烟的)school.
( )5. Would you mind looking after my dog while I’m on holiday?
A. Have a good time!
B. Yes, please.
C. This is Jack.
D. Of course not.
E. No, I won’t.
F. All right.
G. I’m sorry about this.
答案: 1~5. CAEGD
A. I am always afraid to speak in front of others.
B. I hope your Chinese will get better soon.
C. What are your problems?
D. Then keeping a diary can help you with your writing skills.
E. They will improve your listening skills.
A: Hello! Confucius Institutes(孔子学院). Can I help you?
B: Yes! I have some problems with my Chinese.
A: 1?
B: First, I can’t follow my Chinese teacher in class.
A: I think you should do more listening, such as more tapes, more Chinese videos. 2?
B: And 3?
A: It’s easy. Why don’t you take part in“Chinese Bridge”? It can improve your speaking skills.
B: That’s a good idea. Well, how about new words? I often forget their meanings and how to write them.
A: First you can guess their meanings by reading Chinese books. 4?
B: OK. I’ll do as you say. Thanks a lot.
A: You’re welcome. 5
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ?
答案: 1~5. CEADB
从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。
A. Everyone should do something for it.
B. Why not drive to work?
C. It’s helpful for protecting plants.
D. It’s good for paper factories.
E. But don’t you think they are really convenient in our daily life?
F. Why do you go to work in a car?
G. How can we carry things after shopping, then?
A: Morning, Mike!
B: Hello, Eric!
A: 1 You won’t be in such a hurry.
B: That’s right. But I prefer walking to driving a car.
A: Mm. It’s good for health and environment.
B: Yes. Environment is very important for us. 2?
A: Yeah, right. What else can we do?
B: For example, we should use less paper.
A: Agree. 3 Anything else?
B: Try not to use plastic bags; we should make less white pollution.
A: 4?
B: Yes, they are really useful for us. But they pollute our environment.
A: 5?
B: We can use cloth bags instead of plastic bags.
A: That’s a good idea. Oh, I must go. See you!
B: See you!
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ?
答案: 1~5. BACEG
从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。
A. What did you write in the e-mail?
B. I can fix it by myself.
C. When did you get it?
D. I haven’t checked my e-mails yet today.
E. My parents want to buy a new one for me.
F. It doesn’t work.
G. How could it be made in your home?
A: Hi, Jenny! I’ve sent you an e-mail. Have you got it?
B: Sorry, I haven’t. 1?
A: Why not?
B: There’s something wrong with my computer. 2?
A: Can you fix it?
B: I don’t think so. It is too old. 3?
A: That’s good news! You know, I’ve just got a new computer.
B: 4?
A: Last week.
B: Where was it made? Was it made in the U. S. A. ?
A: No, it was made in my home.
B: What? 5?
A: You see, my parents bought different parts of the computer and then put them together. That’s how the computer was made in my home.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ?
答案: 1~5. DFECG
从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。
A. That’s a good idea.
B. What’s the matter with you?
C. Can it be there?
D. Thank you.
E. The same to you.
F. No, not at all.
G. Why not buy him a new one?
A: You look unhappy. 1?
B: I argued with my friend.
A: Would you mind talking about it to me?
B: 2 It all started when I lost his camera. You know, his mother got it for him on his 16th birthday.
A: Oh, I see. 3?
B: A new camera? It’s too expensive. I don’t have enough money.
A: Maybe you can go to the lost and found to look for it.
B: 4 I nearly forgot. I’ll go there at once.
A: Good luck to you!
B: 5
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ?
答案: 1~5. BFGAD
A: Welcome to I COOL, YOU COOL, madam. How can I help you?
B: 1
A: This way, please. These are the latest fashion. 2
B: It looks cool. But I don’t like bright green.
A: We’ve got other colors: pink, grey ,dark red and yellow.
B: Pink. Could you show me that light pink one?
A: 4 And it’s very thick.
B: I like it. 5
A: It was 100 dollars and now it’s only 80 dollars.
B: That’s a great price. I’ll take it.
A. What’s your favorite colour?
B. How much is the bright green one?
C. Certainly! It’s very beautiful, isn’t it?
D. How much does it cost?
E.I want to buy a coat.
F. Yes, I think it’s my size.
G. What do you think of this one?
答案:1~5. EGACD
( It’s Friday today. Bob and Dave are talking about their weekend plans.)
Bob: Dave, the radio says it is sunny tomorrow. Do you haveany plans?
Dave: 1 . I want to go to the beach. 2 ?
Bob: I’m going to do some sports.
Dave: 3 ?
Bob: I like basketball best. I think it can help me grow taller.
Dave: 4 ?
Bob: I will play it in the gym. By the way, who will you go tothe beach with?
Dave: I’ll go with my parents.
Bob: 5 ?
Dave: We will go there by car.
Bob: Have a good time.
Dave: The same to you.
1. Yes,I do/ Of course/Certainly
2. What are you going to do/ What about you
3. What sport do you like best/ What’s your favorite sport
4. Where will you play it
5. How will you go there
Girl:Do you want to go to a movie, Edward?
Boy: 1
Girl: What kind of movies do you like?
Boy: Well, I like comedies because they’re funny. And I think thrillers are great.
Girl: 2
Boy: No, documentaries are boring. 3
Girl: I don’t like documentaries, either. And I don’t like thrillers—they’re scary.
Boy: 4
Girl: Well, I like action movies.
Boy: 5
Girl: Uh-huh. They’re exciting. And I like Beijing Opera, too.It’s very interesting. My father and I like it a lot.
A. No. Movies are always boring.
B. So what kind of movies do you like?
C. How about you?
D. Yes, that sounds good.
E. You do?
F. How about documentaries?
1. D【解析】由问句为Do引导的一般疑问句可知,答语应为Yes或No。又因为下句为“你喜欢什么类型的电影”可知应选D。
2. F【解析】由下句“No, documentaries are boring.”可知上句问的“How about documentaries?”,故选F。
3. C 【解析】男孩发表了自己对纪录片的看法,由语境可知应问“你呢?”,故选C。
4. B【解析】由下句“I like action movies.”可知是询问“你喜欢什么类型的电影呢?”,故选B。
5. E【解析】 由下句“They’re exciting.”可知,上句应是问句,故选E。
从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。
A. Which bus can I take?
B. Sorry, I don’t know. I am new here.
C. How far is it?
D. How long is it from here?
E. It’s over there, across from the bank.
F. Is there a post office near here?
G. How often do you go there?
A: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the nearest post office?
B: 1 You can ask the policeman over there. He may help you.
A: Thank you all the same.
(One minute later)
A: Excuse me. 2?
C: Sorry, there isn’t a post office near here, but there is one near the bus station.
A: 3?
C: It’s about a quarter by bus.
A: 4?
C: The No. 102 bus can take you there.
A: By the way, where’s the bus stop?
C: 5?
A: Thank you very much.
C: You’re welcome.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ?
答案:1~5. BFDAE
根据对话内容及上下文在空白处填入适当的词, 使对话意思完整, 每空一词。
A: Hello! Welcome to Volunteer Center. What can I do 1 you?
B: I’m ready to do some voluntary work for our town. I’d like to work outdoors.
A: OK. You could 2 pick up rubbish beside the streets.
B: I could do that! By the way, my sister wants to be a volunteer, too. But she 3 like to work outdoors.
A: 4 does she like to do?
B: She likes to play with children.
A: She could visit sick children at the hospital. She could play games with 5 .
B: That’s a great idea! Thanks a lot.
A: You’re welcome.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ?
答案:1. for 2. help 3. doesn’t 4. What 5. them
根据对话内容及上下文在空白处填入适当的句子, 使对话意思完整。
A: Hi, Li Ping. Where are you going?
B: 1. ?
A: Oh, to buy books? You are out! Why not go to the Readers’ Room?
B: The Readers’ Room? 2. ?
A: It is a place where students can exchange their old books with others.
B: That sounds great! 3. ?
A: It’s next to Renmin Park, across from Taoyuan Supermarket.
B: Oh, it’s a little far. 4. ?
A: You can take No. 101 bus.
B: How long does it take?
A: 5. ?
B: Five minutes isn’t a long time. OK, I will go there. Thanks!
答案:1. I’m going(to the store)to buy some books. /I’m going to the bookstore. / To buy books. / To the bookstore(bookshop).
2. What(place)is it? / What is the Readers’ Room?
3. Where is it?
4. How can I get(go)there? /Which bus can I take?
5. It takes five minutes(to get there). / About five minutes. /Five/5 minutes.
1. –Thanks for your help.
A. No, thanks B. Let me see
C. It doesn’t matter D. That’s OK
2. –Would you mind my using your dictionary?
A. Yes, please B. Of course not C. You are welcome D. My pleasure
3. . —I will go to the countryside to see my grandmother this afternoon, so I can't go swimming with you .?
???— ______ .
??A. It' s my pleasure .??????B. You are welcome .???
??C.??That 's a pity.???????? D. Sure , I am..
【解析】考查交际用语的用法区别。?It' s my pleasure意为“没什么,乐意效劳”,You are welcome意为“不客气,不用谢”,That 's a pity意为“那很可惜,遗憾”,Sure , I am意为“当然,我是”,根据句意“—今天下午我将去农村看我的奶奶,因此我不能和你一起去看游泳。—那太遗憾了。”所以选C。
?4. --It’s really nice of you to help me!
A. My pleasure. B. Don’t say that. C. Is that so?
【解析】交际用语。根据上句“你帮助我真是太好了”可知,应该用“My pleasure.”回答,故选择A。
5. —Let's go to see the stamp collection show.?? —_________.?A. Good idea!?? B. Don't worry.??? C. What a shame!【答案】A【解析】Let’s句式表示提建议,答语Good idea!表赞同。6. —Would you like some eggs, Judy?—______. I don't like them at all.A. I'm not sure?? B. All right??? C. No, thanks【答案】C【解析】Would you like sth? 表示征求对方意见的句式。肯定回答Yes, I’d like;否定回答No, thanks.?????????????????????????????????????????????
7. —I'll take part in the boys' 200-meter race this afternoon!?? —_______.?A. Never mind.?? B. Of course not.?? C. Good luck to you!【答案】C【解析】根据前一句意思,看出我将参加二百米赛跑。应当表示祝福。选C,祝你好运。8. —I lost my bike yesterday and had to walk home.?? —_______.?A. It doesn't matter?? B. It's a pleasure??? C. I'm sorry to hear that【答案】C【解析】听到不好的消息,应当表示同情或遗憾。选C,我听到这消息很难过。9. —Can you tell me how to use the digital camera?—_______. Let me have a look.A. No way??? B. No problem???? C. Forget it【答案】B【解析】No problem 没问题,表示愿意或能够做这件事。10.当你早上遇见同学时,你可以用 “__________”表示问候。A. Good morning! ?B. Good afternoon!??C. Good evening【答案】A【解析】早上见面问候语“Good morning!”。11. 当妈妈生日时,你可以对她说“_________”A. Happy New Year!?B. Happy Birthday! C. Happy Teachers’ Day!【答案】B【解析】Happy Birthday! 生日快乐!12. 当你与朋友通完电话时,你应该说:“________”。A. Bye-bye! ???B. Hello!???C. How do you do?【答案】A【解析】Bye-bye! 表示再见。13. 当你不小心踩到别人的脚时,你应说“________”表示道歉。A. Thank you. ??B. How are you??C. I’m sorry.【答案】C【解析】事后道歉,应说“sorry”.14. 当外籍教师问你在哪个班级时,你可以回答“________”。A. I'm 16.?????? B. I'm in Class 2.?????? C. I'm fine.【答案】B【解析】I'm in Class 2.? 我在二班。
15. — Why not stay for a few more minutes?— ?_____ My parents will be worried.A. All right???? B. Take your time ?C. It’s getting late【答案】C【解析】结合上下文意思,选C,天很晚,我父母将会担心的。
16. — Excuse me. Is the museum open every day??? — ______. It’s only open from Monday to Friday.?? A. Yes, of course?????????????????????B. That’s right?? C. I’m not sure??????????????????????? D. I’m afraid not【答案】D【解析】问句“博物馆是每天开放吗?”,答语后一句“它只在周一到周五开放。”结合上下文意思,选D。我认为恐怕不是的。
17. —Thanks for listening to my problem and giving me your advise, Amy.—______. That’s what friends are for.?A. My pleasure????????????????? B. With pleasure?C. Never mind?????????????????? D. It’s nice of you【答案】A【解析】根据句意:谢谢你倾听我的问题,给我一些建议,艾米。我很乐意。大家都是朋友。选A,My pleasure,用于某事之后。而With pleasure,用于做某事之前。
18. —Look! All the students are clapping with excitement. How nicely you sing!—?????????????.A. You are right??? B. I don’t think so??
C. Thank you???? D. That’s all right【答案】C【解析】别人称赞你,应当表示感谢。
19.— I am very worried about tomorrow’s math test. I am afraid I can’t pass this time.? — ________ ! I’m sure you’ll make it.A. No problem?????? B. Cheer up?????
C. That’s right????? D. Don’t mention it【答案】B【解析】根据句意看,担心考试不能通过。应选B, cheer up, 鼓励加油。
20.?—?The summer holiday is on the way. We’ll have more freedom.
???—?________. But we should learn to manage ourselves.
????????A. I’d love to???????????????B. I agree with you?????????C. I’m afraid I won’t
【解析】考查交际用语。题意;——暑假快到了,我们将有更多的自由。——我同意,但我们应该学会管理自已。I’d love to.?“我想做”;I agree with you.?“我同意你”;I’m afraid I won’t.“恐怕我将不”。根据题意选B。
?21. — I think Cindy is certainly the No. I in the English speech contest.—?_________. Her spoken English is not as good as Tina's.A. I agree?? B. So she is??? C. I don't mind????? D. I don't think so【答案】D【解析】谈论观点,根据答语:她的口语没有蒂娜好。所以是不赞同前者看法,选D。
22. — I hear Jeremy Lin was badly hurt during the basketball match.? — _________.A. Well done??????? B. Don't mention it??
C. That's a shame?? D. Congratulations【答案】C【解析】听说不好的消息,应当表示同情,选C,这真是不幸。
23. — Excuse me, but can I sit here?? —????? .? The man who sat here will be back soon.?A. Yes, please????? B. You’re welcome?????
C. No problem???????D. You’d better not?【答案】D【解析】根据上下文意思,得出答案D,“最好不”。因为这个座位有人坐了。
24. Would you mind if I sit here? --_________. It’s for Miss Smith.?? A. Better not?????????? B. Never mind???????? C. Of course【答案】A【解析】选A。考查交际用语。根据下文座位是给Miss Smith的,可知说话人要求不要坐那里。Better not意思是“最好别坐那里”。25. --May I use your phone? Mine doesn’t work.--Of course. ________________.A. very well????????? B. Take it easy????????? C. Here you are【答案】C【解析】选C。上句要借用手机,可推断下句是“给你”。26. –Hello! Can I speak to Lily??? --____________________.?? A. I’m Lily??????? B. This is Lily speaking????? C. Yes, please【答案】B【解析】选B。考查交际用语。在电话中介绍自己是哪位要用This is …speaking。27. — Thank you for helping me go much!?? — ________.??A. Don’t thank me ?B. All right?C. Don’t say so ?D. You’re welcome【答案】D【解析】选D。考查交际用语。句意:—谢谢你帮了我许多。—不用谢。You’re welcome. = That’s all right. = Not at all. …都可以作为应答,答谢语。意为“不用谢”。28. — ________,Peter??? — I have a bad cold.??A. What color do you like ?B. What’s the matter with you?C. Where are you ?? D. What’s the weather like?【答案】B【解析】选B。考查交际用语。句意:——你怎么了,彼特?——我患了重感冒。What’s matter with you? = What’s wrong with you? 意为“你怎么了?”。29. — It’s my turn to sing a song, I’m very nervous.?? — ________. You can do it.?A. Take it easy ?B. Yes, please ?
C. Bad luck ? D. I’m not?【答案】A【解析】选A。考查交际用语。句意:轮到我唱歌,我很紧张。——不要紧张,你能做。Take it easy. 意为“不要紧张”,“不激动”等。根据句意选A。30. — Jim, can you repair the computer for me now??? — ________. I have to take care of my little sister.?A. Yes, I can ??B. Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t??C. Well done ??D. Best wishes?【答案】B?【解析】选B。考查交际用语。句意:——Jim, 你能为我修电脑吗?——对不起,恐怕不能,我必须照料我的小妹妹。根据答语I have to take care of my little sister.,所以选B。31. --Sorry, I’m late.?? --________ We have just begun our class.?? A. It doesn’t matter.????????? B. That’s a shame!???? C. I’m afraid not.??????????? D. You are welcome!【答案】A【解析】选A。考查交际用语。回答Sorry,要用It doesn’t matter。表示“没关系”。32. — You look so pretty today.?? --_____________.A. With pleasure?????????????????? B. You are right????????? C. Thank you【答案】C【解析】对于别人的夸奖,应当表示感谢。33.? — Hi, Tim. _______!— The same to you.A . Congratulations????????????? B. Happy New Year???????? C. Happy birthday【答案】B【解析】新年是大家一起同时过的节日。
34. —I’m very sorry to have caused you so much trouble, Mr. Brown.—________.A.My pleasure? B. I hope not? C. You’re welcome? D. That’s all right?【答案】D【解析】根据句意看,我为你带来如此多的麻烦,感到抱歉。答语应是,没什么。选D。
35. —How about going camping in the mountain?—_________.A.Me, too B. Good idea C. It doesn’t matter D. Help yourself?【答案】B【解析】How about...? 句式表示提建议,应答语Good idea.
36. — It’s too hot. Would you mind my ______ the window?—. _____. Do it as you like, please.?A.to open, OK B. opening, Certainly not
C. opening, Of course D. open, Good idea.?【答案】B【解析】mind doing sth. 固定句式;certainly not 当然不介意。
37—Would you mind my opening the window? —??????????????A. Of course not? ??B.? My pleasure?
?C. Yes, please?? D. You are welcome.【答案】A【解析】应答mind doing sth. 句式,Of course not?当然不介意。
38. ---Could you please sweep the floor???? …_____________________ . I am busy babysitting my sister.A. sorry, you Can't??????????????? B. Yes, sure.????????????????????C. Yes, I can??????????????????? D. Sorry, I can't【答案】D【解析】Could you...?句式表示提建议,结合答语看出忙于照顾妹妹,用否定回答。
39.—Nice to meet you !?—___________A. Thank you!???????????????????????????????????? B. How do you do ?C. Nice to meet you, too!?????????????????????D. The same to you!【解析】C. 考查日常英语。回答Nice to meet you! 用Nice to meet you, too!40.—Would you like to go shopping with me, Kangkang??—_____________A. No, I’d like to???????????????????????????B. No, I can’tC. Sorry, I’m afraid not , I have to do my homeworkD. Yes, I like【解析】C. 考查日常英语。交际用语有时并不按语法规则,只有C选项符合题意。41. —Your T-shirt looks beautiful, Judy!? —_____________A. Don’t say that.????????????????????????????????? B. Thank you very much.C. It’s not beautiful.??????????????????????????????? D. I don’t think so.【解析】B. 考查日常英语。当你的物受到他人赞美或称赞时,应说感谢他人,因此选择B答案。42. —Would you mind if I open the window?—______________, I got a cold.A. You’d better not.??????????????????????????????? B. Never mind.C. Of course not.????????????????????????????????? D. All right.【解析】A. 考查日常英语。“我感冒了”,因此是介意的最好不要打开窗户,所以选择A答案。
43. —Do you mind my turning on the TV??? —?_____. I’m doing my homework.?A. No, of course not????? B. Yes, please?C. Not at all???????????? D. Better not【答案】D【解析】应答mind doing sth. 句式,Better not 最好不。
44. —I have heard Tom had an accident while he was riding to school yesterday.?? —?_____? He is always careful when riding.? A. How come? B. What for?? C. Why not????? D. So what?【答案】A【解析】根据句意:我听说汤姆昨天骑车上学时,出个事故。他骑车总是很小心的。?结合选项,选A,怎么回事?怎么搞的?45. —I’m sorry today. Why not have a picnic outside?—_____! Let’s ask the twins to join us.A. Sounds great?? B. Best wishes
?C. Good luck ? ?D. Well done.?【答案】A【解析】Why not...? 提建议句式,sounds great!表示赞同。
46. —_____—Thank you. But I’m full now.A. Would you like to have dinner with us tomorrow?B. Could you buy some fruit for me, please?C. Would you like more cakes??D. Could you pass me more bread?【答案】C【解析】根据答语我已经吃饱了。得出问句,你想再吃些蛋糕吗?
47. —Would you mind getting out of the shower, Anna?—_______.A. OK. I’1l do them right away? B. Sorry. I'll get up nowC. Sorry. I won't be long??????? D. No, I won't【解析】本题考查日常交际用语。由句意可知:——安娜,你是否介意从浴室出来?——对不起,我不会用太久。故选C。48.—Will you please sing for the sick at the city hospital to cheer them up?—______.A. Excuse me. I'm afraid not??? B. It's very kind of youC. Certainly. I'll be glad to?? D. I'm sorry to hear that【解析】本题考查交际用语。句意为:——你能为城市医院的病人唱歌让他们高兴起来吗?——当然,很高兴这么做。故选C。?49. —I’ve got a ticket to the opening ceremony of the twenty-nine Olympics. I’m leaving for London in a few days.??????? —What a lucky guy!?______.?????? A. It’s kind of you???? B. Enjoy yourself?? C. That’s all right【答案】B【解析】对方将要出远门或去游玩时,应该祝福他们玩得开心或旅途愉快。
50. —We made a good job of our English group work.?????? —______.Your topic on Advertisement English is fascinating.??????? A. Congratulations????? B. The same to you?? C. Sorry to hear that【答案】A【解析】对方取得成就或成功时,应该祝贺人家。
1. —I will have a match tomorrow. I hope I will win.?? —_____________.??A. Good luck???? B. No idea?????????
C. That’s such a pity????? D. It’s all right【答案】A【解析】对方去参加比赛或考试等项目之前,应该祝福人家。Good luck祝你好运。
2. — Would you like to go bike riding with us tomorrow?— _______.A. Sorry. I’d love to.? B. Sure, I’d love to.C. Sure. I have to help my parents.? D. Yes, I can. I have a piano lesson.【答案】B【解析】Would you like to do sth? 提建议句式,肯定回答Yes, I’d like/love to.
3. — Have you ever heard of Zhang Lili?— Certainly, the most beautiful woman teacher, and _______.A. good luck?????????? B. I hope she’ll be better soon??C. good health????????? D. I’m sorry to hear that?【答案】B【解析】你听说过张丽丽吗?她是最美女教师。结合时事新闻,张丽丽因为救学生而自己受伤的。应该选B,希望她早日康复。
4. —Would you mind taking out the trash, son? I am busy doing the laundry.?—_________.?A. Not at all. I’ll do it right away.???B. Sure. I would mind.C. I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.?【答案】 A【解析】回答mind句式,答案A,一点也不。我将把它拿走。
5. — My new iPhone was stolen when I took a bus yesterday.—_______.A. I'm sorry to hear that? B. It doesn't matterC. Don't be silly? D. I'd love to【答案】A【解析】考查情景交际。I'm sorry to hear that “听到这个消息我很遗憾”;It doesn’t matter“没关系”; Don't be silly.“不要傻了”; I'd love to.“我愿意”。句意“-当我乘公共汽车的时候我的新iPhone被偷了。-听到这个消息我很遗憾。”故选A。6. — Oh no! There isn't any sugar left.—___??? .I’ll buy some when I go into town.A. Good idea? B. Not at all?
C. Go ahead??? D. Never mind?【答案】D【解析】考查情景交际。Good idea “好主意”; Not at all “一点也不;不客气”; Go ahead “继续”; Never mind.“没关系”。句意“-哦!没有糖了。-没关系,当我去城镇的时候我买一些。”故选D。7. —Don’t copy others’ homework anymore!—_________, Miss Smith.?A. Ok, I will. B. Sorry, I won’t?? C. OK, I don’t know.?【答案】B【解析】考查情景交际。Ok, I will “可以,我会的”; Sorry, I won’t “对不起,我不会”; OK, I don’t know “可以,我不知道”。句意“-不要再抄袭别人的作业了。-对不起,我不会了。”故选B。8. —Yesterday I won the first prize in the singing competition.?—Really? _______A. Congratulations???? B. That’s right.????? C. Don’t mention it【答案】A【解析】考查情景交际。Congratulations “祝贺你”; That’s right. “那是正确的”; Don’t mention it “不要提”。句意“-昨天,我在歌唱比赛中得了第一名。-真的吗?祝贺你!”故选A。9. —I have a cold, so I can’t go for a picnic with you.?—________.A. Glad to hear that?? B. I’m sorry to hear that?? C. I hope so.?【答案】B【解析】考查情景交际。Glad to hear that “听到我很高兴”; I'm sorry to hear that “听到这个消息我很遗憾”; I hope so “我希望如此”。句意“-我感冒了我不能和你去野营了。-听到这个消息我很遗憾。”故选B。10. —I’m taking the driving test next Friday.?—________!?A. Good luck??? B. With pleasure??
C. Nice work?? D. Congratulations?【答案】A【解析】考查情景交际。Good luck “祝你好运”; With pleasure “非常乐意”; Nice work “做得好”;Congratulations “祝贺你”。句意“-下周五我将进行驾照考试。-祝你好运。”故选A。11. —Peter has made progress in math recently.?—_______, and so have you.?A. So he does.?? B. So he has??
C. So has he??? D. So does he【答案】B【解析】考查情景交际。句意“-Peter最近在数学方面取得了进步。-他确实是,你也是。”so+助动词+主语表示“确实是”;故选A。12. —Oh, we’ve missed the 6 o'clock film.?—_???? . It'll be on again in two hours.A. Have fun?? B. Don’t worry??
C. Sounds great??? D. You’re welcome【答案】B
【解析】考查情景交际。Have fun“玩得快乐”;don’t worry“不要担心”;sounds great“听起来很好”;you’re welcome“不用客气”。根据It'll be on again in two hours.可知“不用担心”,故选B。13. —Hi, Paul. Long time no see.? _______?—I’ve just bought a new car. It’s great.A. What’s new???? B. What’s wrong????
C. How are you?????? D. What about you【答案】C
【解析】考查情景交际。根据Long time no see.可知此处询问“怎么样”,how are you表示“你怎样”,符合交际情景,故选C。14. —Would you like some rice?—_______. I’d rather have a piece of bread.A. Yes, please???? B. No problem????
C. That’s OK??? D. No, thanks【答案】D
【解析】考查情景交际。根据答语I’d rather have a piece of bread.可知“不要,谢谢”,故选D。15.—Thank you for the present you sent me. It’s so nice.—???????? .A. No, thanks?????? B. I’m glad you like itC. Please don’t say so????D. No, it isn’t so good【答案】B
【解析】考查情景交际。No, thanks.“不要,谢谢”;B项“很高兴你喜欢”;C项“不要这样说”;D项“不,没有那么好”。根据Thank you for the present you sent me.可知答案为B项。16.— Tom, be careful not to drive too fast?????????? .— Thank you for your advice.A. It’s better to be safe than sorry? ?B. Too many cooks spoil the brothC. Many hands make light work ??D. Every dog has its day【答案】A
【解析】考查情景交际。根据be careful not to drive too fast可知此处表示“建议”,A项“安全总比后悔好”,其它三项不符合交际情景,故选A。
17.— How would you like your coffee?—???????????? .A. Black, please???B. Very much.??
C. It tastes good.??D. No, thanks.【答案】A
【解析】考查情景交际。询问的是“你想要什么样的咖啡呢?”,A项“黑色的”,符合交际情景,故选A。18. — Congratulations! Your speech is excellent.? — ______.A. Oh, no??????? B. It doesn’t matter??
?C. That’s a good idea?? D. Many thanks【答案】D
【解析】考查情景交际。对于别人的“恭喜”,应该表示感谢,故选D。19.-----What a heavy rain!? Will it last long?? ------???? .We’re getting into the rainy season now.?A. Of course not???? B. I’m afraid so??
?C. That’s impossible? D. I’m afraid not?【答案】B【解析】Of course not意为“当然不是”;I’m afraid so意为“恐怕是这样”;That’s impossible意为“那不可能”;I’m afraid not意为“恐怕不是”。句意为“多么大的雨啊!它将持续很久吗? ”“……现在我们进入雨季了”。可知答语应该是“恐怕这样”。故选B。20.-----My mother says that we won’t go on a trip to Hong Kong Disneyland. I just can’t understand.
——_______.?A. Never mind.???? B. Enjoy yourselves!C. What a pity!???? D. Don’t worry about it.【答案】C【解析】Never mind意为“没关系”;Enjoy yourselves意为“祝你玩得高兴”;What a pity意为“太遗憾了”;Don’t worry about it. 意为“不要担心它”。句意为“我妈妈说我们将不能去香港迪士尼乐园旅行。我真地不明白。”“……你一直期盼着”。可知答语应该是“太遗憾了”。故选C。21.—Are you going to take part in the speech competition?—?_______. It’s too good a chance to miss.A. No problem??B. Thanks a lot
C. Never mind???D. That’s for sure【答案】D【解析】考查交际用语。No problem意为“没有问题”;thanks a lot意为“非常感谢”;never mind意为“没有关系”;That’s for sure意为“毫无疑问”。句意为“你将要参加演讲比赛吗?”“……这是一个不能错过的好机会。”故选D。
22. -Hello, Jack. How are you doing?- _______.?A. Reading a magazine? B.OK?
C. That’s all right? D. It’s nice【答案】B【解析】第一句话问Jack最近怎样,回答用“还行”。A是用来回答正在做某事。C表示不用谢。D是评价某物非常好。23. -Do you need my help, Mary?-_____. A. Yes, please B. I’d love to?
C. Never mind? D. Well done?【答案】A【解析】考查交际用语。Yes, please表示“是的,请……”;I’d love to表示很乐意为别人做某事;Never mind表示不介意别人做某事;Well down意为“干得好。”问句是“你需要我帮忙吗?”回答应该是“是的,请帮我。”故选A。24. -Help yourself to some more meat, Linda.-_____. A. I’m full, thanks?? B. It’s my pleasure
C. It doesn’t matter?? D. Very well, thank you【答案】A【解析】I’m full, thanks 意为“我吃饱了,谢谢”;It’s my pleasure表示很乐意为别人做某事;It doesn’t matter意为“没关系”;Very well, thank you意为“很好,谢谢。”问句是“Linda,随意多吃点肉吧!”答语应该是“我吃饱了,谢谢。”故选A。
25. -I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.-_____. They aren’t serious enough.A. I agree???? B. I disagree?????
C. I think so????? D. That’s right【答案】B
【解析】考查情景交际。A项“我同意”;B项“我不同意”;C项“我认为是这样”;D项“那是正确的”。根据答语They aren’t serious enough.可知“我不同意”,故选B。26. —I’m sorry for stepping on your toes.???? — ______.A. Bad luck????B. You’re welcome??C. It doesn’t matter【答案】C
【解析】考查情景交际。Bad luck“倒霉”;you’re welcome“不用客气”;It doesn’t matter“没关系”。根据“对不起踩到你的脚了”可知此处表示“没关系”,故选C。27. —I’ll go to Japan for a trip next month.?? — Great!???A. Good luck!???????? B. Have a good time!???C. Best wishes!???????? D. Glad to see you again.【答案】B【解析】Good luck意为“祝你好运!”;Have a good time!意为“祝你玩得高兴!”;Best wishes意为“最好的祝福送给你!”;Glad to see you again! 意为“再次见到你很高兴!”。句意为“下个月我将去日本度假。”“太棒了!……”。可知答语应该是“祝你玩得高兴!”。故选B。
28. —We are going on a school trip tomorrow.—______.A . Excuse me?? B. I’m sorry to hear that???
C. You’re welcome????? D. Have a good time【答案】D【解析】考查交际用语。根据第一句句意为“明天我们打算去学校旅行。”可知选D。句意“祝你们玩得愉快。29. —Hello, may I speak to John, please?—______________.A. Who are you? B. What’s the matter?C. This is John speaking. D. He is John.【答案】C【解析】考查交际用语的用法。A. Who are you?询问:你是谁? B. What’s the matter?询问:怎么了?C. This is John speaking. 解释:(打电话的)我是约翰D. He is John.介绍:他是约翰。根据上句“请找约翰接电话?”所以选择答案C。30. Peter has never been to a water park. ________.?A. I haven’t neither?? B. I haven't too?
C. Me too?? D. Me neither【答案】D【解析】考查交际用语的用法。根据上句的“彼得从未去过水上公园”可知这里要表达“我也没去过”,用:Me neither. 或A, B选项应该该是I haven’t either. 而C选项用来回答上句是肯定句时,所以选择答案D。31. —I am too tired to walk any farther, Jack.—_______, Daniel. You can do it.?A. No hurry? B. No problem
C. That’s all D. Come on【答案】D【解析】考查交际用语的用法。No hurry“不着急”,No problem“没问题”,That’s all“就这样”,Come on“赶快,加油”。根据句意:上句“杰克,我累得再也走不动了”,下句“……,你会成功的”,所以选择答案D。32. —I’m sorry for giving you so much trouble.—_____.A. You're welcome B. No problem?
C. All right D. It doesn’t matter.【答案】D【解析】此题考查情景交际。根据前半句句意“给你带来这么多麻烦我很抱歉。”可知 “没关系。”故选D。33. - Would you like to go to the hospital to help the sick kids this Sunday.?—_____, I’ll be free then.A. Sorry, I can't?? B. Not at all???????
C. Thank you?????? D. Sure, I'd love to【答案】D【解析】此题考查情景交际。Would you like to do sth? 的意思是“你愿意做......吗?”否定回答:I'd love to, but...(自己找个理由把省略号的那部分换掉)。肯定回答:Yes, I'd love to. 故选D。34. –Sorry. I'm late.–__________, but please come earlier next time.A. That's OK???? B. Good idea???
C. I think so??? D. You're welcome?【答案】A【解析】此题考查情景交际。That’s OK“那好吧”;Good idea“好主意”;I think so“我认为如此”;You’re welcome“不客气”。句意为“对不起,我来晚了”“____,但是下一次早点来。”根据语境可知此处应为“That’s OK”,故选A。35. — Would you mind turning up the music??—___________. Dad is sleeping now.A. Sorry, I can't do it???? B. OK, I'll do it??
C. No,? not at all????? D. Yes, please【答案】A【解析】此题考查情景交际。would you mind doing sth.?是一个非常重要的交际用语,用来表示委婉的请求,或用来表示希望得到对方的许可. 关于如何回答该句型的问题。 1. 若表示“不介意”或“同意”时,常用否定形式。如: No, of course not; No, please. ; No, I don't mind. 2. 若表示“介意”或“不同意”时,则常用较委婉的方式加以拒绝。如: Sorry, I can’t do it; I'm afraid you can't; Yes, I do mind. 等。根据下句“______.爸爸正在睡觉。”可知此处应填“不,我不能”故选A。36. —1 saw your friend at the hospital this morning. What's the matter with her??—Oh, _________. She is a doctor there.A. you're right????? B. it's a pity???????
C. don't worry??????? D. you're welcome【答案】C【解析】此题考查情景交际。you’re right“你是对的”;it’s pity“遗憾的是”;don’t worry“不要担心”;you’re welcome.句意为“我今天早上看见你的朋友在医院,她怎么了?”“噢_______. 她是那儿的一位医生”。根据上下文可知此空应填空“don’t worry”,故选C。37. —Are you confident about the English Speech Contest, Sally??—______________. I’ve got everything ready!A. Of course not?????? B. It's hard to say?????
C. Sure, I am??? D. I am afraid not【答案】C【解析】此题考查情景交际。句意“Sally,你对英语演讲比赛有信心吗?”“_______. 我已经做好准备。”根据上下句语境,可知此空应填“当然,我有信心”,故选C。38. - Sally, I am going to Shanghai tomorrow.—_______A. Well done? ?B. With pleasure?
C. Have a good trip D. Not at all【答案】C【解析】此题考查情景交际。上句“Sally,我明天去上海”。答语应为“(祝愿别人)祝你玩的高兴”是固定用法。故选C。39.—May I borrow your dictionary, Sandy?—______. But you have to return it this afternoon.A. No problem??? B. I’m sorry?? C.I hope not.?? D. I’m not sure.【答案】A【解析】本题考查交际用语。No problem“没有问题”;I’m sorry“对不起”;I hope not“希望不是如此”;I’m not sure“我不能确定”。句意“Sandy,我能借用你的字典吗?” “____.但时你必须今天下午归还”。可以是愿意把字典借给对方用。故空白处应填“没有问题”,故选A。40. —I’ve never had such a wonderful time. Thank you for inviting me.???? — ______.A. That’s right. B. You're welcome.????
C. That’s it.?????? D. Good job.【答案】B 考查情景交际的用法。根据上文Thank you for inviting me.可知回答应该是“不用谢”,故选B。41.— Could you help me put up the maps on the wall? — ________?A. No problem.?? B. I hope so.??C. That’s all right.?? ??D. That’s a good idea.【答案】A【解析】此题考查情景交际。A选项“没问题“,B 选项“希望如此”,C选项“没关系”,D选项“好主意”。根据句意:你可以帮助我把地图贴在墙上吗?此句表示向别人提出请求。只有A选项符合题意。故选A。??42. ---What a nice meal! It’s really kind of you to invite us.?---_______. I’m glad you like it.?A.Not at all B. Sounds good
C. Well done D. Never mind?【答案】A【解析】本题考查日常交际用语。根据后一句“I’m glad you liked it”可知主人对客人表示谢意。回答用“没关系(不客气)”。故选A。43. –I wonder if I can use your dictionary for a while.?—???______.
A. Here you are ?B. I don't know?
C. Nothing much? D. I don't care【答案】A【解析】本题考查交际用语。句意为“我想知道是否能用一会儿你的字典?”如果同意借给他,回答语用“Here you are.” 意为“给你”。B、C、D不符合前后文的意思。故选A。44. --I'm going to a party on Thursday night at Jimmy's house.?--______! You’ll have two tests at school on Friday.A. It's nice to say so ?B. That's excitingC. Enjoy yourself????? D. You can't be serious【答案】D【解析】本题考查交际用语。“You can’t be serious”意为“你一定是开玩笑吧”,句意为“周四晚上我将去几米家的派对”“你一定是开玩笑吧!星期五你的学校将有两场考试。”45.—I am going to have a job interview tomorrow morning.? —Well.????????? A. Have a good time!????????????? B. I’m happy to hear that.?? C. Good luck!???????????????????? D. Congratulations!【答案】C【解析】本题考查情景交际。A项意为“祝你玩得高兴!”一般用于祝愿别人旅行快乐;B项为“我听到这个非常高兴”;C项“祝你好运!”常用于在他人要比赛或者考试之类的 ...祝福别人的意思;D项“祝贺”。根据句意可知此处应为“祝你好运”,故选C。46. —The weather is very good. Let’s go to the seaside.—________. Why not?A. Have fun? B. Not really??
C. Sounds fine?? D. Not at all【答案】C【解析】本题考查情景交际。Have fun“玩得高兴”;Not really“不见得”;sounds fine“听起来很好”;Not at all“一点也不”。句意为“这天气很好。让我们去海边吧”“听起来很好,为什么不?”。可知C项符合题意。故选C。47. —Hey, July.—________?—I need your help.A. Oh, really?? B. What’s up??
C. How are you?? D. All right【答案】B【解析】本题考查情景交际。Oh, really“噢,真的”;What’s up“怎么了?”;How are you“你好吗?”;All right“好的”。句意为“嗨,July”“______” “我需要帮助”。可知上空应填“你怎么了”,只有B项符合,故选B。
48. -I am going to London to watch the Summer Olympic Games next month.-????????? ???!??A. Have a good time?? B. It’s terrible???
? C. Good job??????? D. What a pity【答案】A【解析】本题考查情景交际。由上句“下个月我将去伦敦看夏季奥林匹克运动会”可知下句应为“祝你玩得高兴”,故选A。49. -Hello, may speak to Sandy?-????????????????.A. Yes, I’m Rose.????????????? B. I’ll call back again???C. Yes, I can’t hear you???????? D. This is Sandy speaking.【答案】D【解析】本题考查情景交际。Hello, may I speak to Sandy? 这是打电话用语,意为“我可以和Sandy通话吗?”即“找Sandy打电话”。答语应为“This is Lucy speaking. 或This in Lucy.”,故选D。50.—I’m going to take my driving test tomorrow.
—_____!?A.Good luck? B.Congratulations
?C.Come on?? D.Cheers【答案】C
【解析】考查情景交际。Good luck“祝你好运”;congratulations“恭喜”;come to“加油”,cheers“干杯”。根据“明天要参加驾驶考试”可知此处表示“祝你好运”。
1.—How he wants to get a high mark in the final term examination!?—Yes._____.?????A.So is he. ?B.So he does.
C.So does he.?D.So he is.【答案】B
【解析】考查情景交际 。根据上句可知此处表示“对所说事实进行肯定”,不需要倒装,排除A、C;根据wants可知判断此处使用does,故选B。2.?—?________?
???—?I’m looking for a pair of google glasses for my grandson.
?A. How is it going??????????????????????????????B. Who’s that speaking??
?C. What can I do for you
【解析】考查交际用语。题意:——你要买什么?——我要为我的孙子买一副谷歌眼镜。How is it going??“进展怎样?”;Who’s that speaking??“你是谁?”;What can I do for you? “你要买什么(我能为您做点什么?)”。根据题意选C。
3. —I will have a match tomorrow. I hope I will win.?? —_____________.?? A. Good luck???? B. No idea???????
?? C. That’s such a pity????? D. It’s all right【答案】A
【解析】考查情景交际。A项“祝好运”;B项“没有主意”;C项“很遗憾”;D项“好吧”。根据“明天要考试”可知此处表示“祝好运”,故选A。4.?—We’ll study in different schools next term. Enjoy your time in the new school.
A. I’ll take your advice.????????????? B. The same to you.??????????????????
C. Congratulations!?????????????????????D. Me, too.
?【解析】考查情景交际。?句意:下一个学期我们将在不同的学校学习了,祝你在新学校过得愉快!你也是。故选B,The same to you,你也是。其他的I’ll take your advice,我会采纳你的意见;Congratulations,祝贺你!Me,too,?我也是,都不符合句意。
5. —Do you my turning on the TV??? —???????????. I’m doing my homework.?A. No, of course not????? B. Yes, please?C. Not at all???????????? D. Better not【答案】D
【解析】考查情景交际的用法。根据“我正在做作业”可知“不可以开电视”,D项的语气比较委婉,意思是“最好不要”,符合交际情景。6. —I have heard Tom had an accident while he was riding to school yesterday.?? —???????????? He is always careful when riding.?A. How come? B. What for??
C. Why not????? D. So what?【答案】A
【解析】考查情景交际的用法。根据答语中He is always careful when riding.可知此处表示“怎么回事”,故选A。7. ―Teddy, don't draw on the wall. It's not a good behavior.?? ―___________________.?A. Never mind B. Yes, I'd love to
C. Sorry, I won't? D. Of course not???【答案】C
【解析】考查情景交际。Never mind“不要紧”;I’d love to“我喜欢”;sorry, I won’t“对不起,我不会了”;of course not“当然不好”。根据don't draw on the wall.可知此处表示“对不起,我不会再在墙上画了”,故选C。8. —So many people! Could you stand here??? —???????????????. Don’t you see the sign “Line up, please”???A. My pleasure??????? B. No problem?????
? C. Of course?????? D. Sorry, you can’t【答案】D
【解析】考查情景交际。My pleasure“我乐意”;no problem“没问题”;of course“当然”;sorry,you can’t“对不起,你不可以”。根据Don’t you see the sign “Line up, please”?可知“不可以站这儿”,故选 D。9. —Must I do my homework now, Mum?—?????????????. You can do it tomorrow.?A. No, you needn’t????????????? B. No, you mustn’tC. Yes, you need??????????????? D. Yes, you must【答案】A【解析】考查交际用语。对于“Must I……”引导的问句,肯定答语为“Yes, you must.”否定答语为“No, you needn’t./don’t have to.” 句意为“妈妈,我必须现在做作业吗?”“不,你不必,你可以明天做。”故选A。10. —????? ?—Father’s Day is coming. I’d like to buy a present for my father.A. How much would you like????? B. What can I do for youC. What colour do you want?????? D. What size would you like【答案】B【解析】考查交际用语。How much would you like?表示“你想花多少钱?” ;What can I do for you? 表示“要我帮忙吗?”;What colour do you want? “你想要什么颜色的?”;What size would you like?表示“你想要多大型号的?”根据答语“父亲节就要来临了。我想为爸爸买一个礼物。”可知问句应该是“要把我帮忙吗?”故选B。11. ---Can I get you a cake??? ---__________________. But I have already got one.??A. That’s very nice of you?.?B. No, you don’t have to?C. Yes, please. ???? D. With pleasure【答案】A
【解析】考查情景交际的用法。根据Can I get you a cake?可知应该对别人表示“感谢”,故选A。12. ---Mr. Johnson, I’m afraid I can’t finish the project during this month.??? ---__________. How about next month??A. Good for you??? B. It won’t bother me?C. That’s OK ??? ?D. Not at all.?【答案】B13. —That’s heavy box. Can you give me a hand?—?????? . I’m strong enough to carry it.A. Yes, you could??? B. Sure?????
C. at?????? D. No, never mind【答案】B【解析】考查交际用语。Yes, you could 意为“是的,你能”;sure意为“当然;可以”;No, thanks意为“不,谢谢”;No, mind意为“不,没关系。”句意为“那是一个重箱子,你能帮我一下吗?”“……我足够壮能搬动它。”,可知下文是说“当然可以”故选B。
14. — Tom, please tell me????????????.??—In Sunshine Second School.A. where will the match take place???B. where the match will take pleaseC. Many hands make light work????? D. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket【答案】B【解析】考查宾语从句的用法。宾语从句要用陈述语序,首先排除A和C;根据答语“在阳光第二学校。”可知问句应该是“Tom,请告诉我比赛在哪儿举行。”故选B。
15. 42.?——?Tim and I will visit the exhibition this weekend. Would you like to join us?
A. Well done.??????????????????B. That’s right.????????
C. You’re welcome.???? ?D. I’d love to
【解析】考查情景交际。?句意:我和Tim这个周末要去参观展览。你愿意加入我们吗?我愿意。因此选D,I’d love to,我愿意。其他的well?done,做得好;That’s right,这是正确的;You’re welcome,不用谢,都不符合句意。
16. –Shall we have a cup of coffee?-_____.A. Good idea?????????? B. Thank you???????
C. That’s OK?????? D. Me too【答案】A【解析】考查交际用语。Good idea 意为“好主意”;Thank you意为“谢谢”;That’s OK意为“可以”;Me too意为“我也是”。问句是“让我们来杯咖啡吗?”答语应该是“好主意。”故选A。17. –Thanks for the delicious food.??? - ______.A. No, thanks???? B. That’s right?????
C. All right????? D. My pleasure【答案】D【解析】考查交际用语。No, thanks意为“不,谢谢”;that’s right 意为“那是正确的”;all right 意为“正确的”;My pleasure 意为“不客气;非常乐意”。句意为“谢谢你美味的事物。”答语应该为“不客气”。故选D。18. —Cathy, could you come to our art club tomorrow?—______.??A. I'm sorry to hear that???????????? B. Sure, I'd love to??C. Never mind???????????????????????? D. You're welcome【答案】B
【解析】考查情景交际。I’m sorry to hear that“听到这我很伤心”;Sure, I’d love to“当然了,我愿意去”;Never mind“不要紧”;You’re welcome“没关系”。由上文句意“凯茜,明天你能来我们的美术俱乐部吗?”可知,故选B。19.—I'm sorry I broke your glass.? —______Be careful next time.?A. Sure??????????? B. It doesn't matter
?C. Yes, please?? D. No, thanks【答案】B
【解析】考查情景交际。Sure“当然了”;It doesn’t matter“没关系”;Yes, please.“是的,请吧”;No,thanks.“不,谢谢”。句意“-对不起,我弄坏了你的玻璃。-没关系,下次小心些。”故选B。20. —Would you please help me with my writing skills?—? ________.You can come to my office every Saturday.A. That’s all right??? B. Not at all???
C. No problem??? D. No, thanks ?【答案】C? 考查情景交际。That’s all right“没关系”;not at all“不用谢”;no problem“没问题”;no, thanks“不,谢谢”。根据You can come to my office every Saturday.可知“可以帮助的”,故选C。
21.—I think students should have mobile phones to call their parents.
????—_____. They often use them to play games instead.
A. I hope so??????? B. I don't agree?
C. No problem????????????D. Good idea
22. —I' m very sorry, Allen. I can't find your favorite CD.
——_____, Torn. I'll go and?buy?another one.
A. It doesn't matter????????????B. Don't say that
C. Sure???????????????????? ?D.??You are kidding .
23.—Could I borrow your camera?
— ___________,but please give it back by Saturday.
A. I am sorry???????? B. Of course?????
C. Certainly not???????D. No, thanks
【解析】考查情景交际。?句意:我能借一下你的照相机吗?当然可以,但是到周六前请还回来。故选B,of course,当然可以。其他的I am sorry,对不起;certainly not,当然不;No,thanks,不,谢谢,都不合适。
24. —I’ll go to France for a holiday next month.
—Great! __________!
A. Good luck????????? B. Best wishes??
C. Glad to see you again????????D. Have a good time
【解析】考察情景交际的运用。Good luck意为“祝你好运”;Best wishes?意为“最好的祝愿”;Glad to see you again意为“再次见到你很高兴”;Have a good time意为“祝你玩得高兴”。根据句意“下个月我将去法国度假。好极了,祝你玩得高兴!”,所以选择答案D。
25.—You won the first prize in the Physics competition.?xK b1 .C om?
—????????????. I made several terrible mistakes.
A. I think so?????????????? ?B. You must be joking????????
C. You are welcome??????????D. It doesn’t matter
26.?—?She used to have long straight hair, but now she’s got short curly hair.
??A. Thanks???? ?B. People sure change???
??C. Don’t worry?????? D. Good idea
【解析】考查情景交际。?句意:她过去留着长而直头发,但现在她有短的卷发。人都是变化的,people?sure?change,人都是会变化的。其他的thanks,谢谢;don’t worry,不要担心;good idea,好主意。
27.?—?Would you like to go for a?bike?ride on Sunday afternoon?
?????????—_______. I haven’t been outdoors these days. I can’t wait!
??A. Sorry, I can’t?????B. Sure, I’d love to?
??C. Not at all????? ?D. Forget it
【解析】考查情景交际。?句意:在周日下午你想去骑自行车兜风吗?我当然愿意。我近几天都没去户外了,我迫不及待。Would you like …的肯定回答就是sure,I’d love to.
28.?—?Oh! We’ve just missed the 8 o’clock film.
??????—?________. It’ll be on again in one hour.
??A. My pleasure????? B. Have fun???
??C. Don’t worry????? ?D. Good idea
【解析】考查情景交际。?句意:我们刚刚错过8点的电影。不用担心,一小时后还放映。Don’t worry,不用担心。My pleasure,我的荣幸;have fun,玩的开心;good idea,好主意。
29. — I'm sorry that I shouted at you this morning.
— ________,?but please don't get angry so often.
A. All right????????? B. No problem???
C. Never mind?????? D. With pleasure
【解析】考查日常用语的用法。All right行了,好吧;No problem没问题;Never mind没关系,不要紧;With pleasure很乐意。由上句“很抱歉,今天早上对你大叫”,下句意为“不要紧,但不要经常生气”,所以选择答案C。
30. — Don't keep water running when you wash hands.
— ________.
A. I hope so????????????????B. I'm afraid not?
?C. Sorry, I won't???? D. It's nothing
【解析】考查日常用语的用法。I hope so我希望如此,I'm afraid not我恐怕不会,Sorry, I won't对不起,我不会,It's nothing没什么事。由上句“当你洗手的时候不要让水一直流着”知,答句意为“对不起,我不会”,所以选择答案C。
9.—I have just got my driver’s license.
?A. Good luck????????????????B. That’s right????????
?C. Just so-so??????????? ?D. Congratulations
【解析】考查情景交际。由前句“我刚刚拿到驾照”可知,对方需对其取得的成绩表示祝贺。Congratulations!“祝贺”符合句意。Good luck“祝你好运”;That’s right“对啊”;Just so-so“一般般啦”表示程度一般,没有那么好。
10.—Don’t forget to give my best wishes to your uncle.
A. No, I don’t???????????B. No, I won’t?????
C. Yes, I do??????? D. Yes, I would
【解析】考查交际用语的用法。句意为:不要忘记把我最好的祝愿带给你叔叔。_____。?No, I don’t?不,我不;No, I won’t.不,我将不会;Yes, I do.?是,我是;Yes, I would.?是的,我将。由问句中的Don’t forget可知答语应该是我将不会忘记。故选B。
11.?—We are going to play in tomorrow’s football match. I feel very nervous, Dad.
—?????????. I’m?sure?you can win the match.
A. Sorry??????????????????????? B. Take it easy?????????
C. Good idea???????????????????????D. Have fun
【解析】考查情景交际。Sorry对不起;take it easy别紧张;good idea好主意;have fun玩得开心。句意是:我们将在明天的足球赛上打球,我感到紧张,爸爸。别紧张,我相信你们能赢。根据语境故选B项。