译林英语8上重点句子读背单(8A U1-U4)
You can trust them because they never tell lies.
2. Betty大方且乐意和她的朋友们分享东西。
Betty is generous and willing to share things with her friends.
She is also helpful and ready to help people any time.
She wants to be a social worker when she grows up.
He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh.
She smiles often and never says a bad word about anyone.
7. 当有事困扰我的时候,我总是可以去找她。
When something worries me, I can always go to her.
I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret.
I will be happy if I can make other people/others happy.
I want to travel around the world and learn more about art some day.
11. Kate 既是我的邻居也是我最好的朋友。
Kate is both my neighbour and my best friend.
She always has/wears a smile on her face and looks happy.
13. 当我感觉无聊或不开心时,我常常去找她。
When I feel bored or unhappy, I often go to her.
14. 我可以仔细倾听人们说话并且帮助他们解决他们的问题。
I can listen to people carefully and help them with their problems.
15. 上学就像看电视,但是广告少些。
School is like watching TV, but there are fewer advertisements.
16. 我打算在我们学校附近的商店给我表弟买一个玩具卡车。
I'm going to buy a toy lorry/truck for my cousin in the shop near our school.
17. 对我来说,学外语很有趣。To me, learning foreign languages is fun.
18. 在我所有的学科中,我最喜欢法语。
Among all my subjects, I like French best/most.
19. 在阅读周期间,我们可以从校图书馆借更多的书。
During the Reading Week, we can borrow more books from the school library.
20. 在阅读周期间,我们还可以从家里将书和杂志带进来。
During the Reading Week, we can also bring in books and magazines from home.
21. 在阅读周快要结束的时候,我们在课上和我们的同学讨论这些书。
Near the end of the Reading Week, we discuss the books with our classmates in class.
22. 我们在看有趣的书时,时间似乎过得更快。
Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books.
23. 在阅读周期间,我常常比我的同学们读的书多。
During the Reading Week,I often read more books than my classmates.
24. 在同伴俱乐部,老生们帮助新生更多了解这所学校。
In the Buddy Club, older students help new students learn more about the school.
25. 在周五的下午, 我们的学校结束得比平时要早。
On Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than usual.
26. 我的朋友Tony 仔细倾听我的问题并主动给我帮助。
My friend Tony listens carefully to my problems and offers me help.
27. 我喜欢这项运动,每次训练都很刻苦。
I love this game and practice hard every time.
28. 我的学校比Dani e 的(学校)暑假少放几周。
My school has fewer weeks off for the summer holiday than Daniel’s.
29. 在三所学校中,美国学生花在家庭作业上的时间最少。
Among/Of the three schools, American students spend the least time on homework.
30. 在我们三个人当中, John参加的俱乐部最少。
John is in the fewest club s among(of) the three of us/among(of) us three.
31. 我坚持用英语写关于我的日常生活。
I keep writing in English about my daily life.
32. 我理想的学校上午九点上学,下午三点放学。
My ideal school starts/begins at 9 a. m. and finishes/ends at 3 p. m..
33. 我们不用早起,而且我们有很多时间参加课外活动。
We don't need to get up early and we have lots of time for after-school activities.
34. 金门大桥的模型看起来和家乡的那座一样棒。
The model Golden Gate Bridge looks as great as the one back home.
35. 有一百多个世界各地景点的模型。
There are models of more than a hundred places of interest from all over the world.
36. 我们所有人都迫不及待地要下车。
All of us couldn't wait to get off the bus.
37. 路上交通拥堵,旅行有一点无聊。
There was a lot of traffic on the way and the journey was a little boring.
38. 当看到埃菲尔铁塔的模型时,我们变得非常激动。
We became very excited when we saw the model Eiffel Tower.
39. 这真是惊人的一天,因为在仅仅一天内我们看到了世界上的主要景点。
It was an amazing day because we saw the main sights of the world in just one day.
40. 我们乘坐公交车花了大约两个小时才到达那里。
It took us about two hours to get there by bus.
41. 我们穿校服,但我们不系领带。
We wear school uniforms, but we do not wear ties.
42. 我上数学课,因为数学很有趣。
I have Maths because Maths is very interesting.
43. 我喜欢电脑,所以我每天上电脑课。
I love computers, so I have computer lessons every day.
44. 我最多只有一个小时来进行我的业余爱好。
I have only an hour for my hobbies at most.
45. 她在我的作业方面给我帮助,而且总是在公交车上给需要的人让座。
She helps me with my homework and always gives her seat on the bus to someone in need.
46. 当从我们的桌旁走过时,他经常将我们的书和笔撞到地上。
When he walks past our desks, he often knocks our books and pens onto the ground.
47. Max 的腿很长,在他的桌子底下放不下。
Max's legs are very long, and they don't fit well under his desk.
48. 我喜欢遇见不同的人并且和他们交朋友。
I like to meet different people and make friends with them.
49. 她写字比她班上其他人都要快。
She writes more quickly than any other student/the other students in her class.
50. 你每天花多少时间在你的业余爱好上
How much time/ How long do you spend on your hobbies every day
51. 昨天 Mr Wu 邀请我参加他们去世界公园的学校旅行。
Yesterday Mr Wu invited me to join their school trip to the World Park.
52. 埃菲尔铁塔模型不如法国的那个真的高。
The model Eiffel Tower is not as tall as the real one in France.
53. 他们彼此对视并且将这个秘密藏在心中。
They looked at each other and kept the secret to themselves.
54. 比赛于 10月17日星期日在月光镇的体育中心举行。
The match takes place on Sunday, October 17 at the Sports Centre in Moonlight Town.
55. 到达体育中心将花费我们大约半个小时。
It will take us about half an hour to reach the Sports Centre.
Don't give up. Keep trying and you will find you can remember things better.
Use fruit of different colours and try to make your fruit sala d look as good as it tastes.
58. 当你将它搁置一段时间,一些水果会很快变色。
Some of the fruit will quickly turn brown when you leave it in the air for some time.
59. 我们可以停止打扫屋子去做一些食物吗
Can we stop cleaning the house and make some food
60. 伴随着那些噪音我不可能睡觉。
It is impossible for me to sleep with all that noise.
61. 例如,将红色的苹果,绿色的梨,紫色的葡萄和橙子混合在一起会使沙拉看起来色彩丰富。
For example, mixing red apples, green pears, purple grapes and oranges together will make the sala d look very colourful.
62. 妈妈的生日即将来临,因此我决定独自为她制作一张生日卡片。
Mum’s birthday is coming, so I decided to make her a birthday card by myself.
63. 当我在写句子“妈妈,生日快乐”时,我犯了一些错误。
I made some mistakes when I wrote the sentence“Happy birthday, Mum”.
64. 我剪出一幅有彩色气球的画并将它粘贴在封面上。
I cut out a picture of colourful balloons and stuck it on the cover.
65. 当我完成卡片时,到处都是颜料。
When I completed the card, there was paint on everything.
66. 当你做DIY 的时候,你自己制作、修理或装饰东西,而不是付钱给别人去做。
When you do DIY, you make, repair or decorate things yourself instead of paying someone to do it.
He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a mistake.
Another time, he wanted to put up a picture on his bedroom wall, but he hit a pipe and filled the room with water.
69. 现在客厅里不仅墙壁是蓝色的,连天花板和地板也是蓝色的。
Now the living room has not only blue walls but also a blue ceiling and floor.
70. 他花了五个小时将架子安装在墙上。
He spent five hours putting up the shelf on the wall.
71. 我的书无法放在那里,因为架子的一端比另一端要高得多。
My books couldn't stay there because one end of the shelf was much higher than the other.
72. 相反,我自己在阅读所有这些书,并且每周六去上课。
Instead,I am reading all the books myself and attending lessons every Saturday.