人教版(2019))必修第一册Unit3单词检测课件 (共26张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019))必修第一册Unit3单词检测课件 (共26张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 723.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-10-31 19:07:21



Unit 3 自我检测版
1.fitness / f tn s/__________
2.soccer / s k (r)/ __________
3.stadium / ste di m/ ________
4.boxing / b ks / __________
5.badminton / b dm nt n/ __________
6.marathon / m r θ n/ __________
7.event / vent/ __________
8.come along __________
9.ski /ski:/ __________
10.host /h st/__________
11.track /tr k/ __________
track and field __________
12.gym /d m/ __________
13.gymnastics __________
14.work out __________
15.sweat /swet/ __________
16.make it __________
17.legend / led nd / __________
18.athlete / θli:t/ __________
19.master / mɑ:st (r)/ __________
20.set an example __________
21.honour /' n (r)/ __________
22.glory / gl :ri /__________
23.medal / medl/ __________
24.championship __________
25.champion / t mpi n/ __________
26.determination / t mpi n p/ __________
27.apart / pɑ:t/ __________
fall apart_______________
28.injure / nd (r)/ __________
29.injured / nd d/ __________
30.injury / nd ri/__________
31.captain / k pt n/ __________
32.lose heart __________
34. graceful __________
35.strength /stre θ/__________
36.failure / fe lj (r)/ __________
37.give up__________
pete /k m pi:t / _________
39.make sense __________
40.pretend /pr tend/ __________
pretend to do sth_____________
41.even if/ though__________
42.million / m lj n/ __________
43.cheat /t i:t /__________
44.audience / di ns/ __________
45.positive / p z t v/ __________
46.slim /sl m/ __________
47.diet / da t/ __________
48.make a difference__________
49.rather / rɑ: (r)/ __________
rather than _____________
50.push-up /' p p/ __________
51.cut out __________
52.now and then__________
pare… with/to… __________
54. jog /d g/__________
55.stress /stres/__________
56.error / er (r)/ __________
Unit 3 自我检测版
1. __________ n.健康;健壮;适合
2. __________n.足球
3. __________ n.体育场;运动场
4.boxing n. __________
5.badminton n. __________
6. __________ n.比赛项目;大事;公开活动
7. __________phr.跟随;到达;进步;赶快
8. __________adj.滑雪的v.滑雪
9. __________vt.主办;主持
10. __________ n.跑道;足迹;铁路轨道
11.track and field phr.__________
12.gym n. __________
13.gymnastics n. __________
14. ______________phr. 锻炼;计算出;解决
15. __________ v.使出汗;出汗n.汗水; 出汗
16. __________phr.获得成功;准时到达
17. __________ n.传奇故事(或人物);传说
18. __________ n.运动员;运动健儿
19. __________n.高手;主人vt.精通;掌握
20. _________________phr. 树立榜样
21. __________ n.荣誉;尊重;荣幸
22.glory n. __________
23.__________n.奖章; 勋章
24.championship n. __________
25. __________n.冠军;优胜者
26. __________ n.决心;决定
27. __________ adv.分离;分开;成碎片
__________ phr. 破裂;破碎;崩溃
28. __________ vt.使受伤;损害
29. __________ adj.受伤的;有伤的
30. __________ n.伤害;损伤
31. __________n. (运动队)队长;船长;机长
32. __________ phr.丧失信心;泄气
35. __________ n.力量;体力
36.__________ n.失败;失败的人(或事物)
37. __________phr.放弃;投降
38. __________ vi.竞争;对抗
39. ____________phr.有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚
40. __________ vi.& vt.假装;装扮
________________phr. 假装做某事
41. __________phr.即使;虽然
42. __________num. —百万
43. __________ vi.作弊;欺骗;蒙骗 n.骗子
44.audience n.__________
45. _________adj.积极的;正面的;乐观的;肯定的
46. __________ adj.苗条的;单薄的
47. __________vi.节食n.规定饮食;日常饮食
48. __________phr.有作用或影响
49. __________ adv.相当;有点儿
__________phr. 而不是
50.push-up n.__________
51._________ phr.停止做(使用、食用);剪下
52._______________phr. 有时;偶尔
53.______________ phr.与……比较
55.__________ n.压力;紧张;重音
56.__________ n.错误;差错
Unit 3
1. adj适合做某事 胜任... 保持健康
v (三态)适应 n a fitness center
2. 事后诸葛亮人人都会做。
sporting/sports event
3.1)our friends come along
2)the right opportunity comes along
3)the patient is coming along well
come across、come out、
come true、come up、come up with
vt host a party 女主人;女主持人
6.n wild animals’ tracks
a muddy track railway tracks
track and field keep/lose track of...
v track down the owners
7.1) work out how much I spend each month 2)work out the maths problem
1.be fit to do be fit for keep fit/healthy
(fitted-fitting) fit in with 一家健身中心
2.It is easy to be wise after the event.
8. go skiing host
5. host families host city a television host
host a party hostess
6.n 野生动物的足迹
一条泥泞的小路 铁轨
田径 追踪...;与...保持/失去联系
v 追查到了主人
7.3)work out a training plan
4)Everything worked out OK in the end.
8.sweat n&v→adj
10.n Legend has it that... legendary
11.n 运动员→adj.健壮的,运动的
12.n 1)We are the master of our future.
2)a master at making quilts
3)a master’s degree a Master of Arts/Science
v master a foreign language
13. 为某人树立榜样 例如
以...为例 效仿某人
have the honour ___ doing sth
vt 做某事而感到荣幸→adj可敬的;光荣的
8. (出)汗 sweaty
9.As long as you have a dream, keep trying and you’ll make it. make it to sp
10.传说... adj有名的
11. athlete athletic
3)硕士学位 文科/理科硕士
13.set an example to/for sb for example
take ...for example follow one’s example
14. I feel it a great honour to be invited.
It is an honour for sb to do sth.
of 有幸做某事 We celebrate Mother’s Day in honor of our Mothers.
be//feel honoured to do sth hono(u)rable
15.凯旋 a glorious sunset
16.win the gold medal
17.冠军 冠军地位;(复数)锦标赛
18.decide/determine to do=be determined to do
=make up sb’s mind to do with determination
19. 相隔数英里
20.be/get seriously injured
do sb an ____=do an ______ ____ sb
21.灰心;泄气 牢记;背熟
put one’s heart into sth a warm-hearted person
22. adj.优雅的 grace
40.build up sb’s body/strength strengthen巩固,增强
24. fail to do sth Failure is the mother of success.
25.戒烟 辞职
15.return with glory 瑰丽的日落
17.champion championship
19.several miles apart
tell the twins apart
be worlds apart
this old chair is falling apart
20.vt 严重受伤
n 伤害某人
21. lose heart learn sth by heart
全身心投入... 一个热心的人
22. graceful →n.
a failure/success.
25.give up smoking give up her job
He gave up his seat to a woman.
→adj →n竞争者&竞争
27. 讲得通;合乎情理 没有意义
28.假装做某事 假装正在做某事
29.即使;尽管 30.几百万
31.v. cheat in the exam get cheated
cheat sb (out) of n.
be positive about... a positive fact
33.slim down slim salary
slim chance of success
节食 35.make a difference
36.or rather rather than
37.cut... out 38.now and then
39.A与B做比较 把什么比作……
26compete against sb for the job
compete in the Olympic shooting
competitive competitor competition
27.make sense make no sense
28.pretend to do sth pretend to be doing
29.even if/though 30.millions of
31.在考试中作弊 上当受骗
欺骗某人某物 n.骗子
32.have positive effects on...
对...积极;对……肯定 确信无疑的事实
have a positive/negative attitude towards...
33.变苗条 微薄的薪水
34.have a balanced/healthy diet
be/go on a diet 35.有影响;有作用
36.更确切地说 而不是
would rather do than do
37.剪下;删掉;停止做 29.时而,偶尔
pare A with/toB compare...to...
41.缓解压力 be under stress
lay stress on/upon...
stress sb out stressed out
40.go for a jog go jogging
41.relieve/reduce stress 在压力下
P26 event 1.多年前,我生活中发生了一件重要的事,它彻底改变了我的人生。
P28 honour 2.能在这里和大家分享在高中应该学什么的看法,我感到非常荣幸。
P29 determination 3.人生最重要的事情是确定一个伟大的目标,并下定决心去实现它。
P30 strength 4.练中国功夫不但能强身健体,还能培养一个人的性格。
P31 compete 5.生活就像长跑,我们要与别人竞争来超越自己。
P31 even if 6.我爷爷尽管90多岁了,仍然时不时地打打网球。
P31 positive 7.听过几几看待自我和自己的身体,我变得更加快乐,也更加健康了。
P32 makE a difference 8.Hannah是那些正在改变着世界的许多年轻榜样中的一个。
P33 rather than 9. 将怒气发泄出来更好,而不要别再心里。
P33 stress 10.孔子强调了仁爱、责任和社会秩序的重要性。
37 unit3 单词干货
1.be fit to do sth. 适合做某事
2.be fit for sth. 胜任某工作
3.keep fit 保持健康
4.come along 一起来;出现;进展
5.a host family 寄宿家庭
6.keep /lose track of... 追踪..../ 失踪
7.track and field 田径
8.in the event of… 如果….发生;倘若
9.work out 锻炼;计算出;解决
10.make it (to) 获得成功;准时到达(与to 连用)
11.a doctor’s degree 硕士学位
12.set an example to/for sb. 为....树立榜样
13.take ...for example以.....为榜样/以...为例
14.for example比如;例如
15.have the honour of doing sth 有幸做某事
16.It is an honour of sb. to do sth.对…来说很荣幸做…
17.be/feel honored to do sth.因做某事而感到荣幸
18.in honour of sb. (介词短语)为纪念某人;
19.determine to do sth. 决定做某事
20.be determined to do sth. 下定决心做某事
21. make an error=make a mistake犯错误
22.fall apart破裂;崩溃
23.apart from 除…之外
24.be/get badly/seriously injured受重伤
25.do sb. an injury =do an injury to sb.伤害某人
26.lose heart灰心;泄气
27.learn sth. by heart记住
28.put one’s heart into sth. 全身心投入.....
29.fail to do sth.未能做某事
30.build up one’s strength 增强体魄
31.give up认输;放弃
32.compete with/against sb.for sth. in sth.
33.make sense讲得通;有道理
34.pretend to do sth.假装做某事
35.pretend to be doing sth.假装正在做某事
36.even if/though 即使;尽管
37.get cheated 上当受骗
38.cheat sb. (out) of sth. 欺骗某人某物
39.have positive effects on sb./sth. 对...有正面影响
40.have a positive/negative attitude to/towards sb./sth. 对……有积极/消极的态度
41.slim down to 60 kilos 体重减到60公斤
42.have a balanced/healthy diet 均衡/健康的饮食
43.be/go on a diet 节食
44.or rather 更确切地说
45.rather than 而不是
46.would rather do A than do B 宁愿……而不……
47.cut ...out 剪下;删掉;停止做(或使用、食用)
48.now and then 时而;偶尔
pare...with/to... 与…做比较
50.relieve/reduce stress 缓解压力
51.be under stress 在压力下
52.lay stress on/upon 强调;着重于
53.stress sb out 使某人焦虑、压力大
Unit 3 检测
1.be fit ______(do) sth. 适合做某事
2.be fit _____ sth. 胜任某工作
3.keep_________ 保持健康
4.come _______ 一起来;出现;进展
5.a_____ family 寄宿家庭
6._______/_____ track of... 追踪..../ 失踪
7.______ and field 田径
8.____ the event ___… 如果….发生;倘若
9.work _____ 锻炼;计算出;解决
10.make ____ (to) 获得成功;准时到达(与to 连用)
11.a _________ degree 硕士学位
12.set _____ example ____/____ sb. 为....树立榜样
13.take ...____ example以.....为榜样/以...为例
14.______ example比如;例如
15.have the honour ____ doing sth 有幸做某事
16.It is __honour __ sb. ____(do) sth.对…很荣幸做…
17.be/feel honored ______(do) sth.因…而感到荣幸
18.____ honour ___ sb. (介词短语)为纪念某人;
19.determine __________(do) sth. 决定做某事
20.be determined ______(do) sth.下定决心做某事
21. make ____ error=make ___mistake犯错误
22.fall _____破裂;崩溃
23.apart ________ 除…之外
24.be/get badly/seriously _______受重伤
25.do sb.___ injury =do ____injury___ sb.伤害某人
26.lose _______灰心;泄气
27.learn sth.______ heart记住
28.put one’s heart ___ sth. 全身心投入.....
29.fail_________(do) sth.未能做某事
30.build up one’s __________ 增强体魄
31.give _____认输;放弃
32.compete ______/_____ sb.____ sth. ___ sth.
33.make _______讲得通;有道理
34.pretend _________(do) sth.假装做某事
35.pretend ____________(do) sth.假装正在做某事
36.even _____/______即使;尽管
37.get _________(cheat)上当受骗
38.cheat sb. (out) ______ sth. 欺骗某人某物
39.have positive effects __ sb./sth. 对...有正面影响
40.have a positive/negative attitude __________ sb./sth. 对……有积极/消极的态度
41.slim down____ 60 kilos 体重减到60公斤
42.have ___ balanced/healthy diet 均衡/健康的饮食
43.be/go on ___ diet 节食
44.______rather 更确切地说
45.________ than 而不是
46.would rather do A ____ do B 宁愿……而不……
47.cut ..._____ 剪下;删掉;停止做(或使用、食用)
48.now and ____ 时而;偶尔
pare..._____/____... 与…做比较
50.________/________ stress 缓解压力
51.be _______ stress 在压力下
52.lay stress ____/_______ 强调;着重于
53.stress sb________ 使某人焦虑、压力大