人教版(2019) 必修 第三册读后续写题Mother’s Day Surprise练习(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第三册读后续写题Mother’s Day Surprise练习(无答案)
格式 doc
文件大小 26.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-11-02 08:54:08



新高考21年英语一卷读后续写题Mother’s Day Surprise
1.__________(啜泣,呜咽) 2. __________(瞪着) 3. d___________(耀眼地,灿烂地)
4. Seeing such extraordinary beauty, I think ___________________________________我身体里的每一个细胞都醒了
5. As she listened, her mouth _____________________________ a big smile. 她边听边咧嘴笑
6. A delicious sweetness ______________________in her heart. 一阵甜蜜之情涌上她的心头。7. Her eyes _______________________________with pleasure. 她的眼里闪烁着喜悦的光芒。
8. She _________________________________________ with happiness. 她觉得幸福满溢。
9. Her face_______________________________ with excitement. 她因兴奋而显得容光焕发。
10. 母亲节快乐!孪生兄妹祝贺道,眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。(运用介词with复合结构作状语)
“Happy Mother’s Day!” the twins congratulated, _____________________________________.
11. 空气中弥漫着(hang)诱人的早餐香味,母亲的眼睛不由自主地落在(rest)早餐托盘上。(运用介词独立主格结构作状语)
__________________________________________, Mother’s eyes automatically ___________ the breakfast tray.
12. 没过多久,法式吐司和鸡肉粥就做好了。(运用It + be … before句型)
_____________________ the French toast and chicken porridge were ready.
13. 双胞胎偷偷地对父亲笑了笑。一种爱的感觉充满了整个房间。(运用动词fill完成句子)
The twins smiled to their father secretly. A feeling of love ______________________________.
14.. 母亲沉浸在美味的早餐和来自儿子和女儿的纯洁的爱中,啜泣着,愉快的泪水从她的脸上流下来。(运用非谓语动词和介词with引导的复合结构)
____________________________ and pure love from her son and daughter, Mother sobbed, ___________________________________________.
15. 母亲含泪微笑,紧紧地拥抱着那对双胞胎。(运用melt的非谓语动词形式)
__________________________________, Mother gave the twins a bear hug.
The whole room ________________________________________________.
As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared. _______________
(面对)the mess the twins had made of the kitchen, Father felt annoyed but tried to _____________
(控制自己). Jenna ran up to him, _____________(低声说) “We…We just want to make breakfast for Mom as Mother’s Day gift.” After he learned what it was all about, his annoyance__________
_________(让位给)relief and delight. Immediately, he joined them and they started all over again. Soon the French toast and chicken porridge were ready, the kitchen_________________________
(充满香味)of breakfast and sweetness of a family. Looking at the work, the three exchanged an understanding smile. After _____________(示意)them to keep it a secret, Father _____________
(溜进)the bedroom, ____________________________________(假装什么也不知道)
The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up. Still a little sleepy, Mother failed to figure out _____________________________(他们干了什么) “Happy Mother’s Day!” The twins congratulated. “We made breakfast for you as you do that for us. Mom, we love you!” Though still in her pajamas, Mother took a bite of the toast and ___________(抿了一口)the hot porridge._________________(陷入) the delicious breakfast and pure love from her twins, she sobbed, _________________________________(兴奋的眼泪从脸上流了下来). Lovingly, she _____________(印了) two gentle kisses on their foreheads, proudly enjoying their best wishes. Their father was standing in the doorway, _________________________(记录这个感人的场景). The whole room _____________________(沐浴在) a happy Mother’s Day atmosphere
As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared. Seeing the mess, Father____________________(吓呆了), as if _________________________(扎在地上). From the black bread and the spilled porridge, he suddenly figured out their secret. A smile of understanding ___________________(闪过) his face. He realized their intention. He joined them in preparing the Mother’s Day surprise immediately. They started all over again. Everything went smoothly. The chicken and rice were dancing __________________(和谐地) in the boiling water pot and bread slices ____________________(卖弄)its most tremendous golden color. Soon the French toast and chicken porridge were ready, the kitchen_____________________(充满香味) of breakfast and sweetness of a family. Despite the oil stains on the twins’ aprons, nothing seemed imperfect, and all was in place except the most important one.
The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up. Still a little sleepy, mother failed to figure out _____________________________(他们干了什么), but the cheerful “Happy Mother’s Day” from the two sweeties_______________________(使她回到现实). The breakfast with love made by her twins really___________________________(拨动了她的心弦). Mother kissed them and gave them each a bear hug, saying “Oh dear, thank you my sweeties. What a big surprise!” The next moment, she woke up father, eager to share the blessing and the inviting breakfast _______________________(满含爱的风味). Father, who had been awake, cooperatively __________________(擦眼睛) and took a big bite, ________________(向…眨眼睛) the twins secretly. After all, the surprise did make a sweet surprise!