牛津上海版(深圳用)六年级上册Module 2 Unit 4-Unit 6 复习资料


名称 牛津上海版(深圳用)六年级上册Module 2 Unit 4-Unit 6 复习资料
格式 docx
文件大小 29.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-11-05 08:22:24



U4-U6 复习资料
一 主要句型、语法
1. 一般现在时,第三人称单数后面的动词+s/es ,关键词: every day, always, usually, often, sometimes, never 例:1) Kitty usually (read) books and (play) the piano at night.
2) We often (talk) about our favourite films and songs.
注: 以 y 结尾的动词,去掉 y 变成 i ,再加 es ,比如 flies, carries, studies, worries,
如果 y 前面有五大金刚锁住它,就直接加 s ,比如 plays, stays, buys
2. 一般现在时的一般疑问句,Do you .... Does he/she ....
1. 一般过去式:主语+动词过去式,时间关键词:last year, yesterday, three days ago, in the past, just now 刚才
1)be(am, is, are)动词的过去式,am, is--was are--were
2)行为动词过去式,规则变化加 ed ,不规则变化要牢记。
2. 一般过去时的一般疑问句
Did you play with Sam last weekend --Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.
注意:助动词 do, does, did 后面的动词用原形
例:1) you (finish) your homework yesterday
2) Helen doesn’t like running (run).
1. “the+姓氏+s ”表示一家人,用作复数
例:The Greens (be) my neighbours. They have two (child).
2. 宾语放在动词或介词后面
I played chess with (he) in my home.
Do you know (they)
Joy took care of (she).
主语:I you he she it we they
宾语:me you him her it us them
3. 区分:noisy 吵闹的(形),noise 噪音(名)
例:The students make a lot of in the library. They are .
4. 情态动词 can-could, should, must ,后面的动词用原形,包括 don’t , let’s
例:The rabbits were very angry. They could not (sleep).
5. stop +动词 ing:停止做某事
Please stop (sing) and (dance). Mrs White is sleeping.
6. There be...表示有... ,一般现在时 There is/are... ,一般过去时 There was/were ... (就近原则)
例:1)There (be) many interesting books on the bookshelf before, but now there (be) only one. 3) There (be) a cake and two pies on the table this morning.
7. 区分:in danger=endangered 濒危, dangerous 危险的
The tiger is very . We should be careful.
The animals are . Do you want to help them
8. hundred 百,thousand 千,前面有具体数字,无论是多少都用单数,几百几千 hundreds of, thousands of 例:eighty thousand students
thousands of books
9. would like to +动词原形:想... ,表达自己的意愿和需求
Would you like to ...?
Yes, I would like to. / Yes, please. / No, thanks.
=Yes, I’d like to .
区分:Would you like (ride) a bike with me this Sunday
Does Charles like (play) football?
10. some, any 表示一些,some 用在肯定句,any 用在疑问句、否定句
例:I have (some/any) e-friends in different (country).
Do you have (some/any) e-friends in other (country).
11. 反身代词,词尾 self, selves ,常见搭配:by+反身代词
I-myself you-yourself, yourselves he-himself she-herself it-itself we-ourselves they-themselves
例:Please write back soon and tell me about (you).
12. 区分问答句
1)Do you like playing chess Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
2)Would you like to play chess with me Yes, I’d like to. / No, thanks.
1) Are there ... Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.
2) Were there ... Yes, there were./ No, there weren’t.
1)How many ... are there There is/are ...
2)How many ...were there There was/were ...
1)What do you like I like ...
2)What would you like to do I’d like to ...
二 单词或词组
make noise 制造噪音 dig a hole 挖洞 in danger 濒危 in the wild 在野外 in the past 在过去
likely 可能的 work with 和...一起工作 on the way home 回家路上 take care of 照顾
go for a walk=take a walk 散步 drive away 驱赶 grow up 长大 send...to...把...送去...
would like 想 talk about 谈论... tell about 告诉.... know about 了解...
三 语音
/u :/ ue, u_e blue, rule, June, super, true, glue, Sue
/u :/ oo too, food, room, tooth, moon
/u / u put, sugar, full, pull
/u/ oo wood, foot, stood, good, book, cook, look
th 送气 think, tooth, thank, thin, both ,thousand, bath
th 不送气 then, with, the, these, father, mother, brother, other, them
四 文化知识
1. 濒危动物 : pandas, South China tigers, blue whales, eagles, African elephants, polar bears, lions, red foxes, Arctic
wolves(wolf), Chinese white dolphins 海豚
2. 国家&城市&景点
Australia : Sydney 悉尼,Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院,kangaroos 袋鼠,koala 考拉
the UK: London 伦敦,Big Ben 大本钟,British Museum 大英博物馆,London Bridge 伦敦桥
London Eye 伦敦眼
the US: Washington 华盛顿(首都),New York 纽约,the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像
五 作文
Unit 4 Our neighbours(请你以“My neighbours” 为题描述你的邻居。)
My neighbours
The Geens are my neighbours. They are from the US.
Mr Green is a writer. Mrs Green is a teacher. They have a son. His name is Mike. He is 10 years old. He is a primary school student.
Mike and I often play football together. I played football with him last weekend. We are good friends.
Unit 5 Animals in danger 介绍濒危动物,描述过去的情况和现在的情况,注意时态的切换。
Animals in danger
Pandas are in danger. They live in the forest. They eat bamboos.
In the past, there were many pandas, but now there are only about one thousand eight hundred pandas in the wild. We should help and save the animals.
Unit 6 E-friends(请你给你的网友 Peter 写一封信。)
Dear Peter,
My name’s Pat . I’d like to be your e-friend.
I’m from China. I am 11 years old.
There are four people in my family. My father is a writer. My mother is a teacher. My sister is a junior high school student. I am a primary school student. I’m in Grade Six. My favourite subjects are English and PE. I like playing football. I also like reading.
Please write back soon and tell me about yourself.
My E-friends (描述你的网友)
I have an e-friend. His name is Peter. He is from the UK. He is 11 years old. He is tall.
There are three people in his family. His father is a doctor. His mother is a nurse. Peter is a primary school student. He is in Grade Six. His favourite subject is PE. He likes playing football. We often talk about our favourite football teams. He is my good friend.