牛津译林版 8A Unit 1 - Unit 4期中短语梳理
……什么样子? What’s...like
……怎么样 what about
100多处世界各地景点的模型 models of more than a hundred places of interest from all over the world
14岁 14 years old
90英尺宽 90 feet wide
安装一盏更亮的灯 put in a brighter light
八年级学生 Grade 8 students
把单词放进不同的组内 put the words into different groups
把玫瑰花涂成红色 colour the roses red
把某物给某人 give something to someone
把墙刷成蓝色 paint the wall blue
把它们放到他的主页上 put them on his home page
把它们混合在一起 mix them together
把它在空气中放置一段时间 leave it in the air for some time
把它粘贴在封面上 stick it on the cover
把我的书放在书架上 put my books on the shelf
把我们的书和钢笔碰到地板上 knock our books and pens onto the floor
把一些大块水果切成小块 cut some of the larger fruit into small pieces
拜访她的表姐 visit her cousin
半小时 half an hour
伴随着所有那样的噪音入睡 sleep with all that noise
帮你记住它们的意思 help you remember their meanings
帮助丹尼尔收集信息 help Daniel collect information
帮助人们解决问题 help people with their problems
帮助我绘画 help me with the drawing
帮助我做家庭作业 help me with my homework
帮助西蒙 help Simon
帮助新学生更多地了解学校 help new students learn more about the school
保持健康 keep fit
保存它 keep it
保守秘密 keep a secret
保守他们自己的秘密 keep the secret to themselves
保重 take care
北海公园 Beihai Park
比丹尼尔有更多的西红柿 have more tomatoes than Daniel
比丹尼尔有更少的米饭 have less rice than Daniel
比基蒂有更少的香蕉 have fewer bananas than Kitty
比较事物的数量 compare the amount of things
比较学习生活 compare school lives
比另一端高得多 be much higher than the other
比米莉跑得快 run faster than Millie
比平时结束得早 end earlier than usual
比人聪明 be cleverer than people
比如 for example
比他的更有趣 be more interesting than his
比我矮 be shorter than I am
比我班里其他任何一个学生画得好 draw better than any other student in my class
比我的其他任何一个同班同学跳得都高 jump higher than any other of my classmates
比我的同班同学读更多的书 read more books than my classmates
比我所有其他的同班同学游得快 swim faster than all my other classmates
必须更加努力学习 have to work harder
必要的话 if necessary
变成褐色 turn brown
变得非常激动 become very excited
表达同一事物的不同单词 different word for the same thing
冰箱里没什么东西了。 There’s nothing in the fridge.
不敢相信自己的眼睛 couldn’t believe my eyes
不仅有蓝色的墙还有蓝色的天花板和地板 have not only blue walls but also a blue ceiling and floor
不如真正的山高 be not as high as a real one
不是你们自己国家的 not in or from your own country
不需要早早起床 do not need to get up early
不要把这件事告诉任何人 don’t tell anybody about this
步行 on foot
步行去北海公园 walk to Beihai Park
参观博物院 visit the museum
参观花园并划船 visit the garden and row boats
参加写作比赛 take part in the writing competition
参加学校旅行 go on school trips
超过100 000吨 over 100,000 tons
成为一名艺术家 be an artist
成为一名优秀的教师 make an excellent teacher
诚实的 be honest
乘地铁 take the underground
乘地铁去那里 go there by underground
乘公共汽车到达那里 get there by bus
吃中饭 have lunch
出错 go wrong
触摸湿油漆 touch the wet paint
穿校服 wear school uniforms
词汇树 a vocabulary tree
从不说任何人的坏话 never say a bad word about anyone
从家里带来图书和杂志 bring in books and magazines from home
从我们课桌旁经过 walk past our desks
从学校图书馆借更多的书 borrow more books from the school library
打棒球 play baseball
打算给我的表弟买一辆玩具卡车 be going to buy a toy lorry for my cousin
打算去锻炼 be going to exercise
打算做些纸玫瑰花 be going to make some paper roses
大家集合 meet everyone
大型一日游 a big day out
大约1.7英里 about 1.7 miles
大约两小时用于运动 about two hours for sports
大约一个小时 about one hour
呆在上面 stay on it
代表 stand for
带琳达去颐和园 take Linda to the Summer Palace
待在家里 stay at home
戴着小圆眼镜 wear small round glasses
单词清单 a list of word
到处都是 all over the floor
到达公园 arrive at the park
到达体育中心 reach the Sports Centre
到达一个地方 get to a place
第二名 come second
第一名 come first
独自 by oneself
读得很慢 read very slowly
读了一篇由一个美国男孩写的文章 read an article by a boy from the USA
读英语报纸和杂志 read English newspapers and magazines
读有趣的书 read interesting books
度过愉快的时光 have a lovely time
对DIY痴迷 be crazy about DIY
对各科进行月考 have a month test on each subject
对老年人友好 be kind to old people
对人们友好 be kind to people
对它无所不知 know everything about it
多久 how often
多宽 How wide
多少时间 how much time
多长 how long
饿了 be hungry
而不是付钱给某人做这些事情 instead of paying someone to do it
返回我们的学校 back to our school
犯错误 make a mistake
犯一些错误 make some mistakes
房间里都是水 fill the room with water
放假周数更多 have more weeks off
放弃 give up
放学 finish school
放学后 after school
非常喜欢某物 like something very much
非常远 quite far away
分享它 share it
分享我的快乐 share me joy
粉刷房间 paint a room
粉刷客厅 paint the living room
粉刷猫 paint the cat
感到无聊或者不开心 feel bored or unhappy
告诉某人你认为他/她应做什么 tell someone what you think he/she should do
告诉他/她有关你自己的所有事 tell him/her everything about yourself
告诉她任何事 tell her anything
告诉我有趣的事情 tell me interesting things
歌舞表演 the song and dance show
给《青少年》杂志投稿谈谈你最好的朋友 write to teenagers magazine about your best friend
给你讲有趣的笑话 tell you funny jokes
给他买了些关于DIY的书 buy some books about DIY for him
给我们讲有趣的笑话 tell us funny jokes
给予我帮助 offer me help
跟你走 go with you
跟他/她谈话 talk to him/her
更好地记住东西 remember things better
更少的广告 fewer advertisements
公园里的模型 the models in the park
构成一个新词 form a new word
故宫博物院 the Palace Museum
关心你 care about you
关于人的单词 words about people
过了很长一段时间 after a long time
还有一次 another time
好朋友的品质 qualities of a good friend
喝一些东西 have something to drink
和艾米谈论关于她的未来计划 talk to Amy about her future plans
和我谈话 talk to me
很小 be quite small
很有幽默感 have a good sense of humour
花费……在家庭作业上 spend...on homework
花费……在你的爱好 spend...on your hobbies
花费更少的时间做家庭作业 spend less time doing homework
花费时间做一项DIY工作 take time to do a DIY job
花费最少得时间做家庭作业 spend the least time on homework
花了我两个小时 take me two hours to finish
花了五个小时在墙上搭起了书架 spend five hours putting up the shelf on the wall
花许多时间做户外运动 spend a lot of time doing outdoor sports
画得好 draw well
画一幅与词语或句子相关的图画 draw a picture about the words or sentence
画这些单词的图片 draw pictures of the words
坏了 be broken
环游世界 travel around the world
回美国 go back to the USA
绘画比赛 drawing competition
几点 what time
几乎一米七五 almost 1.75 metres
计划举行一日游 plan a day out
计划他们的旅行 plan their trip
计划制作一张上面有些玫瑰花的卡片 plan to make the card with some roses on it
继续粉刷 keep on painting
继续努力 keep trying
加入我们 join us
加入一个DIY俱乐部 join a DIY club
加一些沙拉奶油 add some salad cream
坚持用英语记下我的日常生活 keep writing in English about my daily life
剪了一张彩色的气球图画 cut out a picture of colourful balloons
建议他学习DIY课程 advise him to take a course in DIY
将来有一天 some day
将它粉刷成了蓝色 paint it blue
讲有趣的笑话 tell funny jokes
交朋友 make friends
交通堵塞 a lot of traffic
今天下午 this afternoon
金门大桥 the Golden Gate Bridge
金门大桥模型 the model Golden Gate Bridge
仅仅几分钟 only a few minutes
尽力把他自己往岩石上移动 try to pull himself up the rocks
尽力使你的水果沙拉看起来和尝起来一样好 try to make your fruit salad look as good as it tastes
紧挨着彼得的女孩 the girl next to Peter
进入决赛 get to the final
进入了本年度篮球比赛的决赛 in the final of this year’s basketball competition
进行一次英语测试 have an English test
进行一日游 go for a day out
经过了悉尼歌剧院 go past the Sydney Opera House
就要登上埃菲尔铁塔的顶部 be going to the top of the Eiffel Towel
举行 take place
决定自己为她制作一张生日卡片 decide to make her a birthday card by myself
决赛日程 the day of the final
觉得兴奋、兴高采烈 feel excited and cheerful
看到白宫 see the White House
看到模型埃菲尔铁塔 see the model Eiffel Tower
看起来非常漂亮 look very beautiful
看起来很高兴 look happy
看起来像 look like
看起来糟糕的 look terrible
看上去和家乡的那座一样雄伟 look as great as the one back home
看世界上最大的城市广场 see the biggest city square in the world
看图画 look at the picture
看我 look at me
看英文录像 watch English videos
慷慨的 be generous
渴了 be thirsty
刻苦训练 practice hard
课外活动 after-school activities
快来 come on
快速地浏览了问题 look through the questions quickly
困扰我 worry me
来自 come from
来自不同的国家 be from different countries
篮球赛决赛 the basketball final
了解更多关于艺术的事情 learn more about art
了解了许多不同的文化 learn a lot about different cultures
了解世界各地的学校 learn about schools around the world
了解一点关于DIY(的东西) know a little about DIY
离开公园 leave the park
离开中心 leave from the centre
理想的学校 ideal schools
两人一组 work in pairs
另外半小时 another half an hour
令人惊奇的一天 an amazing day
留着短发 have short hair
留着长发 have long hair
六个学生中最高的 the tallest of the six students
马上 right now
买食物和饮料 buy food and drinks
没有阅读就开始你的工作 begin your work without reading them
每次 every time
每个班 in each class
每个学生20元 20 per student
每天 every day
每周六 every Saturday
每周一 every Monday
美国学校的生活 life in an American school
美国总统 the President of the USA
美丽的艺术品 beautiful works of art
面带微笑 have a smile on her face
苗条的 be slim
描述不同的人 describe different people
描述他的/她的外貌和个性 describe his/her looks and personality
南希最喜欢的科目 Nancy’s favourite subject
能很容易地回答所有的问题 could easily answer all of them
你们的校服 your school uniform
你们自己去看一看 go and see for yourselves
年龄大点儿的学生 older students
爬山 climb a hill
拍照 take some photos
跑得最快 run fast
跑得最快 run the fastest
迫不及待下公共汽车 couldn’t wait to get off the bus
起初 at first
前天 the day before yesterday
敲裂了水管 hit a pipe
清楚的说明 clear instructions
晴朗、温暖的一天 a fine warm day
去博物馆 go to the museum
去购物 go shopping
去了桑迪家制作卡片 go to Sandy’s home to make the card
去上学 go to school
去同伴俱乐部 go to the Buddy Club
去游泳 go swimming
去找她 go to her
去中国科学技术馆 go to the China Science and Technology Museum
全世界 the whole world
确保 make sure
确定 be certain about
让人们开心 make people happy
让他看起来很精神 make him look smart
让她看起来漂亮又又好 make her look really pretty and kind
让我发笑 make me laugh
让我开心 make me happy
认真听我的难题 listen carefully to my problems
如何修理自行车 how to fix the bicycle
沙拉奶油 salad cream
伤到你自己 hurt yourself
商店里最贵的电脑 the most expensive computer in the shop
上电脑课 have computer lessons
上个月 last month
上个月 last month
上课 attend lessons
什么样的人适合做好朋友 What makes good friends
使某物充满别的东西 make something full of something else
使你的朋友如此特别 make your friend so special
使沙拉看起来非常鲜艳 make the salad look very colourful
使他生气 make him angry
使用不同的单词 use different words
使用当令的水果 use fruit in season
使指令更有礼貌 make an instruction more polite
似乎过得更快 seem to go faster
试图说出另一面是什么 try to say what is on the other side
试图在他的卧室里安装一盏更亮的灯 try to put in a brighter light in his bedroom
书架的一端 one end of the shelf
暑假 the summer holiday
说谎 tell lies
所有东西都有颜料 paint on everything
他的整座房子 his whole house
太晚 too late
太兴奋 too excited
太远 too far away
太早 too early
谈论DIY talk about DIY
谈论你想做的事情 talk about something you would like to do
谈论午饭吃什么 talk about what to eat for lunch
谈论午饭你能做什么 talk about what you can make for lunch
天安门广场 Tian’anmen Square
跳得高 jump high
听起来不错 sound good
听起来不错 sound lovely
听他们之间的对话 listen to their conversation
听音乐 listen to music
停电 have a power cut
停止打扫房子 stop cleaning the house
通过这种方式 this way
同样 be the same
完成表格的其余部分 complete the rest of the table
完成这张卡片 complete the card
玩得非常愉快 have a great time
玩得很开心 enjoy the day very much
玩得开心 enjoy oneself
玩得开心 have a good time
玩得开心 have fun
玩电脑游戏 play computer games
玩它们 play with them
王府井大街 Wangfujing Street
忘记带你的朋友 forget to bring your friends
为琳达计划一次旅行 plan a trip for Linda
为我们球队加油 cheer for our team
为我修理书架 fix the shelf for me
为一位旅游的朋友计划一日游 plan a day out for a visiting friend
未能在他的卧室里安装一盏新灯 fail to put in a new light in his bedroom
我班上最高的 the tallest in my class
我的学校的学生 students at my school
我的英雄 my hero
我给妈妈做的第一张卡片 the first card I made for Mum
我理想的学校 my ideal school
我们班上最高的男孩 the tallest boy in our class
我们的隔壁邻居 our neighbour next door
我们队 our team
我们学校篮球队 our school basketball team
我们中所有人 all of us
我自己在读所有的这些书 read all the books myself
我最好的朋友 my best friend
我最好的朋友之一 one of my best friends
午饭后 after lunch
午饭时间 time for lunch
洗水果 wash the fruit
喜欢她明亮、含笑的眼睛 like her bright smiling eyes
喜欢修理东西 love to repair things
喜欢这项运动 love this game
喜欢制作新东西 enjoy making something new
系领带 wear ties
下国际象棋 play chess
先读一读 read them first
相反的意思 opposite meaning
相互对视 look at each other
相信他/她所说的 believe what he/she says
想保密 want to keep it secret
想成为一名老师 would like to be a teacher
想从事儿童工作 want to work with children
想告诉人们做什么 want to tell people what to do
想要成为一名歌手 want to be a singer
想要成为一名社会工作者 would like to be a social worker
想要看一场电影 want to see a film
想要买一些饼干 would like to buy some biscuits
想要像他一样出名 want to be as famous as he is
想要一些 want some
想要在我的床上放安装一个书架 want a shelf above my bed
想在DIY方面做得更好 want to get better at DIY
想在他的卧室的墙上挂幅画 want to put up a picture on his bedroom wall
向30或30人以上的学生团队免费 be free for groups of 30 or more students
像看电视 like watching TV
写得比我班里的其他学生都快 write more quickly than the other students in my class
写得快 write quickly
写关于他们DIY的故事 write about their DIY stories
写他们理想的学校 write about their ideal school
写下这些单词 write down the words
写一篇关于不同的学校的文章 write an article about different schools
写一写他的/她的未来计划 write about his/her future plans
写这个句子 write the sentence
信任他们 trust them
修理电脑 repair a computer
修理自行车 fix a bicycle
需要锻炼 need to exercise
需要你们的支持 need your support
需要一些纸、胶水和一把剪刀 need some paper, glue and a pair of scissors
许多关于DIY的有用的书 many useful books about DIY
选一片面包 pick a piece of bread
选择科目学习 choose subjects to study
选择某人做你最好的朋友 choose sb. as your best friend
选择你最喜欢的水果 choose your favourite fruit
学更多/更少科目 study more/fewer subjects
学会更好地使用英语 learn to use English better
学生/老师的数量 number of students/teachers
学习DIY课程 take a course in DIY
学习更多相关知识 learn more about it
学习外语 learn foreign languages
学校不同的课程 have different classes
学校生活 school lives
学校足球队 the school football team
学最多的科目 study the most subjects
阳光城 Sunshine Town
阳光地铁站 Sunshine Underground Station
邀请青少年写有关他们最好的朋友(文章) invite teenagers to write about their best friends
邀请我参加他们学校去世界公园的旅行 invite me to join their school trip to the World Park
一段20分钟的时间 a 20-minute period
一个DIY的故事 a DIY story
一个大图书馆 a big library
一个好主意 a good idea
一个游泳池 a swimming pool
一个友好的女孩 a friendly girl
一个又大又干净的餐厅 a big clean dining hall
一个真正的朋友 a true friend
一个足球场 a football field
一起工作很高兴 have fun working together
一起去 go together
一起上课 have lessons together
一切都好 all the best
一日游 a day out
一日之内环游世界 around the world in a day
一所混合学校 a mixed school
一些牛奶 some milk
一些攀登者 some climbers
一些水果 some of the fruit
一周两次 twice a week
一座带有一个大花园和很多树的美丽的建筑 a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees
英国学生 British students
英国学校的生活 life in a British school
英语测试 English test
赢了两场比赛 win two games
用不同颜色的水果 use fruit of different colours
用钢建成 be made of steel
用旧衣服只做东西 make things from old clothes
用同样的方法 in the same way
用一把剪刀剪成几张卡片 cut out pieces of card with a par of scissors
用于会话和写作的单词 words used in speaking and writing
由钢制成 be made of steel
由木头制成 be made of wood
游得快 swim fast
有点乏味 a little boring
有更少的空闲时间 have less free time
有很多时间用于课外活动 have lots of time for after-school activities
有困难 have problems
有许多社团 have lots of clubs
有一场重要的比赛 have an important match
有一副好嗓音 have a good voice
有一个蛋糕 have a cake
有一个读书周 have a Reading Week
有一双大而明亮的眼镜 have big bright eyes
有一小时的家庭作业 have an hour of homework
有一小时的时间吃午饭 have an hour for lunch
有一些对于周末的计划 have some plans for the weekend
有一张圆脸和小鼻子 have a round face and a small nose
有最多的学生 have the most students
有最少/最多的空闲时间 have the least/most free time
有最少的果汁 have the least juice
有最少的鸡蛋 have the most eggs
有最少的老师 have the fewest teachers
有最少的西红柿 have the fewest tomatoes
遇到不同的人 meet different people
愿意帮助 be ready to help
愿意和她的朋友分享东西 be willing to share things with her friends
阅读 do some reading
仔细地听人们说话 listen to people carefully
再吃一点食物 have some more food
再见 see you soon
在DIY方面比我表兄知道得多 know much more about DIY than my cousin
在爱好上花费更多的时间 spend more time on his hobbies
在澳大利亚 in Australia
在八年级 in the 8th grade
在八年级 in Year 8
在比赛中表现最好或得第一 be best or first in a competition
在顶上放上另外一片面包 put another piece of bread on top of it
在读书周快结束的时候 near the end of the week
在法国 in France
在饭店前面上公共汽车 get on the bus in front of the restaurant
在公交车上把座位让给有需要的人 give her seat on the bus to someone in need
在仅仅一天之内看到了世界上的主要名胜 see the main sights of the world in just one day
在俱乐部 in the club
在卡片的另一面 on the side side of the card
在课堂上与同班同学吵得不可开交 discuss the books with our classmates in class
在课桌底下伸不开 do not fit well under his desk
在六个学生中 among the six students
在路上 on the way
在伦敦附近的林地学习 at Woodland School near London
在每个树枝的叶子上 on the leaves of each branch
在每张卡片上写下一些单词或一个句子 write some words or a sentence on each card
在美国 in the USA
在某些方面 in some ways
在那段时间 during that time
在你的学校 at your school
在你们的支持下 with your support
在你碗里的披萨 the pizza in your bowl
在年轻人中是受欢迎的 be popular among young people
在墙上挂些画 put something on the wall
在墙上挂一幅画 put up a picture on the wall
在晴朗、湛蓝的天空中 in a clear blue sky
在任何时候都乐意帮助人 be ready to help people any time
在赛跑中第三名 come third in the race
在商店里 in the shop
在上面放些番茄酱 put some tomato sauce on it
在上面放些火腿和蔬菜 put some ham and vegetables on it
在上午九点开始 start at 9 a.m.
在十二年级 in the 12th grade
在书架上放如此多的书 put so many books on the shelf
在树枝上写上各组的名字 write the group names on the branches
在所有的中国画家中 among all the Chinese artists
在他的爱好上花费最多的时间 spend the most time on his hobbies
在她班上最漂亮的 the most beautiful in her class
在网上看到这次旅行的一些照片 see some photos of the trip on the Internet
在我班里跳得最高 jump the highest in my class
在我班里游得最快 swim the fastest in my class
在我们前面 in front of us
在我们三个人中 among the three of us
在我们四人之中 among the four of us
在我们所有人中画得最好 draw the best of us all
在我们所有人中写得最快 write the most quickly of us all
在我们学校附近 near our school
在我所有的科目中 among all my subjects
在午餐时间 at lunchtime
在下午三点结束 finish at 3 p.m.
在星期五下午 on Friday afternoon
在学校门口集合 meet at the school gate
在学校有很多朋友 have many friends at school
在英国和美国的人 people in the UK and the USA
在月光城的体育中心 at the Sports Centre in Moonlight Town
在月光城饭店 at Moonlight Restaurant
在这三所学校中 among the three schools
在这一周期间 during the week
在中场休息时 during half-time
在中午之前 before noon
在周末 at weekends
在周日 on Sunday
在左边/右边 on the left/right
在左边的男孩 the boy on the left
怎样记住单词 how to remember words
扎着马尾辫的小女孩 a small girl with a ponytail
张贴一幅画 put up a picture
长城 the Great Wall
长大 grow up
这周六 this Saturday
整理 tidy up
整天 all day
正确的 all right
指同一事物 refer to the same thing
制作水果沙拉 make a fruit salad
制作水果沙拉的提示 tips for making a fruit salad
中国学生 Chinese students
主体 main body
住在那里 live there
装饰东西 decorate things
装饰他的房子 decorate his house
自己动手做 do it yourself
总是拼错单词 keep spelling the works wrong
组装一件家具 put together a piece of furniture
最大的数量 the largest amount
最多 at most
最好的朋友 best friend
最好买一块新的 had better buy a new one
最好去取些工具 had better get some tools
最好上学不要迟到 had better not be late for school
最慢的游泳者 the slowest swimmer
最努力 work the hardest
最喜欢法语 like French best
最小的数量 the smallest amount
坐船游览了著名的港湾大桥 take a boat trip under the famous Harbour Bridge
坐那些需要... need sth. for that
坐在塞纳河边的一个小咖啡厅里 sit in a little coffee shop by the River Seine
做些三明治 make some sandwiches
做些食物 make some food
做运动 do sports
做早操 do morning exercises