人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection学业质量检测(原卷板+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection学业质量检测(原卷板+解析版)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-11-06 17:25:50


UNIT 3 学业质量检测
(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A
A.A paper.      B.A course.
C.A teacher.
2.How long did the woman stay in Chicago? B
A.6 years. B.12 years.
C.23 years.
3.What's the relationship between the speakers? A
A.A couple. B.Classmates.
C.Father and daughter.
4.How much should the woman pay in total? B
A.$25.    B.$35.   
5.Who is the man? C
A.A driving instructor. B.A taxi driver.
C.A police officer.
6.How does the woman feel about her present job? B
A.Difficult. B.Interesting.
7.When does the woman have to make her final decision A
A.Today. B.Tomorrow.
C.In two days.
8.How does the woman feel about her new co-worker? A
A.Annoyed. B.Interested.
9.What does the man advise the woman to do? B
A.Share her opinions with others.
B.Speak to Mr.Wade.
C.Quit her job.
10.When did the robbery take place? C
A.At 9∶50. B.At 10∶00.
C.At 10∶10.
11.What was Jane Smith doing when the robbery happened? B
A.She was being served.
B.She was waiting her turn.
C.She was lying on the floor.
12.Why does the officer ask Jane Smith questions? A
A.To know more about the robbery.
B.To get back the lost money.
C.To know more about her.
13.Where is the man going? C
A.To the library.
B.To the museum.
C.To his apartment.
14.What are the man's favorites? C
A.Drawings. B.Watercolors.
C.Oil paintings.
15.What do we know about the man? A
A.He wishes to paint very well.
B.He has very good taste in art.
C.He dislikes traditional art.
16.What is the woman going to do this weekend? B
A.Buy a theatre ticket.
B.Go to an exhibition.
C.Take painting lessons.
17.What is Greg doing now? C
A.Visiting a museum.
B.Talking to Chester Carlson.
C.Introducing the photocopy machine and its inventor.
18.Why is the machine the most successful product? B
A.It has earned a lot of money for people.
B.It's widely used every day.
C.It results in many other inventions.
19.What will Greg talk about next? B
A.Chester Carlson.
B.How xerography works.
20.Why did Chester Carlson have to support his father? C
A.He loved science. B.He was a barber.
C.His father was sick.
Text 1
W:My teacher asked me to talk about at least four famous people in Western history in my paper.
M:Did you make it
W:No.I only named two, Leonardo da Vinci and Charles Darwin.
M:Well, you can add Edison and Einstein.
Text 2
W:Well, now let me introduce myself.I was born in Chicago.I left there when I was 12 years old.
M:So where did you go
W:I moved to New York and lived there for 6 years.Then I came to San Francisco and I have been here for 23 years.
Text 3
M:Lisa, I missed the last bus, so I'm going to be late.
W:Oh, that's too bad.Will you get back in time to pick up our daughter
M:I don't think so.Can you get her
W:No problem.
Text 4
W:What nice blouses!How much are they
M:$20 each and $5 off if you buy two.They're on sale now.
W:Then please give me two, a white one and a pink one.
Text 5
W:What seems to be the matter, sir
M:You turned left back there, but the light was red.May I see your driver's license
W:Of course.Here it is.
Text 6
M:What's the matter, Jane?Do you have any problems
W:Yes.I have a chance to get another job and I don't know what to do.
M:My advice is like this: If it's a better job than your present one, take it.
W:Easier said than done.I like the job I have now.My work is very interesting.
M:What about the pay
W:If I accept the new job, I'll get more money.What should I do?I have to let them know my decision today.
Text 7
M:What's the matter, Janet?You've seemed really upset for the past few days.
W:Well, the truth is I can't stand the new girl in the sales department.I have to explain everything to her many times, and she still doesn't do anything right.
M:I've heard that many other people are not satisfied with her work either.I think you should talk to Mr.Wade about your problem.
W:Unfortunately, she is his niece, so I can't.
Text 8
M:Could you please tell me in your own words exactly what happened
W:Certainly, officer.It was about ten past ten and two men with motorcycle helmets came in and told everyone to get on the floor.
M:Where were you
W:I was in the queue waiting to be served over there.
M:I see.Could you tell me what happened next
W:Well, I got on the floor and so did everyone else.One of the men stayed by the door and the other one held up the teller and told her to hand over all the cash.As soon as she did it, they just left and I didn't see anything else.
M:Thank you.We may have some more questions for you later.Could I have your name and address, please
W:Certainly.It's Jane Smith, 54 Old Road, Moortown.
M:Thank you.
Text 9
W:Hey, David!Where are you heading?The new library
M:Hi, Jennifer.I'm going to my apartment now.I just came back from an art exhibition in the city museum.
W:Really?Is it good
M:Yeah, pretty good.You know I don't have much artistic ability, but I can appreciate the objects there.There are drawings, oil paintings and watercolors.It's really amazing.
W:What do you like best then
M:I would have to say oil paintings.They're just so colorful and vivid.
W:Yeah.That's also what I like most.But the traditional style is not my cup of tea.
M:I like that style.I'm crazy about art, and I wish that I were able to paint as well as those artists.You should go and have a look at the exhibition if you can afford a day.It's really great.
W:Well, I was just thinking about what to do for the weekend.Now you've given me a good idea.I'm really looking forward to it.
M:It's really worthwhile and the ticket is not expensive.
W:OK.I've got to go and get a ticket.
Text 10
M:Good morning, everybody!Welcome to the Museum of Technology!My name is Greg, and I'll be your tour guide today.Now, if you'd like to step this way, we're going to look at this machine over here.Now, first of all, can anybody guess what this is?Yes, this is actually the first photocopy machine.This was one of the most important inventions in the twentieth century.The magazine Fortune called it the most successful product ever marketed in America.And this technology is essentially the same technology that is used in laser printers today!Just think for a moment now often you use a photocopy machine, or a laser printer. And this is Chester Carlson, the inventor of the photocopy machine.He invented the process of xerography—that's basically what happens in a photocopy machine—in 1938.First I'm going to tell you a little bit about him,and then we'll look at how xerography works.OK?Chester Carlson was born in Seattle, and he was the only child of a barber.His father was sick and couldn't work, and the family was very poor.His mother died when he was a teenager, so he had to support his father.He was a good student, and he was very interested in science.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Meet Incredible Conservation Heroes Saving
Wildlife from Extinction
Anne Savage
Dr.Savage founded a conservation program to protect cotton-top tamarins(棉顶狨猴).She pioneered in the development of new technologies to study the animal in the Colombian forest.She also helped conduct a study that found only 7,500 individuals remained.As a result, the International Union for Conservation of Nature changed the classification of cotton-top tamarins from Endangered to Critically Endangered, which brought the species to more people's notice.
Elena Bykova
Having majored in biology, Bykova has a good knowledge of the saiga antelope(赛加羚羊).As Executive Secretary of the Saiga Conservation Alliance, an international organization, Bykova works to save the antelope.Illegal shooting is the single biggest threat, and Bykova concentrates on raising public awareness of the danger, finding alternative livelihood opportunities for local communities, and protecting saiga habitats.
Jeanne Tarrant
Frogs are astonishingly diverse and beautiful for Dr.Tarrant.Over the years, she has helped put the spotlight on many highly threatened species of frogs that face extinction due to habitat loss, climate change, and hunts by their animal enemies.No wonder she is called the “Frog Lady” of South Africa!
Marilyn Connell
Living only in the Mary River of Queensland, the Mary River turtle(龟) takes in oxygen in two ways.Being hunted by other wildlife is the Mary River turtle's biggest threat.Connell and her team investigate the threats to the species and take measures to protect the eggs and newborns from being hunted, ensuring the species has a chance to survive.
21.What made cotton-top tamarins get more attention B
A.Dr.Savage's conservation program.
B.The adjustment to their risk category.
C.Research into cotton-top tamarins.
D.The development of new technologies.
解析:细节理解题。根据对Anne Savage的介绍中的最后一句(因此,国际自然保护联盟将棉顶狨猴的分类从濒危物种转变为极度濒危物种,这使该物种引起了更多的人的注意。)可知,世界自然保护联盟把棉顶狨猴的濒危等级从濒危改为极度濒危,因此可知,对其风险类别的调整使棉顶狨猴得到了更多的关注。故选B。
22.What does Elena Bykova do to protect the saiga antelope C
A.She founds an international organization.
B.She chooses biology as her main subject of study.
C.She provides ways for locals to make a living.
D.She fights against the behaviour of illegal shooting.
解析:细节理解题。根据对Elena Bykova的介绍可知,Bykova为当地居民寻找其他谋生机会,以防止他们非法狩猎赛加羚羊。故选C。
23.What affects the survival of both frogs and the Mary River turtles B
A.Changes to living habits.
B.Threats from other species.
C.Loss of their habitat.
D.Difficulty in raising newborns.
解析:细节理解题。根据对Jeanne Tarrant的介绍中的“Frogs are astonishingly diverse and beautiful for Dr.Tarrant.Over the years, she has helped put the spotlight on many highly threatened species of frogs that face extinction due to habitat loss, climate change, and hunts by their animal enemies.(在塔伦特博士看来,青蛙的多样性和美丽程度令人惊讶。多年来,她帮助人们关注了许多高度濒危的青蛙物种,由于栖息地丧失、气候变化和它们的动物敌人的捕猎,这些青蛙面临灭绝。)”可知,动物天敌的猎食对一些濒危蛙类造成了巨大威胁;根据对Marilyn Connell的介绍中的“Being hunted by other wildlife is the Mary River turtle's biggest threat.(被其他野生动物猎杀是玛丽河龟最大的威胁。)”可知,其他野生动物的捕猎是玛丽河龟面临的最大威胁。因此可知,来自其他物种的威胁影响了蛙类和玛丽河龟的生存。故选B。
On a hot summer afternoon along the Mandavi River, Shweta Hule wraps her sari around her ankles and bends to pick wild “weeds” from the river and drop them into a bowl. The plants will be made into fritters (炸果饼), to be served at the little restaurant attached to the B&B Hule manages in the Indian coastal town of Vengurla.
Wild edible (可食用的) plants are common in kitchens here. Hule's weed is juicy, which is found in mangrove forests. Harvesting some of the plant is helping conserve the mangroves, a globally endangered ecosystem of salt-tolerant trees that stop coastal erosion (侵蚀) and absorb storm damage.
Hule is head of Swamini, a self-help group set up by nine women from a fishing community in Vengurla who started Mandavi Eco Tourism in 2017. Vengurla is known for its beautiful beaches and seafood, but the climate crisis has made fishing for a living unsustainable, so people are trying to find other sources of income. They came up with the idea of running mangrove safaris (观光游) for tourists in Vengurla's Mandavi River.
The safaris offer visitors a unique hour-long tour of the mangroves. Food has also become a key attraction: local spicy coconut curries, with homegrown or wild vegetables. Tourists are encouraged to go crabbing, and their catch is cooked and served.
Hule only discovered recently that the weed was edible when she met tourists from another coastal city. She researched these leaves and learned that the salty plant is rich in vitamins. She made her own version of the fritters, with chickpea flour, and presented it at the wild vegetable festival. “It was an instant hit. This boosted the confidence to include these fritters in our restaurant menu,” says Hule.
Swamini's lodging house also serves vegetarian meals and plates of fish and crab sourced from the river. “The satisfaction after the visitors enjoy our meal is the real currency. We had guests from London who were so happy with our food that they took down the recipe. Such people help our business grow. What more can we want?” says Hule.
语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述Shweta Hule和几位妇女创办Swamini为游客提供生态旅游和有当地特色的食宿的故事。他们的举动不仅帮助当地人增加了收入,还在一定程度上保护了红树林。
24.Which of the following can best describe the example of Shweta Hule? C
A.Do as the Romans do.
B.Strike while the iron is hot.
C.Kill two birds with one stone.
D.Bite off more than you can chew.
解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的“bends to pick wild ‘weeds’ from the river and drop them into a bowl. The plants will be made into fritters (炸果饼), to be served at the little restaurant attached to the B&B Hule manages in the Indian coastal town of Vengurla.(弯腰从河里拣起野生的‘杂草’,扔进一个碗里。这些植物将被制成炸果饼,供应给Hule在印度沿海城镇文古拉经营的民旅馆附属小餐馆。)”和第二段最后一句(收割一些这种植物有助于保护红树林,这是一种全球濒危的耐盐树木生态系统,可以阻止海岸侵蚀并吸收风暴破坏。)”可知,这些杂草可以被制成食物,而且除掉它们有助于保护红树林,由此推知,Shweta Hule的例子可以说是一举两得。A.(入乡随俗);B.(趁热打铁);C.(一石二鸟);D.(贪多嚼不烂)。故选C。
25.What does Swamini offer to visitors? A
A.Eco-tours and accommodation.
B.Fishing guide service.
C.Vegetable growing techniques.
D.Hands-on cooking classes.
解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“They came up with the idea of running mangrove safaris (观光游) for tourists in Vengurla's Mandavi River.(他们提出了在文古拉的曼达维河为游客经营红树林之旅的想法。)”和第四段(野生动物园为游客提供了一个独特的长达一小时的红树林之旅。食物也成为了一个关键的吸引力:当地的辛辣椰子咖喱,配以本土或野生蔬菜。游客们被鼓励去捕螃蟹,他们捕获的东西被煮熟后端上桌。)可知,Swamini给游客提供生态旅游和食宿。故选A。
26.Why were Hule's fritters well-received? C
A.They were less expensive.
B.They were traditional.
C.They had their own features.
D.They got strongly promoted.
解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“Hule only discovered recently that the weed was edible when she met tourists from another coastal city. She researched these leaves and learned that the salty plant is rich in vitamins. She made her own version of the fritters, with chickpea flour, and presented it at the wild vegetable festival.(Hule最近才发现这种杂草是可以食用的,当时她遇到了来自另一个沿海城市的游客。她研究了这些叶子,了解到这种咸味植物富含维生素。她用鹰嘴豆粉做了自己版本的炸果饼,并在野菜节上展出。)”可知,Hule的炸果饼受欢迎是因为它们有当地的特色。故选C。
27.How did Hule feel about tourists' obtaining her food recipe? B
A.Lost. B.Proud.
C.Worried. D.Curious.
解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的“The satisfaction after the visitors enjoy our meal is the real currency. (游客们享用我们的饭菜后的满足感才是真正的货币。)”推知,Hule对游客想得到他们的食谱感到非常自豪。故选B。
Whether or not you want an electric vehicle in your driveway, you might soon spot one showing up on your neighborhood.
All major delivery companies are starting to replace their gas-powered fleets(车队) with electric or low-emission vehicles, a switch that companies say will boost their bottom lines, while also fighting climate change and urban pollution.
UPS has placed an order for 10,000 electric delivery vehicles.Amazon is buying 100,000 from the start-up Rivian.DHL says zero-emission vehicles make up a fifth of its fleet, with more to come.And FedEx has just been seeking the goal of replacing 100% of its pickup and delivery fleet with battery-powered vehicles by 2040.
“I think we've just started to reach the turning point where we are slowly getting rid of gas-powered delivery trucks and vans,” Mitch Jackson, the chief sustainability officer for FedEx, says.
Switching to electric vehicles for shorter distances makes a lot of sense for companies like FedEx.
Compared to the 18-wheelers that carry packages between states, delivery vehicles—typically vans and smaller trucks—are much easier to electrify, with current battery technology providing enough range for many routes.And companies also have plenty of charging time.Jackson calls it an “ideal situation”.
“If you think about it, our vehicles operate throughout the day picking up and delivering our customers goods,” Jackson says.“And in the evening, they come back to our stations and they'll be parked there overnight.”
And, while electric vehicles are still expensive up front, Jackson says this switch will also serve the bottom line.Electric vehicles save money on fuel, and because they have fewer moving parts, they're also cheaper to maintain, which means they are profitable in the long run. “And for sure, they emit zero greenhouse gases.Our community will definitely love them,” adds Jackson.
28.Which of the following is NOT a delivery company B
A.UPS.        B.Rivian.
C.DHL. D.FedEx.
解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“UPS has placed an order for 10,000 electric delivery vehicles.Amazon is buying 100,000 from the start-up Rivian.(UPS已经下了1万辆电动快递车的订单。亚马逊将从初创公司Rivian购买10万辆。)”可知,Rivian是电动快递车的生产公司,并非快递公司。故选B。
29.Which of the following statements may Mitch Jackson agree to B
A.Electric vehicles like the 18-wheelers can carry more and be easily charged.
B.Electric vehicles are charged during the parking time.
C.Electric vehicles need improve their battery technology badly.
D.Electric vehicles discourage delivery companies due to their cost.
30.The underlined phrase “the bottom line” in the last paragraph means A .
A.the final profit
B.the final goal to pursue
C.the last thing to bear
D.the most important point
解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词后文“Electric vehicles save money on fuel, and because they have fewer moving parts, they're also cheaper to maintain, which means they are profitable in the long run.(电动汽车节省了燃料费用,因为它们的活动部件更少,维护成本也更低,这意味着从长远来看它们是有利可图的。)”可知,尽管电动汽车的价格仍然很高,但这种转变也将有利于公司的最终利润。由此推知,画线词组the bottom line为“最终利润”之意。故选A。
31.What is the writing purpose of this passage? C
A.To prove an idea. B.To confirm a concept.
C.To introduce a trend. D.To describe an event.
解析:推理判断题。根据第二段(所有大的快递公司都开始用电动或低排放汽车取代汽油为动力的车队,公司表示,这一转变将提高他们的利润,同时还能应对气候变化和城市污染。) 及全文可知,文章主要介绍了一些大型快递公司都开始用电动或低排放车辆取代汽油为动力的车辆。由此推知,本文的目的介绍一种新的趋势。故选C。
Every year on April 22,Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.It gave a voice to an emerging public consciousness about the state of our planet.The founder was Gaylord Nelson.
What moved Gaylord Nelson to action was the 1969 massive oil spill(溢出) in California,the largest oil spill in the United States at that time.The spill proved to be an environmental nightmare as it had a strong impact on marine life, killing an estimated 3,500 sea birds,as well as marine animals such as dolphins,elephant seals and sea lions.Inspired by the student antiwar movement at that period of time, Nelson found it was a right time to channel the energy of the students towards a fight for environmental protection.He decided that it was time to educate the Americans on the need to protect the environment.Thus,Earth Day was born in 1970,and public environmental consciousness took centre stage.
On 22nd April 1970,millions of Americans took to the streets to demonstrate for a healthy,sustainable environment and thousands of students marched in protest of the terrible situation of the environment.Businesses were forced to follow environmental standards if they wanted to continue their operations.The year 1990 saw Earth Day reach out to many more countries around the world.It helped pave the way for the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro,bringing together many nations,for a joint effort towards protecting the environment.In 2009,the United Nations decided to officially set April 22 as Earth Day.
For his role as founder of Earth Day,Gaylord Nelson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom(1995),the highest honour given to civilians in the United States.We honor the man, as the fight for a cleaner environment continues.
语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了4月22日的“地球日”(Earth Day)创立者盖洛德·纳尔逊是如何创立地球日的以及地球日的历史。
32.What can we learn about Earth Day D
A.It was founded at the end of 1970s.
B.It was first celebrated in Rio de Janeiro.
C.People will march on the street on this day.
D.It arouses public environmental awareness.
33.What did Gaylord Nelson do to make Earth Day possible D
A.He reduced the loss of the oil spill.
B.He participated in an antiwar movement.
C.He set environmental standards for business.
D.He involved more people in environmental issues.
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Inspired by the student antiwar movement at that period of time...and public environmental consciousness took centre stage.(受到当时学生反战运动的启发,纳尔逊发现,现在正是将学生的精力引导到为环境保护而战的好时机。他认为是时候有必要教育美国人保护环境了。于是,1970年地球日诞生了,公众的环境意识成为了焦点。)”可知,他让更多人参与到环境问题中来。故选D。
34.What is the third paragraph mainly about B
A.The focus of Earth Day.
B.The development of Earth Day.
C.The world's concern on the environment.
D.The joint efforts of different countries.
35.Which of the following best describes Gaylord Nelson B
A.Intelligent. B.Responsible.
C.Considerate. D.Knowledgeable.
Are you worried about our Earth Do you want to do what you can to save it 36.C  It may seem like the actions of one person won't make a difference, but there are actually many ways you can help.Here are some of them.
Turn it off.
Turn off anything that uses electricity when not in use. 37.F  If you leave your television on or don't turn off lights, it's wasting electricity.Remember to turn things off when you don't need them.
Start recycling.
It's not just paper, plastic and glass that can be recycled—clothes can be,too. 38.D  It's good for the environment and you'll get a new look for free!
You don't have to travel far to get what you need, and products don't have to travel far to get to you, either.Shop at farmers' markets and buy food that was produced as close to your home as possible.And when you're online shopping, try to find things that won't have to travel long distances.
Save water.
If you don't let the water run when you're brushing your teeth and take showers instead of baths, you will be using less water and less energy—but you'll still be just as clean! 40.E  Use a method that requires less water to get the dishes clean.
A.Buy things nearby.
B.Think before you eat.
C.It's hard to know where to start.
D.Turn short jeans you've grown out of into shorts.
E.Also, don't wash dishes with the water running continuously.
F.This goes for lights, televisions, computers, printers, and so on.
G.Bring a reusable water bottle with you when travelling or at work.
36.根据下文中的“...but there are actually many ways you can help.”可知,C项“It's hard to know where to start.”在语意上和下文构成转折关系。故选C。
37.根据上文中的“electricity”和下文中的“television”“lights”可知,F项中的“lights, televisions, computers, printers”与之相呼应。故选F。
38.D项中的“jeans”和“shorts”呼应上文中的“clothes”,且D项表达的内容符合上文中提到的“can be recycled”。故选D。
39.根据下文中的“don't have to travel far”和“as close to your home as possible”可知,A项中的“nearby”与之相呼应,可作为本段标题。故选A。
40.E项中的“wash dishes”呼应下文中的“get the dishes clean”。且E项中的“don't wash dishes with the water running continuously”和上文中的“you don't let the water run when you're brushing your teeth and take showers”构成并列关系,E项中的“Also”承接上文。故选E。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
During a period of two months, the east coast of Florida was hit by three major hurricanes!
When we 41.C  on the morning of September 5, my husband and I stood on the balcony(阳台) and watched the still-powerful winds break huge trees. 42.A , in the midst of these destructive winds, we spotted a flash of color in our 43.D .No more than ten feet from where we stood, a hummingbird(蜂鸟) 44.D  and flew in front of us.
This was the first time we had ever 45.C  a hummingbird in our yard—or in Florida! Because they are rare, the 46.D  of a hummingbird in Brevard County, Florida, is almost a 47.A  in itself.
Although I had been trying to plant all the right plants to 48.A  them, it took a hurricane for me to 49.C  attract them to my yard and to really observe them closely.Almost every day since the hurricanes, I have had the 50.A  of observing the visiting hummingbirds.With a feeder right outside my office window, I get a daily bird's 51.C .
The hurricane season affected me in a very 52.B  way.Every time I see the hummingbirds, I am 53.B  of the many blessings that nature holds for us: messages of beauty, strength, and determination.But perhaps the greatest 54.A  is that wonders are out there waiting to pay us a visit.We just need to keep 55.B  seeds of beauty and faith, and we need to keep an eye out for the wonders!
41.A.looked up B.stood up
C.woke up D.turned up
解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:当我们在9月5日早上醒来时,我和丈夫站在阳台上,看着仍然强大的风折断了参天大树。根据时间“on the morning of September 5”可知早上醒来,woke up符合语境。A.looked up抬头看;B.stood up站起来;C.woke up醒来;D.turned up出现。故选C。
42.A.Suddenly B.Gradually
C.Normally D.Generally
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:突然,在这阵阵破坏性的风中,我们在我们的花园里发现了一抹色彩。根据下文“No more than ten feet from where we stood, a hummingbird(蜂鸟) 44 and flew in front of us.(离我们站立的地方不到十英尺,一只蜂鸟出现了,并在我们面前飞着。)”可知,飓风天气看见一抹蜂鸟的颜色,很是突然。A.Suddenly突然;B.Gradually逐渐地;C.Normally通常地;D.Generally 一般地。故选A。
43.A.office B.room
C.balcony D.garden
44.A.dropped B.landed
C.remained D.appeared
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:离我们站立的地方不到十英尺,一只蜂鸟出现了,并在我们面前飞着。根据上文“...we spotted a flash of color in our 43 .(……我们在我们的花园里发现了一抹色彩。)”,下文“and flew in front of us”可知,飓风中,花园里此时出现一只蜂鸟。appeared符合语境。A.dropped掉落,落下;B.landed降落;C.remained依然,留下;D.appeared出现。故选D。
45.A.heard B.drawn
C.seen D.caught
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是我们第一次在我们的院子里——或者佛罗里达州,看到蜂鸟!根据下文“Because they are rare, the 46 of a hummingbird in Brevard County, Florida, is almost a 47 in itself.(因为它们很罕见,所以在佛罗里达州布里瓦德县,看见蜂鸟本身几乎是一个奇迹。)”可知,蜂鸟在佛罗里达州实属罕见,seen符合语境。故选C。
46.A.color B.name
C.shape D.sight
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:因为它们很罕见,所以在佛罗里达州布里瓦德县,看见蜂鸟本身几乎是一个奇迹。根据上文“This was the first time we had ever 45 a hummingbird in our yard—or in Florida! (这是我们第一次在我们的院子里——或者佛罗里达州,看到蜂鸟!)”可知,作者第一次在佛罗里达州,而且是自家院子里看见了蜂鸟,sight符合语境。C.shape形状;D.sight观看,看见。故选D。
47.A.wonder B.concept
C.belief D.symbol
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:因为它们很罕见,所以在佛罗里达州布里瓦德县,看见蜂鸟本身几乎是一个奇迹。根据句中的rare可知,蜂鸟在这里很罕见,所以看见蜂鸟是个奇迹。A.wonder奇迹;B.concept 概念;C.belief信念;D.symbol符号。故选A。
48.A.attract B.feed
C.drive D.impress
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然我一直试图种植所有合适的植物来吸引它们,但经过一场飓风,我才最终将它们吸引到我的院子里,并真正仔细观察它们。根据后半句“...it took a hurricane for me to 49 attract them to my yard(经过一场飓风,我才最终将它们吸引到我的院子里)”可知,作者以前也试图“吸引”蜂鸟到院子里来,attract符合语境。A.attract吸引;B.feed喂养;C.drive驱动;D.impress使……印象深刻。故选A。
49.A.formally B.initially
C.finally D.constantly
50.A.joy B.task
C.hope D.sorrow
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:自飓风以来,几乎每天都有观察来访蜂鸟的喜悦。根据上文“Because they are rare, the 46 of a hummingbird in Brevard County, Florida, is almost a 47 in itself.(因为它们很罕见,所以在佛罗里达州布里瓦德县,看见蜂鸟本身几乎是一个奇迹。)”可知,每天都能看见罕见的蜂鸟,给作者带来了喜悦。A.joy喜悦;B.task任务;C.hope希望;D.sorrow悲伤。故选A。
51.A.track B.mind
C.view D.shadow
52.A.common B.positive
C.strange D.casual
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:飓风季节以非常积极的方式影响了我。根据下文“Every time I see the hummingbirds, I am 53 of the many blessings that nature holds for us: messages of beauty, strength, and determination.(每次我看到蜂鸟,我都会想起大自然为我们带来的许多祝福:美丽,力量和决心的信息。)”可知,蜂鸟的到来使作者想到了美丽、力量和决心这一些积极向上的信息。A.common 常见的;B.positive积极的;C.strange 奇异的;D.casual休闲的。故选B。
53.A.informed B.reminded
C.warned D.cured
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:每次我看到蜂鸟,我都会想起大自然为我们带来的许多祝福:美丽,力量和决心的启示。根据上文“The hurricane season affected me in a very 52 way.(飓风季节以非常积极的方式影响了我。)”可知,飓风季节到来的蜂鸟,使作者想到一些美好的东西。remind sb of sth.意为“使某人想起……,提醒某人……”。A.informed 通知;B.reminded提醒;C.warned警告;D.cured治愈。故选B。
54.A.message B.hobby
C.subject D.chance
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:但也许最大的启示是,奇迹在那里等待来拜访我们。根据上文“Every time I see the hummingbirds, I am 53 of the many blessings that nature holds for us: messages of beauty, strength, and determination.(每次我看到蜂鸟,我都会想起大自然为我们带来的许多祝福:美丽,力量和决心的启示。)”可知,蜂鸟的到来带给作者“美丽,力量和决心的启示”,但是,最大的启示是:奇迹终究会到来。message为复现词。A.message 消息,留言,启示;B.hobby爱好;C.subject主题;D.chance机会。故选A。
55.A.buying B.planting
C.receiving D.changing
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们只需要不断播下美丽和信仰的种子,我们只需要留意奇迹!根据上文“Although I had been trying to plant all the right plants to 48 them, it took a hurricane for me to 49 attract them to my yard and to really observe them closely.(虽然我一直试图种植所有合适的植物来吸引它们,但经过一场飓风,我才最终将它们吸引到我的院子里,并真正仔细观察它们。)”可知,plant为复现词。故选B。
With about half of the vast country covered in wilderness, China is the world's third most species-rich country.Therefore, China's 56.achievements (achieve) in biodiversity conservation and wilderness protection are important to the future of global biodiversity conservation.
The vital biodiversity, bined (combine) with a large population, has led the government to reconsider its protected area system and transform some wilderness areas such as the rainforest in Hainan 58.into  formal national parks.The new national park system will make it more practical 59.to preserve (preserve) habitats and species.The aim is to preserve biodiversity and ensure a 60.harmonious (harmony) relation between humans and nature.
The national parks cross China's vast ecosystems, from the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park in the south 61.where  the Hainan gibbon—a critically endangered species live, the Giant Panda National Park, the Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park, the Wuyi Mountain National Park to the Sanjiangyuan National Park on the Qinghai-Tibet Platau— 62.the  source of the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Lancang River.The diversity of species and habitats under protection 63.is reflected (reflect) in these parks' names.
The national parks are open to all.Visitors can make reservations online in advance 64.or  book on the spot.They should acquire a little local knowledge to get 65.themselves (they) ready for the amazing trip and maximize their enjoyment.
57.考查非谓语动词。句意:至关重要的生物多样性,加上庞大的人口,促使政府重新考虑其保护区体系,并将一些荒野地区,如海南的热带雨林,转变为正式的国家公园。设空处在句中作非谓语,和句子的逻辑主语之间The vital biodiversity是逻辑的被动关系,设空处应用动词的过去分词的形式。故填combined。
59.考查非谓语动词。句意:新的国家公园系统将使保护栖息地和物种更加实际。设空处在句中作非谓语,it作形式宾语,动词不定式短语作真正宾语。故填to preserve。
60.考查形容词。句意:目的是保护生物多样性,确保人与自然之间的和谐关系。设空处后为名词, 设空处应用形容词的形式修饰名词。故填harmonious。
61.考查定语从句。这些国家公园横跨中国广阔的生态系统,从生活着极度濒危物种海南长臂猿的南方海南热带雨林国家公园,到大熊猫国家公园、东北虎豹国家公园、武夷山国家公园,再到位于黄河、长江和澜沧江源头的青藏高原上的三江源国家公园。设空处引导定语从句,先行词为“the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park”在句中作地点状语,所以用关系副词where。故填where。
62.考查冠词。句意见上题解析。根据空后的“of the Yellow River (黄河之滨)”可知,此处表示特指,应用定冠词。故填the。
63.考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:这些公园的名字反映了受保护的物种和栖息地的多样性。设空处在句中作谓语,和句子的主语之间是被动关系,叙述客观事实,应用一般现在时,故设空处应为一般现在时的被动语态,主语为the diversity of species and habitats,结合主谓一致。故填is reflected。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear Editor,
I know an activity called “Protect Endangered Animals” is being held in our school, so I'm writing to make some suggestions.
As a student, we should do what we can to contribute to the protection of endangered animals.First, we can hold some activities about endangered animals protection to get the public involved.Second, we can do something to help protect the natural habitat where the endangered animals live.
Only when all of us work together can those endangered animals be saved and well protected.So let's take action at once!
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
On a hot September afternoon, Peter and his friend Isabel were on their way to the library.When they passed by Tubman park, Isabel suggested cutting through it to get to the library.As they entered the park, the sight of the swings(秋千) and the merry-go-round brought back a flood of memories of their childhood spent there.But now everything looked so old, sad, and dirty.Litter lay on the ground next to an overflowing trash bin.There were still young schoolchildren playing there but they had to avoid the trash that littered the playground.A little boy told them that the city took the other trash cans away and the remaining one never got emptied often.
As they headed toward the library, the two high school students wrinkled their forehead.In the library, they encountered Mrs.Evans, their kind-hearted fifth-grade teacher, retired yet still passionate.Mrs.Evans listened as Isabel and Peter eagerly explained what they'd seen.Finally, she recommended them to go to the City Hall to voice their concerns.
The next day, Isabel and Peter went into the building of the City Hall but were met with an impatient officer.They were informed that the city couldn't help with their problem due to a tight budget.Discouraged, they left and turned to Mrs.Evans for help.
Under her guidance, they decided to ask Go Green, a non-profit organization whose goal is to protect the environment, for help.“This group is good at raising money for projects just like yours, ” said Mrs.Evans.She promised to arrange them to present their ideas to Go Green.Hearing this, their face lit up.
Two main tasks remained ahead: researching ways to clean up the park and preparing a convincing presentation.As Isabel was good at researching while Peter always had a talent for speaking, they cooperated quite well.Isabel learned from a science magazine that a new type of trash bin can squeeze the trash down without being emptied often, which saves time, money, and energy.Based on this, Peter practiced his presentation over and over again.
Paragraph 1:
A week later, Peter stood nervously at the back of the hall where Go Green was meeting. _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Paragraph 2:
After the meeting, Isabel excitedly told Peter the good news. ______________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
本文以人物为线索展开,讲述Peter和Isabel经过儿时玩耍的Tubman公园,发现公园破败不堪,垃圾满地,于是决定想办法改变其面貌。在埃文斯夫人的建议下,他们决定向环境保护组织Go Green寻求帮助。
续写第一段首句:一周后,彼得紧张地站在大厅的后面,环境保护组织Go Green正在那里开会。第二段首句:会后,伊莎贝尔兴奋地把这个好消息告诉了彼得。由第一段首句内容可知彼得在Go Green发生了什么,结合原文结尾“Peter practiced his presentation over and over again”第一段可描写彼得向Go Green作报告的情况。由第二段首句内容中有好消息,好消息一定与第一段彼得报告成功有关,第二段可描写得知Go Green同意提供帮助后,Peter和Isabel接下来的打算。
Paragraph 1:
A week later, Peter stood nervously at the back of the hall where Go Green was meeting.Finally, it was time for him to do the presentation.Standing in front of several experts from Go Green, Peter was nervous in fear of screwing things up.But unbelievably, when he began to speak, everything went so smoothly.His voice was clear and influential, and his speech was logical and well-organized.Peter ended his presentation with a deep bow and went out to wait for Go Green's decision.
Paragraph 2:
After the meeting, Isabel excitedly told Peter the good news.Their ideas were approved and Go Green agreed to provide the money they needed to purchase the trash bin.Peter smiled.It meant not only their efforts paid off, but also Tubman park would restore its cleanness and tidiness.Peter and Isabel decided to tell Mrs.Evans this good news first and then worked out the next step they needed to take.UNIT 3 学业质量检测
(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A.A paper.      B.A course.
C.A teacher.
2.How long did the woman stay in Chicago?
A.6 years. B.12 years.
C.23 years.
3.What's the relationship between the speakers?
A.A couple. B.Classmates.
C.Father and daughter.
4.How much should the woman pay in total?
A.$25.    B.$35.   
5.Who is the man?
A.A driving instructor. B.A taxi driver.
C.A police officer.
6.How does the woman feel about her present job?
A.Difficult. B.Interesting.
7.When does the woman have to make her final decision
A.Today. B.Tomorrow.
C.In two days.
8.How does the woman feel about her new co-worker?
A.Annoyed. B.Interested.
9.What does the man advise the woman to do?
A.Share her opinions with others.
B.Speak to Mr.Wade.
C.Quit her job.
10.When did the robbery take place?
A.At 9∶50. B.At 10∶00.
C.At 10∶10.
11.What was Jane Smith doing when the robbery happened?
A.She was being served.
B.She was waiting her turn.
C.She was lying on the floor.
12.Why does the officer ask Jane Smith questions?
A.To know more about the robbery.
B.To get back the lost money.
C.To know more about her.
13.Where is the man going?
A.To the library.
B.To the museum.
C.To his apartment.
14.What are the man's favorites?
A.Drawings. B.Watercolors.
C.Oil paintings.
15.What do we know about the man?
A.He wishes to paint very well.
B.He has very good taste in art.
C.He dislikes traditional art.
16.What is the woman going to do this weekend?
A.Buy a theatre ticket.
B.Go to an exhibition.
C.Take painting lessons.
17.What is Greg doing now?
A.Visiting a museum.
B.Talking to Chester Carlson.
C.Introducing the photocopy machine and its inventor.
18.Why is the machine the most successful product?
A.It has earned a lot of money for people.
B.It's widely used every day.
C.It results in many other inventions.
19.What will Greg talk about next?
A.Chester Carlson.
B.How xerography works.
20.Why did Chester Carlson have to support his father?
A.He loved science. B.He was a barber.
C.His father was sick.
Text 1
W:My teacher asked me to talk about at least four famous people in Western history in my paper.
M:Did you make it
W:No.I only named two, Leonardo da Vinci and Charles Darwin.
M:Well, you can add Edison and Einstein.
Text 2
W:Well, now let me introduce myself.I was born in Chicago.I left there when I was 12 years old.
M:So where did you go
W:I moved to New York and lived there for 6 years.Then I came to San Francisco and I have been here for 23 years.
Text 3
M:Lisa, I missed the last bus, so I'm going to be late.
W:Oh, that's too bad.Will you get back in time to pick up our daughter
M:I don't think so.Can you get her
W:No problem.
Text 4
W:What nice blouses!How much are they
M:$20 each and $5 off if you buy two.They're on sale now.
W:Then please give me two, a white one and a pink one.
Text 5
W:What seems to be the matter, sir
M:You turned left back there, but the light was red.May I see your driver's license
W:Of course.Here it is.
Text 6
M:What's the matter, Jane?Do you have any problems
W:Yes.I have a chance to get another job and I don't know what to do.
M:My advice is like this: If it's a better job than your present one, take it.
W:Easier said than done.I like the job I have now.My work is very interesting.
M:What about the pay
W:If I accept the new job, I'll get more money.What should I do?I have to let them know my decision today.
Text 7
M:What's the matter, Janet?You've seemed really upset for the past few days.
W:Well, the truth is I can't stand the new girl in the sales department.I have to explain everything to her many times, and she still doesn't do anything right.
M:I've heard that many other people are not satisfied with her work either.I think you should talk to Mr.Wade about your problem.
W:Unfortunately, she is his niece, so I can't.
Text 8
M:Could you please tell me in your own words exactly what happened
W:Certainly, officer.It was about ten past ten and two men with motorcycle helmets came in and told everyone to get on the floor.
M:Where were you
W:I was in the queue waiting to be served over there.
M:I see.Could you tell me what happened next
W:Well, I got on the floor and so did everyone else.One of the men stayed by the door and the other one held up the teller and told her to hand over all the cash.As soon as she did it, they just left and I didn't see anything else.
M:Thank you.We may have some more questions for you later.Could I have your name and address, please
W:Certainly.It's Jane Smith, 54 Old Road, Moortown.
M:Thank you.
Text 9
W:Hey, David!Where are you heading?The new library
M:Hi, Jennifer.I'm going to my apartment now.I just came back from an art exhibition in the city museum.
W:Really?Is it good
M:Yeah, pretty good.You know I don't have much artistic ability, but I can appreciate the objects there.There are drawings, oil paintings and watercolors.It's really amazing.
W:What do you like best then
M:I would have to say oil paintings.They're just so colorful and vivid.
W:Yeah.That's also what I like most.But the traditional style is not my cup of tea.
M:I like that style.I'm crazy about art, and I wish that I were able to paint as well as those artists.You should go and have a look at the exhibition if you can afford a day.It's really great.
W:Well, I was just thinking about what to do for the weekend.Now you've given me a good idea.I'm really looking forward to it.
M:It's really worthwhile and the ticket is not expensive.
W:OK.I've got to go and get a ticket.
Text 10
M:Good morning, everybody!Welcome to the Museum of Technology!My name is Greg, and I'll be your tour guide today.Now, if you'd like to step this way, we're going to look at this machine over here.Now, first of all, can anybody guess what this is?Yes, this is actually the first photocopy machine.This was one of the most important inventions in the twentieth century.The magazine Fortune called it the most successful product ever marketed in America.And this technology is essentially the same technology that is used in laser printers today!Just think for a moment now often you use a photocopy machine, or a laser printer. And this is Chester Carlson, the inventor of the photocopy machine.He invented the process of xerography—that's basically what happens in a photocopy machine—in 1938.First I'm going to tell you a little bit about him,and then we'll look at how xerography works.OK?Chester Carlson was born in Seattle, and he was the only child of a barber.His father was sick and couldn't work, and the family was very poor.His mother died when he was a teenager, so he had to support his father.He was a good student, and he was very interested in science.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Meet Incredible Conservation Heroes Saving
Wildlife from Extinction
Anne Savage
Dr.Savage founded a conservation program to protect cotton-top tamarins(棉顶狨猴).She pioneered in the development of new technologies to study the animal in the Colombian forest.She also helped conduct a study that found only 7,500 individuals remained.As a result, the International Union for Conservation of Nature changed the classification of cotton-top tamarins from Endangered to Critically Endangered, which brought the species to more people's notice.
Elena Bykova
Having majored in biology, Bykova has a good knowledge of the saiga antelope(赛加羚羊).As Executive Secretary of the Saiga Conservation Alliance, an international organization, Bykova works to save the antelope.Illegal shooting is the single biggest threat, and Bykova concentrates on raising public awareness of the danger, finding alternative livelihood opportunities for local communities, and protecting saiga habitats.
Jeanne Tarrant
Frogs are astonishingly diverse and beautiful for Dr.Tarrant.Over the years, she has helped put the spotlight on many highly threatened species of frogs that face extinction due to habitat loss, climate change, and hunts by their animal enemies.No wonder she is called the “Frog Lady” of South Africa!
Marilyn Connell
Living only in the Mary River of Queensland, the Mary River turtle(龟) takes in oxygen in two ways.Being hunted by other wildlife is the Mary River turtle's biggest threat.Connell and her team investigate the threats to the species and take measures to protect the eggs and newborns from being hunted, ensuring the species has a chance to survive.
21.What made cotton-top tamarins get more attention
A.Dr.Savage's conservation program.
B.The adjustment to their risk category.
C.Research into cotton-top tamarins.
D.The development of new technologies.
22.What does Elena Bykova do to protect the saiga antelope
A.She founds an international organization.
B.She chooses biology as her main subject of study.
C.She provides ways for locals to make a living.
D.She fights against the behaviour of illegal shooting.
23.What affects the survival of both frogs and the Mary River turtles
A.Changes to living habits.
B.Threats from other species.
C.Loss of their habitat.
D.Difficulty in raising newborns.
On a hot summer afternoon along the Mandavi River, Shweta Hule wraps her sari around her ankles and bends to pick wild “weeds” from the river and drop them into a bowl. The plants will be made into fritters (炸果饼), to be served at the little restaurant attached to the B&B Hule manages in the Indian coastal town of Vengurla.
Wild edible (可食用的) plants are common in kitchens here. Hule's weed is juicy, which is found in mangrove forests. Harvesting some of the plant is helping conserve the mangroves, a globally endangered ecosystem of salt-tolerant trees that stop coastal erosion (侵蚀) and absorb storm damage.
Hule is head of Swamini, a self-help group set up by nine women from a fishing community in Vengurla who started Mandavi Eco Tourism in 2017. Vengurla is known for its beautiful beaches and seafood, but the climate crisis has made fishing for a living unsustainable, so people are trying to find other sources of income. They came up with the idea of running mangrove safaris (观光游) for tourists in Vengurla's Mandavi River.
The safaris offer visitors a unique hour-long tour of the mangroves. Food has also become a key attraction: local spicy coconut curries, with homegrown or wild vegetables. Tourists are encouraged to go crabbing, and their catch is cooked and served.
Hule only discovered recently that the weed was edible when she met tourists from another coastal city. She researched these leaves and learned that the salty plant is rich in vitamins. She made her own version of the fritters, with chickpea flour, and presented it at the wild vegetable festival. “It was an instant hit. This boosted the confidence to include these fritters in our restaurant menu,” says Hule.
Swamini's lodging house also serves vegetarian meals and plates of fish and crab sourced from the river. “The satisfaction after the visitors enjoy our meal is the real currency. We had guests from London who were so happy with our food that they took down the recipe. Such people help our business grow. What more can we want?” says Hule.
语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述Shweta Hule和几位妇女创办Swamini为游客提供生态旅游和有当地特色的食宿的故事。他们的举动不仅帮助当地人增加了收入,还在一定程度上保护了红树林。
24.Which of the following can best describe the example of Shweta Hule?
A.Do as the Romans do.
B.Strike while the iron is hot.
C.Kill two birds with one stone.
D.Bite off more than you can chew.
25.What does Swamini offer to visitors?
A.Eco-tours and accommodation.
B.Fishing guide service.
C.Vegetable growing techniques.
D.Hands-on cooking classes.
26.Why were Hule's fritters well-received?
A.They were less expensive.
B.They were traditional.
C.They had their own features.
D.They got strongly promoted.
27.How did Hule feel about tourists' obtaining her food recipe?
A.Lost. B.Proud.
C.Worried. D.Curious.
Whether or not you want an electric vehicle in your driveway, you might soon spot one showing up on your neighborhood.
All major delivery companies are starting to replace their gas-powered fleets(车队) with electric or low-emission vehicles, a switch that companies say will boost their bottom lines, while also fighting climate change and urban pollution.
UPS has placed an order for 10,000 electric delivery vehicles.Amazon is buying 100,000 from the start-up Rivian.DHL says zero-emission vehicles make up a fifth of its fleet, with more to come.And FedEx has just been seeking the goal of replacing 100% of its pickup and delivery fleet with battery-powered vehicles by 2040.
“I think we've just started to reach the turning point where we are slowly getting rid of gas-powered delivery trucks and vans,” Mitch Jackson, the chief sustainability officer for FedEx, says.
Switching to electric vehicles for shorter distances makes a lot of sense for companies like FedEx.
Compared to the 18-wheelers that carry packages between states, delivery vehicles—typically vans and smaller trucks—are much easier to electrify, with current battery technology providing enough range for many routes.And companies also have plenty of charging time.Jackson calls it an “ideal situation”.
“If you think about it, our vehicles operate throughout the day picking up and delivering our customers goods,” Jackson says.“And in the evening, they come back to our stations and they'll be parked there overnight.”
And, while electric vehicles are still expensive up front, Jackson says this switch will also serve the bottom line.Electric vehicles save money on fuel, and because they have fewer moving parts, they're also cheaper to maintain, which means they are profitable in the long run. “And for sure, they emit zero greenhouse gases.Our community will definitely love them,” adds Jackson.
28.Which of the following is NOT a delivery company
A.UPS.        B.Rivian.
C.DHL. D.FedEx.
29.Which of the following statements may Mitch Jackson agree to
A.Electric vehicles like the 18-wheelers can carry more and be easily charged.
B.Electric vehicles are charged during the parking time.
C.Electric vehicles need improve their battery technology badly.
D.Electric vehicles discourage delivery companies due to their cost.
30.The underlined phrase “the bottom line” in the last paragraph means .
A.the final profit
B.the final goal to pursue
C.the last thing to bear
D.the most important point
31.What is the writing purpose of this passage?
A.To prove an idea. B.To confirm a concept.
C.To introduce a trend. D.To describe an event.
Every year on April 22,Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.It gave a voice to an emerging public consciousness about the state of our planet.The founder was Gaylord Nelson.
What moved Gaylord Nelson to action was the 1969 massive oil spill(溢出) in California,the largest oil spill in the United States at that time.The spill proved to be an environmental nightmare as it had a strong impact on marine life, killing an estimated 3,500 sea birds,as well as marine animals such as dolphins,elephant seals and sea lions.Inspired by the student antiwar movement at that period of time, Nelson found it was a right time to channel the energy of the students towards a fight for environmental protection.He decided that it was time to educate the Americans on the need to protect the environment.Thus,Earth Day was born in 1970,and public environmental consciousness took centre stage.
On 22nd April 1970,millions of Americans took to the streets to demonstrate for a healthy,sustainable environment and thousands of students marched in protest of the terrible situation of the environment.Businesses were forced to follow environmental standards if they wanted to continue their operations.The year 1990 saw Earth Day reach out to many more countries around the world.It helped pave the way for the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro,bringing together many nations,for a joint effort towards protecting the environment.In 2009,the United Nations decided to officially set April 22 as Earth Day.
For his role as founder of Earth Day,Gaylord Nelson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom(1995),the highest honour given to civilians in the United States.We honor the man, as the fight for a cleaner environment continues.
语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了4月22日的“地球日”(Earth Day)创立者盖洛德·纳尔逊是如何创立地球日的以及地球日的历史。
32.What can we learn about Earth Day
A.It was founded at the end of 1970s.
B.It was first celebrated in Rio de Janeiro.
C.People will march on the street on this day.
D.It arouses public environmental awareness.
33.What did Gaylord Nelson do to make Earth Day possible
A.He reduced the loss of the oil spill.
B.He participated in an antiwar movement.
C.He set environmental standards for business.
D.He involved more people in environmental issues.
34.What is the third paragraph mainly about
A.The focus of Earth Day.
B.The development of Earth Day.
C.The world's concern on the environment.
D.The joint efforts of different countries.
35.Which of the following best describes Gaylord Nelson
A.Intelligent. B.Responsible.
C.Considerate. D.Knowledgeable.
Are you worried about our Earth Do you want to do what you can to save it 36.   It may seem like the actions of one person won't make a difference, but there are actually many ways you can help.Here are some of them.
Turn it off.
Turn off anything that uses electricity when not in use. 37. If you leave your television on or don't turn off lights, it's wasting electricity.Remember to turn things off when you don't need them.
Start recycling.
It's not just paper, plastic and glass that can be recycled—clothes can be,too. 38. It's good for the environment and you'll get a new look for free!
You don't have to travel far to get what you need, and products don't have to travel far to get to you, either.Shop at farmers' markets and buy food that was produced as close to your home as possible.And when you're online shopping, try to find things that won't have to travel long distances.
Save water.
If you don't let the water run when you're brushing your teeth and take showers instead of baths, you will be using less water and less energy—but you'll still be just as clean! 40. Use a method that requires less water to get the dishes clean.
A.Buy things nearby.
B.Think before you eat.
C.It's hard to know where to start.
D.Turn short jeans you've grown out of into shorts.
E.Also, don't wash dishes with the water running continuously.
F.This goes for lights, televisions, computers, printers, and so on.
G.Bring a reusable water bottle with you when travelling or at work.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
During a period of two months, the east coast of Florida was hit by three major hurricanes!
When we 41. on the morning of September 5, my husband and I stood on the balcony(阳台) and watched the still-powerful winds break huge trees. 42. , in the midst of these destructive winds, we spotted a flash of color in our 43. .No more than ten feet from where we stood, a hummingbird(蜂鸟) 44. and flew in front of us.
This was the first time we had ever 45. a hummingbird in our yard—or in Florida! Because they are rare, the 46. of a hummingbird in Brevard County, Florida, is almost a 47. in itself.
Although I had been trying to plant all the right plants to 48. them, it took a hurricane for me to 49. attract them to my yard and to really observe them closely.Almost every day since the hurricanes, I have had the 50. of observing the visiting hummingbirds.With a feeder right outside my office window, I get a daily bird's 51. .
The hurricane season affected me in a very 52. way.Every time I see the hummingbirds, I am 53. of the many blessings that nature holds for us: messages of beauty, strength, and determination.But perhaps the greatest 54. is that wonders are out there waiting to pay us a visit.We just need to keep 55.   seeds of beauty and faith, and we need to keep an eye out for the wonders!
41.A.looked up B.stood up
C.woke up D.turned up
42.A.Suddenly B.Gradually
C.Normally D.Generally
43.A.office B.room
C.balcony D.garden
44.A.dropped B.landed
C.remained D.appeared
45.A.heard B.drawn
C.seen D.caught
46.A.color B.name
C.shape D.sight
47.A.wonder B.concept
C.belief D.symbol
48.A.attract B.feed
C.drive D.impress
49.A.formally B.initially
C.finally D.constantly
50.A.joy B.task
C.hope D.sorrow
51.A.track B.mind
C.view D.shadow
52.A.common B.positive
C.strange D.casual
53.A.informed B.reminded
C.warned D.cured
54.A.message B.hobby
C.subject D.chance
55.A.buying B.planting
C.receiving D.changing
With about half of the vast country covered in wilderness, China is the world's third most species-rich country.Therefore, China's 56.  (achieve) in biodiversity conservation and wilderness protection are important to the future of global biodiversity conservation.
The vital biodiversity, 57.  (combine) with a large population, has led the government to reconsider its protected area system and transform some wilderness areas such as the rainforest in Hainan 58.   formal national parks.The new national park system will make it more practical 59.  (preserve) habitats and species.The aim is to preserve biodiversity and ensure a 60.  (harmony) relation between humans and nature.
The national parks cross China's vast ecosystems, from the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park in the south 61.   the Hainan gibbon—a critically endangered species live, the Giant Panda National Park, the Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park, the Wuyi Mountain National Park to the Sanjiangyuan National Park on the Qinghai-Tibet Platau— 62.   source of the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Lancang River.The diversity of species and habitats under protection 63.  (reflect) in these parks' names.
The national parks are open to all.Visitors can make reservations online in advance 64.   book on the spot.They should acquire a little local knowledge to get 65.  (they) ready for the amazing trip and maximize their enjoyment.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
On a hot September afternoon, Peter and his friend Isabel were on their way to the library.When they passed by Tubman park, Isabel suggested cutting through it to get to the library.As they entered the park, the sight of the swings(秋千) and the merry-go-round brought back a flood of memories of their childhood spent there.But now everything looked so old, sad, and dirty.Litter lay on the ground next to an overflowing trash bin.There were still young schoolchildren playing there but they had to avoid the trash that littered the playground.A little boy told them that the city took the other trash cans away and the remaining one never got emptied often.
As they headed toward the library, the two high school students wrinkled their forehead.In the library, they encountered Mrs.Evans, their kind-hearted fifth-grade teacher, retired yet still passionate.Mrs.Evans listened as Isabel and Peter eagerly explained what they'd seen.Finally, she recommended them to go to the City Hall to voice their concerns.
The next day, Isabel and Peter went into the building of the City Hall but were met with an impatient officer.They were informed that the city couldn't help with their problem due to a tight budget.Discouraged, they left and turned to Mrs.Evans for help.
Under her guidance, they decided to ask Go Green, a non-profit organization whose goal is to protect the environment, for help.“This group is good at raising money for projects just like yours, ” said Mrs.Evans.She promised to arrange them to present their ideas to Go Green.Hearing this, their face lit up.
Two main tasks remained ahead: researching ways to clean up the park and preparing a convincing presentation.As Isabel was good at researching while Peter always had a talent for speaking, they cooperated quite well.Isabel learned from a science magazine that a new type of trash bin can squeeze the trash down without being emptied often, which saves time, money, and energy.Based on this, Peter practiced his presentation over and over again.
Paragraph 1:
A week later, Peter stood nervously at the back of the hall where Go Green was meeting. _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Paragraph 2:
After the meeting, Isabel excitedly told Peter the good news. ______________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________