

名称 广东省广州市2015届高三上学期元月调研测试英语试题(解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2015-03-18 08:25:09



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I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)
第一节 【题文】完形填空 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1 ( http: / / )~15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
A civilized s ( http: / / )ociety has the virtues of beauty, culture, comfort and peace. However, the motor-car is 1 these virtues.
A visitor from oute ( http: / / )r space viewing our cities would conclude that the human race is made up of shiny metallic “beetles” creeping along vast networks. He is not far 2 . The motor-car, far from being 3 a vehicle for man, is determining the design of whole cities. The single largest consumer of valuable city 4 is its roads and car parks. If there were fewer roads, we could have more natural parks in which to 5 , more cultural centres and more public squares. Cars rob our cities of these civilized 6 .
Not only do cars ( http: / / )occupy space, they also create 7 . Psychologists have confirmed that noise causes stress, and cities are indeed very noisy places. Cars are also the single largest 8
of air pollution. ( http: / / ) How can we say we are 9 when we live in an atmosphere full of stress and health dangers
Our economy depends o ( http: / / )n 10 . These days it is becoming rare and 11 , yet cars continue consuming large amounts of petrol. Energy, which could be used to run factories and houses, is being 12 on roads.
Finally, car ( http: / / )s have created a new type of monster, the motorist. Necessity has made man forget his gentle 13 and has transformed him into a selfish, dangerous monster, frightening innocent pedestrians, killing dogs, swearing at other motorists. The car is an outlet for his aggression.
To sum up, ( http: / / )the motor-car has been 14 for destroying our cities, damaging our health, increasing economic problems and 15 humankind of their gentle nature.
1. A. representing B. promoting C. destroying D. replacing
2. A. removed B. better C. different D. wrong
3. A. generally B. merely C. finally D. hardly
4. A. space B. time C. material D. light
5. A. share B. relax C. hide D. work
6. A. pleasures B. manners C. individuals D. histories
7. A. conflicts B. chances C. noise D. growth
8. A. problem B. source C. effect D. provider
9. A. polite B. awake C. innocent D. civilized
10. A. energy B. wealth C. transportation D. industry
11. A. wasteful B. available C. expensive D. cheap
12. A. left B. burnt C. arranged D. produced
13. A. action B. appearance C. idea D. nature
14. A. suitable B. possible C. punished D. responsible
15. A. warning B. reminding C. robbing D. convincing
【答案】【知识点】B3 议论文
1. C考查动词辨析 A. repre ( http: / / )senting代表;B. promoting提升;C. destroying破坏;D. replacing 取代;句意:然而机动车却破坏这些美德。根据however表示转折,故选C项。
2. D考查动词辨析 A. remov ( http: / / )ed 隔代的;B. better 好的;C. different不同的;D. wrong 错误的;句意:他没有错。根据上文提到机会车破坏了这些美德,此处表示等同,故选D项。
3. B 考查副词辨析A. gen ( http: / / )erally总体上;B. merely只不过;C. finally最后;D. hardly 几乎不;句意:机动车不仅仅是对于人类来说是洗车,它决定着城市的设计;根据句意选B项。
4. A 考查名词辨析A. space空 ( http: / / )间;B. time时间;C. material 材料;D. light光;句意:这个城市空间最大的消费者就是街道和停车场。根据语境选A项。
5. B 考查动词辨析A. shar ( http: / / )e 分享;B. relax 放松;C. hide 藏的;D. work工作;句意:如果道路越少,我们会有更多的公园来放松。根据parks公园可知是用来放松的,故选B项。
6. A 考查名词辨析A. pleas ( http: / / )ures 快乐;B. manners 礼貌;C. individuals个体;D. histories历史;句意:车抢走了我们城市的文明和快乐;根据rob可知抢走了快乐,故选A项。
7. C 考查名词辨析A. c ( http: / / )onflicts矛盾;B. chances 机会;C. noise噪音;D. growth生长;句意:不仅仅是车占用了我们的空间,也创造了噪音,根据常识可知选C项。
8. B 考查名词辨析A. probl ( http: / / )em问题;B. source 根源;C. effect 影响;D. provider提供者;句意:车是最大的根源。根据语境可知在说车产生了巨大的噪音,故选B项。
9. D考查形容词辨析 A. polite ( http: / / ) 有礼貌的;B. awake 醒着;C. innocent 天真的;D. civilized 文明的;句意:当我们居住在一个充满压力和健康威胁的环境下,我们又如何说我们是文明的。根据语境可知选D项。
10. A考查名词辨析 A. ( http: / / ) energy 能源;B. wealth财富;C. transportation交通;D. industry工业;句意:我们的经济依靠能源。根据语境可知选A项。
11. C 考查形容词辨析A. was ( http: / / )teful浪费的;B. available可利用的;C. expensive 昂贵的;D. cheap廉价的;句意:这些日子来,它变得稀有和昂贵,然而汽车继续消费着大量的汽油。根据语境可知能源是稀有的,但也很贵,故选C项。
12. B考查动词辨析 A. left ( http: / / ) 离开;B. burnt烧毁;C. arranged 安排;D. produced生产;句意:能源原来是用来经营工厂和家庭的,现在正在道路上燃烧。根据语境可知选B项。
13. D 考查名词辨析A. actio ( http: / / )n行动;B. appearance外貌;C. idea想法;D. nature自然,天性;句意:必要性让人类忘记它温柔的本性 和并把这变成自私和危险的魔兽。根据has transformed him into a selfish, dangerous monster可知改变他的本性,故选D项。
14. D考查形容词辨析 A. suitab ( http: / / )le合适的;B. possible可能的;C. punished处罚的;D. responsible 负责的;句意:最后,机会车要为破坏我们的城市,伤害我们的健康,增加经济问题,和迷惑人类的本性负责。Be responsible for 为。。负责,故选D项。
15. C考查动词辨析 A. war ( http: / / )ning 警告;B. reminding 提醒;C. robbing抢劫;D. convincing信服;句意:最后,机会车要为破坏我们的城市,伤害我们的健康,增加经济问题,和迷惑人类的本性负责。Rob sb of sth 抢劫某人某物,故选C项。
第二节 【题文】语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上 ( http: / / )下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为16~25的相应位置上。
A park officer notic ( http: / / )ed Sam consistently caught more fish than anyone else. While other guys caught only three or four a day, Sam’s boat was always full 16 fish. The officer, curious, asked Sam his secret. The 17 (success) fisherman invited the officer to accompany him and observe. So the next morning they took off in Sam’s boat and the officer got ready to see
18 it was don ( http: / / )e. Sam’s approach was simple. He took out a stick of dynamite(炸药), lit it, and threw it in the air. The explosion rocked the lake with such a force 19 dead fish immediately began to surface. Sam took out a net and started taking 20 up.
The officer, a ( http: / / )fter 21 (recover) from the shock, began yelling at Sam. “You can’t do this! It’s illegal!” Sam, meanwhile, took out another stick of dynamite. He lit it and 22 (drop) it in the officer’s lap with these words, “Are you going to sit there all day complaining, 23 are you going to fish ”
The poor office ( http: / / )r was left with 24 fast decision to make. He had suddenly been transformed from an observer to a 25 (participate). A choice had to be made quickly and with a sigh of regret he threw out the stick and waited for the explosion.
【文章综述】 本文是讲述一个渔夫捕鱼特别多,一个长官进行了目击。
16. of 考查固定短语。Be full of 充满。
17. succe ( http: / / )ssful 考查形容词。句意:这位成功的渔夫邀请长官来陪伴他以便进行观察。根据上文提到他比别人捕到的鱼多,可知是成功的。 考查宾语从句引导词;句意:因此第二天早上,他们乘眘萨姆的船出发了,准备看看是如何做到的。
19.that 考查固定句型。句意:爆炸威力巨大以至于死鱼立刻漂上来。Such…that 如此。。以至于。。
20.them 考查代词。句意:萨姆拿出网来开始打捞。根据语境可知捞鱼,故用them来代替。
21.recov ( http: / / )ering 考查非谓语动词。句意:当从震惊中恢复过来,长官开始对萨姆大声说,你不能这样做,这是非法的。After是介词后面用动名词做宾语。
22.dropped 考查动词的时态。句意:他点燃了炸药,扔了出去,对长官说,你是整天做在这抱怨呢还是打算捕鱼呢。And连接两个动词的时态保持一致,故与lit的时态保持一致,用一般过去时。
23.or 考查连词。句意:他点燃了炸药,扔了出去,对长官说,你是整天做在这抱怨呢还是打算捕鱼呢?这是个选择疑问句,故用or来连接;
24.a 考查冠词。句意:这个可怜的长官被留下来做快速的决定。Make a decision做出决定。
25.participant 考查名词。句意:他突然之间从一个观察者变成一个参与者。
II 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
It was my first day ba ( http: / / )ck home since starting college. A lot had changed in the last year. Not with my hometown but with me. I had left as a 17-year-old boy and had now returned as an 18-year-old man. In the city, I was living on my own, had a part-time job and was studying. Even the government recognized I was an adult; I had a driver’s license. So here I was, on my summer vacation, walking down the main street with my father, desperate for him to acknowledge how mature I was. When his recognition failed to appear, I took matters into my own hands. “Dad,” I said casually, “I’m thirsty. Let’s go for a beer.” It was the first time I’d ever mentioned beer in front of my father, let alone ask him to drink one with me.
He turned to ( http: / / )me with a curious expression on his face. “A beer Well I guess you’re old enough now. Let’s go to Sailors’ Bar. It’s where my cousin Tom, your uncle, used to drink. You remember him, right ”
I had only some ( http: / / ) vague recollection of my uncle. He was the black sheep of the family --- always in trouble. We didn’t talk about him much. “What ever happened to Uncle Tom, Dad I haven’t seen him in years,” I said as we continued towards the bar.
“Neither have I, unf ( http: / / )ortunately. He was a good kid once. But things changed,” my father said mournfully. As a boy, he explained, there had been no better-behaved boy than Tom. But after leaving school, he moved to the city and fell in with bad company. He started going out every night, drinking in nightclubs and playing cards. Soon he lost everything and had to beg his mum to pay his debts. She agreed on the condition he returned home.
My dad took a deep ( http: / / )breath and continued his tale. “Things settled down for a while. He married a lovely woman, gave up his bad habits. But it didn’t last. He was soon back to his old ways. He couldn’t resist. He was at Sailors’ Bar almost every night. His poor mother died of grief and shame. His wife followed her soon after.
“What ruined him ( http: / / )was alcohol. He told me once, when a man begins drinking, he never knows where it’ll end. ‘So’, Tom warned me, ‘beware of your first drink!’
“He went from ( http: / / )bad to worse. Last year Tom sent me a letter saying he had been found guilty of stealing, and sent to prison for ten years.”
Dad finished talki ( http: / / )ng just as we reached the front of Sailors’ Bar. “Anyway, here we are. Let’s go in,” he said. But I understood. I put my arm around my father and said, “I’m not thirsty anymore, Dad. Let’s go home.”
26. Why did the young man invite his father to drink a beer
A. Because he was thirsty.
B. Because he missed his father.
C. Because he wanted to show he was an adult.
D. Because he wanted to discuss his Uncle Tom.
27. What was the main source of Uncle Tom’s problems
A. His overly-strict family.
B. His addiction to card games.
C. The deaths of his mother and wife.
D. His inability to control his drinking.
28. Where is Uncle Tom now
A. In a bar. B. In prison. C. In the city. D. In his hometown.
29. In the story, ( http: / / )the father told his son about Tom in order to ________.
A. warn the son to keep away from Tom
B. entertain the son while they walked to the bar
C. recall an interesting period in the father’s life
D. convince the son of the harm caused by drinking
30. What is the cor ( http: / / )rect order of the following events from Uncle Tom’s life
a. His mother died.
b. He married a lovely girl.
c. He started going to nightclubs.
d. He was caught stealing.
e. He went back home to live with his mother.
f. He left school.
A. d,f,e,b,a ( http: / / ),c B. e,a,f,b,c,d C. f,c,e,b,a,d D. f,c,e,a,b,d
【答案】【知识点】C2 故事类
【文章综述】本文讲述作者认为自己上 ( http: / / )大学了,已经成年了,为了表明自己已经成熟,邀请父亲去酒吧,在路上,父亲讲了汤姆叔叔的故事,酗酒是非常危险的作者听到决定不去酒吧,跟父亲回家;
26.C 推断题。根据第 ( http: / / )一段提到So here I was, on my summer vacation, walking down the main street with my father, desperate for him to acknowledge how mature I was.可知我想向父亲证明我已经成熟了,我是个成年人了,故选C项。
27.D 推断题。根据第五段提到B ( http: / / )ut it didn’t last. He was soon back to his old ways. He couldn’t resist. He was at Sailors’ Bar almost every night当结婚之后,他回到老路来了,又开始来这个酒吧喝酒,所以汤姆叔叔的主要问题是酗酒,故选D项。
28.B 推断题。根据倒数第二段 ( http: / / )提到Last year Tom sent me a letter saying he had been found guilty of stealing, and sent to prison for ten years.去年他给我封信,说因为盗窃,被判入狱十年,故可知现在在监狱里,所以选B项。
29.D 推断题。根据文中提到父亲讲汤姆叔叔因为酗酒,失去母亲,妻子,又抢劫入狱,来告诉儿子喝酒的危害,故选D项。
30.C 排序题。根据文中可知汤姆 ( http: / / )叔叔先是离开学校,开始去夜店,回家与母亲住在一起,母亲给他还债,后来娶一个可爱的女孩,但又开始喝酒,母亲去世,他也因失去入狱,故选C项。
Are you smart ( http: / / )er than your parents and grandparents According to James Flynn, a professor at a New Zealand university, you are! Over the course of the last century, people’s IQ test scores have gotten steadily higher --- on average, three points higher each decade. This improvement is known as the “Flynn effect”, and scientists want to know what is behind it.
IQ tests are de ( http: / / )signed to measure general intelligence rather than knowledge. Flynn believes that intelligence partly comes from our parents and partly is the result of our environment, but the improvement in test scores has been happening too quickly to be explained by heredity. So what has occurred in the 20th century to help people achieve higher scores
Scientists have propos ( http: / / )ed several explanations for the Flynn effect. Some suggest that the improved test scores simply reflect an increased exposure to tests in general and the learning of test-taking techniques that help us perform better on any test. Others have pointed to better nutrition. Babies now are born larger, healthier, and with more brain development than in the past. Another suggested explanation is a change in educational styles, with teachers encouraging children to learn by discovering things for themselves rather than just memorizing information, which improves their problem-solving skills.
Flynn has limited ( http: / / )the possible explanations after carefully examining test data and discovering that the improvement in scores has taken place in only certain parts of the IQ test. Test-takers are not doing better on the maths or vocabulary sections of the test; they are doing better on the sections requiring reasoning and problem solving. For example, one part of the test shows a set of shapes, and test-takers must find the patterns and connections between them.
According to ( http: / / ) Flynn, this visual intelligence improves as the amount of technology in our lives increases. Every time you play a computer game, you are exercising exactly the kind of thinking and problem solving that helps you do well on one kind of intelligence test. So are you really smarter than your parents In one very specific way, you may be.
31. According to the passage, the “Flynn effect” is ________.
A. a method used to measure intelligence
B. an increase in IQ test scores over time
C. the influence of technology on intelligence
D. a theory that connects intelligence to experience
32. What is the function of the third paragraph
A. To list the findings of Professor Flynn’s research.
B. To provide possible explanations that disprove Flynn’s ideas.
C. To outlin ( http: / / )e different theories explaining the increase in IQ scores.
D. To describe how ( http: / / ) research was carried out in the measuring of intelligence.
33. According to th ( http: / / )e passage, newer educational techniques include _________.
A. exposing children to fewer tests
B. giving children clearer teaching instructions
C. getting children to memorize lots of information
D. encouraging children to find out things themselves
34. The writer believes that computer games _________.
A. have discouraged people from taking exercise
B. have made young people become less intelligent
C. have helped improve people’s visual intelligence
D. have caused young people to have poorer vocabularies
35. Which statement would Professor Flynn agree with
A. People today are taking easier tests.
B. People today have fewer problems to solve.
C. Not all aspects of intelligence have increased.
D. The language ability of people has improved.
【答案】【知识点】C8 科普知识类
【文章综述】本文是科普类文章,提到近年来 ( http: / / )人类的智商测验的分类比以前高出许多,科学家把此现象叫做弗林效应,并给出的解释,但这只能说明在某种特殊的方面,比父母聪明;
31.B 推断题。根据第一段提到Ove ( http: / / )r the course of the last century, people’s IQ test scores have gotten steadily higher --- on average, three points higher each decade. This improvement is known as the “Flynn effect”, and scientists want to know what is behind it在上个世纪以来,人们的智商测验的分数比以前提高了许多,这种提高就是弗林效应,故选B项。
32.C 推断题。根据第三段第一句话提到Sc ( http: / / )ientists have proposed several explanations for the Flynn effect科学家们对这个效果提出了几种解释,故概括几种对于这一效应的不同理论,故选C项。
33.D 细节理解题。根据第三 ( http: / / )段提到Another suggested explanation is a change in educational styles, with teachers encouraging children to learn by discovering things for themselves rather than just memorizing information, which improves their problem-solving skills.老师通过鼓励孩子自己发现问题而不是机械的记忆,故选D项。
34.C 推断题。根据最后一段提到 ( http: / / )According to Flynn, this visual intelligence improves as the amount of technology in our lives increases. Every time you play a computer game, you are exercising exactly the kind of thinking and problem solving that helps you do well on one kind of intelligence test根据弗林效应,可视智力会随着我们生活中科技的提高而提高,故电脑游戏能提高人们的视觉智力,故选C基。
35.C 推断题。根据最后一 ( http: / / )段提到So are you really smarter than your parents In one very specific way, you may be.你真的比你的父母聪明吗?在某些特殊的方面,可能是,故选C项。
Over the last 30 years ( http: / / ), Bangkok, once a small fishing village, has transformed into the rich, concrete, high-rise city that it is today. The sprawling metropolis and its population of 12 million now produces 35 per cent of Thailand’s economic wealth.
As a magnet for forei ( http: / / )gn companies, Bangkok attracts many overseas managers and businesspeople from different sectors, including tourism, automobiles and electronics. The city’s population of foreigners is in the high hundreds of thousands, with tens of thousands each of Japanese, Chinese and western employees working alongside hundreds of thousands of
Burmese (缅甸人) who mostly do unskilled jobs shunned by Thais.
For those used to the ( http: / / )good life, the variety and quality of the city’s food is a key attraction, says one US manager, before listing many of his favourite Italian, Mexican and, of course, Thai restaurants. Most offer quality meals for less than the cost of a takeaway sandwich in London.
Great choice an ( http: / / )d value can be found in Bangkok’s other attractions, too. For overseas businesspeople who enjoy shopping in luxury and air-conditioned comfort, the city has hundreds of modern shopping malls. Some foreigners, however, prefer the charms of Chatuchak Market, where anything can be bought at a good price by the shrewd bargainer.
When the time comes to ( http: / / ) talk business many overseas businesspeople prefer to move out of the markets and onto the golf course. Thailand has thousands of courses, which can provide a welcome break from the bustle of city life. But most businesspeople go to the golf course because it’s the perfect place to discuss the next big deal.
Because of th ( http: / / )e fast-paced life some foreign businesspeople see Bangkok as a place to stay for the short term, rather than a lifetime. Australian computer software designer Sarah Huang is seven months pregnant but still working fulltime in her Bangkok office. She says the city is “definitely a place I want to stay for the next five, ten years.” Nannies and home help are affordable, but high fees for quality secondary education have convinced Ms Huang to return to Australia when her child reaches high school age.
36. According to the first two paragraphs, we know that ________.
A. Bangkok has always been a rich Thai city
B. Bangkok offers many working opportunities for people
C. most foreigners coming to Bangkok are tourists
D. Burmese in Bangkok mostly work for Thais
37. The under ( http: / / )lined word “shunned” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. unwanted B. forgotten C. appreciated D. rewarded
38. What is the ma ( http: / / )in attraction of golf for foreigners according to the passage
A. It is a good place in which to discuss business matters.
B. It is the most convenient way for them to get regular exercise.
C. It is a great way ( http: / / ) to escape from the noise and pollution of the city.
D. It gives them ( http: / / )the opportunity to meet local people in a social setting.
39. Sarah Huang s ( http: / / )ays she’ll eventually leave Bangkok because ________.
A. she is going to have a baby
B. her working hours are too long
C. the cost of a good education there is too high
D. it’s not easy to find suitable home help there
40. The main purpose of the passage is to ________.
A. describe ( http: / / ) the attractions of living in Bangkok for foreign businesspeople
B. promote the m ( http: / / )any attractions Bangkok has to offer tourists visiting the city
C. explain the rea ( http: / / )sons for Bangkok’s rapid economic growth over the past 30 years
D. compare the lif ( http: / / )estyles of Burmese workers and foreign businesspeople in Bangkok
【答案】【知识点】C7 社会生活类
【文章综述】本文主要讲述曼谷在近三 ( http: / / )十年来,从一个小渔村变成一个富有,高楼林立的城市,人口激增,吸引来自世界各地的经商者,把这变成谈生意的理想场所,因此这快节奏的生活,许多的外国认为此处教育费用很高,不适合久留
36.B 推断题。根据第二段提到As ( http: / / ) a magnet for foreign companies, Bangkok attracts many overseas managers and businesspeople from different sectors, including tourism, automobiles and electronics.曼谷吸引了许多不同领域包括旅游,汽车,电子产品行业的经理和商人来到这个地方,故可知选B项。
37.A 词意猜测。根据第二段提到 ( http: / / )The city’s population of foreigners is in the high hundreds of thousands, with tens of thousands each of Japanese, Chinese and western employees working alongside hundreds of thousands of Burmese (缅甸人) who mostly do unskilled jobs shunned by Thais.这个城市的外国人非常的多,有日本 人,中国人,西方的员工,还有数以百计的缅甸人,他们做着不需要技术的工作,甚至是这个国家所不需要的工作,故选A项。
38.A 推断题。根据第 ( http: / / )五段提到But most businesspeople go to the golf course because it’s the perfect place to discuss the next big deal.许多的生意来来此是因为这是个谈生意的理想的地方,故选A项。
39.C 细节理解题。根据 ( http: / / )最后一段提到but high fees for quality secondary education have convinced Ms Huang to return to Australia when her child reaches high school age但高额的教育费用让她不得在在孩子到达上学年龄时返回澳大利亚,故可知教育费用很高,故选C项。
40.A 推断题。本文主要讲述曼 ( http: / / )谷在近三十年来,从一个小渔村变成一个富有,高楼林立的城市,人口激增,吸引来自世界各地的经商者,把这变成谈生意的理想场所,因此这快节奏的生活,许多的外国认为此处教育费用很高,不适合久留,故选A项。
Characters in nov ( http: / / )els don’t always do what the writer wants them to do. Sometimes they cause trouble, take on lives of their own, or even work against the writer. It’s not just a problem for inexperienced authors: famed children’s novelist Roald Dahl said he got the main character in his book Matilda so “wrong” that when he’d finished his first version, he threw it away and started again.
Of course it’s not ( http: / / ) the characters’ fault. The problem lies with the author. Take Stephen King, who admitted that writing working-class characters is more difficult nowadays because his own circumstances have changed. “It is definitely harder,” King said. “When I wrote Carrie many years ago, I was one step away from physical labour.”
This is also true ( http: / / ) for characters’ ages, added King. “When you have small children, it is easy to write young characters because you observe them and you have them in your life all the time. But your kids grow up. It’s been harder for me to write about this little 12-year-old girl in my new book because my models are gone.”
For other authors, ( http: / / )such as Karen Fowler, there’s one quality that can stop a character in its tracks: boredom. “I had particular problems with the main character in my historical novel Sister Noon,” she says. “She had attitudes about race and religion that seemed appropriate to me for her time and class, but they were not attitudes I liked. Eventually I grew quite bored with her. You can write a book about a character you dislike or a character you disagree with, but I don’t think you can write a book about a character who bores you.”
According to Nee ( http: / / )l Mukherjee, it was Adinath, a character in The Lives of Others, who made him work the hardest. “I think I struggled because it’s difficult to write a character whose most prominent personal feature is weakness, as Adinath’s is, without making that feature define him,” Mukherjee says. But a troublesome character is far from an unwelcome guest, he continues, arguing that “when characters work against the author they come alive and become unpredictable”.
“That is a f ( http: / / )antastic thing to happen,” Mukherjee says, “I celebrate it. It is one of the great, lucky gifts given to a writer.”
41. What can we infer about Steven King’s book Carrie
A. It was his most difficult book to write.
B. It was the first successful novel King wrote.
C. There were few children featured in the story.
D. Some of its main characters were working class.
42. Why did Karen Fo ( http: / / )wler have trouble writing the main character in her novel Sister Noon
A. She disagreed with the character’s attitudes.
B. The age difference between the two was too large.
C. She found the character very uninteresting.
D. The historical setting made accuracy difficult.
43. Neel Mukherj ( http: / / )ee believes that his difficult-to-write characters ________.
A. are a sign that the story is not realistic
B. are often the most interesting
C. should be praised by all authors
D. need to be researched more thoroughly
44. The authors ( http: / / )who were interviewed for the passage are probably _________.
A. famous and successful B. unknown to the readers
C. all from ( http: / / )the same country D. just starting their writing careers
45. In which pa ( http: / / )rt of the newspaper would you expect to find the passage
A. Careers. B. Culture. C. Advice column. D. Lifestyle.
【答案】【知识点】C5 文化教育类
41.D 推断题。根据第二段提 ( http: / / )到Take Stephen King, who admitted that writing working-class characters is more difficult nowadays because his own circumstances have changed.以Stephen King为例,他承认写工人阶级的决定是相当的困难,因此他们已经改变了许多,故选D项。
42.C 推断题。根据第四段提到E ( http: / / )ventually I grew quite bored with her最后我甚至有些讨厌她,可知作者认为这个角色没有意思 ,故选C项。
43.B 细节理解题。根据最后一段提到“ ( http: / / )That is a fantastic thing to happen,” Mukherjee says, “I celebrate it. It is one of the great, lucky gifts given to a writer.一些奇特的事会发生,这是给读者最好的礼物,这些难写的角色让作者觉得很有趣,故选B项。
44.A 推断题。文中提到作家都是非常的名的,成功的人,所以才会对写作有自己明显的观点,故选A项。
45.B 推断题。本文主要讲述一些作者对于书中人物的评价,故会出现在报纸的文化版面,因此选B项。
第二节 【题文】信息匹配 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
A. Dream of Red Mansions
Five-star restaurantTraditional Cantonese food by real Chinese chefs Luxury environment Private rooms available on request (minimum order of $500)Open 12 noon to midnight
B. European DelightsDelicious European food prepared by Paris-trained chefElegant surroundingsSpectacular night-time city views on top floor of Centrepoint Tower Open 2pm-2amBookings essential (minimum 2 days in advance)
C. Mario's Italian Express Great value Italian meals for the budget dinerSet three-course meals from only $20 per personDelivery service availableOpen 10am to 10pmThis week only - Buy one meal and get one free!! D. Ming's Cafe Offers a great selection of cakes, breads, and hot drinksAll cakes and bread baked daily Nothing over $5 Sit down and relax in our comfortable dining area or order to goOpen 6am to 6pm
E. Asian Paradise Experience the real AsiaJapanese, Korean and Chinese dishes and light snacks our specialtySimple decoratio ( http: / / )ns but with food guaranteed to please your stomach and walletSet dinner and lunch menus starting from $30 per personOpen 8am to 10pm F. The French Connection French restaurant with a sporting themeAuthentic French food and a fun atmosphereSet menu starting from $15 per personEat in or take away Open 10 am to midnight
46. John will ask h ( http: / / )is girlfriend to marry him next week and wants to organise the perfect romantic evening to make sure she says yes. He thinks that fine French food, a beautiful view and stylish surroundings will set the right mood.
47. Li Hua wants to ( http: / / ) take his mother who is visiting from China out for morning tea. He needs to find a place that serves Chinese food and is not too expensive.
48. Joan got ( http: / / )up late this morning and didn’t have time to make breakfast. She plans to grab something on her way to work and eat it on the bus.
49. Jeff wi ( http: / / )ll meet four visiting businessmen for an important lunch today and he wants to take them to a high class restaurant to show them his respect.
50. Robert and his t ( http: / / )hree colleagues must work late on Tuesday and so he needs to arrange dinner for everyone. Unfortunately his tight-fisted boss has only provided $50 to cover the entire cost of their meal.
46.B 根据John提到的他要向女友 ( http: / / )求婚,想要度过完美的浪漫的夜晚,他想要法国菜,周围有很好的气氛来调节气氛,故选B 有巴黎接受过训练的厨师,优雅的环境,与之相符合;
47.E 根据李华提到的他要带从中国来 ( http: / / )的妈妈吃早茶,找个地方,提供中餐,但也不要太贵,与E项中的体验真正的亚洲风格,装修简单但保证食品让你的胃和你的钱包满意,相对应;
48.D 根据Joan提到的他早 ( http: / / )上起得晚,没有时间吃晚饭,她打算在路上买点东西,在公交车上吃,与D项的提供蛋糕,面包,和热饮,每天是新鲜的,不超过五块钱,坐下吃和带走均可,相一致;
49.A 根据Jeff提到 ( http: / / )今天与四个重要的生意伙伴吃午餐,他想带他们去高级的餐厅来表达他的尊敬,与A 项的 五星级饭店,真正的中国厨师,豪华的环境,私人包间,可以满足Jeff的需要。
50.C 根据Robert提到周三 ( http: / / )与同事工作的很晚,需要为大家安排晚餐,不幸的是,抠门的老板只提供50美元的饭费,与C项中的三道菜,只需要20美元每人,This week only - Buy one meal and get one free!!这一周买一送一,故符合Robert的要求;
III 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节【题文】 基础写作 (共1小题,满分15分)
定义:人们给自己拍的照片, 通常用手机拍摄并分享到互 联网上。起源:2002年, 一位澳大利亚人在某论坛上传了一张自己 的照片, 并把照片称为“selfie”。现状:(1) “selfie”以及自拍行为越来越流行;(2) 牛津词典把“selfie”列为“2013年度词汇”。评论:(1) 自拍表达人类希望分享的需求, 促进沟通;(2) 自拍让人过于在意自己的外貌, 忽视内在美。
参考词汇:论坛 forum 牛津Oxford
【答案】【知识点】F2 书面表达议论文
A selfie i ( http: / / )s photo taken of oneself, usually with a cell phone, and shared online. The word was first used in 2002 by an Australian who posted his self-taken picture on a web forum accompanied by the caption selfie. Since then, the popularity of the word itself and the act it describes have exploded world wide and in 2013 selfie was named word of the year by the Oxford Dictionary. Supporters believe that the taking and posting selfies reflects the human need to connect and communicate with others. However , critics argue that selfies are nothing more than reflection of people’s increasing self-absorption and vanity, which value outer appearance over inner character.
【思路点拨】范文中运用一些常见的短语t ( http: / / )ake one’s photo照相;communicate with与。。交流;Since then, the popularity of the word itself and the act it describes have exploded world wide这个句子运用到典型的现在完成时;However , critics argue that selfies are nothing more than reflection of people’s increasing self-absorption and vanity, which value outer appearance over inner character这个句子which引导非限制性定语从句;
第二节 【题文】 读写任务(共1小题;满分25分)
During an official vi ( http: / / )sit to the Maldives on September 15th, President Xi Jinping stated that Chinese tourists should be better behaved when travelling abroad.
“Our citizen ( http: / / )s should be educated to behave in a civilized way when travelling abroad. Do not throw water bottles everywhere. Do not damage coral reefs. Eat more sea food and less instant noodles. Spend more to help local economies grow,” Xi said to great laughter and applause from the audience.
Chinese tourism abroad ( http: / / ) has grown rapidly. It is reported that 100 million citizens travelled abroad last year, and that number is expected to double by 2020 as individual wealth grows along with the economy.
Yet the awarene ( http: / / )ss of proper manners has not grown as fast as the number of tourists. Some Chinese tourists have been heavily criticized in recent years for misbehaving while travelling abroad, for reasons such as being noisy, jumping queues and damaging cultural relics. Recently, incidents like Chinese tourists drawing graffiti (涂鸦) in an ancient Egyptian temple have severely damaged the image of Chinese holidaymakers.
In response, the Chi ( http: / / )nese government has made great efforts to educate Chinese tourists on appropriate behavior when travelling both abroad and within China.
1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。
2. 以约120个词就“文明出游”谈谈你的看法,内容包括:
(2)你认为文明出游重要吗 为什么
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。
The growth in ( http: / / ) overseas Chinese tourism has been matched by examples of bad behavior by some tourists while abroad. Consequently, the government is taking action to improve travellers’ behavior and ensure China projects a positive image to the outside world.
The media ( http: / / )is full of examples of people behaving badly when travelling abroad. Unfortunately a small but very visible minority of tourists frequently ignore local traditions and act in loud, overbearing and ill-mannered ways.
Such behavior caus ( http: / / )es damage on different levels. It hurts the feelings of local people and creates ill-will among them. In extreme cases, poor behavior by tourist may even damage important cultural monuments, reducing the world’s cultural heritage. Finally bad behavior injures the reputation of the tourist’s own country in the minds of others.
For these reas ( http: / / )ons it is essential that tourist behave appropriately when overseas. They should respect the law and customs of the places they visit , be friendly and fair to local people and develop a better understanding of the local culture.
【思路点拨】范文中运用一些常见的短语tak ( http: / / )e action to do 采取措施做某事;be full of充满;be friendly to sb 对某人友好;In extreme cases, poor behavior by tourist may even damage important cultural monuments, reducing the world’s cultural heritage.这个句子reducing 做伴随状语;For these reasons it is essential that tourist behave appropriately when overseas.这个句子it做形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句;
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