重庆大学版必修5Unit 4 The Planet We Live on reading(共45张PPT)


名称 重庆大学版必修5Unit 4 The Planet We Live on reading(共45张PPT)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 重庆大学版
科目 英语
更新时间 2015-03-20 22:05:06



课件45张PPT。Alfred Nobel andHis WillobjectiveTo find out the specific information by scanningTo get the main idea by skimmingTo retell the textWords reviewRead the explanation and speak out the word it explains.汉语是我们的母语,我们从学英语开始,就是用汉语来解释和记忆英语的。变“用汉语解释和记忆英语”为“用英语解释和记忆英语”。避免了将英语转换为另一种语言——汉语所带来的不便和时间耗费。不但提高了效率,而且久而久之,有可能在头脑中建立起两种思维系统,即在在汉语思维之外,还可以逐步建立起独立的英语思维系统。用英语解释和记忆英语,本身就是在学习和运用英语,对提高英语语感和英语的阅读理解能力和综合运用能力很有好处。是一举多得的好方法。真正做到了用英语品味英语,越品越有味;用英语理解英语,理解更准确。鉴于本环节初次尝试此种设置,可能有些学生对英语解释不能完全理解,为降低难度,英文解释后面可进一步演示中文解释,学生可再通过中文解释回顾早读课中已预习过的单词,进一步加深记忆。words reviewused to talk about what is going to happen in the future, especially things that you are certain about or things that are planned n.遗嘱willan owner or an employee in a high position in industry n.工业家,实业家industrialistexploding or able to explode easily n.炸药explosivein secret, or with only one or two other people present adv.私下地,私密地privatelygood at doing something, especially because you have practised doing it adj. 灵巧的skillfulthe part of science which studies) the basic characteristics of substances and the different ways in which they react or combine with other substances n.化学chemistryany basic substance which is used in or produced by a reaction involving changes to atoms or molecules adj.化学的chemicalvery good at thinking of new and original ideas adj.善于创造的inventiveto design and/or create something which has never been made before vt.发明,创造inventsomething which has never been made before, or the process of creating something which has never been made before n. 发明物inventionsomeone who has invented something or whose job is to invent thingsn.发明者inventorrelating to money or how money is managed adj.财政的,金融的financialSomeone who is forward-looking always plans for the future.adj.有远见的,向前看的forward-lookingwilling to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially more than is usual or expected adj.慷慨的,大方的generousan object, often large and made of stone, which has been built to honour a famous person or event n.纪念物,纪念馆memorialthe time when a baby comes out of its mother's body n.出生,分娩birthadmiration felt or shown for someone or something that you believe has good ideas or qualities vt.尊重respectdeserving respect, admiration or support adj.有价值的,可敬的worthy(the members of) a particular organization or (more generally) friendship and loyalty n.手足情谊brotherhoodwhen you think about something carefully n.体谅,考虑considerationa person who is competing to get a job or elected position n.候选人candidateExpressionsbe quick to
build up
lie in
combine …with…
make money
search for敏于……建立在于……与……相结合挣钱搜查,搜索take an interest in
care about
would rather…than…
at birth
divide into
as follows
make improvement对……有兴趣关心宁愿……而不愿出生时分成如下改善Reading strategyskimmingscanninga general
idea certain
informationtitles and headingsthe first and last
sentences of paragraphsthe first and last paragraphspictures and chartsScan the text for
key words and phrases, dates, etc.Do not need to
read the whole
text. for
general ideasSkimmingReading Comprehension ISkimmingAlfred Nobel’s will is that _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.In awarding the prizes no consideration whatever shall be given to the nationality of the candidates, but the most worthy shall receive the prize… for
specific informationScanning1. What did Nobel’s father Immanuel Nobel invent?
The explosive. B. The gun.
C. The landmine D. The bomb.
2. What was Nobel’s main concern in his life?
Making money.
B. Caring about the whole of mankind.
C. Making scientific discoveries.
D. Building memorials for the dead. Reading Comprehension ⅡAnswer the following questions3. How many kinds of prizes did Nobel set up in his will?
Three. B. Four.
C. Six. D. Five. ___1) Alfred Nobel was a great Swedish inventor and industrialist.
___2) Alfred Nobel once said that he would rather take care of the stomachs of the living than the glory of the dead in the form of stone memorials.
____3) Alfred Nobel’s main concern was never with making money.
____4) Alfred Nobel succeeded in inventing a kind of explosive.OFOFRead the following statements about the facts (F) and opinions (O) on Alfred Nobel from the text. ____5) Alfred Nobel built up over 80 companies
in 20 different countries.
_____6) Alfred Nobel was quick to see the
industrial openings for his scientific inventions.
____7) Alfred Nobel was generous to the poor.
____8) Alfred Nobel spent much time and money
in fighting against wars until his death.FOOF1833chemistlinguistmeaningmankindtime and moneypeacefulItalyexplosivefivechemistrypeacenationalityRead the text carefully and then discuss and answer the following questions.According to the text, Alfred Nobel had never been to school or university, but had studied privately. How do you understand “had studied privately?”
The author thinks that maybe Alfred Nobel couldn’t find ordinary human love, so he came to care about the whole of mankind. Do you agree? Why or why not?Discussion3) According to the text, Alfred Nobel felt he was a man who should have died at birth. Can you guess why he felt so? Then surf the internet to check your guessing.
4) What kind of person do you think Alfred Nobel was after you have read the text?
5) In your opinion, what made Alfred Nobel become a famous figure in history and remembered long after his death?
6) What common personality traits do the historical figures you know about have? Make a list.Some people think that to be a famous figure in history a man must make great contributions to mankind, but others don’t think so. What’s your opinion? Hold a debate in class to express your opinions freely.Discussion注:另附word文档,点此链接Fill in the blanks.Alfred _____ _______ ____ see industrial openings for his scientific inventions
and _____ ____ over 80 companies in 20 different countries. Indeed, his greatness
____ _____ his outstanding ability to _________ the qualities of an original
scientists _____ those of a forward-looking industrialist.
wasquicktobuiltuplayincombinewithBut Nobel’s main concern was never with _________ ________ or even with
making scientific discoveries. He was always __________ _____ a meaning to
life, and from his youth, he had _____ ____ serious _________ ____ literature
and philosophy.making moneysearchingfortakenainterestinReviewKeep the words in mind:
combine with
make money
search for结合
寻找Homework Are you proud of the Chinese
figures who won the Nobel Prize?
Do you know how many Chinese
have won the Nobel Prize?Yang Zhenning (1922 -- )Together received the Nobel Prize in Physics
in 1957 Li Zhengdao
(1926 -- )received the Nobel Prize in Physics
in 1976 Ding Zhaozhong
(1936 -- )received the Nobel Prize in Physics
in 1997 Zhu Liwen
(1948 -- )received the Nobel Prize in Physics
in 1998 Cui Qi
(1939 -- )received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
in 1986 Li Yuanzhe
(1936 -- )received the Nobel Prize in Literature
in 2000 Gao Xingjian
(1940 -- )received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
in 2008 Qian Yongjian
(1952 -- )received the Nobel Prize in Physics
in 2009 Gao Kun
(1933 -- )2) Which field are you interested in about the Nobel Prize and what can you do to win it? Write a passage about it.PreviewRead the dialogue on P50 and find the structures with Participles.
Try to do the exercise 1 on P51.Thanks!