

名称 2023-2024学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第三册综合质量检测(原卷板+解析版,无听力音频有听力原文)
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文件大小 79.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-11-08 15:58:57


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What does the woman want the boy to do? C
A.Play with the boys and girls.
B.Climb the mountain.
C.Read a book.
2.How much does the man earn for half a year? A
A.$2,400. B.$2,800.
3.Where are the speakers? C
A.In a classroom.
B.In a playground.
C.In a restaurant.
4.Who did the man go to Palm Springs to visit? C
A.His aunt. B.His uncle.
C.His cousin.
5.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Strangers. B.Friends.
C.Mother and son.
6.What did the man talk about with his father? B
A.His college life.
B.His work plan.
C.His new classmates.
7.What does the woman advise the man to do? C
A.Do as he has planned.
B.Do as his father planned.
C.Talk with his mother.
8.What does the man like doing on weekends? A
A.Swimming and cycling.
B.Skating and reading.
C.Running and climbing.
9.Why does the man choose cycling in the beginning? C
A.It takes lots of time.
B.It is not expensive.
C.It is convenient.
10.When does the conversation take place? A
A.In the morning.
B.At 4 a.m.
C.In the evening.
11.Why does Joanna want to make breakfast for her mother? B
A.To look after her sick mum.
B.To repay her mum.
C.To practise cooking.
12.What can we know about Joanna? A
A.She has got married.
B.She can get up early every day.
C.She loves Dad more than Mum.
13.What are the two speakers talking about? C
A.The food. B.The team.
C.The new job.
14.What does the woman think of her new boss? A
A.She is good. B.She is bad.
C.She is funny.
15.Why does the woman miss her old co-workers? B
A.Because they were busy working.
B.Because they were like family.
C.Because she was kind to them.
16.Which working way does the woman prefer? B
A.She prefers working independently.
B.She prefers working in groups.
C.She prefers working independently and in groups.
17.Where was Mr.White caught speeding up? B
A.On the way home.
B.At the crossroads.
C.In the middle of the road.
18.When did the man receive the first letter? A
A.A week later. B.A month later.
C.A year later.
19.Why was the man angry? C
A.He speeded up.
B.He was late.
C.He was fined $100.
20.How many letters did the man receive from the police
A.Three. B.Two.
Text 1
M:My classmates are going to climb the mountain tomorrow.Can I go with them,Mom
W:I'm afraid not.You must finish reading the book first,dear.
Text 2
W:I hear you have found a new job.What is the job like
M:It's nice.$400 a month for 35 hours a week.
Text 3
W:Is that all you eat
M:Yeah.I'm trying to lose weight.
W:You need to exercise,too.
M:I know.I've been running two miles a day.Losing weight is hard.
Text 4
W:Did you work during New Year's Day
M:No.I've been away on vacation.
W:Oh Where did you go
M:Palm Springs.I have a cousin there.
Text 5
M:Are you Margaret You really changed a lot.I almost didn't recognize you.
W:Yes,I haven't seen you for ages.
M:I'm really happy that you could come to this party.
W:Yeah.It's been years since we did this together.
Text 6
W:So you had a talk with your dad, didn't you
M:Yes.But my dad did not seem interested.He insisted that I go to college first after I graduate from high school.
W:What did you say then
M:I told him that I want to work for a while before I decide what I'm going to do.
W:Did he agree with you
M:Well, he said it is not easy for a high school student to find a job.
W:It's true.Many people are out of work nowadays.You can have a talk with your mother,and then make the decision.
M:I will.
Text 7
W:Hi,Steven!What do you like doing during the weekend
M:I love swimming and cycling.On Saturday morning I usually ride my bike around the city for almost two hours.
W:That's great!I think they do you a lot of good.
M:Sure, they do.
W:But why do you choose cycling at first
M:Because it is convenient and good for environmental protection.
W:You are really a good citizen.
Text 8
M:Good morning,Joanna.You look a little tired.
W:I know.I got up at 4 a.m.to make breakfast for my mother.
M:You are really a great daughter.
W:Not really.It is my mother who is wonderful.She gave me life and brought me up very well.
M:So you try to repay her on Mother's Day
W:Right.But she has given me so much that it would take hundreds of years to repay her.
M:Maybe we should have Mother's Day every day instead of just once a year.
W:It's a good idea, Jeff, but I can't get up so early to make breakfast for her every day.
M:We should tell our moms how much we love them more often.
W:I agree!I will tell my husband your great idea!
Text 9
M:How's your new job going
W:Really well, thanks.
M:What do you think of your new boss
W:She's not bad.She's a bit bossy,but I'm sure I'll get used to her.
M:Do you like her or your old boss
W:She's far better than my old boss.He didn't know how to express his opinion without putting at least one person down.
M:How about your new co-workers
W:They are all pretty easy-going.It's a very friendly place to work.
M:Do you miss your old co-workers
W:Of course.I spent so much time at my old workplace that I got to know them all very well.They were like family to me.
M:Do people in different departments get along with each other
W:Sure.Since we work together in groups,we have to get along with each other.
M:Do you like working with people from different departments
W:Yes,it helps everyone to understand what we're doing from different perspectives.
M:Do you like working in groups
W:I prefer it to working independently.I think most people do.
Text 10
M:Some people always have a sense of humor.Mr.White speeded up on the road where there was a limited-speed traffic sign.The camera set up with the traffic light at the crossroads caught him.A week later,Mr.White received a letter from the police.It said because he was caught speeding up,he was fined $100.He was angry.He took a picture of a bill of $100 and sent it to the police.Several days later,he got another letter from the police.Taking it out of the envelope,he saw a photo of prison.He immediately sent $100 back to the police.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Wine and beaches,fireworks and music...our readers recommend some fantastic festivals.
Festa delTUva e del Vino,Italy
Set on the beautiful shores of Lake Garda,this grapes and wine festival takes over the small town of Bardolino for four days every October.With local wines,food,art projections,fireworks and live music people come from miles around to celebrate.First and foremost,it's about great wine,but it's worth visiting to soak up the great atmosphere.
Free,1-5 October
Quest festival,Vietnam
This is a weekend camping festival held just a 40-minute drive from Hanoi,bringing together locals and visitors in a celebration of underground live and electronic music culture.Held in the beautiful Son Tinh campsite,there are usually about 30 local and international DJs and 10 bands.There are also workshops,pop-up cafes,fire performances,dancing and much more.
Weekend tickets about £25,6-8 November
Estival, Switzerland
This is a free festival of jazz which takes place in the first weekend in July in the pretty squares and lakeside beaches and parks around the southern Swiss town of Lugano.The palm trees and summer air to see some of Europe's up and coming jazz bands and enjoy Swiss.
Free,every July
Irish Redhead Convention,County Cork
A friendly gathering for all red-haired people is held in the small seaside village of Crosshaven where redheads from all over the world take part in light hearted events.There's live music,art exhibitions,lectures and of course the traditional Parade of Redheads through the village led by the newly crowned Redhead King and Queen.
Free,every August
21.Jennifer,a girl with red hair,may be interested in D .
B.Quest festival.
C.Festa delTUva e del Vino.
D.Irish Redhead Convention.
解析: 推理判断题。根据文章最后一部分第一句“A friendly gathering for all red-haired people is held in the small seaside village of Crosshaven where redheads from all over the world take part in light hearted events.(所有红头发的人在克罗斯黑文的海边小村庄举行了一次友好的聚会,这里是来自世界各地的红发女郎,参加轻松活动的地方。)”可知,一个红头发的女孩可能会对Irish Redhead Convention感兴趣。故选D。
22.What do these four festivals have in common? D
A.They offer local food.
B.They have fireworks.
C.They are free of charge.
D.They have music activities.
解析: 细节理解题。根据文章第一部分Festa delTUva e del Vino, Italy中“With local wines,food,art projections,fireworks and live music”;第二部分Quest festival,Vietnam中“...bringing together locals and visitors in a celebration of underground live and electronic music culture.”;第三部分Estival, Switzerland中“The palm trees and summer air to see some of Europe's up and coming jazz bands and enjoy Swiss”;第四部分Irish Redhead Convention,County Cork中“There's live music,art exhibitions,lectures and of course the traditional Parade of Redheads through the village led by the newly crowned Redhead King and Queen.”可知,每一部分内容中都有提及music,因此四个活动的共同之处为都有音乐活动。故选D。
23.Where can you probably find the text? B
A.In a textbook.
B.In a magazine.
C.In a news report.
D.In a research paper.
解析: 推理判断题。根据文章第一句“Wine and beaches,fireworks and music...our readers recommend some fantastic festivals.(美酒和沙滩,烟火和音乐……,我们的读者推荐了一些极好的节日。)”可知,这篇文章很有可能来自杂志。故选B。
Every day,unemployed men gather in Jackson Heights,Queens.Many of them are homeless.All of them are hungry.At around 9∶30 each night,Munoz's truck arrives,filled with hot food,coffee and hot chocolate.For more than four years,Munoz and his family have been feeding those in need seven nights a week,365 days a year.Munoz was born in Colombia and his father died in an accident when he was young.When his mother found it difficult to support Munoz and his sister,she made her way to New York,finding work in Brooklyn as a nurse.As immigrants(移民),they often suffered starvation.Later Munoz found a job as a bus driver.“When I see these guys on the street,it's like seeing me 20 years ago when I came to this country,” Munoz recalls.
Munoz began his meal program—An Angel in Queens—in the summer of 2004.Within a few months,Munoz and his mother were preparing 20 home-cooked meals daily.Numbers gradually increased over the years to 35 per night,then 60.In recent months,that number has jumped to as many as 140 meals a night.Munoz gets up around 5∶00 a.m.to drive his bus route,and he calls home on his breaks to see how the cooking is going.When he gets home around 5∶30 p.m.—often stopping to pick up food donations—he helps pack up meals before heading out to “his corner” in Jackson Heights.“He comes here without fail,” says one of the men.“It could be cold,it could be really hot,but he's here.” Watch Munoz in action in Queens,New York.
“If I don't go,I'm going to feel bad,” he says.“I know they're going to be waiting for me.”
Munoz estimates(估计)that food and gas cost approximately$400 to 450 a week; he and his family are funding the operation through their savings and his weekly$700 paycheck.Asked why he spends so much time to help people he doesn't know,he answers,“I have a stable job,my mom,my family,a house...everything I want,I have.And these guys don't”.So I just think,“OK,I have the food.At least for today they're going to have a meal to eat.”
Munoz was named one of the CNN heroes.
24.Why did Munoz's mother leave Colombia for New York? C
A.Because Munoz's father worked in New York.
B.Because they were not used to the life in Colombia.
C.Because she couldn't support the family in Colombia.
D.Because she was born in New York.
解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段中“When his mother found it difficult to support Munoz and his sister,she made her way to New York,finding work in Brooklyn as a nurse.”可知,当他的母亲发现很难养活Munoz和他的妹妹时,她去了纽约,在布鲁克林找到了一份护士的工作。由此可知,Munoz的母亲移民纽约是因为在哥伦比亚她无法支撑这个家了。故选C。
25.As immigrants,Munoz's family B .
A.were often helped by the government
B.often went hungry
C.were looked down upon
D.went begging in the street
解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段中“As immigrants(移民),they often suffered starvation.”可知作为移民,他们经常挨饿。由此可知,作为移民,Munoz的家人经常挨饿。故选B。
26.Which word can be used to describe Munoz? B
A.Lucky. B.Kind.
C.Adventurous. D.Devoted.
解析: 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“Asked why he spends so much time to help people he doesn't know,he answers,‘I have a stable job,my mom,my family,a house...everything I want,I have.And these guys don't.’So I just think,‘OK,I have the food.At least for today they're going to have a meal to eat.’”可知,当被问及为什么花这么多时间去帮助陌生人时,他回答:‘我有一份稳定的工作,我妈妈,我的家庭,一所房子……我想要的,我都有。这些人没有。’所以我就想,‘好吧,我有食物了,至少今天让他们能吃上饭。’”结合文章讲到Munoz花很长的时间尽其所能地去帮助别人,说明他是一个很善良的人。故选B。
27.What is the main idea of the text? A
A.A bus driver provided free home-cooked meals.
B.God helps those who help themselves.
C.The government helped immigrants.
D.CNN heroes were asked to help immigrants.
解析: 主旨大意题。根据第一段中“Every day,unemployed men gather in Jackson Heights,Queens.Many of them are homeless.All of them are hungry.At around 9∶30 each night,Munoz's truck arrives,filled with hot food,coffee and hot chocolate.For more than four years,Munoz and his family have been feeding those in need seven nights a week,365 days a year.”可知每天,失业的男人都聚集在皇后区的杰克逊高地。他们中的许多人无家可归。他们都饿了。每天晚上9点半左右,穆诺兹的卡车就会来,里面装满了热食物、咖啡和热巧克力。四年多来,穆诺兹和他的家人每年365天,每周7个晚上都在为那些需要帮助的人提供食物。结合文章主要讲述了Munoz是一名公共汽车司机,他和家人通过运送免费的家常菜来帮助那些失业且饥饿的人。由此可知,这篇文章的主旨是一位巴士司机提供免费的家常饭。故选A。
Have you ever felt that reading a good book makes you better able to connect with your fellow human beings If so,the results of a new scientific study back you up,but only if your reading material is literary fiction (文艺小说).Psychologists David Comer Kidd and Emanuele Castano,at the New School for Social Research in New York,have proved that reading literary fiction improves the ability to sense and understand other people's feelings.
In a series of five experiments,1,000 participants were given texts to read,either parts of popular fiction,or more literary texts.The pair then used a variety of Theory of Mind methods to measure how accurately (精确的) the participants could identify feelings in others.Scores were higher for those who had read literary fiction than those with popular fiction or non-fiction texts.
“What great writers do is to turn you into the writer.In literary fiction,the incompleteness of the characters turns your mind to trying to understand the minds of others,” said Kidd.“Some writing is what you call ‘writerly’,you fill in the gaps and participate,and some is ‘readerly’,and you're cheered.We tend to see ‘readerly’ more in fictions like adventure and romance,where the author put down your experience as a reader.Writerly fiction or literary fiction lets you go into a new environment and you have to find your own way,”Kidd said.
However,although Castano and Kidd proved that literary fiction improves social empathy (共情),they were not prepared to use the results to determine whether a piece of writing is worthy of being called literary.“These are aesthetic (美学的)and stylistic concerns which as psychologists we can't and don't want to give opinions about,” said Kidd.“Neither do we argue that people should only read literary fiction; it's just that only literary fiction seems to improve Theory of Mind in the short term.There are likely benefits of reading popular fiction— certainly enjoyment.We just did not measure them.”
28.What is paragraph 2 mainly about? A
A.The research process.
B.The research subjects.
C.The research purpose.
D.The research approaches.
解析: 主旨大意题。根据文章第二段“In a series of five experiments,1,000 participants were given texts to read,either parts of popular fiction,or more literary texts.The pair then used a variety of Theory of Mind methods to measure how accurately (精确的)the participants could identify feelings in others.Scores were higher for those who had read literary fiction than those with popular fiction or non-fiction texts.(在一系列五项实验中,1 000名参与者被要求阅读文本,要么是部分流行小说,要么是更多的文学文本。然后两人使用各种心理理论方法来衡量参与者识别他人情感的准确性。阅读文学小说的人比阅读通俗小说或非小说文本的人得分更高。)”可知,本段主要描述了实验的操作过程。故选A。
29.Which of the following book may probably be “writerly”? D
A.A book about a love story.
B.A book bringing nothing but enjoyment.
C.A book about an adventure story.
D.A book making you participate in the plot.
解析: 推理判断题。根据文章第三段内容“Some writing is what you call ‘writerly’,you fill in the gaps and participate,and some is ‘readerly’,and you're cheered.(有些写作是所谓的‘作家式’写作,你填补空白并参与其中;有些写作是‘读者式’写作,你会受到鼓舞。)”可推知,让你参与到故事情节中来是一种‘作家式’写作。故选D。
30.What's Kidd's opinion on popular fictions? B
A.They are of great value.
B.They can bring joy to people.
C.They are not worthy of being read.
D.Their benefits can not be measured.
解析: 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“There are likely benefits of reading popular fiction—certainly enjoyment.(读通俗小说可能有好处——当然是享受)”可知,Kidd认为通俗小说可以给人们带来快乐。故选B。
31.What is the best title for the text? D
A.To Read or Not to Read.
B.Literary Fiction or Popular Fiction.
C.Top Tips on How to Choose a Book.
D.Reading Literary Fiction Improves Empathy.
解析: 主旨大意题。通读全文,特别是第一段“Psychologists David Comer Kidd and Emanuele Castano,at the New School for Social Research in New York,have proved that reading literary fiction improves the ability to sense and understand other people's feelings.(纽约新社会研究学院的心理学家大卫·科默·基德和伊曼纽尔·卡斯塔诺证明,阅读文学小说可以提高感知和理解他人感受的能力)”以及最后一段“literary fiction improves social empathy(文学小说提高共情)”可知,本文主要介绍了研究发现看文学小说能提升人们感知和理解他人情绪的能力,即增进共情。所以“Reading Literary Fiction Improves Empathy.(阅读文学小说可以增进共情)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选D。
Mandy and Joe have been married for five years and they both love travelling to new countries.But while this shared hobby brings them together,it is also a source of contention.“I do all the planning and book,” says Mandy.“Don't get me wrong.I enjoy it,but if Joe paid a bit more attention,he wouldn't have turned up for a flight to Grenada packed for a winter city break.‘Jumpers and boots?!’ I cried.‘You're supposed to have packed shorts and T-shirts—it's 30℃ in the Caribbean!’ Then I realized he thought we were going to Granada,in Spain.”
How Joe and Mandy each approach their travel plans is just one example of the many ways in which men and women differ.Yet,is what goes on inside our minds and bodies really so different Furthermore,are we born that way
On this issue scientists are divided.The majority of scientists believed that patterns of behaviour thought to be more male or female are learnt firstly from our parents,then from our peers(同龄人)and,ultimately,from the societies in which we live.As Simone de Beauvoir famously said,“One is not born,but rather becomes,a woman.”
On the other side of the fence sat those who believed that male and female brains are actually wired differently.In one study in which 34 monkeys were required to interact with different types of toys,the males showed a strong preference for toys with wheels rather than soft toys,whereas the females were noticeably drawn to soft toys.These preferences were clearly not the result of parental influence.
Whatever the truth behind the differences between men and women,we can safely conclude that although the social impact on how we think and behave is undeniable,there exists a biological contribution.The question that now needs answering is to what extent biology affects the choices we make and the way other people treat us.
32.What does the underlined word in Paragraph 1 probably mean? A
A.Disagreement. B.Satisfaction.
C.Inspiration. D.Information.
解析: 词句猜测题。while意为“尽管”,由“this shared hobby brings them together(共同的爱好让他们走到一起)”可知,句子表示“虽然共同的爱好让他们走到一起,但这也是争论的来源”,因此画线词“contention”的意思是“争论”,即Disagreement,故选A。
33.What topic does the text focus on? C
A.Whether men and women are different.
B.Why minds and bodies are so different.
C.What causes the sex difference.
D.How different males and females are.
解析: 推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是第二段的“How Joe and Mandy each approach their travel plans is just one example of the many ways in which men and women differ.Yet,is what goes on inside our minds and bodies really so different Furthermore,are we born that way?(乔和曼迪如何处理他们的旅行计划只是男人和女人在许多方面不同的一个例子。然而,我们的大脑和身体内部发生的事情真的如此不同吗?此外,我们是天生如此吗?)”可知,本文主要论述的是男人和女人在行为模式上不同的原因,即What causes the sex difference,故选C。
34.What does the study about monkeys prove? C
A.Monkeys have their own preferences.
B.Parents indeed have strong impacts.
C.Men and women are born different.
D.Females and males behave differently.
解析: 细节理解题。根据第四段的“On the other side of the fence sat those who believed that male and female brains are actually wired differently.(另一方面,那些反对此观点的人认为男性和女性的大脑实际上是不同的。)”和“These preferences were clearly not the result of parental influence.(这些偏好显然不是父母影响的结果。)”可知,关于猴子的研究证明了男人和女人是天生不同的。故选C。
35.Which statement about sex differences does the author probably agree with? A
A.Biology contributes to the difference.
B.Biology mostly affects our choices.
C.Social influence can be ignored.
D.Peers have more impact than parents.
解析: 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“there exists a biological contribution.The question that now needs answering is to what extent biology affects the choices we make and the way other people treat us.(它也有生物学方面的影响。现在需要回答的问题是,生物学在多大程度上影响了我们的选择以及别人对待我们的方式。)”可知,作者可能同意的关于性别差异的观点是生物学造成了这种差异。故选A。
In America,it's long been a tradition that tips are given to a person who provides good service.Of course,the tip is in addition to the bill. 36.F  The general rule is to tip according to the service.
You may be surprised to know that waiters at the restaurants usually get low pay. 37.A  Therefore,please make sure to tip properly when you visit a restaurant.For a full-service,sit-down meal,15 to 20 percent of the pretax (税前的) bill is customary. 38.C 
You should tip a taxi driver around 10% of your taxi fare,because the taxi driver usually helps you load and unload the bags.When you reach the airport,there are porters who can help with the bags. 39.E  When you reach the hotel,you should tip $1 or $2 per bag to the doorman who helps you with your bags.
Barbershops and beauty salons
When you go for a haircut,beauty treatment,shampoo,shave or other similar services,you should generally tip at least 10—20% of the bill to the service provider.
No tipping
There is no tipping required at the gas station. 40.D 
Unless someone helps you load bags in your car,there is no tipping required at the grocery store.
A.That is because they are expected to get tips from customers.
B.Many visitors to the U.S.feel it isn't fair or reasonable to tip.
C.Of course,if no service is provided by the waiters,there is no need to tip.
D.Most gas stations are self-service.
E.You should tip them $ 1 or $ 2 per bag.
F.Tipping practices can change depending upon the situation.
G.Tipping is the means by which others are thanked for their good service.
36. 根据下文“The general rule is to tip according to the service.(一般规则是根据服务情况给小费)”可知,给小费的标准各有不同,但一般规则是根据服务情况。F项“小费可能会根据情况而改变。”符合题意,与下文承接自然。故选F。
37. 根据上文“You may be surprised to know that waiters at the restaurants usually get low pay.(你可能会惊讶地发现餐馆里的服务员通常工资很低)”可推知,下文陈述服务员工资很低的原因。A项“这是因为他们需要从顾客那里得到小费。”符合题意,且与下文“Therefore,please make sure to tip properly when you visit a restaurant.(因此,当你去餐馆用餐时,请务必适当地给小费)”构成明显的因果关系。故选A。
38. 空处位于段末应承接上文。根据上文“For a full-service,sit-down meal,15 to 20 percent of the pretax (税前的) bill is customary.(对于提供全套服务的正式用餐,通常需要支付税前账单的15%到20%的小费)”可知,上文陈述了服务员给你提供服务你需支付的小费比率。由此推知,下文继续陈述该话题。C项“当然,如果服务员不提供服务,也就没有必要给小费。”符合题意。故选C。
39. 根据上文“When you reach the airport,there are porters who can help with the bags.(当你到达机场时,会有搬运工帮你搬行李)”可推知,下文应陈述给搬运工的小费该怎么计算。E项“每个包你应该给他们1美元或2美元的小费。”符合题意。故选E。
40. 根据上文“There is no tipping required at the gas station.(在加油站不需要付小费)”可知,下文承接上文陈述加油站为什么不需要消费。D项“大多数加油站都是自助的。”符合题意。故选D。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
The Secret of Happiness
An old man walked slowly into a restaurant with his cane (拐杖).His 41.B  overcoat and worn-out shoes made him stand out (突出) from the usual Saturday morning breakfast crowd.
A young waitress named Mary watched him move toward a 42.C  by the window.Mary ran over to him,and said,“Here,Sir.Let me give you a hand with that 43.A .”
Without 44.A  a word,he smiled and nodded a thank-you.She pulled the chair away from the table and helped him get seated 45.D .In a soft,clear 46.D  he said,“Thank you,Miss.And thank you for your 47.B .”
“You're welcome,Sir,” she responded.“I'll be 48.C  in a moment,and if you need anything in the meantime,just wave at me!”
After he had finished a 49.D  meal,Mary helped him up from his chair, 50.B  him his cane,and walked with him to the front door.Holding the door open for him,she said,“Come back and see us,Sir!”The old man 51.A  around and smiled.
When Mary went to clean his table,she was 52.D  to find a business card,a one-hundred-dollar bill and a 53.A  which read,“Dear Mary,I respect you very much,and you respect yourself too.It shows the way you treat others.You have found the secret of 54.C ! Your kind gestures will shine through those who meet you.”
Actually the man she had served was the 55.B  of the restaurant.That was the first time that she or any of his employees had seen him.
41.A.clean B.old     
C.strange     D.funny
解析: 考查形容词辨析。A.干净的;B.旧的;C.奇怪的;D.好笑的。根据第一段第二句中,“worn-out shoes made him stand out”穿破了的鞋让他看起来格外显眼,因此老人的衣服也应该是旧的。故选B。
42.A.room B.waiter   
C.table     D.girl
解析: 考查名词辨析。A.房间;B.服务员;C.桌子;D.女孩。根据句意老人进入餐厅应该是走向桌子。故选C。
43.A.chair B.dish    
C.desk      D.menu
解析: 考查名词辨析。A.椅子;B.盘子;C.书桌;D.菜单。根据句意,老人行动不便,玛丽走过去应该是帮助老人坐下来,因此是帮他放好椅子。故选A。
44.A.saying B.speaking  
C.reading    D.telling
解析: 考查固定搭配。A.说;B.讲;C.读;D.告诉。Without saying a word是固定搭配,意为一言不发。句意:老人没说一句话,微笑着点了点头以表感谢。故选A。
45.A.sadly B.quietly   
C.gradually    D.safely
解析: 考查副词辨析。A.悲伤地;B.安静地;C.渐渐地;D.安全地。根据句意玛丽把椅子挪开,帮助老人安全地坐上去。故选D。
46.A.language B.sound  
C.attitude    D.voice
解析: 考查名词辨析。A.语言;B.声音;C.态度;D.声音。sound做声音主要指人或动物发出的声音,或物体碰撞的声音,使用范围很大;voice一般指人的声音、说话、唱歌。此处是指老人说话的声音很轻柔干净。故选D。
47.A.attention B.kindness  
C.invitation   D.cooperation
解析: 考查名词辨析。A.关注;B.善良;C.邀请;D.合作。根据上文玛丽帮助了老人入座,此处老人应该是感谢她的善良。故选B。
48.A.ready B.busy   
C.back      D.fine
解析: 考查形容词辨析。A.准备好的;B.忙碌的;C.向后的;D.好的。be ready准备好;be busy忙碌;be back回来;be fine好的。根据句意玛丽说如有什么需要,老人可以向她招手,她便过来。故选C。
49.A.cheap B.expensive 
C.terrible    D.delicious
解析: 考查形容词辨析。A.便宜的;B.贵的;C.糟糕的;D.美味的。结合上下文这顿饭是贵是便宜无从得知,老人享用后没有抱怨,因此是美味的。故选D。
50.A.showed B.handed   
C.lent      D.took
解析: 考查动词辨析。A.表现;B.给;C.借;D.拿走。根据句意玛丽帮老人站起来,递给了他拐杖。故选B。
51.A.turned B.walked   
C.looked     D.moved
解析: 考查动词短语辨析。A.turn around转过身;B.walk around游荡;C.look around东张西望;D.move around走来走去。根据句意老人走到门口转过身来对她笑了一下。故选A。
52.A.excited B.worried  
C.disappointed  D.surprised
解析: 考查形容词辨析。A.兴奋的;B.担心的;C.失望的;D.惊讶的。根据下文中玛丽并不知道桌上会有名片和支票,因此是感到惊讶。故选D。
53.A.note B.tip     
C.message    D.title
解析: 考查名词辨析。A.便条;B.建议;C.信息;D.题目。根据句意,老人留了一张名片,一张支票和一张便条。故选A。
54.A.kindness B.unselfishness
C.happiness    D.helpfulness
解析: 考查名词辨析。A.善良;B.无私;C.快乐;D.有用。根据文章标题——快乐的秘密。故选C。
55.A.customer B.owner   
C.partner    D.host
解析: 考查名词辨析。A.顾客;B.物主;C.合伙人;D.(聚会的)主人。根据上下文老人应该是这家餐厅的主人。故选B。
A recent study shows that most adults did household chores 56.actively  (active) when they were young.Most kids today do not do as many household chores(零活儿) as before, 57.the  same study shows.
An expert said,“Parents today want their kids to spend more time 58.on  things that can bring them money and honour.They have stopped 59.doing (do)the one thing that has proven to bring success.That is doing household chores.”
Another study finds that compared with the kids 60.who/that  didn't do household chores,young adults beginning chores at ages 3 and 4 were more likely 61.to succeed  (succeed ).They had better family relationships,did better in school,performed better at work and were more independent.
Personal happiness 62.is said (say) to come from strong relationships.It begins by learning to be kind and
63.helpful (help) to their parents at home.If your kids say they have to skip chores because it' s time they should deal with 64.their  (they) homework,you'd better not let them off the hook.If you do,your children may think grades are more important than caring about others.“What may seem like small 65.messages  (message) at the moment add up to big ones over time,”says an expert.
56. 考查副词。分析句子结构可知,空处修饰谓语动词,要用副词形式。故填actively。
57. 考查冠词。此处的“study”就是上文提到的那个“study”,用定冠词表示特指。故填the。
58. 考查介词。根据固定搭配 spend sth.on sth.可知,故填介词on。
59. 考查非谓语动词。根据语境可知,这里说的是“停止做某事”,而不是“停下来去做某事”,用 stop doing sth.。故填doing。
60. 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中引导定语从句,先行词为kids,关系代词在从句中作主语,故填who或that。
61.考查非谓语动词。此处是 be likely to do sth.用法,故填to succeed。
62.考查动词的时态和语态。此处为“be said+动词不定式”结构,且这里说的是现在的一般情况,主语为“Personal happiness”,故填 is said。
63.考查形容词。本空应填形容词 helpful与kind并列作表语。故填helpful。
64. 考查代词。homework是名词,所以填形容词性物主代词。故填their。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是李华,为了提高你们的英语水平,学校决定每周定期举办英语角(English corner),并于近期开始其首场。请你给你校的英语外教Johnson写一封信,邀请他参加指导,要点如下:1.时间:9月16日晚上6∶30至8∶30;2.地点:教学楼二楼礼堂;3.内容:表演英语戏剧、朗诵英文诗歌、演唱英语歌曲等。
Dear Mr Johnson,
I'm writing to tell you that an English corner will be held on the second floor of our teaching building from 6∶30 p.m.to 8∶30 p.m.on September 16.Varieties of English activities are well prepared,including performing English plays,reciting English poems and singing famous English songs,which will surely give you a surprise.
I sincerely invite you to attend the activity and please prepare a short speech to give us some instructions,which will be greatly appreciated.So please come if it is convenient to you.
Looking forward to sharing with you the pleasant time in the party!
Li Hua
It was a hot day in the middle of July.I decided to walk to the neighborhood store where it sold my favorite thing, ice cream.I pulled a friend towards the ice cream store, almost passing out from the burning sun on the way.
As we walked on, my friend kept saying that it was too hot.She thought that she was stupid to decide to come with me to buy ice cream.I felt sorry and tried to encourage her.“We're almost there.Just think of the cool and sweet taste of ice cream in your mouth.It'll be worth the walk,”I told her.But I had to admit that the store was quite a distance from our houses.During the journey, my mouth began to become dry and I wanted to drink.
When we were about a block away from the store,I noticed an old lady who was walking in our direction.She was about 70 years old.She had a big back problem, so she was unable to keep her back straight.She was struggling, pushing a shopping cart full of things like the soap, bread and water.With each step toward her, we began to see her appearance more clearly.It appeared that she was often unhappy and easy to get angry.
I looked at my friend to see if she had noticed her.I could see that she had and that she disliked the old lady due to the lady's appearance.As we approached the lady pushing the shopping cart, my friend directed me away from the old lady and the cart.
I began to observe other passers-by.They were also trying to avoid her.Suddenly I heard a terrible sound behind me.I quickly turned around to see what it was.I found the lady's cart had been knocked over by something on the ground.
Thingsintheshoppingcartlikethesoapalldroppedontheground.I watched in shock as the lady bent down slowly and tried hard to collect her things.I turned to my friend and asked.“Shall we go and help her ”“It is not we who knocked her shopping cart over,”my friend said impatiently, walking ahead.I stood there for a moment, suddenly feeling sorry for this pitiful lady.“I'll help her.”I said with determination.
ThenmyfriendcontinuedwalkingonwhileIwenttothelady.“Let me help you,”I said as I helped her get the cart up.The lady looked up and said tearfully,“Thank you!”Then I helped her put things back into her cart.To my surprise, some passers-by joined me, including my friend.With everything put into her cart, my friend and I helped push it to her house.If it were not for the incident, we would have had delicious ice cream to eat, but we didn't feel regretful, for what we did was meaningful.综合质量检测
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What does the woman want the boy to do?
A.Play with the boys and girls.
B.Climb the mountain.
C.Read a book.
2.How much does the man earn for half a year?
A.$2,400. B.$2,800.
3.Where are the speakers?
A.In a classroom.
B.In a playground.
C.In a restaurant.
4.Who did the man go to Palm Springs to visit?
A.His aunt. B.His uncle.
C.His cousin.
5.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Strangers. B.Friends.
C.Mother and son.
6.What did the man talk about with his father?
A.His college life.
B.His work plan.
C.His new classmates.
7.What does the woman advise the man to do?
A.Do as he has planned.
B.Do as his father planned.
C.Talk with his mother.
8.What does the man like doing on weekends?
A.Swimming and cycling.
B.Skating and reading.
C.Running and climbing.
9.Why does the man choose cycling in the beginning?
A.It takes lots of time.
B.It is not expensive.
C.It is convenient.
When does the conversation take place?
A.In the morning.
B.At 4 a.m.
C.In the evening.
11.Why does Joanna want to make breakfast for her mother?
A.To look after her sick mum.
B.To repay her mum.
C.To practise cooking.
12.What can we know about Joanna?
A.She has got married.
B.She can get up early every day.
C.She loves Dad more than Mum.
13.What are the two speakers talking about?
A.The food. B.The team.
C.The new job.
14.What does the woman think of her new boss?
A.She is good. B.She is bad.
C.She is funny.
15.Why does the woman miss her old co-workers?
A.Because they were busy working.
B.Because they were like family.
C.Because she was kind to them.
16.Which working way does the woman prefer?
A.She prefers working independently.
B.She prefers working in groups.
C.She prefers working independently and in groups.
17.Where was Mr.White caught speeding up?
A.On the way home.
B.At the crossroads.
C.In the middle of the road.
18.When did the man receive the first letter?
A.A week later. B.A month later.
C.A year later.
19.Why was the man angry?
A.He speeded up.
B.He was late.
C.He was fined $100.
20.How many letters did the man receive from the police
A.Three. B.Two.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Wine and beaches,fireworks and music...our readers recommend some fantastic festivals.
Festa delTUva e del Vino,Italy
Set on the beautiful shores of Lake Garda,this grapes and wine festival takes over the small town of Bardolino for four days every October.With local wines,food,art projections,fireworks and live music people come from miles around to celebrate.First and foremost,it's about great wine,but it's worth visiting to soak up the great atmosphere.
Free,1-5 October
Quest festival,Vietnam
This is a weekend camping festival held just a 40-minute drive from Hanoi,bringing together locals and visitors in a celebration of underground live and electronic music culture.Held in the beautiful Son Tinh campsite,there are usually about 30 local and international DJs and 10 bands.There are also workshops,pop-up cafes,fire performances,dancing and much more.
Weekend tickets about £25,6-8 November
Estival, Switzerland
This is a free festival of jazz which takes place in the first weekend in July in the pretty squares and lakeside beaches and parks around the southern Swiss town of Lugano.The palm trees and summer air to see some of Europe's up and coming jazz bands and enjoy Swiss.
Free,every July
Irish Redhead Convention,County Cork
A friendly gathering for all red-haired people is held in the small seaside village of Crosshaven where redheads from all over the world take part in light hearted events.There's live music,art exhibitions,lectures and of course the traditional Parade of Redheads through the village led by the newly crowned Redhead King and Queen.
Free,every August
21.Jennifer,a girl with red hair,may be interested in .
B.Quest festival.
C.Festa delTUva e del Vino.
D.Irish Redhead Convention.
22.What do these four festivals have in common?
A.They offer local food.
B.They have fireworks.
C.They are free of charge.
D.They have music activities.
23.Where can you probably find the text?
A.In a textbook.
B.In a magazine.
C.In a news report.
D.In a research paper.
Every day,unemployed men gather in Jackson Heights,Queens.Many of them are homeless.All of them are hungry.At around 9∶30 each night,Munoz's truck arrives,filled with hot food,coffee and hot chocolate.For more than four years,Munoz and his family have been feeding those in need seven nights a week,365 days a year.Munoz was born in Colombia and his father died in an accident when he was young.When his mother found it difficult to support Munoz and his sister,she made her way to New York,finding work in Brooklyn as a nurse.As immigrants(移民),they often suffered starvation.Later Munoz found a job as a bus driver.“When I see these guys on the street,it's like seeing me 20 years ago when I came to this country,” Munoz recalls.
Munoz began his meal program—An Angel in Queens—in the summer of 2004.Within a few months,Munoz and his mother were preparing 20 home-cooked meals daily.Numbers gradually increased over the years to 35 per night,then 60.In recent months,that number has jumped to as many as 140 meals a night.Munoz gets up around 5∶00 a.m.to drive his bus route,and he calls home on his breaks to see how the cooking is going.When he gets home around 5∶30 p.m.—often stopping to pick up food donations—he helps pack up meals before heading out to “his corner” in Jackson Heights.“He comes here without fail,” says one of the men.“It could be cold,it could be really hot,but he's here.” Watch Munoz in action in Queens,New York.
“If I don't go,I'm going to feel bad,” he says.“I know they're going to be waiting for me.”
Munoz estimates(估计)that food and gas cost approximately$400 to 450 a week; he and his family are funding the operation through their savings and his weekly$700 paycheck.Asked why he spends so much time to help people he doesn't know,he answers,“I have a stable job,my mom,my family,a house...everything I want,I have.And these guys don't”.So I just think,“OK,I have the food.At least for today they're going to have a meal to eat.”
Munoz was named one of the CNN heroes.
24.Why did Munoz's mother leave Colombia for New York?
A.Because Munoz's father worked in New York.
B.Because they were not used to the life in Colombia.
C.Because she couldn't support the family in Colombia.
D.Because she was born in New York.
25.As immigrants,Munoz's family .
A.were often helped by the government
B.often went hungry
C.were looked down upon
D.went begging in the street
26.Which word can be used to describe Munoz?
A.Lucky. B.Kind.
C.Adventurous. D.Devoted.
27.What is the main idea of the text?
A.A bus driver provided free home-cooked meals.
B.God helps those who help themselves.
C.The government helped immigrants.
D.CNN heroes were asked to help immigrants.
Have you ever felt that reading a good book makes you better able to connect with your fellow human beings If so,the results of a new scientific study back you up,but only if your reading material is literary fiction (文艺小说).Psychologists David Comer Kidd and Emanuele Castano,at the New School for Social Research in New York,have proved that reading literary fiction improves the ability to sense and understand other people's feelings.
In a series of five experiments,1,000 participants were given texts to read,either parts of popular fiction,or more literary texts.The pair then used a variety of Theory of Mind methods to measure how accurately (精确的) the participants could identify feelings in others.Scores were higher for those who had read literary fiction than those with popular fiction or non-fiction texts.
“What great writers do is to turn you into the writer.In literary fiction,the incompleteness of the characters turns your mind to trying to understand the minds of others,” said Kidd.“Some writing is what you call ‘writerly’,you fill in the gaps and participate,and some is ‘readerly’,and you're cheered.We tend to see ‘readerly’ more in fictions like adventure and romance,where the author put down your experience as a reader.Writerly fiction or literary fiction lets you go into a new environment and you have to find your own way,”Kidd said.
However,although Castano and Kidd proved that literary fiction improves social empathy (共情),they were not prepared to use the results to determine whether a piece of writing is worthy of being called literary.“These are aesthetic (美学的)and stylistic concerns which as psychologists we can't and don't want to give opinions about,” said Kidd.“Neither do we argue that people should only read literary fiction; it's just that only literary fiction seems to improve Theory of Mind in the short term.There are likely benefits of reading popular fiction— certainly enjoyment.We just did not measure them.”
28.What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The research process.
B.The research subjects.
C.The research purpose.
D.The research approaches.
29.Which of the following book may probably be “writerly”?
A.A book about a love story.
B.A book bringing nothing but enjoyment.
C.A book about an adventure story.
D.A book making you participate in the plot.
30.What's Kidd's opinion on popular fictions?
A.They are of great value.
B.They can bring joy to people.
C.They are not worthy of being read.
D.Their benefits can not be measured.
31.What is the best title for the text?
A.To Read or Not to Read.
B.Literary Fiction or Popular Fiction.
C.Top Tips on How to Choose a Book.
D.Reading Literary Fiction Improves Empathy.
Mandy and Joe have been married for five years and they both love travelling to new countries.But while this shared hobby brings them together,it is also a source of contention.“I do all the planning and book,” says Mandy.“Don't get me wrong.I enjoy it,but if Joe paid a bit more attention,he wouldn't have turned up for a flight to Grenada packed for a winter city break.‘Jumpers and boots?!’ I cried.‘You're supposed to have packed shorts and T-shirts—it's 30℃ in the Caribbean!’ Then I realized he thought we were going to Granada,in Spain.”
How Joe and Mandy each approach their travel plans is just one example of the many ways in which men and women differ.Yet,is what goes on inside our minds and bodies really so different Furthermore,are we born that way
On this issue scientists are divided.The majority of scientists believed that patterns of behaviour thought to be more male or female are learnt firstly from our parents,then from our peers(同龄人)and,ultimately,from the societies in which we live.As Simone de Beauvoir famously said,“One is not born,but rather becomes,a woman.”
On the other side of the fence sat those who believed that male and female brains are actually wired differently.In one study in which 34 monkeys were required to interact with different types of toys,the males showed a strong preference for toys with wheels rather than soft toys,whereas the females were noticeably drawn to soft toys.These preferences were clearly not the result of parental influence.
Whatever the truth behind the differences between men and women,we can safely conclude that although the social impact on how we think and behave is undeniable,there exists a biological contribution.The question that now needs answering is to what extent biology affects the choices we make and the way other people treat us.
32.What does the underlined word in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
A.Disagreement. B.Satisfaction.
C.Inspiration. D.Information.
33.What topic does the text focus on?
A.Whether men and women are different.
B.Why minds and bodies are so different.
C.What causes the sex difference.
D.How different males and females are.
34.What does the study about monkeys prove?
A.Monkeys have their own preferences.
B.Parents indeed have strong impacts.
C.Men and women are born different.
D.Females and males behave differently.
35.Which statement about sex differences does the author probably agree with?
A.Biology contributes to the difference.
B.Biology mostly affects our choices.
C.Social influence can be ignored.
D.Peers have more impact than parents.
In America,it's long been a tradition that tips are given to a person who provides good service.Of course,the tip is in addition to the bill. 36.  The general rule is to tip according to the service.
You may be surprised to know that waiters at the restaurants usually get low pay. 37.  Therefore,please make sure to tip properly when you visit a restaurant.For a full-service,sit-down meal,15 to 20 percent of the pretax (税前的) bill is customary. 38. 
You should tip a taxi driver around 10% of your taxi fare,because the taxi driver usually helps you load and unload the bags.When you reach the airport,there are porters who can help with the bags. 39.  When you reach the hotel,you should tip $1 or $2 per bag to the doorman who helps you with your bags.
Barbershops and beauty salons
When you go for a haircut,beauty treatment,shampoo,shave or other similar services,you should generally tip at least 10—20% of the bill to the service provider.
No tipping
There is no tipping required at the gas station. 40. 
Unless someone helps you load bags in your car,there is no tipping required at the grocery store.
A.That is because they are expected to get tips from customers.
B.Many visitors to the U.S.feel it isn't fair or reasonable to tip.
C.Of course,if no service is provided by the waiters,there is no need to tip.
D.Most gas stations are self-service.
E.You should tip them $ 1 or $ 2 per bag.
F.Tipping practices can change depending upon the situation.
G.Tipping is the means by which others are thanked for their good service.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
The Secret of Happiness
An old man walked slowly into a restaurant with his cane (拐杖).His 41.  overcoat and worn-out shoes made him stand out (突出) from the usual Saturday morning breakfast crowd.
A young waitress named Mary watched him move toward a 42.  by the window.Mary ran over to him,and said,“Here,Sir.Let me give you a hand with that 43. .”
Without 44.  a word,he smiled and nodded a thank-you.She pulled the chair away from the table and helped him get seated 45. .In a soft,clear 46.  he said,“Thank you,Miss.And thank you for your 47. .”
“You're welcome,Sir,” she responded.“I'll be 48.  in a moment,and if you need anything in the meantime,just wave at me!”
After he had finished a 49.  meal,Mary helped him up from his chair, 50.  him his cane,and walked with him to the front door.Holding the door open for him,she said,“Come back and see us,Sir!”The old man 51.  around and smiled.
When Mary went to clean his table,she was 52.  to find a business card,a one-hundred-dollar bill and a 53.  which read,“Dear Mary,I respect you very much,and you respect yourself too.It shows the way you treat others.You have found the secret of 54. ! Your kind gestures will shine through those who meet you.”
Actually the man she had served was the 55.  of the restaurant.That was the first time that she or any of his employees had seen him.
41.A.clean B.old     
C.strange     D.funny
42.A.room B.waiter   
C.table     D.girl
43.A.chair B.dish    
C.desk      D.menu
44.A.saying B.speaking  
C.reading    D.telling
45.A.sadly B.quietly   
C.gradually    D.safely
46.A.language B.sound  
C.attitude    D.voice
47.A.attention B.kindness  
C.invitation   D.cooperation
48.A.ready B.busy   
C.back      D.fine
49.A.cheap B.expensive 
C.terrible    D.delicious
50.A.showed B.handed   
C.lent      D.took
51.A.turned B.walked   
C.looked     D.moved
52.A.excited B.worried  
C.disappointed  D.surprised
53.A.note B.tip     
C.message    D.title
54.A.kindness B.unselfishness
C.happiness    D.helpfulness
55.A.customer B.owner   
C.partner    D.host
A recent study shows that most adults did household chores 56.   (active) when they were young.Most kids today do not do as many household chores(零活儿) as before, 57.   same study shows.
An expert said,“Parents today want their kids to spend more time 58.   things that can bring them money and honour.They have stopped 59.   (do)the one thing that has proven to bring success.That is doing household chores.”
Another study finds that compared with the kids 60.    didn't do household chores,young adults beginning chores at ages 3 and 4 were more likely 61.    (succeed ).They had better family relationships,did better in school,performed better at work and were more independent.
Personal happiness 62.   (say) to come from strong relationships.It begins by learning to be kind and
63.   (help) to their parents at home.If your kids say they have to skip chores because it' s time they should deal with 64.    (they) homework,you'd better not let them off the hook.If you do,your children may think grades are more important than caring about others.“What may seem like small 65.    (message) at the moment add up to big ones over time,”says an expert.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是李华,为了提高你们的英语水平,学校决定每周定期举办英语角(English corner),并于近期开始其首场。请你给你校的英语外教Johnson写一封信,邀请他参加指导,要点如下:1.时间:9月16日晚上6∶30至8∶30;2.地点:教学楼二楼礼堂;3.内容:表演英语戏剧、朗诵英文诗歌、演唱英语歌曲等。
It was a hot day in the middle of July.I decided to walk to the neighborhood store where it sold my favorite thing, ice cream.I pulled a friend towards the ice cream store, almost passing out from the burning sun on the way.
As we walked on, my friend kept saying that it was too hot.She thought that she was stupid to decide to come with me to buy ice cream.I felt sorry and tried to encourage her.“We're almost there.Just think of the cool and sweet taste of ice cream in your mouth.It'll be worth the walk,”I told her.But I had to admit that the store was quite a distance from our houses.During the journey, my mouth began to become dry and I wanted to drink.
When we were about a block away from the store,I noticed an old lady who was walking in our direction.She was about 70 years old.She had a big back problem, so she was unable to keep her back straight.She was struggling, pushing a shopping cart full of things like the soap, bread and water.With each step toward her, we began to see her appearance more clearly.It appeared that she was often unhappy and easy to get angry.
I looked at my friend to see if she had noticed her.I could see that she had and that she disliked the old lady due to the lady's appearance.As we approached the lady pushing the shopping cart, my friend directed me away from the old lady and the cart.
I began to observe other passers-by.They were also trying to avoid her.Suddenly I heard a terrible sound behind me.I quickly turned around to see what it was.I found the lady's cart had been knocked over by something on the ground.