新人教版必修第二册2023-2024学年高中英语Unit5 Music学业质量检测(原卷板+解析版,无听力音频含听力原文)


名称 新人教版必修第二册2023-2024学年高中英语Unit5 Music学业质量检测(原卷板+解析版,无听力音频含听力原文)
格式 zip
文件大小 240.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-11-08 16:27:14


UNIT 5 学业质量检测
1.What's the relationship between the speakers? C
A.Teacher and student.
B.Father and policeman.
C.Father and teacher.
2.What does the man suggest Maria should be in the future? A
A.A teacher.
B.A pilot.
C.An astronaut.
3.What does the woman want to buy? B
A.A birthday cake.
B.Some fireworks.
C.A car.
4.What will the woman probably do? A
A.Celebrate the man's birthday.
B.Do her homework.
C.Make a cake.
5.When will Tina get her license renewed? B
C.By the end of the month.
6.When did the big earthquake in San Francisco happen? B
A.In 1959.    B.In 1989.   
C.In 1998.
7.What was the big earthquake like? C
A.As if a plane was passing over the house.
B.As if a strong wind swept across the area.
C.As if a train was passing under the house.
8.How long will it take to get the project done? C
A.About one week.
B.About two weeks.
C.About six weeks.
9.What does the man think of the suggestion on the project? B
A.Incomplete. B.Complete.
10.What's the probable relationship between the speakers? C
A.Boss and secretary.
B.Manager and waiter.
C.Superior and employee.
11.When will they go to dinner? C
A.This noon. B.Tomorrow.
C.This evening.
12.What kind of food does the Peace Plaza mainly have? C
A.Korean food.
B.Western food.
C.Chinese food.
13.How will they go to the Peace Plaza? A
A.By subway. B.By car.
C.On foot.
14.Who called Jenny Jenkins this morning? B
A.Jenny Jenkins' secretary.
B.Bill Burton.
C.Bill Burton's secretary.
15.What are the speakers talking about? B
A.The reason for missing the call.
B.The time for the meeting.
C.The time for meeting face to face.
16.What's the relationship between the speakers? A
A.Department heads.
17.When will the meeting be finally put off? C
A.Until next Monday.
B.Until next Tuesday.
C.Until next Thursday afternoon.
18.Who does the speaker's sister look much like? A
A.Mum. B.Dad.
C.The speaker.
19.What does the speaker's father like to do? A
A.Make friends.
B.Go to Florida.
C.Talk quietly.
20.What is the focus of the whole speech? A
A.Parents. B.Friends.
Text 1
M:Hello,I'm Mike's father.I want to know if Mike is getting along well with his new classmates.
W:Very well.Mike is a friendly and helpful boy.Everyone likes him.
Text 2
M:Maria,what do you want to be when you grow up
W:Maybe I'll be a teacher.It would be a lot of fun.Maybe an astronaut or a pilot.They are attractive,too.But I can't decide at present.
M:I think since you are popular with children,you are supposed to be a teacher.
Text 3
W:I need some fireworks for a birthday party.I heard you are the best around.
M:Yes.I'm in the business for 20 years and there is not any accident.You know why Because it's all about safety.
Text 4
M:Today is my birthday and tonight is my annual party.There will be cakes,ice cream and e to join us.
W:I'm honored to be invited.I guess I can leave my homework to Sunday.
Text 5
M:Hey,Tina.We're planning a road trip soon.Are you a good driver
W:Of course.But my driver's license will be out of date by the end of the month.I'd like to get it renewed as soon as possible.Or rather,I'll get it done tomorrow.
Text 6
W:Carl,what does the“earthquake”mean
M:It means the earth shakes.
W:Were you in San Francisco at the time of the big earthquake in 1989
M:Yes,I'll never forget that.
W:What was it like
M:Very strange.It was the first time that I experienced the earthquake,you see,and I didn't know what was happening.It sounded like a train that was passing under my house.I felt the floor move.It was like being on a boat.And then I watched all the glasses that were on the table fall onto the floor.The house moved and a few pictures fell off the wall.
Text 7
W:Since you did such a wonderful job running the last project,I'd like you to be in charge of this one.
M:Okay.Is the deadline soon
W:No,you can take your time on this project;we have plenty of time to get it done.
M:That's great.What is the deadline exactly
W:It isn't due until after the bank holiday next month.
M:So we've got a month and a fortnight to complete it
W:That's right.Here's a copy of the suggestion on the project we've worked out for you.
M:It seems very thorough.
W:It should be.We've spent the last few months working on the details of the suggestion.
Text 8
M:Would you like to have dinner with me this evening
W:OK,that would be nice.Thank you.
M:What kind of food do you like
W:Oh,I don't mind.I like all kinds of foods.Which place do you recommend then
M:Well,the Peace Plaza is very nice.The food is always delicious and people there are very friendly.
W:What kind of food does it have there
M:It mainly has Chinese food.But we can also have Korean and Western food there.Will that be OK
W:Sounds great.
M:OK.Then I'll pick you up at 6:00.
W:I think the traffic will be heavy at that time.How about going there by underground
Text 9
M:Hello,Bill Burton speaking.What can I do for you
W:Hello,Mr. Burton.This is Jenny Jenkins of Bradford and Sons returning your call.I'm sorry you missed me when you called my office this morning.My secretary said you called concerning our meeting next Tuesday
M:Yes,Ms Jenkins.Thank you for returning my call.I'm glad I finally get hold of you.I wanted to let you know I would not be able to make our meeting next Tuesday.I will be out of town that day.Is there any possibility that we can move the meeting to Monday
W:I'm sorry.I'm afraid I'm completely booked up on Monday.Would it be possible to put off until you return
M:Oh dear.I was counting on taking care of our meeting before I leave,but I suppose I could disturb a few things.Yes, we can arrange something.I'll be back Thursday morning.What about Thursday afternoon Would that work for you
W:That should be fine.How about 2 o'clock
M:Perfect.I'll look forward to seeing you at two o'clock next Thursday afternoon.If you need to change the time,please feel free to call me on my cellphone.
W:Thanks Mr.Burton.I'll see you on Thursday.
Text 10
Morning,everyone.Today I'm going to talk about my parents.My mom is three years older than my dad,and my dad is 47.They are diligently working all day and night.My mom is five foot four.I think in real life,she is very sweet,very shy and very quiet;everybody tells her how young she looks,and how my sister resembles her. My father is completely different.He is a very big man,and he is very loud,very funny and very talkative.He makes friends no matter where he goes.For example,sometimes he goes to Florida and makes all sorts of good friends.He is easy-going and kind.Though my parents are completely different,they love each other very much.I love my parents very much.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
(2023 ·山东济宁市高一上期末)
When we think of London theatres, we think of big productions in the centre of the city, costing hall a month's rent for a single ticket.But the true heart of London theatres isn't in Leicester Square.If you want to experience a five-star show for a £10 ticket, Of-West End is the way to go.
Theatre 503
There were a number of famous performers presenting themselves on the stage.Only holding 63 people, it's a tight squeeze.But it's well worth the push and squeeze that you'll share with the locals for the outstanding performances.
Kiln Theatre
Located in the heart of Kilburn, Kiln Theatre opened in the Forester's Hall in 1980.In 1987 the theatre was almost totally destroyed by a fire which started in a neighbouring yard.Two years later it was rebuilt.After undergoing a major redevelopment, the theatre reopened as the Kiln Theatre under the artistic leadership of Indhu Rubasingham in 2018.
Soho Theatre
As the name suggests, the theatre sits in the centre of Soho, and its bar has become a club for artists and audiences alike.By day it's a house of writing, workshops, showcases, meetings and events and by night it's a stage to an average of six shows.
Her Majesty's Theatre
Her Majesty's Theatre opened in 1897, which is known as a playhouse with productions of Shakespeare's works as well as dramas based on his novels.However, following the death of Queen ElizabethⅡ, Her Majesty's Theatre will be renamed to His Majesty's Theatre after King Charles MI's coronation(加冕).
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了Of-West End的四个剧院。
21.What is the major concern of theatre-goers who go to Of-West End? C
A.Location. B.Schedule.
C.Price. D.Accommodation.
解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段“If you want to experience a five-star show for a £10 ticket, Of-West End is the way to go.”可知,人们只需要10英镑就可以去Of-West End体验很棒的演出,所以去该剧院的人主要考虑了价格。故选C。
22.Which theatre experienced reconstruction? B
A.Theatre 503. B.Kiln Theatre.
C.Soho Theatre. D.Her Majesty's Theatre.
解析: 细节理解题。根据Kiln Theatre段中的“In 1987 the theatre was almost totally destroyed by a fire which started in a neighbouring yard.Two years later it was rebuilt.”可知,Kiln Theatre经历了重建。故选B。
23.What can visitors do in Her Majesty's Theatre? A
A.Enjoy Shakespeare's plays.
B.Interact with famous artists.
C.Propose a new name for the theatre.
D.Attend the king's coronation ceremony.
解析: 细节理解题。根据Her Majesty's Theatre段中“Her Majesty's Theatre opened in 1897, which is known as a playhouse with productions of Shakespeare's works as well as dramas based on his novels.”可知,人们可以在Her Majesty's Theatre欣赏莎士比亚的作品。故选A。
(2023 ·河北沧州市高一上期末)
Brody Ridder attends The Academy of Charter Schools in Westminster, Colorado.When he got his yearbook (学校年刊), he went up to people and asked them to sign his yearbook but most of them refused.He collected only two or three names from classmates and two notes from his teachers.So, Brody wrote a yearbook note to himself, “Hope you make some more friends.”
Reading that note broke his mother's heart.She took a photo of the note and posted it to a Facebook group for parents at the school.The post made its way to three high schoolers:Simone Lightfot, Logan South and Joanna Cooper.They spent hours discussing the problem and finding ways to help.“It's so fun to have everyone sign the yearbook, but for this kid few people have signed their names in his yearbook.It's just heartbreaking,” Lightfoot said.They all started planning that the next day they were going to sign this kid's yearbook.
The three rounded up as many students as possible to sign Brody's yearbook even though none of them had ever met the three high schoolers.According to the teens, people were lining up to fill the blanks in Brody's book.Many of the more than 100 signatures included paragraphs with words of encouragement, advice and even phone numbers.And then right after that, the other students signed Brody's yearbook.
The teens said they hope the small friendly act can encourage other kids to be kind.“It makes me feel better now.I don't know how to explain it.It makes me feel better from the bottom of my heart,” Brody said.“It makes me feel like there's hope for the school, there's hope for humanity and there're a lot of good kids in this world,” his mother said.
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲的是中学生Brody Ridder的学校年刊只有几个人签名,三名高中生从网上了解到中学生Brody的情况之后没有置之不理,而是不辞辛苦召集了很多人为Brody Ridder的学校年刊签名,帮助他实现了愿望的故事。
24.Why did Brody write “Hope you make some more friends.” in his yearbook? D
A.He hoped to know more about newcomers.
B.He planned to get another yearbook from others.
C.He decided to give up signing the yearbook.
D.He wished more people to sign his yearbook in the following days.
解析: 推理判断题。根据第一段“he went up to people and asked them to sign his yearbook but most of them refused.He collected only two or three names from classmates and two notes from his teachers.So, Brody wrote a yearbook note to himself, ‘Hope you make some more friends.’”可推断,Brody在纸条上写下那句话是希望在接下来的日子里有更多的人在他的学校年刊上签名。故选D。
25.How did the three high schoolers learn about Brody's story? B
A.From their teachers.
B.From the Internet.
C.From the newspaper.
D.From their classmates.
解析: 细节理解题。根据第二段“She took a photo of the note and posted it to a Facebook group for parents at the school.The post made its way to three high schoolers: Simone Lightfot, Logan South and Joanna Cooper.”可知,这三名高中生是通过网络了解到Brody的故事的。故选B。
26.What was the result of the high schoolers' effort to help Brody? C
A.People lined up to give yearbooks to Brody.
B.Less than 100 people signed Brody's yearbook.
C.All of Brody's classmates signed his yearbook.
D.Many students asked to meet the three high schoolers.
解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段“Many of the more than 100 signatures included paragraphs with words of encouragement, advice and even phone numbers.And then right after that, the other students signed Brody's yearbook.”可知,最后Brody班里的每个人都在他的学校年刊上签名了。故选C。
27.Which word can best describe the three schoolers? A
A.Warm-hearted. B.Creative.
C.Generous. D.Wise.
解析: 推理判断题。文章主要讲的是三名高中生从网上了解到中学生Brody的学校年刊只有几个人签名之后没有置之不理,而是不辞辛苦召集了很多人为Brody的学校年刊签名,帮助他实现了愿望的故事以及文章最后一段“The teens said they hope the small friendly act can encourage other kids to be kind.”可知,这说明他们三位高中生是很热心的。故选A。
Miss Bianca Monica, a junior here at Marymount Manhattan College, is currently sifting (筛选) her way through New York City working towards her dream of making rock music with high quality that you only hear occasionally.
“It was a journey. I wanted to study communications and learn how things work in the music industry,” explained Monica. This is a young lady who knows what she wants and is putting in the effort to achieve it. Born a Jersey girl, Monica knew she was made to be in New York.
With the overpowering support Monica receives from her hometown, it's obvious that such a backbone helps her step into the studio. At a young age of 14,Monica led a rock band. After the Robbery, the band saw huge success;they played numerous live performances around the city.Monica has also performed solo at the now closed Angels and Kings.
When asked about her choice in style, her eyes light up with a great passion.
“When writing my new record, we tried doing the dance route; then I realized: this is not me. Rock is in my blood. I just love music that makes you feel like your whole soul is pouring out of your body,” voiced Monica.
For a 21-year-old, Monica possesses the passion of someone who's been writing music forever. Her musical style, with a heavy diet in that old rock and roll music, shares some similar features with 90s music.
When the Jersey girl isn't in her usual studio, you can find Monica hanging around, going to shows, and enjoying the beauty of inspiration all around NYC. In late spring, Monica hopes to schedule a variety of shows to promote her new EP. Until then, you simply cannot miss out on hearing this wonderfully talented rock star.
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了音乐人Bianca Monica以及她的音乐,以此引起人们对她的音乐的关注。
28.Why does Bianca Monica go to New York City A
A.To pursue her dream.
B.To enjoy a journey.
C.To open her own studio.
D.To work in the music industry.
解析:细节理解题。 由第一段“...working towards her dream of making rock music with high quality...”可知,Bianca Monica要在纽约实现她制作高质量摇滚音乐的梦想。所以Bianca Monica 去纽约是去追求她的梦想。故选A。
29. B encourages Bianca Monica to go into the studio.
A.The development of her band
B.The support from her hometown
C.The creditable success of her band
D.Her character as a Jersey girl
解析:细节理解题。由第三段“With the overpowering support Monica receives from her hometown, it's obvious that such a backbone helps her step into the studio.”可知,Monica得到了来自家乡极强大的支持,很明显,这样的支持鼓励她进入音乐界。所以来自家乡的支持鼓励了Bianca Monica进入音乐界。故选B。
30.What can we learn about Bianca Monica's musical style? D
A.It is totally different from 90s music.
B.It is full of the passion of music writers.
C.It makes people feel heavy.
D.It has the character of old rock and roll music.
解析:细节理解题。由倒数第二段“Her musical style, with a heavy diet in that old rock and roll music, shares some similar features with 90s music.”可知,她的音乐风格与那种古老的摇滚音乐有着密切的联系,与90年代的音乐风格有一些相似之处。所以,Bianca Monica的音乐风格具有古典摇滚乐的特点。故选D。
31.What is the author 's purpose of writing this passage? C
A.To introduce the history of the rock music.
B.To encourage young people to learn from Monica.
C.To call on the public to pay attention to Monica's music.
D.To search for the best way for Monica to succeed.
解析:写作意图题。 本文介绍了音乐人Bianca Monica以及她的音乐,以此引起人们对她的音乐的关注。故作者写这篇短文的目的就是呼吁公众关注Monica的音乐。故选C。
Music is not just a set of sounds and rhythms. Its influence on the brain is much deeper than any other human experience. Keep on reading to know all those amazing power of music.
A recent study suggests that preterm(早产的) babies appear to experience less pain and feed more when listening to music. Experts led by Dr. Manoj Kumar of the University of Alberta, Canada, found that music had a beneficial effect on reducing pain for preterm babies experiencing painful medical tests. It also appeared to benefit full-term babies during operations.
Many people experiencing brain damage have speech and movement-related problems. Music can help recover from brain injuries. As a different and effective treatment, doctors often advise such patients to listen to good music to improve the parts of the brain responsible for these two functions. When people with neurological(神经的) disorders hear a musical beat, it helps them to regain a balanced walk.
Though music cannot make deafness disappear, it really can stave off the loss of hearing. There was an experiment involving 163 people where 74 were musicians. Participants were asked to pass some listening tests. Musicians heard the sounds better than non-musicians, and this difference gets clearer with age. This means that a 70-year-old musician hears better than a 50-year old non-musician, even in a noisy environment.
Besides, music mends a broken heart.It is not about a thrown-away love, but about a heart attack.The matter is that music can help people recover from a heart attack or heart operation by reducing blood pressure, slowing down the heartbeat rate, and reducing anxiety. Listening to the quality music produces positive emotions, improves the movement of blood, and expands blood vessels, thus, promoting quick recovery of the whole cardiovascular(心血管的) system.
32.How does music affect preterm babies? A
A.It helps reduce their pain.
B.It helps develop their potential in music.
C.It helps improve their hearing systems.
D.It helps repair their neurological systems.
解析:细节理解题。第二段第一句“A recent study suggests that preterm (早产的) babies appear to experience less pain and feed more when listening to music.”可知最近的一项研究表明,早产儿在听音乐时,似乎经历的痛苦更少,吃得更多。故音乐可以帮助早产儿减少痛苦。故选A。
33.What does the underlined phrase “stave off” in Paragraph 4 mean? C
A.Lead to. B.Increase.
C.Prevent. D.Break into.
解析:词义猜测题。画线部分所在句“Though music cannot make deafness disappear, it really can stave off the loss of hearing.”句意:虽然音乐不能使失聪消失,但它确实可以防止听力丧失。可知stave off意思为“延缓,推迟,阻止”。故选C。
34.Why can music mend a broken heart? A
A.It has a positive effect on human body systems' work.
B.It can help people prevent diseases caused by anxiety.
C.It helps make a person feel optimistic about life.
D.It can help patients recover in a slow way.
解析:细节理解题。最后一段中的“Listening to the quality music produces positive emotions, improves the movement of blood, and expands blood vessels, thus,promoting quick recovery of the whole cardiovascular (心血管的) system.”可知,听高质量的音乐可以产生积极的情绪,促进血液运动,扩张血管,从而促进整个心血管系统的快速恢复。故音乐通过对人体系统的工作产生积极的影响以使心脏快速恢复。故选A。
35.What may be the best title for the text? D
A.Who can benefit from music
B.The best time to listen to music
C.The way to choose quality music
D.How music affects our mind and body
You probably know you should say “please” and “thank you” at restaurants.You probably know the rules of a library.You know you should respect and be nice to your classmates. 36.C  In fact,there are some rules about playing music.
·Keep it down.
37.D  You should not play your music so loud that everyone around you can hear it.Some people might even get angry.Usually,when you play music loud on an MP3 player, other people can't hear the words of the song.They just hear a loud sound.No one wants to listen to this.Very loud music can also be bad for your ears.
·Turn it off.
You need to know when to turn your MP3 off and put it away.Libraries and schools don't allow MP3 players.There are other places,like museums,that don't have rules,but it would be rude to have your MP3 player on.Sometimes,it doesn't make sense to listen on your MP3 player at an event. 38.E  You would miss what is going on and others would wonder why you even came.
·Take one out.
Once in a while it's okay just to take out one earphone and not the other. 39.F  It would not be rude to take out one earphone,tell him the way,and put back the earphone and continue listening.You can also do this when you order food at a fast food restaurant or when you answer the telephone and it's not for you.
· 40.A 
There are times when you need to decide what is best.For example,some people can listen to music on their MP3 players when reading books,while others think it is disturbing.In cases like this,you need to do what seems right for you.
A.It's your choice.
B.Don't make your voice disturb others.
C.But do you have music manners
D.You have to notice the amount of sound of your music.
E.Why would you listen to music at a play,a movie or a sporting event
F.Imagine you are listening on your MP3 player when someone asks you the way.
G.The music is active and inspiring as long as you can feel energetic when you are listening to it.
36. 上句讲了饭店、图书馆的礼貌问题,下句讲听音乐也有规则,也要讲礼貌。C项承上启下。故选C。
37. 本段主要讲不要把声音调得太大,要控制好音量,不要影响身边的人。D项符合文意。故选D。
38. 本段讲不允许放音乐的场合及放音乐无意义的场合。E项符合本段文意。故选E。
39. 此处指当有人问路时把耳机拿出来,F项符合此情景。故选F。
40. 本段讲什么时候听音乐是合适的要由你自己决定,A项概括全段。故选A。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
(2023 ·河南洛阳市高一上期末)
The year was 1966.I bit my lip(嘴唇) trying with all the strength a six-year-old could gather not to 41.B .
When I was in first grade, class parties were held at schools.I was to 42.A toys with Paul.I 43.B to buy Paul a one-dollar Matchbox car popular with boys.It was really a (n) 44.C , as my pocket money was only 20 cents a week.However, I 45.A it.
I 46.A a Mustang for Paul, since that is exactly what I would have wanted for myself.Paul did not reciprocate (互换) with a Mustang or any other Matchbox—the gift I 47.B was a plastic Santa Claus less than 10 cents. 48.C , I exchanged a shiny Mustang for a piece of rubbish!
As some boys excitedly 49.D their new Matchbox cars across desktops, I held back hot tears and tried not to sniffle (吸鼻子) 50.C .Despite selfishly feeling 51.B for myself, I started racing my skiing Santa alongside the Matchbox cars.I simply did not want to feel left out.
After class, Mrs.Bauer came and said to me, “I'm 52.D of you, dear.You didn't show your 53.C with that toy.You gave Paul a very nice toy that made him happy, and you should be happy about that.”
Mrs.Bauer's 54.A , which I did not fully understand at the time,was that it truly is 55.B to give than to receive.
41.A.cheat B.cry
C.rush D.doubt
解析: 根据上文“I bit my lip(嘴唇)”以及下文“I held back hot tears and tried not to sniffle(吸鼻子) 50 .”可知,此处表示作者咬着嘴唇,努力不哭。故选B。
42.A.exchange B.deliver
C.operate D.create
解析: 根据下文“I exchanged a shiny Mustang for a piece of rubbish!”可知,此处表示班级举行礼物交换活动,作者将要和保罗交换玩具。故选A。
43.A.afforded B.decided
C.continued D.pretended
解析: 根据下文“I 46 a Mustang for Paul, since that is exactly what I would have wanted for myself.”以及语境可知,此处表示作者决定给保罗买一辆火柴盒汽车。故选B。
44.A.honour B.shock
C.challenge D.pleasure
解析: 根据下文“as my pocket money was only 20 cents a week”可知,攒够一美元去买火柴盒汽车对于作者而言是一个挑战。故选C。
45.A.made B.hit
C.caught D.chanced
解析: 根据下文“I 46 a Mustang for Paul, since that is exactly what I would have wanted for myself.”可知,作者做到了,make it表示“做到,成功”,符合语境。故选A。
46.A.picked out B.took down
C.applied for D.showed off
解析: 根据上文“It was really a(n) 44 , as my pocket money was only 20 cents a week.However, I 45 it.”以及语境可知,作者攒够了一美元,为保罗挑选了一辆野马。故选A。
47.A.selected B.received
C.updated D.maintained
解析: 根据上文“Paul did not reciprocate (互换) with a Mustang or any other Matchbox”可知,作者收到的礼物是一个塑料圣诞老人。故选B。
48.A.As a result B.In particular
C.In other words D.For example
解析: 根据上文“the gift I 47 was a plastic Santa Claus less than 10 cents”可知,此处表示换句话说,作者用闪亮的玩具车换了个垃圾。故选C。
49.A.threw B.placed
C.passed D.raced
解析: 根据下文“I started racing my skiing Santa alongside the Matchbox cars.”可知,此处表示男孩们在桌面上用玩具汽车比赛。故选D。
50.A.entirely B.unfortunately
C.noticeably D.regularly
解析: 根据上文“I held back hot tears and tried not to sniffle (吸鼻子)”可知,此处表示作者努力不让吸鼻子的声音太明显。故选C。
51.A.frank B.sorry
C.amazed D.anxious
解析: 根据上文“I exchanged a shiny Mustang for a piece of rubbish!”可知,作者认为自己收到的礼物毫无价值,所以为自己感到难过。故选B。
52.A.aware B.fond
C.confident D.proud
解析: 根据下文“You didn't show your 53 with that toy.You gave Paul a very nice toy that made him happy, and you should be happy about that.”可知,此处表示老师为作者感到自豪。故选D。
53.A.expectation B.stress
C.disappointment D.inspiration
解析: 根据上文“I held back hot tears and tried not to sniffle (吸鼻子) 50 . Despite selfishly feeling 51 for myself, I started racing my skiing Santa alongside the Matchbox cars.”可知,作者没有表现出对那个玩具的失望。故选C。
54.A.message B.position
C.impression D.announcement
解析: 根据上文“You gave Paul a very nice toy that made him happy, and you should be happy about that.”可知,此处表示鲍尔夫人传达给作者的信息是给予比接受更好。故选A。
55.A.easier B.better
C.braver D.quicker
解析: 根据上文“You gave Paul a very nice toy that made him happy, and you should be happy about that.”可知,此处表示鲍尔夫人传达给作者的信息是给予比接受更好。故选B。
If you visit a country in Asia you may see a lot of street signs with “KTV” 56.written  (write) on them.These signs are advertising KTV bars.KTV bars are places 57.where  people can do karaoke (卡拉OK).Karaoke is an 58.activity (active) where people sing famous songs.The words to the songs are shown on a TV screen and people sing 59.them (they) out loud.Karaoke was invented in Japan in the 1980s and became popular around the world in the 1990s.The global karaoke market 60.is thought (think) to be worth $10 billion.
Inside KTV bars are many karaoke rooms.The karaoke rooms are decorated with party lights and 61.comfortable (comfort) sofas.You choose the songs you want to sing by using a touch-screen computer 62.or  an app on your phone.You can also order food and drinks inside the karaoke room.
The price of renting a karaoke room 63.depends (depend) on the quality of the KTV bar and how many hours you want to use the room 64.for .Some KTV bars are expensive as the karaoke rooms are big and well decorated.Other KTV bars are cheap as the karaoke rooms are small and have less decoration.
Karaoke is 65.really (real) an interesting activity because you can do it with your friends,family and colleagues.
56. 考查非谓语动词。此处为with的复合结构,宾语“KTV”与动词write之间为被动关系,故要用动词的-ed形式作宾语补足语。故填written。
57. 考查定语从句。先行词为places,设空处在定语从句中作地点状语。故填where。
59.考查代词。此处指代前面的“The words to the songs”,放在动词sing后,用宾格形式。故填them。
60.考查动词的时态和语态。主语The global karaoke market与动词think之间为被动关系,且描述的是一个事实。故要用一般现在时的被动语态形式。故填is thought。
62. 考查连词。你通过使用一个触摸屏电脑或手机上的应用程序来选择你想要唱的歌曲。根据句意可知,此处为选择关系。故填or。
63.考查主谓一致。句子的主语The price为单数,故谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。故填depends。
64. 考查介词。卡拉OK房间的价格取决于KTV的质量和你想用这个房间多长时间,for+一段时间表示“……多长时间”。故填for。
65. 考查副词。卡拉OK真的是一项有趣的休闲活动。此处为句子的状语,故要用副词形式。故填really。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
To enrich students' school life, get more students interested in English and develop the friendship between students, the Students' Union is organizing an English singing competition on the afternoon of next Friday at the meeting room of the teaching building.
Those who like singing English songs and want to show their talents may sign up with the monitor of their class before 5 p.m. Tuesday next week. Five music teachers, including two foreign teachers, will be invited to be judges. What's more, according to their performances, the first ten winners will be given awards.
Everybody is welcome to be present at the competition.
The Students' Union
(2023 ·湖南益阳市高一上期末)
Once there lived a girl named Melanie.The little girl was living with a dream.She wanted to be a ballet dancer.Her body was very flexible and she had a strong will power.Melanie's parents never knew of the great dancing skills their daughter had until one day, they saw the little girl dancing with the beautiful steps of a ballerina.
“Isn't it strange Melanie is dancing so well without any formal training!” the mother said.
“We must give her ballet lessons to help her improve her skills, ” her father said.
The following day, Melanie's parents took her to a local dance training school.The teacher asked Melanie to dance.The little girl was happy and showed some of her favorite dance steps.However, the teacher didn't seem interested in her performance.
“That's OK.You can leave now!” the teacher said.
Melanie was shocked to hear this.So were her parents.They couldn't believe their ears.
“The girl is common.She does not have the possibility to become a ballerina,”the dance teacher said.“Don't let her waste her time dreaming of becoming a dancer.”
Disappointed, Melanie and her parents returned home.Tears rolled down Melanie's face.Her dreams were broken within a matter of minutes.Without confidence, Melanie never attempted to dance again.She completed her studies and went on to become a teacher in school.Life was good and she kept herself busy with family and work.However, whenever she happened to pass the school's ballet room, memories of childhood dreams danced before her eyes.
Paragraph 1:
One day, the ballet teacher in her school was late.
Paragraph 2:
“What a performance, Melanie! You are a true ballerina!” said the ballet teacher entering the classroom.
Paragraph 1:
One day, the ballet teacher in her school was late.Melanie was asked to keep an eye on the girls so that they would behave themselves.Once inside the ballet room, all her old memories flooded back. She couldn't control herself anymore.She started of by teaching some steps to the girls and then carried on dancing herself for some time.Unaware of the time and the people around her, Melanie was lost in her own little dancing world.
Paragraph 2:
“What a performance, Melanie! You are a true ballerina!” said the ballet teacher entering the classroom.Hearing her voice, Melanie stopped dancing.She was embarrassed to see the teacher in front of her and was at a loss for words.This was the first time that someone had said she was a wonderful dancer.Then the teacher, who was shocked to see Melanie's amazing skills, asked Melanie to visit a dance trainer with her.There has been no looking back for Melanie since then.Today, Melanie is a world-famous ballet dancer.UNIT 5 学业质量检测
1.What's the relationship between the speakers?
A.Teacher and student.
B.Father and policeman.
C.Father and teacher.
2.What does the man suggest Maria should be in the future?
A.A teacher.
B.A pilot.
C.An astronaut.
3.What does the woman want to buy?
A.A birthday cake.
B.Some fireworks.
C.A car.
4.What will the woman probably do?
A.Celebrate the man's birthday.
B.Do her homework.
C.Make a cake.
5.When will Tina get her license renewed?
C.By the end of the month.
6.When did the big earthquake in San Francisco happen?
A.In 1959.    B.In 1989.   
C.In 1998.
7.What was the big earthquake like?
A.As if a plane was passing over the house.
B.As if a strong wind swept across the area.
C.As if a train was passing under the house.
8.How long will it take to get the project done?
A.About one week.
B.About two weeks.
C.About six weeks.
9.What does the man think of the suggestion on the project?
A.Incomplete. B.Complete.
10.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
A.Boss and secretary.
B.Manager and waiter.
C.Superior and employee.
11.When will they go to dinner?
A.This noon. B.Tomorrow.
C.This evening.
12.What kind of food does the Peace Plaza mainly have?
A.Korean food.
B.Western food.
C.Chinese food.
13.How will they go to the Peace Plaza?
A.By subway. B.By car.
C.On foot.
14.Who called Jenny Jenkins this morning?
A.Jenny Jenkins' secretary.
B.Bill Burton.
C.Bill Burton's secretary.
15.What are the speakers talking about?
A.The reason for missing the call.
B.The time for the meeting.
C.The time for meeting face to face.
16.What's the relationship between the speakers?
A.Department heads.
17.When will the meeting be finally put off?
A.Until next Monday.
B.Until next Tuesday.
C.Until next Thursday afternoon.
18.Who does the speaker's sister look much like?
A.Mum. B.Dad.
C.The speaker.
19.What does the speaker's father like to do?
A.Make friends.
B.Go to Florida.
C.Talk quietly.
20.What is the focus of the whole speech?
A.Parents. B.Friends.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
(2023 ·山东济宁市高一上期末)
When we think of London theatres, we think of big productions in the centre of the city, costing hall a month's rent for a single ticket.But the true heart of London theatres isn't in Leicester Square.If you want to experience a five-star show for a £10 ticket, Of-West End is the way to go.
Theatre 503
There were a number of famous performers presenting themselves on the stage.Only holding 63 people, it's a tight squeeze.But it's well worth the push and squeeze that you'll share with the locals for the outstanding performances.
Kiln Theatre
Located in the heart of Kilburn, Kiln Theatre opened in the Forester's Hall in 1980.In 1987 the theatre was almost totally destroyed by a fire which started in a neighbouring yard.Two years later it was rebuilt.After undergoing a major redevelopment, the theatre reopened as the Kiln Theatre under the artistic leadership of Indhu Rubasingham in 2018.
Soho Theatre
As the name suggests, the theatre sits in the centre of Soho, and its bar has become a club for artists and audiences alike.By day it's a house of writing, workshops, showcases, meetings and events and by night it's a stage to an average of six shows.
Her Majesty's Theatre
Her Majesty's Theatre opened in 1897, which is known as a playhouse with productions of Shakespeare's works as well as dramas based on his novels.However, following the death of Queen ElizabethⅡ, Her Majesty's Theatre will be renamed to His Majesty's Theatre after King Charles MI's coronation(加冕).
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了Of-West End的四个剧院。
21.What is the major concern of theatre-goers who go to Of-West End?
A.Location. B.Schedule.
C.Price. D.Accommodation.
22.Which theatre experienced reconstruction?
A.Theatre 503. B.Kiln Theatre.
C.Soho Theatre. D.Her Majesty's Theatre.
23.What can visitors do in Her Majesty's Theatre?
A.Enjoy Shakespeare's plays.
B.Interact with famous artists.
C.Propose a new name for the theatre.
D.Attend the king's coronation ceremony.
(2023 ·河北沧州市高一上期末)
Brody Ridder attends The Academy of Charter Schools in Westminster, Colorado.When he got his yearbook (学校年刊), he went up to people and asked them to sign his yearbook but most of them refused.He collected only two or three names from classmates and two notes from his teachers.So, Brody wrote a yearbook note to himself, “Hope you make some more friends.”
Reading that note broke his mother's heart.She took a photo of the note and posted it to a Facebook group for parents at the school.The post made its way to three high schoolers:Simone Lightfot, Logan South and Joanna Cooper.They spent hours discussing the problem and finding ways to help.“It's so fun to have everyone sign the yearbook, but for this kid few people have signed their names in his yearbook.It's just heartbreaking,” Lightfoot said.They all started planning that the next day they were going to sign this kid's yearbook.
The three rounded up as many students as possible to sign Brody's yearbook even though none of them had ever met the three high schoolers.According to the teens, people were lining up to fill the blanks in Brody's book.Many of the more than 100 signatures included paragraphs with words of encouragement, advice and even phone numbers.And then right after that, the other students signed Brody's yearbook.
The teens said they hope the small friendly act can encourage other kids to be kind.“It makes me feel better now.I don't know how to explain it.It makes me feel better from the bottom of my heart,” Brody said.“It makes me feel like there's hope for the school, there's hope for humanity and there're a lot of good kids in this world,” his mother said.
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲的是中学生Brody Ridder的学校年刊只有几个人签名,三名高中生从网上了解到中学生Brody的情况之后没有置之不理,而是不辞辛苦召集了很多人为Brody Ridder的学校年刊签名,帮助他实现了愿望的故事。
24.Why did Brody write “Hope you make some more friends.” in his yearbook? 。
A.He hoped to know more about newcomers.
B.He planned to get another yearbook from others.
C.He decided to give up signing the yearbook.
D.He wished more people to sign his yearbook in the following days.
25.How did the three high schoolers learn about Brody's story?
A.From their teachers.
B.From the Internet.
C.From the newspaper.
D.From their classmates.
26.What was the result of the high schoolers' effort to help Brody?
A.People lined up to give yearbooks to Brody.
B.Less than 100 people signed Brody's yearbook.
C.All of Brody's classmates signed his yearbook.
D.Many students asked to meet the three high schoolers.
27.Which word can best describe the three schoolers?
A.Warm-hearted. B.Creative.
C.Generous. D.Wise.
Miss Bianca Monica, a junior here at Marymount Manhattan College, is currently sifting (筛选) her way through New York City working towards her dream of making rock music with high quality that you only hear occasionally.
“It was a journey. I wanted to study communications and learn how things work in the music industry,” explained Monica. This is a young lady who knows what she wants and is putting in the effort to achieve it. Born a Jersey girl, Monica knew she was made to be in New York.
With the overpowering support Monica receives from her hometown, it's obvious that such a backbone helps her step into the studio. At a young age of 14,Monica led a rock band. After the Robbery, the band saw huge success;they played numerous live performances around the city.Monica has also performed solo at the now closed Angels and Kings.
When asked about her choice in style, her eyes light up with a great passion.
“When writing my new record, we tried doing the dance route; then I realized: this is not me. Rock is in my blood. I just love music that makes you feel like your whole soul is pouring out of your body,” voiced Monica.
For a 21-year-old, Monica possesses the passion of someone who's been writing music forever. Her musical style, with a heavy diet in that old rock and roll music, shares some similar features with 90s music.
When the Jersey girl isn't in her usual studio, you can find Monica hanging around, going to shows, and enjoying the beauty of inspiration all around NYC. In late spring, Monica hopes to schedule a variety of shows to promote her new EP. Until then, you simply cannot miss out on hearing this wonderfully talented rock star.
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了音乐人Bianca Monica以及她的音乐,以此引起人们对她的音乐的关注。
28.Why does Bianca Monica go to New York City
A.To pursue her dream.
B.To enjoy a journey.
C.To open her own studio.
D.To work in the music industry.
29. encourages Bianca Monica to go into the studio.
A.The development of her band
B.The support from her hometown
C.The creditable success of her band
D.Her character as a Jersey girl
30.What can we learn about Bianca Monica's musical style?
A.It is totally different from 90s music.
B.It is full of the passion of music writers.
C.It makes people feel heavy.
D.It has the character of old rock and roll music.
31.What is the author 's purpose of writing this passage?
A.To introduce the history of the rock music.
B.To encourage young people to learn from Monica.
C.To call on the public to pay attention to Monica's music.
D.To search for the best way for Monica to succeed.
Music is not just a set of sounds and rhythms. Its influence on the brain is much deeper than any other human experience. Keep on reading to know all those amazing power of music.
A recent study suggests that preterm(早产的) babies appear to experience less pain and feed more when listening to music. Experts led by Dr. Manoj Kumar of the University of Alberta, Canada, found that music had a beneficial effect on reducing pain for preterm babies experiencing painful medical tests. It also appeared to benefit full-term babies during operations.
Many people experiencing brain damage have speech and movement-related problems. Music can help recover from brain injuries. As a different and effective treatment, doctors often advise such patients to listen to good music to improve the parts of the brain responsible for these two functions. When people with neurological(神经的) disorders hear a musical beat, it helps them to regain a balanced walk.
Though music cannot make deafness disappear, it really can stave off the loss of hearing. There was an experiment involving 163 people where 74 were musicians. Participants were asked to pass some listening tests. Musicians heard the sounds better than non-musicians, and this difference gets clearer with age. This means that a 70-year-old musician hears better than a 50-year old non-musician, even in a noisy environment.
Besides, music mends a broken heart.It is not about a thrown-away love, but about a heart attack.The matter is that music can help people recover from a heart attack or heart operation by reducing blood pressure, slowing down the heartbeat rate, and reducing anxiety. Listening to the quality music produces positive emotions, improves the movement of blood, and expands blood vessels, thus, promoting quick recovery of the whole cardiovascular(心血管的) system.
32.How does music affect preterm babies?
A.It helps reduce their pain.
B.It helps develop their potential in music.
C.It helps improve their hearing systems.
D.It helps repair their neurological systems.
33.What does the underlined phrase “stave off” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.Lead to. B.Increase.
C.Prevent. D.Break into.
34.Why can music mend a broken heart?
A.It has a positive effect on human body systems' work.
B.It can help people prevent diseases caused by anxiety.
C.It helps make a person feel optimistic about life.
D.It can help patients recover in a slow way.
35.What may be the best title for the text?
A.Who can benefit from music
B.The best time to listen to music
C.The way to choose quality music
D.How music affects our mind and body
You probably know you should say “please” and “thank you” at restaurants.You probably know the rules of a library.You know you should respect and be nice to your classmates. 36.  In fact,there are some rules about playing music.
·Keep it down.
37.  You should not play your music so loud that everyone around you can hear it.Some people might even get angry.Usually,when you play music loud on an MP3 player, other people can't hear the words of the song.They just hear a loud sound.No one wants to listen to this.Very loud music can also be bad for your ears.
·Turn it off.
You need to know when to turn your MP3 off and put it away.Libraries and schools don't allow MP3 players.There are other places,like museums,that don't have rules,but it would be rude to have your MP3 player on.Sometimes,it doesn't make sense to listen on your MP3 player at an event. 38.  You would miss what is going on and others would wonder why you even came.
·Take one out.
Once in a while it's okay just to take out one earphone and not the other. 39.  It would not be rude to take out one earphone,tell him the way,and put back the earphone and continue listening.You can also do this when you order food at a fast food restaurant or when you answer the telephone and it's not for you.
· 40. 
There are times when you need to decide what is best.For example,some people can listen to music on their MP3 players when reading books,while others think it is disturbing.In cases like this,you need to do what seems right for you.
A.It's your choice.
B.Don't make your voice disturb others.
C.But do you have music manners
D.You have to notice the amount of sound of your music.
E.Why would you listen to music at a play,a movie or a sporting event
F.Imagine you are listening on your MP3 player when someone asks you the way.
G.The music is active and inspiring as long as you can feel energetic when you are listening to it.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
(2023 ·河南洛阳市高一上期末)
The year was 1966.I bit my lip(嘴唇) trying with all the strength a six-year-old could gather not to 41. .
When I was in first grade, class parties were held at schools.I was to 42. toys with Paul.I 43. to buy Paul a one-dollar Matchbox car popular with boys.It was really a (n) 44. , as my pocket money was only 20 cents a week.However, I 45. it.
I 46. a Mustang for Paul, since that is exactly what I would have wanted for myself.Paul did not reciprocate (互换) with a Mustang or any other Matchbox—the gift I 47. was a plastic Santa Claus less than 10 cents. 48. , I exchanged a shiny Mustang for a piece of rubbish!
As some boys excitedly 49. their new Matchbox cars across desktops, I held back hot tears and tried not to sniffle (吸鼻子) 50. .Despite selfishly feeling 51. for myself, I started racing my skiing Santa alongside the Matchbox cars.I simply did not want to feel left out.
After class, Mrs.Bauer came and said to me, “I'm 52. of you, dear.You didn't show your 53. with that toy.You gave Paul a very nice toy that made him happy, and you should be happy about that.”
Mrs.Bauer's 54. , which I did not fully understand at the time,was that it truly is 55. to give than to receive.
41.A.cheat B.cry
C.rush D.doubt
42.A.exchange B.deliver
C.operate D.create
43.A.afforded B.decided
C.continued D.pretended
44.A.honour B.shock
C.challenge D.pleasure
45.A.made B.hit
C.caught D.chanced
46.A.picked out B.took down
C.applied for D.showed off
47.A.selected B.received
C.updated D.maintained
48.A.As a result B.In particular
C.In other words D.For example
49.A.threw B.placed
C.passed D.raced
50.A.entirely B.unfortunately
C.noticeably D.regularly
51.A.frank B.sorry
C.amazed D.anxious
52.A.aware B.fond
C.confident D.proud
53.A.expectation B.stress
C.disappointment D.inspiration
54.A.message B.position
C.impression D.announcement
55.A.easier B.better
C.braver D.quicker
If you visit a country in Asia you may see a lot of street signs with “KTV” 56.   (write) on them.These signs are advertising KTV bars.KTV bars are places 57.    people can do karaoke (卡拉OK).Karaoke is an 58.   (active) where people sing famous songs.The words to the songs are shown on a TV screen and people sing 59.   (they) out loud.Karaoke was invented in Japan in the 1980s and became popular around the world in the 1990s.The global karaoke market 60.   (think) to be worth $10 billion.
Inside KTV bars are many karaoke rooms.The karaoke rooms are decorated with party lights and 61.   (comfort) sofas.You choose the songs you want to sing by using a touch-screen computer 62.    an app on your phone.You can also order food and drinks inside the karaoke room.
The price of renting a karaoke room 63.   (depend) on the quality of the KTV bar and how many hours you want to use the room 64.   .Some KTV bars are expensive as the karaoke rooms are big and well decorated.Other KTV bars are cheap as the karaoke rooms are small and have less decoration.
Karaoke is 65.  (real) an interesting activity because you can do it with your friends,family and colleagues.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
(2023 ·湖南益阳市高一上期末)
Once there lived a girl named Melanie.The little girl was living with a dream.She wanted to be a ballet dancer.Her body was very flexible and she had a strong will power.Melanie's parents never knew of the great dancing skills their daughter had until one day, they saw the little girl dancing with the beautiful steps of a ballerina.
“Isn't it strange Melanie is dancing so well without any formal training!” the mother said.
“We must give her ballet lessons to help her improve her skills, ” her father said.
The following day, Melanie's parents took her to a local dance training school.The teacher asked Melanie to dance.The little girl was happy and showed some of her favorite dance steps.However, the teacher didn't seem interested in her performance.
“That's OK.You can leave now!” the teacher said.
Melanie was shocked to hear this.So were her parents.They couldn't believe their ears.
“The girl is common.She does not have the possibility to become a ballerina,”the dance teacher said.“Don't let her waste her time dreaming of becoming a dancer.”
Disappointed, Melanie and her parents returned home.Tears rolled down Melanie's face.Her dreams were broken within a matter of minutes.Without confidence, Melanie never attempted to dance again.She completed her studies and went on to become a teacher in school.Life was good and she kept herself busy with family and work.However, whenever she happened to pass the school's ballet room, memories of childhood dreams danced before her eyes.
Paragraph 1:
One day, the ballet teacher in her school was late.
Paragraph 2:
“What a performance, Melanie! You are a true ballerina!” said the ballet teacher entering the classroom.