人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet学业质量检测(原卷版+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet学业质量检测(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-11-08 18:43:47


UNIT 3 学业质量检测
1.What will the woman speaker do after ten minutes? B
A.Look at giraffes.
B.Go shopping.
C.Visit the zoo.
2.What does the man mean? C
A.He likes the show very much.
B.He agrees with the woman.
C.He doesn't care who's going to win.
3.What was Jason's big dream? C
A.To be an adventurer.
B.To walk on air.
C.To climb Mount Everest.
4.How does the woman feel about the man? C
A.She thinks he will succeed.
B.She knows he likes cakes.
C.She thinks he is full of hot air.
5.What is the relationship between Joan and Henry? B
A.Teacher and student.
6.What does the woman want to learn about? A
A.Life in small towns in her province.
B.A local museum.
C.A local city.
7.What is the woman really interested in? C
A.Broken pots and vases.
B.The local language.
C.The ways of life.
8.How long has the man been ill? A
A.For 3 days.
B.For 2 days.
C.For 4 days.
9.How often should the medicine be taken? C
A.Twice a day.
B.Once a day.
C.Three times a day.
10.What's the relationship between the speakers? C
A.Mother and son.
B.Teacher and student.
C.Doctor and patient.
11.What's the big news for the man? C
A.He'll have a big birthday celebration.
B.He has got a promotion.
C.He succeeded in passing the final exam.
12.When will the man celebrate his birthday? B
A.Today.  B.Unknown.
13.What does the man do? C
A.An official.
B.An unemployed person.
C.A student.
14.What is the conversation mainly about? C
A.The builders of the house.
B.The designers of the house.
C.The treehouse.
15.How many builders built the treehouse? B
A.One. B.Two.
16.When was the first World Treehouse Conference held? A
A.In Oct.1997.
B.In 1979.
C.In 2000.
17.Who is both the builder and owner of the TreeHouse Workshop? A
A.Peter Nelson.
B.Michael Garnier.
C.Alain Laurens.
18.Which sport is more popular with girls nowadays? C
B.Table tennis.
19.What's the speaker's attitude towards children's playing sports? B
A.Negative. B.Positive.
20.What's the speech mainly about? A
A.The choices and benefits of children's sports.
B.The reasons for children to play sports.
C.The importance of playing sports for children.
Text 1
M:Wow,this zoo is pretty good.There are various kinds of animals in it.Let's take a closer look at them.
W:I couldn't agree more.But I have only ten minutes left,and then I'll go shopping.Let's just look at those beautiful giraffes with the spots.
Text 2
W:I see there's a new episode of that singing show tonight.Who do you think is going to be the best singer
M:What does it have to do with me
Text 3
W:Jason,congratulations.You finally made it.Your dream finally came true.How did you feel then
M:Thank you.It's really a great expedition in my life.I was walking on air when I reached the top of Mount Everest.
Text 4
W:What do you think of the coming match Have you got any confidence to win it
M:Winning is a piece of cake to me.
W:You are boasting again.
Text 5
W:You know what,Joan has got the scholarship.
W:But I think Henry is the backroom boy.He always helps her with her study.
Text 6
W:I'd like to know more about life as it was two hundred years ago.
M:Well.You can read some books about that.Why
W:I wonder what life was like in small towns in our province.
M:Hmm,you could visit a local museum and study what archaeologists found.
W:No,I'm not interested in broken pots and vases.I'd love to know what people talked about and how they really lived.
M:That may be difficult to find out.
W:What I'd really like to find out is whether people would sometimes want to go on a holiday,as we do.That sort of thing.
Text 7
M:I feel cold and I've got a pain in my stomach.
W:How long have you had it
M:Since the day before yesterday.
W:Did you eat any seafood these days
M:No.Seafood always disagrees with me.
W:Then,there's nothing serious.You've caught a cold.
M:What should I do
W:Take this medicine three times a day,and then you'll be better.
Text 8
W:I heard that you have big news.Are you going to tell me what it is
M:You'll have to guess.
W:Are you celebrating your birthday
M:Not today.
W:Let me think.Did you get a promotion
M:Of course not.I've never even had a job.
W:I give up;what is it
M:I just passed my final exam.
W:Well done.
Text 9
W:Look,this house was built in the tree.Very interesting!
M:Yes,it is so called the treehouse.
W:The treehouse
M:Yes,this treehouse was built by Michael Garnier and Peter Nelson,two famous builders in this field.
W:I know nothing about them.Could you please give me more details
M:Well,Michael Garnier founded a Treehouse Treesort near Cave Juntion in Oregon.Every October the World Treehouse Conference is held here since 1997.
W:Is there any company which is really building and selling these treehouses
M:Yes,the TreeHouse Workshop in Seattle is one of them and Peter Nelson is one of its owners.
W:Do these treehouses also have designers
M:Of course.For example,Alain Laurens.
Text 10
Children play all sorts of sports these days.Sports equipment is much more easily available,so there is a wide range of choices open to children.Basketball,table tennis and badminton are very popular sports these days.Boys love to play basketball because of the effect of the American professional basketball teams and the famous Chinese basketball player,Yao Ming.Table tennis,also called ping-pong,has been popular in China for many years,but it became more popular because of the 2008 Olympics.Many girls play badminton these days.It is competitive and provides very good exercise.It is important for children to learn to play sports.Playing sports gives a child the opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them at an early age.And,of course,playing sports also provides excellent exercise for children.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Best Apps for High School Students
Educational App Store has identified the best apps for high school students to help them study and save their time in the classroom.
Study Blue
Study Blue is a brilliant app which uses technology to help high school students and make learning an easy process.It is an amazing way to create smart notes/cards, share and learn them.As one of the best educational apps, it allows students to make cards of whatever topic they want, helping them study anywhere without carrying any materials with them.
My Study Life
Designed for high school students, this app lets you build your own timetable to easily keep track of your classes, assignments and exams.It lets you assign(布置) tasks to specific classes and comes with reminders so you don't forget a thing! Plus, it comes with day and week timetables, so you can easily pop in those classes that you only have every other week.
My Homework Planner
My Homework Planner can help you keep track of all your homework.Sorting it by due date, week and month, the app is more organized than a Trapper Keeper.By means of Questia, the world's largest online library, you can connect your reading materials to your assignments so you don't have to dig through a pile of papers to find the right information.
Socrative Student
This app offers an interactive environment for students and teachers to share their learning.Teachers can ask questions and make comments with real-time data when using, which makes it more engaging for students.Showing comprehension of their reading can occur straight through their handheld device, and they are able to receive feedback quickly.
If you are interested in these apps, click here to find more.
21.What does My Study Life have in common with My Homework Planner? A
A.Both are helpful with assignments.
B.Both are designed to deal with exams.
C.Both are equipped with a reminder.
D.Both are connected with Questia.
解析: 细节理解题。根据My Study Life部分的“Designed for high school students, this app lets you build your own timetable to easily keep track of your classes, assignments and exams.”以及My Homework Planner部分的“By means of Questia, the world's largest online library, you can connect your reading materials to your assignments so you don't have to dig through a pile of papers to find the right information.”可知,两个APP的共同之处就是都对作业有利。故选A。
22.Which app focuses on both teens' and teachers' involvement? C
A.Study Blue.
B.My Homework Planner.
C.Socrative Student.
D.My Study Life.
解析: 细节理解题。根据Socrative Student部分的“This app offers an interactive environment for students and teachers to share their learning.”可知这个APP专注于师生共同参与学习。故选C。
23.Where is this text most likely from? B
A.A brochure. B.A website.
C.A guidebook. D.A magazine.
解析: 文章出处题。根据文章最后一句“If you are interested in these apps, click here to find more.”可推知,本文选自网站。故选B。
Picture this: You're searching the Internet and come across a website with interesting articles.Some are news stories.Their goal is to share information.Others only look like news stories.They're actually advertisements, or ads.The goal of an ad is to get you to buy something.How do you, the reader,tell the difference between a news story and an ad
Back when I was growing up, it was easier.We got most of our information from newspapers.Big news stories appeared on the front page,and ads were boxed off and clearly labeled.But on the Internet,the two are often presented together.It can be hard to tell which is which.
That's why the research group I direct conducted a study.My research team showed kids like you the home page of a popular digital magazine.We asked them to tell us what was a news story and what was an ad.Most were great at identifying certain types of ads.“It has a coupon code, a big company logo, and the words ‘limited time offer’,”one student wrote about an ad on the site.So where did kids get stumped
Some ads seem the same as real news stories.They have headlines and contain information.But they may also include the words “sponsored content”.Sponsored means “paid for”,and content refers to the information in the story.“Sponsored content”is a way of saying that something is an ad.Most kids in our study,even if they used the Internet often,didn't know this.
Just because something sponsored doesn't necessarily mean it's false.It means someone paid money for it to panies pay so that readers will see their stories,buy their products,and like what the company stands for.
As a reader, you have a right to know who's behind the information you're consuming.So look for the phrase sponsored content.(And look carefully.Sometimes, it will be written in tiny letters.)The Internet is a vast sea of information.To use it well, we not only have to know how to swim but also how to avoid the sharks.Learning to tell the difference between an ad and a news story is an important step to become Internet smart.
24.The purpose of the first paragraph is to D .
A.tell the difference between a news story and an ad
B.criticize the websites for too many ads on them
C.show the writer's preference for newspapers
D.make readers interested and involved in what is going to be talked about
解析: 推理判断题。文章主要是为了让读者能够区分新闻和广告,可推知第一段的目的是让读者对将要谈论的话题感兴趣并参与其中。故选D。
25.Sponsored content means A .
A.the website gets paid for allowing something to appear on it
B.something is false
C.something isn't necessarily an ad
D.readers have to buy the products advertised on the website
解析: 推理判断题。根据第四段可推知,Sponsored content(赞助内容)指的是需要付费阅读的内容。即,一个网站因允许某些东西出现在上面而得到报酬。故选A。
26.What does “sharks”in the last paragraph refer to? C
A.Fierce sea animals.
B.Very bad people on the Internet.
C.Unwanted information.
D.Websites which contain ads.
解析: 词义猜测题。根据最后一段可知,这里的“游泳”指的是在无穷尽的信息海洋里阅读,而“鲨鱼”指的是需要避免的信息/内容。因此sharks指的是“不需要的信息”。故选C。
27.Which is the best title? C
A.Watch Out for Traps on the Internet
B.Make the Most of the Internet
C.Be Internet Smart
D.Be Aware of Your Rights
解析: 标题判断题。文章介绍了读者上网时会碰到新闻报道和广告,要学会分辨新闻报道和广告之间的区别,这是明智使用互联网的第一步。即,建议我们上网时头脑要保持灵敏。Be Internet Smart(上网头脑要灵敏)可以作为本文最佳标题。故选C。
Having a smart phone may not be as smart as you think.They may let you surf the Internet,listen to music and take photos wherever you are...but they also turn you into a workaholic(工作狂), it seems.
A study suggests that, by giving you access to emails at all times, the smartphone adds as much as two hours to your working day.Experts found that British people work an additional 460 hours a year on average as they are able to respond to emails on their mobiles.The study shows the average UK working day is between 9 and 10 hours, but 2 more hours is spent responding to or sending work emails,or making work calls.
Almost one in ten admits spending up to three hours outside their normal working day checking work emails.Some workers say they are on call almost 24 hours a day.Nearly two-thirds say they often check work emails just before they go to bed and as soon as they wake up,while over a third have replied to one in the middle of the night.The average time for first checking emails is between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., with more than a third checking their first email in the period, and a quarter checking them between 11:00 p.m.and midnight.
Ghadi Hobeika, marketing director of Pixmania,said:“The ability to access millions of Apps has made smartphone invaluable for many people.However,there are disadvantages.Many companies expect their employees to be on call 24 hours a day,seven days a week, and smartphones mean that people cannot get away from work.The more constantly in touch we become,the more is expected of us in work.”
28.With a smart phone the average UK working day is A .
A.11 to 12 hours    B.9 to 10 hours
C.8 hours D.2 hours
解析: 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“The study shows the average UK working day is between 9 and 10 hours,but 2 more hours is spent responding to or sending work emails,or making work calls.”可知,英国的工作日平均工作9到10个小时,使用智能手机后多了2个多小时,故答案应是11到12小时。故选A。
29.We can learn from the text that the British people C .
A.prefer to check emails in the morning
B.are crazy about different smartphone
C.work more hours with smartphones
D.shorten their normal working hours
解析: 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“A study suggests that,by giving you access to emails at all times, the smartphone adds as much as two hours to your working day.”可知,英国人用智能手机工作时间更长。故选C。
30.What does the underlined word “invaluable” mean? B
A.Useless. B.Necessary.
C.Expensive. D.Cheap.
解析: 词义猜测题。根据文章最后一段画线词后的两句“However,there are disadvantages.Many companies expect their employees to be on call 24 hours a day,seven days a week,and smartphones mean that people cannot get away from work.”可知,其也有缺点,许多公司希望他们的员工能够随时等待电话通知,使得人们工作离不开智能手机。从而可以猜测出invaluable为“极为重要的,必要的”之意。故选B。
31.What does Ghadi Hobeika feel about smartphones? D
A.They are unimportant for most of the people.
B.They have disadvantages for some companies.
C.They are useful to improve the work ability.
D.They make it impossible for people to rest.
解析: 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“However, there are disadvantages.Many companies expect their employees to be on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week,and smartphones mean that people cannot get away from work.The more constantly in touch we become,the more is expected of us in work.”可知,Ghadi Hobeika认为智能手机让人们很难得到休息。故选D。
Optical(光学的) fiber is a flexible line of glass capable of carrying information over long distances.Scientists Dr.Robert Maurer, Dr.Peter Schultz, and Dr.Donald Keck invented the first low-loss optical fiber in 1970.Inspired by their belief that information could be sent through light, they spent four years experimenting with different kinds of glass until they succeeded.
Optical fiber was an answer to consumer demand for increased bandwidth(带宽).Beginning in the 1960s, the telecommunications industry realized that the existing copper wire infrastructure(基础设施) could no longer keep up as communications traffic increased.Optical fiber changed the telecommunications industry greatly because it, unlike copper, offered limitless bandwidth.Because of those qualities, optical fiber has become the backbone of the networks that we use today to send voice, data, and video around the world.
The first optical fiber was celebrated for having a total attenuation of 17dB/km.Today, there are optical fibers with attenuation as low as 0.17dB/km, which translates to signal loss being 100 times better than the first one.As a result, optical fiber is the preferred medium for fast, reliable communications networks.
Today, optical fiber provides the infrastructure for broadband connectivity all around the world.Optical fiber supports all the communications and interactive technology we use every day.Because of the global fiber network, you have instant access to voice, information, and video through devices such as smartphones, computers, high-definition TV, GPS, and game systems through which you get directions, send e-mail, conduct research, join social networks, shop, and download music, movies, and more.
As has been the case from the very beginning, one driver that shapes the future of optical fiber is market demand.Optical fiber continues to create new opportunities in how we live, work, and play.Innovations such as Cloud Computing will enable us to partner with technology in a way never before possible.
32.What drives the scientists to invent the optical fiber
A.No enough copper.
B.Better understanding of light.
C.Invention of glass.
D.Need for faster information sending.
解析: 细节理解题。根据第二段关键句“Optical fiber was an answer to consumer demand for increased bandwidth (带宽).”可知,随着通信流量的增加,消费者增加了对带宽的需求,需要更快的信息发送,现有的铜线基础设施已无法满足需求,光纤是针对这一问题的解决方案,由此可知,人们需要更快的信息发送,这一需求驱使科学家们发明了光纤。故选D。
33.What does the underlined word “attenuation” in Paragraph 3 mean? B
A.Signal. B.Loss.
C.Power. D.Metal.
解析: 词义猜测题。根据画线单词下文“Today, there are optical fibers with attenuation as low as 0.17dB/km, which translates to signal loss being 100 times better than the first one.”可知,本段主要介绍的是光纤的信号损耗问题,由此可知,上文指第一种光纤的总损耗为17dB/km,现有的损耗低至0.17dB/km的光纤比第一种光纤好100倍,“Loss”意为“损失,丢失”,能够表达画线单词在句中所要表达的意思。故选B。
34.What can we learn about the optical fiber in Paragraph 4? D
A.It has limited usage.
B.It needs more devices.
C.It offers better resources.
D.It benefits life and technology.
解析: 细节理解题。根据第四段关键句“Optical fiber supports all the communications and interactive technology we use every day.”可知,光纤有益于技术,它支持我们日常使用的所有通信和交互技术,在第四段中,我们可以得知光纤有益于生活和技术。故选D。
35.Which word can be used to describe the future of optical fiber? A
A.Promising. B.Demanding.
C.Uncertain. D.Unthinkable.
解析: 推理判断题。根据最后一段关键句“Optical fiber continues to create new opportunities in how we live, work, and play.”可知,在未来,光纤将继续为我们的生活、工作和娱乐方式创造新的机会,由此可知,光纤的未来是有前途的。故选A。
Too much time spent online can cause a host of emotional and physical problems, damage personal relationships, and decrease performances at work or school. 36.F  If you are struggling with the problem, you can overcome it by taking the following steps.
37.B  Start an Internet diary where you write down the details of your daily Internet use, like the sites or apps you access.Besides, set a timer to help you limit the time you spend online.One way is to set up a 1-2 hour time block, which may dramatically reduce the total time online.
Find activities to postpone Internet use.Tell yourself you can check the Internet in 15 minutes,and keep postponing Internet use for as long as you can stand. 38.G  For example, you can tidy your desk, complete your homework, or wash the dishes.
Stay away from your smart phone during social activities.If your device is within your reach, you may find yourself always checking it during social activities. 39.C  And set your phone in the silent mode.
Replace Internet use with a healthy activity.Exercising, reading a book,writing, studying, and doing crossword puzzles are all better choices.Identify a few activities that you enjoy and pick one to do. 40.E 
A.Shut off the device.
B.Track and limit Internet use.
C.So place it somewhere out of sight.
D.When you postpone it, reach out to friends.
E.It may be a good solution to control your time online.
F.It can be just as damaging as any other form of addiction.
G.While waiting, involve yourself in something away from a screen.
36. 由上文中的“Too much time spent online can cause a host of emotional and physical problems, damage personal relationships, and decrease performances at work or school.”可知,空处应承接上文,进一步总结沉迷网络的危害,为下文提出解决办法做铺垫。故选F。
37. 根据文章首段尾句“If you are struggling with the problem, you can overcome it by taking the following steps.”和各段段首可知,本篇文章为总分结构,从第二段开始,各段段首用祈使句陈述建议。又根据下文中的“Besides, set a timer to help you limit the time you spend online.”可知,该段主要介绍如何记录并限制上网时间。故选B。
38. 由上文中的“check the Internet in 15 minutes”和下文中的“For example, you can tidy your desk, complete your homework, or wash the dishes.”可知,作者举例说明了一些在等待时可以分散注意力的日常活动,进而尽量推迟网络使用。故选G。
39. 由上文中的“If your device is within your reach, you may find yourself always checking it during social activities.”可知,此处是说过于方便的取用、查看手机不利于我们减少上网时间,为下文提出把手机放在看不见的地方这样的建议做铺垫。故选C。
40. 由上文中的“Identify a few activities that you enjoy and pick one to do.”可知,作者提出了一个具体的减少上网时间的建议,这是一个控制我们上网时间的好方法。故选E。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Kids are often stressed and scared when they break a bone, but Luis Ruiz makes getting a cast(打石膏) fun at Children's Hospital Los Angeles.The doctor customizes(定制) casts of young 41.A  with drawings of their favorite cartoon characters, sports teams, and more.
About ten years ago, a little boy asked Ruiz to 42.B  a happy face on his cast.He told the 43.C , “You know what, I'm really not good at drawing.I'd rather not.I might 44.D  it up.” The boy 45.C  to insist on a smiley face, so Ruiz agreed 46.C .The little boy was 47.A  with the results.
“It lit him up!” Ruiz remembers.That moment of joy 48.B  Ruiz to offer cast drawings to all the kids who came into the hospital with 49.A  bones.“I was not very good,” Ruiz says.“But as time 50.D , little by little, I got better and better, to a 51.D  where now I can almost do anything they ask for.”
Since that first 52.B  face, Ruiz has painted thousands of casts, and the best 53.C , he says, is “bringing those smiles”.
“The kids just 54.B  me joy,” Ruiz adds.“I'm kind of a fun guy and a little kid myself inside, and I like having fun and making 55.A  smile, and they make me smile.”
41.A.patients      B.ladies
C.adults D.partners
解析: 根据上文中的“Kids are often stressed and scared when they break a bone, but Luis Ruiz makes getting a cast(打石膏)fun at Children's Hospital Los Angeles.”可知,在儿童医院发生的事情,这里指的是小患者。故选A项。
42.A.revise B.draw
C.make D.cancel
解析: 根据下文中的“You know what, I'm really not good at drawing.”可知,鲁伊斯不擅长绘画,所以这里指的是小患者让他画画。故选B项。
43.A.nurse B.reporter
C.boy D.doctor
解析: 根据上文中的“About ten years ago, a little boy asked Ruiz to 42 a happy face on his cast.”可知,这里指的是让他画画的小男孩儿。故选C项。
44.A.set B.mix
C.clean D.mess
解析: 根据上文中的“You know what, I'm really not good at drawing.I'd rather not.”可知,鲁伊斯不擅长画画,所以不想把事情搞砸。故选D项。
45.A.preferred B.attempted
C.continued D.recommended
解析: 根据下文中的“...to insist on a smiley face...”可知,男孩很坚持,所以应为“继续”符合语境。故选C项。
46.A.confidently B.personally
C.finally D.curiously
解析: 根据下文中的“The little boy was 47 with the results.”可知,有了结果,那就是最后同意了男孩儿的请求。故选C项。
47.A.pleased B.prepared
C.disappointed D.tired
解析: 根据下文中的“‘It lit him up!’Ruiz remembers.”可知,这件事使得小男孩很开心,所以男孩应该对结果很满意,be pleased with意为“对……满意”符合语境。故选A项。
48.A.advised B.inspired
C.enabled D.allowed
解析: 根据上文中的“That moment of joy”并结合语境可知,此事给了鲁伊斯一些启发,所以才有了下文中的“...to offer cast drawings to all the kids who came into the hospital with 49 bones.”。故选B项。
49.A.broken B.strong
C.extra D.bad
解析: 根据上文中的“Kids are often stressed and scared when they break a bone, but...”可知,此处指的是伤到骨头的孩子们。故选A项。
50.A.came along B.got on
C.let off D.went by
解析: 根据下文中的“little by little”可知,此处指的是随着时间的推移,鲁伊斯画的越来越好。故选D项。
51.A.sight B.distance
C.base D.point
解析: 根据下文中where引导的定语从句“...where now I can almost do anything they ask for.”可知,此处指的是鲁伊斯绘画所能达到的阶段。故选D项。
52.A.ugly B.smiley
C.lonely D.smelly
解析: 根据上文中的“The boy 45 to insist on a smiley face”可知,此处指的是小男孩曾经让他画的第一个笑脸。故选B项。
53.A.view B.fact
C.part D.comment
解析: part角色,部分,作用。根据下文中的“...‘bringing those smiles’.”可知,“给孩子们带来快乐”是绘画最大的作用和意义。故选C项。
54.A.wish B.bring
C.lend D.mail
解析: 根据上文中的“...the best 53 ,he says,is ‘bringing those smiles’.”可知,给孩子们带来快乐,孩子们也给鲁伊斯带来快乐。故选B项。
55.A.kids B.hosts
C.parents D.myself
解析: 根据上文中的“That moment of joy 48 Ruiz to offer cast drawings to all the kids who came into the hospital with 49 bones.”可知,鲁伊斯作为儿科医院的医生,曾经的经历使他主动给孩子们在石膏上画孩子们喜欢的肖像图,给孩子们带来快乐。故选A项。
Every year at the end of June,millions of college students in China face the same life event— 56.graduation  (graduate).According to statistics from the Ministry of Education,about 8.2 million university students have graduated this year, 57.which  sets a new record from the past ten years.Before they leave school,they will take photos to say goodbye 58.to  their friends and teachers,as well as to remember their old days in school.In the playground, in front of the library or just in a classroom,graduates can 59.be seen  (see) everywhere around universities 60.wearing (wear) their academic gowns (学术袍).They are posing for their last 61.photos (photo) with their universities.
62.Creative (creation) graduation photos have become increasingly popular among students in recent years. 63.To meet (meet) this new trend,photo studios and individual photographers also offer lots of services. pared (compare) with monotonous (单调的) graduation photos,many students prefer to take special photos.Because it makes 65.their/the  graduation more special.
57. 考查定语从句。此处从句中缺少主语,根据句意,关系代词应该指前面的整句话,所以用which引导非限制性定语从句。故填which。
58. 考查介词。say goodbye to表示“向……告别”。故填to。
59.考查被动语态。分析语境可知此处应该用被动语态形式,表示“被看见”。故填be seen。
63.考查非谓语动词。不定式作目的状语。故填To meet。
64.考查非谓语动词。compared with...“与……相比”作状语。故填Compared。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
I'm Li Hua. I am blogging about the traffic problem near our school gate and presenting my own suggestions.
With so many parents coming to pick up their children, traffic jams are becoming more and more frequent near the school gate,causing much inconvenience to us and passers-by. I strongly recommend some effective measures be taken. First, we should encourage students to ride a bicycle or walk to school by themselves. In addition, it is also a good idea to allow junior students to leave school 10 minutes earlier than others.Besides,cars should not be allowed to park near the school gate.
I do hope my suggestions can be taken into account and the problem can disappear soon.
I was a single mom, living with my eight-year-old girl Amanda. Luckily, we had many people around us who helped us to get by. But I felt that I wasn't doing enough to give my girl enough time. Life for me lacked magic and excitement.
But one Friday night was special. Amanda and I arrived at one of her favorite restaurants. We were seated next to a large group at a long table, who were clearly celebrating something. They were three generations of a family. I looked over at them, longing for that same family atmosphere. As their celebration continued, I caught the white-haired family patriarch watching me. He would look over and stare at me but then quickly look away.
Amanda talked happily throughout the meal, enjoying her chicken and telling the details of her spelling test that day. My heart nearly burst as I saw her happiness.
However, the man at the next table kept watching us. What was he looking at My handbag whose color had faded Or was it my ringless finger that told the general public I was unmarried Whatever he was looking at, it was annoying and started to make me nervous.
“Can I have dessert?” asked Amanda, not knowing what was happening around. “Next time. I am watching our money and there will be no dessert this time,” I said. As the words came out of my mouth, the man was staring again. What did he want
Paragraph 1:
Amanda went to the restroom, and I watched the man very carefully.
Paragraph 2:
The server came to tell us our meal had been paid for.
Paragraph 1:
Amanda went to the restroom, and I watched the man very carefully. Gradually, I was so fed up about the staring that I came to the long table, trying to make some complaint about the rudeness. “Excuse me, sir. I don't think we know each other, so please stop staring at us. It's impolite and also annoying. We just want to enjoy our meal peacefully.” I said, before they could respond, I rushed back to my seat with a pounding heart. Fortunately, the man didn't say anything and stop watching us as well. After we finished our meal, I called server to settle the bill.
Paragraph 2:
The server came to tell us our meal had been paid for.I was surprised and asked who did this. “It's from the long table. And they also ordered dessert for your daughter.” At that time, I had mixed feelings. “Why did they do this for us?” I asked. “The white-haired family patriarch said it's because your daughter looks like his granddaughter who passed away one year ago because of cancer.” It turned out that I was rude and misunderstood. I stood where I was, speechless and ashamed.UNIT 3 学业质量检测
1.What will the woman speaker do after ten minutes?
A.Look at giraffes.
B.Go shopping.
C.Visit the zoo.
2.What does the man mean?
A.He likes the show very much.
B.He agrees with the woman.
C.He doesn't care who's going to win.
3.What was Jason's big dream?
A.To be an adventurer.
B.To walk on air.
C.To climb Mount Everest.
4.How does the woman feel about the man?
A.She thinks he will succeed.
B.She knows he likes cakes.
C.She thinks he is full of hot air.
5.What is the relationship between Joan and Henry?
A.Teacher and student.
6.What does the woman want to learn about?
A.Life in small towns in her province.
B.A local museum.
C.A local city.
7.What is the woman really interested in?
A.Broken pots and vases.
B.The local language.
C.The ways of life.
8.How long has the man been ill?
A.For 3 days.
B.For 2 days.
C.For 4 days.
9.How often should the medicine be taken?
A.Twice a day.
B.Once a day.
C.Three times a day.
10.What's the relationship between the speakers?
A.Mother and son.
B.Teacher and student.
C.Doctor and patient.
11.What's the big news for the man?
A.He'll have a big birthday celebration.
B.He has got a promotion.
C.He succeeded in passing the final exam.
12.When will the man celebrate his birthday?
A.Today.  B.Unknown.
13.What does the man do?
A.An official.
B.An unemployed person.
C.A student.
14.What is the conversation mainly about?
A.The builders of the house.
B.The designers of the house.
C.The treehouse.
15.How many builders built the treehouse?
A.One. B.Two.
16.When was the first World Treehouse Conference held?
A.In Oct.1997.
B.In 1979.
C.In 2000.
17.Who is both the builder and owner of the TreeHouse Workshop?
A.Peter Nelson.
B.Michael Garnier.
C.Alain Laurens.
18.Which sport is more popular with girls nowadays?
B.Table tennis.
19.What's the speaker's attitude towards children's playing sports?
A.Negative. B.Positive.
20.What's the speech mainly about?
A.The choices and benefits of children's sports.
B.The reasons for children to play sports.
C.The importance of playing sports for children.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Best Apps for High School Students
Educational App Store has identified the best apps for high school students to help them study and save their time in the classroom.
Study Blue
Study Blue is a brilliant app which uses technology to help high school students and make learning an easy process.It is an amazing way to create smart notes/cards, share and learn them.As one of the best educational apps, it allows students to make cards of whatever topic they want, helping them study anywhere without carrying any materials with them.
My Study Life
Designed for high school students, this app lets you build your own timetable to easily keep track of your classes, assignments and exams.It lets you assign(布置) tasks to specific classes and comes with reminders so you don't forget a thing! Plus, it comes with day and week timetables, so you can easily pop in those classes that you only have every other week.
My Homework Planner
My Homework Planner can help you keep track of all your homework.Sorting it by due date, week and month, the app is more organized than a Trapper Keeper.By means of Questia, the world's largest online library, you can connect your reading materials to your assignments so you don't have to dig through a pile of papers to find the right information.
Socrative Student
This app offers an interactive environment for students and teachers to share their learning.Teachers can ask questions and make comments with real-time data when using, which makes it more engaging for students.Showing comprehension of their reading can occur straight through their handheld device, and they are able to receive feedback quickly.
If you are interested in these apps, click here to find more.
21.What does My Study Life have in common with My Homework Planner?
A.Both are helpful with assignments.
B.Both are designed to deal with exams.
C.Both are equipped with a reminder.
D.Both are connected with Questia.
22.Which app focuses on both teens' and teachers' involvement?
A.Study Blue.
B.My Homework Planner.
C.Socrative Student.
D.My Study Life.
23.Where is this text most likely from?
A.A brochure. B.A website.
C.A guidebook. D.A magazine.
Picture this: You're searching the Internet and come across a website with interesting articles.Some are news stories.Their goal is to share information.Others only look like news stories.They're actually advertisements, or ads.The goal of an ad is to get you to buy something.How do you, the reader,tell the difference between a news story and an ad
Back when I was growing up, it was easier.We got most of our information from newspapers.Big news stories appeared on the front page,and ads were boxed off and clearly labeled.But on the Internet,the two are often presented together.It can be hard to tell which is which.
That's why the research group I direct conducted a study.My research team showed kids like you the home page of a popular digital magazine.We asked them to tell us what was a news story and what was an ad.Most were great at identifying certain types of ads.“It has a coupon code, a big company logo, and the words ‘limited time offer’,”one student wrote about an ad on the site.So where did kids get stumped
Some ads seem the same as real news stories.They have headlines and contain information.But they may also include the words “sponsored content”.Sponsored means “paid for”,and content refers to the information in the story.“Sponsored content”is a way of saying that something is an ad.Most kids in our study,even if they used the Internet often,didn't know this.
Just because something sponsored doesn't necessarily mean it's false.It means someone paid money for it to panies pay so that readers will see their stories,buy their products,and like what the company stands for.
As a reader, you have a right to know who's behind the information you're consuming.So look for the phrase sponsored content.(And look carefully.Sometimes, it will be written in tiny letters.)The Internet is a vast sea of information.To use it well, we not only have to know how to swim but also how to avoid the sharks.Learning to tell the difference between an ad and a news story is an important step to become Internet smart.
24.The purpose of the first paragraph is to .
A.tell the difference between a news story and an ad
B.criticize the websites for too many ads on them
C.show the writer's preference for newspapers
D.make readers interested and involved in what is going to be talked about
25.Sponsored content means .
A.the website gets paid for allowing something to appear on it
B.something is false
C.something isn't necessarily an ad
D.readers have to buy the products advertised on the website
26.What does “sharks”in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Fierce sea animals.
B.Very bad people on the Internet.
C.Unwanted information.
D.Websites which contain ads.
27.Which is the best title?
A.Watch Out for Traps on the Internet
B.Make the Most of the Internet
C.Be Internet Smart
D.Be Aware of Your Rights
Having a smart phone may not be as smart as you think.They may let you surf the Internet,listen to music and take photos wherever you are...but they also turn you into a workaholic(工作狂), it seems.
A study suggests that, by giving you access to emails at all times, the smartphone adds as much as two hours to your working day.Experts found that British people work an additional 460 hours a year on average as they are able to respond to emails on their mobiles.The study shows the average UK working day is between 9 and 10 hours, but 2 more hours is spent responding to or sending work emails,or making work calls.
Almost one in ten admits spending up to three hours outside their normal working day checking work emails.Some workers say they are on call almost 24 hours a day.Nearly two-thirds say they often check work emails just before they go to bed and as soon as they wake up,while over a third have replied to one in the middle of the night.The average time for first checking emails is between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., with more than a third checking their first email in the period, and a quarter checking them between 11:00 p.m.and midnight.
Ghadi Hobeika, marketing director of Pixmania,said:“The ability to access millions of Apps has made smartphone invaluable for many people.However,there are disadvantages.Many companies expect their employees to be on call 24 hours a day,seven days a week, and smartphones mean that people cannot get away from work.The more constantly in touch we become,the more is expected of us in work.”
28.With a smart phone the average UK working day is .
A.11 to 12 hours    B.9 to 10 hours
C.8 hours D.2 hours
29.We can learn from the text that the British people .
A.prefer to check emails in the morning
B.are crazy about different smartphone
C.work more hours with smartphones
D.shorten their normal working hours
30.What does the underlined word “invaluable” mean?
A.Useless. B.Necessary.
C.Expensive. D.Cheap.
31.What does Ghadi Hobeika feel about smartphones?
A.They are unimportant for most of the people.
B.They have disadvantages for some companies.
C.They are useful to improve the work ability.
D.They make it impossible for people to rest.
Optical(光学的) fiber is a flexible line of glass capable of carrying information over long distances.Scientists Dr.Robert Maurer, Dr.Peter Schultz, and Dr.Donald Keck invented the first low-loss optical fiber in 1970.Inspired by their belief that information could be sent through light, they spent four years experimenting with different kinds of glass until they succeeded.
Optical fiber was an answer to consumer demand for increased bandwidth(带宽).Beginning in the 1960s, the telecommunications industry realized that the existing copper wire infrastructure(基础设施) could no longer keep up as communications traffic increased.Optical fiber changed the telecommunications industry greatly because it, unlike copper, offered limitless bandwidth.Because of those qualities, optical fiber has become the backbone of the networks that we use today to send voice, data, and video around the world.
The first optical fiber was celebrated for having a total attenuation of 17dB/km.Today, there are optical fibers with attenuation as low as 0.17dB/km, which translates to signal loss being 100 times better than the first one.As a result, optical fiber is the preferred medium for fast, reliable communications networks.
Today, optical fiber provides the infrastructure for broadband connectivity all around the world.Optical fiber supports all the communications and interactive technology we use every day.Because of the global fiber network, you have instant access to voice, information, and video through devices such as smartphones, computers, high-definition TV, GPS, and game systems through which you get directions, send e-mail, conduct research, join social networks, shop, and download music, movies, and more.
As has been the case from the very beginning, one driver that shapes the future of optical fiber is market demand.Optical fiber continues to create new opportunities in how we live, work, and play.Innovations such as Cloud Computing will enable us to partner with technology in a way never before possible.
32.What drives the scientists to invent the optical fiber
A.No enough copper.
B.Better understanding of light.
C.Invention of glass.
D.Need for faster information sending.
33.What does the underlined word “attenuation” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Signal. B.Loss.
C.Power. D.Metal.
34.What can we learn about the optical fiber in Paragraph 4?
A.It has limited usage.
B.It needs more devices.
C.It offers better resources.
D.It benefits life and technology.
35.Which word can be used to describe the future of optical fiber?
A.Promising. B.Demanding.
C.Uncertain. D.Unthinkable.
Too much time spent online can cause a host of emotional and physical problems, damage personal relationships, and decrease performances at work or school. 36.  If you are struggling with the problem, you can overcome it by taking the following steps.
37.  Start an Internet diary where you write down the details of your daily Internet use, like the sites or apps you access.Besides, set a timer to help you limit the time you spend online.One way is to set up a 1-2 hour time block, which may dramatically reduce the total time online.
Find activities to postpone Internet use.Tell yourself you can check the Internet in 15 minutes,and keep postponing Internet use for as long as you can stand. 38.  For example, you can tidy your desk, complete your homework, or wash the dishes.
Stay away from your smart phone during social activities.If your device is within your reach, you may find yourself always checking it during social activities. 39.  And set your phone in the silent mode.
Replace Internet use with a healthy activity.Exercising, reading a book,writing, studying, and doing crossword puzzles are all better choices.Identify a few activities that you enjoy and pick one to do. 40. 
A.Shut off the device.
B.Track and limit Internet use.
C.So place it somewhere out of sight.
D.When you postpone it, reach out to friends.
E.It may be a good solution to control your time online.
F.It can be just as damaging as any other form of addiction.
G.While waiting, involve yourself in something away from a screen.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Kids are often stressed and scared when they break a bone, but Luis Ruiz makes getting a cast(打石膏) fun at Children's Hospital Los Angeles.The doctor customizes(定制) casts of young 41.  with drawings of their favorite cartoon characters, sports teams, and more.
About ten years ago, a little boy asked Ruiz to 42.  a happy face on his cast.He told the 43. , “You know what, I'm really not good at drawing.I'd rather not.I might 44.  it up.” The boy 45.  to insist on a smiley face, so Ruiz agreed 46. .The little boy was 47.  with the results.
“It lit him up!” Ruiz remembers.That moment of joy 48.  Ruiz to offer cast drawings to all the kids who came into the hospital with 49.  bones.“I was not very good,” Ruiz says.“But as time 50. , little by little, I got better and better, to a 51.  where now I can almost do anything they ask for.”
Since that first 52.  face, Ruiz has painted thousands of casts, and the best 53. , he says, is “bringing those smiles”.
“The kids just 54.  me joy,” Ruiz adds.“I'm kind of a fun guy and a little kid myself inside, and I like having fun and making 55.  smile, and they make me smile.”
41.A.patients      B.ladies
C.adults D.partners
42.A.revise B.draw
C.make D.cancel
43.A.nurse B.reporter
C.boy D.doctor
44.A.set B.mix
C.clean D.mess
45.A.preferred B.attempted
C.continued D.recommended
46.A.confidently B.personally
C.finally D.curiously
47.A.pleased B.prepared
C.disappointed D.tired
48.A.advised B.inspired
C.enabled D.allowed
49.A.broken B.strong
C.extra D.bad
50.A.came along B.got on
C.let off D.went by
51.A.sight B.distance
C.base D.point
52.A.ugly B.smiley
C.lonely D.smelly
53.A.view B.fact
C.part D.comment
54.A.wish B.bring
C.lend D.mail
55.A.kids B.hosts
C.parents D.myself
Every year at the end of June,millions of college students in China face the same life event— 56.   (graduate).According to statistics from the Ministry of Education,about 8.2 million university students have graduated this year, 57.    sets a new record from the past ten years.Before they leave school,they will take photos to say goodbye 58.    their friends and teachers,as well as to remember their old days in school.In the playground, in front of the library or just in a classroom,graduates can 59.    (see) everywhere around universities 60.   (wear) their academic gowns (学术袍).They are posing for their last 61.   (photo) with their universities.
62.   (creation) graduation photos have become increasingly popular among students in recent years. 63.   (meet) this new trend,photo studios and individual photographers also offer lots of services. 64.   (compare) with monotonous (单调的) graduation photos,many students prefer to take special photos.Because it makes 65.    graduation more special.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
I was a single mom, living with my eight-year-old girl Amanda. Luckily, we had many people around us who helped us to get by. But I felt that I wasn't doing enough to give my girl enough time. Life for me lacked magic and excitement.
But one Friday night was special. Amanda and I arrived at one of her favorite restaurants. We were seated next to a large group at a long table, who were clearly celebrating something. They were three generations of a family. I looked over at them, longing for that same family atmosphere. As their celebration continued, I caught the white-haired family patriarch watching me. He would look over and stare at me but then quickly look away.
Amanda talked happily throughout the meal, enjoying her chicken and telling the details of her spelling test that day. My heart nearly burst as I saw her happiness.
However, the man at the next table kept watching us. What was he looking at My handbag whose color had faded Or was it my ringless finger that told the general public I was unmarried Whatever he was looking at, it was annoying and started to make me nervous.
“Can I have dessert?” asked Amanda, not knowing what was happening around. “Next time. I am watching our money and there will be no dessert this time,” I said. As the words came out of my mouth, the man was staring again. What did he want
Paragraph 1:
Amanda went to the restroom, and I watched the man very carefully.
Paragraph 2:
The server came to tell us our meal had been paid for.