人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit1Festivals and CelebrationsSectionⅠ Reading and Thinking夯基提能作业(原卷版+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit1Festivals and CelebrationsSectionⅠ Reading and Thinking夯基提能作业(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-11-08 20:21:56


UNIT 1  Section Ⅰ
1.All the photos have reflected (反映) the changes of our city over the past 40 years.
2.His supporters gathered (聚集) in the main square to support him at the time.
3.One of the island's chief features (特色) was its peaceful environment.
4.The passers-by were very grateful (感激的) to us for directing them when they lost their way.
5.Tom likes sports so much that he decorates (装饰) his room with some photos of sports stars.
6.Everything was placed where she wanted it for the opening ceremony (典礼).
7.She showed a touching faith (信任) in my ability to resolve any difficulty.
8.A meal in China often consists of main food— typically (典型地) rice or noodles.
9.Choose the right clothes for different occasions .What you like is not going to be suitable for you.
10.I'd like to introduce to you one of the greatest figures in Chinese history—Confucius.
1. However/No matter how faraway you are, you are always in our inner thoughts.
2.I sat in the studio for a few minutes with my eyes fixed on the ceiling .
3.Our aim is to make it easier for them to do that without sacrificing their lifestyle.
4. Although/Though we cannot erase the past, from now on we can go beyond it.
5. It is typical of Americans to hop from job to job and they are fond of trying various kinds of jobs.
6.I had hoped to send Peter a gift to congratulate him on his marriage , but I couldn't manage it because of my lack of money.
7.Compared with her achievements, her shortcomings are, after all only secondary.
8.In the regular world, Halloween is when children dress up in costumes.
9. To enjoy the convenience of digital payment, many senior citizens started to use smart phones.
10. The flowers smelling sweet in the garden attract the visitors to enjoy the beauty of nature.
The smell of roasting meat begins to make your mouth water.A pleasant voice shouts,“Good morrow!”
What is going on Have you traveled back in time?In a way, yes.You have found yourself in the midst of a Renaissance fair(文艺复兴节)! Since the 1960s, Renaissance fairs have grown in popularity in the US and munities in at least 44 states and two Canadian provinces now hold annual Renaissance fairs.Over 200 fairs are held every year, with 40 in California alone.The first Renaissance fair was started in the 1960s by a school teacher in Southern California named Phyllis Patterson.She wanted to give her students a real-life history experience, so she created the “Renaissance Fair”in her backyard.The rest, as they say, is history.
Since Renaissance fairs are“living history”, you might think they are designed to be mainly educational.It's true that some people try to make the fairs as genuine as possible.However, for many others, the key word is entertainment.With all the musicians and magicians walking about, you will definitely be entertained.A renaissance fair will be a feast for your eyes and your ears, not to mention your stomach.
You can enjoy sampling the food and drink while watching parades and live animal displays.Browse through the booths (摊位) and admire the artwork and handcrafts.You are sure to be both educated and entertained.If you're wondering how to dress to attend a Renaissance fair, that's up to you.Some people go all out and dress up in costumes.Others just go in their normal, everyday clothes.However you dress, you're sure to be overwhelmed by the sights and sounds and smells of a Renaissance fair.And if you have ever wanted to travel back in time, here's your chance.
1.Why did Phyllis start Renaissance fair? C
A.To help her students become the master of history.
B.To allow her students to pay in her backyard.
C.To make her students experience history.
D.To give her students an experience of life.
解析: 细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句“She wanted to give her students a real-life history experience, so she created the‘Renaissance Fair’ in her backyard.”可知,她创立文艺复兴节的目的是想给学生们一个真实的历史体验。故选C。
2.As well as educating, Renaissance fairs are intended for B .
A.communication B.fun
C.business D.adventure
解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Since Renaissance fairs are‘living history’ ...the key word is entertainment.(由于文艺复兴节是‘活生生的历史’,你可能会认为它们主要是为了教育而设计的。的确,有些人试图让节日活动尽可能真实。然而,对于其他许多人来说,关键词是娱乐。)”可知,文艺复兴节设计的目的除了教育以外,还有一个就是娱乐。故选B。
3.The last paragraph suggests that A .
A.you are free to dress for the fairs
B.you are taught to make art work
C.you have to look after live animals
D.you can enjoy food free of charge
解析: 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“If you're wondering how to dress ...Others just go in their normal, everyday clothes.(如果你想知道如何穿衣服去参加文艺复兴节,这就看你的了。有些人全力以赴,盛装打扮。其他人只是穿着他们的日常服装。)”可推知,你可以随意穿衣服去参加文艺复兴节。故选A。
4.The main idea of the passage is that D .
A.Americans and Canadians like fairs more
B.attending Renaissance fairs is to be educated
C.California is where modern fairs were born
D.Renaissance fairs are more popular than ever
解析: 主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其根据最后一段中的“However you dress, you're sure to be overwhelmed by the sights and sounds and smells of a Renaissance fair.(不管你穿什么,你肯定会被欧洲文艺复兴节的景象、声音和气味所淹没。)”可知,文章主要介绍了文艺复兴节比以往任何时候都更受欢迎。故选D。
The Chongyang Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese lunar calendar and people usually celebrate it by going mountain climbing. 1.C  However, they are an important part of Chinese culture and we must protect and maintain them.
Traditional festivals teach us a lot about our nation's history.The Dragon Boat Festival, for example, is celebrated in honor of QuYuan, a great poet living in the Warring States period of ancient China. 2.E  Promoting traditional festivals helps spread knowledge about national history.
3.D  Many festivals, such as the Mid-Autumn festival, have a caring, family-centered message at their heart.The full moon on the festival is considered to stand for family togetherness and family members will come back home even if they live very far away.With the celebrations of these festivals, younger generations learn to honor fine Chinese values.
Finally, traditional festivals are a source of national pride and help shape our national identity.For example, we celebrate the Hanshi festival and the Laba Festival with unique customs, and these shared experiences bring us together as a people. 4.F 
Traditional festivals have been passed down to us from previous generations. 5.B 
A.Some will get together, appreciating the full moon.
B.It is our responsibility to protect them for the coming generations.
C.Unfortunately, many traditional festivals are becoming less and less popular in modern society.
D.Traditional festivals also enable us to learn more about fine Chinese values.
E.By celebrating it with rice dumplings and dragon boat races, the story of Qu Yuan is passed down from generation to generation.
F.Traditional festivals tell us who we are and fill us with pride in being Chinese.
G.Memorizing national history helps with our allaround development.
1. 根据后文“However, they are an important part of Chinese culture and we must protect and maintain them.(然而,它们是中国文化的重要组成部分,我们必须保护和维护它们。)”中“However”可知,前后文之间是转折关系,C项(不幸的是,许多传统节日在现代社会变得越来越不受欢迎。)符合题意,故选C。
2. 根据前文“The Dragon Boat Festival, for example, is celebrated in honor of QuYuan”可知,本段是用端午节纪念屈原为例来说明推广传统节日有助于传播历史知识。E项(通过粽子和赛龙舟的方式来庆祝,屈原的故事就这样一代一代地传下去了。)符合题意,故选E。
3. 根据后文“With the celebrations of these festivals, younger generations learn to honor fine Chinese values.(在这些节日的庆祝活动中,年轻一代学会尊重优秀的中国价值观。)”可知,通过传统节日可以学习中国价值观。D项(传统节日也让我们更多地了解中国优秀的价值观。)概括了本段主旨,故选D。
4. 根据前文“Finally, traditional festivals are a source of national pride and help shape our national identity.”可知,传统节日是民族自豪感的来源,有助于塑造我们的民族身份。F项(传统节日告诉我们是谁,让我们为自己是中国人而感到自豪。)与前文呼应,故选F。
5. 根据前文“Traditional festivals have been passed down to us from previous generations.(传统节日是我们祖祖辈辈传下来的。)”可知,本段是再次呼吁我们保护传统节日。B项(为后代保护它们是我们的责任。)符合题意,故选B。
There are several qualities of literature.One of them is its description of 1.truth (true) and beauty.Some truth and beauty remain unnoticed 2.until  a sensitive human soul brings them to our attention.A hundred men may pass a field and 3.see (see) only dead grass;but a poet stops, looks deeper, sees truth and beauty, and writes.“Yesterday's flowers am I.”One 4.reading (read) it is capable of seeing the beauty that 5.was hidden (hide) from his eyes before.Another quality is its appeal to our feelings and imagination.Its attraction lies 6.more (much)in what it awakens in us than what it says.When Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus asks in 7.the  presence of Helen,“Was this the face that launched a thousand ships?”he opens a door through 8.which  our imagination enters a new world, a world of love, beauty and 9.heroism (hero).In general, literature is the written record of man's 10.thoughts (think) and feelings, and the history of the human soul.
1. 考查词性转换。句意:其中之一就是它对真和美的描述。此处与后面的beauty并列用抽象名词作宾语,故填truth。
2. 考查连词。此处应用从属连词until表示“直到”,故填until。
3. 考查并列结构。句意:一百个人经过一片田野,看到的只是枯草;但诗人会停下来,看得更深,看到真理与美,然后写道“昨日花如我”。情态动词may后接动词原形与pass并列,故填see。
4. 考查非谓语动词。句意:读过这首诗的人能够看到以前从他眼中看不到的美。One与read之间为主动关系,应用现在分词作后置定语,故填reading。
5. 考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。设空处作从句谓语,从句中主语that指代先行词the beauty,与hide之间是被动关系;且根据时间状语before可知,应用一般过去时;从句主语为单数,故填was hidden。
6. 考查副词的比较级。句意:它的吸引力更多地在于它唤醒了我们什么,而不是它说了什么。比较级的标志词than表明此处应用副词比较级,故填more。
7. 考查冠词。句意:当克里斯托弗·马洛的医生浮士德当着海伦的面问道:“这就是那张让一千艘船下水的脸吗?”他打开了一扇门,让我们的想象力进入一个新的世界,一个充满爱、美和英雄主义的世界。in the presence of “在……面前”,故填the。
8. 考查定语从句的引导词。设空处引导定语从句,关系词指代先行词door并在从句中作介词through的宾语,应用关系代词which,故填which。
10.考查名词。句意:总的来说,文学是人类思想感情的书面记录,是人类灵魂的历史。此处缺少名词作宾语,且与feelings并列,表示“思想”,应用复数,故填thoughts。UNIT 1  Section Ⅰ
1.All the photos have   (反映) the changes of our city over the past 40 years.
2.His supporters   (聚集) in the main square to support him at the time.
3.One of the island's chief   (特色) was its peaceful environment.
4.The passers-by were very   (感激的) to us for directing them when they lost their way.
5.Tom likes sports so much that he   (装饰) his room with some photos of sports stars.
6.Everything was placed where she wanted it for the opening   (典礼).
7.She showed a touching   (信任) in my ability to resolve any difficulty.
8.A meal in China often consists of main food—   (典型地) rice or noodles.
9.Choose the right clothes for different   .What you like is not going to be suitable for you.
10.I'd like to introduce to you one of the greatest   in Chinese history—Confucius.
1.   faraway you are, you are always in our inner thoughts.
2.I sat in the studio for a few minutes   .
3.Our aim is to   without sacrificing their lifestyle.
4.   we cannot erase the past, from now on we can go beyond it.
5.   to hop from job to job and they are fond of trying various kinds of jobs.
6.I had hoped to send Peter a gift to   , but I couldn't manage it because of my lack of money.
7.Compared with her achievements, her shortcomings are,   only secondary.
8.In the regular world, Halloween is when children   in costumes.
9.   of digital payment, many senior citizens started to use smart phones.
10.   in the garden attract the visitors to enjoy the beauty of nature.
The smell of roasting meat begins to make your mouth water.A pleasant voice shouts,“Good morrow!”
What is going on Have you traveled back in time?In a way, yes.You have found yourself in the midst of a Renaissance fair(文艺复兴节)! Since the 1960s, Renaissance fairs have grown in popularity in the US and munities in at least 44 states and two Canadian provinces now hold annual Renaissance fairs.Over 200 fairs are held every year, with 40 in California alone.The first Renaissance fair was started in the 1960s by a school teacher in Southern California named Phyllis Patterson.She wanted to give her students a real-life history experience, so she created the “Renaissance Fair”in her backyard.The rest, as they say, is history.
Since Renaissance fairs are“living history”, you might think they are designed to be mainly educational.It's true that some people try to make the fairs as genuine as possible.However, for many others, the key word is entertainment.With all the musicians and magicians walking about, you will definitely be entertained.A renaissance fair will be a feast for your eyes and your ears, not to mention your stomach.
You can enjoy sampling the food and drink while watching parades and live animal displays.Browse through the booths (摊位) and admire the artwork and handcrafts.You are sure to be both educated and entertained.If you're wondering how to dress to attend a Renaissance fair, that's up to you.Some people go all out and dress up in costumes.Others just go in their normal, everyday clothes.However you dress, you're sure to be overwhelmed by the sights and sounds and smells of a Renaissance fair.And if you have ever wanted to travel back in time, here's your chance.
1.Why did Phyllis start Renaissance fair?
A.To help her students become the master of history.
B.To allow her students to pay in her backyard.
C.To make her students experience history.
D.To give her students an experience of life.
2.As well as educating, Renaissance fairs are intended for .
A.communication B.fun
C.business D.adventure
3.The last paragraph suggests that .
A.you are free to dress for the fairs
B.you are taught to make art work
C.you have to look after live animals
D.you can enjoy food free of charge
4.The main idea of the passage is that .
A.Americans and Canadians like fairs more
B.attending Renaissance fairs is to be educated
C.California is where modern fairs were born
D.Renaissance fairs are more popular than ever
The Chongyang Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese lunar calendar and people usually celebrate it by going mountain climbing. 1.  However, they are an important part of Chinese culture and we must protect and maintain them.
Traditional festivals teach us a lot about our nation's history.The Dragon Boat Festival, for example, is celebrated in honor of QuYuan, a great poet living in the Warring States period of ancient China. 2.  Promoting traditional festivals helps spread knowledge about national history.
3.  Many festivals, such as the Mid-Autumn festival, have a caring, family-centered message at their heart.The full moon on the festival is considered to stand for family togetherness and family members will come back home even if they live very far away.With the celebrations of these festivals, younger generations learn to honor fine Chinese values.
Finally, traditional festivals are a source of national pride and help shape our national identity.For example, we celebrate the Hanshi festival and the Laba Festival with unique customs, and these shared experiences bring us together as a people. 4. 
Traditional festivals have been passed down to us from previous generations. 5. 
A.Some will get together, appreciating the full moon.
B.It is our responsibility to protect them for the coming generations.
C.Unfortunately, many traditional festivals are becoming less and less popular in modern society.
D.Traditional festivals also enable us to learn more about fine Chinese values.
E.By celebrating it with rice dumplings and dragon boat races, the story of Qu Yuan is passed down from generation to generation.
F.Traditional festivals tell us who we are and fill us with pride in being Chinese.
G.Memorizing national history helps with our allaround development.
There are several qualities of literature.One of them is its description of 1.   (true) and beauty.Some truth and beauty remain unnoticed 2.    a sensitive human soul brings them to our attention.A hundred men may pass a field and 3.   (see) only dead grass;but a poet stops, looks deeper, sees truth and beauty, and writes.“Yesterday's flowers am I.”One 4.   (read) it is capable of seeing the beauty that 5.   (hide) from his eyes before.Another quality is its appeal to our feelings and imagination.Its attraction lies 6.   (much)in what it awakens in us than what it says.When Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus asks in 7.    presence of Helen,“Was this the face that launched a thousand ships?”he opens a door through 8.    our imagination enters a new world, a world of love, beauty and 9.   (hero).In general, literature is the written record of man's 10.   (think) and feelings, and the history of the human soul.