人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit2 Morals and Virtues SectionⅡ Discovering Useful Structures夯基提能作业(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit2 Morals and Virtues SectionⅡ Discovering Useful Structures夯基提能作业(含答案)
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文件大小 98.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-11-08 20:11:45


UNIT 2  Section Ⅱ
1.When I was on my way to school this morning, I saw two women arguing (argue).
2.My parents don't allow us to watch (watch) violent TV programmes.
3.With the temperature rising (rise), the leaves and grass began to appear.
4.When the little girl found so many people surrounding (surround) her, she felt very nervous.
5.Don't have the lights burning (burn) all night.It will waste too much electricity.
6. Seen (see) from the tower, the city looks very beautiful.
7. Working (work) harder at English, you'll make greater progress.
8. To finish (finish) the work ahead of time, we have to work hard.
9. Having selected (select) the proper present, they sent it to their respectable professor.
10. Leaving (leave) some questions unanswered, my friend said goodbye to me.
1. With time going on , I have learned many practical skills.
2. Being a League member , he is always helping others.
3.I can't have you speaking aloud in the classroom like this.
4. Living far away from school , they come to school early in the morning every day.
5.The boy left the water running after he washed his hands.
6.The students went out of the classroom, talking in a low voice .
7. Having studied English for about ten years , I have a good command of English.
8.She came into the house, carrying a lot of books .
Dave Merry and his tools have been through a lot together.The tools helped Dave, now 80, repair his home in St Paul, Minnesota, where he and his wife, Annette Merry, lived for 46 years and raised three children.The table saw, the jointer plane, the drill press, and the dozens of other power and hand tools had pride of place in his carefully organized workshop.“I had a whole setup, and it was beautiful,”says Dave, a retired engineer.
But then Annette experienced a stroke (中风) that left her relying on a walker to get around, and the Merrys decided to move into assisted living.Dave's workshop was obviously a minor consideration given Annette's condition, but the family knew that giving it up, on top of everything else, would hurt.
It was the Merrys' daughter who came up with a possible solution.She'd heard about some people who were setting up a tool library—a nonprofit facility that would lend out tools just as a regular library lends books.Might Dad be interested in donating his
“I said yes,”Dave says.
The people creating the St.Paul Tool Library were thrilled.They had expected it would take a year to collect enough tools to make their facility fully functional.Instead it took one day:the day Dave donated his.
The library's founders drove over to the Merrys' house and picked everything up themselves.The library is housed in the basement of the American Can Factory.Members pay an annual fee(from $20 to $120)for unlimited tool use and a varying number of visits to the workshop.And they get an extra benefit:Dave Merry.“Almost every time we're open, Dave's here,” says one of the founders, Peter Hoh.“It means a lot to me to be able to go and use my tools,”Dave says.“But it means just as much to help DIYers use the tools properly.”
As Hoh puts it,“This is his workshop now.”
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章记述Dave Merry(戴夫·梅里)年迈之时无偿捐出DIY工具,使其循环使用让更多人受益的温馨故事。
1.What do we know about Dave Merry? B
A.He had few DIY tools.
B.He kept his tools well.
C.He owned a tool library.
D.He used a walking stick after stroke.
解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“The table saw ...carefully organized workshop.(台锯、木工刨床、钻床,以及其他几十种动力和手工工具,在他精心管理的车间里都占有重要地位。)”可知,Dave把工具保存得很好。故选B。
2.How did the daughter help her parents? B
A.She took over Dad's workshop.
B.She offered Dad useful information.
C.She moved them into assisted living.
D.She sold Dad's tools to a tool library.
解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“It was the Merrys' daughter ...as a regular library lends books.(是梅里家的女儿想出了一个可能的解决办法。她听说有些人正在建立一个工具库——一个像普通图书馆出借图书一样出借工具的非盈利机构。)”可知,女儿给爸爸提供了有用的信息。故选B。
3.What is available to the visitors to the St Paul Tool Library? C
A.Free use of the tools.
B.A visit to the Merrys' house.
C.Dave's instructions for using the tools.
D.Hoh's share of the profit from the library.
解析: 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“‘Almost every time we're open ...to help DIYers use the tools properly.’”可知,营业的时候,Dave都会指导DIY者如何正确使用工具。故选C。
4.What can be a suitable title for the text? D
A.Art of living
B.Setting up a library
C.A family-run library
D.Recycling through donating
解析: 标题判断题。根据全文内容可知,文章主要讲述了Dave Merry年迈之时,将其作坊中的各种工具无偿捐助给St.Paul Tool Library(圣保罗工具库),使其循环使用让更多人受益的故事。故选D。
Two years ago, my friend and I were at college.With his birthday approaching, he came to me with an unusual 1.B  instead of receiving presents, he wanted to do some acts of kindness.
I was 2.A  with such an idea. 3.C  instead of taking for the birthday was really different.I asked him how he could come up with such a 4.B  idea.He told me about a TED talk he had watched on generosity, which had 5.C  him.So we started to 6.A  creative things we could do.
Our university employed some security guards to protect its students.They have to work 7.B , keeping watch on every corner throughout the university.For the most part it's a thankless job as most people grow 8.D  to seeing the guards all around and eventually 9.A  notice their presence, let alone acknowledging their efforts.How could we show them our appreciation
We decided to make a large pot of hot chocolate.We hired a car and asked the driver to take us around the campus where we knew the guards would be and we poured them each a cup of hot chocolate.The driver was 10.B  a bit doubtful about the entire plan but after a while he was helping us 11.C  the guards and our lively spirit had 12.A  to him as well.We met with many 13.D  and appreciative words.It was amazing to see how a small act or even an intention of generosity can lift everyone's spirit.
I now realize that special energy is created when you choose to think bigger than yourself and act in 14.D  of others.You'll find it's actually the greatest 15.C  you've never got, especially when it's your birthday.
1.A.order B.request
C.problem D.story
解析: 此处指朋友请求作者和他一起做一些好事。故选B。
2.A.struck B.blessed
C.burdened D.bored
解析: 根据上文“instead of receiving presents, he wanted to do some acts of kindness”可知,作者被朋友的想法打动。故选A。
3.A.Refusing B.Earning
C.Giving D.Donating
解析: 根据下文“instead of taking”可知,作者的朋友想在生日时给予别人东西,而不是收礼物。故选C。
4.A.complex B.novel
C.familiar D.traditional
解析: 此处指作者认为朋友想在生日时做好事的想法是新颖的。故选B。
5.A.controlled B.supported
C.inspired D.rewarded
解析: 根据上文“He told me about a TED talk he had watched on generosity”可知,此处指作者的朋友受到TED演讲的启发。故选C。
6.A.plan out B.take over
C.watch for D.hold back
解析: 句意:所以我开始精心安排我们能做的创造性的东西。plan out “精心安排;筹划”。故选A。
7.A.step by step B.around the clock
C.more or less D.now and then
解析: 根据下文“keeping watch on every corner throughout the university”可知,保安为了保护学生,必须夜以继日地工作,巡视大学的每个角落。around the clock “夜以继日地”。故选B。
8.A.addicted B.devoted
C.attached D.accustomed
解析: 此处指大多数人都习惯了随处可见的安保人员,grow accustomed to“习惯于,习以为常”。故选D。
9.A.barely B.just
C.always D.generally
解析: 根据上文“For the most part it's a thankless job”可知,此处指人们几乎注意不到安保人员的存在。故选A。
10.A.finally B.initially
C.occasionally D.frequently
解析: 根据下文“but after a while he was helping us 11  the guards”可知,此处指最初司机对整个计划有点怀疑。故选B。
11.A.remind B.track
C.spot D.recognize
解析: 此处指司机也帮着作者他们在校园的角落里寻找安保人员,spot“发现”。故选C。
12.A.spread B.moved
C.happened D.returned
解析: 此处指作者和朋友的精神也感染了司机,spread “传播”,引申为“感染”。故选A。
13.A.friends B.difficulties
C.greetings D.smiles
解析: 此处指收到巧克力热饮的安保人员都用微笑表示对作者他们的感谢。故选D。
14.A.memory B.place
C.charge D.service
解析: 作者和朋友为安保人员提供热饮是为他们服务。故选D。
15.A.lesson B.attention
C.gift D.care
解析: 此处呼应第一段中的“present”,表示服务他人才是最好的礼物。故选C。
Smoking has not been allowed in public places in England since July 2007.This was a successful decision that 1.has been made (make) by the government in years.It was popular with most people.Thousands of people were involved in a survey carried out last month,and 78% of 2.them  (they) said they would still support the smoking ban.
It is now much more pleasant 3.to go  (go) into a pub or a restaurant.Before that,pubs were filled with smoke, 4.which  made you cough and your hair and clothes smelly.However, 5.recently  (recent),a study shows that 16% of the bar and pub 6.owners  (owner) are upset to notice a drop in business,because smokers prefer killing time at home and seldom go out for a drink.
In public places,the harm of smoking is 7.greater  (great).Smoking also pollutes environment.No smoking in public places is good for people's health.400,000 people in England have given up 8.smoking  (smoke) slowly and the number of people with heart problems has fallen by more than 2%.It also has a good influence 9.on non-smokers.For example, 10.the  number of children with asthma (哮喘) has dropped by around 20%.
1.考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子可知此处是定语从句谓语动词,由in years判断为现在完成时,主语that指代先行词decision,是第三人称单数,且和make之间是被动关系,应用现在完成时的被动语态。故填has been made。
2. 考查代词。此处应用they的宾格作为介词of的宾语。故填them。
3. 考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,此处是固定句型it is +adj.+ to do sth.“做某事是……”,其中it是形式主语,不定式是真正的主语。故填to go。
4. 考查定语从句。分析句子可知,此处是非限制性定语从句,关系词代替先行词smoke在从句中充当主语,应用关系代词which。故填which。
5. 考查副词。分析句子可知,此处应用副词修饰后面的句子。故填recently。
6. 考查名词的数。owner“主人,所有者”是可数名词,根据are判断此处应用复数名词。故填owners。
7. 考查形容词的比较级。句意:在公共场所抽烟的危害更大。根据句意和句子结构可知,此处应用形容词比较级作表语。故填greater。
8.考查非谓语动词。根据短语give up doing sth.“放弃做某事”可知,此处应用动名词作宾语。故填smoking。
9. 考查介词。根据短语have an influence on“对……有影响”可知,此处应填介词on。故填on。
10. 考查冠词。分析句子可知,此处考查短语the number of “……的数量”。故填the。UNIT 2  Section Ⅱ
1.When I was on my way to school this morning, I saw two women   (argue).
2.My parents don't allow us   (watch) violent TV programmes.
3.With the temperature   (rise), the leaves and grass began to appear.
4.When the little girl found so many people   (surround) her, she felt very nervous.
5.Don't have the lights   (burn) all night.It will waste too much electricity.
6.   (see) from the tower, the city looks very beautiful.
7.   (work) harder at English, you'll make greater progress.
8.   (finish) the work ahead of time, we have to work hard.
9.   (select) the proper present, they sent it to their respectable professor.
10.   (leave) some questions unanswered, my friend said goodbye to me.
1.   , I have learned many practical skills.
2.   , he is always helping others.
3.I can't   in the classroom like this.
4.   , they come to school early in the morning every day.
5.The boy   after he washed his hands.
6.The students went out of the classroom,   .
7.   , I have a good command of English.
8.She came into the house,   .
Dave Merry and his tools have been through a lot together.The tools helped Dave, now 80, repair his home in St Paul, Minnesota, where he and his wife, Annette Merry, lived for 46 years and raised three children.The table saw, the jointer plane, the drill press, and the dozens of other power and hand tools had pride of place in his carefully organized workshop.“I had a whole setup, and it was beautiful,”says Dave, a retired engineer.
But then Annette experienced a stroke (中风) that left her relying on a walker to get around, and the Merrys decided to move into assisted living.Dave's workshop was obviously a minor consideration given Annette's condition, but the family knew that giving it up, on top of everything else, would hurt.
It was the Merrys' daughter who came up with a possible solution.She'd heard about some people who were setting up a tool library—a nonprofit facility that would lend out tools just as a regular library lends books.Might Dad be interested in donating his
“I said yes,”Dave says.
The people creating the St.Paul Tool Library were thrilled.They had expected it would take a year to collect enough tools to make their facility fully functional.Instead it took one day:the day Dave donated his.
The library's founders drove over to the Merrys' house and picked everything up themselves.The library is housed in the basement of the American Can Factory.Members pay an annual fee(from $20 to $120)for unlimited tool use and a varying number of visits to the workshop.And they get an extra benefit:Dave Merry.“Almost every time we're open, Dave's here,” says one of the founders, Peter Hoh.“It means a lot to me to be able to go and use my tools,”Dave says.“But it means just as much to help DIYers use the tools properly.”
As Hoh puts it,“This is his workshop now.”
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章记述Dave Merry(戴夫·梅里)年迈之时无偿捐出DIY工具,使其循环使用让更多人受益的温馨故事。
1.What do we know about Dave Merry?
A.He had few DIY tools.
B.He kept his tools well.
C.He owned a tool library.
D.He used a walking stick after stroke.
2.How did the daughter help her parents?
A.She took over Dad's workshop.
B.She offered Dad useful information.
C.She moved them into assisted living.
D.She sold Dad's tools to a tool library.
3.What is available to the visitors to the St Paul Tool Library?
A.Free use of the tools.
B.A visit to the Merrys' house.
C.Dave's instructions for using the tools.
D.Hoh's share of the profit from the library.
4.What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Art of living
B.Setting up a library
C.A family-run library
D.Recycling through donating
Two years ago, my friend and I were at college.With his birthday approaching, he came to me with an unusual 1.  instead of receiving presents, he wanted to do some acts of kindness.
I was 2.  with such an idea. 3.  instead of taking for the birthday was really different.I asked him how he could come up with such a 4.  idea.He told me about a TED talk he had watched on generosity, which had 5.  him.So we started to 6.  creative things we could do.
Our university employed some security guards to protect its students.They have to work 7. , keeping watch on every corner throughout the university.For the most part it's a thankless job as most people grow 8.  to seeing the guards all around and eventually 9.  notice their presence, let alone acknowledging their efforts.How could we show them our appreciation
We decided to make a large pot of hot chocolate.We hired a car and asked the driver to take us around the campus where we knew the guards would be and we poured them each a cup of hot chocolate.The driver was 10.  a bit doubtful about the entire plan but after a while he was helping us 11.  the guards and our lively spirit had 12.  to him as well.We met with many 13.  and appreciative words.It was amazing to see how a small act or even an intention of generosity can lift everyone's spirit.
I now realize that special energy is created when you choose to think bigger than yourself and act in 14.  of others.You'll find it's actually the greatest 15.  you've never got, especially when it's your birthday.
1.A.order B.request
C.problem D.story
2.A.struck B.blessed
C.burdened D.bored
3.A.Refusing B.Earning
C.Giving D.Donating
4.A.complex B.novel
C.familiar D.traditional
5.A.controlled B.supported
C.inspired D.rewarded
6.A.plan out B.take over
C.watch for D.hold back
7.A.step by step B.around the clock
C.more or less D.now and then
8.A.addicted B.devoted
C.attached D.accustomed
9.A.barely B.just
C.always D.generally
10.A.finally B.initially
C.occasionally D.frequently
11.A.remind B.track
C.spot D.recognize
12.A.spread B.moved
C.happened D.returned
13.A.friends B.difficulties
C.greetings D.smiles
14.A.memory B.place
C.charge D.service
15.A.lesson B.attention
C.gift D.care
Smoking has not been allowed in public places in England since July 2007.This was a successful decision that 1.   (make) by the government in years.It was popular with most people.Thousands of people were involved in a survey carried out last month,and 78% of 2.   (they) said they would still support the smoking ban.
It is now much more pleasant 3.    (go) into a pub or a restaurant.Before that,pubs were filled with smoke, 4.    made you cough and your hair and clothes smelly.However, 5.    (recent),a study shows that 16% of the bar and pub 6.   (owner) are upset to notice a drop in business,because smokers prefer killing time at home and seldom go out for a drink.
In public places,the harm of smoking is 7.    (great).Smoking also pollutes environment.No smoking in public places is good for people's health.400,000 people in England have given up 8.    (smoke) slowly and the number of people with heart problems has fallen by more than 2%.It also has a good influence 9.   non-smokers.For example, 10.    number of children with asthma (哮喘) has dropped by around 20%.