人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit2 Morals and Virtues SectionⅠ Reading and Thinking夯基提能作业(原卷版+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit2 Morals and Virtues SectionⅠ Reading and Thinking夯基提能作业(原卷版+解析版)
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文件大小 97.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-11-08 20:37:28


UNIT 2  Section Ⅰ
1.Charles declared the result of the e lection .
2.She won a s cholarship to go to university.
3.There has been very little r esponse to our call for help.
4.The news of their m arriage was not made public until three months later.
5.The m ajority of his books are kept upstairs.
6.Don't let the noise scare (使惊恐) you; it's only the wind.
7.Can anything replace (取代)a mother's love and care
8.She often complains (抱怨) that he is dishonest.
9.We hired (雇用) a driver to take us on a tour of the city yesterday.
10.He was afraid she would reject (拒绝) him because he was a foreigner.
1.Nowhere will you find better roses than these.(“否定词+比级较”结构)
2.The boy was last seen playing on the bank of the river with some children.(see sb.doing sth.)
3. Not knowing his address ,I can't send this book to him.(动词-ing形式作状语)
4.He is always the first one to get to the classroom every day.(不定式作定语)
5.I would rather sleep than watch this movie.(would rather)
6.People can enjoy the full moon while eating mooncakes , which are the special food for this festival.
7.I wonder how the students respond to this kind of advertisement.
我想知道学生们对这类广告有什么反应。 (respond)
8.She was very scared of being rejected by her colleagues.
她非常害怕被她的同事们拒绝。 (scare)
9.He's also been appointed as Hangzhou's tourism ambassador for two years.
10.An employee complained to us about working too much overtime this month.
一位员工向我们抱怨这个月加班太多了。 (complain)
La Serna High School teacher and football coach Ken LaVigne has spent more than 30 years instructing students, touching the hearts of hundreds of educators with his compassion (同情心) and patience.
LaVigne has documented his experiences in Coach the Soul, an inspirational book that tells heartbreaking stories of the struggle and success of students on the program he created, Organized Academic Support in School (OASIS).
Launched in 2007, OASIS pairs students who are in danger of dropping out of high school with high-achieving peer (同龄人) instructors who provide daily motivation and emotional and academic (学业上的) support, helping them regain their joy of learning.
“When I started in the OASIS program, I had a 1.3 GPA(Grade Point Average)and I really didn't understand why I came to school,”Jastin Cheadle said.“Mr LaVigne explained why school is so important and showed us that if we want all these things in life we need to work for them.”Cheadle now has a 3.5 GPA and is an OASIS instructor.He plans to study marketing or business in college.
“When students come into the program, they are not in a good place,”said Jocelyn Jasso, who joined OASIS with a 1.55 GPA last year and had no plans to go to college.“Five to six months later, they are doing so much better because of Mr LaVigne and our instructors, who always push us to do better.”Jasso has a 2.83 GPA and plans to pursue a career in the medical field in the future.
LaVigne is able to connect with these students because he admittedly was also not the most motivated student in school himself.“Working with at-risk students reminds me of my own youth and the times that I came so close to going down the wrong path,”LaVigne said.“What saved me were the teachers who gave me an identity and a reason to try.I am who I am today because of them.”
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了高中教师兼足球教练Ken LaVigne(肯·拉维尼)花了30多年的时间指导面临高中辍学的学生,帮助他们重获学习的乐趣,并在他创建的OASIS项目中奋斗和成功的故事。
1.What is the book Coach the Soul mainly about? C
A.LaVigne's teaching experience.
B.La Serna High School's history.
C.Stories of students' personal growth.
D.Stories between students and teachers.
解析: 细节理解题。根据第二段“LaVigne has documented ...School (OASIS).(LaVigne在《培养心灵》一书中记录了自己的经历,这是一本鼓舞人心的书,讲述了学生在他创建的OASIS项目中奋斗和成功的令人心碎的故事。)”可知,这本书主要描写了学生的个人成长故事。故选C。
2.What can be learnt about the OASIS program? D
A.Its sponsors are educators.
B.It was organized by students' union.
C.It aims to equip students with job skills.
D.Its instructors are high school students.
解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段“Launched in ...learning.(OASIS发起于2007年,将面临高中辍学危险的学生与成绩优异的同龄人导师配对,他们提供日常动机、情感和学业支持,帮助他们重新获得学习的乐趣。)”可知,导师是高中生。故选D。
3.What do Cheadle and Jasso have in common? C
A.They come from poor families.
B.They help LaVigne run OASIS.
C.They have made academic progress.
D.They will pursue a career in medicine.
解析: 推理判断题。根据第四段可知,Cheadle(奇德尔)的平均绩点由1.3提高到3.5;根据第五段可知,Jasso(亚索)的平均绩点由1.55提高到2.83,由此可推知,Cheadle和Jasso共同点是他们在学业上都取得了进步。故选C。
4.Who had a life-changing influence on LaVigne? C
A.His family.
B.His students.
C.His teachers.
D.His colleagues.
解析: 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“What saved me were the teachers who gave me an identity and a reason to try.I am who I am today because of them.(拯救我的是老师们,他们给了我认同和尝试的理由。正是因为他们,我才成为今天的我。)”可推知,LaVigne的老师对他产生了改变人生的影响。故选C。
Personal Forgiveness
Taking responsibility for mistakes is a positive step, but don't beat yourself up about them.To err (犯错) is human. 1.D  You can use the following writing exercise to help you do this.
In a journal or on a piece of paper, put the heading “Personal strengths.” 2.B  Are you caring Creative Generous A good listener Fun to be around They don't have to be world-changing, just aspects of your personality that you're proud of.
At the top of a second page, put the heading “Acts of kindness.” On this one, list all the positive things you've done for others.It might be the time when you helped a friend with their homework, when you did the ironing without being asked, or when you baked cookies after the family had had a tiring day. 3.F 
You could ask a friend or family member to help add to your list. 4.C  That way, you could exchange thoughts on what makes each of you special and the aspects of your personality that shine through.In fact, don't wait until you've made a mistake to try this—it's a great way to boost self-confidence at any time.
It's something of a cliché (陈词滥调) that most people learn not from their successes but their mistakes.The thing is, it's true. 5.G  We're all changing and learning all the time and mistakes are a positive way to develop and grow.
A.A little self-forgiveness also goes a long way.
B.Now list all the characteristics you like about yourself.
C.They might even like to have a go at doing the exercise.
D.It's just as important to show yourself some forgiveness.
E.It doesn't mean you have to ignore what's happened or forget it.
F.Whatever it is, no matter how small it might seem, write it down.
G.Whatever the mistake, remember it isn't a fixed aspect of your personality.
1. 根据空前内容“Taking responsibility for mistakes is a positive step, but don't beat yourself up about them.To err (犯错) is human.(为错误承担责任是积极的一步,但不要因此而自责。人孰能无过)”可知,作者认为人都会犯错,勇于承担责任固然重要,但是也不要因此而过于自责。结合空后“You can use the following writing exercise to help you do this.(你可以使用下面的写作练习来帮助你做到这一点)”中的“do this”以及下文内容可推断,空处应该内容和“不要太自责”相似。选项D“It's just as important to show yourself some forgiveness.(宽恕自己也同样重要)”与“不要太自责”语意相近,起承上启下的作用。故选D。
2. 根据空前内容“In a journal or on a piece of paper, put the heading ‘Personal strengths.’ (在日记或纸上写上‘个人优点’)”以及空后内容“Are you caring Creative Generous A good listener Fun to be around They don't have to be world-changing, just aspects of your personality that you're proud of.(你有爱心吗?有创造力吗?你慷慨吗?是一个好的倾听者?与人相处很有趣吗?它们不一定要改变世界,只要你个性中让你感到自豪的方面就行)”可知,空处指的是列出一些你个性中的优点。选项B“Now list all the characteristics you like about yourself.(现在列出所有你喜欢的自己身上的特点)”符合上下文内容,下文内容具体解释哪些是优点。故选B。
3. 根据上文内容“At the top of a second page, put the heading ‘Acts of kindness.’ On this one, list all the positive things you've done for others.It might be the time when you helped a friend with their homework, when you did the ironing without being asked, or when you baked cookies after the family had had a tiring day.(在第二页的顶部,写上‘善举’的标题。在这张单子上,列出你为别人做过的所有积极的事情。它可能是当你帮助朋友做作业的时候,当你没有被要求却主动熨衣服的时候,或者当你在家人累了一天之后烤饼干的时候)”可知,本段主要讲述的是列出一些自己所做的好事。选项F“Whatever it is, no matter how small it might seem, write it down.(不管是什么,不管它看起来有多小,都要把它写下来)”与上文内容一致,讲述的是不管你所做的事情不管有多小,只要是好的事情,都记下来。故选F。
4. 根据空后内容“That way, you could exchange thoughts on what makes each of you special and the aspects of your personality that shine through.(这样,你们就可以交换意见,谈谈是什么让你们每个人都与众不同,以及你们个性中闪光的方面)”可知,空处提到了某种方式,这种方式会使得你和朋友们一起交换意见等。选项C “They might even like to have a go at doing the exercise.(他们甚至可能想试一试做练习)”符合语境,C项中的“they”与空前的“You could ask a friend or family member to help add to your list.(你可以让朋友或家人帮你增加你的列表内容。)”中的“a friend or family member”保持一致,同时选项C和下文“In fact, don't wait until you've made a mistake to try this—it's a great way to boost self-confidence at any time.(事实上,不要等到你犯了错误才去尝试这个——这是一个在任何时候都能增强自信的好方法)”中的“this”一致。故选C。
5. 根据空前内容“It's something of a cliché (陈词滥调) that most people learn not from their successes but their mistakes.The thing is, it's true.(大多数人不是从他们的成功中学习,而是从他们的错误中学习,这是陈词滥调。但事实是,这是真的)”可知,作者认为人是从错误中学习。选项G“Whatever the mistake, remember it isn't a fixed aspect of your personality.(不管你犯了什么错误,记住这不是你性格中固定的一面)”符合语境,G项中的“isn't a fixed aspect of your personality”和空后内容“We're all changing and learning all the time and mistakes are a positive way to develop and grow.(我们一直在改变和学习,错误是一种积极的发展和成长的方式)”保持一致,指的都是犯错并不是性格中固有的一面,我们是通过错误来成长。故选G。
The family walked out into the night feeling very 1.sleepy  (sleep) after being woken by an alarm clock at 2 a.m.We took our chairs 2.which/that  were set out on the driveway facing northeast.Leaning (倚靠) back, we allowed our eyes to adjust (适应) to the stars covering the sky.
The Perseid meteor shower (流星雨), one of the greatest shows on earth 3.was  (be) in progress.We kept our voices very low so as not to disturb the 4.silence  (silent), but every few minutes someone would cry out, “Ohhhh ...there's another one!”or “Did you see that one?”
We felt lucky to have such 5.a  front row seat to the sight of so many shooting stars with each affording the opportunity 6.to make  (make) a wish.
In a soft voice I whispered to Elise, my 8-year-old great-niece:“ 7.When  you are older and perhaps a mother yourself, and you are watching the shooting stars with your children, think of your loved ones looking down from the heavens, 8.smiling  (smile) and sending wave of light.”
We've been hosting and will continue to host visiting family 9.members  (member) for the next few weeks.As the meteor shower 10.slowly  (slow) disappears, we will keep the star-seats ready.Who knows who might want to say hello
1. 考查词性转换。根据设空前的feeling可知,此处是系表结构,设空处应用形容词作表语,意为“困倦的,想睡的”。故填sleepy。
2. 考查定语从句的引导词。句意:我们把椅子放在朝东北方向的车道上。设空后引导定语从句,修饰先行词our chairs,指物,从句中缺少主语,应用关系代词which/that引导。故填which/that。
3. 考查动词的时态和主谓一致。陈述过去事情,用一般过去时;“one of+复数名词”作主语,谓语动词应用单数。故填was。
5. 考查冠词。句意:我们很幸运能在前排看到这么多流星,每一颗都给了我们许愿的机会。此处为“such a+形容词+可数名词单数”结构。故填a。
6. 考查非谓语动词。名词opportunity后应用不定式作定语。故填to make。
7. 考查状语从句的连接词。句意:等你长大一些,或许你自己也当上了母亲,和孩子们一起看流星时,想想你的亲人从天堂俯视着你,微笑着,发出一波光。此处应用连词when,引导时间状语从句,表示“当……时候”。位于句首,首字母需大写。故填When。
8.考查非谓语动词。设空处与looking down、sending是并列关系,think of(sb.)doing sth.“想到(某人)做某事”,设空处应用动名词,与前面的逻辑主语your loved ones构成动名词的复合结构,作介词of的宾语。故填smiling。
10.考查词性转换。此处应用副词修饰动词disappears,作状语。故填slowly。UNIT 2  Section Ⅰ
1.Charles declared the result of the e .
2.She won a s to go to university.
3.There has been very little r to our call for help.
4.The news of their m was not made public until three months later.
5.The m of his books are kept upstairs.
6.Don't let the noise (使惊恐) you; it's only the wind.
7.Can anything (取代)a mother's love and care
8.She often (抱怨) that he is dishonest.
9.We (雇用) a driver to take us on a tour of the city yesterday.
10.He was afraid she would (拒绝) him because he was a foreigner.
1.Nowhere than these.(“否定词+比级较”结构)
2.The boy w with some children.(see sb.doing sth.)
3. No ,I can't send this book to him.(动词-ing形式作状语)
4.He is always every day.(不定式作定语)
5.I w this movie.(would rather)
6.People can enjoy the full moon , which are the special food for this festival.
7.I wonder this kind of advertisement.
我想知道学生们对这类广告有什么反应。 (respond)
8.She was v by her colleagues.
她非常害怕被她的同事们拒绝。 (scare)
9.He's also Hangzhou's tourism ambassador for two years.
10.An employee working too much overtime this month.
一位员工向我们抱怨这个月加班太多了。 (complain)
La Serna High School teacher and football coach Ken LaVigne has spent more than 30 years instructing students, touching the hearts of hundreds of educators with his compassion (同情心) and patience.
LaVigne has documented his experiences in Coach the Soul, an inspirational book that tells heartbreaking stories of the struggle and success of students on the program he created, Organized Academic Support in School (OASIS).
Launched in 2007, OASIS pairs students who are in danger of dropping out of high school with high-achieving peer (同龄人) instructors who provide daily motivation and emotional and academic (学业上的) support, helping them regain their joy of learning.
“When I started in the OASIS program, I had a 1.3 GPA(Grade Point Average)and I really didn't understand why I came to school,”Jastin Cheadle said.“Mr LaVigne explained why school is so important and showed us that if we want all these things in life we need to work for them.”Cheadle now has a 3.5 GPA and is an OASIS instructor.He plans to study marketing or business in college.
“When students come into the program, they are not in a good place,”said Jocelyn Jasso, who joined OASIS with a 1.55 GPA last year and had no plans to go to college.“Five to six months later, they are doing so much better because of Mr LaVigne and our instructors, who always push us to do better.”Jasso has a 2.83 GPA and plans to pursue a career in the medical field in the future.
LaVigne is able to connect with these students because he admittedly was also not the most motivated student in school himself.“Working with at-risk students reminds me of my own youth and the times that I came so close to going down the wrong path,”LaVigne said.“What saved me were the teachers who gave me an identity and a reason to try.I am who I am today because of them.”
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了高中教师兼足球教练Ken LaVigne(肯·拉维尼)花了30多年的时间指导面临高中辍学的学生,帮助他们重获学习的乐趣,并在他创建的OASIS项目中奋斗和成功的故事。
1.What is the book Coach the Soul mainly about?
A.LaVigne's teaching experience.
B.La Serna High School's history.
C.Stories of students' personal growth.
D.Stories between students and teachers.
2.What can be learnt about the OASIS program?
A.Its sponsors are educators.
B.It was organized by students' union.
C.It aims to equip students with job skills.
D.Its instructors are high school students.
3.What do Cheadle and Jasso have in common?
A.They come from poor families.
B.They help LaVigne run OASIS.
C.They have made academic progress.
D.They will pursue a career in medicine.
4.Who had a life-changing influence on LaVigne?
A.His family.
B.His students.
C.His teachers.
D.His colleagues.
Personal Forgiveness
Taking responsibility for mistakes is a positive step, but don't beat yourself up about them.To err (犯错) is human. 1.  You can use the following writing exercise to help you do this.
In a journal or on a piece of paper, put the heading “Personal strengths.” 2.  Are you caring Creative Generous A good listener Fun to be around They don't have to be world-changing, just aspects of your personality that you're proud of.
At the top of a second page, put the heading “Acts of kindness.” On this one, list all the positive things you've done for others.It might be the time when you helped a friend with their homework, when you did the ironing without being asked, or when you baked cookies after the family had had a tiring day. 3. 
You could ask a friend or family member to help add to your list. 4.  That way, you could exchange thoughts on what makes each of you special and the aspects of your personality that shine through.In fact, don't wait until you've made a mistake to try this—it's a great way to boost self-confidence at any time.
It's something of a cliché (陈词滥调) that most people learn not from their successes but their mistakes.The thing is, it's true. 5.  We're all changing and learning all the time and mistakes are a positive way to develop and grow.
A.A little self-forgiveness also goes a long way.
B.Now list all the characteristics you like about yourself.
C.They might even like to have a go at doing the exercise.
D.It's just as important to show yourself some forgiveness.
E.It doesn't mean you have to ignore what's happened or forget it.
F.Whatever it is, no matter how small it might seem, write it down.
G.Whatever the mistake, remember it isn't a fixed aspect of your personality.
The family walked out into the night feeling very 1.   (sleep) after being woken by an alarm clock at 2 a.m.We took our chairs 2.   were set out on the driveway facing northeast.Leaning (倚靠) back, we allowed our eyes to adjust (适应) to the stars covering the sky.
The Perseid meteor shower (流星雨), one of the greatest shows on earth 3.   (be) in progress.We kept our voices very low so as not to disturb the 4.   (silent), but every few minutes someone would cry out, “Ohhhh ...there's another one!”or “Did you see that one?”
We felt lucky to have such 5.   front row seat to the sight of so many shooting stars with each affording the opportunity 6.   (make) a wish.
In a soft voice I whispered to Elise, my 8-year-old great-niece:“ 7.   you are older and perhaps a mother yourself, and you are watching the shooting stars with your children, think of your loved ones looking down from the heavens, 8.   (smile) and sending wave of light.”
We've been hosting and will continue to host visiting family 9.   (member) for the next few weeks.As the meteor shower 10.   (slow) disappears, we will keep the star-seats ready.Who knows who might want to say hello