人教版(2019)必修第一册UNIT5 Languages around the world Section IV Reading for Writing 同步测试 (含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册UNIT5 Languages around the world Section IV Reading for Writing 同步测试 (含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 31.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-11-10 22:01:04


高一英语必修一 Unit 5 同步测试(Reading for Writing)
1. I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people e (平等的) . 2. To tell you the truth ,by the end of last year ,my v (词汇量) had grown to 3 ,000.
3. Students who take a g (间隔) year are often more mature (成熟) and responsible.
4. We paid a visit to Guilin during the summer holiday ,whose beauty was beyond d (描述) .
5. You also need to judge the quality and depth of your motivation. This is quite important ,because it is directly r (有关) to your commitment.
1. Men and women must be treated (equal) in education and employment.
2. Unlike traditional gyms ,app-backed gyms offer people flexible options (exercise). 3. It is required that the composition should be (relate) to the students’ life.
4. I acquired a good knowledge of that after I read the (describe) in the museum.
5. (listen) to English radio programmes helps him get used to how fast native speakers talk.
1. In many respects Asian women think that they are (与 ……平等) men.
2. Researchers are trying to low exam results (把 ……和……联系起来) large class sizes. 3. Little Tom has ( ……有麻烦) physics ever since he was in junior Grade Two. 4. The food in England is strange at first but you’ll soon (习惯) it.
5. The police his fingerprints (把 ……和…… 比较) those found at the crime scene. 6. Choosing the right bike (依靠) what you want to use it for.
7. I had a close friend in my college who was two years (比 ……年长) me.
8. That (打开了通向 …… 的窗子) the world at the beginning of
China’s opening up.
假如你是李华,你的英国好友 Paul 目前在中国学习汉语。近日,他发来邮件询问提升汉语的建议。请你用英语给他 回一封邮件。
1. 某方面弱
2. 最头痛的事情是...
3. 在某方面有困难
4. 是我最大的难题
5. 对我来说难
1. read widely
2. think in Chinese
3. use Chinese as much as possible
4. post a video of yourself speaking Chinese
5. learn lexical chunks rather than single words
6. relate the part of the Chinese character to a picture
7. read simplified classic works
8. guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word
9. memorize grammar rules and do a lot of exercises
10. From my point of view, to improve ..., there is no better way than ...
1. develop one’s interest
2. improve one’s reading ability
3. form the / a habit of reading
4. enlarge / expand one’s vocabulary
5. practise one’s oral / spoken Chinese
6. express oneself in Chinese fluently
7. improve writing skills
8. It’s of great importance to ...
9. I benefit a lot from ...
10. have a good command of ...
1. 我认为,学汉语最快的方式是反复地说。(point of view ,means)
2. 无论什么时候,尽量和你的朋友用汉语交谈。(whenever)
3. 另外,你最好阅读各种各样的汉语经典作品。(variety ,classic)
4. 这不仅能扩大你的词汇量,还能提升你的阅读能力。(not only... but also... )
5. 你练习得越多,你取得的进步就越大。(the +比较级……,the +比较级……)
假如你是李华,你的英国好友 Paul 目前在中国学习汉语。近日,他发来邮件询问提升汉语的建议。请你用英语 给他回一封邮件。高一英语必修一 Unit 5 同步测试(Reading for Writing)解析版
1. I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people e (平等的) . 2. To tell you the truth ,by the end of last year ,my v (词汇量) had grown to 3 ,000.
3. Students who take a g (间隔) year are often more mature (成熟) and responsible.
4. We paid a visit to Guilin during the summer holiday ,whose beauty was beyond d (描述) .
5. You also need to judge the quality and depth of your motivation. This is quite important ,because it is directly r (有关) to your commitment.
1. equal 2. vocabulary 3. gap 4. description 5. related
1. Men and women must be treated (equal) in education and employment.
2. Unlike traditional gyms ,app-backed gyms offer people flexible options (exercise). 3. It is required that the composition should be (relate) to the students’ life.
4. I acquired a good knowledge of that after I read the (describe) in the museum.
5. (listen) to English radio programmes helps him get used to how fast native speakers talk.
1. equally 句意:在教育和就业方面,男女必须被平等对待。所填的词修饰动词,所以用副词形式。 2. to exercise 句意:与传统健身房不同,应用程序支持的健身房为人们提供了灵活的锻炼选择。
3. related 句意:要求作文应该与学生的生活有关。 be related to意为“与……相关”。
4. descriptions 句意:我在博物馆里读了描述之后,对此有了很好的了解。description意为“描述;说明”, 此处是可数名词。
5. Listening 句意:收听英语广播节目帮助他适应以英语为母语的人的说话速度。作主语要用动词-ing形式。
1. In many respects Asian women think that they are (与 ……平等) men.
2. Researchers are trying to low exam results (把 ……和……联系起来) large class sizes. 3. Little Tom has ( ……有麻烦) physics ever since he was in junior Grade Two. 4. The food in England is strange at first but you’ll soon (习惯) it.
5. The police his fingerprints (把 ……和…… 比较) those found at the crime scene. 6. Choosing the right bike (依靠) what you want to use it for.
7. I had a close friend in my college who was two years (比 ……年长) me.
8. That (打开了通向 …… 的窗子) the world at the beginning of
China’s opening up.
1. equal to 2. relate ,to 3. had trouble with 4. get used to 5. compared ,with 6. depends on
7. senior to 8. opened a window to
假如你是李华,你的英国好友 Paul 目前在中国学习汉语。近日,他发来邮件询问提升汉语的建议。请你用英语给他 回一封邮件。
1. 某方面弱
2. 最头痛的事情是...
3. 在某方面有困难
4. 是我最大的难题
5. 对我来说难
1. be poor in 2. My biggest headache is 3. have difficulty with 4. ... is my biggest problem. ..
5.... is hard for me. ...
1. read widely
2. think in Chinese
3. use Chinese as much as possible
4. post a video of yourself speaking Chinese
5. learn lexical chunks rather than single words
6. relate the part of the Chinese character to a picture
7. read simplified classic works
8. guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word
9. memorize grammar rules and do a lot of exercises
10. From my point of view, to improve ..., there is no better way than ...
1.广泛阅读 2.用汉语思考 3.尽可能多地使用汉语 4.上传一段你自己说中文的视频
5. 学习词块而不是单个单词 6.把汉字的部分与图画联系起来 7.读简单的经典名著
8. 猜不熟悉的词汇意思 9. 记忆语法规则和多做练习 10. 我认为,提高......最好的方法是......
1. develop one’s interest
2. improve one’s reading ability
3. form the / a habit of reading
4. enlarge / expand one’s vocabulary
5. practise one’s oral / spoken Chinese
6. express oneself in Chinese fluently
7. improve writing skills
8. It’s of great importance to ...
9. I benefit a lot from ...
10. have a good command of ...
1.培养兴趣 2.提高阅读能力 3.形成阅读习惯 4.扩大词汇量 5.练习汉语口语
6.流利地用汉语表达自己 7.提高书写能力 8.很重要 9.从中获益匪浅 10.很好地掌握了......
1. 我认为,学汉语最快的方式是反复地说。(point of view ,means)
2. 无论什么时候,尽量和你的朋友用汉语交谈。(whenever)
3. 另外,你最好阅读各种各样的汉语经典作品。(variety ,classic)
4. 这不仅能扩大你的词汇量,还能提升你的阅读能力。(not only... but also... )
5. 你练习得越多,你取得的进步就越大。(the +比较级……,the +比较级……)
From my point of view ,the fastest means of learning Chinese is to speak it again and again. So whenever you can, try to talk with your friends in Chinese. In addition ,you’d better read a variety of Chinese classics ,which can not only increase your vocabulary ,but also improve your reading ability. The more you practice ,the greater progress you’ll make.
假如你是李华,你的英国好友 Paul 目前在中国学习汉语。近日,他发来邮件询问提升汉语的建议。请你用英语 给他回一封邮件。
Hearing that you run into difficulties with your Chinese learning,I’m writing to express my concern and offer you some advice on how to learn it well.
Your problem is so common among foreign learners that you needn ’t worry too much. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect! So it ’s a good idea to practice Chinese daily. Thinking in Chinese and using Chinese as much as possible can help you to get a feeling for the language. Besides, one of the effective way to improve Chinese is to relate the part of the Chinese character to a picture and learn lexical chunks rather than single words. Additionally, posting a video of yourself speaking Chinese is a better choice,which cannot only entertain you,but also receive nice comments on the videos and useful advice given by the native speakers.
I hope these suggestions will be of use to you.
Yours, Li Hua