太原市2023-2024学年第一学期 高一期中学业诊断英语试题讲评课件(共58张PPT)


名称 太原市2023-2024学年第一学期 高一期中学业诊断英语试题讲评课件(共58张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 9.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-11-19 14:11:28



关键能力:理解具体信息; 理解主旨要义; 理解说话者的观点态度; 学会推断
考查项目:事实细节题 7 推断题 5
主旨大意题 1 观点态度题 2
核心价值:引导学生关注文化学习与体育运动、饮食与身体健康, 提高运动意识和学习意识; 关爱家人, 帮助他人, 凸显和谐有爱的人际关系、保持乐观自信的人生态度。
第一部分 听力
Text 1:
M: It’s hard to get a taxi during the rush hour. Let’s take the bus to the downtown shopping center.
W: But the No.5 bus runs every 25 minutes. We’d better take the underground.
M: Alright. Let’s go.
1. How will the speakers get to the downtown shopping center
A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. By subway.
Unit 2t
第一部分 听力
Text 2:
W: Mark, what do you think of today’s debate I think it was too challenging, but my classmates said it was not hard to follow.
M: Take it easy. Literally, it can help us to improve our thinking.
2. What does the man think of the debate
A. Helpful. B. Hard. C. Easy.
Unit 1t
Unit 1t
Unit 1t
Text 3:
M: What time is this meeting going to finish We’re going to throw a birthday party for my grandma at 7 p.m. and I don’t want to be late.
W: The meeting started at 6 o’clock and will last for 30 minutes. I hope that’s OK for you.
3. What time will the meeting come to an end
A. At 6 pm. B. At 6:30 pm. C. At 7 pm.
Unit 3t
Text 4:
M: Tina, what are you doing here
W: You know, my paper is about literature. So I have to find some books to research. And you
M: I’m planning to borrow a book by O. Henry, and I also have to return some books.
4. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In the bookshop. B. In the classroom. C. In the library.
Unit 4t
Text 5:
M: During the summer holiday, I went skateboarding and camping for several times. I had a good time! How about you
W: Well, I spent most of my holiday time learning to drive.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Future plans. B. Favourite sports. C. Holiday experiences.
Unit 1t
6. Who’s the woman
A. The man’s classmate.
B. The man’s friend.
C. The man’s teacher.
7. When does the woman practice badminton
A. On Tuesdays.
B. On Thursdays.
C. On Saturdays.
8. What are the speakers going to do next
A. Enjoy a concert.
B. Go to a club.
C. Take a class.
Unit 1t
Text 6:
M: Excuse me. I’m a new student here. I can’t find my classroom. It’s 201. Could you please tell me where it is
W: Hey, we’ve chosen the same teacher’s class. We can go together.
M: Thanks! Well, I'm thinking about joining a club. Are you in any clubs
W: Yes, I am in the badminton club and I practice for the badminton games every Thursday afternoon. I’m also in the music club.
M: Oh, I’d like to join the music club, too. When do you practice
W: We practice every Tuesday afternoon. Sometimes we have concerts on Saturdays. Oh, we’d better get to the classroom quickly. The class starts in 5 minutes.
M: OK.
9. Why does the man’s friend eat tomatoes for meals
A. To improve health.
B. To lose weight.
C. To change the lifestyle.
10. Who is on an egg diet
A. Judy. B. Jack. C. Tom.
11. What does the woman think of the chicken diet
A. It ’s healthy.
B. It ’s harmful.
C. It ’s balanced.
情 境:谈论减肥问题
Text 7:
W: Jack, have you heard that a lot of friends around us are losing weight.
M: Yes. A friend of mine is on a tomato diet. She eats one tomato for breakfast, one for lunch and two for dinner.
W: That’s not good for her health. Does she look thinner than before
M: I’m not sure. At least I haven’t seen any changes.
W: My sister, Judy, eats eggs to lose weight - only eggs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
M: Although something in eggs actually helps with losing weight, eating too much is harmful to our body.
W: What about a chicken diet My neighbor, Tom, doesn’t eat anything but chicken, even for breakfast. Obviously, that also does harm to health.
M: Without any doubt, balanced diet is necessary.
12. When is the National Family Day in the United States
A. On September 16. B. On September 25.
C. On September 26.
13. What do Americans do to observe National Family Day
A. Play family games. B. Attend a concert. C. Go shopping.
14. Which country also celebrate National Family Day as a public holiday
A. Korea. B. Italy. C. Australia.
15. Why do people celebrate National Family Day according to the speaker
A. To stress the importance of family.
B. To pass down the traditional values.
C. To show respect for the old in the family.
情 境:电台介绍节日
W: Welcome to Cultural Corner Program. Today is September 25. Get ready to celebrate National Family Day tomorrow This special day has been around since 1994 when it was created by President Bill Clinton as a way of honoring the importance of family in our lives. This day is observed with
a wide range of events. A traditional meal and an afternoon of family games are usually held to celebrate the day. Moreover, it is not only celebrated in the United States. People around the world celebrate it. National Family Day is a public holiday for South Africa, Japan, Vietnam, and Australia. So, in many countries, people get at least one day off work every year to rest and enjoy the day with their loved ones. Whether it’s the families we were born into or close friends who are like family members to us—this group of people holds a special place in our hearts. That’s why it’s important to celebrate National Family Day. Indeed, our family plays an important part in our quality of life and how happy we are.
Unit 3
Text 8:
第二部分 语言运用
第二部分 语言运用—第一节 (词汇填空)
D. make the most of
E. in particular
A. significantly
B. personality
C. anxious
第二部分 语言知识运用-第二节(完形填空)
主题语境: “人与自我——认识自我,丰富自我,完善自我——健康的生活方式、积极的生活态度”
语篇内容: 作者虽出生带有残疾,但在父母的关怀下健康成长,然而一次乘坐校车的被嘲笑的经历却使她意识到自己的别人的不同,从而开始隐藏自己的缺陷。事情在作者进入一个公益组织后发生转机,她最终意识到“隐藏”并不能解决问题,学会接受自我才是关键。
考查知识点: 动词 (4) 动词短语 (1)
形容词 (5) 名词 (3)
副词 (2)
Tip 1: 开头即为主旨句,做题必须向后看
Tip 2: 固定搭配要记牢,起承转合弄明白
Tip 3: 情节情感两条线,前后呼应再升华
Tip 3: 情节情感两条线,首尾呼应再升华
Tip 1: 开头即为主旨句,做题必须向后看
Tip 2: 固定搭配要记牢,起承转合弄明白
Tip 3: 情节情感两条线,前后呼应再升华
第三部分 阅读理解
第三部分 阅读理解-A篇
主题语境:“人与自我 ——乐于学习,善于学习,终身学习”
语篇内容: 慕课英语学习网站推荐
第三部分 阅读理解-B篇
主题语境:“人与自我 —— 个人、家庭、社区和学校生活”
语篇内容: 历经波折的开学第一天
考查题型: 细节信息题(2)
agree (V.同意) + -able (能够...的) + -y (变副词) = agreeably (adv. 欣然地接受)
第三部分 阅读理解-C篇
主题语境:“人与社会 —— 跨文化沟通、包容与合作——社会热点问题”
语篇内容: 学术期刊对非英语母语者不友好
高中常见表示“拒绝”的词或短语:refuse; reject; decline; turn down
解决措施二 :寻求与英语国家科学家的合作
第三部分 阅读理解-第二节(七选五)
主题语境: “人与自我—健康的生活方式、积极的生活态度”
语篇类型: 说明文
语篇内容: 如何克服“周日恐惧”
主题语境:“人与社会 — 历史、社会与文化
— 社会热点问题”
语篇类型: 新闻报道
语篇内容: “Citywalk” 成为年轻人旅游打卡的新方式,助力社交、经济、旅游。
语篇出处: City walk, a new travel trend for younsters exploring spots
题源网址: https://so./h/105704/20230719/823311_m.html
第四部分 语法填空
Citywalk is a new travel trend for youngsters to explore different cultural spots. Gather together a couple of good friends and take a walk through the streets — this is 51. many youngsters in China enjoy doing when they visit a new city. To them, Citywalk means wandering around the city on foot. They can follow a fantastic urban route, experiencing the atmosphere , 52. (explore) old buildings, sipping a cup of coffee, or tasting a variety of local snacks.
In China, the Citywalk trend is spreading from the first-tier cities like Beijing and Shanghai 53. the second and third-tier cities, encouraging more participants and event organizers 54. (take) part in. Some organizers invite folk culture 55. ___ (researcher) and enthusiasts to act as tour guides. Citywalk not only 56. (offer) a way for young people to interact with a city but also provides 57. (they) with a new social scene. They can 58. (easy) make friends with people 59. _________ have the same ideas and interests. At the same time, Citywalk represents an opportunity for tour guides and travel service providers to offer a more 60. (profession) service to meet with ever-changing market needs.
to take
Citywalk is a new travel trend for youngsters to explore different cultural spots. Gather together a couple of good friends and take a walk through the streets — this is 51. what many youngsters in China enjoy doing when they visit a new city. To them, Citywalk means wandering around the city on foot. They can follow a fantastic urban route, experiencing the atmosphere, 52. exploring (explore) old buildings, sipping a cup of coffee, or tasting a variety of local snacks.
In China, the Citywalk trend is spreading from the first-tier cities like Beijing and Shanghai 53. to the second and third-tier cities, encouraging more participants and event organizers 54. to take (take) part in. Some organizers invite folk culture 55. researchers (researcher) and enthusiasts to act as tour guides. Citywalk not only 56. offers (offer) a way for young people to interact with a city but also provides 57. them (they) with a new social scene. They can 58. easily(easy) make friends with people 59. who/that Citywalk represents an opportunity for tour guides and travel service providers to offer a more 60. professional (profession) service to meet with ever-changing market needs.
谓语动词 (1)
非谓语动词 (2)
从属连词 (2)
介 词 (1)
代 词 (1)
名 词 (1)
形 容 词 (1)
副 词 (1)
56. offers
52. exploring 54. to take
51. what 59.who/that
53. to
57. them
55. researchers
60. professional
58. easily
第五部分 写作-第一节 应用文写作
审 题
应用文—— 建议信
第五部分 写作-第一节 应用文写作
Para 1:开篇(1-2)
Para 2:分析原因、提出建议 (5-6)
Para 3:合适结尾(1-2)
Para 1:开篇(1-2)
Para 2:分析原因、提出建议(5-6)
Para 3:合适结尾(1-2)
One possible version
Hi Sam,
I am sorry to learn about your struggle. Take it easy, and I have been there.
It could be your time-management. You can improve by planning and then give different importance to the tasks. Try to break down every task into smaller steps and reward yourself if possible. Moreover, try the “5-minute rule” - stay focused on a task for just 5 minutes, and you’ll often find yourself continuing once you’ve started. Last but not least, do find a quiet study space away from TVs, phones, and other distractions.
Hopefully my advice will be of some help. Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua

Why not do...
You’d better do...
You ought to do...
You are expected to do...
It’s necessary for you to do...
If I were you/Were I you, I would do...
I strongly suggest/advise you should do...
Personally, it would be beneficial if you...
Personally/As far as I'm concerned, it would be a wise choice if you ...
句 型 积 累
When I was young, we lived in a small town. Everyone knew Roy as he was a top student in the town. He was of my age, but he lost his parents in an accident at the age of 8. So he lived alone and delivered newspapers to support himself and his education.
Every time he delivered newspapers to our home, he wore a broad smile on his face and greeted my mom gently. My mom was greatly surprised when she knew his daily routine. He got up every morning by 5 o’clock and walked 5 kilometers from where he lived to the newspaper office to collect the newspapers. By 6:00, he carried 50 pieces of newspapers — more than 5 kilograms and walked 3 kilometers back. After sending the newspapers, he rushed another 3 kilometers home to cook a simple breakfast before hurrying to school.
This morning, seeing he left hurriedly in a strong wind, my mom and I decided to do something for him. After school, I waited for him at the school gate and told him that my mom would like to invite him to our home. When he asked why, I replied,“You will know soon! ”
Thinking for a short while, he followed me to my home nearby. It was possible that he assumed my mom would continue to subscribe to the newspaper.
My mom stood at the door, waiting for us.
Seeing the bike in front of him, he couldn’t hold back his tears.
1. 续写词数应为 100个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
第五部分 写作-第二节 读后续写
第五部分 写作-第二节 读后续写

When I was young, we lived in a small town. Everyone knew Roy as he was a top student in the town. He was of my age, but he lost his parents in an accident at the age of 8. So he lived alone and delivered newspapers to support himself and his education.
Every time he delivered newspapers to our home, he wore a broad smile on his face and greeted my mom gently. My mom was greatly surprised when she knew his daily routine. He got up every morning by 5 o’clock and walked 5 kilometers from where he lived to the newspaper office to collect the newspapers. By 6:00, he carried 50 pieces of newspapers — more than 5 kilograms and walked 3 kilometers back. After sending the newspapers, he rushed another 3 kilometers home to cook a simple breakfast before hurrying to school.
This morning, seeing he left hurriedly in a strong wind, my mom and I decided to do something for him. After school, I waited for him at the school gate and told him that my mom would like to invite him to our home. When he asked why, I replied,“You will know soon! ”
Thinking for a short while, he followed me to my home nearby. It was possible that he assumed my mom would continue to subscribe to the newspaper.
My mom stood at the door, waiting for us.
Seeing the bike in front of him, he couldn’t hold back his tears.
what & how &why
Roy lost his parents.
He lived alone and delivered newspapers to support himself.
My mom knew his long-distance daily routine and we decided to help him.
Seeing the bike in front of him, he couldn’t hold back his tears.
My mom stood at the door, waiting for us.
Roy lost his parents.
He lived alone and delivered newspapers to support himself.
My mom knew his long-distance daily routine and we decided to help him.
Seeing the bike in front of him, he couldn’t hold back his tears.
My mom stood at the door, waiting for us.

When I was young, we lived in a small town. Everyone knew Roy as he was a top student in the town. He was of my age, but he lost his parents in an accident at the age of 8. So he lived alone and delivered newspapers to support himself and his education.
Every time he delivered newspapers to our home, he wore a broad smile on his face and greeted my mom gently. My mom was greatly surprised when she knew his daily routine. He got up every morning by 5 o’clock and walked 5 kilometers from where he lived to the newspaper office to collect the newspapers. By 6:00, he carried 50 pieces of newspapers — more than 5 kilograms and walked 3 kilometers back. After sending the newspapers, he rushed another 3 kilometers home to cook a simple breakfast before hurrying to school.
This morning, seeing he left hurriedly in a strong wind, my mom and I decided to do something for him. After school, I waited for him at the school gate and told him that my mom would like to invite him to our home. When he asked why, I replied,“You will know soon! ”
Thinking for a short while, he followed me to my home nearby. It was possible that he assumed my mom would continue to subscribe to the newspaper.
My mom stood at the door, waiting for us.
Seeing the bike in front of him, he couldn’t hold back his tears.
My mom stood at the door, waiting for us. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Seeing the bike in front of him, he couldn’t hold back his tears. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
When I was young, we lived in a small town. Everyone knew Roy as he was a top student in the town. He was of my age, but he lost his parents in an accident at the age of 8. So he lived alone and delivered newspapers to support himself and his education.
Every time he delivered newspapers to our home, he wore a broad smile on his face and greeted my mom gently. My mom was greatly surprised when she knew his daily routine. He got up every morning by 5 o’clock and walked 5 kilometers from where he lived to the newspaper office to collect the newspapers. By 6:00, he carried 50 pieces of newspapers — more than 5 kilograms and walked 3 kilometers back. After sending the newspapers, he rushed another 3 kilometers home to cook a simple breakfast before hurrying to school.
This morning, seeing he left hurriedly in a strong wind, my mom and I decided to do something for him. After school, I waited for him at the school gate and told him that my mom would like to invite him to our home. When he asked why, I replied,“You will know soon! ”
Thinking for a short while, he followed me to my home nearby. It was possible that he assumed my mom would continue to subscribe to the newspaper.
My mom stood at the door, waiting for us.
Seeing the bike in front of him, he couldn’t hold back his tears.
My mom stood at the door, waiting for us. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Seeing the bike in front of him, he couldn’t hold back his tears. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Q1: What did she say
Q2: How did we treat Roy
Q3: What was Roy’s reaction
Q1: What did he say
Q2: Why did we give him the bike
 My mom stood at the door, waiting for us. As soon as she saw us, she rushed over to give us a big hug and then led us to the dining room. We invited Roy to join us for dinner, and though he hesitated at first, he eventually accepted. As my mom filled up his plate, he said it brought back memories of happy days spent with his parents. Later, as he prepared to leave, I stepped inside and brought out a new bike. “This is for you,” my mom said with a smile.
  Seeing the bike in front of him, he couldn’t hold back his tears. With tears of gratitude rolling down his cheeks, he kept saying, “Thank you so much.” My mom wiped his tears and put her arm around his shoulders. We told him we were shocked to learn that he had to walk 11 miles before going to school. So we hoped this bike would make his life easier. We helped him because we admired him.
One possible version
Many Thanks!