人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land单词学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land单词学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 27.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-11-19 22:07:38



Book 5 Unit 4 Journey across a Vast Land
1. pleasant adj. 令人愉快的;友好的
Later, they took a pleasant hike in a forest just a short distance away.
a pleasant young man 彬彬有礼的年轻人
a pleasant smile / voice / manner 和蔼可亲的笑容/声音/态度
unpleasant adj. 令人不愉快的;不友好的
please v. 使满意;使愉快
pleased adj. 高兴的;满意的;乐意的
be pleased with=be content with=be satisfied with 对...高兴/满意
pleasing adj. 令人愉快的;令人满意的
pleasure n. 愉快;高兴;快事
选词填空(pleased / pleasant / pleasure / pleasing)
Wilson was ________ with his _________design, and had the __________of having __________and humorous conversations with his colleague.
2. literally adv. 字面上的;(强调事实可能令人惊讶)真正地,确实地
The word “volk” translates literally as “folk”.
Until next payday, I was literally without any money.
literal adj. 字面意义的;缺乏想象力的
I am not referring to “small” people in the literal sense of the word.
Her interpretation of the music was too literal.
3. arise vi. (arose,arisen)起身;出现;由……引起
The next morning, the two girls arose early to take the train to Lake Louise, passing through the Canadian Rockies.
arise from / out of…由……引起,因……产生
Accidents often arise from / out of carelessness.
Children should be educated when the need arises. 必要时孩子应该受到教育。
易混词 过去式、 过去分词 含义及用法
arise arose,arisen 出现,产生;起身(主语一般为抽象名词,无被动语态)
rise rose,risen 上升或升起;数量或水平的增加,提高;起床, 站起来
raise raised,raised 举起,提起;提高,增加;是直立或站立;饲养;养育;筹集;提出
I ________from the chair to answer the doorbell.
Years of experience in driving made Mr. Black convinced that he could deal with emergencies _________ (arise) at any time.
4. breath n. 呼吸的空气
When the train arrived at the station, they took a taxi to Lake Louise, where the blue water literally took their breath away with its exceptional beauty.
catch one's breath喘口气
②hold one's breath屏住呼吸
③take a deep breath深吸一口气
④out of breath喘不过气来
be short of breath(因疾病、年迈等)呼吸困难
take one's breath away令某人惊叹
①breathe v. 呼吸
breathless adj. (令人)气喘吁吁的; (令人)屏息的
breathtaking adj. 激动人心的;惊人的
The scenery of countryside in spring takes________(we) breath away.
Take ________ deep breath and then breathe out when I tell you to.
③We had great difficulty in __________(breathe), for the air was thin.
5. bound
adj. 必定的;一定的
be bound to do sth (be certain to do sth)
You have done so much work that you are bound to pass the exam.
adj. 准备/正在到…去的;(车、船等)开往…的
be bound for
The train is bound for Shanghai.
vi 跳跃;跳跃着前进
Polly came bounding into the room holding a letter.
go beyond / within the bounds 超出范围/ 在范围内
Don’t lie to her. She’s bound_________(find) out about it.
She was on a plane bound________ Moscow when she got sick.
6. highlight
vt. 标出;突出(显示);强调;使醒目
I‘ve highlighted the important passages in yellow.
The way people do things highlights many of the differences between cultures.
n. [C] 最精彩的场面/部分
One of the highlights of the trip was seeing Terracotta Warriors.
7. drill
They're drilling for oil off the Irish coast.他们在爱尔兰沿海钻井探油。
②vt (反复)练习;操练:
drill pupils in grammar 训练学生的语法
n. [C]钻;钻头;钻机: an electric drill 电钻
n. [C] & [U] ( 反复的)练习;演习;操练:
The teacher gave the class plenty of drills in maths.
a fire drill 消防演习
8. freezing
adj. 极冷的;冰冻的 (extremely cold)
freezing point 冰点
n. [U] 冰点
above / below freezing 在冰点以上/以下
adv. 极冷地 (作程度副词)
freezing cold 非常冷的
freeze v. (使)结冰;(使)冻住;(使)冻死;(因害怕等)停住不动;惊呆
freeze to death冻死
frozen adj. 冷冻的;冻僵;结冰的;吓呆
be frozen with fear / terror / fright吓呆了
freezer n. 冰柜;冷冻室
It is very cold today; the temperature has dropped to ________(freeze) point.
__________ (freeze) food is convenient to cook, so it’s a craze in supermarkets.
It’s ________(freeze) cold outside, so you’d better put on more clothes.
9. anticipate vt. 预料;预见;期望
However,they did not anticipate seeing such an open country,and were truly amazed. 然而,她们没有预料到会看到一个如此空旷的国家,确实感到惊讶。(教材P39)
①anticipate (doing) sth. 期望(做)某事;预期(做)某事
②It is anticipated that. . . 据预测……
anticipation n. 预料,预见;期望
in anticipation of. . . 预料某事的发生
We anticipate _________ (hear)from you soon.
He bought extra food in ___________(anticipate)of more people coming than he arrived.
He bought extra food in the ___________ (anticipate) that more people would come than he had invited.
It ______________ (anticipate) that she will resign.
thunder and lightning 雷电
the thunder of applause 雷鸣般的掌声
thunder at sb.大声喝斥某人
It thundered a few times, but no rain fell.打了几声雷,但没下雨。
The train thundered through the small station.火车轰隆隆地驶过那个小站。
thunderous adj.雷鸣般的
enroll vi.&vt.(使)加入;注册;登记
enroll in sth. 注册……;参加……
enroll in a course 注册学习一门课程
enroll for 报名参加……
enroll sb. as... 招收某人为……
enroll (sb.) in sth. 招收(某人)参加...
A great number of students enrolled in the course at the beginning of this semester.
roll n.名单,花名册;滚动,翻滚
enrollment n.登记,注册(人数); 入会; 入学; 入伍
enrollee n. 入会者; 入学者; 入伍者; 名字被登入名单者
The scene made me recall the time when I ________ (enroll) in a university.
It took us two days ___________ (enroll) the new participants.
They were enrolled ___________ new soldiers in school.
①adj.相反的; 相对立的
contrary to 相反的;相对立的
Contrary to expectation, he didn’t win in the contest.出乎意料的是他没有赢得比赛。
on the contrary: 与此相反; 恰恰相反
to the contrary: 相反的; 相反地
I will continue to believe it until I get proof to the contrary.
You think you are clever; on the contrary, I assure that you are foolish.
anyhow adv. 不管怎样,无论如何,总之
I have tried, but I can’t open it anyhow.
Anyhow, at fifteen I made a good living.
proceed vi.行进;继续做
proceed to do...继续做; 接着做(另一事) =continue to do... = go on to do
proceed with sth继续做某事
proceed towards/to朝……行进
1)We’re not sure whether we still want to proceed with the sale.
2)Passengers for Rome should proceed to Gate 32 for boarding.
15. astonish vt.使十分惊讶;使吃惊
astonishing adj.令人惊讶的
astonished adj.感到惊讶的;
astonishment n.惊讶
in astonishment 惊讶地
It astonishes sb that...令某人惊讶的是……
be astonished at/by sth因/对某事感到惊讶
be astonished to do sth对做某事感到惊讶
to one’s astonishment 使某人惊奇的是
We were astonished at the astonishing result last night.
The news _____________ (astonish) everyone present at the meeting.
Hearing the news, he looked __________ (astonish).
To our _________(astonish), he ran 1000 meters in such an __ (astonish) speed.
16. owe vt. 欠(账、债、情等),应该做,应该感激,归功于
owe sth. to sb = owe sb sth 欠(某人情); 把…归功于某人;
owe sb. for sth. 因某事欠某人钱, 为某人感激某人
owe it to sb that...把……归功于某人
owe sb. a favour 欠某人一个情
owing to= because of =due to = on account of =thanks to 因为,由于
He owed me an explanation the day before yesterday.
_________ _________ the rain, the match was canceled.
I _______ _______ _________ you that I have been so successful.
17.rather than 意为“而不是” rather than常用在这两个结构中:would do sth. rather than do sth.和prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.。
(1)rather than常起连词的作用,其连接的两个并列成分的词性应该一致。
I think I’ll have a cold drink rather than coffee.我想要冷饮而不是咖啡。
Facing up to your problems rather than running away from them is the best approach to working things out.
(2)rather than连接的两个并列成分做主语时,谓语动词应与rather than前面的成分在人称和数上保持一致。具有相同用法的词(组)还有as well as,together with,with,besides等。
You rather than I are going to go camping.要去野营的是你,而不是我。
The father rather than the children is responsible.应负责的是那位父亲,而不是那些孩子。
It was not until 9:30 a.m. that they finally reached the capital of Ontario, Toronto.
强调句式常用结构:It is / was + 被强调部分+that/who…
It is / was not until……+that…
I didn’t go to bed until twelve o’clock last night.
------ It was not until twelve o’clock last night that I went to bed.
We didn’t get off the bus until it stopped.
They didn’t reach the camp site until midnight.
1. pleased; pleasing; pleasure; pleasant
3. arose; arising
4. our; a; breathing
5. to find; for
8. freezing; Frozen; freezing
9. hearing; anticipation; anticipation; is anticipated
11. enrolled; to enroll; as
15. astonished; astonished; astonishment; astonishing
16. owing to; owe it to;