人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures 词汇巩固选词填空练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures 词汇巩固选词填空练习(含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 35.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-11-21 08:33:52


选择性必修二Unit 2【词汇巩固】-选词填空(提高版)
outlook budget feel at home motivation comfort
complex strengthen sincerely firm angle
1 The panel discussion examined the issue from various _____________, highlighting diverse perspectives.
2 Understanding the intricate cultural nuances requires a _____________ approach.
3 The recognition and rewards served as a great source of _____________ for the employees.
4 The ambassador _____________ expressed gratitude for the warm welcome received during the diplomatic visit.
5 The organization's annual report outlined the _____________ allocated for cross-cultural training initiatives.
6 The cultural center provides resources to help newcomers _____________ in the community.
7 The conference provided attendees with a broader _____________ on global cultural trends and developments.
8 The government implemented _____________ policies to promote cultural exchange and understanding.
9 The cultural center aimed to create a sense of _____________ for immigrants in their new community.
10 The organization implemented initiatives to _____________ diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
competent homesickness gain depress generally speaking
reasonable perspective motivated cooperate surrounding
1 The conference venue offered plenty of amenities and attractions in the _____________ area.
2 _____________, the organization's policies promote cultural diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
3 The passionate speaker _____________ the audience to take action and embrace cultural diversity.
4 The organization ensures that all employees receive proper training to become culturally _____________.
5 The continuous rejection letters started to _____________ her spirit, but she didn't give up.
6 The organization provides support services to help individuals cope with _____________ while abroad.
7 The panel discussion provided diverse _____________ on the importance of cultural exchange in fostering global understanding.
8 The program provided a _____________ timeframe for participants to adapt to the new culture.
9 The government initiated collaborative projects to encourage countries to _____________ in preserving cultural heritage.
10 The research study aimed to _____________ insights into the impact of cultural diversity on team performance.
insight qualify optimistic dramatic outcome
cost an arm and a leg engage depressed competence deny
1 The event aimed to _____________ the community in celebrating cultural traditions.
2 Maintaining an _____________ mindset can lead to better problem-solving and resilience.
3 The negotiation process aimed to reach a mutually beneficial _____________ for both parties involved.
4 The training program aimed to enhance participants' language _____________ and cross-cultural communication skills.
5 The artwork depicted a _____________ representation of cultural clashes and harmony.
6 The musician's exceptional talent helped her _____________ for a prestigious international competition.
7 The high-end restaurant's menu _____________, but the dining experience is exceptional.
8 The organization has a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination and _____________ any form of prejudice.
9 The research study provided new _____________ into the impact of cultural diversity on team dynamics.
10 The therapist provided support and counseling to help the patient overcome _____________.
departure ambition applicant adaptation overwhelming
grasp initiative setting advisor as far as I am concerned
1 The government launched an educational _____________ to foster cross-cultural understanding among students.
2 The company hired an experienced cultural _____________ to assist in their international expansion.
3 The entrepreneur's _____________ project aimed to bridge cultural gaps.
4 The sights and sounds of the bustling city were _____________ for the rural visitor.
5 _____________, the company's approach to cultural diversity needs improvement.
6 The historical site served as a _____________ to learn about the cultural heritage of the region.
7 The artist's work took a new direction after their stylistic _____________ from traditional influences.
8 The organization is looking for _____________ with cross-cultural experience and understanding.
9 The film's faithful _____________ of a classic novel received critical acclaim.
10 The cultural orientation program helped newcomers _____________ the social norms and customs of their host country.
qualification expense envoy surroundings side with
motivate behave as far as I know expose culture shock
1 The government's decision to _____________ the minority community was seen as a step towards cultural inclusivity.
2 The traveler had to carefully manage their _____________ during their cultural exploration.
3 _____________, the organization has been actively promoting cultural diversity for many years.
4 The mentor's words of encouragement _____________ the student to pursue a career in international relations.
5 The media has the power to _____________ audiences to diverse cultural stories and experiences.
6 The artist drew inspiration from the urban _____________ for their artwork.
7 The cultural exchange program selected students to be _____________ of their respective countries' culture and values.
8 The international business executive possessed the necessary _____________ to navigate diverse markets.
9 The code of conduct outlines how employees should _____________ in a multicultural workplace.
10 The workshop provided tips on how to cope with and overcome _____________.
participate speak up cite logical engage in
expectation participate in presentation belt comfort zone
1 The organization recognized employees who had multiple certifications under their _____________.
2 The volunteers decided to _____________ a community project to promote cultural understanding.
3 The international business conference provides a platform for professionals to _____________ global networking.
4 The expert delivered an informative _____________ on cross-cultural communication.
5 The organization has high _____________ for employees in terms of cross-cultural competence.
6 The conference attendees were encouraged to _____________ in interactive workshops and panel discussions.
7 The training program was designed to help employees expand their _____________ and embrace new challenges.
8 The professor urged students to _____________ credible sources in their research on cultural traditions.
9 The researcher presented a _____________ framework for understanding cultural adaptation in multicultural organizations.
10 It's important to _____________ against cultural stereotypes and promote understanding.
boom ambitious participation in summary zone
exposure involve get involved in recall mature
1 The international conference attracted broad _____________ from experts in various cultural fields.
2 The conference had different discussion _____________ for participants to engage in specific topics.
3 The historian's extensive knowledge allowed her to _____________ detailed accounts of ancient civilizations.
4 The research project _____________ studying the impact of cultural differences on communication.
5 The international charity organization provides opportunities for volunteers to _____________ cross-cultural humanitarian projects.
6 The company values employees who demonstrate _____________ decision-making skills.
7 The exchange student gained _____________ to a new language and culture during their stay.
8 _____________, the conference covered various topics related to intercultural communication and cooperation.
9 The cultural festival saw a _____________ in attendance this year compared to previous editions.
10 The company's _____________ expansion plans included establishing branches in diverse cultural settings.选择性必修二Unit 2【词汇巩固】-选词填空(提高版)答案
The panel discussion examined the issue from various [angles], highlighting diverse perspectives.
Understanding the intricate cultural nuances requires a [complex] approach.
The recognition and rewards served as a great source of [motivation] for the employees.
The ambassador [sincerely] expressed gratitude for the warm welcome received during the diplomatic visit.
The organization's annual report outlined the [budget] allocated for cross-cultural training initiatives.
The cultural center provides resources to help newcomers [feel at home] in the community.
The conference provided attendees with a broader [outlook] on global cultural trends and developments.
The government implemented [firm] policies to promote cultural exchange and understanding.
The cultural center aimed to create a sense of [comfort] for immigrants in their new community.
The organization implemented initiatives to [strengthen] diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
The conference venue offered plenty of amenities and attractions in the [surrounding] area.
[Generally speaking], the organization's policies promote cultural diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
The passionate speaker [motivated] the audience to take action and embrace cultural diversity.
The organization ensures that all employees receive proper training to become culturally [competent].
The continuous rejection letters started to [depress] her spirit, but she didn't give up.
The organization provides support services to help individuals cope with [homesickness] while abroad.
The panel discussion provided diverse [perspectives] on the importance of cultural exchange in fostering global understanding.
The program provided a [reasonable] timeframe for participants to adapt to the new culture.
The government initiated collaborative projects to encourage countries to [cooperate] in preserving cultural heritage.
The research study aimed to [gain] insights into the impact of cultural diversity on team performance.
The event aimed to [engage] the community in celebrating cultural traditions.
Maintaining an [optimistic] mindset can lead to better problem-solving and resilience.
The negotiation process aimed to reach a mutually beneficial [outcome] for both parties involved.
The training program aimed to enhance participants' language [competence] and cross-cultural communication skills.
The artwork depicted a [dramatic] representation of cultural clashes and harmony.
The musician's exceptional talent helped her [qualify] for a prestigious international competition.
The high-end restaurant's menu [costs an arm and a leg], but the dining experience is exceptional.
The organization has a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination and [denies] any form of prejudice.
The research study provided new [insights] into the impact of cultural diversity on team dynamics.
The therapist provided support and counseling to help the patient overcome [depression].
The government launched an educational [initiative] to foster cross-cultural understanding among students.
The company hired an experienced cultural [advisor] to assist in their international expansion.
The entrepreneur's ambitious project aimed to bridge cultural gaps.
The sights and sounds of the bustling city were [overwhelming] for the rural visitor.
[As far as I am concerned], the company's approach to cultural diversity needs improvement.
The historical site served as a [setting] to learn about the cultural heritage of the region.
The artist's work took a new direction after their stylistic [departure] from traditional influences.
The organization is looking for [applicants] with cross-cultural experience and understanding.
The film's faithful [adaptation] of a classic novel received critical acclaim.
The cultural orientation program helped newcomers [grasp] the social norms and customs of their host country.
The government's decision to [side with] the minority community was seen as a step towards cultural inclusivity.
The traveler had to carefully manage their [expenses] during their cultural exploration.
[As far as I know], the organization has been actively promoting cultural diversity for many years.
The mentor's words of encouragement [motivated] the student to pursue a career in international relations.
The media has the power to [expose] audiences to diverse cultural stories and experiences.
The artist drew inspiration from the urban [surroundings] for their artwork.
The cultural exchange program selected students to be [envoys] of their respective countries' culture and values.
The international business executive possessed the necessary [qualifications] to navigate diverse markets.
The code of conduct outlines how employees should [behave] in a multicultural workplace.
The workshop provided tips on how to cope with and overcome [culture shock].
The organization recognized employees who had multiple certifications under their [belt].
The volunteers decided to [engage in] a community project to promote cultural understanding.
The international business conference provides a platform for professionals to [participate in] global networking.
The expert delivered an informative [presentation] on cross-cultural communication.
The organization has high [expectations] for employees in terms of cross-cultural competence.
The conference attendees were encouraged to [participate] in interactive workshops and panel discussions.
The training program was designed to help employees expand their [comfort zones] and embrace new challenges.
The professor urged students to [cite] credible sources in their research on cultural traditions.
The researcher presented a [logical] framework for understanding cultural adaptation in multicultural organizations.
It's important to [speak up] against cultural stereotypes and promote understanding.
The international conference attracted broad [participation] from experts in various cultural fields.
The conference had different discussion [zones] for participants to engage in specific topics.
The historian's extensive knowledge allowed her to [recall] detailed accounts of ancient civilizations.
The research project [involves] studying the impact of cultural differences on communication.
The international charity organization provides opportunities for volunteers to [get involved in] cross-cultural humanitarian projects.
The company values employees who demonstrate [mature] decision-making skills.
The exchange student gained [exposure] to a new language and culture during their stay.
[In summary], the conference covered various topics related to intercultural communication and cooperation.
The cultural festival saw a [boom] in attendance this year compared to previous editions.
The company's [ambitious] expansion plans included establishing branches in diverse cultural settings.