人教版(2019)必修 第一册Welcome unit第4课时 单元重点单词,句型,短语讲解教学课件(共41张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Welcome unit第4课时 单元重点单词,句型,短语讲解教学课件(共41张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-11-22 10:31:55



Welcome Unit
Period 4 单元知识点讲解
beginswiththefirst step.
1.Learn to know the usage of some important
2.To do some exercises by using these words.
单词预习检测 ——英汉互译
1. 交换;交流 n_ _
2. 讲座;演讲 n
3. 注册;登记 v ____
4. 女(性)的 adj& 女性 _______
5. 男(性)的 adj&男性 n _______ 6. 国籍 n __
7. 国家;民族 n _____
单词预习检测 ——英汉互译
8. 设计师 n ___
9. 设计;绘制 ______
10. 校园 n ____
11. 正式的 adj _____
12. 非正式的 adj__ __
13. registration n ___ 14. sex n__ ______
教材原句p.2 I’m an exchange student from the UK . 我是一名来自英 国的交换生。
1 exchange n. &vt.
(1) n. 交换;交流
搭配: in exchange for 作为 ……的交换
They were given food and shelter in exchange for work.
an exchange of ideas / information 意见 / 信息交流
(2)vt. 交换;交流;交易;兑换
You can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel. 你可在旅馆把你
I went over and exchanged greetings with everyone. 我走过去跟大家打
for... 以 ……换取 ……
with sb. 和某人交换 ……
( 1 ) I’ve offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a week’s
(2 ) He exchanged the black jacket for a blue one..
(3 ) At the end of the game, players traditionally exchange shirts with each other.
(4 ) I might offer them my old camera in exchange for (作为...... 的交
换) a new one..
教材原句p.2 in the lecture hall 在演讲厅里
2 lecture n. & vi.1) n. 讲座;讲课;教训
a lecture room/hall 演讲室 / 厅
deliver/give a lecture to sb. 给某人上课
He delivered the lecture at the London School of Economics.
He regularly gives lectures on modern French literature.
2) vi. (开)讲座;讲课 vt. 训斥
搭配: lecture sb. about/on sth. 因为某事训斥某人
He began to lecture us about making too much noise.
He lectures on European art at Manchester University.
( 1) She lectures on Shakespeare at Edinburgh University.
(2) He’s always lecturing me about/on the way I dress.
( 3) My dad give him a lecture about/on 或 lecture him about/o(n教 训了我一顿) the evils of alcohol last night.
教材原句 p.2 A designer. 设计师。
3 designer n. 设计者
a fashion/jewellery/bridge designer 时装 / 珠宝 / 桥梁设计师
an industrial designer 工业设计师
【词语积累】design n. & vt.
( 1) n. 设计;设计方案;意图
The library of Shandong University is very good in
design. I’m sure he ignored you by accident and not by
in design 在设计上
by design(= on purpose)故意地
These measures are designed to reduce pollution.
This dictionary is designed for advanced learners of English.
She designed a logo for the company. 她为公司设计了一个标志
to do 目的是 ……
for... 为 …… 而设计
as... 设计为 ……
为 …… 设计 ……
be designed 1
design ... for...
(2 ) vt. 设计;计划;筹划;构思
( 1 ) It is said that the designer(design) of the jewel is a woman artist.
( 2 ) The plan is designed to reduce (reduce) the company’s mountainous
debts .
( 3 ) I'm sure he ignored you by accident and not design .
(4 ) There are toilets which are designed for the disabled in many public places .
( 5 ) The building is designed a church .
( 6 ) It took the designer a week to design (design) the house .
( 7 ) These exercises ( 目的是增强) muscles .
(8 ) The course is designed for (是为 …… 设计的) beginners .
is designed to strengthen
教材原句 p.2 Amy is talking to Ms Li, a school adviser, about which courses to choose .
【句式分析】which courses to choose 是 “ 疑问词 + 动词不定式 ”结构,在句中作 about 的宾语。
1 疑问词 + 动词不定式
“疑问词 + 动词不定式 ”可改写成由疑问词引导的名词性从句。
A judge must decide which eyewitness to believe .
=A judge must decide which eyewitness he / she should believe. 法官必须断定该相信哪个证人。
疑问代词: who , whom , what , which 疑问副词: when , where , how
( 2)常接该结构的动词: know , see , decide , tell , ask , consider , explain , learn , wonder 等。
( 3)该结构在句中可作主语、宾语或表语。
When to decorate the house hasn’t been decided. 什么时候装修房子还不确定。(作主语)
They didn’t decide where to hold the debate. 他们没有决定在什么地方举行辩论。(作宾语) The question is how to take apart the machine. 问题是如何拆卸这台机器。(作表语)
搭配 」 be annoyed that... 对 ……恼怒
be annoyed to find/discover/hear... 恼火地发现 / 听说 ……
I was so annoyed with him for turning up late.
My parents were rather annoyed (that) I hadn't told them about the accident. 我没有告诉父母这起事故,这让他们很生气。
annoy vt.使恼怒;打扰 annoying adj.讨厌的;令人气恼的 I like her even though she can be annoying at times.
题组练 ·领悟方法
1 annoyed adj.恼怒的;生气的
be/get annoyed with sb. at/about sth. 因某事生某人的气
教材原句 p.4 annoyed 生气的
情绪类动词可以加 -ed 或 -ing 构成形容词。
( 1 ) -ed 形式的形容词往往表示 “ 感到 …… 的 ” ,常用来修饰人或人
She felt disappointed at the news. 她对这个消息感到失望

a disappointed look 失望的神色
moved tears 感动的泪水
(2 ) -ing 形式的形容词往往表示 “令人 …… 的 ” ,常用来修饰物。
This is amazing news.
( 1 ) He was beginning to get annoyed ( annoy ) with me about my poor design . that that
( 2 ) Mr Davies was annoyed the boo dwis ermissing .
( 3 ) Other staff said sh osf nedmed annoyed (discover) that Mrs
Fribbins hada neo i e bed .
(4 ) It’s an noye( oy) that we didn’t know about this before.完成句子
( 5 ) Tina really ( 把b a n y d)ati yt aeremleses sng this morning .
( 6 ) My Hmis udmisapwpoililntse rl ol /expression (对我的粗心生气) .
( 7 ) His disappointed look/expression (他那失望的神色) suggested that he
didn’t pass the driving test.
教材原句 p.4 So this is it — senior high school at last !
这就是了—— 终于到了高中学校了!
2 senior ( 1 ) adj. 级别(或地位)高的
搭配: be senior to sb. 比某人年龄大;比某人职位高
He is senior to me , so I have to do what he tells me .
a senior officer/manager/lecturer 一位高级军官 / 经理 / 讲师
a senior post/position 一个高级职务 / 职位
senior high school(美国)高中
( 2 ) n. 较年长的人
He is my senior by two years. 他比我大两岁。
be senior to sb . ( √ )
be older than sb . ( √ )
比某人年龄大 {
( 1) Although I am senior to the designer , I admire him very much.
他比我大 5 岁。
( 2 ) He is five years senior to me.( senior)
( 3 ) He is senior to me by five years(.senior)
(4 ) He is five years older than me.(older)
教材原句p.4 I ’ m not outgoing so I ’ m a little anxious right now .
anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的;渴望的,急切的
-about/for sth. 为某事担心,渴望某事物
for sb. 担心某人
搭配: be anxious to do sth. 渴望做某事
that... 渴望 …… ;担心 ……
-for sb. to do sth. 渴望某人做某事
He is anxious about the meeting. 他对这次会议忧心忡忡。
I am anxious to get home to open my presents. 我恨不得马上到家去打开礼物。
I’m anxious that we get there on time because I don’t think there will be left. 我真希望我们能准时赶到那儿,因为我觉得到时候就没有太多空座了。
【词语积累】anxiously adv. 焦虑地;急切地 anxiety n. 焦虑;渴望;急切
( 2 ) The company is anxious to improve(improve) its fame .
( 3 ) Anxiously(anxious), she took the dress out of the package and tried it on , only to find it was not suitable for the party.
(4 ) Children normally feel a lot of anxiety (anxious) about their first day at school .
( 5 ) I was anxious fo 担 心) the children when they didn’t come back home from school on time .
( 1 ) Mrs Johnson has been anxious for her son since he went abroad .
教材原句 p.4 I want to make a good first impression. 我想给别人留下良好的第一印象。
4 impression n. 印象;感想
搭配 make an impression 留下好印象
leave a ( n ) ... impression on sb. 给某人留下 …… 印象
first impression 第一印象 a good/bad impression 一个好 / 坏印象
His good manners left a deep impression on his schoolmates .
【词语积累】(1) impress vt. 使钦佩;给 …… 留下深刻的好印象 vi. 留下印象;引人注目
impress sb. with sth. 某事物给某人留下深刻印象
be impressed with/by 对 …… 印象深刻
impress sth. on sb. 使某人了解某事物的重要性
He tried to impress me with his extensive knowledge of wine .
The teacher was clearly not impressed by our behaviour in the lab .
( 2 ) impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的;感人的
( 2 ) The beautiful campus left a deep impression btyh/ sitehwho visited it . ( 3 ) Why does it matter that people are more impressed the most recent changes impressive
(4 ) There are some very ( impress) buildings in our town .
完成句子 left/made a deep impression on me
( 5 ) The first time I saw him , his sense of humour
(给我留下深刻的印象) .
impression (impress) of her was that she was an outgoing
( 1 ) My first
woman .
● 教材原句 p.4 I couldn’t concentrate on the experiment . 我没法专心做实验。
● 5 concentrate vi. & vt. 集中(注意力);聚精会神
●搭配 concentrate on/upon... 集中精力于 ……
● concentrate one’s attention/efforts on 把某人的注意力 / 精力集中在 ……
● I can’t concentrate on my work when I’m tired. 我累了就无法集中精力工作。
● 【词语积累】
● concentration n. 集中;专心
be absorbed/buried in
fix/focus/concentrate one’s attention on
put one’s heart into
pay attention to
be devoted to

( 1 ) I’m concentrating my efforts on preparing for tomorrow’s exam .
( 2 ) I decided to concentrate my efforts on finding (find) a good job .
( 3 ) Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentrat i(ocnoncentrate) .
(4 ) All these worries made it impossible for her to concentrate/focus on/upon (
集中精力于) her experiment.
( 5 ) There is too much noise. I can’t concentrate/focus/fix my attention on the work
(专心工作) .
Finally , we do an experiment using this method and get a good result .
Many people do not like the idea of experimenting on animals .
【学法点拨】 一般来说,表示 “ 对 …… 做实验 ” ,其后接介词 on;
表示 “ 做 …… 方面的实验 ” ,其后接介词 in;
表示 “ 用 …… 做实验 ” ,其后接介词 with。
do/perform/carry out an experiment 做实验
experiment on sth. 在某物上做实验
6 experiment n. 实验;试验 v. 做试验;进行实验
experiment in sth. 在某方面的尝试
experiment with sth. 用某物做实验
( 1 ) Some people feel that experimenting(experiment) on animals is wrong.
( 2 ) They carried out a lot of experiments (进行了许多实验) to test the theory.
( 3) Observe carefully if any change occurs when doing experiment (做实验) in the lab.
He hadn’t been invited to the party and was feeling left out.他未被邀请参加聚会,感到受了
I’d love to have a holiday and I can’t wait to leave this place behind .
Leave the matter aside for a moment. 暂时不要考虑这件事。
There isn’t enough room for us , let alone the guests. 连我们都没有足够的空间,更不用说客人

教材原句p.4 I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone !
7 leave ... alone 不打扰;不惊动
Don’t talk to her. Leave her alone. 不要跟她讲话,让她一个人待着静静。
leave... behind 忘带;落后;把 …… 抛在后面
let alone 更不用说
leave... out 省去;遗漏;忽略
leave... aside 不考虑,把 …… 搁置一边
( 2 ) He set off for Washington , leaving the children behind with their mother.
( 3 ) You get left behind ( 落 后) and your results are below average this time .
(4 ) You had better leave him alone (别管他), for he is annoyed now.
stressed again that the students should not leave while retelling the story.
( 1 ) The teacher important details
out any
教材原句 p.4 I didn’t feel awkward or frightened at all . 我一点儿也不觉得尴尬和害怕。
8 frightened adj. 惊吓的;害怕的
搭配 {be frightened to do sth. 不敢做某事
I’m frightened of walking home alone in the dark .我害怕在黑夜独自走路回家。
In fact , he is frightened to go out alone at midnight. 事实上,他半夜不敢一个人出去。
fright n. 惊骇;惊恐 + -en → frighten vt. 使吃惊;惊吓 + -ing → frightening adj. 令人害怕的
frighten s b. into doing sth. 恐吓某人做某事
frighten s b. out of doing sth. 吓得某人不敢做某事
frighten away/off 吓走,吓跑
frighten s b. to death 把某人吓得要死
be frightened of(doing) sth. 害怕(做)某事
( 2 ) He was almost frightened to death by the eagle in the circus .
( 3 ) The boss frightened her into selling the diamond to him at a very low price .
(4 ) On seeing the frightening ( frighten) scene, the little girl wafsri tened (frighten) that she burst out crying .
( 5 ) The little girl is frightened to speak(不敢说话) in public .
( 6 ) We frightened the birds away (把鸟吓走) by waving our hands .
( 7 ) The strange noise frightened him out of his plan/frightened him into giving up his plan
(吓得他放弃了他的计划) of exploring the abandoned (废弃的) house .
( 1 ) It was a very (frighten) journey in the desert and they were very brave .
教材原句 p.4 I miss my friends from junior high school ... 我想念我初中的
小伙伴们 ……
9 junior ( 1 ) adj. 地位(或职位、级别)低下的
搭配: be junior to sb. 比某人级别低 / 资历浅 / 年纪小
The president was junior to some of his employees .
( 2 ) n. 职位较低者;(体育运动中)青少年,青少年运动员
office juniors 办公室的低级职员
leading juniors 名列前茅的青少年运动员
junior high school(美国)初级中学
“A 比 B 小两岁 ”可表达为:
A is junior to B by two years. = A is two years junior to B .
( 1) Jack is junior to (比 …… 资历浅) the others in the department , but he has a greater goal.
(2) My brotheris junior to me by several years ( 比我小
好几岁) .
( 3) Of the two clerks , he is the junior (职位较低者)
教材原句 p.4 ... there ’ s a lot to explore at senior high .
…… 高中会有很多事物等待着我去探索。
10 explore vt. & vi. 探索;勘探;仔细研究,探究
explore the unknown world 探索未知世界explore space 探索太空
The best way to explore the village is on foot.探索这个村庄,步行是最好的方法。 Let’s explore this idea more fully. 让我们进一步探讨一下这个想法。
explorer n. 探索者,开拓者 exploration n. 探索,探险
( 1 ) The expert had a chance to explore (explore) the South Pole .
( 2 ) We are curious about the voyage of exploration (explore) with an open
mind .
storm .
( 3 ) The explorer (explore) wrote what he had experienced in the heavy
教材原句p.4 I feel much more confident than I felt this morning .
11 confident adj. 自信的;有把握的
搭配 { be confident of/about + n. / pron. /v. -ing 确信 ……
I’m confident of his skills as a manager. 我对他当经理的能力很有信心。
They don’t sound confident about the future of the industry. 他们听起来对该产业的未来
Are you confident that enough students will attend the lecture
【学法点拨】confident adj. → confidence n. 信心;信任
different adj. 不同的 → difference n. 不同点,不同之处 absent adj. 缺席的,不在的 → absence n. 缺席,不在
【归纳拓展】be confident of/about 对 …… 有信心
have/lose confidence in 对 …… 有 / 丧失信心
be confident that... 确信 ……
( 1 ) She is confident of/about winning her partner ’s support.
( 2 ) He is confident that he will make great progress if he
concentrates on his study.
( 3) The coach has confidence in his athletes.
(4) The expert said confidently(confident) that he would find a solution to the disease.
( 5) He is quite confident that (对 …… 很确信) he can finish the experiment.
(6) I have confidence in(对 …… 有信心) her. She’ll be perfect for the job.
教材原句 p.4 What if no one talks to me 要是没人跟我说话怎么办呢?
1 What if... 要是 …… 会怎么样呢?
What if I fail to make an impression 要是我没留下好印象怎么办?
“What if + 主语 + 谓语? ”用于提出假设,其后的句子可用真实语气,也可用虚拟语气。
What for 为了什么? What/How about... …… 怎么样?
So what 那又怎么样? How come 怎么会呢?
We need a bigger car. What for 我们需要一辆更大的汽车。为了什么?
What/How about going hiking with us 和我们一起去远足怎么样?
( 3) —Michael was late for Mr. Smith’s chemistry class this morning. How come
— (怎么会呢) As far as I know , he never came late to class.
(4) —Linda Sdoi hna’t t invite us to the party.
— (那又怎么样) I don’t care.
( 2 ) I have no time to see them today. What/How about tomorrow (明天 怎么样)
( 1) What if (要 是 …… 会怎么样) they talked a long time about a
painting you weren’t
interested in
教材原句 p.4 I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful .
2 find + 宾语 + 宾语补足语
“find+ 宾语 + 宾补 ” 的具体表示形式为:
( 1 ) find s b. /sth. +adj. /adv. 发现某人 / 某物 ……
We all find the experiment interesting. 我们都觉得这个实验很有趣。
( 2 ) find s b. /sth. ( +to be) + n. 发现某人 / 某物(是) ……
In the end , we found him an expert in the field. 最后,我们发现他是这一领域的专家。
( 3 ) find s b. /sth. + doing/done 发现某人 / 某物正在做 / 被 ……
He hurried to the classroom , only to find the door locked .
(4 ) find s b. /sth. + 介词短语 发现某人 / 某物 …… ;觉得某人 / 某物 ……
When he came back to life , he found himself in the hospital. 他醒来时发现自己在医院
( 1 ) find 可用于“find + it(形式宾语) + 宾语补足语 + 不定式(真正的宾 语) ”的结构,该结构可转换为“find + 宾语从句 ”的形式。
This is the first time that I have been away from home, so I find it hard to live here/ find that it is hard to live here .
( 2)若“find + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 ”结构变为被动形式,则原来的宾语变成主
语,宾补变成 主补,但补语的形式不变。
He was found seated in front of the TV set, playing games .
( 1 ) I find the life in the countryside peaceful(peace ) .
( 2 ) Towards nightfall I found myself carried ( carry ) out to sea by a strong wind
( 3 ) He returned to the airport only to find his car alarm going( go ) off.
(4 ) The little boy was very pleased to find the bottle filled (fill) with water.
( 5 ) Even the best writers sometimes find themselves lost (lose) for words . ( 6 ) He was found exchanging (exchange) ideas with the manager.
( 7 ) The two girls are so a like that strangers find it difficult to tell one from the other.
( 8 ) He hurried to get to the cinema , only to find the tickets sold out (发现票
已经卖光了) .
( 9 ) When he came to himself , he found himself lying on the bed (发现自己躺在床
上) .