Unit 3 On the move
Understanding ideas教学设计
科目:英语 课题:Understanding ideas 课时:1课时
知识目标:Students can learn some new words, phrases and sentences.
能力目标:Students can have a further understanding of the passage.
情感目标:Students can think individually and learn cooperatively.
教学重点:How to learn the new words and sentences.
教学难点:How to make students have a better understanding of the passage.
1. Greeting
2. Leading-in
What sports do you like best
Understanding Ideas
1. 学生活动:阅读文章,完成练习。
Read the whole passage for the first time and choose the author's purpose in writing the passage.
1. To talk about the history of football.
2. To express his/her love of football.
3. To explain why football is such a popular game.
4. To prove that he/she is a professional football fan.
(Suggested answers:
3. To explain why football is such a popular game.)
2. 学生活动:阅读文章,完成练习。
Read the passage again and answer the following questions.
1. What does the author mainly talk about
A. Football is popular because it is simple to play.
B. Football can bring us excitement.
C. Football can help people to communicate.
D. Football enjoys its popularity all over the world.
2. Where did modern football start
A. Ancient China.
B. Great Britain.
C. Germany.
D. Brazil.
3. Football is popular all over the world because ______.
A. it's a game with creativity and excitement on the field
B. it is easy to catch fans' attention
C. you don't have to understand the professional skills
D. the players performed wonderfully
4. Why did British and German soldiers stop their war
A. Because they wanted to end the war.
B. Because football provided them a chance to communicate.
C. Because they all loved it.
D. Because they were tired of the war.
5. What does the author want to say in the last paragraph
A. Football is just more than a sport.
B. Football is a matter of life and death.
C. Football is more important than other sports.
D. Football is important because our planet is shaped like a football.
(Suggested answers:
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B)
3. 学生活动:Pair Work
Please divide the passage into three parts, and find out the main ideas of each part.
Part.1 (para.1) _________________
Part.2 (para.2-4) _________________
Part.3 (para.5) _________________
(Suggested answers:
Part.1 (para.1) Football is popular around the world.
Part.2 (para.2-4) The three reasons why football is so popular.
Part.3 (para.5) Football is much more than just a sport.)
4. 学生活动:完成练习。
Read the passage carefully again and complete activity 4 on page 28 by themselves.
(Suggested answers:
1. Ancient China 2. a simple and cheap game to play
3. a ball made of plastic bags 4. creativity and excitement
5. pass, score and defend 6. brings people together
7. played football together)
1. 学生活动:Group Work
Work in groups and discuss the following questions.
Q1: What is your understanding of the last sentence of the passage
Q2: What other sports are as popular as football in China What makes them
so popular
重点词汇:represent, basis, content, conflict, assure, more than
重点句型:given that…, that引导主语从句
Try to retell the reasons of the popularity of football according to the chart.