Unit5 What does he do B read and write 新课标原创优课 单元整体教学设计 素材(共44张PPT)


名称 Unit5 What does he do B read and write 新课标原创优课 单元整体教学设计 素材(共44张PPT)
格式 zip
文件大小 92.3MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-11-26 21:53:22


Unit 5 What does he do
B read and write(My dream job)
Let’s chant
Look and guess
police officer
Your partner's
List five pare with your partner.
How many different jobs are there in both lists
police officer
I have three friends.
They have different hobbies and jobs.
Lead in
Who are they
Look and guess
Hu Bin likes sports. He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. He often goes running after school. He wants to work in a gym.
Tip: If you like sports, you can be a coach,
a sports reporter, or a PE teacher.
Sarah likes using computers, and she can type very quickly. She wants to work in an office.
Tip: If you can type quickly, you can be a secretary.
Robin wants to be a scientist like Wu Binbin's grandfather. He studies very hard, and he wants to work in a university.
Tip: If you like science, you can be a scientist.
Who are they (请圈出文中的人名)
Read and circle
dream job
1.What does he like
2. Where does he want to work
3. What does he want to be
Think and guess
Hu Bin
What does he/she like
What does he/she want to be
Where is he/she going to work
Read and fill
Hu Bin likes sports. He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. He often goes running after school. He wants to work in a gym.
Tip: If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher.
He is good at football,
ping-pong and basketball.
1.What does he like
Read and find
He is good at football.
He plays football very well.
be good at ... 擅长于……
He is good at _________.
She is good at _______.
He is good at ______________.
playing basketball
Hu Bin likes sports. He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. He often goes running after school. He wants to work in a gym.
Tip: If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher.
Read and find
Hu Bin likes sports. He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. He often goes running after school. He wants to work in a gym.
Tip: If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher.
2.What does he want to be
Read and find
Hu Bin likes sports. He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. He often goes running after school. He wants to work in a gym.
Tip: If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher.
3.Where is he going to work
Read and find
Hu Bin
What does he/she like
What does he/she want to be
Where is he/she going to work
Read and fill
coach/PE teacher/reporter
If you like sports//, you can be a coach//,
a sports reporter//, or a PE teacher.
Tips for pronunciation
Tips for pronuciation
Maybe she wants to be a ____.
Think and guess
What does he/she like
What does he/she want to work
What does she/he want to be
Read and fill
Tip: Listen and underline the key words.
1. What does she like
2. Where does she want to work
3. What does she want to be
Listen and find
Sarah likes using computers, and she can type very quickly.
She wants to work in an office.
Tip: If you can type quickly, you can be a secretary.
1.What does she like
Listen and find
Sarah likes using computers, and she can type very quickly.
She wants to work in an office.
Tip: If you can type quickly, you can be a secretary.
Listen and find
I have a pen pal. Her name is Nancy. She’s from the USA. She likes drawing.
She can type very quickly.
type slowly
type quickly
Sarah likes using computers, and she
can type very quickly.She wants to work in an office.
Tip: If you can type quickly, you can be a secretary.
2. Where does she want to work
Listen and find
Sarah likes using computers, and she can type very quickly. She wants to work in an office.
Tip: If you can type quickly, you can be a secretary.
If you can type quickly,
you can be a
3. What does she want to be
Listen and find
If you can type quickly, you can be_______.
Give Sarah some advice
What does he/she like
What does he/she want to work
What does she/he want to be
Read and fill
using computers
Robin wants to be a scientist like Wu Binbin’s grandfather. He studies very hard, and he wants to work in a university.
Tip: If you like science, you can be a scientist.
Robin wants to be a _______.
He wants to work in a _________.
He likes ______.
studies very hard
Read and fill
If you like science, you can be_______.
Give Robin some advice
Hu Bin likes sports. He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. He often goes running after school. He wants to work in a gym.
Tip: If you like sports, you can be a coach,
a sports reporter, or a PE teacher.
Sarah likes using computers, and she can type very quickly. She wants to work in an office.
Tip: If you can type quickly, you can be a secretary.
Robin wants to be a scientist like Wu Binbin's grandfather. He studies very hard, and he wants to work in a university.
Tip: If you like science, you can be a scientist.
People and their jobs Hobbies and jobs
Hu Bin Sarah Robin
Hobbies(爱好) sports using computers science
Abilities(能力) good at football,ping-pong and basketball type very quickly studies hard
Places(场所) gym office university
Tip: If you like_________, you can____________,
you want to work in______________________,
You can be a___________________.
Try to say
Hu Bin likes sports. He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. He often goes running after school. He wants to work in a gym.
Tip: If you like sports, you can be a coach,a sports reporter, or a PE teacher.
Listen and follow
Sarah likes using computers, and she can type very quickly. She wants to work in an office.
Tip: If you can type quickly, you can be a secretary.
Robin wants to be a scientist like Wu Binbin's grandfather. He studies very hard, and he wants to work in a university.
Tip: If you like science, you can be a scientist.
Tips for pronunciation
He is good at football//,ping-pong//and basketball.
Step 1:听音、跟读,注意语音、语调和停顿。
If you like sports//,you can be a coach//,a sports reporter//,or a PE teacher.
Step 2:小组合作朗读。
Hobbies and jobs
Hobin likes______,He is good at______, ________and ________.He wants to work in a ______. Sarah likes ____________and she can ______very quickly. She wants to be a ______
in an______.Robin likes______, he wants to be a _______in a ________.
using computers
Let’s retell
Ann Tom Lin
Hobbies(爱好) singing, dancing likes fishing cars,planes
Abilities(能力) play the piano/pipa catch fishes drive a car very well
Places(场所) school sea plane
Tip: If you like_________, you can____________,
you want to work in______________________,
You can be a___________________.
Try to say
I like…
I want to be…
playing football/basketball...
cook/police officer/
Speak your dream
I like ________.
reading/cooking/ drawing…
doctor/postman/ police officer/businessman/ factory worker...
I can ________.
I want to work ________.
I want to be a/an _______.
hospital/office/post office/university/gym/sea/bookstore...
More about your dream
At the Real World Camp, children can try to do different jobs. Do you want to go to the camp Fill in this form.
Which job do you want to do
Parents’ information:
What does your father/mother do
Where does he/she work
What is his/her phone number
“I allow my child to go to the camp.”
Parent’s signature:______________
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Unit5 What does he do 单元整体分析
课时 Unit5 What does he do B read and write
语篇内容 My dream job 类型 读写课
语篇分析 What: 本课时是一篇阅读课,语篇主要围绕着My dream job而展开。语篇通过了解Hu Bin,Sarah和Robin三个人的爱好、能力、梦想职业和工作地点方面给出相关的职业建议,如Hu Bin喜欢运动,擅长足球、乒乓球和篮球,他想在体育馆里工作,那么就可以建议他成为一个教练、体育记者或是体育老师。学生了解到自己的能力、兴趣爱好和未来能胜任的工作,获得家长允许参加职业体验营,完成深浅填写。Why: 通过学习本课的内容,学生能够训练自己的信息获取和概括能力,并结合所学语言完成句子的表达和填空,学生通过语篇学习,结合个人阅读收获与感悟,明白职业梦想与个人兴趣、能力与态度之间的关系,树立正确的职业观。How: 通过师生自由对话中回顾已学有关职业的单词,并尝试运用句型“I want to be a/an...Because..”表达自己未来想成为的人,并适当阐述理由,学生通过阅读图片和文段,理解语篇大意,完成表格信息,学生在听音跟读以及小组合作朗读中感受句子停顿的朗读技巧,然后再结合自身经验和语言提示完成“Real World Camp”的申请表,锻炼语言的综合表达能力。
教学目标教学重点、难点 尽可能说出已学的职业单词,激活背景知识和储备词汇,语用句型I want to be a/an... Because ...表达自己想要成为的职业, 能通过阅读问题训练在语篇中捕捉不同类型信息的能力,完成表格信息,理解词组goes running, tip, sports reporter, using, type quickly, secretary, like的语音和语义;(学习理解)按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读文本,了解英语中停顿的朗读技巧,能根据他人的兴趣、能力和梦想职业等方面给他人提出职业建议,锻炼口语表达能力,明白职业梦想与个人兴趣、能力与态度之间的关系,树立正确的职业观;(应用实践)完成有关职业体验营的申请卡,写一写自己想要成为的职业和理由,培养学生的语言写作能力,鼓励学生大胆尝试,追求自己的梦想。(迁移创新)教学重点:学生能够语篇中的表格信息填空,读准语篇中的个别词汇,如:secretary, type等,能结合语言If you like...you can...提示给他人职业建议,完成拓展部分的写作训练。教学难点:结合他人的兴趣能力等方面为他人提供职业建议,完成拓展部分的写作训练。
资源选取及运用 教材、PPT及图片
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
1.学习理解尽可能说出已学的职业单词,激活背景知识和储备词汇,语用句型I want to be a/an... Because ...表达自己想要成为的职业, 能通过阅读问题训练在语篇中捕捉不同类型信息的能力,完成表格信息,理解词组goes running, tip, sports reporter, using, type quickly, secretary, like的语音和语义 1.Let’s chant2.Look and guess3.List jobs4.Lead in5.Look and guess5.Read and circle6.Think and guess7.Read and fill8.What does he like 9.Read and find10.What does he want to be 11.Where is he going to work 12.Think and guess13.同样方法完成Sarah and Robin. 教师观察学生能否参与互动交流,根据需要调整领读与鼓励。教师根据学生发音情况,并且利用图片让学生理解短语的意思,给与指导与反馈教师根据学生不同的水平,结合教学中出现的问题给与指导与鼓励
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
2.应用实践:按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读文本,了解英语中停顿的朗读技巧,能根据他人的兴趣、能力和梦想职业等方面给他人提出职业建议. 1.Choose.2.Try to say3.Listen and follow4.Tips for pronunciation 教师观察学生运用核心语言进行交流的情况,根据学生表现给与指导与反馈。教师观察学生能否能够顺利完成连线题目,根据学生表现给与提示和指导。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
3.迁移创新:完成有关职业体验营的申请卡,写一写自己想要成为的职业和理由,培养学生的语言写作能力. 1.Let’s retell2.Try to say3.Speak your dream4.More about your dream5.Fill the form 教师观察学生在小组内运用所学语言交流,教师根据学生对问题的回应与反馈,引导讨论和正确的评价。及时给与帮助和鼓励
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