人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage课件(4份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage课件(4份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-01 11:32:40


Unit 1
Discovering Useful Structures
Describe people or things in greater detail
This is the best TV series that I have ever seen.
To summarize the usage of restrictive relative clause
To use restrictive relative clause correctly
目标一:To summarize the usage of restrictive relative clause
Activity 1: Look at the sentences below and underline the relative pronouns and adverbs.Try to translate the sentences into Chinese.
After listening to the scientists who had studies the problem, and citizens who lived near the dam, the government turned to the United Nations for help.
Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece, and then moved and put back together again in a place where they were safe from the water.
Activity 2: Find more sentences containing relative clauses from the text on page 4, and discuss with a partner the major function of them.
There comes a time when the old must give way to the new...
Formulate: The relative adverb (pronoun/adverb) “when” here refers to the “ time ” to lead the relative clauses to illustrate what kind of time it is.
Where are the relative pronouns and adverbs
What are their functions
1.Paragraph 2:
Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt’s cultural heritage.
The relative pronoun “that” here refers to the “cultural relics” to lead the relative clauses to describe the importance of the heritage.
2.Paragraph 6:
Perhaps the best example is shown by UNESCO, which runs a programme that prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world from disappearing.
The relative pronoun “which” here refers to the “UNESCO” to lead the first relative clauses to tell the work it did in operating the project.
The relative pronoun “that” here refers to the “programme” to lead the second relative clauses to stress the function of the programme.
Activity 3: Make a short summary in a table or mind map about the relative pronouns and adverbs and give an example each.
who relates to people (subject) The musician who wrote this song is French.
whom relates to people (object) I know the boy whom sits next to you.
that relates to people, animals, things This is the programme that I take part in.
which relates to animals and things This is the cake which Mary made.
where refers to places This is the house where my son was born.
why refers to reasons Do you know the reason why the market is closed today?
whose refers to possession The boy whose phone rang just now should stand up.
when refers to time The day when the concert takes place is Saturday.
目标二:To use restrictive relative clause correctly
Activity 1: Rewrite the sentences using relative clauses.
I have downloaded that free app, but it doesn’t work well.
The free app (which/that) I have downloaded doesn’t work well.
1. He showed me a photo in his room.
It was a photo of a famous cultural relic in Egypt. →
The photo _________________________________________
(which/that) he showed me in his room was of a famous cultural relic in Egypt.
2.The project team helped protect the national parks in the United Republic of Tanzania. It was formed by members from fifteen countries. →The project team ___________________________________________
3.This temple was first built during the Qin Dynasty. →
The time ____________________________________________________
4.We met a professional archaeologist at the entrance to the Great Pyramid.
He explained to us the process of building such a difficult structure. →
The professional archaeologist __________________________________
whose members were from fifteen countries helped protect the national parks in the United Republic of Tanzania.
when this temple was first built was during the Qin Dynasty.
(who/whom) we met at the entrance to the
Great Pyramid explained to us the process of building such a difficult
5. The documents about the cultural relics from overseas are under the desk. I found them yesterday.→
The place ______________________________________________
6. Scientists worked together day and night to rescue the temple because they wanted to preserve it for the next generation.→
The reason______________________________________________
where I found the documents yesterday about the cultural relics from overseas are under the desk.
why scientists worked together day and night to rescue the temple is that they wanted to preserve it for the next generation.
Activity 2: Discuss with a partner about the sentences in the last activity.Which relative pronouns can be deleted in your sentences When can you go without the relative pronouns like this
For the sentence 1:
“The photo (that/which) he showed to me was a photo of a famous cultural relic in Egypt.”
“The photo he showed to me was a photo of a famous cultural relic in Egypt.”
For the sentence 4:
The professional archaeologist (who/whom) we met at the entrance to the Great Pyramid explained to us the process of building such a difficult structure.
The professional archaeologist we met at the entrance to the Great Pyramid explained to us the process of building such a difficult structure.
What can you conclude about the relative pronouns
In some cases, we can make the clause shorter by dropping the relative pronoun like who, that and which when the relative pronoun is the object of the clause in restrictive relative clauses.
Activity 3: Work in pairs and play a game of definitions. One asks the questions below and the other answers them with relative clauses. Work out two more questions of your own.
A: What is an exit
B: An exit is the door where/through which you can leave a building.
1.What’s a library (from/in which; where)
2.What’s a good friend (to whom; who)
3.What’s a vacation (during which; when)
4.What’s a football coach (from whom; who)
1.A library is a place from/in which you can borrow books.
A library is a place where you can borrow books.
2.A good friend is someone to whom you can tell your problems.
A good friend is someone who you can tell your problems to.
3.A vacation is a time during which you don't work.
A vacation is a time when you don't work.
4.A football coach is someone from whom football players receive training.
A football coach is someone who trains football players.
Activity 4: Use the definition to guess the words pete with your neighbored group and try as fast as you can.
A: It is the door where/through which you can leave a building.What is it
B: It is an exit!
1.How many relative pronouns do you know
What are they What are their functions
2.Use restrictive relative clause to describe your partner.(共20张PPT)
Unit 1
Reading for Writing
Write a news report
视频:The Mogao Caves
To get the information about Mogao Caves and analyze the structure and language features of news report
To write a news report by using the interview notes
目标一:To get the information about Mogao Caves and analyze the structure and language features of news report
Activity 1: Read the news report and answer the questions.
1.What are the researchers and scientists trying to do What modern technology are they using
2.Why are so many people interested in the Mogao Caves
3.What do you think of the researcher’s opinion in the last paragraph
1.What are the researchers and scientists trying to do What modern technology are they using
They are working together to help increase knowledge and
appreciation of China’s ancient cultural heritage.
They are recording and collecting digital images.
2.Why are so many people interested in the Mogao Caves
Because they are a key stop along the Silk Road throughout China’s ancient history and have long been a meeting point for different cultures and are part of the history of many countries.
3.What do you think of the researcher’s opinion in the last paragraph
It’s very important for us to do something to protect the cultural heritage. We should increase knowledge and appreciation of China’s ancient cultural heritage and other countries’.
Activity 2: Study the organization and language features.
1.Read the news report again and find these parts.
A Lead sentence B Direct quote C Paraphrase
D Background information E Reporting verbs
F Words to show comparison and/or contrast
Lanzhou, 9 August 2017. A group of researchers and scientists from China and other countries are working together to help increase knowledge and appreciation of China's ancient cultural heritage.
A Lead sentence
It usually locates at the beginning of the passage or paragraph
to guide the whole passage.
B Direct quote
“Appreciating one's own cultural heritage is very important for understanding oneself. Appreciating the cultural heritage of other countries is very important for international communication and understanding.”
It usually occurs with quotation marks.
A quote is often used to explain, certify or conclude an opinion or fact.
C Paraphrase
They are recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves, which were a key stop along the Silk Road throughout China's ancient history. Nearly 500,000 high-quality digital photographs have been produced since the international project started in 1994.
·Paraphrase could be giving examples, explanation etc.
·Paraphrase could help readers to have a better understanding of the texts.
D Background information
The Mogao Caves have long been a meeting point for different cultures and are part of the history of many countries.
Background information is usually given for readers to know what happened previously.
E Reporting verbs
In English grammar, a reporting verb is a verb (such as say, tell, believe, reply, respond, ask…) used to indicate that discourse is being quoted or paraphrased. It’s also called a communication verb.
hope, explains
F Words to show comparison and/or contrast:
Today, the caves are just as international as they were at the time when people travelled the Silk Road.
“Comparison” could help readers to know the similarities.
“Contrast” is basically for the differences.
Activity 3: Discuss the following questions
Which of the writing skills is the most important one in your opinion Why
A Lead sentence
B Direct quote
C Paraphrase
D Background information
E Reporting verbs
F Words to show comparison and/or contrast
Activity 3: Underline the relative clauses that the writer uses to identify the following.
A things B people C time
A things: the Mogao Caves, which were a key stop along the Silk Road throughout China's ancient history.
B people: As one researcher who is working on the project explains…
C time: …as they were at the time when people travelled the Silk Road.
目标二:To write a news report by using the interview notes
Activity:Write a news report about a person or a group who works to protect our culture heritage. You can use the interview notes below or write about a person or group that you know of.
1.Read the interview notes.
Chen Lei,Wuhan
* senior teacher
* takes photos of old buildings
* wants to preserve cultural heritage
* interviews old people
* writes about the buildings
* visits schools to tell students about…
Protectors of the past,Wuhu
* protect old houses
* help repair buildings
* look for cultural relics
* show cultural relics to the public
* raise money
* repair temples and cultural relics
2. Draft a news report in which you explain what the person or group does.
Headline Lead sentence ·Write a title to get the readers’ attention. ·Tell the readers who, what, where, and why. A picture is worth thousand words
Chen Lei is a senior teacher who takes photos of old buildings in Wuhan in order to preserve the city’s cultural heritage.
Body Tell the reader the facts, details, examples, etc. Explain what the person or group does. Use relative clause. Use quotes and paraphrases. Every day, Chen Lei takes his camera and...
Ending End with a short summary to help the readers remember the main idea. Neither people nor buildings last forever, but Chen Lei’s photos can help us remember them.
3. Exchange drafts with a partner. Use the checklist to help each other
revise the drafts.
√ Is there a title
√ Does the lead sentence tell the reader about the situation
√ Has the writer included details and explanations
√ Are there quotes and paraphrases
√ Does the writer use relative clauses to identify people, places, things, time, etc.
√ Does the writer end with a short summary
√ Are there any grammar or spelling mistakes
4. Put up your news report in the classroom.
Sample writing:
A Teacher Takes Actions to Protect Cultural Heritage
Chen Lei is a senior teacher who takes photos of old buildings in Wuhan in order to preserve the city’s cultural heritage.
Every day, Chen Lei takes his camera and travels a long way to take photos of the old buildings. In order to get more information and write about the buildings, he often interviews old people about the history of the buildings. Sometimes he visits some schools to tell students about the Chinese cultural
heritage and encourage them to learn more about the past and how to protect Chinese cultural heritage.
Neither people nor buildings last forever, but Chen Lei’s photos can help us remember them.
1.How many parts are there in a news report
What are they
2.What do you need to tell in the headline (共16张PPT)
Unit 1
Listening and Talking
Talk about history and culture
视频:The Kremlin
To get the information about the Kremlin and Red Square by listening
To introduce a cultural site you like to others in English
To improve the skill of how to start a conversation
目标一:To get the information about the Kremlin and Red Square by listening
Activity 1: Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answers.
1.Where are the speakers
A.On a street. B.On a plane. C.On a bus.
2. What are they doing
A.Drawing a map. B.Sightseeing. C.Studying a culture

Activity 2: Listen again and complete the fact sheet.
What do you know about the Kremlin and Red Square
World Cultural Heritage Site Fact Sheet
·Built between the _______ and ______ centuries.
·The palace where ___________________ lives
·The Saint Basil’s Cathedral looks like _________.
·The ________ part of Moscow
·Place for parades, concerts, and even _______________.
the Russian President
a flame
ice hockey games
目标二:To introduce a cultural site you like to others in English
Activity 1: Watch a video and answer the questions
1.How many “guides” can you find in the video
2.What should a good tour guide need
1.There are four “guides” in the sightseeing!
real tour guide, guidebook, smart phone with Internet,
audio tour
2. good character: warm-hearted, patient, funny
vocational ability: good memory, foreign languages, introduction skill, communication skill
Activity 2: Work in groups. Choose a cultural site that you like and role-play a conversation between some tourists and their tour guide. Take turns to play the different roles.
Tourist A: I beg your pardon, but is this the Xuanyuan Mirror
Tour guide: Yes, it is. It is said that it’s a mirror that can tell right from wrong! ...I see that you’re looking at that carving on the roof. Did you know that it’s called chiwen — one of the nine sons of the Chinese dragon
Tourist B: No, I didn’t. That’s so interesting!
Tourist: Forgive me for asking, but what was the Forbidden City used for in history
Tour Guide: Well, it is said that the Forbidden City served as the home of emperors and their households as well as the ceremonial and political centre of Chinese government
for almost 500 years. I see that you’re
looking at that valuable vase. Do you
know anything about it
Activity 3: Discuss with your partner about the following questions.
1.What kinds of difficulties have you found in starting a conversation
2.How can we start a conversation better
Think about: experiences, your characteristics, people around you…
Here are some tips on how to start a conversation.
1. Remember there is no such thing as a “perfect opening”.
It is totally okay to be the first to say hello. The worst thing they do is rejecting you. The best think is they are happy with responding you.
2. Use what you already know and what your advantages are.
Try to say something that you are familiar with to make a conversation. You may ask yourself, “What’s my connection to these people ”
3. Remember to ask “what do you think about that ”
It’s okay to offer your opinion, but give other people a chance to offer theirs, too. That is how a conversation keeps running.
4. Body language is everything.
Apart from using sign language and gestures to demonstrate, it is also excellent if others can find a smile on your face.
For starting a conversation, we might use...
I beg your pardon, but...
Forgive me for asking, but...
Excuse me, but what is ...
Excuse me. Could you please tell me about ...
Do/Did you know ...
I see that you are ...
Starting a conversation
1.Can you tell more information about the Kremlin and Red Square to your partner
2.Can you introduce Tian’anmen Square to your partner (共18张PPT)
Unit 1
Assessing Your Progress
视频:Protect Chinese ICH
To consolidate the words, phrases and grammar in this unit by finishing the exercises
To reflect how well you learned in this unit by reflecting
To learn about intangible cultural heritage by discussing and researching
目标一:To consolidate the words, phrases and grammar in this unit by finishing the exercises
Activity 1: Complete the phrases below and use them to finish the passage.
1. Finish the phrases.
in to from a balance sure
be proud ____________ keep ____________ prevent ____________
donate sth. ____________ lead ____________ take part ____________
make ____________ turn ____________
a balance
Getting young people to _________ activities to protect their national heritage is a good way to introduce them to their country’s history. As they learn more about where they come from, they will hopefully ___________ tell others about their country and culture. Of course, teachers must _____________ between teaching the good and bad parts of a country’s history. Learning only the good parts can __________ narrow thinking. Learning the bad parts may help ____________ those kinds of things __________ happening again.
take part in
be proud to
keep a balance
lead to
2.Finish the passage with the phrases.
Students who know their history and culture are more likely to _____________ that their cultural heritage is protected, and teachers can motivate students by asking them to come up with their own ideas and make proposals for ways to protect this. One possible idea is for students to raise or __________ money _______an organization or group that protects their country’s cultural heritage. Teachers may also ___________ their local museums or historical societies for help in getting students more interested in this important field.
make sure
turn to
Activity 2: Discuss in your groups and answer the questions.
1.What methods are mentioned in the passage for cultural heritage protection
2.What can you do to protect the cultural heritage
(1) Getting young people to get into activities
(2) Teachers teach history and motivate students
(3) Raising or donating money
(4) Teachers turn to local museums or historical societies.
We may join in an organisation of cultural protection.
We may become a volunteer in a local museum.
We may learn some skills of protecting it.
We may choose some relevant majors in college ...
Activity 3: Read the conversation and learn about intangible cultural heritage (ICH). Then complete it with the correct relative pronouns or adverbs.
A: My teacher just gave us a task ______________ I really don’t know how to do. I have to take part in an organization ______________ protects our cultural heritage.
B: Oh, that sounds interesting! Where are you planning to go I’m sure there are all kinds of historic sites ______________ cultural relics need to be protected.
A: Yes, but I’m not one of those people ______________ love museums. I think they’re kind of boring. I like going on field trips ______________ I can experience and do things to protect cultural relics.
B: Cultural heritage is a lot more than just relics, you know. For example, our country has many nationalities ______________ dances, crafts, and other traditions are also very important. If we don’t protect those traditions, there may come a time ______________ they disappear.
where/on which
目标二:To reflect how well you learned in this unit by reflecting
Activity: Reflect on what you have learned, and then fill in the blanks.
◎Did you find it easy or difficult to talk about culture and history Why or why not
◎What was the most important part of this unit and why
◎How does learning about cultural heritage affect your opinion about your role in protecting your culture
◎Overall, I thought this unit was good useful
so-so difficult.
目标三:To learn about intangible cultural heritage by discussing and researching
Activity 1: Work in pairs. Look at the examples of Chinese ICH and discuss the questions.
1.Are you familiar with any of these examples of Chinese ICH Tell your partner what you know about them.
2.Have you ever observed or taken part in any of them If so, when and where Share your experiences with your partner.
3.What other kinds of ICH do you know about
Share what you know with your partner.
1.Beijing Opera is the quintessence of China. Having a history of 160 years, it has created many “firsts” in Chinese dramas: the abundance of repertoires (剧目丰富性); the number of artists, opera troupes and spectators (歌舞团数和观众数).
Kites have been around for thousands of years and they are a part of many different cultures around the world. In China, there’s a long history of flying a kite in spring when the weather and wind are usually most suitable for this leisure activity. Flying kites has become a worldwide sport. The most famous kite city in China is Weifang in Shandong Province.
Although paper cutting is popular around the globe, only Chinese paper cutting was listed in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) lists, because it has a history of more than 1,500 years and it represents cultural values of the people throughout China.
Paper Cutting
Chinese Calligraphy
Chinese calligraphy is a form of artist expression of human language in a tangible form. This type of expression has been widely practised in China and has been generally held in high esteem in the Chinese culture.
the Dragon Boat Festival
Chinese Acupuncture(针灸)
Shadow Play
A country’s cultural heritage includes not only temples, palaces, and other cultural relics, but also its traditions, customs, and knowledge, such as dances, arts, and crafts.
Activity 2: Choose something that represents ICH. Use the library or the Internet to do research. You can refer to the questions below as a guide.
What is it
What does it look like
Who uses/ does it
Why should we protect it
What are its characteristics
How is it used/ done/ made
Does it have any symbolic meaning
How can we protect it
Make a presentation to the class about the ICH that you have chosen.
1.Can you recall some words and phrases in this unit Try to tell some to your partner.
2.How many relative pronouns or adverbs do you know What are they Can you give some examples to illustrate their usage
3.Can you tell your experience on intangible cultural heritage protection