Unit 9 Section A 1a-2c 大单元教学+课时设计+课件+音视频人教版新目标八年级上Unit 9 Can you come to my party


名称 Unit 9 Section A 1a-2c 大单元教学+课时设计+课件+音视频人教版新目标八年级上Unit 9 Can you come to my party
格式 zip
文件大小 35.1MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教新目标(Go for it)版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-01 13:14:30


Unit 9 Can you come to my party 单元整体教学设计
单元主题意义 本单元的主题属于“人与自我,人与社会”这个主题!本单元以 “邀请”为话题,以能出发、接受或拒绝邀请,使用have to , must来谈论职责和义务为功能,在具体的情景中如何发出、接受或拒绝邀请和谈论职责和义务过度用邀请函的方式发出、接受或拒绝邀请。
单元教学目标 通过本单元的学习,学生能够: 目标a:学习掌握重点词汇,表达及Can you come to ... 句式进行问答,运用得体的语言对接受或拒绝邀请进行合理的表达并能陈述原因。 目标b:综合运用本单元所学知识来进行有礼貌的书面邀请、接受邀请和拒绝邀请的写作。 目标c:了解国外聚会的基本知识,以及出席各类聚会的基本常识。 目标d:学会人际交往的基本常识,学会有礼貌地邀请别人及回答别人的邀请方式,学会承担责任自己应尽的义务。 目标e: 理解人与人之间的真情,学会珍惜朋友之间、师生之间的友情。 与核心素养的关系: 学完本单元后,学生能够感知英语口语发音,提高口语水平,锻炼学生开口说英语的能力;通过对词汇的朗读,对词性的掌握,提升学生语言知识能力;学运运用阅读策略,帮助整体感知知识,提高学习效率;加强学生的思维品质,通过对不同故事和信息的知晓,增强学生的文化意识;通过课外阅读训练,掌握更多的文化背景,掌握做题策略,帮助学生高效获取信息,提升学生阅读能力;锻炼学生自主归纳总结的思维品质,提升语言运用技能,提高交际能力。
整体教学思路及教学结构图 1.来源& 内容: 本单元是《新目标英语》系列教材之一Go for it !八年级上册的第九单元。本单元围绕“邀请“这一交际功能展开。在形式上从口头对话发出邀请、接受邀请和拒绝邀请,逐步过渡到邀请函的写作。邀请的内容也从聚会拓展到学生日常生活中的其他常见活动。并能通过听、说、读、写活动,进一步巩固和细化有关邀请话题的表达,学会用邀请函的方式礼貌地发出邀请、接受邀请或拒绝邀请。 2.纵向知识关联: 功能:围绕 “邀请”这一交际功能。 话题: 发出邀请;接受邀请;拒绝邀请。 语言知识: 学生能够正确使用 exam,flu,weekday ,invitation,preparation,glue,opening,concert,event,guest,calendar,daytime,prepare,hang,catch ,invite,accept,refuse,reply,forward,delete ,print ,available ,sad ,glad ,surprised ,until,without等词汇和常用表达。 学生能够掌握发出、接受或拒绝邀请和使用have to,must来谈论职责和义务。 学生能够辨识并正确读出语句中需要弱读的词汇。 能正确用Can引导的据悉表达邀请;能正确使用have to , must来谈论职责和义务。 3.横向知识关联: (1 )复习七年级下册的相关短语; (2 )本单元也反复强调用can表达提出邀请,接受和拒绝句型,为以后的学习打下坚实的基础。 教学结构图:
语篇 课型 课时 课时目标 评价任务
Section A 1a-2c 听说课 第一课时 能够学会重点词汇及目标语言;学会人际交往的基本常识,学会有礼貌地邀请别人以及回答别人邀请的方式。 当堂让学生对所提供句型进行选择填空,通过观察得分情况,判断学生是否掌握,并对错误较多的习题进行实时反馈。
Section A 2d-3c 语法课 第二课时 熟练掌握重点词汇和句型;能够学会合理安排自己的日常活动并作出相应的计划,培养学生独立自主生活的能力。 通过小组合作的讨论及最后的展示,检测学生阶段性学习成果,让学生自行总结归纳,并做最后的汇报展示,由其他成员进行补充质疑和互评,左后再由教师进行整体评价。
Section B 1a-1e 听说课 第三课时 在听的过程中体验感知目标语言等内容,初步了解描述将来的计划或行动的方法;培养学生独立自主生活的能力。 通过问题启发式评价引导学生,评价学生对语篇主题的理解;通过个人思考和合作交流,评价学生主动参与到学习中的能力。
Section B 2a-2e 读写课 第四课时 学会重点词汇及目标语言;初步了解用书面形式向他人发出邀请、接受邀请或拒绝邀请;学会合理安排筹划活动、聚会;加强学生人际关系交往。 激励性评价贯穿始末,考虑到学生的心里特征以及英语这门学科的特殊性,只要学生参与课堂活动中来并进行认证的反馈,教师均应给出鼓励性评价,以此来提高学生学习的积极性。
Section B 3a-Self check 写作课 第五课时 引导学生运用本单元目标语言并发挥想象,完成写作任务;给学生提供必要的写作,降低写作难度。 作文当堂互评,再分析作文的框架和参考词汇后,让学生进行小组互评,最后小组展示最佳作文,通过白板展示,供全班学生赏析,学生互评的方式可以让学生通过取长补短,共同进步。
第1课时 教学设计
课题 Can you come to my party Section A 1a-2c
课型 听说课√ 语法课口 阅读课口 写作课口 其它课__________
教材(语篇)分析: 【what】 本课是一节听说课,是本单元的导入部分。 【why】 本课是本单元的第一课时,主要通过邀请别人参加聚会的图文及听力活动导入话题。 要求学生掌握一些动词短语,学会用Can you come to ... Sure , I’d love to ./Sorry , I can’t .I have to /must ....等句型进行有效交际。 【how】 首先通过目标语言句型交际,这些语言是整个单元话题的基础。接下来通过丰富多彩而又层次分明的听力活动让学生通过体验学会用得体的语言发出,接受或拒绝别人的邀请,并能陈述自己的理由。
学情分析: 自然情况 发出邀请、接受或拒绝邀请,这是学生现实生活中经常遇到的生活场景。 (二)已有基础 语言感知能力比较强,学习英语的积极性比较高。 (三)存在问题
部分学生对如何用英语来接受或拒绝邀请对学生而言有些困难。 (四)解决措施 设计灵活多样的教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,鼓励学生积极学习,让学生学会如何别人发出邀请,如何接受或拒绝邀请,拒绝邀请时理由是什么。
教学目标: 通过本课学习,学生能够: 学生能学习并掌握重点词汇:prepare ,exam ,flu , prepare for an exam,have the flu,available ,another time。(学习理解) 目标语言: -Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon -Sure,I’d love to. -Sorry , I can’t/I’m not available .I have to .../I must... (应用实践) 学会人际交往的基本尝试,学会有礼貌地邀请别人以及回答别人邀请的方式。学会承担自己应尽的义务。理解人与人之间的真情,学会珍惜朋友之间、师生之间的友情。 (迁移创新)
教学重难点 重点: 1.运用所学提出邀请、接受邀请和拒绝邀请。 2.正确使用can,must 等情态动词 。 难点: 1. 扎实掌握重点词汇和表示邀请的句型并能灵活运用。 2.写出听力练习和小组合作,理解并能提出邀请并作肯定和否定回答。
学习活动设计 教师活动学生活动环节一:Activity 1 教师活动1 Lead-in Have a free talk with students like this : T:What do you usually do on weekends S1:I usually play basketball . S2: I usually help my parents do some housework S3: I usually study at home . Guide students to think out as many verbal phrases as possible . 学生活动1 Ask and answer . 活动意图说明: 通过教师和学生进行自由交谈既拉近了彼此之间的距离又能通过这种方式复习已学过的一些动词短语,为后面话题的展开进行语言铺垫。 环节二:Activity 2 教师活动2 Presentation Invite some students to do something , and then make students know how to accept the invitation or decline the invitation . T:This Saturday is my birthday , so I’m going to have a party this Saturday evening . Can you come to my party S: Sure , I’d love to /Sorry , I can’t . T:Why S:Because I have to prepare for an exam . /Sorry, I can’t . I must help my parents to do housework . .... T:Can you play basketball with me after school S:Sure , I’d love to . Work on 1a. Match the phrases 学生活动2 Ask and answer Finish 1a . 活动意图说明: 通过这个活动,继续复习所学过的动词短语并引入本单元的话题。然后引导学生看自己的时间安排表决定是否接受邀请。接受邀请这样表达,拒绝邀请又怎样表达,进行基本的语言输入。 环节三:Activity 3 教的活动3 Listening to 1b Before Listening Ask students to talk about the picture like this : What is the boy in Picture a doing What’s wrong with the girl in Picture c Ask students to read the four names in 1b . 学的活动3 Finish 1b . 活动意图说明: 通过浏览信息,获取信息铺垫,为获取准确的听力信息做好准备,同时预测课降低听力的难度。 环节四:Activity 4 教的活动4 While listening Ask students to listen for the first time and write the names next to the correct students in the picture . Then check the answers . Listen and repeat to improve pronunciation and intonation . 学的活动4 Listen again and answer the questions . Play the recording again and repeat . 学的活动3 1. Ss observe the images and understand the situation. 2. Ss complete the questions and answers using past future tense. 活动意图说明: 通过听的方式输入课本功能句型,学习句型,达到知识目标,在听的过程中设置了丰富的听力任务,能让血汗俄国获得具体的细节内容,听后跟读,能训练学生正确的语音语调,争取能说一口流利的英语。 环节五:Activity 5 教的活动5 work on 1c Work on groups of four . Student A , invite three students to his party . Student B , C and D answer if they will accept or decline the invitation . If they can’t go , give the reason . Do it like this : A: Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon B:Sure , I’d love to . C: Sorry , I can’t . I have to prepare for an exam . D:I’m sorry , too . I must go to the doctor . Ask several groups to act out their conversations . 学的活动5 Finish 1c 活动意图说明: 引导学生运用合作学习的方法巩固所学的功能句,同时又能培养同学之间用英语进行交际的能力,拉近彼此之间的距离。 环节六:Activity 6教的活动:Listening to 2a&2b Guide students to look at the pictures in 2a and give them a situation : Anna is going to have a party tomorrow . She invites Jeff , Mary, Mei Ling and Paul to come to the party . Can they come Then let’s come to our listening . Read the five sentences in 2a before listening Work on 2a . Listen and circle can or can’t Check the answers . Work on 2b . Ask students to listen again and list the names of the persons who can’t come to the party and their reasons . Ask students to take notes first , they should write down the key words or some important phrases , and then use them to make complete sentences . Ask students to check the answers with complete sentences . Mei Ling can’t come to the party because she must study for a math test . 学的活动: Read aloud Listen and finish 2a&2b 活动意图说明: 通过听的方式进一步巩固本课所学的功能句,并对如何接受邀请和拒绝邀请的方式加以扩充和丰富,使交际更真实。听力活动的设置由简入难,层次分明,能训练做听力笔记就时抓关键词或重点短语的速记策略。 环节七: Activity 7 教的活动: Work on 2c Work in pairs . Ask student A to invite his partner to do something . Student B says he can’t go and why . Use different ways to decide the invitations . A:Hey , Daming .Can you go out to have dinner with us this evening B: I’m sorry . I’m not available . I have too much housework this weekend. A: That’s too bad . I have too much homework this weekend . B: Sure , Joe . Thanks for asking . 学的活动: Ask and answer 活动意图说明: 本部分是对前边的进一步拓展和提升,从邀请别人参加聚会过渡到邀请别人做别人其他事情。回答方式也进一步丰富多样,引导学生用上刚学的I’m sorry .I am not available . 鼓励学生大胆张口表达,培养学生用目标语言进行交际的能力。
板书设计 Unit 9 Can you come to my party Period 1 Section A 1a -2c prepare for an exam have the flu help my parents meet my friend go to the doctor have a cold practice the guitar go for my piano lesson -Can you come to my party /go to the movies with me on Saturday afternoon -Sure , I’d love to /Sure , that sounds great . -Sorry , I’m not available /I’m afraid not /I have to .../I must ..
分层作业设计 基础巩固: Do some exercises . 设计意图:掌握重点单词和重点句型。 能力提升: 编写三段小对话,写在作业本上。 设计意图:在语境中运用语法,提高学生对目标语言的运用能力。
教学反思与改进 通过本节课的设计体现了任务型教学的设计理念,同时整个任务的设计均围绕向某个人发出邀请,接受邀请或拒绝邀请展开。教师为学生设计了丰富多彩的练习活动,由简入难,层层递进,让学生在交际中体验学习英语的乐趣,不知不觉掌握了本课的功能句。并通过两个听力活动,训练了学生在听的过程中根据所给任务抓住关键信息的能力,并培养学生做听力笔记,记关键词或重点短语的阅读策略。
U9 Can you come to my party
Section A 1a-2c
What do you usually do on weekends
What parties do you know?
in western countries
in China
Let's guess : What am I going to do
Can you come to my party
Sure, it sounds great.
Yes, I’d love to.
Sure. Thanks for your invitation.
Certainly, I’d like to.
Sure. Thanks for asking.
Pharases learning
Let's answer : Can you come to the party
Let's refuse (拒绝) : Can you come to the party
prepare for an exam
Sorry, I'd love to, but I have to/ must_______________.
Let's refuse (拒绝) :
Can you come to the party
go to the doctor
Sorry, I'd love to, but I have to/ must_______________.
Let's refuse (拒绝) : Can you come to the party
Sorry, I'd love to, but I have to/
meet some friends
Let's refuse (拒绝) : Can you come to the party
help my parents
Sorry, I'd love to, but I have to/ must_______________.
Let's refuse (拒绝) : Can you come to the party
have the flu
Sorry, I'm afraid I can't. I_______________.
Pair work
Make invitations according to pictures.
next lesson
on weekends
next month
A:Can you
B:Sure,I'd love to./Sorry, I can't....
Match the phrases with the pictures.
1.prepare for an exam___
2. help my parents______
3. go to the doctor _____
4. meet my friend ____
5. have the flu ______
Sun Ning will have a party on Saturday afternoon.
In picture a, he prepares for an exam.
While listening
Listen and write the names .
sb has/have to +V原 .
Anna is going to have a party on Saturday.
(1) Listen&Circle can/can't.
1. Jeff can/ can’t go to the party.
2. Mary can/ can’t go to the party.
3. May can/ can’t go to the party.
4. Mei Ling can/ can’t go to the party.
5. Paul can/ can’t go to the party.
(3) Listen & Write down the reasons.
Names Reasons
Jeff I'm sorry, I'm not free.
May I'm afraid not.
Mei Ling I’m not available.
I might have to meet my friend.
I have a flu
I must study for a math test
Post listening
Sorry, I can’t. / I'm not free.
I’m afraid not. /I'm not available.
I (might)have to
/must study for...
Can you come to
my party/the...
my party/the...
Sure, I’d love/like to.
It sounds great.
Group work
It's time to have your own party!
Group work
Rules: 1. 1问5答
S1: Can you come to my party/....
1' Sure, I'd .../It sounds...
2'Sorry, I'm ... not./I'm not...
S3: I'm sorry, I'm not free.
I might have to...
S4: I'm afraid not. I have ...
S5: I'm not available.
I must...
Activity List
Point: +5'
*correction +1'
use "who,when,where,how,what"+1'