人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet Assessing Your Progress 课件(共16张PPT 内嵌视频)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet Assessing Your Progress 课件(共16张PPT 内嵌视频)
格式 pptx
文件大小 56.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-01 14:36:14



Unit 5
Assessing Your Progress
视频:Ludwig van Beethoven
To consolidate the words, phrases and grammar in this unit by finishing the exercises
To reflect how well you learned in this unit by reflecting
To explore interesting aspects about music
目标一:To consolidate the words, phrases and grammar in this unit by finishing the exercises
Activity 1: Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box.
aim impact peaceful phenomenon
somehow souls trying out (for) various
1 Rachel is listening to _____________ music to help her concentrate on her studying.
2 Sad love songs often touch the _____________ of those who listen to them.
3 Tony is _____________ a band that is looking for a guitar player.
4 This new variety of music is a ___________ that is spreading around the world.
5 The ___________ of this music festival is to bring people of different cultures together.
6 The CD my dad gave me for my birthday contains ___________ styles of music.
7 Jazz music had a big ___________ on his life because it was the only thing he listened to while growing up.
8 She ___________ learnt how to play the piano on her own when she was very young.
trying out for
Activity 2: Read the story and underline the past participles.
I never thought I was very talented at anything to do with music, but my parents wanted me to learn to play the piano at the age of six. To be a good daughter, I agreed to learn even though I wasn't interested in it at all. Experienced in reading her students’ minds, my piano teacher could tell after a couple of lessons that my heart was not in it. However, after learning for about six months, I was asked to perform something at the year-end concert arranged by my teacher.
Surprised and terrified at the same time, I could only agree.Given my inexperience, I chose a fairly simple composition. In order to perform well, I practised the same composition for an hour a day for the next two months. On the day of the concert, I was so nervous that I woke up with butterflies in my stomach. As it turned out, there was no need to be nervous because all my hard work paid off and I played perfectly. Encouraged by this first performance and the positive reaction of the audience, I have continued to play the piano and enjoy it more every day.
Work in pairs and reflect on the functions of the past participles.
What do you think of the girl's experience in learning music
practice makes perfect,
never give up,
keep positive…
Activity 3: Discuss the following questions below.
Have you ever learned a musical instrument
What have you learned from your experience
·Interest is the best teacher.
·Never give up.
目标二:To reflect how well you learned in this unit by reflecting
◎What new music types did you learn in this unit
◎What useful vocabulary or structures did you learn in this unit
◎Could you talk with your friends about music, musicians, and/or their influence on your life after doing this unit
◎What aspect of music would you like to learn more about,
and why ____________________________________________.
◎Overall, I thought this unit was:
interesting useful so-so difficult
Activity: Reflect what you learned in this unit
目标三:To explore interesting aspects about music
In this project, you are going to make a presentation using a poster or presentation file about one of these topics:
·a musical composition
·a musical play or film
·a musical instrument
·a musical artist (singer, composer, etc.)
·a concert/a musical performance
Activity 1: In groups. Discuss these questions.
1 What will be the topic of your presentation
2 What information do you need to collect Where can you find this information (library-reliable, through the Internet, ...)
3 What tasks will need to be done so that you can complete this project (research, writing, making the poster, artwork, etc.)
4 Who in the group will do each of the tasks
Activity 2: Now prepare your presentation, and the poster or presentation file to go with it. Refer to the biography below for main points to include.
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) was born in Germany. He started his musical training when he was five years old, and his teachers worked him so hard that he often cried. He started writing music when he was nineteen, and two years later he moved to Vienna to study music and perform. Beethoven first became famous as a pianist. However, by 1800, his musical works were so popular that he was thought of by many as the most important composer of his generation. During this same period, he slowly became deaf.
Even though he could not hear with his ears, he could still write music because he could hear music in his head. Most of his greatest musical works were completed after he became deaf. In the later part of his life, he had many health and money issues. He was also lonely because the woman he loved and wanted to marry had left him. His friends tried to help him through his dark times, but his life became marked by sadness. He died after a long illness in 1827.
Symphony No. 3 (Eroica) 《英雄交响曲》
Symphony No. 5 (Fate) 《命运交响曲》
Symphony No. 6 (Pastoral) 《田园交响曲》
Symphony No. 9 (The Choral, Ode to Joy) 《欢乐颂》
Violin Sonata No. 9 (Kreutzer) 《克莱采奏鸣曲》
Piano Sonata No. 14 (Moonlight)《月光奏鸣曲》
Piano Sonata No. 8 (Pathétique) 《悲怆奏鸣曲》
Bagatelle No. 25 (Für Elise) 《致爱丽丝》
2.Now give your presentation to the class. Each member should take turns to explain or show one part of the presentation.
3.After listening to the presentations, decide on the best ones and give tips for improving them.
√ Is the presentation well structured and organized
√ Does the presentation include valid facts, pictures and videos
√ Are font and size consistent in the presentation
√ Do reporters speak clearly and confidently
√ Do reporters create a connection with the audience
1.Can you recall some important words and phrases in this unit
2.Can you recall the usage of past participles as adverbial
Give some examples
3.Can you tell something about Beethoven