人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Body Language课件(5份打包)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Body Language课件(5份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-04 12:46:32


Unit 4
Reading and Thinking (I)
Understand body language
Choose five sentences and act them out without speaking.
Can your partner guess what you are trying to communicate
Hello! Goodbye! Come here! Go away! Too expensive!
OK! I'm tired. I'm happy! I'm upset! I'm confused.
I forgot! Good luck! I'm surprised! You're great! I'm sad!
To get a better understanding of body language and identify the feature of body language—cultural-specific, analyse the structure of the text
To enhance your vocabulary through learning about the different words forms of different parts of speech and use the words and phrases from the passage correctly
目标一: To get a better understanding of body language and identify the feature of body language—cultural-specific, analyse the structure of the text
Activity 1: Look through P 38~39, find out the new words and phrases, use them in pairs, then read them together.
interaction, vary, appropriate, by contrast, approve, demonstrate, gesture, witness, employ, identical, interpret, differ, by comparison, cheek, favour, bow, waist, make inferences, break down, barrier, fake, anger, reliable
Activity 2: Look at the title and the picture, read the passage quickly and summarize what the passage about.
Listening to how bodies talk
The passage tells us that body language plays an important part in our communication and while body language is cultural-specific, some gestures seem to have the same meaning everywhere.
Activity 3: Go through the whole text and write down the topic sentence in each paragraph.
Paragraph 1: ___________________________________________________________
Paragraph 2: ___________________________________________________________
Paragraph 3:___________________________________________________________
Paragraph 4: __________________________________________________________
Paragraph 5: ___________________________________________________________
Paragraph 6: __________________________________________________________
Words are important, but the way people stand, hold their arms,and move their hands can also give us information about their feelings.
Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.
The gesture for “OK” has different meanings in different cultures.
Even the gesture we use for “yes” and “no” differ around the world
Some gestures seem to have the same meaning everywhere.
Some body language has many different uses.
Activity 4: Match the main idea of each part and try to figure out the structure of the passage.
Part 1 (Para.______)
Part 2 (Para.______)
Part 3 (Para.______)
Part 4 (Para.______)
Body language with different uses

Introduction to body language

Body language with different meanings in different cultures

Body language with the same meaning everywhere
Structure of the exposition writing
Activity 5: Read the passage carefully and fill in the chart.
Body language/Gesture Meaning Country/Region
Eye contact between men and women Not polite Middle East
Looking down when talking to someone
OK sign
A sign of respect
Not polite
Brazil and Germany
Body language/Gesture Meaning Country/ Region
Kissing on the check
Placing your hands together and resting them on the side of your head while close your eyes
Moving your hand in circles over your stomach after a meal A greeting
France and Russia
I’m sleeping
I’m full
Most places
Activity 6: Read the text again, and then discuss these questions.
1 How is the body language mentioned in the text interpreted in China
2 Can you think of an example of body language that is appropriate in
China but might be misunderstood in another culture
3 What advice on body language can you give a foreign friend on his/her
first trip to China
1 Some are the same in China.For example,the gesture for putting hands
together and resting them on the side of your head means sleeping.
2 Avoiding eye contact and lowering one's head may mean respect and
being shy in China,whereas in some other countries this body language
may be interpreted as being rude.
3 Please pay attention to the social distance,which is different in China
and in the West.
Activity 7: Watch the video Smile Trial, and then discuss the questions in groups.
1 Smiles can be used to hide feelings like anger, fear, or worry.
Can you describe a situation where you might smile when
you don't mean it
2 Apart from fake smiles, is there any other kind of body
language that can sometimes be fake
3 Which is a more reliable guide for understanding someone's
feelings,their body language or the words they speak
1 Sometimes I smile when I am impatient, but I know I shouldn't be. For
example, if I am riding a train and a baby starts crying, I may try to smile,
because even though the baby's crying is annoying, I know that it is not
the baby's fault and there is probably nothing that can be done.
2 There are “crocodile tears”.This is when a person fakes feeling sad or
sympathetic for another person.(The phrase comes from an old story that
crocodiles cry while they are eating, as though they feel sad for their
3 Their body language is much more reliable than the words they say,
because most people have trouble hiding their anger, disappointment, or
Unit 4
Reading and Thinking (II)
Build up your vocabulary
目标二: To enhance your vocabulary through learning about the different words forms of different parts of speech and use the words and phrases from the passage correctly
Activity 1: Finish the two tasks.
Task 1: Fill in the table with different forms of the words. Refer to a dictionary if necessary.
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
/ variably
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Task 2:Find the sentences using the words above from the reading passage, and explain their meanings in each sentence.
※ We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and
opinions in our interactions with other people.
※ Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.
※ In other countries, by contrast, eye contact is not always approved of.
※ The gesture for “OK” has different meanings in different cultures.
※ Even the gestures we use for “yes” and “no" differ around the world.
※ Which is a more reliable guide for understanding someone's feelings,
their body language or the words they speak
Activity 2: Work out the meaning of the underlined words in the sentences below. In pairs, list more words of the same kind.
1 I rest my head on the desk to get some rest.
2 The child displayed great interest in the huge fireworks display.
3 Most students favour the plan,while their teachers are not in favour of it.
4 Jeremy witnessed the whole incident and was expected to be the key witness at the trial.
5 His lack of eye contact when talking with people shows that he lacks confidence.
6 When he noticed a slight frown on his twin sister's face,he frowned as well.
1 rest (v.): to place or put;
rest (n.): when someone stops doing things so their body can recover energy
2 display (v.):to show; display (n.): a show
3 favour (v.):to prefer or like; (in) favour (of) (n.): being for,approving of
4 witness (v.): to see something, especially a crime or an important event; witness (n.): a person who tells what he/she saw to the police or at a trial
5 lack (n.): absence; lack (v.): to not have
6 frown (n.): a facial expression that shows sadness or disapproval;
frown (v.): to make a facial expression that shows sadness or disapproval
More sentences:
He handed me a piece of cake with his dirty hands.
The government promised to house the poor in the public houses.
Valued at $100,000, the house has doubled in value.
Activity 3: Read the passage about body language. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box.
by contrast by comparison break down interaction demonstrate approve of clue gesture
When we think about nonverbal behaviour, or body language, we think about communication. When we think about communication, we think about ____________. So what is our body language _____________ to others Social scientists have spent a lot of time looking at the effects of our body language. We make assessments and inferences from body language. And according to those judgements we ___________ one person and dislike another. So body language provides external _______ that are influenced by internal thoughts and feelings.
approve of
Scientists have found that when we feel proud and powerful, we usually straighten up to make ourselves bigger. ________________, when we feel powerless, we tend to slump, making ourselves smaller. It is obvious that our minds can influence our bodies. But is it also true that our bodies can affect our minds Scientific experiments show that if we make powerful ________________ long enough, we may actually feel more powerful. People who remember to use positive body language are more likely to feel positive ________________, so some scientists suggest that we use our bodies to try power posing to help ________________ our feelings of shyness and powerlessness.
By contrast
by comparison
break down
1. Retell the passage.
2. Can you give more examples of body language and explain
their meanings (共15张PPT)
Unit 4
Using Language (II)
Describe classroom body language
视频:Body language
To have a good understanding of the body language in classroom and figure out the basic structure of the text
To write a passage to describe the body language of the person in your drawing
目标一:To have a good understanding of the body language in classroom and figure out the basic structure of the text
Activity 1: Look at the title and the picture, read the text very quickly and summarize the main idea.
How do I know my students
The passage mainly tells us that teachers can observe students’ body language to adjust their teaching activities.
Activity 2: Read the text quickly and fill out the following chart.
Paragraph Main idea
Paragraph 1 & 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 6
Introduction of the topic
Recognize when students are interested or bored
Recognize when students are distracted
Distinguish when students are troubled
Activity 3: Draw the mind map to show its structure.
Para. 1 & 2
Para. 3
Para. 4
Para. 5
Para. 6
Activity 4: Look at the questions. Then read the text on page 44 and try to answer them.
1 How does the teacher know what students are thinking
2 According to the teacher,what is some students' favourite activity
3 What does the phrase “who knows what" mean
4 Why does the teacher think body language is important
1 By looking at their body language.
2 Daydreaming.
3 It is impossible to tell (what they are interested in).
4 Students' body language lets the teacher know when to adjust
class activities, when to intervene, and when to talk to
students individually, so they can all get the most out of school.
Activity 5: Look at the questions. Then read the text on page 44 and try to answer them.
_______ 1 Looking up and making eye contact
_______ 2 Leaning over to look at one’s watch
_______ 3 Two friends leaning heads together
_______ 4 Leaning forward and looking at the teacher
_______ 5 Looking up but no eye contact, no expression
_______ 6 Looking away
_______ 7 Chin on hand, looking out the window
_______ 8 Looking down, arms or legs crossed
_______ 9 Frowning
_______ 10 Hair not brushed, red eyes
A very interested
B bored
C interested
D sad or worried
E distracted
F writing notes
G serious problems
H like they are asleep
I daydreaming
J angry, afraid, or experiencing
目标二: To write a passage to describe the body language of the person in your drawing
Activity 1: Look at the following photos. In groups, discuss what these people are doing and what their body language is telling you.
1 It looks like the teacher is pointing at a male student, who is looking
up with a serious expression on his face. I think the teacher is
scolding him for something. Meanwhile, the girl in the back of the
photo is hiding her mouth with her hand, and from her eyes, it looks like
she is smiling. Perhaps she is happy that the other student is being scolded.
2 The boy is giving a first pump and smiling. This is normally done when
someone has just accomplished something good and wants to celebrate.
3 The boy is telling a joke to the girl in secret, and she is hiding her face
because she is laughing.
Activity 2: Finish the following tasks.
Task 1 Draw someone you know. Show his/her body language in your drawing.
Drawing time
Task 2 Write a passage to describe the body language of the person in your drawing, and explain what his/her body language tells us.
Writing time
Task 3 Exchange your draft with a partner.
1 Use the checklist to help you review your partner's draft.
√ Is the person properly identified
√ Is the description clear
√ Does the writer give his/her impressions of the feelings and
personality of the person in the drawing,and also explain why he/she
has these impressions
√ Does the writer use correct grammar, punctuation,and spelling
2 Take your draft back and revise it.
Task 4 Share your drawing and description with the rest of the class.
Sample writing:
This is my friend Tom. He is bending and drawing with a pencil in his hand. His other hand holds an eraser, because he wants to use it as soon as he needs it without wasting time. Tom is a very serious artist, which you can tell from the intense look on his face. When he is drawing, he tends to focus all his attention on it. It is often the case that when other people call out his name, he does not even hear them because he is lost in his art world.
1. Can you tell a story about how your teacher read what you
are thinking by reading your body language
2. Find more pictures and explain what you get from the body
Unit 4
Using Language (I)
Explore body language
Look at these photos and discuss what you think
each person is communicating.
Suggested Answers
1 It is really hard to tell what this man is communicating. Normally, we
might think he could be upset.
2 The boy has crossed both his fingers and has his eyes closed, with a
serious expression on his face. Usually crossed fingers show that a
person is hoping for good luck, especially if he is worried about
failure. But crossed fingers can also mean that he has made a promise
that he intends to break.
3 The woman in the photo is either deaf or is communicating with her
husband who is deaf. She is using American Sign Language, and the
sign she is using means “I love you”.
4 The two children seem quite happy. Perhaps they have just won a table
tennis match.
To listen to conversations about the situations where body language is used and
guess meaning, relationship of people or context by inference.
2.To use strategy of asking for and giving clarification to complete a dialogue.
3.To make accurate pause after each sense group to express meaning
To listen to conversations about the situations where body language is used and guess meaning, relationship of people or context by inference.
To use strategy of asking for and giving clarification to complete a dialogue.
To make accurate pause after each sense group to express meaning
目标一:To listen to conversations about the situations where body language is used and guess meaning, relationship of people or context by inference.
Activity 1: Discuss when and where people need to use body language to communicate effectively.
Body language often needs to be used in situations where people cannot talk to each other directly. This can include, for example, deaf people using sign language, or army soldiers out on manoeuvres where they have to be silent or the enemy might hear them.
Activity 2: Listen to a conversation about body language. Then answer the following questions.
1. How did the man get the idea of using gestures to communicate
2. What did the police leader tell his team by using gestures
3. What did the woman say about the acting classes that she’s been taking
4. What did the man mean by saying “It's good you tried” at the end of the
1 From an action movie.
2 He used gestures to tell them how many bad guys were in the house.
Then he gave instructions on who should go where, and what they
should do.
3 She said that right now they're learning how to use body language to
express themselves.
4 He meant that even though she wasn't very good at it, her experience
was still worthwhile.
Activity 3: Listen again and finish the two tasks.
Task 1: Listen and answer the questions.
1 What was the man telling his friend
2 According to the woman, who was “a real master”
3 What did the woman have to do after watching some movies
Task 2: Listen and fill in the blanks.
1 I thought it was pretty cool how they used _____________ to communicate.
2 I guess it’s not easy to tell a whole story ________________________.
3 Now, by your body language, I can tell that you
1 He was telling his friend to meet him for lunch down the street in 20 minutes.
2 Charlie Chaplin
3 He had to act out some scenes in the movies.
hand gestures
only using body language
want to buy me lunch tomorrow
Activity 4: Listening for inferred meaning.
Listen to the conversation again. Are the following statements correct inferences from the conversation
Infer meaning
Sometimes things are not said directly, and so you must guess the meaning, relationship of the people, or context. You can do this by:
drawing conclusions from the background information you already have.
looking at clues that tell you the context.
using logic to work out the meaning.
1 The two speakers are married.
2 Making too many gestures in communication is
not polite.
3 The police team were probably successful in
catching the criminals.
4 Both speakers think body language is useful.
5 The woman is not very confident about her
silent acting ability.
1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 T
目标二:To use strategy of asking for and giving clarification to complete a dialogue.
Activity : Act out a scene using only body language to communicate. You may follow these steps to complete your performance.
1 Form into groups of four. One of you is the performer, and the others are
2 The performer writes down a situation and some messages to convey through
body language.
3 The performer acts out the scene and the observers individually write down their
thoughts without talking to anyone else.
4 The actor reveals the situation and messages,and the group compares notes. Use
the table below to clarify any misunderstandings or different answers.
Asking for and giving clarification
What did you mean by ... In other words ...
So you mean ... What I meant was...
So did that mean ... What I was trying to say was...
What I don't quite understand is ... Does that make sense
Could you explain ... Is that clear
Could you give me an example I can tell that ...
目标三:To make accurate pause after each sense group to express meaning
Activity 1: Read the quotes and notice the pause after each sense group.
1 There are four ways, | and only four ways, | in which we have contact with the world. | We are evaluated and classified | by these four contacts: | what we do, | how we look, | what we say, | and how we say it.
— Dale Carnegie
2 If language was given to men | to conceal their thoughts, | then gesture’s purpose | was to disclose them.
—John Napier
3 Body language is a powerful tool. | We had body language | before we had speech, | and apparently, | 80% of what you understand in a conversation | is read through the body, | not the words.
—Deborah Bull
Activity 2: Read this passage. Then mark “|” where it needs a pause.
Life is a stage, and we are all actors. This is also true when you are in a foreign land. Acting can help you communicate even if you do not know the language. For instance, one day a Chinese lady who was babysitting her grandchild in America went to a supermarket to buy some beef. She was confused to see all kinds of meat there and did not know which ones were beef. She asked a clerk by putting both hands up and saying “Moo! Moo!” The lady got what she wanted even without saying a word of English.
Listen to the text above and see how well you read.
1. How can we infer meaning, relationship of the people or context from the listening
2. Can you say some expressions to ask for and give clarification (共12张PPT)
Unit 4
Discover Useful Structures
To master the usage of -ing form as object and predicative
To identify the functions of -ing form serving as object and predicative and use -ing form freely in communication and writing
目标一:To master the usage of -ing form as object and predicative
Activity 1: Look at the examples below, paying attention to the italicized parts. What is the function of the -ing form
1.She enjoys learning about body language in different cultures. (object)
2.The crucial thing is using body language in a way ... (predicative)
Activity 2: Find other examples from the reading text.
State the function of -ing form.
1 However, you should avoid making this gesture in Brazil and Germany,
as it is not considered polite.
2 Elsewhere, people favour shaking hands, bowing from the waist, or nodding
the head when they meet someone else.
3 A good way of saying “I am full” is moving your hand in circles over your
stomach after a meal.
4 Perhaps the best example is smiling.
The v-ing form in sentences 1, 2 & 3 is used as object.
The v-ing form in sentence 4 is used as predicative.
appreciate(感激,欣赏)avoid(避免)delay(推迟)dislike(不喜欢)escape(逃脱)finish(完成)forgive(宽恕)imagine(想象)keep(保持)miss(错过) resist(抵抗)
Eg:I suggest doing it in a different way.
Eg:We enjoy attending Miss Li''s class.
Eg:I'm against inviting him to dinner.
Eg:They don't feel like walking that much.
Eg:Don't be afraid of speaking English.
Eg:Their job is building houses. 他们的工作是盖房子。
Eg:The real question is getting to know the needs of the people.
Eg:The problem is quite puzzling.
目标二:To identify the functions of -ing form serving as object and predicative and use -ing form freely in communication and writing
Activity 1: Complete the sentences using the -ing form of the words and phrases in the box. Two are extra. Then state their functions.
1. Bill's job is __________ sign language.
2. The theme of his presentation is ________________ barriers between groups.
3. By _________, we mean “bending our head or body forward as a sing of
respect or shame”.
4. ________________ three kilometers of heavy traffic took me almost 25 minutes.
5. We intended to visit the theme park but ended up __________ Professor Zhang.
amuse, teach, break down, call on, bow, get through, assess
breaking down
Getting through
calling on
object of the verb phrase
Activity 2: Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box. Can you add more examples to explain how you read body language
lie, challenge, consider individual differences, maintain, consider the whole picture, evaluate a patient's condition
Reading body language is not an easy task. It can be ____________ because interpreting the signs that another person shows requires __________________________. In this sense, it can be compared to a doctor __________________________.
_______________________________ is also key to reading people's body language accurately. For example, when _________, some people avoid eye contact. By contrast, others may __________ eye contact even longer than usual.
considering the whole picture
evaluating a patient's condition
Considering individual differences
Activity 3: Talk about the body language you can read from the following pictures. Use at least one -ing form for each picture.
① ② ③
1 The man enjoys looking at himself in the mirror.
2 The woman shows her impatience by looking at her watch.
3 The boy is fearful, trying to run away from an angry dog.
1. Can you say the usage of -ing form as object and predicative
2. Can you make some sentences with -ing form as object or predicative (共24张PPT)
Unit 4
Assess Your Progress
Do you think the body language is important
How important is it (give some examples)
Body language can help you pass the interview easily.
Body language can help parents to understand what their babies really need.
To consolidate the usage of key words, phrases and -ing form of verb by finishing the exercises
To better understand the meaning of body language by using body language information sheet
To understand the immigration culture by watching the video
目标一:To consolidate the usage of key words, phrases and -ing form of verb by finishing the exercises
Activity 1: Finish the two tasks.
Task 1 Recall the key words and phrases in this unit, share their usages.
interaction, vary, appropriate, by contrast, approve, demonstrate, witness, employ, identical, interpret, differ, by comparison, cheek, favour, bow, waist, make inferences, break down, barrier, anger, reliable, incident, trial, twin, assess, internal, straighten up, pose, bend, reveal, clarify, in other words, tendency, imply, barely, occupy, stare, distinguish, anxiety, chest, call on, inquire
Task 2 Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.
crucial, perceive, lack, component, demonstrate, interact, stare at, embarrassment
There are three __________ in any face-to-face communication words, tone of voice, and body language. It is said that most of what we communicate with others is nonverbal. So when __________ with people, __________ the message conveyed by body language is _______. You cannot succeed in business and social encounters if you employ inappropriate body language. For example, __________ someone too long can be interpreted as a threat, standing too close may cause _____________ and uneasiness, and touching your neck when talking to others probably _____________ that you feel nervous and ______ confidence. Sometimes body language speaks louder than words.
staring at
Activity 2: Decide whether each verb in its -ing form functions as a subject (S), object (O), predicative (P), or attribute (A).
1. Seeing is believing.
2. A man cannot be robbed of his learning.
3. Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.
4. After staying in the sleeping bag the whole night, I really needed to
stretch my legs.
5. You should have been more careful. She started coughing and
sneezing yesterday.
6. One may agree that in a conversation, listening is as powerful as
7. After a long day she looked forward to putting her feet up with a
nice cup of tea.
8. Isabella really put her back into learning Chinese. She wants to
start living in China in two or three months.
9. Fishing in troubled waters may cause even more problems.
Activity 3: Reflecting
◎ Which body language in this unit do you use most often Does it
have the same meaning as in the text
◎ What do you think you could do to communicate better with other
◎ Do you think you will be able to tell more from reading others’ body
language from now on
◎ What problems did you or your friends have in studying this unit
How did you solve them What advice did you give each other
◎ Overall, I thought this unit was interesting useful so-so
目标二: To better understand the meaning of body language by using body language information sheet
Activity 1: Finish the two tasks.
Task 1 In groups, brainstorm a list of different kinds of body language. Use the information from this unit, your own experience and knowledge, and/or the website excerpt below.
1. Standing with one’s hands on one’s hips shows that a person is angry in many cultures, such as Malaysia, Argentina, and Mexico.
2. Many Mexicans like to touch people on the arm. This shows
that they want to be friendly.
3. When communicating with someone from Tanzania or Kenya, do not use
your left hand when giving or receiving things like a business card or gift.
4. In Vietnamese culture, the head is considered the most important part of
the body. Only parents or an important person can touch your head.
5. If a Lebanese person stands close to you, do not feel that they are
entering your personal space. Personal space is relatively smaller in
Lebanon and many other places.
6. In Korean culture, one must be careful not to show too much emotion
through facial expressions, except in very casual situations. Koreans may
tend to distrust people who use exaggerated facial expressions, or may
misunderstand what those facial expressions mean.
7. People of Puerto Rico move their noses to say, “What’s going on here ”
More examples:
1. In English speaking countries, it is improper to staring at the others or too long.
2. It is polite to close your mouth when you are eating food in American and Japan, while it is polite to open your mouth and chew in India.
Task 2 Based on your list, research online to discover what the same kinds of body language mean in different cultures.
Activity 2: Each group should come up with its own body language information sheet like the example below. Drawing and/or photos can be added to show what the different forms of body language look like.
Body Language Information Sheet Body language Meaning
Moving the hand in circles over the stomach after a meal. Almost everywhere: I’m full.
The “OK”sign. Japan: money France: zero Brazil and Germany: not polite China: agree
A pat on the head The US: affection
Winking the US: a sign that someone is joking or telling a harmless lie
Latin America: flirting West Africa: a sign by parents to tell their children to leave the room when adult guests are present
Thumb and pinkie raised, other fingers closed China:six
The US: “Call me!”
Present your information sheet to the class, and then vote on the best one.
目标三:To explain the meaning of body language
Activity 1: Look at the photos from the film The Immigrant and discuss the questions.
1. What do you think these characters’ body language and
expressions mean
2. What do you think the story of this film is
The captain of the ship has his body sideways while looking straight ahead, with his left arm stretched out and leaning on a railing. His eyes seem to be suspicious of someone or something. He is looking at the person or situation with full concentration.
The main character played by Charlie Chaplin has his hands to his side and has his jacket at the shoulder held by the captain of the ship. He looks as if he has been caught doing wrong and has stiff body language to show how helpless he is. It seems that he is looking at the woman for help. The captain is using his other hand to point downward at the woman. He seems to be suggesting something is wrong, and that perhaps Chaplin has done something to the woman such as stolen her purse. The woman is looking towards the captain with her fingers interlocked and a wide-eyed expression. It seems like she is trying to appear innocent.
Chaplin and the woman are looking at each other with a big smile. Chaplin has his hands behind his back showing he is calm and relaxed. The woman has her head to the side and hands up pointing towards him. I think they are friendly towards each other and feel happy.
The waiter is looking at Chaplin with an annoyed facial expression. He is standing up and looking down at him, with his thumb up. I think he is telling Chaplin to leave the restaurant, and has the authority to do so. Chaplin is sitting down, and looking up at him with wide eyes and a closed mouth. It seems to show he is helpless. The man beside Chaplin is hungrily looking down at his spoon with the soup he is about to eat.
The woman is sitting down with her hand up to the side of her face, and resting her cheek on it. She looks worried or concerned about something, and is giving it much thought.
Chaplin looks like he is eating something that is not very good, and his eyes have rolled back and his mouth is open to show disgust. The man next to him looks confused yet intrigued at how Chaplin is reacting, because his body is slightly turned toward him and his eyes are concentrating on him.
2 Perhaps it is about a man wanted by the police. He meets and falls in love with a woman on a ship. Then he goes to a restaurant, where his strange actions cause trouble.
Activity 2: Watch the video and think about the answers to these questions.
1. Why does Chaplin keep putting money into the woman’s pocket and
taking it out
2. Where does Chaplin get the money to eat at the restaurant
3. Why does the waiter become angry with Chaplin
4. Why does the man sitting next to Chaplin become angry with him
5. Can Chaplin pay the restaurant bill in the end
1. He wants to give her some money, but cannot decide if he wants to
give her all of his money, or keep some of the money for himself.
2. He finds a coin on the ground.
3. Because Chaplin has not taken off his hat.
4. Because of Chaplin’s sloppy (邋遢的) eating habits.
5. We don’t know from the video clip.
Activity 3: Work in groups. Finish the following activities.
1. Write a script, assign roles, and “dub” the scene.
2. Discuss if the film is better dubbed or silent.
3. Discuss what you think will happen next in the film.
1. Recall some key words and phrases in this unit.
2. Make some sentences by using -ing form of verb as subject,
object, predicative or attributive.
3. Can you show some body language and explain its meaning