人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Working the Lan课件(5份打包)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Working the Lan课件(5份打包)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-04 12:48:25


Unit 5
Reading and Thinking
Get to know an agricultural scientist (I)
视频:Yuan Longping and hybrid rice
1 To get the information about Yuan Longping and his hybrid rice
2 To use the words and expressions from the passage correctly
To get the information about Yuan Longping and his hybrid rice
To use the words and expressions from the passage correctly
目标一:To get the information about Yuan Longping and his hybrid rice
Activity 1: Before you read, look at the photo and the title of the text. Discuss these questions in groups.
1 Who is the man in the photo What crop is he holding in his hand
2 What do you know about the man What else do you want to know
about him
What I know What I want to know What I have learnt What I still want to know
1 The photo is of Yuan Longping, holding sheaves of his hybrid rice.
2 I know that he is often called the“father of hybrid rice”,and his work
has sparked a farming revolution in China. I guess I want to know
what he thinks about the future of China's agriculture.
Activity 2: Read the text. Match the main idea with each paragraph.
A Yuan conducted research and developed hybrid rice.
B Yuan is old but still working hard to fulfil his dreams.
C Yuan considers himself a farmer.
DYuan decided to study agriculture.
E Yuan's innovation has helped to feed more people.
F Yuan cares little for fame or wealth.
Activity 3: Read the text and fill in the chart.
Name Yuan Longping
Graduated from
Main contribution
Southwest Agricultural College
60% domestic rice consumption
help other countries like India and Vietnam
Long ago, rice plants were as tall as sorghum, with each ear of rice as big as a broom. His latest vision for “seawater rice” has also become a reality.
Activity 4: Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 Why does Yuan Longping consider himself a farmer
2 Why did Yuan Longping decide to study agriculture
3 What is main advantage of hybrid crops
4 How has Yuan’s work helped China and other countries
5 What is Yuan’s latest vision
1 Because he continually works the land in his research.
2 He was concerned that farmers had poor harvests and sometimes
even had a shortage of food to eat.
3 One characteristic of hybrids is that they usually attain a higher
yield than conventional crops.
4 Yuan's innovation has helped feed not just China,but many other
countries that depend on rice as well, such as India and Vietnam.
5 Seawater rice.
Activity 5: Work in groups. Discuss the following questions.
1 Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer. What does the writer
regard him as What evidence can you find from the reading
2 Can you finish the sentence with as many adjectives as possible
Yuan Longping is a (an) _______________ farmer. Make sure you
give reasons for each adjective.
3 Share your understanding of the saying “My lifelong pursuit is to
keep all the people away from hunger.” by Yuan Longping.
Activity 6: Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
1 What is the genre (体裁) of the passage
2 What writing technique does the writer employ in the passage
1 A Narration (biography)
2 contrast (father of hybrid rice vs farmer, his parents’ wish vs his own decision, the general assumption about hybrid rice vs his belief, retire to a life of leisure vs continue to work the land as a man of soil) ; illustration(举例); listing numbers
Activity 7: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.
Use word formation to guess the meaning
Often, new words are not really “new”— they are just different forms of words that you may already know. For instance, a word ending with –ate is often a verb, while a word ending in –tion is often a noun. Thus, we have communicate (verb) and communication (noun). English has many word patterns like this.
create estimation education generation graduate
1. This school has ________ thousands of bright young students over the
2. Most students look for jobs after university __________.
3. Because of the __________ of new strains of hybrid crops, people in many
parts of the world now have more food to eat.
4. Last year, this new electric power plant __________ enough energy to
power the whole city.
5. It was difficult to calculate exactly how many trees had been cut down.
However, a general __________ was possible.
Activity 8: Discuss the questions in groups.
1. Apart from rice, what are some other important crops in
China What do you know about them
2. Other than hybrid rice, what other hybrid products do
you know Can you think of new hybrid ideas
1 The most important crop besides rice is wheat, which is grown on
different parts of China, and is used to make noodles and bread.
Corn is also a popular crop in north and north-eastern China. It is
used both for food and for animal feed.
2 Common hybrid crops include corn, rapeseed, sunflowers, and
nearly all market vegetables. Some kinds of hybrid animals have
been known for a long time, the most famous of which is the
mule — which is a hybrid of a horse and a donkey. The concept of a
hybrid is not restricted to plants and animals. For example, there are
hybrid cars, which are powered by two different kinds of engines at
the same time.
Unit 5
Reading and Thinking
Get to know an agricultural scientist (II)
目标二:To use the words and expressions from the passage correctly
Activity 1: Find the important words, phrases, and language points you want to share their usage to your partner. Discuss in groups and then share with the class.
1. devote vt. 把……献(给); 把……专用于; 专心于
*Indeed, his slim but strong body is just like that of millions of Chinese farmers, to whom he has devoted his life.
事实上, 他瘦削但结实的身躯看起来和他为之奉献了一生的千千万万的中国农民一样。
(1) devote. . . to (doing) sth.
devote oneself to 献身于; 致力于; 专心于(to是介词)
(2)devoted adj. 热爱的, 忠诚的
(3)devotion n. 献身, 忠诚, 热爱, 专心
表达“献身于……, 专心于……”的常用短语还有:
give one’s life to…
commit oneself to…
apply oneself to…
dedicate… to…
①She had started to devote her energies to ________ (teach)
rather than performing.
②The fans are _______ (devote) to their favorite stars.
2. shortage n. 不足; 缺少; 短缺
*However, what concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat. 然而, 他最担心的是农民往往收成不好, 有时甚至严重缺粮。
(1) food/water/housing shortages  食物/用水/住房短缺
shortage of 缺乏
(2) short adj.不足的; 缺乏的
be short of 缺乏, 不足
There’s no __________ ideas when it comes to improving the education of children.
3. convince vt. 使相信; 使确信; 说服
*Yuan was convinced that the answer could be found in the creation of hybrid rice. 袁隆平相信在杂交水稻的培育中可以找到答案。
shortage of
4.assumption n. 假定; 设定; (责任的)承担; (权利的)获得
*The common assumption then was that it could not be done.
(1)assume v. 假定; 假设; 认为
It is assumed that… 人们(普遍)认为……
(2)with an assumption of/on the assumption that 假设……
5.estimate vt. 估计; 估价; 估算 n. 估计; 估算
*It is estimated (that) the house is worth 3, 000, 000 dollars.
据估计, 这座房子值三百万美元。
(1)be estimated to be/have   估计
It is estimated + that… 据估计
(2)at a rough estimate 粗略估计, 粗略说来
(3)underestimate v. 低估
________________the project will last four years.
It is estimated that
6.reality n. 现实; 实际情况; 事实
*His latest vision for “seawater rice” has also become a reality, and potentially opened up nearly one million square kilometres of salty land in China for rice production. 他关于“海水水稻”的最新设想也成为了现实, 并有可能在中国开辟近100万平方千米的盐碱地, 用于水稻生产。
(1)in reality      事实上; 实际上
escape from reality 逃避现实
(2)real adj. 真实的 really adv. 真实地
(3)realistic adj. 现实的, 实际的, 现实主义的, 逼真的
①Turning that vision into a practical ______(real) is not easy.
②I _____(real) don’t see any reason for changing it.
7.Yuan’s innovation has helped feed not just China, but many other countries that depend on rice as well, such as India and Vietnam. 袁(隆平)的创新不仅帮助了中国, 也帮助了许多其他依赖大米的国家, 如印度和越南。
句中包含not just. . . but. . . (不仅/不但……而且……)结构, 相当于not only. . . but (also). . . (also可省略)。该句型可连接两个并列的主语、谓语、宾语、表语和状语, 说话的侧重点在后一部分。当连接两个并列主语时, 谓语动词的形式应根据“就近原则”, 同最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。
8.Given that Yuan’s hybirds have made him quite wealthy, one might think he would retire to a life of leisure. However, this is far from the case.
Given his age, he is very strong and healthy.
Activity 2: Replace the underlined words with the correct forms of the words from the text.
____________ 1 To deal with this crisis, he chose to study agriculture.
____________ 2 He is a very good actor and he commits himself to every role that he takes on.
____________ 3 Yuan Longping strongly believed that the answer could be found in the creation of hybrid rice.
____________ 4 Yuan Longping, through intense effort, solved enormous difficulties and developed the first hybrid rice that could be used for farming.
____________ 5 This hybrid enabled farmers to increase their output greatly.
____________ 6 Students are encouraged to try a variety of free-time activities to reduce the intense stress from studying.
was convinced
Activity 3: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words from the text. Then use these words to make your own sentences.
1. The c_____________ of a person are the special qualities that make him or her different from others.
2. Scientists from different countries have been pursuing various possibilities to overcome food s__________.
3. Many of us a________ that earthquakes would never happen in our area.
4. With more and more farm machines being used in the fields, the c____________ of fuel has been increasing.
5. Newspapers should pay less attention to media c___________ and more attention to our national heroes.
6. Our general manager tried his best to help overcome the difficulties we were facing during the financial c______.
7. My mother is very c_____________ and finds it hard to accept the modern lifestyle that I enjoy.
8. The government has decided to boost the programme to g________ more new jobs.
Activity 4: Complete the news report below with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box.
tackle vision conventional deep down
be comprised of reality consumption
A vast underground shelter built during World War II has been turned into an urban farm, supplying supermarkets and restaurants in London. The shelter, which could protect up to 8,000 people from wartime bombs, _____________ two large tunnels that were intended to one day become an extension of the London Underground. But that never became ____ and the shelter was left for 70 years. Then businessmen decided to make use of it to grow green vegetables to meet increasing ____________ demands.
is composed of
The tunnels are lit with pink LEDs as there is no natural light ___________ below the ground. The vegetables are grown in special liquids instead of the earth that is used as in ___________ farming. Many experts share a _______ that this kind of urban farming could help not only in ________ the problem of population growth, but also in adapting to climate change.
deep down
1. Share some information about Yuan Longping and hybrid rice.
2. List some new words and expressions you get from this lesson.(共21张PPT)
Unit 5
Assess Your Progress
视频:QI Min Yao Shu
To consolidate the usage of key words, phrases and subject clause by finishing the exercises
To make a poster of your favourite dish, from field to plate
To get the information of Earth University of Costa Rica by watching the video and talk about your idea about it
目标一:To consolidate the usage of key words, phrases and subject clause by finishing the exercises
Activity 1: Finish the two tasks.
Task 1 Recall the key words and phrases in this unit, share their usages.
devote, devote...to, shortage, tackle, crisis, boost, convince, characteristic, attain, conventional, assumption, intense, overcome, expand, output, estimate, domestic, consumption, be comprised of generate, leisure, deep down, soil, celebrity, grain, vision, reality, salty, urban, bomb, extension, chemical, wheat, flavour, nutritional, organic, widespread, in turn, digest, essential, mineral, alternative, grocery, instance, for instance, depth, root, entirely, aspect
Task 2 Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.
attain be comprised of depth diverse essential for instance output soil
Jia Sixie was a government official from Shandong Province who conducted a lot of agricultural research in the sixth century. In his travels, he observed that some farmers had much better _______ than others, so he decided to investigate the best ways of ________ good harvests. After retiring, he wrote a book, Qi Min Yao Shu, which _____________ sound advice and practices for people doing agricultural work. In one piece of advice, __________, he told farmers to clear weeds from the ground before planting crops.
was comprised of
for instance
They could either let the animals eat the weeds or turn the ________ over so that the weeds were covered. Then he gave advice on ploughing, suggesting that the autumn ploughing should be at a greater ______ than the spring ploughing. He also suggested changing crops to get better harvests every year. Finally, he suggested that farmers grow a ________ range of crops next to each other in the fields. Although it has been centuries since Jia Sixie died, Qi Mn Yao Shu is still considered a(n) ________ book in China’s agricultural history.
Then answer the questions.
1 Why did Jia Sixie investigate good ways of farming
2 What makes Qi Min Yao Shu an important book in China’s
agricultural history
1 He wants to help more people attain good harvests.
2 It provides sound advice and practices for people doing agricultural work.
Activity 2: Fill in the blanks with that, whether, or wh- question words to complete the sentences.
1 ______________ the research centre is to be set up has not been decided.
2 ______________ many countries still face food shortages remains a big
3 ______________ impressed me most was that the hybrid rice enabled
farmers to expand their output greatly.
4 ______________ the plan is to be carried out still needs discussing.
5 ______________ the new chemical pesticide is effective remains to be seen.
6 ______________ will join in the research team will be announced tomorrow.
7 ______________ he quit his high-paying job is not difficult to understand.
He wanted to start up his own business.
Activity 3: Reflecting
◎What did you learn about agriculture that you did not know before
◎What interested you most about agriculture in this unit Give your reasons.
◎What other important aspects of agriculture do you want to know about
◎ Overall, I thought this unit was interesting useful so-so difficult.
目标二:To make a poster of your favourite dish, from field to plate
Activity 1: In groups, discuss this line of poetry, “Every single grain on your plate is the result of hard work.”
1. What does this line mean to you
2. How should this knowledge affect your daily life
Activity 2: Brainstorm a list of your favourite dishes.
Each dish should be comprised of five or more ingredients.
Activity 3: Choose one dish from your list that everyone in your group likes. Find a list of its ingredients from a recipe or product label.
Example: Kung Pao Chicken is made with chicken, peanuts, onions, red peppers, Sichuan peppercorns, ginger, garlic, oil, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, etc.
Activity 4: Assign team members to research where and how each of these ingredients is produced.
Example: Peanuts are planted in April or May. It takes around 120 to 160 days for them to be ready for harvesting. This is usually done by hand. The farmer pulls the peanut plants out of the ground and leaves them in the field to dry. The peanuts are then collected and separated from their vines. They are dried for some more time and then taken to the market for sale.
Activity 5: Work together to make a poster about your favourite dish. Each team member should explain where at least one ingredient comes from and how it is produced.
1 Assign group members to prepare the following:
a large and colourful drawing of the dish that everyone in the group likes
each one prepares a report where the ingredient comes from and how it is
some small pictures of the ingredients of your dishes
a short introduction to the poster
2 Use the checklist to help you review your poster.
(1) Is there a large and colourful drawing of the dish that everyone in
the group likes
(2) Are there small pictures of the ingredients of your dishes
(3) Does each one of the group have a report where the ingredient
comes from and how it is produced
(4) Is the short introduction to the dish clear
(5) What can you learn from the poster
3 Present your poster to the class.
目标三:To get the information of Earth University of Costa Rica by watching the video and talk about your idea about it
Earth University
Earth University is a special university in Costa Rica, where students learn sustainable farming methods that can protect the environment.
Activity 1: Before you watch.
Complete the passage with the words in the box.
agricultural ecology methods profits cholarships sustainable typical unique
Earth University is located in Guacimo, Costa Rica. It is not a(n) ___________ university. What is ___________ about it is that students study both in classrooms and in the fields. That is because Earth University is a(n) ___________ school where students learn about farming. The kind of farming taught here is called ___________ farming. The farming ___________ they learn have little or no negative impact on the environment. In class, they also learn about ___________, which is the study of how to protect the natural balance of the environment. The students grow bananas on the farm for ___________. The money they get from these bananas goes towards ___________ for students from poor areas.
Activity 2: While you watch
Circle the best answers.
1 Which is not a goal of Earth University
A To teach poor students.
B To teach students how to make food with bananas.
C To give students skills to protect the environment.
2 Most of the students are from ______.
A Africa B Latin America C Costa Rica
3 Students have to work six days a week for _______.
A half of the year B most of the year C the entire year
4 Earth University students also learn about _______.
A chemical farming B leadership C economics
Activity 3: After you watch
Discuss these questions in groups.
1 What do you like about Earth University
2 Would you like to study at Earth University Why or why not
1 I like the fact that it gives its students hands-on experience in
sustainable farming techniques.
2 Yes. I think it is a good place, where students can learn hands-
on experience in sustainable farming techniques, which is good
for both the environment and people.
1. Can you recall some key words, phrases and the grammar
2. Introduce your poster to your classmates.
3. What do you learn from the Earth University (共15张PPT)
Unit 5
Using Language (I)
Explore the world hunger problem
视频:World Food Day
To listen to conversations about the situations where body language is used and
guess meaning, relationship of people or context by inference.
2.To use strategy of asking for and giving clarification to complete a dialogue.
3.To make accurate pause after each sense group to express meaning
To gain the information of world hunger problem, and the function, assignments of FAO
To be able to analyze and judge the causes of the world hunger problem, propose solutions, describe and explain the activities of celebrating the World Food Day
目标一:To gain the information of world hunger problem, and the function, assignments of FAO
Activity 1: In pairs, discuss what you can see in the photos and how you think each photo relates to world hunger.
1 The first photo represents the idea of drought. Either a river or a lake bed has been
exposed by receding waters, leaving behind cracked soil. A child is pouring water
onto the ground. When there is drought, crops cannot grow and animals may die.
2 The second photo represents the idea of war. Hunger often comes with war, as
often people cannot farm, or they cannot work to earn money to buy food. And,
even if they had money to buy food, the markets might be empty or closed.
3 The third photo represents famine. The child in the photo is a victim of famine,
which is why his/her arm and hand are so thin. Famine is when the crops do not
grow and there is not enough food for everyone to eat. While famine can be
caused by drought, some of the worst famines in world history had other sources,
such as insects or diseases that destroyed the crops, or weather that was either too
hot or too cool for the crops to grow properly.
Activity 2: Listen and tick the organization mentioned in the interview.
A. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
B. World Health Organization
C. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

Activity 3: Listen to a radio interview and take notes. Then answer the following questions.
1 What is the FAO What is its mission
2 What can seriously affect crop production
3 What does the FAO think about nutritious food
4 What is the FAO doing to alleviate world hunger
5 What does the FAO suggest countries do
1 FAO stands for Food and Agriculture Organisation. Its aim is to
eliminate world hunger.
2 Droughts,floods,and climate change.
3 The FAO believes everyone should have the right to get healthy food.
4 The FAO runs a project called Climate-Smart Agriculture, which helps
countries to develop sustainable agriculture.
5 Every country needs to focus on making new achievements in
agriculture too, which can often benefit the whole world.
Activity 4: Listen again and identify how the speaker supports his facts. Match the supporting evidence with the facts.
1 According to our latest figures, ...
2 There is strong evidence to suggest that...
3 Our research indicates that...
A wars can heavily affect food
production and transportation.
B (world hunger) stands at around
11% of the world population.
C many people just can’t afford to
eat well.
Identify Supporting Evidence
When people present important facts, they usually give some evidence to support their claims. The evidence is usually mentioned at the start of a sentence. Listen out for key words like report, research, studies, figures, findings, etc.
目标二:To be able to analyze and judge the causes of the world hunger problem, propose solutions, describe and explain the activities of celebrating the World Food Day
Activity 1: Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions and then share your answers in class. Use a table like the one below to help you organise your thoughts.
1 What are all the possible causes of world hunger that you can think of
2 What can people and countries do to help alleviate these causes
Possible cause Possible solution
Possible cause Possible solution
droughts; floods;
poverty; war
With droughts, we can invent new forms of agriculture that do not rely so much on water, and drought-resistant crops; floods can often be prevented by the building of dams and levees; poverty is best solved through economic development and programmes that give people more opportunities; war may be solved through international negotiation.
Activity 2: Work in groups to brainstorm ideas for some school activities that celebrate World Food Day. Use the expressions to help you communicate with your group members.
Sharing your opinions
I’d rather ... In my eyes ... In my opinion ...
Without a doubt ... The advantages are ... I have a feeling that ...
It’s a pity that ... I’d prefer ... because ... My impression is that ...
I think/guess/believe ... From my point of view, ... My view/opinion/belief is that ...
World Food Day(WFD) was created by the FAO in 1979. It is celebrated in more than 150 countries, raising awareness and knowledge of the problems and causes behind world hunger and poverty.
Sample dialogue:
A: So what shall we do for World Food Day
B: In my opinion, a poster contest would be a perfect way to celebrate it.
C: That's OK, I guess, but my impression is that everyone is tired of making posters.
A: It's a pity, but I think you' re right. We already have posters all over campus, and so
the message might get lost. We need to make a stronger impact.
C: In my eyes, we should have a school debate on how best to solve the problem of
world hunger.
B: The advantages are that it would help get people involved and interested.
A: But I think the problem with a debate is that it doesn't really hit home. People will
learn more about world hunger, that's true. I have a feeling that very few people
will actually be motivated to do anything about world hunger through a debate.
B: My view is that we should have a World Food Day Sunday Dinner.
C: What is that
B: Well, everyone buys tickets to eat a dinner, and the price of the tickets is the
same. But when they buy the tickets they have to draw their tickets at random.
Some people get tickets to eat like a poor person—just a small bowl of rice.
Others get tickets to eat like an average person—noodles with meat, perhaps,
Finally, others get tickets to eat like a king—roast duck and all sorts of sweets.
C: Without doubt, that is the craziest thing I've ever heard.
B: No, no. I don't think it's crazy at all.
A: What's the purpose of such a meal
B: In real life, how well a person eats is really just a matter of luck, If you are born
is a wealthy country, you probably eat well and might even be fat! But if you are
born in a poor country, you might just starve!
A: I believe that you might be onto something. But who's going to cook the food

1. What can you do for alleviating world hunger
2. Can you introduce FAO to your friend (共17张PPT)
Unit 5
Using Language (II)
Evaluate chemical farming and organic farming
视频:Organic farming
To understand the differences between chemical and organic farming and their advantages and disadvantages, analyse the structure and learn writing techniques of argumentative essay
To write an essay to express your views on chemical farming or organic farming
目标一:To understand the differences between chemical and organic farming and their advantages and disadvantages, analyse the structure and writing techniques of argumentative essay
Activity 1: Look through page 55 and page 56, find out the new words and phrases, read them in pairs. Then read together as a whole and share their usage.
organic, pesticide, widespread, bacterium, in turn, digest, essential, mineral, alternative, grocery, instance, for instance, depth, root, entirely
Activity 2: Look at the title and the pictures in the passage, think about what it is about.
Chemical Versus Organic Farming
It is about chemical and organic farming.
Activity 3: Read and match the main ideas with the paragraphs.
Para. 1—2

Para. 3

Para. 4

Para. 5
A What organic farming

B Why man-made chemicals are still used in farming

C Organic methods for producing rich soil

D The problems with chemical farming

Activity 4: Read the text, and then answer the questions.
1 Why did many farmers welcome the introduction of chemical farming
2 What concerns many people about the use of pesticides
3 What is one problem with the use of chemical fertilizers
4 How is organic farming different from chemical farming
5 Why do organic farmers change the kind of crop grown in a field
every year
6 What is the goal of using organic farming methods Do you think it
can be reached Why or why not
1 Many farmers welcomed them as a great way to fight crop diseases and
increase production.
2 Their long-term use can sometimes harm both the land and people’s health.
3 Crops grown with them usually grow too fast to be rich in nutrition.
4 Organic farming is simply farming without using any chemicals. Organic
farmers focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease through natural
5 Different crops are grown because they put important minerals back into
the ground, making it ready for the next batch of crops.
6 Different crops are grown because they put important minerals back into
the ground, making it ready for the next batch of crops.
Activity 5: Read the passage and complete the sentences in the table.
Paragraph Main idea Detail
1—2 The problems with chemical farming Pesticides can kill helpful
Some pesticides have been __________
because of the ________________.
Crops grown with chemical fertilisers
usually _____________ to be full of
3 What organic farming Many organic farmers use
_______________________ as fertiliser.
bacteria and insects
damage they cause
grow too fast
natural waste from animals
Paragraph Main idea Detail
4 Organic methods for producing rich soil They often _____________________
grown in each field ___________.
They also plant crops that use
______________ of the soil to help keep
it rich.
5 Why man-made chemicals are still used in farming Organic farming is nowhere near able to
meet the high
change the kind of crop
every year
different depths
need/demand for food around the world
Activity 6: Analyse the structure and writing techniques of argumentative essay.
Task 1: Read the text carefully again and find out the transitional words and think about their functions.
For example; not only...but also; in addition; in turn; in fact; as for; ...,but...; ..., and...as well.
Task 2: Analyse the passage and conclude the structure of it.
Chemical farming Vs Organic farming
Chemical farming
Organic farming

My choice/attitude

目标二: To write an essay to express your views on chemical farming or organic farming
Activity 1: Write an argumentative essay giving your opinion on chemical or organic farming.
1 Discuss these questions in groups.
Is the author of the passage for or against organic farming How do
you know
What other disadvantages of chemical farming did the author not list
How might the following items be problems and how important are
they for organic farming
natural animal waste used as fertiliser
higher cost of producing food
greater effort required to farm

What other disadvantages of organic farming can you think of
2 Decide whether your group supports chemical farming or organic e up with three main points to support your opinion, and then add at least one detail to support each main plete the outline below.
Topic sentence: In my opinion, _______ farming is preferable to ____________ farming because ______________
Point 1: _________________________________________
Point 2: _________________________________________
Point 3: _________________________________________
Conclusion: ______________________________________
3 Use your outline to write a short essay giving your opinion on the topic.
Activity 2: Exchange drafts with a partner.
1 Use the checklist to help you review your partner’s draft.
√ Does the writer do a good job of expressing his/her opinion
√ Does each paragraph have one main idea
√ Does each paragraph have at least one detail to support its main idea
√ Does the writer sequence the points in a logical order
√ Does the writer do a good job persuading you to accept his/her opinion
2 Take your draft back and revise it.
Share your essay with the rest of the class.
Sample Writing:
In my opinion, organic farming is preferable to chemical farming because of the benefits to the environment as to people, and because organic food is more nutritious.
To begin with, chemical farming harms the environment. Since chemical pesticides are not found in nature, normal natural processes cannot get rid of them. Instead, the chemicals tend to accumulate in the soil and water, and are absorbed in the food chain, where they poison wildlife and domestic animals.
This affects us directly, because we end up eating plants, dairy products, eggs, and meat that have high levels of pesticides. Think about it: The purpose of the pesticides is to kill “pests”, that is, to kill insects. Something that can kill an insect probably is not healthy for a person to eat. While it may be true that the food we eat does not have enough pesticide in it to kill us immediately, over the years this pesticide may cause us health problems or give us diseases such as cancer.
Finally, organic food is generally more nutritious than food grown with man-made chemicals. If you remember a few years ago, there was the case of watermelons literally exploding in the fields because they had been given chemicals to make them grow faster.The reason why they exploded was that they contained too much water, because the farmers had used too many chemicals and the weather was unusually wet. As it turns out, such chemicals are commonly used in farming to grow larger crops more quickly. Do you really want to eat watered-down fruit and vegetables which have been rushed to market They cannot possibly taste as good as organic vegetables, nor can they be as nutritious.
In closing, I would like to suggest buying organic food. Yes, the price is a little higher, but the small price we pay extra will bring us huge rewards in the end.
1. Do you like chemical farming or organic farming Why
2. What is an argumentative essay (共16张PPT)
Unit 5
Discover Useful Structures
To master the usage of subject clause
To use subject clause correctly in context
目标一:To master the usage of subject clause
Activity 1: Look at the complex sentences below and state the functions of the noun clauses italicised. Then find similar complex sentences from the text.
What Yuan Longping really cared about was not money or celebrity.
That Yuan Longping had realised his dream of seawater rice surprised the whole world.
It surprised the whole world that Yuan Longping had realised his dream of developing seawater rice.
They work as subjects.
1) However,what concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat.
2) How this could be done was a challenging question at the time.
3) However, whether it was possible to develop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice was a matter of great debate.
4) What impresses people most about Yuan Longping is his ongoing ability to fulfil his dreams.
Activity 2: Look at the following sentences. Summarize what subject is.
1.Jane is good at playing the piano.
2.She went out in a hurry.
3.To see is to believe.
4.Smoking is bad for health.
5.What he has said is true.
Activity 3: Look at the following sentences, and do a summary.
1.Which book I shall choose hasn't been decided.
2.Whether he will pass the exam is uncertain.
3.Who will go makes no difference.
4.What we need is more time.
Activity 4: Analyse the following sentences and do summaries.
That he will pass the exam is certain.
Whether he will pass the exam is uncertain.
that, whether是从属连词
Who will go makes no difference.
What we need is more time.
Which book I shall choose hasn't been decided.
Whoever breaks the law will be punished.
who, what, which,whoever是连接代词,在从句中做______________________。
When we will leave hasn't been decided.
Where the meeting will be held is not known.
Why he cries is not clear.
How she keeps healthy is a secret.
when, where, why, how是连接副词,在从句中做__________。
1 当单个的从句做主语时,谓语用单数。
That he will pass the exam is certain.
Which book I shall choose hasn't been decided.
How she keeps healthy is a secret.
2 what引导的从句做主语时,谓语的单复数取决它的表语。
What I want is the book.
What I want are some books.
3 it放在句首作形式主语,真正主语则置于句末。
①It is certain that he will win the match.
②It is true that he has made an important discovery in chemistry.
目标二:To use subject clause correctly in context
Activity 1: Match the sentence parts, and then translate the completed sentences into Chinese. Pay attention to how the subjects are introduced differently.
1.____ remains an unanswered question.
2.____ is an important topic for us to research.
3.____ is that these chemicals may even cause
4.____ these vegetables can even be planted
without any soil through this new technology.
5.____ is the reason why some people prefer
to live in the country rather than in the city.
A What worries many people
B That the lifestyle is slower and
C How we can find a suitable solution
to produce sufficient food while
keeping the environment safe
D When these wheat farmers will join
this pilot experiment
E It amazed all of us that
1. 这些小麦农户什么时候会加入预试验仍然不得而知。
2. 如何能够找到一个合适的解决办法,在保证环境安全的同时,
3. 令很多人担心的是,这些化学制品甚至可能导致癌症。
4. 令我们所有人惊讶的是,通过这种新技术,可以无土栽培这
5. 有些人更喜欢住在乡下而非城市的原因是前者生活节奏更慢、
Activity 2: Read the passage and underline all the subject clauses. Then in pairs, discuss whether the sentences with subject clauses can be paraphrased.
Grandma has been complaining about the vegetables sold in the supermarket, which have been grown using chemical fertilisers. To her, that they look beautiful on the outside is obvious. However, what she is unhappy about is the lower nutritional value and reduced flavour. Now that both of my grandparents have retired from their jobs in the city, how they are going to spend their retirement is an important decision for them. Whether they can live a healthy life is the first thing they are considering. So they have made up their minds to move to the countryside, where they can live a green life.
Activity 3: What qualities do you think make a person like Yuan Longping so successful Work in groups. Have a discussion and prepare a presentation. The following points and expressions may help you.
his/her determination to tackle the crisis of ...
his/her intense effort to overcome ...
his/her dream to develop ...
his/her love and care for ...
he/she succeeded in ...
he/she never gave up ...
he/she is devoted to ...
What impresses me most is that ...
What makes him/her a great ... is that ...
It is important that ...
Whether ... depends on ...
That... is his/her most important quality.
What impresses me most is that Yuan Longping has succeeded in helping to feed so many people. It is important that he never gave up, despite many difficulties. That he succeeded in realising his dream is what makes him great.
Try to describe a person you admire with subject clause.