人教版高中英语必修二 UNIT 3 学历案设计(课件)


名称 人教版高中英语必修二 UNIT 3 学历案设计(课件)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1.7MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-06 05:55:25



Period Ⅱ Listening and Speaking
Step I Lead-in
Brainstorm the functions of the mobile phone.
Functions: to make phone calls; to listen to music; to stream videos; to order food; to play games; to take pictures; to pay the bills; to shop online...
Free talk.
What do you often do on the Internet
Step II Pre-reading
Read the title of the text “STRONGER TOGETHER: HOW WE HAVE BEEN CHANGED BY THE INTERNET”. Try to answer the following questions. (检测目标1)
What do you think the text will say
How do you think the writer feels about the topic
Pay attention to the title, the picture and the first/the last sentence of each paragraph.
I think the text will say that we have been changed a lot by the Internet and that it has brought us together.
I think the writer feels positive about this topic because he/she says we are “stronger together”.
Step Ⅲ While-reading
Read the text and find the main idea for each paragraph. (检测目标2)
Para. 1  A. Jan decided to start an IT club to teach older people how
to use computers and the Internet.
Para. 2 B. Jan has started taking online classes to learn more about
how to use the Internet to make society better.
Para. 3 C. People’s lives have been changed by online communities
and social networks.
Para. 4 D. Jan developed a serious illness which made her stuck at
home, but surfing the Internet helped her feel less lonely
and bored.
Para. 5 E. Jan’s life has been greatly improved by the Internet.
Summarise the main idea of the text and share it in class. (检测目标2)
Read the following sentences and analyse the function of headlines in pairs. (检测目标2)
Read headlines
Headlines usually include only key ideas or information from the text. They often do not follow strict grammar rules, because writers use as few words as possible to catch the attention of the readers.
Read the text carefully and answer the following questions. (检测目标2)
Why did Jan quit her job
How did the people in the online community help her
Why did she start the IT club
She suddenly developed a serious illness.
People in the online community talked with her about her problems, supported her, and gave her advice.
To teach older people how to use computers and the Internet.
Read the text carefully and answer the following questions. (检测目标2)
What is the “digital divide”
What’s Jan’s next goal
What can we learn from her experiences
The digital divide is the gap between those who have access to the Internet and those who haven’t, and those who know how to use new technology and those who don’t.
Her next goal is to start a charity website to raise money for children in poor countries.
We learn that when we go through tough times, we can find help and support from other people online. We can also learn that we can feel less lonely by creating or joining communities on the Internet, and that we can even use the Internet to achieve our goals.
Analyse the structure of the text. (检测目标2)
Part 1 (Para. 1) (1)_________________________
Part 2 (Paras. 2~4) (2)_________________________
Part 3 (Para. 5) (3)_________________________
General introduction 
Specific examples 
Which of the following shows the structure of the text (检测目标2)
Step Ⅳ Post-reading
What type of text is it (检测目标3)
A narration tells a story, including its background, people, place, time, reason, process and effects (who/where/when/why/how/what).
A. Narration.
B. Exposition.
C. Argumentation.
D. Practical writing.
Draw the structure of the text using a mind map. (检测目标3)
Answer the following questions. (检测目标3)
Which sentence is the topic of the whole text
How does the writer explain the topic
The last sentence of Paragraph 1.
By giving examples.
Finish one or more of the tasks below in groups. (检测目标3)
Read the text and list the ways in which the text says that the Internet has changed people’s lives.
Examples from the text
Try to add more examples.
More examples:
read books online;
video chat with friends;
do business online;
see doctors online;
hold online/video meetings...
Finish one or more of the tasks below in groups. (检测目标3)
My life has certainly been changed by the Internet. It has made my school work and studying easier and has helped me stay in touch with old friends more easily and often.
Do you think your life has been changed by the Internet If so, how
Jan is very kind, brave, understanding, caring and helpful. We can use the Internet to help others who are in need like what Jan has done.
What can we learn from Jan
Suppose you were a reporter and have an interview with Jan. Make up a dialogue and act it out. (检测目标3)
Have a debate about the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet. (检测目标4)
检 测 练 习
Finish the following tasks.
Retell the text. (以下形式均可,选一种即可)
1. Turn the text into the blanks filling or draw a mind map of the basic
information. (检测目标2)
2. Write a summary about the text. (检测目标2)
Suppose you were Jan, and you are invited to write an article on your experiences of using the Internet. (检测目标3和4)
学 后 反 思
Think about the following questions.
1. Can you draw a mind map of the text
2. What reading strategies can you acquire from the text
3. What is your puzzle while reading
4. What help would you like to get from your teacher and