Unit 5 understanding ideas CQUARIE ISLAND:from Chaos to Conservation
Teaching Goals
After this class, you will be able to:
1. know how the chaos was caused on Macquarie Island and how people tried to conserve it;
2. describe the incident by using “cause and effect” structure;
3. realize the effect of human’s actions on ecology and the importance of ecological balance.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 核心素养提升点
Activity1 1.Ss watch a video about Macquarie Island. Tasks Ss: 1) What animals can you see in the video 2) Do you like the animals and the environment 3) Do you want to know more about the island T leads Ss to show more interest in Macquarie Island. 利用展现麦夸里岛和谐美好景象的视频导入,引出话题内容,激发学生对于该岛的兴趣,形成阅读期待。
Activity 2 Step1 Tasks Ss to read paragraph1 to get more information about Macquarie Island and asks the following questions after reading: 1.Whereistheisland Can you find it on the map 2.What shape is it What makes it long and thin 3.What landscape can you see on the island 4.What animals can we find on the island 学生通过阅读语篇第一段获取更多关于麦夸里岛的细节信息,了解其地理位置、岛上景观,原生动物等进一步体会该岛的美。 语言能力:获取、概括信息。
Step 2 T leads Ss to understand the meaning of the two sentences: 1.No visitor would think it surprising that the island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 2.Nor would they fail to imagine how its native inhabitants including royal penguins, king penguins, and elephant seals existed in perfect harmony with their natural habitat for thousands of years. Then T leads Ss to find some words to describe the beauty of the island. 学生通过对这两个句子的理解,体会作者对于麦夸里岛美丽的珍惜之情,并且对由nor引导的倒装句有更好的理解。借助对语篇的理解,归纳出描述该岛的词汇,可以帮助学生对该岛的美丽有更好的体会。 语言能力:赏析语篇中精彩语段的表意手段。
Step 3Tasks Ss to read paragraph2-6 of the passage to figure out what happened to the island. Ss explains the incident on the island in their own words. 学生通过整体阅读语篇,描述麦夸里岛事件发生的始末。 思维品质:概括并整合信息,准确、熟练和得体地陈述事件。
Step4 Tasks Ss to read paragraph 2 and 3 of the passage to know the chaos caused by human beings to the island Tasks Ss to draw a mindmap in groups of four to show: 1.what did the rats, mice, cats and rabbits do to the island; 2.what results were caused. Then Tasks some students to show their mindmap and explain the relationships between the animals and the serious results caused by the animals T leads Ss to pay attention to words and expressions that can show the seriousness of the chaos on the island, such as “took over the island ”, “developed an appetite for”, “multiply”, and “explode”. 学生通过阅读语篇第二三段,了解发生在麦夸里岛上的悲剧,即人类的到来以及外来物种的进入给该岛造成的巨大混乱。利用思维导图,学生可以尝试用食物链的形式厘清这些动物之间的关系,以及它们所造成的后果。通过关注可以表示出混乱的词汇及表达,学生可以更加直观地体会出人类行为的不良后果。 思维品质:概括并整合信息,在错综复杂的信息中,识别关键问题。学习能力:自主学习与合作学习。
Step 5 Tasks Ss to read paragraph 4 and 5 of the passage to find out: 1.what actions were taken by human beings; 2.what results were caused After reading , T leads Ss to figure out the “cause and effect” about human being’s intervention on the island by asking questions: 1.What did humans do 2.What result was caused 3.To solve this problem , what did humans do Then Ss think and discuss about the question: Why did the conservation end up a s a failure And then Ss try to explain their understanding of the sentence: “This incident made it clear that the rat, mouse and rabbit problem needed solving once and for all.” 通过阅读语篇第四五段,学生查找出人类对于麦夸里岛的第一次干预的具体信息。通过教师的环环追问,学生体会人类行为的因果关系,进一步体会人类该次干预失败的根本原因。通过理解作者对于人类本次干预行为的看法,学生可以更好地明白人类应该如何去做。 思维品质:综合分析各种信息之间的内在关联,从中推断出它们之间的各种逻辑关系。语言能力:解析语篇主要观点与事实之间的逻辑关系,批判性地审视语篇的内容、观点和情感态度。
Step6 Tasks Ss to read paragraph 6 of the passage to figure out:1.What steps were taken in the programme 2.What ensures the success of the conservation this time T plays a video about how the dogs work in the programme to help students further understand why the conservation of this time is a success. T leads Ss to understand the meaning of the sentence: “This intervention is a long, much-delayed ending to z sad story, but we humans owe it to the island to give it a happy ending. ” Then Ss think and discuss about the question: Is it necessary to remove all the non-native species out from Macquarie Island 通过阅读语篇第六段,学生明确人类发起的保护麦夸里岛项目的细节信息,如该项目采取了什么措施,以及确保该项目成功的要素是什么。通过引导学生对作者就本次项目的评价进行深入理解,可以帮助学生进一步体会破坏容易保护难。通过思考该问题,学生可以更好地理解该次项目所采取的措施的必要性。 思维品质:针对各种观点,提出合理质疑,做出正确评价,形成自己的思想。
Step7 T shows Ss some good news about Macquarie Island in 2014 and in2016 to show human beings’ determination of protecting the island. 通过后记部分帮助学生补充一些关于该岛的近况信息。
Activity 3 Step 1 Ss work in groups of four. T provides a context for students: “As experts involved in the Conservation Programme, please discuss how to maintain the perfect and natural condition of Macquarie Island ” 学生通过小组合作的形式,为保持该岛的良好状态建言献策。通过该活动,学生对于人类在地球生态中应当如何自处有更准确的定位。 学习能力:开展自主学习与合作学习,运用英语进行交流和表达。
Step 2 T shows Ss some pictures of lovely animals and beautiful environments in our world to arouse Ss’ love for our planet. And then T shows some pictures of serious results caused by human beings to appeal for Ss’ concern for our planet. And Tasks Ss to think about the question: How to protect our world in our daily life 通过图片直观展示我们的世界有多么美好,而我们的某些行为有多么糟糕,让学生进一步思考应该如何去保护我们这个美丽但却脆弱的世界,唤醒学生与自然和谐相处的意识 思维品质:概括并整合信息,进而形成自己的观点。语言能力:表达个人观点和情感。
Assignment: 1.Post your suggestions about protecting Macquarie Island on our school website. 2.Search for more information about Macquarie Island
课后反思 总体来说这节课我认为完成的还不错,基本达成了教学目标,学生能够积极投入到课堂当中,与同学和老师就文本进行深入的探讨,并且最后有了自己对于环境保护的看法和观点。当然这堂课还有一些美中不足的地方,需要进一步去探讨和修改。