人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures 课件 (5份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures 课件 (5份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-08 15:21:36


Unit 2
Using Language (I)
Talk about Chinese language learning abroad
视频:The Confucius Institute at the University of Newcastle, Australia
To listening for gist, opinions and reasons through a conversation about people of achievement
To practise and understand the use of weak forms in speeches and conversations.
Listen to an interview, pay attention to the setting and get the information of The Confucius Institute in Pakistan.
目标一:Listen to an interview, pay attention to the setting and get the
information of The Confucius Institute in Pakistan.
Activity 1: Discuss the questions below in pairs with the
help of the table.
1. What do you know about Chinese language learning abroad
2. How do people from other countries find out about Chinese
Suggested Answers:
1 As China has boomed, the connection between China and the rest of the world has increased. As a result, learning Chinese has become important for many people. Other people are learning Chinese because they are interested in Chinese culture.
2 By watching films, visiting China, attending a Confucius Institute, etc.
With China’s rapid economic growth and wide
exchanges with the rest of the world, there
has been a sharp increase in the world
demand for Chinese language learning. To
meet the increasing demands for Chinese
learning, the Chinese government decided to set up Confucius Institutes in foreign countries. The first Confucius Institute was set up in South Korea in 2004. Confucius Institutes adopt flexible teaching patterns to suit local conditions while teaching Chinese language and promoting cultural exchange in foreign schools, universities, communities, and enterprises.
Confucius Institute
Activity 2
Pay attention to the setting
When you listen, always ask yourself,
“Where is this probably happening ” Understanding the setting will help you understand the type and content of the communication more clearly.
1.Where does this conversation take place
2.Who are the people speaking
3.What are they talking about
Task 1 Listen to a conversation and answer the following questions.
1 It appears to take place in a radio studio.
2 A radio host and a Chinese teacher named Aisha Khan.
3 They are talking about Chinese learning in the Confucius Institute in Karachi, Pakistan.
Activity 2 Task 2.1 Skim the poster in Activity 3 on page 18 and discuss the following questions.
What’s the purpose of the poster
What kind of information is included in it
It introduces a Confucius Institute in Pakistan to recruit new students.
The functions of the institute, its development, and the reasons for joining it.
Task 2.2 Listen again and take notes by filling in the poster below.
Welcome to the Confucius Institute.
Learn to ____________ and all about_______________!
Our institute has grown! We started with ________________________ but now we have many more. It is a centre for ________________. You can learn and practise fascinating Chinese traditions. Knowledge of the Chinese language and culture is important because of increasing ____________________________. Many students go on to great jobs in __________________.
Join us today to help break down language and _________________, and bring the world together!
cultural barriers
speak Chinese
Chinese culture
a few students and teachers
Chinese activities
trade between China and Pakistan
Chinese companies
Activity 3: Answer the questions according to what you remember of the conversation.
1 What made Aisha feel like she was part of Ms Hu's family
2 Why did Aisha want to become a teacher
3 Why do students learning Chinese see it as beneficial to their future
Suggested Answers
1 Making and eating delicious dumplings together in Ms Hu's home made Aisha feel like she was part of her family.
2 Because she wanted to carry on Ms Hu's work.
3 Because learning Chinese would help them find good jobs at Chinese companies.
Activity 4: Imagine you’re interviewing a student at a Confucius Institute in another country about his or her experience. Work with a partner to brainstorm what the interviewer might ask and how the student might answer. Then role-play the interview. Use the phrases and questions in the box to help you.
We are pleased to welcome …
Thanks for joining us.
Tell us more about...
Thanks for your time.
It was a pleasure talking with you.
Interviewing someone
What was your biggest challenge
How did you overcome it
What are you keen on
What is the key to your success
What do you feel is your biggest achievement
A: Hi, Jane. Welcome to the show!
B: Thanks for inviting me.
A: Tell us, what was your biggest challenge in learning Chinese at the beginning
B: Well, I suppose it was difficult to grasp the tones at first.
A: I bet! Did joining the Confucius Institute help overcome this problem
B: Absolutely! Getting involved with Chinese cultural activities there definitely helped a lot...
Sample Conversation
A: Hi, Jane. Welcome to the show!
B: Thanks for inviting me.
A: Tell us, what was your biggest challenge in learning Chinese at
the beginning
B: Well, I suppose it was difficult to grasp the tones at first.
A: I bet! Did joining the Confucius Institute help overcome this problem
B: Absolutely! Getting involved with Chinese cultural activities there
definitely helped a lot. I got to practise my Chinese on a daily basis, and
I could learn how native Chinese speakers spoke.
A: What do you feel is your biggest achievement
B: Learning Chinese characters! I have learnt about 1,500 so far. When I first
started, I didn't think it was even going to be possible to learn so many,
but now I find that I can read signs, menus, and even some easy
newspaper articles.
A: What are you most keen on
B: I’ve really become keen on learning more about the Chinese culture, in
particular Chinese calligraphy. As I have learnt Chinese characters, I have
developed a great appreciation for their meaning. I want to explore
Chinese characters by learning how to write them in a more beautiful way.
A: Finally, what do you want to say to anyone interested in learning Chinese
B: I'd say, give it a shot! While some aspects may be difficult, it is quite
rewarding and you will be happy that you tried.
A: Thanks for your time.
B: You' re welcome.
目标二:To practise and understand the use of weak forms in speeches and conversations
Activity 1: Understand the use of weak forms.
Task 1 Skim the conversation in Activity 1 on page 19 and answer the questions.
1.What problem is Lu Yao having
2.What may be the cause of the problem 3.How can he solve his problem
1.Lu Yao is having a problem with an English listening task.
2.He has trouble hearing the weak forms of the words which are not stressed.
3.He should pay more attention to the weak forms, watch some movies, and study how the weak forms are used.
Suggested Answers
Task 2 Read for the second time and answer the following questions
What kinds of words are not stressed
And what are stressed
Pronouns, articles, prepositions, and conjunctions are not stressed; Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, numerals, and interjections are stressed.
重读的词一般都是实词,包括名词、实义动词、形容词、副词、数词、除人称代词外的其他代词等,还包括根据句子上下文和说话人情感想要情调的部分。例如:“She is only a child”这句话中,需要重读的是only、child,需要弱读的是She / /、is/z/、a/ /。
Activity 2: Summarise the usage of weak forms.
Task 1 Read these sentences with a partner and decide which words should be stressed and which should not.
1. The streets are wide and clean.
2. Show us the picture that you have drawn.
3. Last but not least, treasure the time.
4. Can I have some tea with ice and lemon
5. I’ve told him to keep away from her.
1. The streets are wide and clean.
2. Show us the picture that you have drawn.
3. Last but not least, treasure the time.
4. Can I have some tea with ice and lemon
5. I’ve told him to keep away from her.
Task 2 Summarise the words which are usually not stressed with the help of the table below. Add more words to the list and look them up in a dictionary if necessary.
词性 例词 强读式 弱读式 词性 例词 强读式 弱读式
冠词 a an the ... 不定代词 some many any ...
介词 of to for ... be动词 be are was ...
连词 as so but ... 助动词 do has had ...
人称代词 you us them ... 情态动词 can should must ...
/e /
/ /
/ n/
/ n/
/ i /
/ /
/ v/
/ v/
/t /
/f /
/f :/
/ z/
/tu /
/s u/
/b t/
/s /
/b t/
/ s/
/ z/
/ m/
/ s/
/j /
/ em/
/s m/
/s m/
/ /
/a /
/h z/
/w z/
/h d/
/h z/
/du /
/w z/
/ ud/
/h d/
/k n/
/k n/
/ d/
/m st/
/m st/
Activity 3: Practise weak forms with the conversation.
Task 1 Read the conversation in Activity 1 on page 19 aloud. Mark the words that are not stressed and then listen to the recording to check.
Lu Yao: Excuse me, Miss Conner. I'm having a problem with this English listening task. Some words are pronounced really fast and sound different.
Miss Conner: Oh, let me listen... Yes, that's probably because the words are not being stressed. You see, English is a stress-based language.
Lu Yao: So does this mean I need to know which words are stressed and which are not
Miss Conner: Yes, I'm afraid so. English words have a strong form and a weak form.
Words like pronouns, articles, prepositions, and so on are often not stressed. So we usually use the weak form for them when we speak.
Lu Yao: Oh no. When I speak, I worry people won't understand me, so I always try to pronounce all my words really clearly. No wonder my classmates say I sound like a robot!
Miss Conner: Oh dear! Well, I suggest you pay more attention to the weak forms. For example, in the sentence "Are you studying hard ", the words "are"and"you"are pronounced as / /and /j /.
Lu Yao: Oh, I get it. Thanks, Miss Conner.
Miss Conner: You' re welcome. I also suggest you watch some movies and study how the weak forms are used.
Lu Yao: That's great advice, Miss Conner! I'm going to watch a movie right now.
Thanks again! Bye!
Task 2 Practise the conversation with a partner.
1. What tip will help you better understand the type and content
of the communication more clearly when you listen
2. What kind of words are stressed and not stressed (共20张PPT)
Unit 2
Discover Useful Structures
Noun clauses 名词性从句
Let’s enjoy
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
Oh oh That's what makes you beautiful
To use the noun clause correctly
To review and summarize the functions and usages of noun clause
目标一:To review and summarize the functions and usages of noun clause
1.What seemed strange before now appears quite normal to Xie Lei.
2.It’s important that Xie Lei keeps a balance between her studies and her social life.
3.Her tutor explained that she must acknowledge what other people had said if she cited their ideas.
4.Xie Lei had no idea what she should say but what surprised her was that she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks.
Activity 1 Task 1 Read the following sentences and underline the subordinate clauses. Determine the composition of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
1.What seemed strange before now appears quite normal to Xie Lei.
2.It’s important that Xie Lei keeps a balance between her studies and her social life.
3.Her tutor explained that she must acknowledge what other people had said if she cited their ideas.
4.Xie Lei had no idea what she should say but what surprised her was that she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks.
Task 2 Further Thinking:
1.What seemed strange before now appears quite normal to Xie Lei.
2.It’s important that Xie Lei keeps a balance between her studies and her social life.
3.Her tutor explained that she must acknowledge what other people had said if she cited their ideas.
4.Xie Lei had no idea what she should say but what surprised her was that she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks.
名词或名词短语可以在句中充当主语、表语、宾语、同位语。当这些名词或名词短语由一个句子替代时,就是名词性从句。名词性从句(Noun Clauses)是在句子中起名词作用的句子。根据在句中不同的语法功能,可以把名词性从句分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。
what/whatever、who/whoever、whom、whose、which/whichever, 在从句中作成分(如:主语或宾语)。
例如:Who will go to the party is still unknown.(主语从句,who在从句中作主语)
The question is what we can do to protect the environment.(表语从句,what在从句中作宾语)
You can ask whoever you trust.(宾语从句,whoever在从句中作宾语)
例如:When the train is going to arrive is not informed.(主语从句)
Scientists are trying hard to find out where the coronavirus comes from.(宾语从句)
That is why I can’t go with you.(表语从句)
that、whether、if、as if、as though、because。不充当从句的任何成分,即它们引导的从句是完整的。
例如:That she was chosen as one of the nurses to go to Wuhan to help in the fight against COVID-19 made her parents both worried and proud.(主语从句,that不能省略)
The fact is that he is old enough to go to school.(表语从句,that一般不省略)
He is hesitating about whether he should tell her the truth.(宾语从句)
He felt as if he had gone back to 20 years ago.(表语从句)
例如:It is reported that seven people have been seriously injured in the accident.(it作形式主语)
I leave it to your own judgement whether you should do it.(it作形式宾语)
主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句所使用的引导词大体相同,但有些仅常用于某种名词性从句,如because,as if,as though仅常用于表语从句,whether和if均可用于宾语从句,但在主语从句和表语从句中一般只用whether。
Her tutor explained that she was supposed to read lots of information to help form a wise opinion of her own.
I think (that) this life-changing experience is certainly worthwhile, and I hope (that) my child will study abroad in the future.
类型 功能 语序 it 引导词 that 省略
主语从句 充当主语 作形式主语 不可省
表语从句 充当表语 一般不省
宾语从句 充当宾语 作形式宾语 可省
目标二:To use the noun clause correctly
Activity 1: Combine each pair of sentences using the words in brackets.
1 The advisor talked about maintaining reasonable expectations when studying abroad. His words were quite helpful to May. (what)
2 Students have to write countless research papers as part of their coursework, This was not something that Chen Hao was ready for. (that)
3 Who will be the successful applicant for the summer job at the law firm This is the question. (who)
4 Exposure to another culture and its people can give exchange students great insights into the world. This is an advantage of studying abroad. (that)
5 Schools in the States are quite multicultural, with students and teachers from many different ethnic backgrounds. This impressed Liu Yang. (It ... that)
6 Should she stick to her own way of life or follow the American way This is her confusion. (whether)
1 What the advisor talked about maintaining reasonable expectations when studying abroad was quite helpful to May.
2 That students have to write countless research papers as part of their coursework was not something that Chen Hao was ready for.
3 The question is who will be the successful applicant for the summer job at the law firm.
4.An advantage of studying abroad is that exposure to another culture and its people can give exchange students great insights into the world.
5 It impressed Liu Yang that schools in the States are quite multicultural, with students and teachers from many different ethnic backgrounds.
6 Her confusion is whether she should stick to her own way of life or follow the American way.
Activity 2: Complete the passage with A-D from the box.
A that he enjoys being with Chinese people
B How he can learn to appreciate it more deeply
C What impressed him first
D that people can eat almost everything with chopsticks
After just a few months in China, Leon, an exchange student from Germany, says that he has fallen in love with Chinese culture._______was the Chinese food. He couldn't believe how many different kinds of Chinese food there are! Something else he found impressive was_______. Then there's China's colourful culture, from art to music, and from calligraphy to literature._______remains an important goal for him, as he is truly fascinated by it. Leon is also amazed by the convenience of cashless payments in China. He can go outside without any need for cash — all he needs is his mobile phone! The biggest reason why he loves China, however, is_______. He has made great friends here — friends that he will still remember long after his departure.
What other things do you think might attract international students to China
There are many other things that may attract international students to come to China to study. For example, many will be interested in learning more about traditional Chinese medicine and how it can be beneficial to people today, experiencing the technology boom there and all the fast and convenient ways via apps on your smartphone, seeing important historical monuments such as the Great Wall and the Terracotta Warriors Museum.
Activity 3: Work in pairs and take turns to talk about Xie Lei's experience by completing the following sentences with your own words.
1 That ... made Xie Lei confused at first.
2 It surprised Xie Lei that...
3 What Xie Lei's tutor wanted to say was that...
4 The motivation for Xie Lei to study abroad was that ...
1 That people in London speak fast and use unfamiliar words made Xie Lei confused at first.
2 It surprised Xie Lei that her host family are so keen to learn about China.
3 What Xie Lei's tutor wanted to say was that she must acknowledge what other people had said if she cited their ideas.
4 The motivation for Xie Lei to study abroad was that she wanted to learn about global business and improve her English so that she could set up a business in China after graduation.
Suggested Answers
Can you say the functions and usages of noun clause (共47张PPT)
Unit 2
Reading and Thinking (I)
Read about Xie Lei’s experience on
an exchange programme
Is “bridge”a noun or a verb here
What do you think “bridge” means here
What do you think this unit is about
Look at the headline and answer the questions.
To build or form a bridge.
It’s a verb.
It’s about academic exchanges between students from different countries.
To read for the information about Xie Lei's experience on an exchange program and understand long sentences in the text and practice the strategies for analyzing long sentences.
To explain words in English and use the lexical chunks from the passage correctly.
目标一:To read for the information about Xie Lei's experience on an exchange program and understand long sentences in the text and practice the strategies for analyzing long sentences.
Activity 1: Check the new words and phrases first. Read the words and phrases, and say the Chinese meaning loudly.
engage in
feel at home
speak up
participate in
get involved in
Activity 2: Look at the title and picture, answer the questions.
Where do you think this article is from
What do you think the article is about
The article is from the newspaper of an overseas university, and it is probably about the life of an exchange student from China.
Part 1: Paragraph 1~2
Part 2: Paragraph 3~7
Part 3: Paragraph 8
Background and reasons for studying abroad.
The process of overcoming various difficulties.
Wishes for Xie Lei.
Activity 3: Task 1 Read the passage quickly and find out the main idea of each part.
Task 2.1 Read the whole text, pay attention to the underlined sentences and discuss the questions below.
1) Are these simple, compound(并列句), or complex sentences How do you judge them
2) How do you judge the main clause and subordinate clause(从句) in a complex sentence
3) What are some common modifiers(修饰成分) in sentences
By looking for some special words, such as: but, and, or when, where, etc.
By looking for conjunctions or the relative words of the attributive clause.
Attributive (which modifies a noun or pronoun), adverbial (which modifies a verb, adverb, modifier, or sentence).
Understand long sentences
English structures are different from those in Chinese, but you can figure out what a long sentence means by following a few simple steps.
1 Decide if the sentence is compound (look for and, but, or, etc.) or complex (look for who, when, where, etc.).
2 Find the main clause if it is a complex sentence.
3 Look for modifiers.
Task 2.2 According to the form, analyze the underlined sentences with your team members.
Sentence Compound sentence (and, but, or ...) Complex sentence (who, when, where ...) Modifier Chinese meaning
1)I had to learn how to use public transport and how to ask for things
I didn't know the English names for.
Modifier: Attributive clause
Complex sentence
Chinese meaning:我必须学习如何使用公共交通工具,以及如何询问一些我叫不上英文名字的东西。
2) Although some foreign students live in campus accommodation, Xie Lei chose to live with a host family, who can help with her adaptation to the new culture.
Modifier:Attributive clause
Modifier:Adverbial clause
Complex sentence
Chinese meaning:虽然有些外国学生住在学校宿舍,但谢蕾还是选择了寄宿家庭,这样可以帮助她适应新的文化。
3)The first time that she had to write an essay, her tutor explained that she must acknowledge what other people had said if she cited their ideas, but that he mainly wanted to know what she thought!
Modifier:Attributive clause
Modifier:Object clause
Modifier:Object clause
(if...) Adverbial clause
Object clause
Complex sentence
Chinese meaning:在她第一次写论文的时候,她的导师解释说,如果她引用别人的观点,她必须承认别人说了什么,但他主要是想知道她的想法!
Object clause
4)At first, Xie Lei had no idea what she should say, but what surprised her was that she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks.
Modifier:Appositive clause
Modifier:Subject clause
Modifier:Predicative clause
Compound-complex sentence
Chinese meaning:一开始,谢磊不知道该说什么,但让她吃惊的是,几周后,她发现自己在课堂上能说些什么了。
Task 3 Find out these words showing her feelings and work out the reasons. Make sentences using “Xie Lei felt/feels ... because...”according to the article.
excited nervous comforted confused
surprised confident feel at home
1.Xie Lei felt excited because it was the first time that she had left China.
2.Xie Lei felt nervous because she didn't know what to expect.
3.Xie Lei felt comforted because she lived with a host family.
4.Xie Lei felt confused because she did not know how to form her own opinions based on other people’s ideas.
5.Xie Lei felt surprised because she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks.
6.Xie Lei felt confident because her presentation on traditional Chinese art was a great success.
7.Xie Lei feels much more at home in the UK because what seemed strange before now appears quite normal to her.
Activity 4: Read the passage carefully and finish the two tasks.
Task 1 Read the paragraph 1~2 and fill in the chart.
Paragraph Main idea
1 Xie Lei boarded a plane for__________six months ago, feeling__________.
2 In order to _____________________________________, Xie Lei chose the year-long exchange programme.
learn about business and improve English
Task 2 Read paragraph 3~7(8) and complete the table.
Challenges What Xie Lei did
Daily life adaptation to a whole new life learnt to ;
learnt to ________________________ __
asked for ___________________________
loneliness lived with _____________
Academic requirements writing an essay got help from __________;
read a lot to prepare
participating in _____ and giving ____________ gave a presentation on ________________
use public transport
ask for things she didn't know the
English names for
help from passers-by when
she got lost
a host family
her tutor
traditional Chinese
Activity 5: Discuss the following questions in groups.
1.Why did XieLei choose the exchange programme
2.Why has Xie Lei got involved in social activities
3.How has Xie Lei helped to build bridges between China and the UK
4.What other challenges do you think students studying abroad might face
How can students prepare to handle these challenges before going abroad
1.Why did XieLei choose the exchange programme
She chose the exchange programme because she wanted to learn about global business and improve her English. Her ambition was to set up a business in China after graduation.
2.Why has Xie Lei got involved in social activities
Because it can help her adapt to the new culture there. She’s also keen to share her culture with the British people.
3.How has Xie Lei helped to build bridges between China and the UK
As well as studying in the UK, she acts as a cultural messenger sharing Chinese culture with people around her by giving a presentation on traditional Chinese art, teaching people how to cook Chinese food, and involving herself in social activities.
4.What other challenges do you think students studying abroad might face
How can students prepare to handle these challenges before going abroad
One big challenge is the language — they may think they are good at English, but they are not used to hearing English being spoken at a normal speed, they are not used to English being spoken with a heavy accent, and they are not familiar with many English idioms.
The best way to prepare is to try to immerse themselves in English before they go abroad. They should watch a variety of English-language films and TV programmes without using subtitles, listen to English songs, and use every opportunity to speak with native English speakers.
Another challenge may be coming to terms with the differences in a culture that is different to their own. Locals, however, will generally be understanding that the student is new to the country, and will appreciate attempts to learn and understand more about their culture. That is why it is best to be kind, respectful, and enthusiastic to try new things when in a foreign country — locals will be more willing to help new students and will be patient.
It can also be scary to try to fit into the new lifestyle while there, since it is so different to their own. Maybe students will face times when they don't understand the proper way to do something, such as paying utility bills. In this case, there is always someone who is willing to help — either at your university campus or even in a local shop.
Unit 2
Reading and Thinking (II)
Build up your vocabulary
Activity 1: Work in groups. Find out some language points that you think are important and share their use with your classmates and give some examples.
目标二: To explain words in English and use the lexical chunks from the passage correctly
1.My ambition is to set up a business in China after graduation.
ambition n.野心;雄心;企图;志气, 抱负
e.g. His ambition is to sail around the world.
For once, nobody could accuse them of lacking ambition.
Important words
(1)ambition to be/do sth.=ambition of being/doing sth.
be full of ambition 野心勃勃
achieve / realize one’s ambition(s) 达到目标/实现抱负
(2)ambitious adj. 志向远大的; 渴望的; 有野心
2.Students need to generate ideas, offer examples, apply concepts, and raise questions, as well as give presentations.
presentation n.展示;介绍;授予;颁发
e.g. The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products.
(1)present vt.陈述;提出(观点、计划等);呈现;赠送,颁发,介绍 adj.出席的,在场的;现在的,当前的 n.礼物
(2)present sb.with sth.    向某人赠送某物
present sth.to sb. 向某人陈述某事;赠送某人某物
(3)be present at... 出席……
(4)at present=at the present time 目前,现在
for the present 暂时;目前
(5)presenter n.(电视或广播节目的)主持人;主播
1.My ambition is to set up a business in China after graduation.
set up 建立;树立;搭起
e.g. I have set up a meeting for Friday.
For all three years I have been working for others. I'm
hoping I'll set up my own business someday.
Important phrases
(1)set aside 保留;储蓄;忽视;不顾
set down 放下;记下
set off 出发;动身;使爆炸;引发
(2)set about doing 着手/开始做……=set out to do 出发;开始做……
(3)a set of... 一套......
(4)setting n. 环境;背景
2.British people are fascinated by our culture and eager to learn more about it, so I’m keen to share my culture with them. 英国人对我们的文化很着迷,也很想了解更多,所以我很想和他们分享我的文化。
be keen to do sth 热衷于/渴望 做某事
e.g. Patient might be keen to find a suitable treatment with a short waiting list. 患者非常期待能够找到在等待时间较短的合适的治疗。
They will be keen to have keyboard support.
be keen on sth. 喜爱;热衷于…
keenly adv. 敏锐地;强烈地;锐利地
keenness n.敏锐;锐利
【同义辨析】anxious, keen, eager这组词都有“急切的,渴望的”的意思,其区别是:
anxious 强调因忧虑、关注或害怕而产生急切顾虑的心情。
keen 强调因兴趣强烈或欲望而急于做某事。
eager 侧重于以巨大热情渴望实现愿望或达到目的。
Activity 2: Task 1 Think of a word that best fits each definition and complete the crossword puzzle.
m b i t i o n
q u a i f i c a t i o
c i t e
e n g a g e
c o m p l x
1. ____________: to remember sth
2. ____________: to accept,admit,or recognise sth or the truth/existence of sth
3. ____________: the process of changing sth or yourself to suit a new situation
4. ____________: to make sb feel less worried or unhappy
5. ____________: a strong desire to achieve sth
6. ____________: an exam you have passed or a course you have successfully completed
7. ____________: to mention sth as an example
8. ____________: containing many different parts and often difficult to understand
9. ____________: to be actively involved with sth
Task 2 Try to explain the meaning of the following words in English
a person charged with the instruction and guidance of another
one who bears a message or does an errand
a meeting at which something, especially a new product or idea, or piece of work, is shown to a group of people
the form or version in which a text is published
Activity 3 Task 1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words from the unit. The first letter of each word is given.
1) Despite his poor living conditions, he remained actively e in his scientific research.
2) As an outing girl, she was always ready to p in the activities her college offered.
3) Actively getting i in various social activities is the best way to overcome culture shock.
4) “ I used to study in this university twenty years ago, and there were not many international students then,” my tutor r .
5) A to a new culture can be difficult. However, you need to step out of your comfort zone. Remember: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Task 2 Underline the lexical chunks(词块)in the sentences and share your understanding of them with your partner
1).Despite his poor living conditions, he remained actively e in his scientific research.
2).As an outing girl, she was always ready to p in the activities her college offered.
3). Actively getting i in various social activities is the best way to overcome culture shock.
4). “ I used to study in this university twenty years ago, and there were not many international students then,” my tutor r .
5).A to a new culture can be difficult. However, you need to step out of your comfort zone. Remember: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
remain/be actively engaged in sth (保持)积极从事/参与某事
participate in sth 参加某活动
actively get involved in sth 积极参加某活动
overcome culture shock 克服文化冲击
step out of one’s comfort zone 走出自己的舒适区
Task 3 Answer the following questions.
1)What should an introverted(内向的) person do to overcome culture shock
2)What does “comfort zone” mean
Learn about the local culture and people’s living habits by reading books, or write e-mails to communicate with native friends and new classmates.
It refers to one’s old habits and a circle of friends in one’s own country.
3)Why do people need to step out of their comfort zone in order to adapt to a new culture
4)What does the saying “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” mean
Because it can cause one to build up confidence in your ability to meet new people, face new challenges and overcome new difficulties.
It means that a guest must do as his host does, which can make sure that a foreigner speaks or behaves well like a native.
Activity 4 Task 1 Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.
ambitious recall qualification accommodation feel at home
A year ago, I came to the University of Birmingham to obtain a business ___________.Since then I've been living in university _____________with other international students, which allows me to meet people from diverse cultural backgrounds.
The first few weeks there were absolutely overwhelming because everything was so different compared to things back home. I felt confused and lost. I also suffered from homesickness ________ all sorts of things back home-from my mother's cooking to the neighbour’s dog I used to walk.
Gradually, I adapted to my new life as an international student.I got familiar with the place-the local shops, clubs, and parks. I made friends and became more confident in my studies day by day. I started _____________ in this new environment. I became more motivated, and I’m also a lot more________ now! I feel that coming here was the best decision I have ever made.
feeling at home
Task 2 Underline the lexical chunks(词块)in the passage and share your understanding of them with your partner
obtain a business qualification 获得商业资格
live in university accommodation 住在大学宿舍
recall all sorts of things 记忆犹新
feel at home in this new environment 在这个新环境中感到宾至如归
be more ambitious 更加雄心勃勃
Task 3 Read the passage and answer the following questions.
1) How did the student’s life change when studying abroad for the first time
2) How is this student’s experience different or similar to Xie Lei’s
3) Can you give some advice to the students studying overseas to help them adapt to their new environment
1) How did the student’s life change when studying abroad for the first time
2) How is this student’s experience different or similar to Xie Lei’s
He lived in university accommodation with other international students. Everything was so different compared to things back home and difficulties were absolutely overwhelming.
Their living conditions are different while their first weeks' difficulties are the same. They both adapted to the new life as an international students gradually.
3) Can you give some advice to the students studying overseas to help them adapt to their new environment
After entering a new environment, one does not passively accept the local culture, but participates in local life in different ways, interacts with this new culture, and brings one’s own culture to the local cultural environment. For example, tell Chinese stories to the world and spread Chinese culture to help “the world see China” and let the world experience the beauty of Chinese culture and gain cultural confidence in the process.
Fill in the blanks and retell the passage.
The article is about ________a Chinese girl, Xie Lei, manages to _______ a new life in the UK and meet the academic____________ as
___________________. Apart from that, the article also talks about how Xie Lei ________a cultural messenger building ________ between China and the UK.
adapt to
an exchange student
acts as
a bridge(共29张PPT)
Unit 2
Assessing Your Progress
Review and talk about the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.
To read a biography and write a book report
To get the information about the lives of four foreign students in China by watching the video
To review the key words, expressions and grammar by finishing the exercises
To design a booklet about your school
目标一:To review the key words, expressions and grammar by finishing the exercises
Activity 1: Finish two tasks.
Task 1 Recall the key words and phrases in this unit, share their usages.
complex, recall, qualification, qualify, ambition, ambitious, adaptation, comfort, cite, participate, presentation, engage, involve, zone, motivate, expectation, applicant, firm, exposure, expose, insight, departure, setting, grasp, dramatic, expense, behave, surrounding, mature, depress, strengthen, deny, optimistic, gain, competence, cooperate, angle, belt, initiative, sincerely, budget, logical, outcome
participate in, speak up, feel at home, engage in, get involved in, culture shock, comfort zone, cost an arm and a leg, side with, as far as I know, as far as I am concerned, in summary, generally speaking
Task 2 Rewrite the sentences with the correct forms of the words or phrases in brackets.
1 He is still too young to know how to act and talk on such occasions. (mature, behave)
2 I have to admit that I spent too much time on social activities. (deny, take up)
3 If you care for others sincerely, they will come to trust you, and your relationship will grow stronger. (strengthen, gradually)
4 She considered the current situation in a reasonable way and decided to be positive about the outcome. (logically, optimistic)
5 Most of the people who had applied for this position were turned down, but he stood out because he was good at working with others. (applicant, cooperate)
6 The mother worried about her daughter who was studying abroad in a totally new environment, but she felt less anxious because of the fact that people there were friendly and helpful. (surroundings, take comfort in)
1 He is still not mature enough to know how to behave on such occasions.
2 I can't deny that social activities took up too much of my time.
3 If you care for others sincerely, they will gradually trust you, and your relationship will strengthen.
4 She considered the current situation logically and became optimistic about the outcome.
5 Most of the applicants were turned down, but he stood out because he was good at cooperating.
6 The mother worried about her daughter who was studying abroad in totally new surroundings, but she took comfort in the fact that people there were friendly and helpful.
Suggested Answers:
Activity 2: Task 1 According to the prompts, review the functions and usages of noun clause.
名词或名词短语可以在句中充当主语、表语、宾语、同位语。当这些名词或名词短语由一个句子替代时,就是名词性从句。名词性从句(Noun Clauses)是在句子中起名词作用的句子。根据在句中不同的语法功能,可以把名词性从句分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。
what/whatever、who/whoever、whom、whose、which/whichever, 在从句中作成分(如:主语或宾语)。
例如:Who will go to the party is still unknown.(主语从句,who在从句中作主语)
The question is what we can do to protect the environment.(表语从句,what在从句中作宾语)
You can ask whoever you trust.(宾语从句,whoever在从句中作宾语)
例如:When the train is going to arrive is not informed.(主语从句)
Scientists are trying hard to find out where the coronavirus comes from.(宾语从句)
That is why I can’t go with you.(表语从句)
that、whether、if、as if、as though、because。不充当从句的任何成分,即它们引导的从句是完整的。
例如:That she was chosen as one of the nurses to go to Wuhan to help in the fight against COVID-19 made her parents both worried and proud.(主语从句,that不能省略)
The fact is that he is old enough to go to school.(表语从句,that一般不省略)
He is hesitating about whether he should tell her the truth.(宾语从句)
He felt as if he had gone back to 20 years ago.(表语从句)
例如:It is reported that seven people have been seriously injured in the accident.(it作形式主语)
I leave it to your own judgement whether you should do it.(it作形式宾语)
主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句所使用的引导词大体相同,但有些仅常用于某种名词性从句,如because,as if,as though仅常用于表语从句,whether和if均可用于宾语从句,但在主语从句和表语从句中一般只用whether。
Her tutor explained that she was supposed to read lots of information to help form a wise opinion of her own.
I think (that) this life-changing experience is certainly worthwhile, and I hope (that) my child will study abroad in the future.
Task 2 Match the phrases or clauses below to make complete sentences.
1 My suggestion for avoiding any cultural misunderstanding is...
2 No matter which country you go to, you will end up feeling like an outsider. That ...
3 What he said about the school was...
4 Taking a year off from school to travel abroad is...
5 What I saw when I arrived was...
6 That he was forgetting his mother tongue ...
7 Why the school denied his application is ...
8 Perhaps the most obvious challenge of studying abroad is...
9 I'm afraid..
10 It remains to be seen...
A beyond description.
B perfectly true.
C that you have to overcome the language
D still unknown.
E that I don't know how to acknowledge all
the sources in my research paper correctly.
F that you should observe what others do
and how they do it.
G what's generally called a gap year.
H is probably why many people do not want
to live abroad.
I whether my research paper will be well received.
J worried him a bit.
Task 3 Discuss with a partner which type of noun clause each sentence belongs to and circle the conjunction before the noun clause.
Task 4 Translate the sentences into Chinese.
Activity 3: Reflecting
◎ What have you learnt in this unit about the benefits of cultural exchange
◎ What do you think are some of the differences between studying in your own country and studying abroad
◎ If there are overseas students visiting your school, can you use what you have learnt to communicate with them
◎ Overall, I thought this unit was cool helpful so-so difficult.
目标二: To design a booklet about your school
Suppose a group of exchange students are coming from Australia to study in your school for a year. Work in groups and help your headmaster to design a booklet about your school.
Location of school
History of school
School motto
School rules
Special events
Compulsory courses and elective courses
Activity 1: Brainstorm what the visiting students might need to know about your school.
Activity 2: Finish the tasks.
Task 1: Divide up the work among your group members so that one or two students are responsible for each topic. Make a page for each topic and include photos or pictures. If possible, include a map of your school to show how to get around
Task 3:Make an attractive cover page for your booklet by including a few descriptive sentences and a good picture or two.
Task 2: Decide on a good order for the information and then put the pages together. Improve the design of the booklet if necessary.
Suggested Answer(text only)
Wonderful Donghua High!
"Where the grass is indeed greener!"
Location of School
Donghua High is a unique experimental high school established in Beijing, China in 1921.
History of School
It was started in 1921 as an all-girls school for orphaned children. The school helped produce many well known people in science and arts. It is now open to all students of all abilities.
School Motto
The school motto is "Where the grass is indeed greener!"and this comes from the phrase "The grass is always greener on the other side."While this phrase refers to the idea that we always think what we don't have is better than what we do have, we instead use it in a positive light to highlight the things we do have and how good they are.Therefore, our grass is indeed greener!
School Rules
The only rule in this school is that there are no rules! This does not mean that students can behave in ways that are wrong or unruly. Rather, students are expected to take responsibility for their own education and lives. All decisions at the school are made democratically, with students and teachers having an equal vote. Teachers are seen more of as aides to help students educate themselves.
Special Events
We host several events throughout the year. Our most popular event is the whole school art competition, where we ask all our students to submit one piece of artwork using any medium they like. Winners are chosen by the students and we usually have some fantastic prizes to give away. We also have a School Volunteer Day, where we encourage students, under adult supervision, to go out into the local community and help out. This is our way of giving back to the community.
Compulsory and Elective Courses
There are no formal classes at our school. Instead, students do what they like, and study when and what they like. We believe this helps students to develop the ability to take control of their lives at an early age and learn to be independent and self-reliant. They have options to study science, computers, and all kinds of liberal arts such as contemporary dance and traditional ink painting styles, such as shan shui.
Our school has many clubs available to students, and we encourage extra-
curricular activities. We have art clubs, sports clubs and even an open-air cinema club. You will no doubt find what you are looking for in our club selection.
Come visit us and see the experiment! See the dream in action! You will be impressed!
目标三:To get the information about the lives of four foreign students in China by watching the video
Activity 1: Before you watch
What do you think the foreign students in the video enjoy most about China Tick the items that you think will be mentioned.
fast delivery service
scenic spots
online shopping
folk art
kung fu
Peking Opera
Activity 2: While you watch
Task 1 Fill in the table with information about each person.
Student Country What impressed him/her
Chinese language;calligraphy
Chinese language, Chinese friends and birthday customs
Peking Opera
the UK
kung fu (tai chi)
Task 2 Complete these quotes with the words you hear in the video.
1 I think calligraphy is a wonderful expression of __________ and
2 I especially like _________________.You can figure out every character's personality and status through __________ and __________________!
3 I’ve found that almost everything in Chinese culture is connected to _______________________.When I do tai chi, I feel ___________________come over me.
4 They told me that in China, people won’t___________________without these noodles, because long noodles represent__________________.
respect for individuality
the facial makeup
the colours
symbols on their faces
the life wisdom of kung fu
a real sense of peace
celebrate a birthday
the longevity of life
Activity 3: After you watch
Discuss the following questions in groups.
1 Imagine that your family is hosting an international student. What would you want to share with him/her about China
2 If you had a chance to go overseas as an international student, which country would you go to Why
Suggested Answer
1 First of all, I would want to take them to the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, and the Terracotta Warriors Museum. I think these are cultural and historical places that they will be very interested in visiting! Then I would suggest that they try some Chinese food — it is possible they haven’t tried authentic Chinese food before. I think they will love Beijing Roast Duck, maybe some fried eggplant, and many, many dumplings. I would also take them to a traditional tea house to experience some local culture — it’s certainly different from a coffee shop they may be used to back in their home country! These are some of the things that I would want to share with them about China.
2 I would go to England, as I find their history fascinating and I like the people.
1. Recall some key words and phrases in this unit.
2. Show your booklet about your school to your classmates.
3. What do four foreign students in the video enjoy most
about China (共21张PPT)
Unit 2
Using Language (II)
Express your opinions on studying abroad
Let's watch a video
Why do you think people choose to study abroad
To listening for gist, opinions and reasons through a conversation about people of achievement
To summarize the Wang Li and Zhang Yi’s main
points about studying abroad by reading.
To analyse the structure of an argumentative letter and use the connectors to write an letter expressing your own opinions about studying abroad.
目标一:To summarize the Wang Li and Zhang Yi’s main points about
studying abroad by reading.
Activity 1: Read these two letters and underline each writer's main points. Then mark the reasons for their opinions
Letter from Wang Li
Main point:
...I think the disadvantages(of studying abroad) for young people are greater.
To begin with, many students who study abroad face great economic pressure.
Another important factor to consider is the tremendous pressure that comes with studying abroad.
A final point to consider is that while studying abroad does have potential benefits, young people who study in China also have a great future to look forward to!
Letter from Zhang Yi
Main point:
… in my opinion, the advantages (of studying abroad) are much greater.
The first advantage of studying abroad is personal growth.
Another advantage is the increased chance for cultural exchange.
Finally, studying abroad provides a great opportunity to contribute to the development of our motherland.
Activity 2: Read the letters again and then use the connectors in the box to rewrite the sentences below.
1. Student who want to study abroad must consider their parents' budget. They should think about whether they can afford the costs of studying overseas.
2. Studying abroad can put great pressure on young people. They may feel lonely and miss their families.
3. Studying abroad will give students a good education. It also helps them to gain a global perspective.
4. Global development strategies help to make connections between China and the rest of the world.Young people with language skills and strong cultural awareness are needed.
as a result besides for instance that is to say
1 Students who want to study abroad must consider their parents' budget. That is to say, they should think about whether they can afford the costs of studying overseas.
2 Studying abroad can put great pressure on young people. For instance, they may feel lonely and miss their families.
3 Studying abroad will give students a good education. Besides, it also helps them to gain a global perspective.
4 Global development strategies help to make connections between China and the rest of the world. As a result, young people with language skills and strong cultural awareness are needed.
Activity 3: Discuss the following questions with your partner.
1. What are some other advantages or disadvantages of
studying abroad that were not mentioned in the letters
2. Which parent would you probably side with Why
Suggested Answers
1 One advantage of studying abroad is the chance to meet new lifelong friends from different cultural backgrounds.
One disadvantage of studying abroad is that not all students are suited to it. Some students will never gain the needed language ability or may not get the most from an unfamiliar teaching approach.
2 I would probably side with Zhang Yi because I think Wang Li’s perspective is too narrow.
目标二:To analyse the structure of an argumentative letter and use
the connectors to write an letter expressing your own
opinions about studying abroad.
Activity 1: Analyse the argumentative letters.
Task 1 What's the text type of these two passages
A Start with a question or a fact.
B State an opinion.
C Give reasons and evidence to support an opinion.
D State a conclusion.
Task 2 Mark the parts of the argument in the letters.
2.A In the past few decades, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people studying abroad./
Is studying abroad a good idea or not
B Although studying abroad can bring great benefits, I think the disadvantages for young people are greater./ There are certainly disadvantages, but in my opinion, the advantages are much greater.
C (Paragraphs 2-4 in each letter)
D (Paragraph 5 in each letter)
Suggested Answers
1. They are argumentative letters.
Task 3 Underline the connectors in the letters. Then study the words in the boxes below.
Connectors expressing opinion
Point of view:
in my opinion as far as I know
as far as I am concerned
in short to sum up all in all
in conclusion/summary
generally speaking
in other words that is to say
that means
Connectors expressing
reasons or evidence
to begin with what is more
besides moreover
in addition
Cause & effect:
because as so thus
therefore as a result
Giving examples:
for example for instance
such as
Use connectors
When you write an argumentative piece, use connecting phrases to lead readers through your process of reasoning. Good logical connectors will help your audience understand your point of view, whether they agree with you or not!
Letter from Zhang Yi
but, in my opinion, as, for example, because, thus, finally, such as, therefore, all in all, while
Letter from Wang Li
although, to begin with, that means,
in addition, while, as, to sum up, so
1.增补 (Addition)
in addition, furthermore, again, also, besides, moreover, what's more, similarly, next, finally
2.比较 (Comparison)
in the same way, similarly, equally, in comparison, just as
3.对照 (Contrast)
in contrast, on the other hand, instead, however, nevertheless, unlike, even though, on the contrary, while
4.因果 (Cause and effect)
because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result (of), accordingly, hence, so, thus
5.强调 (Emphasis)
Certainly by, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, chiefly, especially, primarily, in particular, undoubtedly, absolutely, most importantly
6.让步 (Concession)
although, though, after all, in spite of, nevertheless, still, provide, while it is true
7.例证 (Exemplification)
for examples, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in this case
8.总结 (Conclusion)
to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, to put it in a nutshell, in summary
9.推断 (Inference)
therefore, as a result(of), consequently, accordingly, so, otherwise
10.时间和空间 (Time and space)
afterwards, after, first, later, then, soon;outside, near, beyond, above, below, on the right/left, in the middle, opposite, in front of
Activity 2: Write down the outline then complete the letter.
Question or fact
State an opinion
Reason 1/Evidence
Reason 2/Evidence
Activity 3: Peer evaluation
Task 1 Exchange your draft with a partner and use the checklist to give feedback on your partner's draft.
项目 评价(A B C三级) 修改建议
文章结构 观点是否明确
语言特点 衔接词语使用情况
语言的规范性 单词、语法错误情况
Task 2 Take your draft back and revise it.
Share your comments on your partner's draft with the whole class. Get more ideas from your classmates and the teacher.
Dear Editor,
Many people ask the question,"Why study abroad After all, there are many great universities and schools in China that attract great professors both local and foreign." I think that while this is true, this gets things slightly wrong. The question isn't that people think the quality of their local university is not adequate, but rather how studying abroad helps and benefits the individuals in their own study and career plans.
By studying abroad, Chinese students get a better understanding of other cultures and countries, and learn to see themselves as global citizens. As a result, they can better understand China's place in the world and how they can contribute to world peace and development.
Sample Letter
In addition, overseas students can learn cross-cultural communication skills, which will help them understand how they can participate on the world stage.There are so many places in the world with hurting, needy people. With such skills and knowledge, they can better lend them a helping hand.
Finally, when our students return home, they can share their experience with others. There is a wide open world which they can contribute to, but only if they first learn about people from other countries, and their struggles and challenges.
In conclusion, the best way to get is by giving, and the easiest way to be loved is by loving others. I hope everyone will agree that there is a wonderful world out there which can be made better by our presence, but they need to learn how they can contribute and help, and they can best do this through student exchange.
Best regards,
Liu Ping
1. Can you retell some connectors
2. How to write an argumentative letters