人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 3 Food and Culture Reading and Thinking 学案


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 3 Food and Culture Reading and Thinking 学案
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-08 18:30:04


Unit 3 Reading and Thinking & Learning about Language
Learning Objectives 1.To read for the information about Chinese cuisine, understand cause-and-effect relationships and the link between food and culture. 2.To use the words and phrases from the text correctly and learn to understand or infer the meaning and usage of words and phrases through context.
Learning activities
目标一:To read for the information about Chinese cuisine, understand cause-and-effect relationships and the link between food and culture. Activity 1: Check the new words and phrases first. Read the words and phrases, and say the Chinese meaning loudly. Activity 2: Before you read Task 1 Look at the title and pictures and answer the questions. Culture and Cuisine 1)What is the title of the text 2)What can you see from the pictures in the text 3)What kind of food are they 4)What do you think the text is about Task 2 Discuss these questions in groups. 1)How many kinds of Chinese cuisine are there, and how can these cuisines be described 2)What, if anything, do these cuisines tell you about the people who eat them Task 3 The first paragraph has a quote: "You are what you eat." In pairs, discuss what you think this saying means. Activity 3: Skimming Task 1 Now read the article quickly to see if you share the same ideas as the author. While you are reading, find out the main idea of each paragraph: Para 1: ___________________________ Para 2: ___________________________ Para 3: ___________________________ Para 4: ___________________________ Para 5: ___________________________ Para 6: ___________________________ Para 7: ___________________________ Task 2 Now read the passage quickly again and use the information from the text to complete the table below. Activity 4: Careful reading Task 1 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. 1)●Do people living in different places share the same culture or different cultures ●Do people living in different places eat the same food or different kinds of food ●What are the two ideas in these sentences ●How are the two ideas related to each other ●Which idea is "cause" and which idea is "effect" 2)Match the causes to the effects below.Then find more examples from the text. Cause 1 The flavor preferences of Americans often differ from those of the Chinese 2 We had no idea how to order food. 3 These groups traditionally wandered the open range on horses.Effect A The chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten. B Their traditional foods are what you can cook over an open fire. C Chinese food in America is changed to suit American tastes.
Task 2 Read the passage carefully again and answer the questions. 1)●Why does the writer mention the French author Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin in the first paragraph ●What does the writer think of the Chinese food in America ●What is the writer's purpose in writing this passage 2)How is the passage developed Activity 5: Post-reading In groups, discuss the following questions. 1 Do you think "culture and cuisine go hand in hand" Give your reasons. 2 Imagine that it is true that people's personalities are closely linked to the foods they eat. What does eating the following foods tell you about a person spicy food vegetarian food junk food seafood sweets chocolate rice noodles onion garlic bacon ham sausage cabbage mushroom bean curd
目标二:To use the words and phrases from the text correctly and learn to understand or infer the meaning and usage of words and phrases through context. Activity 1: Find the important words, phrases, and language points you want to share their usage to your partner. Discuss in groups and then share with the class. Activity 2: Find words from the reading passage which have similar meaning to the words in italics. 1 We'll need ten months at least to have the restaurant decorated. 2 Some traditional Chinese dishes from before the Ming Dynasty are still popular today. 3 My grandpa's breakfast mainly includes wholegrain biscuits and a glass of milk. 4 People in this area would eat nearly a kilo of cheese per week. 5 We enjoyed a special dinner in a fancy restaurant where the waiters all wore attractive suits. 6 He prefers this brand of coffee which, as he said, has an unusually good flavour. Activity 3: Learn more about foods around the world by matching the first and second halves of the following sentences. 1 Italy, Greece, and Spain are famous for their olives, figs, and other ingredients, 2 She sliced off 3 A traditional Western dinner can consist ofA a piece of sausage for her dinner. B an appetiser, a main course, soup, and dessert. C which have all contributed to centuries of cuisine development
What information have you just learnt about food around the world What do you know about Chinese cuisine What is a traditional Western dinner like What is special about Italian cuisine What foods do French people eat What kind of food is sushi What is fusion cuisine What else do you know about food around the world Activity 4: Familiarise yourself with some food idioms by matching the meaning on the right with the coloured words on the left. 1 Public concern for the health of farm animals has mushroomed in the UK . 2 Anderson may be young but he's certainly rolling in dough! 3 George is a popular lecturer. He often peppers his speech with jokes. 4 As the person to bring home the bacon, he needs to find a stable job. 5 He is often regarded as a ham actor for his overemphasised facial expressions. 6 The media reported that these companies had treated pollution as a hot potato. 7 Don't worry about the test tomorrow. It's going to be a piece of cake! 8 It's best to fold the swimming ring when it is as flat as a pancake.A completely flat B something that is very easy to do C an issue that is hard to deal with D to include large numbers of something E to earn one's living to support a family F wealthy G to rapidly increase in number H an actor who performs badly, especially by overemphasising emotions
Why does each food have such a meaning
Summary: Retell the passage “Culture and Cuisine” with the help of mind map.Unit 3 Reading and Thinking & Learning about Language
Learning Objectives 1.To read for the information about Chinese cuisine, understand cause-and-effect relationships and the link between food and culture. 2.To use the words and phrases from the text correctly and learn to understand or infer the meaning and usage of words and phrases through context.
Learning activities
目标一:To read for the information about Chinese cuisine, understand cause-and-effect relationships and the link between food and culture. Activity 1: Check the new words and phrases first. Read the words and phrases, and say the Chinese meaning loudly. cuisine, prior, consist, pepper, recipe, chef, stuff, slice, onion, lamb, elegant, exceptional, minimum, consume, garlic, bacon, ham, sausage, cabbage prior to, consist of, slice...off, lamb kebab, dim sum, junk food, bean curd Activity 2: Before you read Task 1 Look at the title and pictures and answer the questions. Culture and Cuisine 1)What is the title of the text 2)What can you see from the pictures in the text 3)What kind of food are they 4)What do you think the text is about Suggested Answers: 1)Culture and Cuisine; 2)Food; 3)Chinese food; 4)Maybe it is about different kinds of Chinese food and the culture each food represents. Task 2 Discuss these questions in groups. 1)How many kinds of Chinese cuisine are there, and how can these cuisines be described 2)What, if anything, do these cuisines tell you about the people who eat them Suggested Answers: 1)There are at least eight different kinds of Chinese cuisine: Shandong (fresh and salty), Sichuan (hot from chillies and from Sichuan peppercorns), Jiangsu (soft texture, a little sweet), Cantonese (mild and slightly sweet), Fujian (umami taste, light), Zhejiang (fresh flavours, soft texture), Hunan (dry hot), and Anhui (fresh herbs, oily colourful). In addition, there are numerous cooking styles that are associated with ethnic minorities. 2)The cuisines certainly say something about the kinds of ingredients available to the people, and a lot about the kinds of flavours the people prefer. Task 3 The first paragraph has a quote: "You are what you eat." In pairs, discuss what you think this saying means. Suggested Answers: The saying means that the kind of food we eat tells something about our personality, character, and culture. Activity 3: Skimming Task 1 Now read the article quickly to see if you share the same ideas as the author. While you are reading, find out the main idea of each paragraph: Para 1: ___________________________ Para 2: ___________________________ Para 3: ___________________________ Para 4: ___________________________ Para 5: ___________________________ Para 6: ___________________________ Para 7: ___________________________ Suggested Answers: Para1: you are what you eat. Para2: Chinese food in America has changed to suit American flavor. Para3: my experience of authentic Chinese food in Beijing. Para4: what I learn about in Chinese food culture in Shandong Province. Para5: cuisine in Xinjiang Para6:cuisine in South China Para7: what can various kinds of food tell us. Task 2 Now read the passage quickly again and use the information from the text to complete the table below. Answers: Activity 4: Careful reading Task 1 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. 1)●Do people living in different places share the same culture or different cultures ●Do people living in different places eat the same food or different kinds of food Suggested Answers: People living in different places share different cultures; People living in different places eat different kinds of food. ●What are the two ideas in these sentences ●How are the two ideas related to each other ●Which idea is "cause" and which idea is "effect" Answers: By cause and effect. Understand cause and effect Sometimes two ideas are related to each other by cause and effect. That is, one thing causes something else to happen. Cause-and-effect relationships can be direct. For example, “It was raining, so I took my umbrella. However, some cause-and-effect relationships are not direct, and some may also have more than one cause or effect.
2)Match the causes to the effects below.Then find more examples from the text. Cause 1 The flavor preferences of Americans often differ from those of the Chinese 2 We had no idea how to order food. 3 These groups traditionally wandered the open range on horses.Effect A The chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten. B Their traditional foods are what you can cook over an open fire. C Chinese food in America is changed to suit American tastes.
Answers: 1. C 2. A 3.B Task 2 Read the passage carefully again and answer the questions. 1)●Why does the writer mention the French author Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin in the first paragraph ●What does the writer think of the Chinese food in America ●What is the writer's purpose in writing this passage Suggested Answers: To introduce a famous saying about food and personality: You are what you eat; Chinese food in America is not authentic because it has been changed to suit American tastes; To share with readers his viewpoint: Culture and cuisine go hand in hand. 2)How is the passage developed Suggested Answers: Activity 5: Post-reading In groups, discuss the following questions. 1 Do you think "culture and cuisine go hand in hand" Give your reasons. 2 Imagine that it is true that people's personalities are closely linked to the foods they eat. What does eating the following foods tell you about a person spicy food vegetarian food junk food seafood sweets chocolate rice noodles onion garlic bacon ham sausage cabbage mushroom bean curd
Suggested Answers: 1 Yes, because so much of a culture is based upon food and how it is eaten and served. 2 Possibly, people who like spicy food love excitement and new experiences. And people who like junk food like to enjoy life without worrying about the future.
目标二:To use the words and phrases from the text correctly and learn to understand or infer the meaning and usage of words and phrases through context. Activity 1: Find the important words, phrases, and language points you want to share their usage to your partner. Discuss in groups and then share with the class. 1. However, Brillat-Savarin was actually referring to our personality, character, and culture. refer to在句中意为“指的是”。 【拓展】refer to还有多种含义: (1) 提到;谈及;说起 (2)涉及;与...相关 (3)查阅;参考 refer to ... as ... 意为“把...称作...”。 e.g. We often refer to those who are ready to help others as Lei Feng. reference book指的是“参考书;工具书"。 2. Chinese cuisine is a case in point. a case in point的意思是“恰当的例子”,相当于“a good example”。 【拓展】与case搭配的常见短语: (1) in case免得;万一;假如;以防万一(作副词) e.g. You had better take an umbrella in case it rains. (2) in case of假如;万一;以防(后跟名词、代词、动名词) e.g.The villagers built a dam along the river in case of floods. (3) in the case of就...........情况下;至于 e.g.In the case of learning a foreign language, we must practise frequently. (4) in any case无论如何;不管怎样 e.g.It may rain tomorrow,but we will set off on time in any case. (5) in no case决不;无论如何不(置于句首时,句子需倒装) e.g. In no case will I tell her about it. (6) in that case在那种情况下;既然那样 e.g. In that case, you don't need to wait for me. 3. For example, America's most popular Chinese dish is General Tso's chicken, which consists of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce, flavoured with hot red peppers. consist of表示 “由......组成(或构成)”,不用于进行时或者被动语态。e.g. Our class consists of thirty boys and twenty girls. consist in表示“存在于;在于”。 e.g. The beauty of the town consists in its ancient buildings. 句中的covered in a sweet sauce; 是过去分词短语作定语,修饰fried chicken。 flavoured with hot red peppers也是过去分词短语作定语,修饰前面的General Tso's chicken。 4. The food was wonderful and different, but what was even more important was the friendship offered us. what was even more important是由what引出的主语从句。 句中offered us作定语,修饰friendship, offer作动词的常见用法如下: (1)offer sth for提供;供应;出价 e.g. The teacher offered some useful advice. (2)offer sb sth给予某人某物 e.g. The local people offered us friendship as well as help. (3) offer sth to sb把......给某人 e.g. At last they decided to offer the job to the man. (4) offer to do sth主动提出做某事 e.g. To my surprise, he offered to give me a lift to the station. offer还可以作名词,表示以下含义: (1)提议;建议 e.g. I am really grateful for your kind offer of help. (2)出价;报价 e.g. It is hard to refuse such an offer. Activity 2: Find words from the reading passage which have similar meaning to the words in italics. 1 We'll need ten months at least to have the restaurant decorated. 2 Some traditional Chinese dishes from before the Ming Dynasty are still popular today. 3 My grandpa's breakfast mainly includes wholegrain biscuits and a glass of milk. 4 People in this area would eat nearly a kilo of cheese per week. 5 We enjoyed a special dinner in a fancy restaurant where the waiters all wore attractive suits. 6 He prefers this brand of coffee which, as he said, has an unusually good flavour. Answers: 1 at a minimum 2 prior to 3 consists of 4 consume 5 elegant 6 exceptional Activity 3: Learn more about foods around the world by matching the first and second halves of the following sentences. 1 Italy, Greece, and Spain are famous for their olives, figs, and other ingredients, 2 She sliced off 3 A traditional Western dinner can consist ofA a piece of sausage for her dinner. B an appetiser, a main course, soup, and dessert. C which have all contributed to centuries of cuisine development
Answers: 1 C 2 A 3 B What information have you just learnt about food around the world What do you know about Chinese cuisine What is a traditional Western dinner like What is special about Italian cuisine What foods do French people eat What kind of food is sushi What is fusion cuisine What else do you know about food around the world Activity 4: Familiarise yourself with some food idioms by matching the meaning on the right with the coloured words on the left. 1 Public concern for the health of farm animals has mushroomed in the UK . 2 Anderson may be young but he's certainly rolling in dough! 3 George is a popular lecturer. He often peppers his speech with jokes. 4 As the person to bring home the bacon, he needs to find a stable job. 5 He is often regarded as a ham actor for his overemphasised facial expressions. 6 The media reported that these companies had treated pollution as a hot potato. 7 Don't worry about the test tomorrow. It's going to be a piece of cake! 8 It's best to fold the swimming ring when it is as flat as a pancake.A completely flat B something that is very easy to do C an issue that is hard to deal with D to include large numbers of something E to earn one's living to support a family F wealthy G to rapidly increase in number H an actor who performs badly, especially by overemphasising emotions
Answers: 1 G 2 F 3 D 4 E 5 H 6 C 7 B 8 A Why does each food have such a meaning Suggested Answers: to mushroom: It means to rapidly increase in number because fungus usually appears and grows in size very quickly. to pepper: It means to include large numbers of something because it brings to mind the image of a person putting black peppers on food. It also implies that something has been scattered here and there like small bits of pepper, and is not concentrated all in one place. a hot potato: A baked potato can be very hot and you need to be very careful when holding it.When someone gives you a hot potato, you would want to throw it away in order not to get burnt. So “a hot potato”can mean a very sensitive matter that is difficult or embarrassing to deal with.
Summary: Retell the passage “Culture and Cuisine” with the help of mind map.