人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness单元测试试题(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness单元测试试题(含解析)
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文件大小 107.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-08 22:05:52


Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 单元综合测试习题检测
(2023·全国卷乙卷) PRACTITIONERS
Jacqueline Felice de Almania (c.1322) highlights the suspicion that women practicing medicine faced. Born to a Jewish family in Florence, she moved to Paris where she worked as a physician and performed surgery. In 1322 she was tried for practicing unlawfully. In spite of the court hearing testimonials (证明) of her ability as a doctor, she was banned from medicine. James Barry (c.1789 — 1865) was born Margaret Bulkley in Ireland but, dressed as a man, she was accepted by Edinburgh University to study medicine. She qualified as a surgeon in 1813, then joined the British Army, serving overseas. Barry retired in 1859, having practiced her entire medical profession living and working as a man.
Tan Yunxian (1461 — 1554) was a Chinese physician who learned her skills from her grandparents. Chinese women at the time could not serve apprenticeships (学徒期) with doctors. However, Tan passed the official exam. Tan treated women from all walks of life. In 1511, Tan wrote a book, Sayings of a Female Doctor, describing her life as a physician. Rebecca Lee Crumpler (1831 — 1895) worked as a nurse for eight years before studying in medical college in Boston in 1860. Four years later, she was the first African American woman to receive a medical degree. She moved to Virginia in 1865, where she provided medical care to freed slaves.
1 .What did Jacqueline and James have in common
A .Doing teaching jobs. B .Being hired as physicians.
C .Performing surgery. D .Being banned from medicine.
2 .How was Tan Yunxian different from the other practitioners
A .She wrote a book. B .She went through trials.
C .She worked as a dentist. D .She had formal education.
3 .Who was the first African American with a medical degree
A .Jacqueline Felice de Almania. B .Tan Yunxian.
C .James Barry. D .Rebecca Lee Crumpler.
(2023·高一单元测试)Most people who own iPhones use them as their alarm clocks — making it very easy to check emails one last time before falling asleep and hard to ever feel away
from work and social networks.
Several years ago, my boss fainted due to exhaustion after staying up late to catch up on work.
She banged her head and ended up with five stitches (缝针) — and became what she calls a “sleep evangelist ( 传教士).” Now she leaves her phone charging in another room when she goes to bed
and encourages her friends to do the same.
“I sent all my friends the same Christmas gift — a lovely alarm clock — so they could stop using the excuse that they needed their very attractive iPhones by their beds to wake them up in the
morning.” she said.
If your phone wakes you up in the morning, it may also be keeping you up at night. A 2008 study showed that people exposed to mobile radiation took longer to fall asleep and spent less time in deep sleep. “The study indicates that during laboratory exposure to 884 MHz wireless signals, components of sleep believed to be important for recovery from daily wear and tear are severely
affected,” the study concluded.
A quarter of young people feel like they must be available by phone around the clock, according to a Swedish study that linked heavy cellphone use to sleeping problems, stress and depression. Unreturned messages carry more guilt when the technology to deal with them lies at our
fingertips. Some teens even return text messages at midnight.
Most of us choose not to set limits on our nighttime availability. Nearly three quarters of people from the age of 18 to 44 sleep with their phones within reach, according to a 2012 Time poll. That number falls off slightly in middle age, but only people aged 65 and older are leaving the phone in
another room as common as sleeping right next to it.
4 .Why did the author’s boss give her friends alarm clocks as Christmas gifts
A .Alarm clocks don't give off any radiation.
B .Alarm clocks are better at waking her friends up.
C .She advised them to replace phones with alarm clocks.
D .She used alarm clocks to remind them not to work too late.
5 .What can we learn from the 2008 study
A .Mobile radiation makes people unable to fall asleep.
B .Mobile phones can release 884 MHz wired signals.
C .Sleep can help people fight against radiation.
D .Components of sleep can be seriously affected by wireless signals.
6 .What is the best title for the passage
A .How Mobile Phones Affect Sleep
B .Why Alarm Clocks Are Better than Phones
C .How We Can Sleep Better at Night
D .How Mobile Phones Affect Health
7 .Why did the author’s boss start to enjoy sleeping
A .Her friends encouraged her to sleep on time.
B .Mobile phones couldn't wake her up on time.
C .Her friends sent her a lovely clock to wake her up.
D .She got hurt due to working too late.
(2023·高一单元测试)An 114 kilograms mother, Cacia Griggs, was ashamed into losing
weight after crushing her daughter, four-year-old Isabelle 's bed while reading her a bedtime story.
Just one year later she has lost 50 kilograms, dropped to a size 10, and even was employed by
her dream company.
One night, having asked her 29-year-old husband to carry Isabelle up to bed because she couldn't fit through the stair gate, Cacia followed them upstairs and lay down on the edge of the bed
with her daughter to read her a story.
“I heard a loud snap(噼啪声),” she said. “I’d broken the entire side beam of her bed because I
was overweight. I was upset.”
On her first family holiday with Chris and Isabelle in Turkey last year, Cacia had a similar
moment when she couldn't fit the plane seatbelt around her.
Cacia began the Cambridge Weight Plan in June 2011, changing her high-calorie diet into soups, shakes andbars. In August this year, Cacia reached her goal weight and dropped from a size
24 to a size 10.
“My weight began to drop off,” she said. “In no time at all I was wearing smaller clothes and
was over the moon the first time I brought a size 16, I couldn't believe it fitted.”
Cacia says the best thing about losing the weight is being able to lie with her daughter again
on her bed instead of sitting on the floor next to her.
8 .Why did Cacia determine to lose weight
A .She couldn’t read the stories for her daughter.
B .She crushed her daughter’s bed.
C .She couldn’t fit the plane seatbelt around her.
D .She couldn’t fit through the stair gate.
9 .When Cacia realized she snapped her daughter’s bed, she felt .
A .pleased B .unbelievable C .curious D .unhappy
10 .Cacia lost her weight .
A .by doing some exercise B .by going on a diet
C .by having a balanced diet D .by taking some drugs
11 .What’s the best title for the passage
A .A mother’s Love B .A crashed bed
C .A way to lose weight D .A heathy diet
(2023 春 ·广西南宁 · 高一南宁市第二十六中学校联考开学考试)It was the last time Susan
Butcher ran the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in 1992. An hour into the race, Susan and her sled dog team sped down a hill and crashed into a fallen tree. Although hurt, Susan continued the difficult
The Iditarod Race started in 1925 when a doctor in Nome, Alaska was desperately in need of medicine to stop the spread of a deadly disease. Only a hospital had what he needed, but it was 700 mile-away! In January, it was too dangerous to send a boat and too stormy for his tiny airplane. The only hope was to use several sled dog teams following a trail, called the Iditarod Trail. They passed the medicine from one sled team to another. Wind and snow did not stop the men and their dogs. The medicine was delivered in record time. The race follows the route of the famous medicine run.
Over 1, 000 miles long, it is considered the toughest race in the world.
Susan Butcher was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In her teens Susan was given a Siberian husky dog and became very interested in huskies as sleddogs. After reading about the Iditarod Race, Susan moved to Alaska. She got several jobs to earn money to buy herself a sled and a team of huskies. After years of hard work and training, Susan achieved her dream of racing on the Iditarod
In 1978, at the age of 24, Susan entered the race for the first time and became the first woman to finish in the top 20. In 1982 she came in second. In 1984 she was leading her team across a frozen waterway when they fell into the water. Her lead dog managed to pull Susan and the other dogs out
of danger. Remarkably, she came in second.
In her fourth race, in 1985, a staring moose (驼鹿) attacked her dogs, killing two and injuring eleven. Susan had to leave the race. In 1986 Susan joined the race again. This time, she won. She won again in 1987. In 1988 she became the first person ever to win three Iditarod races in a row.
Unbelievably, Susan won for the fourth time in 1990.
12 .According to text, Susan Butcher entered the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race at least
A .six B .seven C .eight D .nine
13 .In Paragraph 2, the author wants to tell us .
A .how the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race began
B .how the spread of a deadly disease was stopped
C .how tough the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race was
D .how Susan Butcher began to show interest in the race
14 .What does the underlined phrase “in a row” probably mean in the last paragraph
A .continuously B .eventually
C .finally D .particularly
15 .What led to some of Susan Butcher’s failures
A .Snowstorm. B .Lack of food.
C .Accidents. D .Lack of experience
(2023 春 ·甘肃 · 高一统考期末) There is something magical about hiking. Whether you’re a
seasoned hiker or new to the trails, hiking offers lots of benefits for mind, body and soul. 16
Boost physical fitness. 17 Although other forms of exercise are great for your health, hiking has benefits that can’t be replaced by a bike. Hiking builds muscle strength. So, not only will
you enjoy the great outdoors, you will also improve your health.
Improve mental well-being. Hiking has a profound impact on your mental well-being,
offering a much needed break from the stresses of daily life. 18
In addition to the fun and enjoyment you can experience, there are other real benefits you can
start to observe.
19 Hiking provides a wonderful opportunity for strengthening social connections and training a sense of community. Whether you go on a hike with friends or join a hiking group, the shared experiences can be highly beneficial and can create wonderful shared memories. Hiking is hard, but it maintains your motivation. So grab a friend or join a local hiking group, and experience
the joy of connecting with others while exploring nature.
Improve cognitive ( 认 知 的) function. An amazing added benefit to hiking is improved cognitive function. Engaging in physical activity while being surrounded by nature stimulates the brain, leading it to improve focus, creativity and problem-solving skills. Spending time in nature can improve cognitive function and attention span. 20 A drop in spending time in nature and in physical activity can possibly cause a cognitive decline. Who knew that the sensory
experiences that you encounter during hiking could help you gain clarity and peace of mind
A .And the opposite is also true.
B .Strengthen social connections.
C .Experience the joy of getting close to nature.
D .Why not make use of the precious time to enjoy yourself
E .Hiking is an excellent way to improve your overall fitness.
F .Spending time in nature, including hiking, improves mental health.
G .So grab your hiking tools and explore the benefits to make you energized!
(2023 春 ·河南洛阳 · 高一统考期末)I, 16, was diagnosed with autism(自闭症 ) as a baby. Then, my father quit his job and 21 his full attention to autism. In 2012, he learned that swimming could help autistic people 22 their physical fitness and growth. So he spent
months learning how to swim by watching videos and reading books. He spent several months
teaching me and discovered that I had 23 developed the ability to control my breath under
water, which greatly increased his 24 .
My father laid the groundwork for my 25 lessons. Two hand rings and a swing are fixed from the ceiling to help me 26 my muscles and learn swimming movements. On one wall of our home 27 a table for my routine 28 . My father said to a reporter, “I 29 to plan all his exercises for him, but now it is all up to him. He decides how many exercises he wants
to do, and it’s a process of 30 .”
In spite of all the hardships, I have learned to 31 challenges. I managed to become a(n) 32 swimmer. In 2021, I won five 33 at two international games, including
a gold.
34 swimming, learning basic life skills is also an important part of life for me.
Thanks to my father’s 35 , I have learned to buy food and held voluntary jobs at
supermarkets and fast-food restaurants.
21 .A .drew B .devoted C .applied D .caught
22 .A .correct B .dominate C .promote D .highlight 23 .A .gradually B .desperately C .unusually D .absolutely
24 .A .feedback B .interest C .appreciation D .faith
25 .A .swimming B .video C .reading D .pronunciation
26 .A .relax B .strengthen C .examine D .balance
27 .A .moves B .makes C .hangs D .rises
28 .A .workout B .diet C .examination D .life
29 .A .used B .set out C .happened D .intended
30 .A .freedom B .self-management C .self-defence D .association
31 .A .agree with B .set up C .take on D .turn up
32 .A .motivating B .demanding C .outgoing D .outstanding
33 .A .times B .medals C .championships D .opponents
34 .A .In contrast to B .Because of C .Apart from D .Regardless of
35 .A .persistence B .preference C .optimism D .enthusiasm
四、(2021 秋 · 陕西延安 · 高一统考期末)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括
In the field of sports there are some famous living legends, such as Lang Ping, and Michael
As a player, Lang Ping brought not only honour but also glory to 36 (she) country.
As 37 coach, she led the China Women’s volleyball team to medals at world
championships as well as the Olympic Games. As a person, she is 38 (love) by fans at
home and abroad. Before the 2015 World Cup, she 39 (face) a great challenge — two important 40 (player) had to leave because of health problems. However, Lang Ping
didn’t lose heart and she led her volleyball team 41 (win) the championship.
Known as “Air Jordan”, Michael Jordan changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps. Jordan’s skills were impressive but the mental strength 42 (make) him unique. The secret to his success is learning 43 his failures. In life, Jordan has learnt to share his 44
(succeed) with others. The Boys and Girls Club 45 he started in Chicago has been
helping young people since 1996.
46 .(2023 春 ·全国 · 高一专题练习)假定你是王琳,你的英国朋友 Alice 来信询问你的暑假
1. 看望老人,学做家务; 2. 学打羽毛球; 3. 参加社区文艺演出。
注意: 1. 词数 100 左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
Dear Alice,
Wang Lin
47 .(2023 春 · 陕西西安 · 高一长安一中校考阶段练习)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段
Ballet was a way of life in Kelly’s family. Her elder sister Serena was now dancing at a top college.Though Kelly’s mom always wanted her to follow in her sister’s footsteps and Kelly herself
was good at ballet,her love for ballet had faded years before,and she was eager for a new challenge.
One day at school,as Kelly left the dance studio,she walked past the gym,fascinated by boxers(拳击手)training inside the boxing ring. She was deeply impressed by how hard they hit and
how fast they moved. In fact, she’d long been attracted to boxing.
She pulled a piece of paper from her backpack.On the familiar Oakwood High School Club Sign-up Sheet was the phrase :BOXING CLUB TRYOUT( 选拔).That was what Kelly really
wanted to do.She knew her mom had high expectations for her when it came to ballet. Tired of
trying to keep up with her sister, Kelly was ready to carve her own path.
The next day,she gathered her courage and told Serena about her new passion. At first, Serena didn’t understand and thought she was just joking. But when she saw Kelly was serious, she replied, “You know Mom wants you to be a ballet dancer,right Besides, boxing is only for boys,and you’re
so good at ballet.Lean into your strength,Kelly.”
“But this is where I want to put my strength,” Kelly insisted,“and what exactly does ‘only for
boys’mean,anyway Boxing is a sport for everyone!”
Gradually,touched by her determination and passion, Serena began to understand and support her.Kelly could feel it. Her sister was going to respect her decision,no matter what.But that was nothing compared to the preparations for the tryout,where she was required to show her footwork and punching(击打)abilities with other candidates. Boxing didn 't come natural to Kelly,but she
had made up her mind to stick with her choice.
1 .续写词数应为 150 左右;
2 .请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Then Kelly began her training for the tryout, keeping it a secret from her mom.
The following Monday, results of the boxing tryout were posted.
_____________________Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 单元综合测试习题检测
(2023·全国卷乙卷) PRACTITIONERS
Jacqueline Felice de Almania (c.1322) highlights the suspicion that women practicing medicine faced. Born to a Jewish family in Florence, she moved to Paris where she worked as a physician and performed surgery. In 1322 she was tried for practicing unlawfully. In spite of the court hearing testimonials (证明) of her ability as a doctor, she was banned from medicine. James Barry (c.1789 — 1865) was born Margaret Bulkley in Ireland but, dressed as a man, she was accepted by Edinburgh University to study medicine. She qualified as a surgeon in 1813, then joined the British Army, serving overseas. Barry retired in 1859, having practiced her entire medical profession living and working as a man.
Tan Yunxian (1461 — 1554) was a Chinese physician who learned her skills from her grandparents. Chinese women at the time could not serve apprenticeships (学徒期) with doctors. However, Tan passed the official exam. Tan treated women from all walks of life. In 1511, Tan wrote a book, Sayings of a Female Doctor, describing her life as a physician. Rebecca Lee Crumpler (1831 — 1895) worked as a nurse for eight years before studying in medical college in Boston in 1860. Four years later, she was the first African American woman to receive a medical degree. She moved to Virginia in 1865, where she provided medical care to freed slaves.
1 .What did Jacqueline and James have in common
A .Doing teaching jobs. B .Being hired as physicians.
C .Performing surgery. D .Being banned from medicine.
2 .How was Tan Yunxian different from the other practitioners
A .She wrote a book. B .She went through trials.
C .She worked as a dentist. D .She had formal education.
3 .Who was the first African American with a medical degree
A .Jacqueline Felice de Almania. B .Tan Yunxian.
C .James Barry. D .Rebecca Lee Crumpler.
【答案】 1 .C 2 .A 3 .D
1 .细节理解题。通过文章第一部分中的“Born to a Jewish family in Florence, she moved to
Paris where she worked as a physician and performed surgery. (她出生于佛罗伦萨的一个犹太 家庭,搬到巴黎当医生并做外科手术)”以及第二部分中的“She qualified as a surgeon in 1813
(她获得了做外科医生的资格)”和“Barry retired in 1859, having practiced her entire medical
profession living and working as a man. (Barry 于 1859 年退休,她以男人的身份生活和工 作,从事了整个医学职业)”可知, Jacqueline 和 James 的共同点是都有资格进行外科手术。
故选 C。
2 .推理判断题。通读全文,再根据文章第三部分中的“Tan wrote a book, Sayings of a
Female Doctor, describing her life as a physician. (Tan 写了一本书《女医生的故事》,描述了 她作为一名医生的生活)”可推知, Tan 与其他从业人员的不同之处在于她写了一本书。故
选 A。
3 .细节理解题。通过文章第一部分中的“Four years later, she was the first African American woman to receive a medical degree. (四年后,她成为第一位获得医学学位的非裔美国女性)”
可知, Rebecca Lee Crumpler 是第一位获得医学学位的非裔美国人。故选 D。
(2023·高一单元测试)Most people who own iPhones use them as their alarm clocks — making it very easy to check emails one last time before falling asleep and hard to ever feel away
from work and social networks.
Several years ago, my boss fainted due to exhaustion after staying up late to catch up on work. She banged her head and ended up with five stitches (缝针) — and became what she calls a “sleep evangelist (传教士).” Now she leaves her phone charging in another room when she goes to bed
and encourages her friends to do the same.
“I sent all my friends the same Christmas gift — a lovely alarm clock — so they could stop using the excuse that they needed their very attractive iPhones by their beds to wake them up in the
morning.” she said.
If your phone wakes you up in the morning, it may also be keeping you up at night. A 2008 study showed that people exposed to mobile radiation took longer to fall asleep and spent less time in deep sleep. “The study indicates that during laboratory exposure to 884 MHz wireless signals, components of sleep believed to be important for recovery from daily wear and tear are severely
affected,” the study concluded.
A quarter of young people feel like they must be available by phone around the clock, according to a Swedish study that linked heavy cellphone use to sleeping problems, stress and depression. Unreturned messages carry more guilt when the technology to deal with them lies at our
fingertips. Some teens even return text messages at midnight.
Most of us choose not to set limits on our nighttime availability. Nearly three quarters of people from the age of 18 to 44 sleep with their phones within reach, according to a 2012 Time poll. That
number falls off slightly in middle age, but only people aged 65 and older are leaving the phone in
another room as common as sleeping right next to it.
4 .Why did the author’s boss give her friends alarm clocks as Christmas gifts
A .Alarm clocks don't give off any radiation.
B .Alarm clocks are better at waking her friends up.
C .She advised them to replace phones with alarm clocks.
D .She used alarm clocks to remind them not to work too late.
5 .What can we learn from the 2008 study
A .Mobile radiation makes people unable to fall asleep.
B .Mobile phones can release 884 MHz wired signals.
C .Sleep can help people fight against radiation.
D .Components of sleep can be seriously affected by wireless signals.
6 .What is the best title for the passage
A .How Mobile Phones Affect Sleep
B .Why Alarm Clocks Are Better than Phones
C .How We Can Sleep Better at Night
D .How Mobile Phones Affect Health
7 .Why did the author’s boss start to enjoy sleeping
A .Her friends encouraged her to sleep on time.
B .Mobile phones couldn't wake her up on time.
C .Her friends sent her a lovely clock to wake her up.
D .She got hurt due to working too late.
【答案】4 .C 5 .D 6 .A 7 .D
4 .推理判断题。根据第三段中的“I sent all my friends the same Christmas gift — a lovely
alarm clock — so they could stop using the excuse that they needed their very attractive iPhones by their beds to wake them up in the morning.(我给所有的朋友都送了同样的圣诞礼物——一 个可爱的闹钟——这样他们就可以不再以他们需要床边的 iPhone 来唤醒他们为借口了。 )” 可知,作者老板给朋友送闹钟是为了让他们不再拿手机当闹钟为借口而在睡前用手机从而 会影响睡眠,所以他是用闹钟来提醒人们为了避免睡前使用手机,用闹钟代替手机。故选
C 项。
5 .推理判断题。根据第四段中的““The study indicates that during laboratory exposure to 884 MHz wireless signals, components of sleep believed to be important for recovery from daily wear and tear are severely affected,” the study concluded.(“该研究表明,在实验室暴露于 884 MHz
无线信号期间,被认为对从日常磨损中恢复很重要的睡眠成分受到严重影响, ”该研究总结 道。 )”可知,研究发现暴露在特定电波信号中,对修复白天的劳累最重要的睡眠因子造成
严重的损害,由此可知,无线信号对睡眠因子有严重的影响。故选 D 项。
6 .主旨大意题。根据首段“Most people who own iPhones use them as their alarm clocks —
making it very easy to check emails one last time before falling asleep and hard to ever feel away from work and social networks.(大多数拥有 iPhone 的人都将它们用作闹钟 - 这使得在入睡 前最后一次查看电子邮件非常容易,并且很难远离工作和社交网络。 )”可知,作者介绍的 是睡前将手机放在床边作为闹钟,也使的人们在睡觉前与工作和社交无法分开这会影响睡 眠,以及下文中的“If your phone wakes you up in the morning, it may also be keeping you up at night.(如果您的手机在早上叫醒您,它也可能让您在晚上睡不着觉。 )”并以 2008 年关于手
机与睡眠质量关系的研究,以及倒数第二段中的“A quarter of young people feel like they
must be available by phone around the clock, according to a Swedish study that linked heavy
cellphone use to sleeping problems, stress and depression.(根据瑞典的一项研究,四分之一的 年轻人认为他们必须全天候通过电话联系,该研究将大量使用手机与睡眠问题,压力和抑 郁联系起来。 )”瑞典的研究发现,均介绍的是手机与睡眠关系的,由此可以推断,本文的
标题是“手机是如何影响睡眠的”概括了文章内容,符合文章主题。故选 A 项。
7 .细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Several years ago, my boss fainted due to exhaustion after
staying up late to catch up on work. She banged her head and ended up with five stitches (缝针)
— and became what she calls a “sleep evangelist (传教士).”(几年前,我的老板在熬夜赶上工作
后因疲惫而晕倒。她撞了头,最后缝了五针——并成为她所谓的“ 睡眠传教士” 。)”可知,
受到过伤害。故选 D 项。
(2023·高一单元测试)An 114 kilograms mother, Cacia Griggs, was ashamed into losing
weight after crushing her daughter, four-year-old Isabelle 's bed while reading her a bedtime story.
Just one year later she has lost 50 kilograms, dropped to a size 10, and even was employed by
her dream company.
One night, having asked her 29-year-old husband to carry Isabelle up to bed because she couldn't fit through the stair gate, Cacia followed them upstairs and lay down on the edge of the bed
with her daughter to read her a story.
“I heard a loud snap(噼啪声),” she said. “I’d broken the entire side beam of her bed because I
was overweight. I was upset.”
On her first family holiday with Chris and Isabelle in Turkey last year, Cacia had a similar
moment when she couldn't fit the plane seatbelt around her.
Cacia began the Cambridge Weight Plan in June 2011, changing her high-calorie diet into
soups, shakes andbars. In August this year, Cacia reached her goal weight and dropped from a size
24 to a size 10.
“My weight began to drop off,” she said. “In no time at all I was wearing smaller clothes and
was over the moon the first time I brought a size 16, I couldn't believe it fitted.”
Cacia says the best thing about losing the weight is being able to lie with her daughter again
on her bed instead of sitting on the floor next to her.
8 .Why did Cacia determine to lose weight
A .She couldn’t read the stories for her daughter.
B .She crushed her daughter’s bed.
C .She couldn’t fit the plane seatbelt around her.
D .She couldn’t fit through the stair gate.
9 .When Cacia realized she snapped her daughter’s bed, she felt .
A .pleased B .unbelievable C .curious D .unhappy
10 .Cacia lost her weight .
A .by doing some exercise B .by going on a diet
C .by having a balanced diet D .by taking some drugs
11 .What’s the best title for the passage
A .A mother’s Love B .A crashed bed
C .A way to lose weight D .A heathy diet
【答案】8 .B 9 .D 10 .C 11 .A
【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲了 Cacia 在给女儿讲睡前故事时,由于自己太胖,
把女儿的床压碎了。为了女儿, Cacia 开始了她的减肥计划,并最终瘦身成功。
8 .细节理解题。答案定位在最后一段 Cacia says the best thing about losing the weight is
being able to lie with her daughter again on her bed instead of sitting on the floor next to her. 可
知她把女儿的床压碎了,所以 Cacia 决定减肥,故选 B。
9 .细节理解题。答案定位在倒数第五段“I heard a loud snap(噼啪声),” she said. “I’d broken the entire side beam of her bed because I was overweight. I was upset.”可知当 Cacia 意识到她把
女儿的床压断时,她感到很沮丧。 A. pleased 高兴的; B. unbelievable 难以置信的; C.
curious 好奇的; D. unhappy 不快乐的,故选 D。
10 .推理判断题。答案定位在倒数第三段 Cacia began the Cambridge Weight Plan in June
2011, changing her high-calorie diet into soups, shakes andbars. 可知 Cacia 在 2011 年 6 月开 始了剑桥减肥计划,将她的高热量饮食改为汤、奶昔和巧克力棒。由此推断出 Cacia 通过
吃均衡的饮食来减肥,故选 C。
11 .主旨大意题。这篇文章主要讲了 Cacia 在给女儿讲睡前故事时,由于自己太胖,把女
儿的床压碎了。为了女儿, Cacia 开始了她的减肥计划,并最终瘦身成功。文章表现出了一
位母亲对女儿的深深的爱,故选 A。
理,从而得出文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理判断题属于主观性较强的高层次阅读理解 题,做这类题目时,同学们应严格依据作者所陈述的细节、事实以及作者的措词、态度和 语气等,找出能够表露作者思想倾向和感彩的词语,然后利用自己已获得的相关知识 进行推理判断,从而得出符合逻辑的结论。小题 3,答案定位在倒数第三段 Cacia began the Cambridge Weight Plan in June 2011, changing her high-calorie diet into soups, shakes andbars. 可知 Cacia 在 2011 年 6 月开始了减肥计划,将她的高热量饮食改为汤、奶昔和巧克力棒。
由此推断出 Cacia 通过吃均衡的饮食来减肥,故选 C。
(2023 春 ·广西南宁 · 高一南宁市第二十六中学校联考开学考试)It was the last time Susan
Butcher ran the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in 1992. An hour into the race, Susan and her sled dog team sped down a hill and crashed into a fallen tree. Although hurt, Susan continued the difficult
The Iditarod Race started in 1925 when a doctor in Nome, Alaska was desperately in need of medicine to stop the spread of a deadly disease. Only a hospital had what he needed, but it was 700 mile-away! In January, it was too dangerous to send a boat and too stormy for his tiny airplane. The only hope was to use several sled dog teams following a trail, called the Iditarod Trail. They passed the medicine from one sled team to another. Wind and snow did not stop the men and their dogs. The medicine was delivered in record time. The race follows the route of the famous medicine run.
Over 1, 000 miles long, it is considered the toughest race in the world.
Susan Butcher was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In her teens Susan was given a Siberian husky dog and became very interested in huskies as sleddogs. After reading about the Iditarod Race, Susan moved to Alaska. She got several jobs to earn money to buy herself a sled and a team of huskies. After years of hard work and training, Susan achieved her dream of racing on the Iditarod
In 1978, at the age of 24, Susan entered the race for the first time and became the first woman to finish in the top 20. In 1982 she came in second. In 1984 she was leading her team across a frozen waterway when they fell into the water. Her lead dog managed to pull Susan and the other dogs out
of danger. Remarkably, she came in second.
In her fourth race, in 1985, a staring moose (驼鹿) attacked her dogs, killing two and injuring eleven. Susan had to leave the race. In 1986 Susan joined the race again. This time, she won. She won again in 1987. In 1988 she became the first person ever to win three Iditarod races in a row.
Unbelievably, Susan won for the fourth time in 1990.
12 .According to text, Susan Butcher entered the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race at least
A .six B .seven C .eight D .nine
13 .In Paragraph 2, the author wants to tell us .
A .how the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race began
B .how the spread of a deadly disease was stopped
C .how tough the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race was
D .how Susan Butcher began to show interest in the race
14 .What does the underlined phrase “in a row” probably mean in the last paragraph
A .continuously B .eventually
C .finally D .particularly
15 .What led to some of Susan Butcher’s failures
A .Snowstorm. B .Lack of food.
C .Accidents. D .Lack of experience.
【答案】 12 .D 13 .A 14 .A 15 .C
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。介绍了伊迪塔罗德雪橇狗比赛的起源以及苏珊 ·布彻参加几次
12 .细节理解题。根据末段“In her fourth race, in 1985, a staring moose (驼鹿) attacked her
dogs, killing two and injuring eleven. Susan had to leave the race. In 1986 Susan joined the race
again. This time, she won. She won again in 1987. In 1988 she became the first person ever to win three Iditarod races in a row. Unbelievably, Susan won for the fourth time in 1990. (在 1985 年的 第四次比赛中, 一只瞪着眼睛的驼鹿袭击了她的狗,造成两只狗死亡, 11 只狗受伤。苏珊
不得不退出比赛。 1986 年,苏珊再次参加了比赛。这一次,她赢了。 1987 年,她再次获
胜。 1988 年,她成为第一个连续三次赢得艾迪塔罗德比赛的人。令人难以置信的是,苏珊
在 1990 年第四次获胜。 )”以及首段首句“It was the last time Susan Butcher ran the Iditarod
Trail Sled Dog Race in 1992. (这是苏珊 ·布彻最后一次参加伊迪塔罗德雪橇狗比赛是在 1992 年。 )”可知, 1985 年是第 4 次, 1986 年 1 次, 1987 年 1 次, 1988 年 1 次, 1990 年 1 次,
1992 年 1 次。所以,她总共参加了 9 次。故选 D。
13 .主旨大意题。根据第二段首句“The Iditarod Race started in 1925 when a doctor in Nome, Alaska was desperately in need of medicine to stop the spread of a deadly disease. (伊迪塔罗德比 赛始于 1925 年,当时阿拉斯加诺姆的一名医生急需药物来阻止一种致命疾病的传播。 )”可
知,本段主要介绍伊迪塔罗德雪橇狗比赛的起源。故选 A。
14 .词义猜测题。根据划线词前文“In 1986 Susan joined the race again. This time, she
won. She won again in 1987.(1986 年,苏珊再次参加了比赛。这一次,她赢了。 1987 年,
她再次获胜。 )”可知,苏珊从 1986 、1987 和 1988 是连续三年赢了比赛。可推知,划线短
语的词义应为“连续地” 。故选 A。
15 .推理判断题。根据首段前两句“It was the last time Susan Butcher ran the Iditarod Trail
Sled Dog Race in 1992. An hour into the race, Susan and her sled dog team sped down a hill and crashed into a fallen tree. (苏珊 ·布彻上一次参加伊迪塔罗德雪橇狗比赛是在 1992 年。比赛开 始一小时后,苏珊和她的雪橇犬队从山上疾驰而下,撞上了一棵倒下的树。 )”,倒数第二
段第三句“In 1984 she was leading her team across a frozen waterway when they fell into the
water. (1984 年,她带领她的团队穿越一条结冰的水道时,他们掉进了水里。 )”以及末段首 句“In her fourth race, in 1985, a staring moose (驼鹿) attacked her dogs, killing two and injuring
eleven. (在 1985 年的第四次比赛中, 一只瞪着眼睛的驼鹿袭击了她的狗,造成两只狗死
亡, 11 只狗受伤。 )”可知,苏珊的这些失败都是意外事故导致的。故选 C。
(2023 春 ·甘肃 · 高一统考期末) There is something magical about hiking. Whether you’re a
seasoned hiker or new to the trails, hiking offers lots of benefits for mind, body and soul. 16
Boost physical fitness. 17 Although other forms of exercise are great for your health, hiking has benefits that can’t be replaced by a bike. Hiking builds muscle strength. So, not only will
you enjoy the great outdoors, you will also improve your health.
Improve mental well-being. Hiking has a profound impact on your mental well-being,
offering a much needed break from the stresses of daily life. 18
In addition to the fun and enjoyment you can experience, there are other real benefits you can
start to observe.
19 Hiking provides a wonderful opportunity for strengthening social connections and training a sense of community. Whether you go on a hike with friends or join a hiking group, the shared experiences can be highly beneficial and can create wonderful shared memories. Hiking is hard, but it maintains your motivation. So grab a friend or join a local hiking group, and experience
the joy of connecting with others while exploring nature.
Improve cognitive ( 认 知 的) function. An amazing added benefit to hiking is improved cognitive function. Engaging in physical activity while being surrounded by nature stimulates the brain, leading it to improve focus, creativity and problem-solving skills. Spending time in nature can improve cognitive function and attention span. 20 A drop in spending time in nature and in physical activity can possibly cause a cognitive decline. Who knew that the sensory
experiences that you encounter during hiking could help you gain clarity and peace of mind
A .And the opposite is also true.
B .Strengthen social connections.
C .Experience the joy of getting close to nature.
D .Why not make use of the precious time to enjoy yourself
E .Hiking is an excellent way to improve your overall fitness.
F .Spending time in nature, including hiking, improves mental health.
G .So grab your hiking tools and explore the benefits to make you energized!
【答案】 16 .G 17 .E 18 .F 19 .B 20 .A
【解析】 16 .根据上文“Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or new to the trails, hiking offers lots of benefits for mind, body and soul. (无论你是经验丰富的徒步旅行者还是新手,徒步旅行对 身心都有很多好处。 )”,以及下文的每段第一句的小标题可知,徒步有很多好处, G 项“So grab your hiking tools and explore the benefits to make you energized! (所以,带上你的徒步工
具,探索让你精力充沛的好处吧! )” ,G 项在此承上启下,与上文为因果关系。故选 G
17 .根据小标题 Boost physical fitness 可知,本段讲述徒步促进身体健康。下文“Although
other forms of exercise are great for your health, hiking has benefits that can’t be replaced by a
bike. Hiking builds muscle strength. So, not only will you enjoy the great outdoors, you will also improve your health. (虽然其他形式的运动对你的健康很有好处,但徒步旅行的好处是自行 车无法取代的。徒步旅行可以增强肌肉力量。所以,你不仅会享受户外的美景,还会改善
你的健康。 )”可知,其它形式的运动方式对健康的影响力不如徒步带来的好处多, E 项
“Hiking is an excellent way to improve your overall fitness.(徒步旅行是一个很好的方式来提高
你的整体健康。 )” ,fitness 为复现词,上下文语意一致,衔接连贯。故选 E 项。
18 .根据小标题 Improve mental well-being 可知,本段讲述徒步改善心理健康。上文
“Hiking has a profound impact on your mental well-being, offering a much needed break from the stresses of daily life. (徒步对你的心理健康有深远的影响,让你从日常生活的压力中解脱出
来。 )”可知,徒步有助于释放日常生活中的压力, F 项“Spending time in nature, including
hiking, improves mental health. (花时间在大自然中,包括徒步旅行,可以改善心理健
康。 )” ,mental health 与 mental well-being 语意一致。故选 F 项。
19 .此处考查小标题。根据下文“Hiking provides a wonderful opportunity for strengthening
social connections and training a sense of community. (徒步旅行为加强社会联系和培养社区意 识提供了绝佳的机会。 )”可知,本段讲述徒步有助于加强社会联系, B 项“Strengthen social connections. (加强社会联系。 )”与本段语意一致, social connections 为复现词。故选 B 项。 20 .根据上文“Spending time in nature can improve cognitive function and attention span. (花时
间在大自然中可以改善认知功能和注意力广度。 )”可知,徒步能提高认知功能,下文“A
drop in spending time in nature and in physical activity can possibly cause a cognitive decline. (在 大自然和体育活动中花费的时间减少可能会导致认知能力下降。 )”,上文和下文陈述的是
两种相反条件下的结果, A 项“And the opposite is also true. (反之亦然。 )” ,A 项承上启下,
上下文衔接连贯,故选 A 项。
(2023 春 ·河南洛阳 · 高一统考期末)I, 16, was diagnosed with autism(自闭症 ) as a baby. Then, my father quit his job and 21 his full attention to autism. In 2012, he learned that swimming could help autistic people 22 their physical fitness and growth. So he spent months learning how to swim by watching videos and reading books. He spent several months teaching me and discovered that I had 23 developed the ability to control my breath under
water, which greatly increased his 24 .
My father laid the groundwork for my 25 lessons. Two hand rings and a swing are fixed from the ceiling to help me 26 my muscles and learn swimming movements. On one wall of our home 27 a table for my routine 28 . My father said to a reporter, “I 29 to plan all his exercises for him, but now it is all up to him. He decides how many exercises he wants
to do, and it’s a process of 30 .”
In spite of all the hardships, I have learned to 31 challenges. I managed to become a(n) 32 swimmer. In 2021, I won five 33 at two international games, including
a gold.
34 swimming, learning basic life skills is also an important part of life for me.
Thanks to my father’s 35 , I have learned to buy food and held voluntary jobs at
supermarkets and fast-food restaurants.
21 .A .drew B .devoted C .applied D .caught
22 .A .correct B .dominate C .promote D .highlight 23 .A .gradually B .desperately C .unusually D .absolutely
24 .A .feedback B .interest C .appreciation D .faith
25 .A .swimming B .video C .reading D .pronunciation
26 .A .relax B .strengthen C .examine D .balance
27 .A .moves B .makes C .hangs D .rises
28 .A .workout B .diet C .examination D .life
29 .A .used B .set out C .happened D .intended
30 .A .freedom B .self-management C .self-defence D .association
31 .A .agree with B .set up C .take on D .turn up
32 .A .motivating B .demanding C .outgoing D .outstanding
33 .A .times B .medals C .championships D .opponents
34 .A .In contrast to B .Because of C .Apart from D .Regardless of
35 .A .persistence B .preference C .optimism D .enthusiasm
21 .B 22 .C 23 .A 24 .D 25 .A 26 .B 27 .C 28 .A
29 .A 30 .B 31 .C 32 .D 33 .B 34 .C 35 .A
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章在讲述了作者是自闭症儿童,父亲为了帮助儿子掌握生 活技能,全身心投入到自闭症的研究中,并耐心对儿子进行游泳训练,最终作者在特奥会
21 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:他辞去了电脑公司的工作,全身心投入到自闭症的研究
中。 A. drew 描绘; B. devoted 投入; C. applied 应用; D. caught 捉住。根据“ He his job at a computer company”可知,他辞去了电脑公司的工作,把所有的注意力投入到自闭症
的研究中。短语“devote …to…(投身到…… 中)”,故选 B。
22 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:在 2012 年,他了解到游泳可以帮助自闭症患者提高他们的 身体素质和成长。 A. correct 纠正; B. dominate 支配; C. promote 提高;促进; D. highlight
强调。根据下文“ He spent several months teaching me and discovered that I had 3
developed the ability to control my breath under water”可知,学习游泳可以帮助作者提高身体
素质及帮助他成长,故选 C。
23 .考查副词词义辨析。句意:因此他花了几个月的时间教我掌握,发现我逐渐地养成了
在水下控制呼吸的能力,这大大增强了父亲的信心。 A. gradually 逐渐地; B. desperately 绝
望地; C. unusually 特别地; D. absolutely 绝对地。根据前文“ He spent several months
teaching me”可知,父亲花了几个月教作者,作者逐渐地养成了水下呼吸的能力。故选 A。
24 .考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。 A. feedback 反馈意见; B. interest 兴趣; C. appreciation
感激; D. faith 信心。根据前文“ discovered that I had 3 developed the ability to
control my breath under water”可知,父亲的努力使得儿子有了进步,因此提高了父亲的信
心。故选 D。
25 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:我父亲为我上游泳课打下了基础。 A. swimming 游泳; B. video 视频; C. reading 阅读; D. pronunciation 发音。根据下文“learn swimming movements”
和上下文可知,父亲对作者的训练为作者上游泳课程打下了基础。故选 A。
26 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:两个手环和一个秋千固定在天花板上,帮助我强健肌肉,
学习游泳动作。 A. relax 放松; B. strengthen 加强; C. examine 检查; D. balance 平衡。根据 前文“Two hand rings and a swing are fixed from the ceiling”和常识可知,屋顶上安装的手环
和秋千帮助作者加强肌肉锻炼。故选 B。
27 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们家的一面墙上挂着一张桌子,用于我做日常锻炼。 A.
moves 移动; B. makes 做; C. hangs 悬挂; D. rises 上升。根据前文“On one wall of our
home”可知,桌子挂在墙上。故选 C。
28 .考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。 A. workout 锻炼; B. diet 饮食; C. examination 检查;
D. life 生活。根据前文“Two hand rings and a swing are fixed from the ceiling to help me 6 my muscles and learn swimming movements.”可知,家里设置了一些器械用于作者锻炼,因
此墙上的桌子也是用来锻炼的。故选 A。
29 .考查动词和短语辨析。句意:过去我为他计划所有的练习,但现在一切都由他决定
了。 A. used 使用; B. set out 出发; C. happened 发生; D. intended 打算。根据下文 “now it is all up to him.(现在都听他的)”可知,过去由父亲做计划,现在作者说了算,父亲将选择权
交给了作者, used to“过去常常” ,故选 A。
30 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:他决定自己想做多少运动,这是一个自我管理的过程。 A.
freedom 自由; B. self-management 自我管理; C. self-defence 自卫; D. association 联系。
根据前文“now it is all up to him. He decides how many exercises he wants to do”可知,作者自
己计划自己的训练,自己说了算,自我管理。故选 B。
31 .考查动词短语辨析。句意:尽管困难重重,我还是学会了接受挑战。 A. agree with 同
意; B. set up 建立; C. take on 接受;承担; D. turn up 出现。根据前文“In spite of all the
hardships”和后文“I managed to become a(n) 12 swimmer.”可知,尽管充满困难,作
者学会了接受挑战。努力成为优秀的游泳运动员。故选 C。
32 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我成功的成为了一名优秀的游泳运动员。 A. motivating 激励的; B. demanding 要求苛刻的; C. outgoing 外向的; D. outstanding 杰出的。 根据下文 “In 2021, I won five 13 at two international games, including a gold.”可知,作者在大
赛中获奖,是一名杰出的游泳运动员。故选 D。
33 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:在 2021 年,我在两次世界比赛中赢得了五枚奖牌,包括一 枚金牌。 A. times 次数; B. medals 奖牌; C. championships 冠军; D. opponents 对手。根据
下文“including a gold”可知,作者在比赛中赢得了 5 枚奖牌。故选 B。
34 .考查固定短语辨析。句意:除了游泳,学习基本的生活技能对我来说也是生活的重要 组成部分。 A. In contrast to 与……相比; B. Because of 因为; C. Apart from 除…… 之外; D.
Regardless of 不管;不顾。上文讲述了作者在游泳方面的能力,与下文“learning basic life
skills is also an important part of life for me.”是递进关系,说明除了游泳,作者也学会了基本
的生活技能。故选 C。
35 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:多亏了父亲的坚持,我学会了买食物,在超市和快餐店做
义工。 A. persistence 坚持不懈; B. preference 偏好; C. optimism 乐观; D. enthusiasm 激
情。根据前文“my father quit his job”和“He spent several months teaching me”可推断,多亏了
父亲的坚持不懈,作者才有了今天的正常的生活。故选 A。
四、(2021 秋 · 陕西延安 · 高一统考期末)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括
In the field of sports there are some famous living legends, such as Lang Ping, and Michael
As a player, Lang Ping brought not only honour but also glory to 36 (she) country.
As 37 coach, she led the China Women’s volleyball team to medals at world
championships as well as the Olympic Games. As a person, she is 38 (love) by fans at home and abroad. Before the 2015 World Cup, she 39 (face) a great challenge — two important 40 (player) had to leave because of health problems. However, Lang Ping
didn’t lose heart and she led her volleyball team 41 (win) the championship.
Known as “Air Jordan”, Michael Jordan changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps. Jordan’s skills were impressive but the mental strength 42 (make) him unique. The secret to his success is learning 43 his failures. In life, Jordan has learnt to share his 44
(succeed) with others. The Boys and Girls Club 45 he started in Chicago has been
helping young people since 1996.
36 .her 37 .a 38 .loved 39 .faced 40 .players 41 .to win
42 .made 43 .from 44 .success 45 .that/which
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。介绍了体育领域的两位著名的传奇人物—— 郎平和迈克尔 · 乔
36 .考查代词。句意:作为一名运动员,郎平不仅给她的国家带来了荣誉,也带来了荣
耀。设空处应为形容词物主代词修饰名词。故填 her。
37 .考查冠词。句意:作为教练,她带领中国女排在世界锦标赛和奥运会上获得奖牌。设
空处修饰名词,应为不定冠词表示泛指,且空后词为辅音音素开头。故填 a。
38 .考查非谓语动词。句意:作为一个人,她受到国内外粉丝的喜爱。照应主语“she”,应
为被动语态: be+过去分词。故填 loved。
39 .考查谓语动词。句意:在 2015 年世界杯之前,她面临着一个巨大的挑战——两名重要 的球员因为健康问题不得不离开。根据时间状语“Before the 2015 World Cup”,应为一般过
去时。故填 faced。
40 .考查名词。句意:在 2015 年世界杯之前,她面临着一个巨大的挑战——两名重要的球
员因为健康问题不得不离开。根据空前基数词“two”,应为可数名词复数。故填 players。
41 .考查非谓语动词。句意:然而,郎平并没有失去信心,她带领她的排球队赢得了冠
军。固定搭配 lead sb to do sth“带领某人做某事” 。其中不定式为宾语补足语。故填 to win。 42 .考查谓语动词。句意:乔丹的技术令人印象深刻,但精神力量使他独一无二。分析句 子成分可知,空处应为谓语动词。且照应第一分句谓语动词“were impressive”的时态可知,
应为一般过去时。故填 made。
43 .考查介词。句意:他成功的秘诀是从失败中吸取教训。固定搭配 learn from“从…… 中
学习” 。故填 from。
44 .考查名词。句意:在生活中,乔丹学会了与他人分享他的成功。根据空前动词“share”
可知,应为名词作宾语,且为不可数名词。故填 success。
45 .考查定语从句。句意:在芝加哥创办的男孩女孩俱乐部自 1996 年以来一直在帮助年轻
人。分析句子成分可知,空处应为引导定语从句的关系代词,指代先行词“The Boys and
Girls Club”,为物,且在从句中充当宾语。故填 that/which。
46 .(2023 春 ·全国 · 高一专题练习)假定你是王琳,你的英国朋友 Alice 来信询问你的暑假
1. 看望老人,学做家务; 2. 学打羽毛球; 3. 参加社区文艺演出。
注意: 1. 词数 100 左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
Dear Alice,
Wang Lin
【答案】Dear Alice,
I’m glad to hear from you again and really appreciate your summer plans. Actually, I’ve
already informed my parents of my schedule, which they think highly of.
What I want to do first is to visit my grandparents, learning how to do household chores like cooking and cleaning out a room. Badminton is my favorite game. I will learn from WangLei, the
best player in my class, and practice with him in the nearby gym three times a week. Most
excitingly, I am chosen to perform in the art center of our community every Friday evening. As a
young pianist, I feel it my honor to show my talent in the neighborhood.
Hope you will enjoy your summer vacation too!
Wang Lin 【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给英国朋友 Alice 写封邮件,告诉她自己的
【详解】 1.词汇积累
高兴的: glad→delighted
事实上: actually→as a matter of fact
选择: choose→select
才能: talent→gift
原句: I will learn from Wang Lei, the best player in my class, and practice with him in the nearby
gym three times a week.
拓展句: I will learn from Wang Lei, who is the best player in my class, and practice with him in
the nearby gym three times a week.
【点睛】[高分句型 1] Actually, I’ve already informed my parents of my schedule, which they
think highly of. (运用了 which 引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型 2] What I want to do first is to visit my grandparents, learning how to do household
chores like cooking and cleaning out a room. (运用了 what 引导的主语从句和现在分词作状语)
47 .(2023 春 · 陕西西安 · 高一长安一中校考阶段练习)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段
Ballet was a way of life in Kelly’s family. Her elder sister Serena was now dancing at a top college.Though Kelly’s mom always wanted her to follow in her sister’s footsteps and Kelly herself
was good at ballet,her love for ballet had faded years before,and she was eager for a new challenge.
One day at school,as Kelly left the dance studio,she walked past the gym,fascinated by boxers(拳击手)training inside the boxing ring. She was deeply impressed by how hard they hit and
how fast they moved. In fact, she’d long been attracted to boxing.
She pulled a piece of paper from her backpack.On the familiar Oakwood High School Club Sign-up Sheet was the phrase :BOXING CLUB TRYOUT( 选拔).That was what Kelly really wanted to do.She knew her mom had high expectations for her when it came to ballet. Tired of
trying to keep up with her sister, Kelly was ready to carve her own path.
The next day,she gathered her courage and told Serena about her new passion. At first, Serena didn’t understand and thought she was just joking. But when she saw Kelly was serious, she replied, “You know Mom wants you to be a ballet dancer,right Besides, boxing is only for boys,and you’re
so good at ballet.Lean into your strength,Kelly.”
“But this is where I want to put my strength,” Kelly insisted,“and what exactly does ‘only for
boys’mean,anyway Boxing is a sport for everyone!”
Gradually,touched by her determination and passion, Serena began to understand and support her.Kelly could feel it. Her sister was going to respect her decision,no matter what.But that was nothing compared to the preparations for the tryout,where she was required to show her footwork and punching(击打)abilities with other candidates. Boxing didn 't come natural to Kelly,but she
had made up her mind to stick with her choice.
1 .续写词数应为 150 左右;
2 .请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Then Kelly began her training for the tryout, keeping it a secret from her mom.
The following Monday, results of the boxing tryout were posted.
【答案】Then Kelly began her training for the tryout, keeping it a secret from her mom. Ballet
was the Kelly way of life, so only her sister knew about boxing, and her mother would have
stopped it. Because boxing didn't come naturally to Kelly, she just came to love it, so she often got
knocked down during training and suffered. Now that you've made a choice, you can't give up.
She has an unyielding spirit and must participate in the qualifiers.
The following Monday, results of the boxing tryout were posted. Kelly was afraid to look at the
published list for fear of losing out. Then a woman tapped her on the shoulder and told her she had
been chosen. The voice sounded familiar to her. It was her mother. Her sister stood by smiling.
Before she knew it, her mother told her she had known she had been boxing. Her mother very much support her. Now through the qualifiers, the family happily went home to celebrate. This
really echoes the saying, "Interest is the best teacher".
【分析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了凯利从热爱芭蕾到喜欢拳击的转变。渐渐地被她 的决心和热情所感动的姐姐塞蕾娜也开始理解和支持她。在预选赛中,她被要求与其他候 选人展示自己的步法和出拳能力。拳击对凯利来说并不是天生的,但她已经下定决心坚持
【详解】 1.段落续写:
①由第一段首句内容“然后凯莉开始了她的选拔赛训练,并对她的妈妈保密。 ”可知,第一
②由第二段首句内容“接下来的星期一,拳击选拔赛的结果公布了。 ”可知,第二段可描写
(1)阻止: stop/prevent
(2)回家: go back home/return home
(3)参加: participate in /take part in
(1)害怕: be afraid /fear/be scared
(2)高兴: happily /delighted/glad
【点睛】[高分句型 1]. Because boxing didn't come naturally to Kelly, she just came to love it,
so she often got knocked down during training and suffered. (句中使用原因状语从句)
[高分句型 2]. Before she knew it, her mother told her she knew she was boxing. (句中使用时间
[高分句型 3]. Now that you've made a choice, you can't give up. (句中使用原因状语从句)