课件52张PPT。天净沙·秋思 马致远(约1251-1321)
元代著名的杂剧家。大都(今北京)人。马致远以字“千里”,晚年号“东篱”,以示效陶渊明之志。他的年辈晚于关汉卿、白朴等人,生年当在至元(始于1264)之前,卒年当在至治改元到泰定元年(1321—1324)之间。马致远与关汉卿、郑光祖、白朴同称“元曲四大家”,是我国元代时著名大戏剧家、散曲家。青年时期仕途坎坷,中年中进士,曾任江浙行省官吏,后在大都(今北京)任工部主事。马致远晚年不满时政,隐居田园,以衔杯击缶自娱,死后葬于祖茔。原文及译文天净沙 秋思
——(元) 马致远
断肠人在天涯。 译文 枯藤缠绕的老树栖息着黄昏归巢的乌鸦,小桥旁潺潺的流水映出几户人家,荒凉的古道上,迎着萧瑟的秋风走来一匹孤独的瘦马。 夕阳早已落下,漂泊未归的游子还在天涯。 译者介绍V1
翁显良(1924-1983),笔名子羽。翻译家。广东顺德人。1947年毕业于中山大学政治系。1982年加入中国共产党。曾任粤赣湘力区纵队武工队副队长,香港《虎报》、《德蔬西报》记者。建国后,历任《南方日报》记者、编辑,广州外国语学院副教授,暨南大学教授、外语系副主任,《世界文艺》杂志主编,中国英语教学研究会、中国美国文学研究会理事,广东省语言文学学会副会长。中译英有《古诗英译》、《一代新人在成长》,著有《意志由来画不成?》、《英语语音教程》等 V2&V3
吕俊教授1967年毕业于东北师范大学外文系,现任南京师范大学外国语学院教授、博士生导师,兼中国英汉语比较研究会副会长,专业方向翻译理论与实践。现致力于建构主义翻译学和翻译批评学的理论研究。发表论文七十余篇,著作4部,译著5部。我国著名翻译理论家。 V4
Schlepp, Steven?Mr. Schlepp is Director of DDi Corp. He is president of Integrated Executive Services Corporation, a General Business and Private Equity Consulting Firm, since 2002. From 1996 to 2002, Mr. Schlepp served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Multilayer Technology Inc. (Multek), a provider of printed circuit board and backpanel fabrication services. From 1990 until 1996, Mr. Schlepp served as President of Toppan West Incorporated, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Toppan Electronics Ltd.
1928年7月25日生于浙江省宁波市。抗日战争爆发后随父母迁居上海,在上海读完小学及初中。1943年15岁时,由于家庭经济拮据,在上海北苏州路源益铁号当学徒,学徒期间利用业余时间或夜间仍自修高中课程,1947年9月,得亲友支助,以同等学历资格考入上海光华大学外文系攻读英美文学,受业于孙贵定、吕思勉(著名历史学家)、徐燕谋、曹未风诸先生。1949年8月转入北京外国语学校(北京外国语学院前身)英语系继续学习,受业于许国璋、王佐良、周珏良诸先生。1953年至1954年曾在北京外交部国际司工作。1956年调入沈阳师范学院外语系任教,讲授英语。1958年调入辽宁大学外语系任教,先后聘为英语教员、讲师、副教授、教授,并历任副主任、系主任等职。1986年当选为中国翻译家协会理事。此外,他还担任过辽宁省高等学校外语教学研究会理事长、辽宁省翻译工作者协会副理事长等职。 形美 ——赵阳形美黄国文:“‘形式对等’可以作为一种标准来衡量译文的合适性。”
楚至大:“任何诗的风格、情趣,都不能脱离其表现形式——亦即形美。”(一)语法结构V2 Withered vines, old trees, evening crows;/Tiny bridge, flowing brook, hamlet homes;/Ancient road, wind from east, bony horse;/The sun is setting,/Broken man, far from home, roams and roams.
V4 Dry vine, old tree, crows at dusk,/Low bridge, stream running, cottages,/Ancient road, west wind, lean nag,/The sun westering/And one with breaking heart at the sky’s edge.从汉诗原文的语法特征及现代英诗的可接受性出发,我们认为《天净沙·秋思》5个译文中的译文2、4总体上所采取的名词意象并置法比其他译文更为可取。
意象叠加(image hosition)作为现代诗论中的一个命题,是由20世纪初英美意象派最早提出的。美国意象派代表诗人庞德在研究中国诗歌时发现,一个意象与另一个意象并置叠合,会产生微妙的效果,如赫尔姆所说:“二个视觉意象形成我们可以称之为视觉和弦的东西,联合起来提示一个与二者。 (二)词汇定语的应用
a 小桥流水人家
V3 ’Neath tiny bridge a cot a clear stream flows
V4 Low bridge, stream running, cottages
V5 A few houses hidden past a narrow bridge
Low/narrow 两个词所包含的语义似乎不太合适,虽然两个词都含有small 的意思,但是low主要是相对于high,而narrow 也主要是相对于wide/broad. 因此这两个词的固定语义容易限制其他联想。
Tiny 在Longman 词典有“very small indeed很小的;丁点儿的”意思,因此该词的含义更为宽泛,用其来对“小”可以使读者引起无限制的联想。b 小桥流水人家
V1 Yonder is a tiny bridge over a sparkling stream(顺译 定语+中心名词)
V3 ’Neath tiny bridge a cot a clear stream flows(变通为小句)
V5 And below the bridge quiet creek running
(变通 中心名词+定语)虽然三种形式在表意上都是符合原文的,但是从形式美的角度来看,我们认为第一种顺译原文“定语+中心名词”结构是最佳选择。
在词汇的选择方面一定要遵循原诗的风格和意境。 意美
——高山 意美诗歌“形音意”三美原则中,“意美”的原则是首位的,所以译诗也要将意美置于首位。如刘重德所言:“意义,意境是一首诗的重要组成部分,译者只有力求再现的义务,绝无任何更改的权利。”什么是意境?意境原来是属于佛教用语,指修行悟道的境界,后来被古代文评论家借来论诗,指诗的思想感情和它所描写的生活画面的和谐统一。诗若无思想感情则无灵魂;诗若无载体,则无依托,也无法表达情意。所以诗必须有情有景,情景的结合才能成意境。意境不仅有图画美,还能创造出联想,激起情思,令人玩味无穷的艺术氛围。 译文1
AUTUMN??? Crows hovering over old trees wreathed with rotten vine— the day is about done. Yonder is a tiny bridge over a sparkling stream, and on the far bank, a pretty little village. But the traveler has to go on down this ancient road, the west wind moaning, his bony horse groaning, trudging towards the sinking sun, farther and farther away from home.(翁显良译)译本2
TUNE:TIAN JING SHA?????Withered vines hanging on old branches,???? Returning crows croaking at dusk,???? A few house hidden past a narrow bridge ???? And below the bridge a quiet creek running.???? Down a worn path, in the west wind,???? A lean horse comes plodding.???? The sun dips down in the west?????And the lovesick traveler is still at the end of the world.(丁祖馨、Burton Rafflel 译)译文3
At dusk o’er old trees wreathed with withered vine fly crows;
’Neath tiny bridge beside a cot a clear stream flows;
On ancient road in western breeze a lean horse goes.
Westward declines the sun,
Far, far from home is the heartbroken one. 译文4 AUTUMN THOUGHT????Dry vine, old tree, crows at dusk.?????Low bridge, stream running, cottages, ???? Ancient road, west wind, lean nag,???? The sun westering??????And one with braking heart at the sky’s edge.????????????????????????? (Cyril Birch译)翻译5
Withered vines hanging on old branches,
Returning crows croaking at dusk,
A few house hidden past a narrow bridge
And below the bridge a quiet creek running.
Down a worn path, in the west wind,
A lean horse comes plodding.
The sun dips down in the west ,
And the lovesick traveler is still at the end of the world.????《天净沙·秋思》的意境 《天净沙·秋思》作者通过“枯藤”,“老树”,“昏鸦”,“小桥”, “流水”, “人家” “,古道”, “西风”, “瘦马” ,“夕阳”, “天涯”11个画面,把”断肠人“的秋思之情表达出来。若单看,诗中是一个个表面上独立的画面,但是它们表达的内在联系:”枯藤老树昏鸦“是凄凉荒芜的景象,而“小桥流水人家”是温暖亲切的景象,两相对比,引起游子归思之念,加上走在“古道”上,迎着“西风”,骑着“瘦马”,又在“夕阳西下”时分怎能不令游子“断肠”?这其中写的景,景景皆寄情;清中有景;景中有情,景融入情。情与景的密切结合,由诗人漂泊天涯的秋思,把各个画面贯穿起来,构成完整的意境.而译文1.3.5因为一下五种因素,不但改变了原文的意境也阻碍了读者的想象空间,扭曲了原文的意美。
一.增减不妥(例文一) Crows hovering over old trees wreathed with rotten vine— the day is about done. Yonder is a tiny bridge over a sparkling stream, and on the far bank, a pretty little village. But the traveler has to go on down this ancient road, the west wind moaning, his bony horse groaning, trudging towards the sinking sun, farther and farther away from home. 翱翔 盘绕更远的呻吟1.呻吟2.跋涉断肠人?二.语际关系改变V1:Crows hovering over rugged trees wreathed with rotten vine
V3: At dusk o’er old trees wreathed with withered vine fly crows
V5:Withered vines hanging on old branches,/Returning crows croaking at dusk枯藤老树昏鸦 V1:乌鸦在盘绕着枯藤的老树上翱翔V3:昏鸦在盘绕着枯藤的老树上飞翔V5:枯藤盘绕在老树上,归巢的乌鸦在黄昏中“呱呱”地叫。原文中枯藤,老树,昏鸦是三个平行并列的词组,但在译文1,3,5中,它们
二.语际关系改变V1 Yonder is a tiny bridge over a sparkling stream, and on the far bank, a pretty little village
V3 Neath tiny bridge beside a cot a clear stream flows
V5 A few house hidden past a narrow bridge /And below the bridge a quiet creek running.
V1 那边闪闪发光的小溪上有一座小桥,在远处的河岸边有一个小村庄V2 在小桥、人家的旁边,一条清澈的小溪在流淌V3 几户人家隐现在小桥那边,小桥的下面有一条静谧的小溪在流淌 小桥流水人家
(原文中,“小桥”与“流水”与”人家“也是平行、并列的名词词组)译文1中,“小桥”与“流水”在结构上被变通为修饰与被修饰的关系在译文3中, ,“小桥”、“流水”与”人家“在在结构上被变通为修饰与被修饰的关系
在译文5中, “小桥”与“流水“在在结构上被变通为修饰与被修饰的关系
二.语际关系改变V1 But the traveler has to go on down this ancient road, the weat wind moaning, his bony horse groaning, trudging towards the sinking sun, farther and farther away from home.
V2 On ancient road in western breeze a lean horse goes./
Westward declines the sun,
/Far, far frome home is the heartbroken one.
V3 Down a worn path, in the west wind,/A lean horse comes plodding./The sun dips down in the west ,/And the lovesick traveler is still at the end of the world.????
夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯但是游子不得不走在这个古道上,西风萧瑟,他的瘦马在呻吟,艰难的走向夕阳,渐行渐远的离开家乡瘦马前行在刮着西风的古道上。夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。瘦马艰难地前行在刮着西风的古道上。夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。原文中瘦马跟断肠人之间的关系没有点清但是译文1却将其明确化。译文3,5把古道西风瘦马的句内平行与并列也都变通为修饰与被修饰的关系二.语际关系改变?Crows hovering over old trees wreathed with rotten vine— the day is about done. Yonder is a tiny bridge over a sparkling stream, and on the far bank, a pretty little village. But the traveler has to go on down this ancient road, the west wind moaning, his bony horse groaning, trudging towards the sinking sun, farther and farther away from home.文中的3,4,5句三.静态性改变 ? AUTUMN
Crows hovering over old trees wreathed with rotten vine— the day is about done. Yonder is a tiny bridge over a sparkling stream, and on the far bank, a pretty little village. But the traveler has to go on down this ancient road, the west wind moaning, his bony horse groaning, trudging towards the sinking sun, farther and farther away from home.At dusk o’er old trees wreathed with withered vine fly crows;
’Neath tiny bridge beside a cot a clear stream flows;
On ancient road in western breeze a lean horse goes.
Westward declines the sun,
Far, far from home is the heartbroken one.
Withered vines hanging on old branches,
Returning crows croaking at dusk,
A few house hidden past a narrow bridge
And below the bridge a quiet creek running.
Down a worn path, in the west wind,
A lean horse comes plodding.
The sun dips down in the west ,
And the lovesick traveler is still at the end of the world.????
而原文中只有“夕阳西下”中可能包含了动词元素原文的静态画面变成了动态四.事物性更改 从功能语义上分析的角度来看,事物(Thing)通常有名词词组来体现,情形由小句(Clause)提此案。原文主要是由事物构成的,而译文1则是情形构成的,也就是说,原文主要由名词词组体现意义,而译文1,3,5则主要由小句体现意义。如果把3种译文在翻译过来,我们就会发现这些译文所表达的意义与原文相去甚远,五.语言风格更改 V1:Crows hovering over old trees wreathed with rotten vine— the day is about done.根据Longman词典,yonder一词可以为adj.或adv.,意思是at a place or in a direction shown, suggested, or in view; over there那边。但是这个词becoming rare(渐罕),不符合原文的风格‘Neath和cot都是诗歌用语。(见Longman: ‘Neath意思是beneath,用于诗歌;cot的意思是a small house; hut; cottage用于诗歌。)V1:’Neath tiny bridge beside a cot a clear stream flows;
V1:Westward declines the sun,”西风“表达为westernbreeze不妥,正确表达应该为west或westerly windDry vine, old tree, evening crow,
Small bridge, sparkling stream, a hamlet home;
Ancient road, west wind , a bony horse,
The setting sun homing,
And heartbroken man, far from home, is roaming, roaming.修改后译文意美小结1.字面上的增减,在翻译过程中,尤其在译诗过程中是不可避免的。不过要时刻记得,层间的运用主要是为了更好地表达原诗和原文的意思和精神。
音美 ——彭卓锟音美汉语是富有音乐性的语言,讲求声音之美是汉语修辞的传统。在英汉翻译中,译文要做到音节匀称平整,声调铿锵和谐,才能够再现原文的审美价值。而在翻译古代诗,词,曲的时候,音美显得尤其重要。 音美天净沙·秋思
断肠人在天涯。 马致远一曲小令,短短28字,意蕴深远,结构精巧,平仄起伏,顿挫有致,音韵铿锵,直贯灵心。天净沙是曲调,如宋词中的词牌,它规定了这种类型曲的韵律,在本曲中的韵为“a”,五句同一韵,朗朗上口押韵押韵是指通过重复元音或辅音以达到一定音韵效果的诗歌写作手法
一. 押尾韵除了v1是散文体外,译文2.3.4.5都以韵体诗行对译原文,其中2.3在押韵上都程度上再现了原文的音美。V2. (吕侯版)
Withered vines, oden trees, evening crows,
Tiny bridge, flowing brook, hamlet homes.
Ancient road, wind from east, bony horse , /?uz/
The sun is setting.
Broken man, far from home, roams and roams.
以标为aabca, 基本忠实了原文的押韵风格
很好的表现出了原文的曲的音乐美。 V3. (Schlepp版)
At dusk o’er old trees wreathed with withered vine fly crows------a
Neath tiny bridge beside a cot a clear stream flows------a
On ancient road in western breeze a lean horse goes------a
Westward declines the sun------b /?uz/
Far, far from home is the heartbroken one ------b
/?n /
V3 也5行对译,押2个韵,一个全韵/?uz/和一个耳韵/?n/。全诗押韵为aaabb。二. 押内韵(internal rhyme)V2. Withered vines, olden trees, evening crows
V4. Low bridge, stream running, cottages
V5 . And the lovesick traveler is still at the end of the world. 3个版本都在译文中运用了内韵的押韵形式,如V2, V4的元音韵,V5的辅音韵,使译文朗朗上口,符合原曲的音乐性风格。三. 头韵(排韵)V2. tiny bridge, flowing brook, hamlet homes.
V3. at dusk o’er old trees wreathed with withered vine fly crows.
V4. ancient road, west wind, lean nag.
V5. returning crows croaking at dusk.4个版本的译者都在译文中多出应用了头韵的押韵手法,蕴含了语言的音乐美和整齐美,使得语言声情交融、音义一体,具有很强的表现力和感染力. 语音联结(Phonaesthesia)语音联结特定的语音形式会引起某种心里联想。也就是诗词的发音,虽然不直接唤起某种听觉经验,但是可以引起一种运动感觉,或者某种物质或精神特性的感觉。V2.
Withered vines, oden trees, evening crows,
Tiny bridge, flowing brook, hamlet homes.
Ancient road, wind from east, bony horse ,
The sun is setting.
Broken man, far from home, roams and roams V2中,尾音/m/的使用,音值比较长,很好的表现了原曲的发而思,思而悲,悲而泣,泣而痛悲凉的气氛。
小结诗歌的欣赏过程是一个审美的过程,而诗歌翻译则是一种美的创造。诗的译者首先应该是一个诗人,有一颗诗人的心灵,在创造美的过程中“带着镣铐跳舞”,却奋力追求一种“从心所欲不逾矩”的艺术境界。 翻译中追求音美,才能将原文的所要传达的美感演绎出来。带给读者美的享受谢谢!