Unit6 How do you feel B let's talk and learn 新课标原创优课 单元整体教学设计 素材(共47张PPT)


名称 Unit6 How do you feel B let's talk and learn 新课标原创优课 单元整体教学设计 素材(共47张PPT)
格式 zip
文件大小 79.5MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-10 18:28:27


Unit6 How do you feel
B Let's learn & Let’s talk
(How control our feelings)
Let’s chant
What feelings do you know
Lead in
They have some problems.What should they do
Can you give them some suggestions
I am ill.
What’s the matter
What should I do
Let’s learn
What should Sarah do
I am ill. What should I do
You should see a doctor.
You should have a rest.
You should drink more water.
Let’s advise
I’m very cold.
What’s the matter
What should I do
Let’s learn
It’s cold outside.
What should I do
What should Mike do
You should
wear warm clothes.
Let’s advise
You should wear...
穿暖和的衣服(wear: 穿)
I’m so weak.
What’s the matter
What should I do
Let’s learn
What should Wu Binbin do
I am weak. What should I do
You should
do more exercise.
Let’s advise
多做运动(more: 更多的)
You should ...
I’m very angry.
What’s the matter
What should I do
Let’s learn
What should Oliver do
I am very angry.
What should I do
You should
take a deep breath
count to ten.
Let’s advise
(deep: 深的 breath:呼吸)
数到十(count: 数数)
Let’s learn
What else can you do
You should listen to music.
You should see a funny film.
You should eat delicious food.
Let’s advise
Fast reaction
C. see a doctor
E. wear warm clothes
D. do more exercise
B. take a deep breath
A. count to ten
Look and match
When you feel angry, you ...
You should go for a walk.
You should take a deep breath.
You should count to ten.

Look and say
When you feel cold, you ...
You should eat some food.
You should wear warm clothes.

You should study hard.
Look and say
When you feel weak, you ...
You should take a bath.
You should do more exercise.
You should stay at home.

Look and say
What time is it now
It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time to ________.
get up
Look and say
It’s seven o’clock in the morning, and it’s time to get up.
Listen and circle
Dad: Ah-choo! (sneeze)
Mum: Bless you! Oh, no! You have a fever.
You should see a doctor.
Dad: Oh. But what about the zoo
Mum: It’s OK. I will tell the kids.
Who is talking
What are they talking about
Let’s check
Great! I like the zoo.
Mum and dad will take us to the zoo this morning.
What are they talking about
They are talking about the zoo.
Listen and answer
How do Sarah and Sam feel now
They are happy.
Look and say
How do they feel now
Are they happy
What happened
Look and say
Let’s watch
What's wrong with their father
Their father is ill.
Sarah, Sam, come here, please.
What's wrong
Your father is ill.
What’s wrong
Watch and answer
What should he do
Your father is ill. He should ____________ this morning.
see a doctor
Listen and fill
Can they go to the zoo today
We can’t go to the zoo today.
No, they can’t.
Why can’t they go to the zoo
Because their father is ill.
Think and answer
How does Sam feel
A. angry B. sad C. afraid
Read and choose
Why Sam is sad
Because he can’t go to the zoo.
What should he do
He should go to the zoo next time.
Oh, no!
Don’t be sad. We can go next time.
Think and say
Look, listen and answer
Where is their dad now
He is in the hospital.
How does he feel now
He is _________.
not well
If you were Sam and Sarah, how do you feel
Think and say
What will you do
Let’s go to the hospital.
Sarah, Sam and the Mum are worried too.
Mum: Sarah, Sam, come here, please.
Sarah: ___________
Mum: Your father is _____. He ______________
this morning, so we can’t go to the zoo today.
Sam: Oh, no!
Mum: ____________. We can _____________.
Sam: _________________now
Mum: __________. Let’s go to the hospital.
What’s wrong
should see a doctor
Don’t be sad
go next time
How does dad feel
Not well
Memory challenge
Your friends need some help. Please give some suggestions.
What’s wrong with him
I am angy.
What’s wrong with her
I am ill.
I am sad.
What should they do
Give suggestions
Don't be angry.
You should _____________________.
You should _____________________.
You should _____________________.
You will feel better.
take a deep breath
count to ten
listen to music
Give suggestions
You should _____________________.
You should _____________________.
You should _____________________.
You will feel better.
see a doctor
have a rest
take some medicine
Give suggestions
Don't be sad.
You should ____________________.
You should ____________________.
You should ____________________.
You will feel better.
talk with your parents
eat some sweet food
call 12320 (国家心理热线)
Give suggestions
He/She should...
What should he/she do
Ask and answer
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Unit6 How do you feel 单元整体分析
课时 Unit6 How do you feel B let’s talk and learn
语篇内容 How control our feelings 类型 词汇对话融合课
语篇分析 What:教材图片呈现的是Chen Jie、Wu Binbin、Mike各种情绪和状态的单词和词组,使学生如何表达自己、他人的情绪和心理状态的意义,并对在不同情境中表现的不同情绪和感受,通过Sarah父母对话的场景来呈现新句型,对话发生在Sarah姐弟和母亲之间,讲述的是父亲因为生病,不能按原计划去动物园的事情.以及教师、父母和朋友分别提出了针对性的建议来疏导他们情绪的场景,在图片和语境中自然呈现了上述单词和词组的词形及意义.Why:通过描述Sarah和Sam由于父亲生病,不能按原计划去动物园的事情,来渗透学生不能以自我为中心,要关心他人,为他人着想的德育教育,本课涉及到表达自己或他人的数到他人的情绪提出建议,适时帮助,知恩图报的情感态度。How:本部分学习的词组是:see the doctor, do more exercise, wear warm clothes. take a deep breath,count to ten,其中take a deep breath和count to ten是一种常见而又有效的心理干预方式,常用来帮助愤怒或为某事烦恼的人疏导情绪。能够运用 What should.。do?寻求解决问题的方法;能够用 How does … fee1 询问他人的情绪和心理状态;能够用.should ..Don't…等句子疏导情绪或提出建议
教学目标教学重点、难点 学习理解:在语境中,根据单词的音、形、义学习词汇:see the doctor, do more exercise, wear warm clotes. take a deep breath,count to ten.在看、听、说的活动中,获取、梳理对话内容,培养学生运用句型学会疏导情绪或提出建议,以及询问他人的情绪和心理状态。应用实践:在教师的帮助下,分角色表演对话.针对不用的心理和情绪提出不同的建议:“You should +...”并进行合理疏导。迁移创新:创设情境,根据不同的情绪和心情提出合理建议,让学生在现实情景中合理运用所学词汇和句型,习得语言,培养学生的语言综合运用能力。
资源选取及运用 教材、PPT及图片
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
1.学习理解在语境中,根据单词的音、形、义学习词汇:see the doctor, do more exercise,wear warm clothes. take a deep breath,count to ten,并根据不同的情绪和心情提出合理建议,进行疏导. 1.Let’s chant2.Review3.Lead in4.Let’s learn5.Let’s watch6.Fast reaction 教师观察学生能否参与互动交流,根据需要调整领读与鼓励。教师根据学生发音情况,并且利用图片让学生理解短语的意思,给与指导与反馈教师根据学生不同的水平,结合教学中出现的问题给与指导与鼓励
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
2.应用实践:在教师的帮助下,分角色表演对话(程度较好的学生可以尝试转述叙述文本,询问他人的情绪和心理状态,并能正确疏导情绪并提出建议。 1.Look and match2.Look and sayWhen you feel angry, you ...3.Look and sayWhat time is it now It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time to ________4.Listen and circle5.Listen and answer6.Let’s watchLook, listen and answer7.Let’s watch8.Memory challenge 教师观察学生运用核心语言进行交流的情况,根据学生表现给与指导与反馈。教师观察学生能否能够顺利完成连线题目,根据学生表现给与提示和指导。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
3.迁移创新:询问别人的情绪和心理状态,并能正确疏导情绪并提出合理建议。 1.Give suggestions2.Ask and answer 教师观察学生在小组内运用所学语言交流,教师根据学生对问题的回应与反馈,引导讨论和正确的评价。及时给与帮助和鼓励
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