人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第三册Unit4 Adversity and Courage单元整体学案 (5份打包)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第三册Unit4 Adversity and Courage单元整体学案 (5份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-13 10:28:43


Ernest Henry Shackleton
Ernest Henry Shackleton was born on February 15th 1874 in Ireland.As the second of ten children, he was brought up in London, attending Dulwich College before joining the Merchant Navy aged 16.
Shackleton was certified① as a Master Mariner in 1898 and was accepted in 1901 on the Discovery expedition to Antarctica led by Robert Scott.He was chosen to accompany② Scott on the most southern march towards the South Pole for research purposes, returning home due to ill health.
On January 1st 1908 he led a crew on the Nimrod expedition, sailing to Antarctica again.Trekking towards the South Pole in the quest to be first, they reached the closest ever achieved before turning back or facing certain death.It was a race against starvation③ but they made it back to the ship just in time to return to England.
On his return he was greeted as a hero by King Edward Ⅶ.After the South Pole was reached by Roald Amundsen in 1912, he decided to plan for the last great Antarctic expedition, to cross the continent.
On August 8th 1914 he set sail from Plymouth.Encountering④ awful weather, the Endurance became stuck in the ice before sinking in November 1915.With no chance of rescue or raising the alarm, Shackleton planned a daring and dangerous rescue to sail in a lifeboat to South Georgia and reach a whaling station.
With four other crew they launched the James Caird into the seas of the Antarctica and against all the odds they reached South Georgia.Then having to go across mountain ranges to the other side of the island, they finally reached help on May 20th 1916 before rescuing the rest of the crew on August 30th.
In September 1921 Shackleton embarked on another expedition to Antarctica on the ship Quest.While in South Georgia Shackleton suffered a fatal⑤ heart attack and died on January 5th 1922.He was buried in the Grytviken cemetery in South Georgia.
Sir Ernest Shackleton remains one of the greatest leaders and inspirational⑥ explorers in history.
①certify vt.授予(专业合格证书)
②accompany vt.陪伴
③starvation n.饥饿
④encounter vt.遇到
⑤fatal adj.致命的;灾难性的;导致失败的
⑥inspirational adj.鼓舞人心的
After the South Pole was reached by Roald Amundsen in 1912, he decided to plan for the last great Antarctic expedition, to cross the continent.
1.What do we know about Shackleton? B
A.He joined the Merchant Navy in 1898.
B.He was appointed to keep Scott company on the most southern march.
C.In 1908, sailing to Antarctica, he led a crew and achieved the destination.
D.The Endurance was stuck in the ice due to the lack of fuel.
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中“...attending Dulwich College before joining the Merchant Navy aged 16.”可知,Shackleton加入商船队是16岁,根据第一句他出生于1874年,故A项中1898错误。根据第二段中“He was chosen to accompany Scott on the most southern march...(他被选中陪同斯科特向最南部进军……)”可知,B项正确。根据第三段中“...they reached the closest ever achieved...(他们达到了有史以来最接近的成绩)”可知C项错误。根据第五段中“Encountering awful weather, the Endurance became stuck in the ice...(遭遇恶劣的天气,‘耐力号’陷在了冰里)”可知D项中due to the lack of fuel(燃料短缺)错误。 故选B。
2.What does the underlined word mean? C
A.End up.        B.Dream of.
C.Set out. D.Make up.
解析:词义猜测题。根据宾语搭配on another expedition和后文“While in South Georgia Shackleton suffered...”说明Shackleton已经开始又一次远征,A.end up (结束)B.dream of(梦想;梦见)C.set out(出发;开始)D.make up(组成;补足;化妆;编造)。故选C。
3.Which of the following can best describe Shackleton A
A.Brave and persistent.
B.Humorous and considerate.
C.Ambitious and creative.
D.Enthusiastic and energetic.
解析:推理判断题。本文记叙了欧内斯特·亨利·沙克尔顿南极探险中遭遇艰难险阻,但都没有阻挡住他的激情。brave and persistent(勇敢执着)正确。B.humorous and considerate(幽默体贴)C.ambitious and creative(雄心勃勃,富有创造力)D.enthusiastic and energetic (热情而有活力)。故选A。
Perce Blackborow珀西·布莱克博罗(1896—1949),威尔士水手。他因在“坚忍”号船上的服务表现获得了“青铜极地勋章”(Bronze Polar Medal)。
Ernest Shackleton欧内斯特·沙克尔顿(1874—1922),英国极地探险家,曾带领英国探险队三次前往南极洲,是南极探险英雄时代的主要人物之一。课文内容描述的就是他第三次带领探险队赴南极探险(1914—1917)的故事,虽然最终没有达到原定的目标,但是沙克尔顿与“坚忍”号船员们在极地700多天的求生经历,创造了20世纪一次伟大的生还奇迹。这一真实的探险故事,不仅催生出不少相关的文学作品,还被拍摄成纪录片和电影。同时,沙克尔顿作为领导者的智慧和才能,常被各类经营管理类课程与书籍列为经典案例。
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
Find out the main idea of the three parts of Blackborow's diary.
1.Part 1 A.How they lived on the Elephant Island.
2.Part 2 B.How he joined the expedition.
3.Part 3 C.Their ship was stuck in the ice.
答案:1.B 2.C 3.A
1.Why was the author turned down by Shackleton? D
A.He was not well prepared.
B.He was not fit enough.
C.He was not full of vigour.
D.He wasn't old enough and qualified.
2.What can we know about the author? A
A.He went on aboard the ship without permission.
B.He wanted to serve as a cook on the ship.
C.He came out of his hiding place 3 days later.
D.He was caught by Shackleton on the ship.
3.How did Shackleton feel when they had to abandon the ship? B
A.He became worried. B.He remained calm.
C.He felt frightened. D.He grew anxious.
4.Which of the following best describes Shackleton as an explorer? A
A.Adventurous and responsible.
B.Generous and helpful.
C.Strict but warm-hearted.
D.Courageous but careless.
As a young man full of both passion and endurance, Perce Blackborow had long been 1.dreaming (dream) of decent adventure, so he didn't give up when Sir Ernest Shackleton turned down his request to join the expedition. Perce 2.secretly  (secret) hid himself in a cupboard,only 3.to be found  (find) three days after they set off.He felt fortunate and happy when he was assigned as a steward instead of being sent back home.
It turned 4.out  to be a tough journey. The ship got 5.stuck  (stick) in the ice as they approached Antarctica and they had to abandon the ship. 6.Under the guidance of Sir Ernest, they 7.threw  (throw) away nearly everything except necessities and a banjo, 8.which  kept their spirits up during the journey. Survival was not easy and things went from bad to worse. Finally Sir Ernest left for South Georgia Island in order to find help. The desperate situation made young Perce Blackborow feel down and become bad-tempered. It was the genuine 9.encouragement  (encourage)and concern from Bless Frank Wild that cheered him up. Frank and Ernest's resolve and perseverance filled him with hope. Realizing that he shouldn't become selfish just because of 10.the  adversity they were faced with, he learned to be optimistic and determined.
1.考查动词的时态。此处表示Perce Blackborow一直梦想着有一次像样的历险,应用过去完成进行时。故填dreaming。
3.考查非谓语动词。此处包含短语only to do...,意为“结果做……”,find与其逻辑主语Perce是被动关系,所以用不定式的被动形式。故填to be found。
4.考查固定短语。句意:结果证明这是一次艰难的旅程。turn out“结果是,原来是”。故填out。
5.考查非谓语动词。get/become/be stuck 意为“被卡住,陷入”,此处指船被冻结在冰里,不能动。故填stuck。
6.考查介词。under the guidance of...“在……的指导下”。首字母需大写。故填Under。
9.考查名词。句意:是Bless Frank Wild真诚的鼓励和关心使他振奋起来。本句是强调句,强调主语部分 the genuine 9 and concern from Bless Frank Wild,设空处和其后的名词concern 为并列成分,所以填名词encouragement。故填encouragement。
通过构词法猜词 1.根据前缀、后缀、复合、派生等构词知识判断生词词义。
1. bitter adj.严寒的;激烈而不愉快的;味苦的→ bitterly adv.苦涩地;悲痛地;强烈地→ bitterness n.苦味;苦难;怨恨
2. endure vi.& vt.忍受,忍耐→ endurance n.忍耐力;耐久力
3. vigour n.精力;力量;活力→ vigorous adj.充满活力的,精力充沛的
4. qualify v.取得资格,有资格→ qualified adj.符合资格;具备……的知识(或技能、学历等)→ qualification n.资格,资历
5. enthusiastic adj.热情的;热心的→ enthusiasm n.热心;热忱;热情
6. aboard adv.& prep.上(船、飞机、公共汽车等)→ board n.板,告示牌;董事会;膳食 vt.登上(火车、轮船或飞机);寄宿
7. assign vt.分派;布置;分配→ assignment n.分配;任务;作业
8. envy n.& vt.羡慕;妒忌→ envious adj.羡慕的,忌妒的
9. sink vi.沉没;下沉;下降 vt.使下沉;使沉没→过去式  sank/sunk →过去分词 sunk
10. abandon vt.舍弃;抛弃;放弃→ abandoned adj.被抛弃的;(房屋,车辆)被废弃的
11. belong vi.属于→ belongings n.[pl.]财物;动产
12. voyage n.& vi.航海;航行→ voyager n.航海者;航行者;远航者
13. decent adj.相当不错的;正派的;得体的→ decently adv.合适地;正派地
14. genuine adj.真正的;真诚的;可信赖的→ genuinely adv.真诚地;诚实地
15. persevere vi.坚持;孜孜以求→ perseverance n.毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神
16. resolve vi.& vt.决定;决心;解决(问题或困难)
n.决心;坚定的信念→ resolved adj.下定决心的,坚决的→ resolution n.决议;解决;坚定
1. dream of 梦想
2. turn sb. down 拒绝某人
3. set off 出发;引起;动身;使爆炸
4. become stuck in 被困在
5. keep up 保持;继续
6. from bad to worse 每况愈下;越来越糟
7.be ready for 为……做准备
8.go along with sb. 和某人一起走
9.throw away 扔掉,丢弃
10.to one's surprise 令某人感到吃惊的是
11.hold on 固定;停住;坚持住;(电话用语)别挂断
12.after all 毕竟;终究
重 点 单 词
1.enthusiastic adj.热情的;热心的
D 典型例句
His friends were enthusiastic and encouraged him to publish his ideas, but Copernicus was cautious.
Moore is enthusiastic about the candy she created, and she's also positive about what the future might bring.
S 思维拓展
be enthusiastic about sth.对某事很热衷;热爱
be crazy/nuts about sb./sth.对某人很迷恋;对某事很热衷,很狂热
enthusiasm n.热心;热情;狂热
enthusiast n.热衷于……的人;爱好者
enthusiastically adv.热情地;热烈地
He's always been enthusiastic about sports.
He's crazy/nuts about basketball.
J 即学即练
①I am less enthusiastic about the idea of attending the expert's lecture on Sunday.
② The audience cheered him enthusiastically (enthusiastic).
③The boy has a real enthusiasm (enthusiastic) for classical music.
2.aboard adv.& prep.上(船、飞机、公共汽车等)
D 典型例句
They were all aboard the ship last night.
Last call for Chicago!All aboard!
It's time to go aboard.
The plane crashed, killing all 180 people aboard.
S 思维拓展
go aboard (a ship/plane/train)上(船、飞机或火车)
aboard the ship/plane/train在船、飞机或火车上
all aboard 该上船(或飞机、火车、公共汽车等)了;全部上船
welcome aboard 欢迎乘坐
on board 在船(车、飞机等)上
board vt.& vi.上船(车、飞机等) n.木板;板子
Q 巧学助记
J 即学即练
①All the people aboard the plane (在飞机上) were worried and they would like to know what had happened.
②People without an ID card are not permitted to go aboard the plane (上飞机).
③Don't bank on going abroad this summer. We may not have enough money.
④The president went aboard the plane under the protection of several security guards.
3.assign vt.分派;布置;分配
D 典型例句
All the students are assigned to suitable jobs.
For example, you might assign each order a unique order number.
I was assigned to collect tickets at the door.
S 思维拓展
assign sb. sth.=assign sth. to sb. 给某人分配某事/某物
assign sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事
be assigned to sth.被分派,被分配(工作、任务等)
assignment n.分配;任务;作业
J 即学即练
①They assigned a very difficult mission to us.
②What did the teacher assigned us to do (do) at home
③(2022· 新高考全国Ⅰ卷)Students will work in groups to complete four assignments (assign) during the course.
4.envy n.& vt.羡慕;妒忌
D 典型例句
I envy you your success.
I envy you having such a happy family.
His attitudes toward him were out of envy.
S 思维拓展
envy sb.忌妒或羡慕某人
envy at/of sth.忌妒或羡慕某事
the envy of sb.令某人忌妒或羡慕的事物
out of envy出于忌妒
with envy出于忌妒
envious adj.羡慕的;忌妒的
be envious of sb./sth.满怀忌妒的,表现出或表示忌妒或羡慕的
J 即学即练
①Treat the flowers with care and your garden will be the envy of the neighborhood.
②We all envy him being admitted (admit)to Peking University.
③I watched with envy as the certificate was awarded to Anna.
④He bought a new car,which was the envy of his friends.(envy n.)
⑤He bought a new car,which was envied by his friends.(envy v.)
5.sink vi.沉没;下沉;下降 vt.使下沉;使沉没
D 典型例句
The sun was sinking in the west.
The ship sank to the bottom of the sea.
The ship was sunk by an enemy torpedo.
S 思维拓展
sink to the bottom of沉到……的底部
sink behind落到……后面
sink in (信息、消息等)逐渐地被理解
sink down 沉落;下沉
sink into 陷入;沉入
the sinking sun落日
Q 巧学助记
J 即学即练
①Her head sank down , tears in her eyes.
②At last the child sank into a deep sleep.
③Your warning didn't sink in . You may have to talk to him again.
6.abandon vt.舍弃;抛弃;放弃;沉迷
D 典型例句
Parents who abandon their babies should be punished.
The men abandoned themselves to drinking alcohol when they were in sorrow.
S 思维拓展
abandon oneself to...沉溺于/纵情于……
abandon one's hope/plan/idea放弃希望/计划/主意
abandon doing sth.放弃做某事
with abandon放任地;放纵地;纵情地
abandoned adj.无约束的;放任的;被遗弃的
He abandoned himself to despair for some reason.
They abandoned their lands to the invading forces.
J 即学即练
①(2022· 全国乙卷)The one in the new environment should be sympathetic to the fact that your friend may feel abandoned (abandon).
②People were shouting and cheering with abandon.
③We show great sympathy for the abandoned (abandon) child.
④After her mother died,she abandoned herself to grief.
⑤Those who abandon themselves to despair can't succeed.
⑥He signed cheques with abandon .
7.resolve vi.& vt.决定;决心;解决(问题或困难) n.决心;坚定的信念
D 典型例句
He resolved not to tell her the truth.
Both sides met in order to try to resolve their differences.
The difficulties in her way merely strengthened her resolve.
S 思维拓展
resolve(not) to do sth. 决定(不)做某事
resolve on sth./on doing sth.决定某事/做某事
resolve that...决定……
J 即学即练
①He resolved to do (do) better work in the future.
②He resolved on going abroad to study.
重 点 短 语
1.turn sb.down拒绝(某人)
D 典型例句
Linda, turn down the record player. I'm trying to read.
琳达, 把电唱机关小声点。 我想看书。
Before this I'd have smiled and turned her down.
S 思维拓展
turn around转向;回转;转身
turn up开大;调大;出现
turn in上交;交还
turn out结果是;证明;生产;出现;在场
turn to求助于;翻到(某页);致力于
turn away把……打发走
turn over翻过来;翻转
J 即学即练
①Don't worry. I'm sure your missing glasses will turn up sooner or later.
②Tom had to turn down the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy.
③Though she was out of work, she was unwilling to turn to her friend for help.
④He said he was a doctor, but later he turned out to be a cheat.
2.set off 出发;引起;动身;使爆炸
D 典型例句
I set off for the company earlier in order to avoid the heavy traffic.
The village members set off firecrackers to celebrate the successful completion of the reservoir.
The sparks in the engine set off a series of explosions.
S 思维拓展
set about (doing...)开始;着手(做……)
set aside把……放置一旁,不理会;留出
set out (to do...)着手;开始(做……)
set up创造;建立;创办
set an example to sb.=set sb.an example为某人树立榜样
No matter how busy Mary's father is, he will always set aside one hour a day to play with her.
J 即学即练
①In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme,one of whose purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation.
②The burning gas was easy to set off an explosion.
③We set about doing (do) our task at once with great enthusiasm.
④We set out to do (do) our task at once with great enthusiasm.
3.keep up坚持;维持;使不低落;继续;持续;沿袭(风俗、传统等);保持
D 典型例句
The good news keeps our spirits up.
Nobody knows how long the drought will keep up.
Keep up your courage!
People there still keep up the old customs.
S 思维拓展
keep up the old customs沿袭古老的风俗;保持旧的传统
keep up your courage保持/鼓足勇气
keep up one's spirits打起精神;使某人情绪高涨
keep up with跟上,不落后
keep it up保持优异成绩;继续干下去
keep to sth.遵守;信守
keep away from避开;远离
keep off勿踩;勿踏
J 即学即练
①In order to keep up with the quick pace of their life and work, they eat a lot of fast food.
②We are very anxious to keep up the reputation of the firm.
③They can't keep away from their regular work for long.
④He told the boys playing football to keep off the grass.
4.hold on 固定;停住;坚持住;(电话用语)别挂断
D 典型例句
To hold on winter mornings, when the snow is new.
The flower was held on by a tiny pin.
They didn't know if they would be able to hold on until help arrived.
“Please hold on,” the secretary said to the caller.
T 图解助记
S 思维拓展
hold on to...抓紧,不放开;不送(或)不卖某物
hold back 阻止;隐瞒;控制
hold out 维持,伸出手
hold up 举起,推迟,(使)耽搁
You should hold on to your oil shares.
J 即学即练
①I don't think I can hold on much longer.
②She couldn't hold back her tears any longer and cried aloud.
③Hold up your hands if you have any question.
5.after all 毕竟;终究
D 典型例句
You should be charitable with him; he is a child after all.
They decided to go by the overland route after all.
S 思维拓展
above all最重要的是;首先
all in all 整体说来;总而言之
in all 全部;合计
(not) at all (否定句)一点(也不);(疑问句)到底;究竟
first of all 首先
Q 巧学助记
You shouldn't have scolded the boy at all; he is a child after all;above all, he made only two mistakes in all.
J 即学即练
①All in all, every road leads to Rome, but I do believe hard work pays off.
②First of all, let me tell you the news.
③You should forgive him for his forgetfulness; after all , he is over seventy.
④I hate him, above all , his way to people.
重 点 句 型
1. Below are some of Blackborow's diary entries.
J 句式分析
本句是倒装句式,并且是全部倒装。句子的主语是some of Blackborow's diary entries,谓语是are below。正常语序应是“Some of Blackborow's diary entries are below.”。
S 思维拓展
(1)当表示地点的介词短语放句首,且主语是名词,谓语为be, lie, sit, stand, come, walk等不及物动词时,句子的主谓要完全倒装。
On her left stood her husband.
(2)地点副词(here,there),方位副词(out,in,up,down, below)及时间副词(now, then)等位于句首,且主语是名词,谓语动词为be, go, come等不及物动词时,句子的主谓要完全倒装。
Here is the book you want.
Down jumped the naughty boy.
Long live the Communist Party of China!
J 即学即练
①All of a sudden the door opened and in came (come) a troop of children in all sorts of fancy dress.
②There lies (lie)a large field of rice in front of our village.
③The door opened and out rushed a man about forty.
④Away he went without saying a single word.
⑤Here comes Miss Li ,with her charming smile.
2.We saw the ship get crushed by the ice.
J 句式分析
本句中含有see sb./sth. do sth.结构,表示“看见某人/某物做了某事”, 强调看到动作的全过程;若用see sb./sth. doing sth.则表示“看见某人/某物正在做某事”,强调看到时动作正在进行,以上两结构中的宾语sb./sth.与宾补do/doing, 表示主动;若用see sth. done则表示“看见某事被做”,此结构中的宾语sth.与宾补done,表示被动。
I saw a man enter the house secretly.
I saw a man entering the house secretly.
When we saw the road blocked with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home.
M 名师点津
在英语中,有些及物动词可接复合宾语,即“宾语+宾语补足语”(do/doing/done)结构。可以接宾补do的及物动词或短语动词有:(一感)feel;(二听)hear,listen to;(三让)make,let,have;(五看)look at,see,notice,observe,watch。
J 即学即练
①The missing boy was last seen playing (play) near the East Lake.
②Back from his two-year medical service in Africa, Tom was very happy to see his mother taken (take) good care of at home.
③I often hear my neighbor listen (listen)to the radio at night.
3....the voyage was too dangerous and difficult for all of us to make it in our small boats.
J 句式分析
He walks too slowly to get there on time.
The man is too stubborn to be persuaded to give up smoking.
S 思维拓展
(1)too后面跟表示心理变化的形容词,如anxious, eager, glad, pleased, thankful, delighted或描述性形容词easy, good, kind等时。尤其在这些形容词之前加上only, but, all, simply或just修饰时,动词不定式无否定意义。
He was too anxious to do this job.
I'm only too delighted to accept your invitation.
(2)too...to...结构中的too前有否定词时。not/never too... to...意为“做某事还不/决不太……”。
It's never too old to learn.
M 名师点津
can/could not...too/enough结构常出现在情景对话中,表示“无论怎样也不过分,无论怎么都不够”。
You can't be too careful when crossing the road.
I can't thank you enough.
J 即学即练
①I do all the cooking for my family, but recently I have been too busy to do it (太忙而没有时间做).
②That's the new machine whose parts are too small to be seen (太小而不能被看到).
③—Must I turn off the gas after cooking
—Of course. You can never be too careful (再怎么细心都不为过) with that.
难 句 分 析
1.However, when I applied to join the expedition, Shackleton turned me down because he thought I was too young and wasn't qualified.
J 句式分析
N 牛刀小试
翻译: 然而,当我申请加入探险队时,沙克尔顿拒绝了我,因为他认为我太年轻,不合格。
2. How everyone will envy me when I come back and tell them about the amazing places I have been to!
J 句式分析
N 牛刀小试
翻译: 当我回来告诉他们我去过的那些神奇的地方时,每个人都会羡慕我!
1.Her greeting was less than enthusiastic (热情的).
2.The north wind was bitter (严寒的)and deadly cold.
3.The teacher assigned (布置) each of the children a different task.
4.We must find a way to resolve (解决)these problems before it's too late.
5.He cracked his head painfully against the cupboard (壁橱).
6.She felt a pang of envy (忌妒)at the thought of his success.
7.The wheels sank (下沉) deeper into the mire.
8.He claimed that his parents had abandoned (抛弃) him.
9.I went to Brooks Brothers and bought myself a decent (体面的) shirt.
10.A genuine (真正的) friend will not desert you in time of adversity.
1.She was even less enthusiastic about going to Spain.
2.They assigned the new task to me.
3.Fred entered without knocking and,very out of breath,sank into a chair.
4.We shouldn't abandon ourselves (our)to pleasures.
5.He resolved that nothing should hold back.
6.If you turn over , you might find it easier to get to sleep.
7.Traditionally, college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they set off on their life journey.
8.She asked Ann if she could keep an eye on the dog.
9.After hearing the shocking news that a baby was murdered in a washing machine, I couldn't hold back my tears.
10.When I visited him, I saw him repairing (repair) his car.
It happened that they spent their childhood in the same village.
Without water, there would be no life on earth .
When I passed her room, I saw her cleaning her room .
The boy is too young to go to school .
On the wall hangs a map of the world .Section Ⅱ Learning About Language
1.An expedition to the South Pole with the great Sir Ernest Shackleton—this is the adventure that I have been dreaming (dream) of.
2.We are now camped on the ice and we have been managing (manage) to survive, but spring is coming, and the ice will soon begin to melt.
3.We have been struggling (struggle) for days, but things on Elephant Island are going from bad to worse.
句中设空处的时态为: 现在完成进行时 。构成: have/has been doing 。第 一 句该时态表示动作从过去某时开始,一直延续到现在,将来还可能延续下去。第 二 句和第 三 句中该时态表示从过去某时开始到现在这一段时间内动作一再重复发生。
1. cruel adj.残酷的;残忍的;冷酷的→ cruelly adv.残酷地→ cruelty n.残酷;残忍;残酷的行为
2. thorough adj.深入的;彻底的;细致的→ thoroughly adv.非常;极其;仔细,缜密;彻底
3. furnish vt.提供;供应;装备→ furniture n.家具
4. fortune n.财富;好运 → misfortune n.厄运,不幸→ fortunate adj.幸运的→ unfortunate adj.不幸的→ fortunately adv.幸运地→ unfortunately adv.不幸地;遗憾地
5. recreate vi.娱乐;消遣→ recreation n.娱乐;消遣;游戏
6. guide vt.引导;带领;操纵→ guidance n.指导;引导;导航
7. advertise vt.& vi.公布;宣传;做广告→ advertising n.广告活动;广告业→ advertisement n.广告
8. corporate adj.公司的;法人的;社团的→ corporation n.公司;法人(团体);社团
1. live a...life 过着……的生活
2. in all directions 向四面八方
3. be proud of 为……感到自豪
4. under one's guidance 在某人的指导下
5. more than 超过,多于
重 点 单 词
1.cruel adj.残酷的;残忍的;冷酷的
D 典型例句
He was criticized for his cruel acts.
The cruel war caused great disasters to the people.
S 思维拓展
be cruel to sb. 对某人残酷
cruelly adv.残酷地
cruelty n.残酷;残忍;残酷的行为
J 即学即练
①It was cruel of him to say that.
②They were very cruel to their prisoners of war.
③The king's cruelty (cruel)excited the people to rise against him.
2.furniture n.家具
D 典型例句
We will buy some furniture for our new house.
This old table is a valuable piece of furniture.
The antique furniture was made in 1700.
S 思维拓展
a piece of furniture 一件家具
a set of furniture 一套家具
furnish vt.提供;供应;装备
furnish sb./sth. with sth. 向某人/某事物供应/提供某物
J 即学即练
①The factory was built for the manufacture of furniture (furnish).
②She furnished him with the facts surrounding the case.
3.fortunately adv.幸运地
D 典型例句
Fortunately, he survived the traffic accident.
Fortunately, the storm only did minimal damage.
I was late in getting to the station, but fortunately for me, the train was late too.
S 思维拓展
unfortunately adv.不幸地;遗憾地
fortunate adj.幸运的;侥幸的;带来幸运的
be fortunate to do 很幸运做
It's fortunate that... 幸运的是……
J 即学即练
① Fortunately (fortunate), we boarded the last high-speed train to Beijing.
②She was fortunate to find (find) a rare book she needed.
③ Unfortunately (unfortunate), his father died, leaving the whole family even poorer.
④ I was fortunate enough to have found a job that I love.
⑤ It was fortunate for him that his parents managed to send him to school though badly off.
4.advertise vt.& vi.公布;宣传;做广告
D 典型例句
Now you are asked to make a poster to advertise a sporting event.
We've advertised for someone to look after the garden.
S 思维拓展
advertise sth.为某事做广告;为某事登广告
advertise for...登广告征求……
advertise for sb.to do sth. 登广告招聘/雇用某人做某事
advertising n.广告活动;广告业
advertisement n.广告
put an advertisement in a newspaper在报纸上发布广告
The nursing home is advertising for a volunteer to help look after the patients.
If you are in search of your missing pet, you'd better put an advertisement in the newspaper.
J 即学即练
①They advertised for a young girl to look after the children.
②The organization is advertising for a teacher to teach (teach) the children whose parents work outside all year.
③In order to look for their missing child, they have put an advertisement (advertise) in any possible media.
④We can advertise on the Internet .
⑤We advertised for a second-hand car.
重 点 短 语
1.live a...life 过着……的生活
D 典型例句
Though he is disabled, he lives an active life.
S 思维拓展
have/live a...life过……的生活
dream a...dream做一个……的梦
smile a...smile露出……微笑
M 名师点津
live a(n)...life中的life和live为同根词,life为live的同源宾语。常见的能接同源宾语的动词有:live, die, smile, laugh, dream, breathe, sing, sigh, sleep等。
J 即学即练
①Meanwhile, with her parents' help, Moore is generally able to live a normal teenage life .
②The boy can sing a beautiful song .
2.be proud of... 为……感到自豪
D 典型例句
I am proud of my son's success.
He was proud of what he had done.
S 思维拓展
be proud to do 很自豪地去做
pride n.骄傲;自豪
take pride in... 以……自豪
J 即学即练
①(2023· 全国甲卷)It took weeks and is was backbreaking work, but I know he was proud of my skills.
②I feel very proud to be (be)a part of the team.
③She was proud that her daughter had so much talent.
3.more than 超过,多于
D 典型例句
(2023· 全国乙卷)It is home to more than 3,000 years of glorious history even down to its layout.
它有着3 000多年的辉煌历史,甚至连它的布局都是如此。
This city has a population of more than 1,000,000.
S 思维拓展
(1)more than后接名词时,意为“不仅仅,不只是”,表示超过该名词所指。
He is more than a big size.
(2)more than后接形容词,表示加强语气,意为“非常,极其”。
They were more than glad to help us.
(3)“more than+从句”意为“超过……”。
The cold was more than the children could bear.
Y 易混辨析
more than, no more than, not more than, more... than...
(1)more than表示“超过,不只是”;在数量上进行比较时,相当于over。
(2)no more than表示“和……一样不”;在数量上进行比较时,表示“仅仅,只有”,相当于only。
(3)not more than在数量上进行比较时,意为“至多,不超过”,相当于at most。
(4)more... than...表示“与其说……倒不如说……,”肯定前者,否定后者。
As a teacher, he is no more than 22 years old, but he is more than a teacher for his students, that is, he is more a close friend than a teacher.
J 即学即练
写出句子中more than的含义
①I'm more than pleased to give you a hand. 非常;很
②His report is more than a survey. 不只是
③It's more than 5 minutes' walk from my home to the school. 超过
I have been living in Hawaii for ten years.
She has been burning the midnight oil to prepare for GRE.
Tom has been playing the online games for more than twenty hours.
What happened to you?Have you been crying
He has been going to Seattle for half a year.
I have been telling you not to make trouble.
The old man has been repairing cars for thirty years.
Jack has been practising Tai Chi for more than a year.
He has painted the room.
He has been painting the room.
I have thought it over.
I have been thinking it over.
Amy has gone to the library.
Amy has been going to the library for a year.
Tom has met the girl in the library again.
Tom has been meeting the girl in the library lately.
What have you done
I've been waiting more than 30 years to say this:“Dad, I always told you I'd come back and get my degree.”
Where have you been?I have been waiting for you in the rain for two hours.
I have sent thirty e-mails this morning.
I have been sending e-mails this morning.
J 即学即练
①The Chinese have been making (make) paper for more than two thousand years.
②Tom's hands are very dirty. He has been repairing (repair) the car.
③It has been raining (rain) every day this week.
④I have drunk (drink) five cups of coffee this afternoon.
⑤He is the most creative man that I have met (meet).
1.Companies have been testing (test) their vehicles in cities across the country.
2.I have read (read) half of the English novel, and I'll try to finish it at the weekend.
3.Dashan, who has been learning (learn) crosstalk, the Chinese comedic tradition, for decades, wants to mix it up with the Western stand-up tradition.
4.—Where is Peter I can't find him anywhere.
—He went to the library after breakfast and has been writing (write) his essay there ever since.
5.He hurried in, came (come) up to me, and then told me all that had happened.
6.Great changes have taken (take) place in Shanghai in the last few years.
7.Look at the time table. Hurry up! Flight MU315 takes (take) off at 18∶30.
8.The reporter said that the car was travelling (travel) east to west when he saw it.
9.The more you practice, the better you will master (master) the language.
It has been raining since last week.
I am tired out. I have been working the whole afternoon.
He has written a novel .
Have you met him recently
They have been married for almost 15 years .
I have been reading the book for two hours , but I haven't finished it.Section Ⅲ Using Language
1.Part Ⅰ (Para.1) A.We were finally rescued.
2.Part Ⅱ (Paras.2~4) B.Shackelton left us to find help.
3.Part Ⅲ (Para.5) C.Our discipline and team spirit kept us optimistic.
4.Part Ⅳ (Para.6) D.The challenges and difficulties we met.
答案:1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A
1.What did the crew use to make fire on the island? C
A.Tree branches. B.Oil.
C.Animal fat. D.Fuel.
2.What did the crew depend on to live on? A
A.Sea creatures. B.Vegetables.
C.Fruits. D.Steaks.
3.Why was it dangerous to wear too many clothes? A
A.The changing temperature could make them ill.
B.The clothes were all damp.
C.The clothes damaged their eyes and burnt their lungs.
D.The temperature on the island was too high.
4.In the author's opinion, what helped them survive? D
A.Animal fat. B.Cosy clothes.
C.Melting ice. D.Discipline and team spirit.
Shackleton's departure to find help let the crew feel down and even a little desperate, but soon 1.the banjo worked to cheer them up. They took advantage of 2.whatever/what they could find in order to stay alive. There 3.being (be)no water in the 4.extremely (extreme) cold weather, the crew melted ice from the ocean for daily use. Without any fuel, they burned animal fat to make fire though the oily, black smoke caused damage to their eyes and burned their 5.lungs  (lung). No vegetables or fruit could be found on the island, and they managed to feed 6.on sea animals. Young Perce, now a competent chef and teammate, 7.tried (try) his best to vary the meals in whatever way he could.
Another challenge lying ahead of them is to stay 8.healthy (health), because a slight cold or fever might become a disaster on Antarctica. Because of the changing temperatures,they took care of themselves neither 9.to become (become) too hot from wearing too many clothes nor become too cold from wearing too few.
Their discipline, perseverance and team spirit carried them through. It was four months 10.before  they were finally rescued.
2.考查名词性从句。句意:为了能活下来,他们利用他们能找到的任何东西。此处whatever意为“任何东西”,what意为“……的东西”,引导名词性从句,作took advantage of 的宾语。故填whatever/what。
3.考查非谓语动词。句意:在极其寒冷的天气里没有水,这些船员就融化从海洋里取来的冰供日常使用。逗号前后没有连词,这是一个简单句,句中已有谓语动词 melted,所以此空要用非谓语动词。There being...是There be句式的独立主格形式,在句中作原因状语。being是现在分词形式,表示与谓语动词同时发生。故填being。
4.考查副词。extremely 是副词,修饰形容词cold,作程度状语。故填extremely。
6.考查介词。feed on意为“以……为食”。故填on。
7.考查动词的时态。空前的Young Perce是主语,now a competent chef and teammate是主语的同位语,设空处作谓语,动作发生在过去,所以应该用一般过去时。故填tried。
9.考查非谓语动词。句意:因为变化的气温,他们照顾他们自己以使自己不因穿的衣服太多而太热,也不因穿的衣服太少而太冷。此处应用动词不定式作目的状语。故填to become。
通过解释或下定义来推测词意 1.在文章中,会对生词以定语(从句)、表语甚至用逗号、冒号、破折号等标点符号引出并加以解释。
2.常用to be defined as, to be called, that is to say, to mean, to refer to, to be known as 等对生词作出解释说明。
1. rough adj.汹涌的;粗糙的;粗略的→ roughly adv.汹涌地;粗糙地;粗略地
2. loyal adj.忠诚的;忠实的→ loyalty n.忠诚,忠贞
3. motor n.发动机;马达 adj.有引擎的;机动车的→ motorist n.汽车驾驶员
4. commit vi.忠于(某个人、机构等) vt.承诺→ commitment n.承诺;保证;奉献
5. motive n.动机;原因;目的→ motivate v.刺激;使有动机
6. Confucian adj.孔子的,儒家的;儒家学说的 n.儒家,儒家学者;孔子的门徒→ Confucianism n.孔子学说;儒家(学说)
1. ahead of... 在……之前;超过;提前
2. cheer up 感到高兴;感到振奋;(使)高兴起来
3. make fire 生火
4. give off 放出(热、光、气味或气体)
5. pay back 偿还;报复;报答
重 点 单 词
1.motor n.发动机;马达 adj.有引擎的;机动车的
D 典型例句
(2022· 新高考全国Ⅰ卷)My husband stopped fishing to start the motor.
If the battery is dead, the motor won't turn over.
Last year was really bad for the motor industry in Europe.
S 思维拓展
start a motor 开动发动机
turn off a motor 关掉发动机
motor inn 汽车旅馆
motorist n.汽车驾驶员
J 即学即练
①The motorist (motor)was charged with failing to stop at a red light.
②This lawn mower is driven by a small electric motor.
③We turned off the motor and started to drift along.
2.commitment n.承诺;保证;奉献
D 典型例句
If you are serious about our relationship, you should make a commitment.
The government will continue to honour its commitment to pensioners.
T 图解助记
S 思维拓展
(1)commitment to...对……的拥护
honour/fulfill/meet a/one's commitment兑现承诺
make a commitment (to do sth.)做出承诺(做某事)
(2)commit vt.使同意;使承诺 vi.同意,承诺
commit a crime犯罪
commit suicide自杀
commit to (doing) sth.承诺(做)某事,答应(做)某事
commit sb./oneself to (doing) sth.使某人承诺做某事,使某人答应(做)某事
I felt I did not have to make such a commitment to them.
I do not want to commit to any particular date.
She tried to commit suicide, but we saved her life by chance.
J 即学即练
①I was impressed by the energy and commitment (commit) shown by the players.
②Since last year, he has committed himself to raising (raise) money for people with disabilities.
③We made a commitment to keep (keep) working together.
3.motive n.动机;原因;目的
D 典型例句
There seemed to be no motive for the murder.
I'm suspicious of his motives.
The police have excluded robbery as a motive for the murder.
S 思维拓展
social motive 社会动机
motive power 动力
motivate v.刺激,使有动机
motivate one's pupils 激励学生
be motivated by fear 受恐惧的驱使
J 即学即练
①It is still unclear what the motive for her coming was.
②The crime appears to have been motivated (motivate) by hatred.
③ Her prime motive was personal ambition.
④I don't understand what his motive is .
重 点 短 语
1. ahead of 在……之前;超过;提前
D 典型例句
Let's cut through the woods and get ahead of them.
By doing extra homework, he soon got ahead of his classmates.
T 图解助记
Tom is running ahead of me.
Jack is running behind me.
J 即学即练
①(2022· 全国乙卷)They will be moving on the track ahead of the train, and programmed to run autonomously.
②Damaged but not defeated, he was still ahead of me .
2.cheer up感到高兴;感到振奋;(使)高兴起来
D 典型例句
So we went over to the flower seller and asked her if we could buy a flower for the lady to cheer her up.
Give Mary a call;she needs cheering up.
S 思维拓展
cheer n.欢呼声 vt.欢呼;喝彩
cheerful adj.快乐的;高兴的;兴高采烈的
cheerfully adv.高兴地
①A thousand supporters packed into the stadium to cheer them on.
1 000名支持者挤进体育场里为他们加油。
②They are both very cheerful in spite of their colds.
Q 巧学助记
J 即学即练
①Cheer up !Our troubles will soon be over.
②Cathy didn't expect any award but was still there to cheer her friends on .
③The actress performed so well that the audience cheered (cheer)and clapped excitedly.
3.give off 放出(热、光、气味或气体)
D 典型例句
The flowers give off a heady scent at night.
The moon, for example, does not give off any light of its own.
举月亮为例, 它自身并不发光。
S 思维拓展
give away 赠送;分发;放弃(机会);泄露(秘密)
give in 屈服;交上
give up放弃;停止,中止;投降,认输
give out分发;公布;耗尽;发出
J 即学即练
①The apples gave off a sweet smell.
②I need to give away some of these old baby clothes.
③But finally, he was forced to give in .
④The doctor advised him to give up smoking.
⑤The teacher gave out the exam papers.
4.pay back偿还;偿付;报复;报答
D 典型例句
I'll work my fingers to the bone till I pay back all my debts.
I am sure that he will pay back every cent he owes you.
Some day I'll pay you back for this!
S 思维拓展
pay for...买……;为……付款;为……付出代价
pay money for sth.付钱买某物
pay off 付清; (某行动)取得成功; 带来好结果
pay out 付出大笔款项;放松
pay up 付清欠款
J 即学即练
①Can you lend me some money I'll pay you back on Friday.
②If you go for a long ride in a friend's car, it's the custom to offer to pay for some of the expenses.
③Her years of hard training paid off when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.
重 点 句 型
1.What if they were delayed
J 句式分析
本句是一个省略句,省略了主句的部分内容。What if...?(=What would happen if...?)意为“要是……会怎么样呢?”
What if the train is late
What if they talked a long time about a painting you weren't that interested in
S 思维拓展
(1)How come 怎么会呢?/怎么回事?(表示惊讶)
—I didn't even eat lunch today.
—Really How come
(2)How about...?(=What about...?)……怎么样?(用来询问情况或征求意见)
How about going for a walk after supper
(3)What for?为何目的?为什么?
—I need to see a doctor.
—What for
(4)So what?那又怎样?(认为某事无关紧要,不负责时)
—He is only a child of ten!
—So what
J 即学即练
选词填空what if/so what/how come/what for/how about
① What if we move the picture over there Do you think it will look better
② How about going swimming this afternoon
③—Linda didn't invite us to the party.
— So what I don't care.
④ —Please go and fetch me a piece of paper, Mary.
— What for
⑤(天津高考改编)—Michael was late for Mr. Smith's chemistry class this morning.
— How come As far as I know, he never came late to class.
2.Staying alive took all our time and energy.
J 句式分析
句中Staying alive是v.-ing短语,在句中作主语。动名词作主语往往表示一种概念、习惯或经验。
Traveling along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience.
Learning to think critically is an important skill today's children will need for the future.
It is so cold that sleeping outdoors can mean death.
S 思维拓展
Smoking is not allowed here.
It isn't good for you to smoke so much.
M 名师点津
Teaching is learning.=To teach is to learn.
It is no use/good doing sth.
It's a waste of time doing sth.
J 即学即练
①Tom's never willing to change any of his opinions. It's no use arguing (argue) with him.
② Learning (learn) English all by yourself is not so easy.
③ Walking after supper is a good habit for the old.
3.Food was also a problem, as we did not find any vegetables or fruit on the island.
J 句式分析
句中的as we did not find any vegetables or fruit是原因状语从句,连接词as的意思是“因为,由于”,它还可译为“当……的时候”“随着”等意思引导状语从句。
Joan came in as we were watching TV.
As one grows older, one becomes more experienced.
Y 易混辨析
When he was at college,he could speak several foreign languages.
When the clock struck twelve, all the lights in the street went out.
Work while you work; play while you play.
The girl dances as she sings on the stage.
As children get older,they become more and more interested in the things around them.
I thought of it just as I opened my mouth.
J 即学即练
① As this question is of great importance, we will discuss it once again.
②Mary made coffee while her guests were finishing their meal.
③You will grow wiser as you grow older.
④It was the middle of the night when my father woke me up and told me to watch the football game.4.If it weren't for sea animals, we would all starve.
J 句式分析
If I were you I would stay here.
S 思维拓展
分类 从句 主句
与现在事实相反 一般过去时/were(be一般用were) would/should/could/might+动词原形
与过去事实相反 过去完成时 would/should/could/might+have done
与将来事实相反 一般过去时/were to+动词原形/should+动词原形 would/should/could/might+动词原形
J 即学即练
①If I were (be) a millionaire,I would travel around the world.
②If she had worked harder, she would have succeeded (succeed).
③Sorry,I am too busy now. If I had (have) time,I would certainly go on an outing with you.
④If you had taken (take)my advice, you would not have failed in the exams.
5.Our discipline and team spirit kept us optimistic and helped us deal with our fears in a positive and successful way.
J 句式分析
该句是一个简单句。句中第二个and连接两个并列谓语。其中kept us optimistic 是“keep+宾语+宾补”结构,keep意为“使……处于某种状态”。
S 思维拓展
I was too tired to keep my eyes open.
In our daily life,we must keep ourselves away from danger.
You should keep your hands behind your backs.
I'm sorry. I have kept you waiting outside for so long.
Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.
J 即学即练
①It is well known to us all that a nap is helpful to keep us healthy (health).
②When I work on the farmland in the daytime, I always keep my sheep tied (tie)to a tree on the riverbank.
③(2023·新高考全国Ⅰ卷)We can't keep him waiting (wait)outside our home.
难 句 分 析
1.There were no trees growing on Antarctica and no oil, so the only fuel we could use was animal fat.
J 句式分析
N 牛刀小试
翻译: 南极洲没有树木生长,也没有石油,所以我们唯一能使用的燃料就是动物脂肪。
2. When we were finally rescued, we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears.
J 句式分析
N 牛刀小试
翻译: 当我们最终获救时,我们感到如释重负,许多人都喜极而泣。
1.He worked as a motor (机动车的)mechanic.
2.They knocked together a rough (粗糙的) box with wooden boards.
3.I may say in all sincerity that you have been my most loyal (忠实的) friend.
4.There are three candidates (候选人) for the vacancy.
5.That's an episode (一段经历) in my life I'd rather forget!
6.I am very tired because I have taken on so many commitments (承诺).
7.The police could not find a motive (动机)for the murder.
1.I ran out of petrol, but a passing motorist (motor)saved the situation.
2.He made a commitment to pay (pay) the rent on time.
3.He is cheerful (cheer) in spite of his illness.
4.I finished several days ahead of the deadline.
5.Don't mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may give away the shocking ending.
6.He burst into tears, begging her to forgive him and swearing to pay back everything he had stolen.
7.It was snowing when he arrived at the construction site.
8. Learning (learn)Chinese is very difficult for the foreigners.
9.What if he doesn't agree
10.They might have found a better hotel if they had driven (drive)a few more kilometers.
1.假如下起雨来,我们没法按时到校怎么办?(what if)
What if it rains when we can't get to school on time
I went to bed early, as I was exhausted .
If there were no plants , we would have no animals and no meat.
Collecting information about children's health is his job.
I hope you will keep me informed of how you are getting on with your work.Section Ⅳ 单元写作
(1)先概括。仔细阅读所给的材料,概述主要内容,即who, what, where, when, why和how等信息。
1.In this process, they...
2.As far as I'm concerned...
3.When it comes to...
4.It seems to me that...
The first father and daughter on Mount
Gagarmatha (also as Qomolangma)
When she was young, Chhamji Sherpa lived in the Himalayas of Nepal, where the climate is cold and there are many mountains covered with snow. While her father, Dendi, and other mountaineers had been exploring Gagarmatha, Chhamji's interest and curiosity were growing. They looked closely at her ability to cope with harsh natural conditions. Of course, her father had expected that Chhamji would encounter many difficulties in climbing the mountain. Due to the sudden rise of altitude and the sharp change of pressure, generally speaking, novice climbers will have altitude response.
It took two months for the father and daughter to get used to the weather, climb ice and rocks, and get familiar with climbing equipment. Strong winds and thin air make it extremely difficult to breathe. However, they did not fear, and continued to climb. On their way from base camp to No.1 camp, they encountered the most exciting journey, including the deadly Khumbu Glacier.
No one ever thought that such an ordinary girl, in the later days, successfully broke two Guinness World Record titles: the world's youngest woman and the first father and daughter on Mount Gagarmatha.
第一步 明确要求
2.确定人称:本文要用第 三 人称;
3.确定时态:时态以 一般过去时 为主。
第二步 谋篇布局
其次: 对故事发表评论。
第三步 核心词汇
1. have successes in doing sth. 成功做成某事
2. under the influence of sb. 在某人的影响下
3. make a lot of preparations 做了许多准备
4. overcome various difficulties 克服了各种困难
5. pay off 取得回报
第四步 句式升级
Under the influence of her father who had several successes in climbing Mount Gagarmatha, Chhamji had a strong interest in mountaineering and started climbing the mountain accompanied by her father .
2.是女孩的勇气和对Mount Gagarmatha 的兴趣使她坚持下来并继续前进。(强调句型)
It was the girl's courage as well as interest in the Mount Gagarmatha that made her persevere and move on.
Hard as the process was , she was determined and overcame the difficulties.
This article introduces the story of a young girl, Chhamji.Under the influence of her father who had several successes in climbing Mount Gagarmatha, Chhamji had a strong interest in mountaineering and started climbing the mountain accompanied by her father.Before that, they made a lot of preparations to survey the terrain and overcome various difficulties.All of these have paid off after their successful ascent.
In my opinion, it was the girl's courage as well as interest in the Mount Gagarmatha that made her persevere and move on.Hard as the process was, she was determined and overcame the difficulties.
姓名 欧内斯特·沙克尔顿 出生日期 1874.2.15
评价 著名探险家
主要经历 (1)10岁时随家人搬到伦敦;(2)1901年加入南极探险,因病被遣送回家;(3)他带领船队(“坚忍”号)横跨南极远征,途中船沉,被困冰面数月后获救;(4)1922年1月5日,因心脏病在另一次南极探险途中去世
参考词汇:跨南极远征the Trans-Antarctic Expedition
Ernest Shackleton
Born on February 15, 1874 in Ireland, Ernest Shackleton was raised in London, where his family moved when Shackleton was 10.He joined an expedition to the Antarctica in 1901, but was sent home due to his illness.Devoted to exploring the Antarctica, he led the Trans-Antarctic Expedition.Disaster struck when his ship, the Endurance, was crushed by ice.He and his crew reached Elephant Island after drifting on sheets of ice for months.On January 5, 1922, Shackleton suffered a heart attack and died on another Antarctic expedition.He was regarded as one of the most famous explorers in the world.
1.It was their perseverance and endurance in the face of adversity that helped them succeed in the end.
2.No difficulty cannot be overcome as long as we have faith in ourselves.
3.We are convinced that, where there is a will, there is a way.
4.Once we have made the decision, we are supposed to spare no effort to achieve it.
5.The secret of success is to stick to your goals and beliefs.
6.Whatever adversity may lie ahead, as long as I persevere, nothing can stop me from going ahead.
7.The story depicts an old man who never abandons his hope and fights with great endurance and perseverance.
8.When faced with difficulty, I managed to find a way out instead of giving up.
9.Failure is the mother of success.
10.Each person has the potential to overcome adversity.
1.enthusiasm n.热情;热忱→enthusiastic adj.热情的;热心的→enthusiastically adv.热情地
①对(做)某事感兴趣,对(做)某事热心 be/become enthusiastic about(doing) sth.
②热心的支持者 an enthusiastic supporter
③热烈欢迎 an enthusiastic welcome
④(非常)热情地 with (great) enthusiasm
⑤充满热情 full of enthusiasm
⑥Simon is enthusiastic about science (热心于科学) and dreams of becoming a scientist all the time.
2.aboard adv.& prep.上(船、飞机、公共汽车等)
①上船/飞机/火车/公共汽车 go aboard
②在飞机/船上 aboard the plane/ship
③欢迎乘坐! Welcome aboard!
④请大家上船/火车/公共汽车! All aboard!
⑤出国 go abroad
⑥国内外 at home and abroad
3.assign vt.分派;布置;分配→assignment n.(分派的)工作,任务
①给某人分派某任务 assign sth. to sb./assign sb.sth.
②指派某人担任某工作/职务 assign sb.to/as sth.
She has been assigned to a new job.
④Never will the journalist forget his first assignment (assign)at the office of a popular English newspaper.
4.envy n.& vt.羡慕;妒忌
①某人羡慕/妒忌的对象 the envy of sb.
②出于嫉妒 out of envy
③羡慕,妒忌 with envy
④羡慕某人某事 envy sb.sth.
⑤因……羡慕某人 envy sb. for sth.
5.sink vi.(sank or sunk,sunk)沉没;下沉;下降 vt.使下沉;使沉没
①沉到……的底部 sink to the bottom of
②落到……后面 sink behind
③落日 the sinking sun
④(一屁股)坐在椅子上 sink into a chair
⑤沉落 sink down
⑥陷入贫困中 sink into poverty
6.abandon vt.舍弃;抛弃;放弃→abandoned adj.被遗弃的,被抛弃的
①放弃做某事 abandon doing sth.
②沉溺于…… abandon oneself to...
③The game had to be abandoned (abandon) due to bad weather.
④He owned a farm, which looked almost abandoned (abandon).
⑤Some middle school students abandon themselves to computers (沉溺于电脑),which makes their parents worried.
7.resolve vi.& vt.决定;决心;解决(问题或困难) n.决心;坚定的信念→resolution n.决议;解决;坚定
①通过一项决议 pass/adopt/carry a resolution
②决心做某事 make a resolution to do sth.
③新年计划 New Year's resolutions
He resolved not to tell her the truth.
8.furniture n.家具←furnish vt.为……配备家具;提供→furnished adj.配备家具的
①一件家具 a piece/an item of furniture
②配备着…… be furnished with...
③配备齐全的房间 a fully furnished room
④向某人/某物提供…… furnish sb./sth. with sth.
9.unfortunate adj.不幸的;遗憾的→unfortunately adv.不幸地;遗憾地←fortunately adv.幸运地←fortunate adj.幸运的
①对某人来说不幸的是(作状语) unfortunately for sb.
②做某事很不幸 be unfortunate to do sth.
③很遗憾…… It is unfortunate (that)...
④幸运地做某事 be fortunate to do sth.
⑤做某事很幸运 be/feel fortunate in doing sth.
⑥(对某人来说)……是幸运的。 It is fortunate (for sb.) that...
The sea breezes are highly beneficial, so a walk along the seashore is recommendable to those who are so fortunate as to live by the sea.
10.advertise vt.& vi.公布;宣传;做广告→advertisement n.广告→advertising n.广告活动;广告业
①为某事做广告 advertise sth.
②登广告求…… advertise for...
③登广告招聘某人做某事 advertise for sb.to do sth.
④I shall advertise for someone to go (go) with me.
⑤Put an advertisement (advertise) in the local paper to sell your car.
11.commit v.犯(罪或错等);承诺;保证→commitment n.承诺;保证;奉献
①对……作出承诺 make a commitment to...
②犯错 commit an error
If you are to be committed to the journalism field , you are bound to become a successful journalist.
1.turn sb. down拒绝(某人)
①出现;到场;开大;调高音量 turn up
②转身 turn around/round
③证明是;结果是 turn out
④转向;求助于;查阅 turn to
I am afraid our boss will turn me down .
2.set off 出发;引起;动身;使爆炸
①开始;着手(做……) set about (doing...)
②把……放置一旁;不理会; 留出 set aside
③动身;出发;着手;开始(做……) set out (to do...)
④创造;建立;创办 set up
She will set off for home at once as soon as she hears from her mother.
3.keep up 坚持;维持;持续;沿袭
①跟上;不落后 keep up with
②保持优异成绩, 继续干下去 keep it up
③遵守;信守 keep to sth.
④避开;远离 keep away from
⑤勿踩;勿踏 keep off
I can't keep up with all the changes.
4.hold on稍等;挺住;坚持住;(打电话)别挂断
①抓紧;不放开;保留;坚持 hold on to
②阻挡;阻拦;隐瞒;控制 hold back
③(在困境中)坚持;伸出;提供 hold out
④举起;延迟;阻碍 hold up
Hold on for a minute .I've just got to put on my make-up.
5.after all 毕竟;终究
①最重要的是;首先 above all
②整体说来;总而言之 all in all
③全部;合计 in all
④首先 first of all
After all , 15 minutes of exercise is better than nothing.
6.give off 放出 (热、光、气味或气体)
①屈服;交上 give in
②放弃;停止;中止;投降 give up
③分发;公布;耗尽;发出 give out
④赠送;分发;放弃(机会);泄露(秘密) give away
If plastic and rubber are burnt, they'll give off poisonous gases .
7.pay back 偿还; 报复; 报答
① 买……; 为……付出代价 pay for...
②付钱买某物 pay money for sth.
③付清; 取得成功 pay off
④(不情愿地)付清欠款 pay up
She knows that the family would not be able to pay back any debt .
① Below are some of Blackborow's diary entries.
② Then came another question.
③ Here comes our headmaster.
①...the voyage was too dangerous and difficult for all of us to make it in our small boats.
②The maths problem is too difficult for me to work out.
③Sometimes the oil may be too thick to pour at all.
3.What if... 省略句
① What if they were delayed
② What if there was no water on Earth
③ What if the train is late
①If it weren't for sea animals, we would all starve.
②If it were not for the leadership of the party, we could not be living a happy life today.
③If it had not been for your help, we would not have achieved so much in our work.
①Our discipline and team spirit kept us optimistic and helped us deal with our fears in a positive and successful way.
②Please keep the door and window open .
③I kept her waiting for 2 hours.
语篇解读:据报道,瑞士雷蒂亚铁路公司开发出了一列由100节车厢组成、长约两千米的超长火车。经吉尼斯世界纪录认证,这是全球最长的窄轨客运列车。这列火车从海拔1 749米的普雷达出发,一路开到贝尔金,完成了其首次的正式旅程。长长的红色列车与沿途风景相得益彰,吸引了不少火车迷和观光客乘车体验。
High in the Swiss Alps, St Moritz made its name as a place for pushing the boundaries of winter sports.Recently, the region continued its long tradition of expanding the limits of what is possible with a world record attempt—not on snow or ice, but on rails.To mark the 175th anniversary of Switzerland's first railway, a railway company created the world's longest passenger train—100 cars, 2,990 tonnes and almost two kilometers long.
Formed of 25 new electric trains, the record-breaking 1,906-meter train took almost an hour to cover around 25 kilometers over the impressive UNESCO World Heritage Albula Line, which is famous for its endless swooping curves and steep inclines(斜坡).The mountain railways are regarded as great feats of engineering.The 62-kilometer line between Thusis and St Moritz, a world-renowned masterpiece of civil engineering, took just five years to build despite requiring 55 bridges and 39 tunnels.
Unlike most Swiss and European railways, which use the standard gauge(标准轨距) between the rails of 1.435 meters, the rails, known as Rhaetische Bahn rails, are just one meter apart.“In order to complete the train's journey successfully, everything has to be perfect.We need to be 100% synchronized(同步的), every second.Everyone has to keep their speed and other systems under control at all times,” lead driver Andreas Kramer said.“We need to know the Albula Line very well, every change of gradient, and every incline.”
The mountainous Swiss landscape has encouraged creative transportation solutions for generations, resulting in one of the most train-reliant nations in the world.On average, Swiss citizens travel about 2,450 kilometers by train annually—an estimated quarter of their total transportation system.In 2021, Swiss Federal Railways operated 11,260 trains carrying 880,000 passengers and 185,000 tonnes of goods per day on a 3,265 kilometer-long network with 804 stations.Therefore, the successful record attempt will be great for the local area and for the country as a whole.
1.What is the world's longest passenger train created for A
A.Celebrating the 175th year of Swiss first railway.
B.Satisfying people's increasing demand for transportation.
C.Encouraging people to pay attention to Swiss winter sports.
D.Attracting more visitors to appreciate the beauty of St Moritz.
2.What does the underlined word “feats” in Paragraph 2 probably mean C
A.Dreams.       B.Burdens.
C.Achievements. D.Competitions.
3.What does Andreas Kramer think of the drivers' work D
A.It is boring. B.It is well-paid.
C.It is dangerous. D.It is demanding.
4.Why does the author mention the figures in the last paragraph B
A.To show the popularity of tourism among Swiss citizens.
B.To prove the significance of the successful record attempt.
C.To stress the difficulty of constructing the world's longest train.
D.To present the trend of developing green transportation in Switzerland.
1.gradient n.梯度;坡度
2.train-reliant adj.依赖火车的
3.swooping curves 俯冲曲线
4.civil engineering 土木工程
5.on average 通常;平均
2.Albula Line