Unit6 In a nature park B read and write 新课标原创优课课件+ 单元整体教学设计+ 素材(共32张PPT)


名称 Unit6 In a nature park B read and write 新课标原创优课课件+ 单元整体教学设计+ 素材(共32张PPT)
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文件大小 53.2MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-17 21:02:52


Unit 6 In a nature park
B read and write(Robin draws)
Let’s chant
Is there a ____
in the park
Are there ____
in the park
Mr Jones moves to an old house.
Robin comes to help Mr Jones today.
Robin would like to share a park with us today.
Can you guess What is in the nature park
Guess and say
I think there is a river in the park.
How do you think
There is a forest near the mountain.
There is a bridge over the river.
There is a village near the mountain.
There is a lake in front of the mountain.
Let’s say
In the park there is a high mountain. In front of the mountain there is a small village. There is a lake near the village. There are many ducks on the lake.
But in Robin’s eyes, what is
the nature park like
Read the story quickly and circle the words.
Robin is at Mr Jones’ house. There is a nature park near the house. In the park there is a high mountain. In front of the mountain there is a small village. There is a lake near the village. There are many ducks on the lake.
What’s in the nature park
Robin draws
Fast reading
Check and say
Is there a bridge in the park
No, there isn’t.
Read the story carefully and underline the key sentences.(仔细阅读短文,划线关键句子)
Robin is at Mr Jones’ house. There is a nature park near the house. In the park there is a high mountain. In front of the mountain there is a small village. There is a lake near the village. There are many ducks on the lake.
Where are they
Robin draws
Detailed reading
(1)Where is the small village
Read the story carefully and underline the key sentences.(仔细阅读短文,划线关键句子)
Robin is at Mr Jones’ house. There is a nature park near the house. In the park there is a high mountain. In front of the mountain there is a small village. There is a lake near the village. There are many ducks on the lake.
Robin draws
Detailed reading
(2)Where is the lake
Read the story carefully and underline the key sentences.(仔细阅读短文,划线关键句子)
Robin is at Mr Jones’ house. There is a nature park near the house. In the park there is a high mountain. In front of the mountain there is a small village. There is a lake near the village. There are many ducks on the lake.
Robin draws
Detailed reading
(3)Where are the ducks
Robin is at Mr Jones’ house. There is a nature park near the house. In the park there is a high mountain. In front of the mountain there is a small village. There is a lake near the village. There are many ducks on the lake.
Robin draws
Listen and imitate
Robin is at Mr Jones’ house. There is a nature park near the house. In the park there is a high mountain. In front of the mountain there is a small village. There is a lake near the village. There are many ducks on the lake.
Robin draws
Read by yourself
Robin is at Mr Jones’ house. There is a nature park near the house. In the park there is a high mountain. In front of the mountain there is a small village. There is a lake near the village. There are many ducks on the lake.
Robin draws
Let’s fill
1. ( )There is a nature park near Mr Jones' house.
2. ( )There is a hill in the park.
3. ( )There is a village behind the mountain.
4. ( )There is a lake near the village.
5. ( )There aren't any animals.
Tick or cross
Robin would like to draw a picture of the park. Can you help
In the park, there is a high mountain.
In front of the mountain, there is a small village.
Let’s draw
There is a lake near the village.
There are many ducks on the lake.
Where is Robin
But where is Mr Jones’ house
Robin is in Mr Jone’s house.
Write and answer
Write three questions about the nature park. Give the answers.
1. Is there ________________________
2. Are there _______________________
3. _______________________________
a lake near the village
any ducks on the lake
Is there a river in the park
Yes, there is.
Yes, there are.
No, there isn't.
How do you think of the nature park
Do you like it
Think and say
To be a good designer 做一名优秀设计师
This is a nature park. It’s beautiful!
There is a _________ in the park.
There are __________________.
There is a __________________.
I like it very much.
Try to make the park more beautiful or useful!
Look and say
There is a … There are …
Is/Are there ...
Let’s check
Let’s check
Listen and tick or cross.
Listen again and answer the questions.
1. Is there a lake in the park
2. Are there any birds in the park
Yes, there is.
Yes, there are.
Let’s check
Listen and repeat.
Let’s check
Amy’s aunt: It’s quiet here in the park.
Amy:Yes, Aunt. There are many birds in theforest. Listen.
Amy’s aunt: Is there a lake in the forest
Amy:Yes, there is a big one.
Amy’s aunt: OK. Are there any tables beside the lake I’m hungry.
Amy:Yes, there are. Let’s go there and eat!
Let’s wrap it up
There is/are...
Look at the picture plete the questions and give your answers.
3. ________ there a lake
4. ________ there any mountains
5. ________ there a forest
6. ________ there any trees
Yes, there is.
No, there aren’t.
No, there isn’t.
Yes, there is a mountain.
No, there isn’t.
No, there aren’t.
1. Is there a river in the picture
2. Are there any buildings there
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Unit6 In a nature park单元整体分析
课时 Unit6 In a nature a park B read and write
语篇内容 Robin draws 类型 读写课
语篇分析 What:该语篇是一篇读写课。教材语篇与上一单元Mr Jones写给Robin的邮件紧密相连,Robin帮Mr Jones收拾完房子之后被窗外的优美景色所吸引,房子附近就是一个自然公园,公园里有高高的山,山的前面是一片小村庄,村庄附近有一条河流穿过,还有许多鸭子在湖里自由自在的游泳,如此宁静和谐的画面,Robin决定把它画下来。Why:学生阅读语篇,完成 Robin的画,并用所学的语言描述这美丽的画面,引导学生学会欣赏大自然的美,热爱大自然。How:本语篇为读写课,文本呈现的体裁是叙述文。本课所有的教学活动都围绕着本单元所学的主要句型 “—Is there… —Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.”和 “—Are there… —Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.”展开,帮助学生运用所学句型对景点内容进行描述。
教学目标教学重点、难点 1.在教师的引导下,预测语篇内容,能根据文本描述画出自然公园的景物;(学习理解)2.能用正确的语音、语调朗读课文,并结合所画的图画复述课文;(应用实践)3.能设计自己梦想中的公园,并写下来。(迁移创新)
资源选取及运用 教材、PPT及图片
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
1.学习理解在教师的引导下,预测语篇内容,能根据文本描述画出自然公园的景物. 1.Let’s chant2.Revision3.Guess and say4.Let’s say5.Fast readingWhat’s in the nature park 6.Detailed reading 教师观察学生能否参与互动交流,根据需要调整领读与鼓励。教师根据学生发音情况,并且利用图片让学生理解短语的意思,给与指导与反馈教师根据学生不同的水平,结合教学中出现的问题给与指导与鼓励
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
2.应用实践:能用正确的语音、语调朗读课文,并结合所画的图画复述课文. 1.Listen and imitate2.Read by yourself3.Let’s fill4.Tick or cross5.Let’s draw6.Write and answer7.Think and say 教师观察学生运用核心语言进行交流的情况,根据学生表现给与指导与反馈。教师观察学生能否能够顺利完成连线题目,根据学生表现给与提示和指导。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
3.迁移创新:能设计自己梦想中的公园,并写下来。 1.To be a good designer2.Let’s check3.Listen and tick or cross.4.Let’s wrap it up 教师观察学生在小组内运用所学语言交流,教师根据学生对问题的回应与反馈,引导讨论和正确的评价。及时给与帮助和鼓励
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