Unit 5 What are the shirts made of 作业设计
基本 信息 学科 年级 学期 教材版本 单元名称
英语 九 上 人教版 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of
单元 组织方式 团自然单元 重组单元
课时 信息 序 号 课时名称 对应教材内容
1 Section A( 1a-2d) 教材第 33-34 页
2 Grammar focus 教材第 35-36 页
3 Section B( 1a- 1e) 教材第 37 页
4 Section B Reading 教材第 38-39 页
5 Writing 教材第 40 页
6 单元质量检测作业
第一课时 Section A ( 1a-2d)
教师 寄语 History is the result of intellectual and cultural activities. 历史是智力和文化活动的产物。
作业 时长 30mins
作业 类型 课时作业
作业 功能 课后复习
基 础 性 1. 作业内容
找一找。将第一个方框的图片对应的单词依次填在每题第一个空,在第二个方 框里找出相应的内容填在第二个空,使句子通顺。每个空的单词不重复。
1.This fork is made of . 2.The_______ is made in . 3.The_______ is made of . 4.The_______ is made of . (
)5 The is made from
2. 作业属性
作业目标 练习单词拼写和造句,巩固关于制造的句型
设计意图 1.通过图片呈现的形式,让学生去找不同材料和产品以及材料和产 地的关系。既训练了他们的逻辑思维能力,又激发了他们对未知事 物的探索。例如硬币是由什么材质构成的。
作 业 语言技能 团听 说 读 团看 团写
认知水平 记忆 理解 应用 团分析 评价 创造
作业形式 听力作业 口头作业 阅读作业 书面作业 团实践作业
完成时间 5 分钟
形式方式 团独立完成 小组合作完成
评价维度 优秀 良好 合格 未达标 建议与反馈
图片搭配 正确率 全部正确 / 错 1 处 错 2 处以上
词 汇 书 写 正 确 率 与 美观度 拼写无误, 书写规范, 美观。 拼写错误 1 处,书写规 范, 1-2 处 涂改。 拼 写 错 误 2 处,书写较清 晰规范,涂改 3 处。 拼写错误 2 处以上,书 写潦草,涂 改 3 处 以 上。
4. 参考答案
1.fork, silver 2.stamp, China 3.blouse, cotton 4.coin, steel 5.red wine, grapes
提 升 性 1.作业内容
打开网址 (李子柒的英文宣传片:https://v./x/page/b3042b9lnfz.html) 观看视频,完成以下题目。 1.How many followers does Li Ziqi have globally 2.Where does Li Ziqi make her videos 3.Why did Li Ziqi choose to make short videos online 4.Can you make sentences with“make” , “be made of” , “be made from” , “be made in” with the content of the video (
)make- be made of-_______________________________________________ be made from-_____________________________________________ be made in-_______________________________________________
作业目标 通过观看视频,了解李子柒的视频制作内容,丰富同学们的视野, 让学生了解自然物品及传统制造,同时增加词汇量,练习关于制造 的句型。
作 业 设计意图 1. 观看有英文字幕的中文视频,中英对照能够让学生更容易猜到生 词的含义。 2. 视频中有很多关于制造的句子,能够让学生找到造句素材。 3. 视频贴近生活和自然,富有美感,会引起学生的兴趣。
语言技能 团听 说 读 团看 团写
认知水平 记忆 团理解 团应用 团分析 评价 团创造
作业形式 听力作业 口头作业 团阅读作业 团书面作业 团实践作业
完成时间 10 分钟
3. 评价量表
评价维度 阅读及造句评价等级及标准 建议与反馈
优秀 良好 合格 未达标
前三题回 答正确率 正 确 率 100% 正确率 80% 正确率 60% 正确率 60% 以下
造句水平 整合视频内 容,句子规 范严谨,无 语法错误 结 合 视 频 内容,句子 有 1-2 处语 法错误 结合视频内 容,基本表述 正确,句子有 3-4 处 语 法 错误 未结合视频 内容,语法 错误较多, 表述不符合 语言规范
4. 参考答案
1. 70 million. 2. Li Ziqi makes her videos in her hometown -Sichuan. 3. Because she needed to look after her 70-year-old grandma and she also wanted to show busy city people the beautiful and peaceful country life. 4. make - Li Ziqi can make various delicacy(精美的食物) with common local food . be made of - This set of fine furniture is made of bamboo. be made from - The make-up is made from honey and fresh flowers. be made in - Li Ziqi’s videos are all made in nature or a traditional country house.
1. 作业内容
阅读文章,完成 Task A, B, C. (二维码为文章音频)
拓 展 性 作 业
The bouquets (花 束 ) for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games awards ceremonies are so special as they are made of wools. According to the Beijing 2022 organizing committee, wool bouquets will never wither (凋谢) and have the characteristic of low-carbon(低碳), which shows the world a “green Olympics.” It expresses warmth and harmony. The Olympic bouquet consists (包括, 由...... 构成) of seven different wool flowers including roses, lilies, osmanthus (桂花) and green olives. A total of 1,251 bouquets are needed for the awards ceremonies of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics. Each flower was handmade, which needs plenty of time and manpower. “It takes 20 minutes to weave (编织) a rose petal. A rose consists of ten petals, three leaves and one stem (枝干) .A weaver needs to spend at least five hours on one rose,” said Li. “Therefore, to complete making a bouquet will need 35 hours. All the bouquets will take nearly 50,000 hours to finish knitting.” The Hengyuanxiang Group, one of the official sponsors(赞助者) of the Beijing Winter Olympics,called up weaving groups in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Zhejiang and Jiangsu to join in the project. Task A. Listen to the audio and answer the following questions. 1. What is 2022 Beijing Olympic bouquet made of 2. Why do they choose that material 3. How much time does it take to finish making a bouquet 4. Are the bouquets only made in Shanghai Task B. Search for the meaning of each kind of flower in the bouquet. Task C. Brainstorm: Why do we use manpower instead of machine to make the bouquet
2. 作业属性
作业目标 提高阅读水平和听力水平,锻炼学生利用网络搜集信息的能力和分 析问题的能力,提升学生的人文素养。
设计意图 Task A 侧重学生的阅读和听力能力,Task B 是考察学生搜集信息的 能力以及拓展视野,Task C 考察学生分析问题和信息的能力。
语言技能 团听 说 团读 看 团写
认知水平 记忆 团理解 应用 团 分析 团评价 创造
作业形式 团听力作业 口头作业 团阅读作业 团书面作业 实践作业
完成时间 15 分钟
完成方式 团独立完成 小组合作完成
3. 评价量表
评价维度 评价等级及标准 建议与反馈
优秀 良好 合格 未达标
Task A 正确率 回 答 内 容 全对,语言 运用无误 回 答 内 容 错 1 题 ,语 言 运 用 错 误 1-2 处 回答内容错 2 题,语言运 用错误 2 处 以上 回答内容错 2 题以上 , 语言运用错 误 3 处以上
Task B 正确率 8 种花朵和 其 寓 意 都 正确 找到 7 种花 朵 及 其 寓 意 找 到 7 种花 朵未找对寓 意 没有找到 7 种花朵及其 寓意
Task C 答 案 合 理 性 提 到 非 物 质 文 化 遗 产,手工制 作 的 精 美 性,中国人 的 温 暖 和 浪漫情节 提到前面 3 点中的 2 点 提 到 前 面 3 点中的 1 点 未提到其中 的任何一点
4. 参考答案
Task A: 1. Wool. 2. Because it never wither and have the characteristic of low-carbon and it means warmth and harmony. 3. 35 hours 4. No,they aren’t. They are made in Beijing,Shanghai,Tianjin,Zhejiang and Jiangsu. Task B: rose 玫瑰---friendship china rose 月季---perseverance osmanthus 桂花---harvest lily of the valley 铃兰---happiness hydrangea 绣球花---union laurel 月桂---victory, honor olive 橄榄----peace coreopsis 波斯菊 (残奥会--- strength Task C: Because it uses the traditional Shanghai wool-knitting technique, it’s also more delicate and it can represent Chinese people’s culture, friendship and romance.
第二课时 Section A (2a-2e)
教师 寄语 The most essential characteristic of a talented person is creation. 人才最本质的特点在于创造。
作业 时长 20mins
作业 类型 课时作业
作业 功能 课后复习
基 础 性 1. 作业内容
时态 结构
一般现在时 (
__ ____ ____
)/ / + done
一般过去时 (
__ ____
)/ + done
一般将来时 (
____ ___ ____ ___
)/ + be +done
过去将来时 (
)+ be + done
现在进行时 ____/____/____ + being + done
过去进行时 (
_ ____ ____
)/ + + done
现在完成时 have/has + been + done
过去完成时 had + been + done
作 业 含情态动词 (
)+ be + done
2. 作业属性
作业目标 让学生了解被动语态的结构
设计意图 通过图表,复习各种时态;总结规律,梳理被动语态的结构
语言技能 听 说 团读 团看 团写
认知水平 团记忆 团理解 应用 团 分析 评价 创造
作业形式 听力作业 口头作业 阅读作业 团书面作业 实践作业
完成时间 3 分钟
完成方式 团教师评价 学生自评 团同伴互评
3. 评价量表
评价维度 思维导图评价等级及标准 建议与反馈
优秀 良好 合格 未达标
归纳正确率 全对 错 1-2 处 错 3 处 错 3 处以上
4. 参考答案
1.am/is/are 2.was/were 3.will/be going to 4.would 5.am/is/are 6.was/were+being 7.情态动词
1. 作业内容
填一填。根据单词提示和上下文写出正确内容。 (可参考书本 184 页)
提 升 性 作 业 It 1.______(say) that Spring Festival originated in the Shang Dynasty ( 1600 BC- 1100 BC).Food is a big part of Chinese New Year celebrations, and many meals 2._______(eat) with family and friends. The Chinese New Year's Eve and New Year's Day holidays are very family-centered celebrations. Many dinners 3._____(hold) with family and friends, and children receive gifts and participate in traditions like cleaning ahead of the celebration. Before New Year's Day, Homes 4._____(clean) from top to bottom before the beginning of the new year, and all cleaning equipment 5._______(put) away before New Year’s Eve because it 6.______(believe) that good fortune (财富) may 7.______(sweep) away if cleaning is done on New Year's Day. Also, homes 8.________(decorate) with trays (盘,碟)of oranges .A home usually has a candy tray with eight kinds of dried sweet fruits, and live plants and vases of fresh flowers. Legend holds that the Chinese New Year began with a battle against a mythical beast (野兽) called Nian. In order to protect themselves 9._____ Nian, villages put food in front of their doors, believing that it would eat that and leave everything else alone.They believed Nian was afraid of the colour red and firecrackers, 10._____people would hang red lanterns outside and set off firecrackers
2. 作业属性
作业目标 操练被动的运用以及阅读理解能力
设计意图 文中有被动语态的练习以及综合运用语言技能的题目
语言技能 听 说 团读 看 团写
认知水平 记忆 团理解 团应用 团 分析 评价 创造
作业形式 听力作业 口头作业 团阅读作业 团书面作业 实践作业
完成时间 6 分钟
完成方式 团教师评价 学生自评 团同伴互评
3. 评价量表
评价维度 填空及书写等级及标准 建议与反馈
优秀 良好 合格 未达标
填 空 总 体 正确率 错 1 个及以 下 错 2-4 题 错 5-6 题 错 6 题以上
被 动 语 态 书 写 正 确 率 全对 错 1-2 个 错 3-4 个 错 4 个以上
书 写 规 范 美观度 清 晰规 范美 观,无涂改 清晰规范, 涂改 1-2 处 较 清 晰 规 范 ,涂改 3 处以上 不清晰规范, 涂 改 3 处 以 上
4. 参考答案
1.is said 2.are eaten 3.are held 4.are cleaned 5.is put 6.is believed 7.be swept 8.are decorated 9.from 10.so
拓 展 性 作 业 1. 作业内容
阅读文章,完成以下任务。 China to Boost Green Development According to China’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025), carbon dioxide emissions ( 二氧化碳排放) will be reduced by over than 10 percent over the period. The country aims to expand forest coverage rate (森林覆盖率) to 24. 1 percent of China’s total land area over the next five years. China also aims to strengthen cooperation (合作) with areas along the Belt and Road (丝绸之路经济带) by 2025 and form a green development pattern by 2030. Cooperation on clean energy will be deepened as China encourages solar and wind power companies to “go global,” and promotes technological cooperation in areas including renewable energy, advanced nuclear power and smart grids (智能电网) . Meanwhile, new-energy vehicles(新能源汽车)and smart transportation plans will be promoted along the Belt and Road. China will keep changing the trade structure and develop trade in green products with high-quality, high-tech and high-added-value. 1. 写出至少5 个文中提到的有关绿色发展的词汇并翻译成中文。 2. 和你身边的人讨论你们看到的环保现象或者上网搜集有关绿色制造的信息,用英 语写出你找到的 3 个正在发生的变化。
2. 作业属性
作业目标 综合运用语言能力,让学生了解现代工业发展的趋势和国家的绿色发展 理念,拓展相关的词汇,培养学生的主人翁意识。
设计意图 1. 这篇文章根据比较新的新闻稿进行改编,能够反映出我国制造业发展 的最新目标和理念,能够让学生了解国家宏大的可持续发展思想,帮助 学生树立远大的可持续发展的理想。 2. 第二题是帮助学生巩固被动语态的运用。 3. 第三题是理论联系实际,让学生自己去发现身边的绿色制造和环境的 改变。
语言技能 团听 说 团读 看 团写
认知水平 记忆 团理解 应用 团 分析 团评价 团创造
作业形式 听力作业 团口头作业 团阅读作业 团书面作业 团实践作业
完成时间 10 分钟
完成方式 团教师评价 团学生自评 团同伴互评
3 评价量表
评价维度 评价等级及标准 建议与反馈
优秀 良好 合格 不合格
前三题的正 确率 全对 共错 1-2 题 错 3-4 题 错 4 题以上
写有关“绿 色”变化的英 文句子 写了三个相 关主题的句 子,符合事 实。句子完 整通顺。 写了三个相 关主题的句 子,基本符 合事实。句 子基本完整 通顺。 写了二个 相关主题 的句子,基 本符合事 实。句子较 通顺。 写了二个以 下的句子, 不太符合事 实。句子错 误较多。
1. forest coverage rate 森林覆盖率 solar power 太阳能 wind power 风能 renewable energy 可再生能源 advanced nuclear power 先进的核能 smart grids 智能电网 new-energy vehicles 新能源汽车 green products 绿色产品 2. In recent years ,the weather forecast on our phone shows the air pollution index everyday including PM10, PM2.5,etc.And we can also see the national city environment rankings. In recent 5 years, Anqing’s air quality has become better and better. We can see blue skies almost every sunny day. Nowadays,we can see more and more new energy vehicles on the street. Industrial tourism is becoming popular and people can visit “garden factories” .
第三课时 Section B ( 1a- 1e)
教师寄语 The right way to ask questions is the first step in innovation. 能正确地提出问题就是迈出了创新的第一步。
作业时长 20mins
作业类型 课时作业
作业功能 课后复习
基 础 性 1. 作业内容
扫描二维码听听力 The Kite ,列出更多关于被动语态的表达 (不少于两个)
Topic: The Kite
Grammar: Passive Voice
Textbook(课内) Extracurricular(课外)
Eg. are often flown as Eg. have been flown
(hold) (fly)
... ...
2. 作业属性
作业目标 归纳、巩固与运用本单元关于被动语态的表达。
设计意图 1.复习、巩固本单元已学的核心语言,提升学生分析与判断能 力。 2.巩固并检测学生在实际语境中对于目标语言的掌握及使用, 培养学生的语用能力。
作 业 语言技能 团听 说 读 看 团写
认知水平 记忆 理解 应用 分析 团评价 创造
作业形式 听力作业团口头作业 阅读作业 书面作业 实践作业
完成时间 5 分钟
形式方式 团独立完成 小组合作完成
3. 评价量表
评价维度 听力评价等级及标准 建议与反馈
优秀 良好 合格 未达标
目标语言 被动语态 句式梳理 梳理信 息正确 率 100%且 书写美 观 梳理信息 正确 75% 且书写较 认真 梳理信息 正确 60% 且书写尚 工整 梳理信息正 确 60%以下 且书写潦草
音频辨识 理解 辨析正 确率 100% 1 个辨认 理解错误 2 个辨认 理解错误 3 个以上辨 认理解错误
4. 参考答案
Topic: The Kite
Grammar: Passive Voice
Textbook(课内) Extracurricular(课外)
are often flown as have been flown
are held were flown
/ were also flown
作业内容 1
提 升 性 作 业 听文章完整音频,完成下列填空,并朗读全文。 No one knows when the first kite 1 . The first record of a kite was 2 2,000 years ago in 3 . Han Xin 4 to dig a tunnel into the king’s palace. Kites 5 in Japan for hundreds of years. Today in Japan, kites 6 as part of a celebration. And kite festivals 7 each year in many parts of the country. Kites 8 for scientific purposes in the western world. Lawrence Hargrave 9 the box kite to test ideas about flight. The United States Weather Bureau 10 box kites to collect weather data.
2. 作业属性
作业目标 通过听力训练的方式巩固本单元关于被动语态的表 达。
设计意图 1.复习、巩固本单元已学的核心语言,提升学生分析 与判断能力。 2.巩固并检测学生在实际语境中对于目标语言的掌 握及使用,培养学生的语用能力。
语言技能 团听 说 团读 看 团写
认知水平 记忆 理解 应用 分析 评价 创造
作业形式 听力作业 口头作业 □ 阅读作业 书面作业
完成时间 5 分钟
3. 评价量表
评价维度 短文填空及朗读评价等级及标准 建议与反馈
优秀 良好 合格 未达标
目 标 语 言 被 动语 态 句式梳理 梳 理 信 息 正 确 率 100%且书 写美观 梳理信息 正确 75% 且书写较 认真 梳理信息 正确 60% 且书写尚 工整 梳理信息 正确 60% 以下且书 写潦草
音 频 辨 识 理解 辨 析 正 确 率 100% 1 个 辨 认 理解错误 2 个辨认 理解错误 3 个 以 上 辨认理解 错误
4. 参考答案
1.was made 2. more than 3. China 4. decided 5. have been flown 6. were flown 7. were also flown 8. are often flown 9. have used 10. have used
作业内容 2
No one knows when the first kite was made. The first record of a kite was more than 2,000 years ago in China. Han Xin, the leader of an army, wanted to bring down a king. He decided to dig a tunnel (隊道) into the king’s palace. He flew a kite over the wall of the palace to make sure the length ( 长度) of its string (线). In this way, he could determine how long the tunnel should be. His men in the tunnel took the kite string with them. When they reached the end of the string, they knew how to dig up. Kites have been flown in Japan for hundreds of years. In the 1700s, kites were flown in autumn to give thanks for a good harvest. They were also flown to send good wishes to couples who had their first son. Today in Japan, kites are often flown as part of a celebration, such as the beginning of a new year. And kite festivals are held each year in many parts of the country. Kites have been used for scientific purposes in the western world. In 1752, Benjamin Franklin tied a key to a kite and flew it in a storm to find out that lightening was a form of electricity. In the 1890s ,Lawrence Hargrave invented the box kite to test ideas about flight. From 1898 until 1933, the United States Weather Bureau ( 气象局) used box kites to collect weather data. The Wright brothers also experimented ( 试验) with kites. What they learnt helped them make the first airplane flight in 1903. ( 1) Why did Han Xin want to dig a tunnel A .To pull down the palace. B .To fight against the king. C .To search for the king’s treasure. D .To find out the length of the kite string. (2) What does the underlined word “determine” in Paragraph 1 probably mean in Chinese A .考察 B .选择 C .了解 D .测定 (3) One of the purposes of flying kites in Japan is_. A .to give thanks for a good harvest in summer B .to express good wishes to the first-born daughter C .to hold kite festivals all over the country D .to celebrate the beginning of a new year (4). When did the United States Weather Bureau begin to use box kites A .In 1752. B .In 1898. C .In 1903. D .In 1933. (5). What would be the best title for the text A .The History of Kites B .The Experiments of Kites C .The Invention of a Kite D .The First Record of a Kite
2 作业属性
作业目标 内化与应用课本所学,将书本知识与阅读理解相结合,在相似 语言环境中强化语言学习
设计意图 1 在与课本衍生相似话题的语篇内容中开展分析、判断活动, 提升学生分析与判断能力。 2.培训养学生的语篇意识以及相关话题的阅读能力
语言技能 团听 说 团读 看 团写
认知水平 团记忆 理解 应用 分析 评价 创造
作业形式 听力作业 口头作业 团阅读作业 书面作业 实践作业
完成时间 5 分钟
完成方式 团独立完成 小组合作完成
作业评价 团教师评价 学生自评 同伴互评
3. 评价量表
评价维度 阅读理解评价等级及标准 建议与反馈
优秀 良好 合格 未达标
阅 读 理 解 准确度 正 确 率 100% 1 个 理 解 错误 2 个理解 错误 2 个 以 上 理解错误
4. 参考答案
(1) B (2) D (3) D (4) B (5) A
拓 展 性 作 业 1.作业内容 Village Life By Gao Ding Feb sees grass grow and warblers (莺) fly; O’er banks willows flick(轻拂), spring mist(雾) high. After-school kids come home early, keen to fly kites while East Wind’s spry. 1. Which month is told in this poem 2. Who is this poem created by 3. What do kids do after school? 4. What’s the main idea of the poem 5. Translate it into Chinese. After that, try to recite the English version of the poem and appreciate different beauty between Chinese and English poem.
2. 作业属性
作业目标 运用被动语态相关知识完成相关题目表述;了解风筝在中国传 统文化中的重要性。
设计意图 1.复习、巩固本单元已学的核心语言,提升学生分析与判断能 力。 2.培养学生的跨学科意识
语言技能 听 说 团读 团看 团写
认知水平 记忆 理解 应用 分析 评价 团创造
作业形式 听力作业 口头作业 阅读作业 团书面作业 实践作业
完成时间 10 分钟
完成方式 团独立完成 小组合作完成
3. 评价量表
评价维度 诗歌理解评价等级及标准 建议与反馈
优秀 良好 合格 未达标
诗歌信息锁 定准确性 正 确 率 100% 1 个理解错 误 2 个理解 错误 2 个以上 理 解 错 误
被动语态表 达正确性 正 确 率 100% 1 个表达错 误 2 个表达 错误 2 个以上 表 达 错 误
翻 译 流 畅 性 , 书写准 确度 起 承 转 合,书写 美观 话语流畅, 书写工整 表 述 准 确,书写 认真 语 言 不 连贯,书 写 态 度 有 待 提 高
4. 参考答案
1. February (is told in this poem). 2. (This poem is created by) Gao Ding. 3. Kids fly kites after school. 4. It tells what the after-school activities are like in ancient time in China and tells of the peaceful village life of common Chinese people. 5. 草长莺飞二月天,拂堤杨柳醉春烟。儿童散学归来早,忙趁东风放纸鸢。
第四课时 Section B Reading(2a-2e)
教师寄语 Innovation is the soul of a nation’s progress and an inexhaustible motive force for national property. 创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。
作业时长 20mins
作业类型 课时作业
作业功能 课后复习
1. 作业内容
基 础 性 作 业 阅读书本 p.38 2b 内容,完成文章思维导图 1。
A general introduction topic Objects of beauty (art forms) Specific detail Common things (materials)
认真阅读文章第三段内容,绘制该段思维导图 2。
2. 作业属性
作业目标 归纳梳理课本文本,提高学生归纳意识
设计意图 该题两部分难度递升,提高学生阅读能力,提升文本归纳能力以 及篇章梳理意识。
语言技能 团听 说 团读 团看 写
认知水平 记忆 理解 应用 分析 评价 创造
作业形式 听力作业 口头作业 阅读作业 书面作业 实践作业
完成时间 5 分钟
完成方式 团独立完成 小组合作完成
3. 评价量表
评价维度 思维导图评价等级及标准 建议与反馈
优秀 良好 合格 未达标
思维导图 1 完 成 正 确度,书 写规范度 主题正确, 二级子标题 完成正确度 100% ,书写 规范美观 主 题 正 确 ,二级 子标题完 成正确度 80%,书写 相对规范 认真 主 题 正 确 ,二级 子标题完 成正确度 60%,书写 清晰 主 题 不 完 全正确,二 级 子 标 题 完 成 正 确 度 60% 以 下,书写马 虎,难以辨 认
思维导图 2 设 计 合 理性及美 观度 整体布局合 理,核心主 题明确,书 写 规 范 整 洁,构图美 观大方 整体布局 合理 , 核 心主题较 为明确 , 书写相对 规 范 认 真 , 构图 清晰 整体布局 相 对 合 理 ,核心 主题基本 明确 , 书 写清晰 , 构图欠缺 美观度 整 体 布 局 不够合理, 核 心 主 题 不明确,书 写 难 以 辨 认,未形成 构图
思维导图 2 设 计 全 面性及逻 辑性 概念关系明 确,二级子 标题概括全 面度 100%, 层次清晰 概念关系 相 对 明 确 ,二级 子标题概 括全面度 80%,层次 较为清晰 概念关系 相 对 明 确 ,二级 子标题概 括全面度 60%,层次 尚清晰 概 念 关 系 相对明确, 二 级 子 标 题 概 括 全 面度60%以 下,层次不 清晰
思维导图 2 信 息 覆 盖全面度 所有子信息 覆盖全面度 100% 所有子信 息覆盖全 面度 80% 所有子信 息覆盖全 面度 60% 所 有 子 信 息 覆 盖 全 面度60%以 下
4. 参考答案
) (
) (
) (
) (
) (
) (
) (
) (
)Specific details (
) (
)Common things (materials)
) (
) (
) (
) (
) (
) (
) (
) (
) (
) (
提 升 性 作 业 1.作业内容 1
观看“中国红扇飞舞在伦敦塔桥”视频,完成下列任务。以 4 人为一组讨论以 上话题,明确相关任务分工,选出小组代表进行汇报。
( 1)What is held in the hand of the dancer And what is it made of/from (2)What can it be used to do (3)Does it have special meaning in Chinese culture (4)What other art works can you think of as the symbol of Chinese culture List at least 5 kinds.
2. 作业属性
作业目标 归纳、巩固与运用本单元关于被动语态的表达。
设计意图 1.复习、巩固本单元已学的核心语言,提升学生分析与判断能力。 2.巩固并检测学生在实际语境中对于目标语言的掌握及使用,培 养学生的语用能力。
语言技能 团听 团说 读 团看 团写
认知水平 记忆 理解 应用 分析 评价 创造
作业形式 听力作业 口头作业 阅读作业 书面作业 实践作业
完成时间 5 分钟
完成方式 独立完成 团小组合作完成
3. 评价量表
评价维度 视频汇报评价等级及标准 建议与反馈
优秀 良好 合格 未达标
小 组 分工 任 务 清 晰 度 分工明确, 活 动 有 序 顺利开展 分工较为 明确 ,成 员较明确 自身任务 分工基本 明确 , 活 动基本有 序开展 分 工 不 明 确,活动杂 乱无章
汇 报 语 言 语言 100% 语 言 80% 语 言 60% 语言60%以
组 织 正 确 性 组 织 正 确 性 组织正确 性 组织正确 性 下 组 织 正 确性
汇 报 流 畅 度 100% 连 接 自然,语言 连贯 80% 连 接 自然 ,语 言连贯 60% 连 接 自然 ,语 言连贯 60%以下连 接自然,语 言连贯
4. 参考答案
( 1) It is Chinese red fan. It is made of bamboo and red silk. (2) The fans are widely used in dancing and singing to add more beauty of art or celebrating the festivals as decorations, and people also use the fan to cool themselves in hot summer days. (3) The fans are seen as one of the symbols of Chinese culture. They are also as the decorations in festivals or dancing, or as the symbol of wisdom such as the fan of Zhuge Kongming. (4) There are may other typical art works of Chinese culture, such as paper cutting, clay works, lanterns, facial makeup, seal cutting and so on.
拓 展 性 作 业 1. 作业内容 活动 1 :我们都是“艺术家” 。小组合作制作一份手工艺品 (陶土、剪纸等皆 可,形式不限) 活动 2 :我是“小小讲解员” 。请以用英语并向大家对本组作品进行简短的英 语介绍,分享过程的喜悦和成品的美好吧! 要求: (1) 以小组为单位,4-6 人一组。 (2) 用英语撰写讲解文稿,并向大家介绍本组作品。
2. 作业属性
作业目标 归纳、巩固与运用本单元关于被动语态的表达。
设计意图 1.复习、巩固本单元已学的核心语言 2.巩固并检测学生在实际语境中对于目标语言的掌握及使用, 培养学生的语用能力。
语言技能 团听 团说 读 团看 团写
认知水平 记忆 理解 应用 分析 评价 创造
作业形式 听力作业 口头作业 阅读作业 书面作业 实践作业
完成时间 20 分钟
完成方式 独立完成 团小组合作完成
3. 评价量表
评价维度 “艺术家”及“讲解员”评价等级及标准 建议与反馈
优秀 良好 合格 未达标
小组分工 任务清晰 度 分工明确, 活动有序顺 利开展 分工较为 明确 ,成 员较明确 自身任务 分工基本 明确 , 活 动基本有 序开展 分 工 不 明 确,活动杂 乱无章
讲解稿语 言组织正 确性 语 言 100% 组织正确性 语 言 80% 组织正确 性 语 言 60% 组织正确 性 语言60%以 下 组 织 正 确性
讲解员表 现性 声情并茂, 表现力强 声 音 洪 亮 ,表现 较为令人 感染 声 音 洪 亮 ,表现 一般 声音萎靡, 不 能 吸 引 听众
4. 参考答案
Paper cutting has a long history in China. In the ancient times people stuck them on the windows, walls or door to decorate their house and as symbols for good wishes for good luck and a happy new year.We learned the paper cutting from our teachers. We choose the tiger for our paper cutting for the reason that it is the “tiger” year in China. It is so lovely that I hope all of you can like it.
Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look so real.The pieces are made by us with our own hands. It is such a lovely house that we all want to live in.It is shaped by hand and it took us several hours to finish the masterpiece.
第五课时 Writing
教师寄语 Knowledge is a measure, but practise is the key to it. (知识是珍宝,而实践是获取它的钥匙。)
作业时长 30mins
作业类型 写作指导+写作训练
作业功能 课后复习
Part One 写作指导
话题分析 本单元涉及的话题是“中国制造的东西” ,话题作文通常会涉及民间艺术以及文化 传承。这是一个适合记叙、说明两种体裁相结合的话题,同时也是学生喜欢写、 有话写的题材。写好这类文章,最重要的是准确捕捉写作的“精髓” ,有条理的把 要描述的某一事物展现出来,此类话题的写作要立足事实、表达真情实感。
短语积累 be made of silver, be made in Tailand, be made from, be famous for, be known for, on the sides of mountains, by hand ,in the local shops, avoid buying products, get better at making the earth’s surface, forms of traditional art, be covered with, rise into the air, symbols of high-technology products, paper cutting, cut with scissors, during the spring festival, Chinese clay, the clay pieces, a Chinese fairy tale, at a high heat, as far as I know
句子积累 1. —Is it made of silver —Yes, and it was made in Thailand. 2. —What is the model plane made of —It is made of steel. 3. —Where is tea produced in China — In many different areas.XXK] 4. He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China. 5. Even though most of the toys had American brands , they were made in China. 6. Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art. 7. According to Chinese history, sky lanterns were first used by Zhuge Kongming. 8. They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes. 9. It’s great that China is so good at making these everyday things. 10. He wishes that in the future China will also get better at making high-technology products that people can buy in all parts of the world.
【Topic 】 如何描述某产品
本单元的写作任务是能根据文字提示或生活实际,介绍某一产品的特点,如材质、 产地、用途等。写作时,首先要理清写作顺序,确保文章的条理性与逻辑性;其 次要正确使用一般现在时的被动语态;最后要求语言准确精炼,灵活运用所学句
① It’s made in … ② It’s made of/from … ③ It’s made by … ④ It’s used for … ⑤ My city/ country/ is known/ famous for …
写作实例 你远在美国的好友 Linda 写信向你了解中国的传统工艺品陶瓷口哨。请根据 表格提示给 Linda 回信。 提示语:whistle (口哨) , porcelain(陶瓷)or pottery(陶土)
名称 口哨 (whistle )
形状 最普遍的是小鸟形状和小狗形状
特征 该口哨奇怪的尾巴上和脑袋上都有个洞,当你在脑袋上洞里注入水,然 后轻轻地吹响口哨, 口哨就会发出类似小鸟的甜美的歌声。
写作思路 思路点拨
体裁: 应用文 人称: 第三人称 时态: 一般现在时
第 1 步 开篇点题:引出说明的主要产品 The whistle is a traditional Chinese folk toy made of porcelain(陶瓷)or pottery(陶 土).
第 2 步 具体描述:介绍产品的产地、材质、外 观及特点等 It’s made in … , it’s made of… , a bird whistle is shaped like a bird,
第 3 步 结束语:表明自己的看法 It will give a sweet sound similar to bird singing. I really enjoy it.
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
范文欣赏 The whistle is a traditional Chinese folk toy made of porcelain( 陶 瓷 )or pottery(陶土). Many people especially kids really love it. When you visit some places of interest in China, you can see some whistles. There are many kinds of them. Bird whistles and dog whistles are two kinds of the most common whistles. A bird whistle is shaped like a bird and a dog whistle looks like a dog.
These whistles have something in common.They all have a straight tail,and there is a hole on the tail and a hole on the animal's head.If you put water into the whistle from the hole on the head and gently blow the whistle, it will give a sweet sound similar to bird singing. I really enjoy it.
基 础 性 作 业 Part Two 写作练笔
1. 作业内容
翻译下列句子: 1.根据中国历史,孔明灯首先由诸葛孔明用的。 _______ _______ Chinese history, sky lanterns were first used _______ Zhuge Kongming. 2.他们由竹子制成并用纸糊好。 They are _______ _______ bamboo and _______ _______ paper. 3. 春节期间,他们被贴在窗户上、门上和墙上作为新年和祝福好运的象征。 During the Spring Festival, they are put on windows , doors and walls _______ _______ _______ wishes for good luck and a Happy new year. 4. 似乎世界各地的许多人都喝中国茶。 _______ _______ _______ many people all over the world drink Chinese tea. 5. 无论你可能买什么,你都可能认为那些产品是在些那国家生产的。 _______ _______ _______ you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries.
2. 作业属性
作业目标 归纳、巩固与运用本单元关于“中国制造”的重点短语和句型,同时培 养翻译意识,有助于写作。
设计意图 1.复习、巩固本单元已学的核心语言,培养学生们的语感。 2.巩固并检测学生在实际语境中对于目标语言的掌握及使用,培养学 生的语用能力。
语言技能 听 说 读 团看 团写
认知水平 记忆 团理解 团应用 分析 评价 创造
作业形式 听力作业 口头作业 阅读作业 团书面作业 实践作业
完成时间 3 分钟
作业评价 教师评价 团学生自评 团同伴互评
3 评价量表
评价维度 评价等级及标准 建议与反馈
优秀 良好 合格 未达标
目标语言归 纳及定位准 确性 信息全面 且准确 80%信息 全 面 且 准确 60% 信 息 全 面 且 准 确 60%以下信 息准确
重点词汇、 短语朗读准 确度 100%发音准 确 (
)80%发音 (
)60% 发 音 60%以下发 音准确
4. 参考答案 1. According to, by 2. made of, covered with 3. as symbols of 4. It seems that 5. No matter what
提 升 性 作 业 1. 作业内容
短文填空: Lanterns have been part of Chinese culture for centuries.They play an important part in many 1 (celebrate). In ancient times, there were mainly three kinds of lanterns. Palace lantern(宫灯). It was 2 (wide) used in palaces in ancient times.When making palace lanterns, fine wood was used.The palace lanterns were 3 (cover) with silk or glass. Different kinds of pictures were 4 (draw) on the covers.These lanterns were not o 5 used as lights but also as decorations (装饰) in palaces. Gauze lantern(纱灯). Less expensive bamboo and gauze were used to cover the lantern. Red gauze was used when making them. In Chinese culture, red lanterns are s 6 of happiness. So red lanterns are always 7 (hang) on important festivals such as Lantern Festival, Spring Festival and National Day in parks or along main streets. Shadow-picture lantern (走马灯) . There were t 8 layers (层) of covers. People drew pictures o 9 the inside layer. When the candle was 10 (light), the heat caused a paper wheel inside the lantern to turn around,so that moving pictures appeared on the outside cover.
2. 作业属性
作业目标 了解关于灯笼的文章,培养语感,拓展学习资源。
设计意图 1. 巩固并检测学生在实际语境中对于目标语言的掌握及使用,培养 学生的语用能力。 2. 拓展资源,了解不同的灯笼。
语言技能 听 说 读 团看 团写
认知水平 记忆 团理解 团应用 分析 评价 创造
作业形式 听力作业 口头作业 团阅读作业 团书面作业 实践作业
完成时间 6 分钟
作业评价 教师评价 团学生自评 团同伴互评
3. 评价量表
评价维度 评价等级及标准 建议与反馈
优秀 良好 合格 未达标
短文填空的 信息全面 80%信息全 60% 信 息 60% 以 下
准确性 且准确 面且准确 全 面且准确 信 息准确
对三种灯笼 的的了解 三种灯笼 的全面了 解 三种灯笼的 80%了解 三 种 灯 笼 的 60% 了 解 三 种 灯 笼 的 60% 以 下了解
4. 参考答案
1. celebrations 2. widely 3. covered 4. drawn 5. only 6. symbols 7. hung 8. two 9. on 10. lit
拓 展 性 作 业 1.作业内容 观看视频,了解关于 Lantern 的内容。
2. 作业属性
作业目标 了解灯笼,积累素材,为接下来的写提供一点素材。
设计意图 利用多模态的语篇形式,拓宽学习渠道,整合课内外学习资源,激活 旧知识。
语言技能 听 说 团读 团看 团写
认知水平 记忆 团理解 团应用 分析 评价 创造
作业形式 听力作业 团口头作业 阅读作业 书面作业 实践作业
完成时间 5 分钟
作业评价 教师评价 团学生自评 团同伴互评
3. 评价量表
评价维度 评价等级及标准 建议与反馈
优秀 良好 合格 未达标
视 频 中 有 关 灯 笼 知 识的掌握 100%准确 80%准确 60%准确 60% 以 下 准 确
听 懂 视 频 中内容 全 部 了 解 视 频 中 内 容 80%了解视 频中内容 60%了解视 频中内容 60% 以 下 了 解 视 频 中 内 容
4. 视频内容
The lantern, denglong, is the traditional lighting tool of China,which also represents merit ( 价值) and joy. The traditional denglong is covered by rice paper with candle burning inside, lights shine through the gossamer(轻飘飘的) rice paper. Denglongs have diverse patterns. People like to decorate denglongs and paint beautiful and ausipicious(吉祥的) designs on them. We light several denglongs which symbolize happiness and good luck during the Chinese new year and enjoy denglong shows with family during the lantern festival. Now denglongs are still used in all kinds of celebrations. Denglongs light the night of festivals. Merit and joy spread in different families by these different lanterns.
1. 作业内容 作业 2 :请以 Lanterns 为题,根据以下信息写一篇文章介绍有关灯笼的文章。词 数 80- 100. (1) 大约有 1800 年历史。 (2) 用途:过去:照明; 现在:用于各种节日及庆典中 (3) 制作材料: 以前:竹子和纸; 现在:钢,丝绸,布,塑料等各种材料。 (4) 形状各异:动物,蔬菜,水果等等。 (5) 是好运和家庭团聚的象征。
2. 作业属性
作业目标 根据命题内容来完成写作,培养写作意识,段练写作能力。
设计意图 1.复习、巩固本单元已学的核心语言,提升学生分析与判断能力。 2.巩固并检测学生在实际语境中对于目标语言的掌握及使用,培养学 生的语用能力。
语言技能 听 说 读 团看 团写
认知水平 记忆 团理解 团应用 分析 评价 创造
作业形式 听力作业 口头作业 阅读作业 团书面作业 实践作业
完成时间 8 分钟
作业评价 团教师评价 团学生自评 团同伴互评
评价维度 评价等级及标准 建议与反馈
优秀 良好 合格 未达标
内容充实度 涵盖所有内 容 涵 盖 绝 大 部分内容 涵 盖 大 部 分内容 大部分内容 信息缺失
表达连贯性 表达连贯 表达较为 连贯 表达基本 连贯 表达不连贯
语言正确率 语 言 完 全 正确 绝 大 部 分 语言正确 大 部 分 语 言正确 大部分语言 不正确
注:请根据评价标准在对应等级下打“ √ ”。
4.参考答案 Lanterns have been around for about 1,800 years. They were first used for lighting in the old days. Today, they are used at festivals and other celebrations. Chinese people love lanterns very much because they’re symbols of good luck and family reunion. From Spring Festival to Lantern Festival, lanterns are hung up everywhere. Lanterns were usually made of bamboo and paper in the old days. Now they are made of many kinds of materials, such as steel, silk, cloth, plastic and so on. They are made all around China. Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many other things.
教师寄语 Creativity is contagious, pass it on.” – Albert Einstein 创造力是会传染的,传递下去。
作业时长 45mins
作业类型 单元检测
作业功能 课后复习
温馨提示:你有 45 分钟完成以下的习题,请细心答题,做最棒的你!
( 一) 作业内容
1. There are many l________ (树叶) on the ground.
2. Can you lend me your m________ (可移动的)phone I want to make a phone call.
3. The fork is made of s________ (银).
4. Where is tea p________ (制造) in China
5. He realized that Americans can hardly a________ (避免) buying products made in China.
6. —Do you know Bing Dwen Dwen
—Yes, it is the mascot in 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic and it is made _______ China.
A. of B. in C. at D. from
7. —How do they pick the apples —They pick the apples _______.
A. in hand B. by hand C. in hands D. by hands
8. —Do you know the girl _______ Eileen Feng Gu(谷爱凌)
— Yes, she won the gold in the women’s freeski big air of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.
A. called B. calling C. calls D. call
9. All of us find _______ necessary to take exercise every day.
A. this B. that C. them D. it
10. There are many ______ of music in the world, such as rock music, pop music and jazz.
A. forms B. brands C. fairs D. products
11. Long long ago it was ______ believed that there was life on Mars by experts.
A. recently B. widely C. badly D. exactly
12. This is a ______ story that I will never forget.
A. Historical B. history C. historic D. histories
13. (2021 天津改编) Let’s wait and see whether books _______ by the Internet in the future.
A. are replace B. replaced C. will be replaced D. were replaced
14. (2020 云南开远初三期末) —I went to the Weifang International Kite Festival. —______ . What did you see there
A. Good luck B. You’re right
C. Sounds interesting D. Have a good day
15. —Our English teacher always keeps his lessons______. —That’s why he is so popular among his students.
A.lively B. happily C . freely D. friendly
HANGZHOU will host the 2022 Asian Games. Beijing will 16 the Winter Olympics in 2022, so it will be a big year for China in terms of sport. China 17 held the Asian Games in Beijing in 1990 and in Guangzhou in 2010, along 18 the beautiful display of tradition during the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.
Hangzhou is a beautiful city. It is the capital city of Zhejiang Province. People 19 the city "heaven on Earth". 20 you go there, you can't miss the West Lake. In autumn, you can 21 the sweet osmanthus (桂花) around the lake. Many people like boating there at night. The moon seems very soft, and the lake is very quiet at that time.
Don't 22 to drink a cup of Longjing tea in Hangzhou. The city has more than 1,000 years of tea history. Longjing tea is a popular kind of green tea. It tastes great and 23 your health.
There are free bikes 24 in Hangzhou. You can take a ride around the West Lake. After that, go to a restaurant and taste some delicious Hangzhou food. You can try the famous Dongpo Meat.
After you 25 time there, you may find that Hangzhou is not just a beautiful city,
but also a happy one!
16. A. host
17. A. too
18. A. with
19. A. speak
20. A. After
21. A. taste
22. A. forget
23. A. is good for
B. avoid
B. also
B. at
B. call
B. Before
B. look
B. remember
B. is good at
C. want
C. either
C. for
C. agree
C. If
C. sound
C. keep
C. is good with
D. believe
D. neither
D. on
D. connect
D. Until
D. smell
D. want
D. is good to
24. A. somewhere B. everywhere C. nowhere D. anywhere
25. A. pass B. enjoy C. spend D. have
四、短文填空。 (根据文章大意及所给词的适当形式填空。)
Couplets(对联) have 26 (be) popular for about 600 years. They started in Song Dynasty. And people 27 (use) red paper to 28 (make) the Spring Festival couplets instead of peach wood charms(桃符). After Qing Dynasty, the couplets were once 29 (wide) popular. Lots of famous couplets appeared. With the development( 发展) of the international cultural exchange, the couplets were also 30 (introduce) to Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Singapore and other 31 (country). The customs of 32 (stick) these couplets still remain now.
Couplets are usually in different 33 (shape). Nice words and sentences are 34 (write)on the couplets. Different couplets 35 (put) on doors or walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year.
Welcome to Made-in-China website !
Tea pot Color: White Price: 100 Delivery (递送) time: 10 work days after received 30% payment (付款) . Tea pots with good quality (质量) . And the best gift for your friends or your family.
Handbag Color: White Price: 300 ( 520 for two on Women's Day) Delivery time: 7 days after confirmation (认证) We have our own designers. Our new forms may give you a new surprise.
2022 Newly Children Bicycle Color: Blue Price: 200 (20% off on Children's Day) Delivery time: 3 days after confirmation With a basket for children aged from 3-7
New Design Fashion Button(纽扣) Color: All kinds of colors Price: 1.00 ( 9 for ten) Delivery time: 3 days after confirmation New and popular designs, you can paint them into different colors if you like.
36. From the ad, you can buy the children bicycle for a child of __________.
A. 2 B. 6 C. 8 D. 9
37. If you buy two handbags for you mother on Women’s Day, you can pay
________ .
A. 200 yuan B. 300 yuan C. 520 yuan D. 600 yuan
38. My mother ordered some fashion buttons, and she can get them __________ days later.
A. ten B. five C.seven D. three
39. If you have 400, you can buy __________.
A. 500 buttons B. a tea pot and a handbag
B. a handbag and a bicycle D. two handbags
40. Where can you buy these things according to the ad
In a shop B. On the Internet. C. In a mall. D. In a supermarket.
B (原创)
Mascots are great ambassadors( 大使)for sporting events. You may remember the five cute “Fuwa” dolls from the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Now, get ready to meet two new mascots. On Sept 17, a giant panda with a white helmet named “Bing Dwen Dwen”, and a red lantern baby called “Shuey Rhon Rhon”, were unveiled( 公布) as the two mascots for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. According to Xinhua News Agency, these two mascots strongly show Chinese culture. The giant panda is regarded as a Chinese national treasure, and the red lantern is an important element of Chinese New Year celebrations. Meanwhile, the panda’s helmet represents modern society and its white color is indicative of the snow and ice of winter sports. “The two mascots combine elements of traditional Chinese culture and a modern international style, as well as emphasizing the characteristics of ice and snow sports,” Beijing 2022 Games executive president Chen Jining told Xinhua. If the images of these mascots show Chinese characteristics, their names express Chinese people’s understanding of the Olympic spirit. “Bing” and “Shuey” are equal to “ice” and “snow” in English. “Dwen Dwen” means “ lively” and “Rhon Rhon” has the meanings of “tolerance” and “integration(融合)” .
41. What is the mascot of 2022 Beijing Paralympic Games
42. What is the giant panda regarded as
43. What does Bing Dwen Dwen look like
44. What are “Bing” and “Shuey” equal to
45. What does the panda’s helmet represent
六、用所给词的适当形式填空. (原创)
46. I think you’d better avoid __________ (read) in the sun. It’s bad for your eyes.
47. What kinds of pictures are usually ________ (find) on paper cutting
48. The International kite festival is __________(hold) in Weifang every year.
49. France is one of the lively __________ (country) in the world.
50. As far as I know, tea plants are ________ (grow) on the sides of mountains.
七、句型转换。 (把下列句子变为被动语态。) (原创)
51. He gives me a book.
A book _________ _________ to me by him.
52. My mother tells me a story.
A story _________ _________ to me by my mother.
53. My father buys a new bike.
A new bike _________ _________ by my father.
54. Where do they build the bridge
Where _________ the bridge _________ by them
55. The boss makes the little boy do heavy work.
The little boy is made _________ _________ heavy work by the boss.
假设你是李华。你的家乡在天津,抖空竹是当地人们非常喜爱的活动之一。请你 写一篇英语短文介绍空竹,并在英语课上和同学们分享。
1. 抖空竹是一种流行的民间活动,有悠久的历史;
2. 以竹木为材料制成,中空,因而得名;
3. 是一项全身运动,深受大众喜爱;
4. 抖空竹还上了电视节目,很精彩。 要求:
1. 语言简洁流畅,可适当发挥。
2. 词数:80~100 词;
参考词汇:play Kongzhu 抖空竹;hollow 中空的;buzzing 嗡嗡响的
Do you know dried turnip( 萝 卜干)can be turned into a beautiful “flower” used to decorate headdresses Wang Ping, a photographer and stylist, made this happen. The 26-year-old, who owns two photography studios, also became interested in making traditional Chinese phoenix coronets( 凤 冠 ). Making
one often takes from one week to up to several months as it uses up to over 30 types of materials. Moreover, the process of assembling is complicated, as he needs to place every item into the right place. To show the beauty of Chinese headdress, Wang has also learned how to make ancient clothes. So they can match with each other. Now, Wang is making clothing featuring a dragon. “The dragon has thousands of scales in different sizes. Every single scale should be embroidered with patterns(绣上图案),” Wang said. “It is estimated to take one year to complete.” As people are embracing the growing trend of guochao, it is no wonder that Wang’s work has gained much popularity. Wang usually posts videos about how
he makes headdresses on Douyin. Within one year, he has attracted over 150,000 fans.
“I’ll stick to blending traditional Chinese culture and fashionable elements to craft more exquisite headdresses,” Wang said.
萝 卜干是一种很大众的烹饪原料。但你知道萝 卜干还可以变成一朵美丽的 “花”用来装点头冠吗?摄影师兼设计师王平就做到了。26 岁的王平拥有两家 摄影工作室,他还热衷于制作中国传统的凤冠。制作一顶凤冠通常需要一周至几 个月的时间,因为凤冠会用到 30 多种材料。此外,组装凤冠的过程很复杂,王 平需要把每件材料放在正确的位置。为了展示中国头冠之美,王平还学会了制作 古代服装,让头冠、服装能够搭配。 现在,王平正在制作以龙为主题的服装。 “龙鳞成千上万,大小不一。每一片龙鳞都要绣上图案,”王平说,“预计需要 一年时间才能完成。”随着“国潮”风兴起,王平的作品收获广泛关注也就不足 为奇了。王平经常在抖音发布自己制作头饰的视频。不到一年,他就吸引了超过 15 万名粉丝。王平说: “我会坚持将中国传统文化与时尚元素相结合,制作更 精美的头冠。 ”
(二) 参考答案
1. leaves 2. mobile 3. silver 4. produced 5. avoid
6- 10. BBADA 11- 15. BACCA
三、完形填空 16-20. ABABC 21-25. DAABC
26. been 27. used 28. make 29. widely 30. introduced 31. countries
32. sticking 33.shapes 34. written 35. are put
A 篇. 36-40. BCDBB B 篇.41. Shuey Rhon Rhon. 42.The giant panda is
regarded as a Chinese national treasure.
43. It’s a giant panda with a white helmet.
44. “Bing” and “Shuey” are equal to “ice” and “snow” in English.
45. The panda’s helmet represents modern society.
46.reading 47. found 48. held 49. countries 50. grown
七、51. is given 52. is told 53. is bought 54. is, built 55. to do
八、One possible version:
Playing Kongzhu is a very popular sport in China. It has a long history and it is very famous in my hometown, Tianjin.
Kongzhu is made of bamboo and is hollow inside, so it gets its name, "Kongzhu". It can give a buzzing sound when you play it. Although Kongzhu is small, you can exercise your whole body and people of all ages can play it all year round. Kongzhu is also played on many TV programs. It's so wonderful and many people like it.
Playing Kongzhu is good for my health and I love it.
(三) 作业属性表一
序号 类型 对应单元作业目标 对应学 难度 来源 完成 时间
了解 理解 应用
一 词汇运用 考查词汇,夯实基础 √ ★ 原创 45 分 钟
二 单项选择 知识点的掌握 √ ★★ 原创
三 完形填空 文章的理解力 √ √ ★★★ 改编
四 短文填空 语法与阅读相结合 √ √ ★★★ 改编
五 阅读理解 阅读能力 √ √ A 篇★ B 篇★★ A 改编 B 原创
六 用所给词 的适当形 式填空 基本知识练笔 √ √ ★★ 原创
七 句型转换 被动语态的运用 √ ★★ 原创
八 写作练笔 写作训练 √ ★★★ ★★ 选编
九 课后阅读 欣赏 鼓励阅读,从阅读中 感受创造的益处,激 发学生们的创造力。 √ ★★★ 网络 5+10 分钟
(四) 作业属性表二
题型 词汇 运用 单 项 选择 完 形 填 空 短 文 填 空 阅 读 理 解 用 所 给 词 的 适 当 形 式 填空 句型转 换 写作练笔 课 后 阅 读 欣赏
作业 目标 练 习、 运用 单 单 元 知 识 点 的 考查 阅 读 文 章 , 培 养 阅 读 的能力 语 法 与 阅 读 相 结合 加 强 阅 读能力 练 习 基 础知识, 夯 实 基 础 练习语 法 加强写作 训练 拓 展 资源
设计 意图 考查 学生 单词 拼写 能力 (
用 单 知
)点 练 运 本 元 识 考 查 学 生对语 法 结 构 的掌握 情 况 及 语言知 识 灵 活 运用的 能力 考 查 学 生对语 法 结 构 的掌握 情 况 及 语言知 识 灵 活 运用的 能力 考 查 学 生综合 运 用 英 语语言 的能力 考 查 学 生对单 元 核 心 话题相 关 短 语 的掌握 情况 考查学 生对本 单元语 法知识 的 理 解。 考查学生 运用所学 语言知识 描述中国 制造。 感 知 中 国 制造, 培 养 民 族 自 豪 感。
语言 技能 写 读、写 读、写 读、写 读、写 写 写 写 读
认知 水平 记忆 理解 记忆 理解 理解 应用 理解 应用 理解 应用 理解 分析 记忆 理解 应用创造 记忆 理解
作业 形式 书面 作业 书面 作业 阅读 作业 阅读 作业 阅读 作业 书面 作业 书面 作业 书面 作业 口头 作业
完成 时间 2 分 钟 4 分 钟 5 分钟 5 分钟 11 分钟 3 分钟 3 分钟 12 分钟 10 分 钟
作业 评价 教师 评价 教师 评价 教师 评价 教师 评价 教师 评价 教师 评价 教师 评价 教师评价 同伴互评 教师 评价 同伴 互评